February 1, 2013

7-year-old Wilson Reyes "deserved to be cuffed," said his purported victim....

... Seth Acevedo. “He acts like an animal.... People are trying to say, poor Wilson, but he’s nothing but a big bully.”

Yikes. Quite aside from the way the police handled this case, why is the press naming and showing photographs of these 2 young boys? Acevedo is pictured — in the NY Daily News — with tears running down his chubby cheeks and his mother caressing and comforting him.
“I would have handcuffed him, too,” snapped the boy’s mother, Janet Ramos.
Reyes's mother is shown wearing bright pink pants with the words "kiss" and "flirt" written all over them.

Meanwhile, lawyer for Reyes is talking about suing the city and the police department for $250 million.

CORRECTION: To put the right woman in the kiss pants.

ADDED: The original NY Post piece has the headline, "Cops handcuff and interrogate boy, 7, for hours over missing $5: family." Key word: family. The police side of it is: “We responded to a 911 call of a robbery and assault . . . Eventually, [Wilson] was taken back to the precinct and placed in the juvenile room.... He was charged with robbery. The allegation was that he punched the kid and took his money. He took the money forcibly. The kid came into the precinct a little bit after 3 p.m., and he was out by 7:45 p.m. . . . That’s standard for a juvenile arrest."


Shouting Thomas said...

Yikes. Quite aside from the way the police handled this case, why is the press naming and showing photographs of these 2 young boys?

The attorney is Ron Kuby!

You don't know who this guy is? He's a far left PR hound who's had a radio show off and on for decades. The press was summoned by Kuby.

TMink said...

This is how the children of parents who refuse to believe that their children can make bad choices grow up. They are feral.


campy said...

Must be the father's fault.

Renee said...

You know, my heart aches for 'bullies' this young.

Some of the worst come from really chaotic homes with no one looking out for them.

When they get to school the release their pain on others.

Parents can't handcuff their children, no matter how out of control they are. Handcuffing is better then hitting, using restraints on children should be very limited.

MadisonMan said...

The press was summoned by Kuby.

Too bad the Press can't say No.

Let's exploit children!

It does add to the handcuffed kid story, I'll admit. What a hellhole.

pdug said...

Those aren't pants. Those are PJs.
Everyone is wearing them nowadays.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'd be my gues that it's Frances Mendez whose pajamas say "nig."

Renee said...

"“Wilson said, ‘Let’s fight for the money,’ ” Javonne told The News. “I was like, ‘Stop, stop stop!’ I said, ‘You know, we can go to jail for that.’
“He’s like, ‘Nah — we’re too little to go to jail.’

He was so cognitively aware of his actions it's depressing.

Renee said...


I assume you wear them when you shop for groceries, as well.

Wince said...

Attorney Ron Kuby said that regardless of what the police find, the Reyes family will never collect anything near $250 million — but “no lawyer ever lost a case by adding too many zeroes to a damage request.”

But maybe the lawyer should pay a price for it.

Colonel Angus said...

Didn't read the whole article but where's Dad?

Cody Jarrett said...

In the original story the cops say the attorneys are "fabricating" the length of time the boy was cuffed.

Nah. Lawyers would never ever ever lie about anything. Ever.

The cops also gave the boy pizza, and his mother was present. So why the uproar?

He's a robbery suspect who committed assault and battery. Why does it matter that he's a pore widdle childring?

The cops also mentioned the possibility of 'what if he took off and ran into traffic', leading me to wonder if the Paul Harvey here is that the little bastard fought the cops tooth and nail.

Shouting Thomas said...

The race hustle is Kuby's primary scam.

He's playing this out in the press in the hope that it will increase his take.

AllenS said...

Charge Wilson as an adult. His mom is on her way to Wall-Mart.

Cody Jarrett said...

Oh, ST, where did you get Ron Kuby from? The lawyer is named as Jack Yankowitz--I thought.

It appears Kuby is just a go to guy for a quote, and isn't involved.

chickelit said...

Colonel Angus said...
Didn't read the whole article but where's Dad?

Absent is the lowest form of "present"

ricpic said...


Tank said...

In dinosaur times, our parents (and even teachers) would let us go down to the park, or the schoolyard, beat the crap out of each other, and ... it would be over. Later, the two combatants and their friends would go get a couple Cokes and laugh about it. Then we'd play some hoops.

Now, police and handcuffs and "bullying," ah, an "issue."

Shouting Thomas said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KCFleming said...

This is the society a matriarchy gets you (funded by Uncle Sugar).

Anonymous said...

Here we have photos which speak volumes about what really happened. You will note that the "victim" is twice the size of the "attacker." One swing of his massive fist would have stopped the bullying AND earned him the respect of his schoolmates. But no, we live in a cowardly society which regards the throwing of a punch as a dire act tantamount to dropping an atomic bomb.

Remember: violence is never the answer, except when it is.


Michael said...

Funny, but no pictures of the boys' dads. Must be at work.

Michael said...

Ironrailsironweights. You are correct. When we made fist fighting between boys a crime against nature we encouraged this kind of behavior. And it has led to men like Obama who I would wager has never hit nor been hit with a closed fist. For those who have never fought, physical pain is an abstraction.

I Callahan said...

The attorney is Ron Kuby!

We have one of those here in Michigan too. Geoffrey Fieger.

ST - you might find this of some interest: Geoff Fieger's brother was Doug Fieger, from the band The Knack.

Just some useless info...

I Callahan said...

Didn't read the whole article but where's Dad?

Notice the different last name of the mother from the son? But we're not allowed to make judgments anymore.

sakredkow said...

But we're not allowed to make judgments anymore.

Of course you can. This is a simple misunderstanding. It's just that we're allowed to mock you if your judgments are ridiculously insular or self-serving.

edutcher said...

NY bleeding heart dailies have been pulling this stuff since the 50s - consider the lyrics of "Officer Krupke".

And a mean kid is a mean kid, and they start early.

I agree with the word feral.

Renee said...

In many cultures, women do not take their husband's name. I assume the taking of one's name is from English law/custom.

For instance the Catholic Church doesn't even have an opinion on the subject.

Loren said...

Wrong mother is named in Ann's piece for the pink pants.

Loren said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
I Callahan said...

It's just that we're allowed to mock you if your judgments are ridiculously insular or self-serving.

I assume the knee-jerk reaction from you happened because you think my views on this are ridiculously insular or self-serving. Fine. But let me tell you my views on this so at least you'll know:

Kids need both parents. For as much time as possible. When a child has only one parent in his/her life, he/she is missing 1/2 of what needs to be learned. So it's practically child abuse if a major effort isn't taken by both parents to raise the child together, even if they can't stand each other.

See? No grey area.

I Callahan said...

In many cultures, women do not take their husband's name.

In American culture, most do. Occam's razor - do you reallloy think this particular case falls into that category?

prairie wind said...

...leading me to wonder if the Paul Harvey here is that the little bastard fought the cops tooth and nail.

Then I'm on his side. The cops probably picked up the dads in one of their famous stop-and-frisks and the dads are doing time for having plant material in their pockets. The kid might have real reason to fear the cops.

The other mom called the cops instead of marching over to little Wilson's house and demanding that his mom make things right. Calling the cops is for losers...especially when we are talking about kids.

Nomennovum said...

I am getting tired of hearing and reading about bullying. I am also getting tired of looking at fat, badly dressed proles.

Other than that, live and let live, I say.

Renee said...

prairie wind,

If the boy really was 'an animal', I wouldn't go to the mother first. I would go to the police. There might be a decent chance of the mother taking a swing.

ooonaughtykitty said...

I think... this all started with it being wrong to spank your children. Which is the reason the bully knows so certainly that he'll never be punished for his crime.

I remember being in the supermarket and acting up and my mom started to spank me. A lady came over and told my mom she shouldn't do that! My mom replied, "SHUT UP, or you're next!"

Us kids had a healthy fear of being disciplined by our parents. They weren't our 'friends' they were our Parents. Tough but fair. I miss them terribly.

Scott said...

"Meanwhile, lawyer for Reyes is talking about suing the city and the police department for a $250 million."

You dropped an article by the $250 million.

Unknown said...

Well, we have created this mess.

A new lot of educators are being told that emotional disabilities are "disabilities", and something that has to be accommodated. This is happening at my wife's school. Instead of treating bad behavior, or creating consequences for bad behavior, my wife has been instructed to "ask nicely" and then follow the kid wherever they go.

sakredkow said...

I assume the knee-jerk reaction from you happened because you think my views on this are ridiculously insular or self-serving.

No, I just want you to know I'm watching you just in case!

Maybe I'm a whimpy liberal. I don't always know who to blame for a situation like this. It does seem harder for kids from single-parent families, but I know some fathers that it's a good thing they're gone.

So what, we can probably agree for the sake of argument that Mom made some pretty bad choices herself somewhere down the line (we don't really know these people though). But why? What was her situation? Did she have a father? How old was her mother? What was her education? It doesn't surprise me that dysfunctional behaviours get passed on from one generation to the next. So who's really culpable?

I love the stereotypical salt-of-the-earth strong-work-ethic and families-with-conservative-values folks. Sometimes some of them assume too much about other people's failure to live up to those same good standards though. They do sometimes get judgmental about other people without considering all the facts and all the differences.

edutcher said...

prairie wind said...

The other mom called the cops instead of marching over to little Wilson's house and demanding that his mom make things right. Calling the cops is for losers...especially when we are talking about kids.

You don't spend much time in the Big City. Some of those kids come out of the womb armed.

David said...

"Yikes. Quite aside from the way the police handled this case, why is the press naming and showing photographs of these 2 young boys? "

NOCD (Not our class, dear.)

lemondog said...

WHERE ARE THE FATHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...dammit....

Renee said...

I remember being in the supermarket and acting up and my mom started to spank me. A lady came over and told my mom she shouldn't do that! My mom replied, "SHUT UP, or you're next!"

That's not healthy or discipline!

That's violence.

I'm not saying your parents didn't love you, but no that's not how were suppose to teach our children right from wrong.

Have I ever been frustrated that yeah, I would want to spank/hit? Yes, but I don't. I have control over my actions. I'm the parents.

Non violent discipline initially is harder, but they have logical consequences other then a spanking or other punitive means to teach a lesson.

Renee said...

"WHERE ARE THE FATHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...dammit...."

Don't assume anything, you mean where is the other 'co-parent'. We don't know if there are two moms.

Nomennovum said...

"I love the stereotypical salt-of-the-earth strong-work-ethic and families-with-conservative-values folks. Sometimes some of them assume too much about other people's failure to live up to those same good standards though. They do sometimes get judgmental about other people without considering all the facts and all the differences. They do sometimes get judgmental about other people without considering all the facts and all the differences.

Yeah, I hate it when people are judgmental too.

sakredkow said...

Yeah, I hate it when people are judgmental too.

Yeah, me too.

Seeing Red said...

It does seem harder for kids from single-parent families...

I love the stereotypical salt-of-the-earth strong-work-ethic and families-with-conservative-values folks. Sometimes some of them assume too much about other people's failure to live up to those same good standards though. They do sometimes get judgmental about other people without considering all the facts and all the differences.

While correlation isn't causation...

Maybe some see commonalities, not differences.

When we have 50 years of progressive policies in place....

edutcher said...

Renee said...

WHERE ARE THE FATHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...dammit....

Don't assume anything, you mean where is the other 'co-parent'. We don't know if there are two moms.

Don't say it like that or you'll have Hatman here giving us Hell about homophobia against lesbian parents.

madAsHell said...

I'm proud to be an American. It's the only country in the world where the poor people are FAT!!

Cody Jarrett said...

I think lesbian co-parents are great, especially if they're hawt!

Thomas said...

Ramos is also shown wearing bright pink pants with the words "kiss" and "flirt" written all over them.


William said...

A depressing story to read. Everyone involved seems to be over the top and foolish, but that's what happens when you're poor. Bullies, fat kids, hysterical mothers, jaded cops: put them all in the same mason jar and watch them rub against each other. The last one twitching is the winner.

Colonel Angus said...

I love the stereotypical salt-of-the-earth strong-work-ethic and families-with-conservative-values folks.

As opposed to the life-is-hard-and-its-no one's fault people make bad life decisions so lets not only blame society, lets make em pay for their errors-liberal folks.

Yes indeed, I do see where you are coming from.

prairie wind said...

Legalized pot = fewer dads in jail, fewer felons, more parents employed, more children with both parents to swat them in the grocery store.

Spanking is not violence. Spanking is memorable.

Cody Jarrett said...

William sed:

Bullies, fat kids, hysterical mothers, jaded cops: put them all in the same mason jar and watch them rub against each other. The last one twitching is the winner.

I don't know as you've noticed, but that's the recipe for every episode of Springer (and all the Springer imitators). It's part of what's led us here. According to Springer.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dust Bunny Queen said...

Oh Holy Crap.....just look Wilson's mother. Look at that fat welfare cow of a mother. Can't even be bothered to go out in public dressed and is wearing pajamas. PAJAMAS.....not bright pink pants. JAMMIES. Probably the first time in months she got her fat ass off of the couch and dusted the cheetos dust off of her shirt.

You know we are all paying for her lifestyle. Are you all proud???? Happy now libs???

No wonder her son is a lost cause. He is probably raising himself like a feral dog. No good will come of this.

It is too late.....the kid is tainted goods and will likely end up incarcerated and then out again in a revolving door situation.

THIS IS WHY WE NEED TO HAVE GUNS TO PROTECT OURSELVES. Against these un-socialized, subhuman, sociopathic children raised by subhuman drug addicted welfare sucking scum. You think when little Wilson grows up to be a career criminal, that he is going to worry about whether HIS guns are registered??

Welfare reform NOW!!! Or plan to die as a society.

It really is too late.

sakredkow said...

Yes indeed, I do see where you are coming from.

No, I don't think you do see where I'm coming from. I think you're jumping to a conclusion. Which is pretty much what I was saying you folks do sometimes. And trust me, liberals never do that.

2/1/13, 11:22 AM

Dust Bunny Queen said...

But we're not allowed to make judgments anymore

Try and stop me.

Synova said...

"Non violent discipline initially is harder, but they have logical consequences other then a spanking or other punitive means to teach a lesson."

This is wrong in so many ways. Mostly what is wrong is the expectation that in order to be a good person a parent has to have unlimited resources even *after* dealing with everything in life so that doing it "the hard way" is a totally reasonable demand.

Real. People. Don't.

It's also possible to be abusive and screw your kids up and never once hit them, particularly if you're desperate to get their compliance.

Punishment works. Note how the friend of the little boy who punched the other kid and stole his money said that he said... we can go to jail for stealing... and the kid who got arrested and cuffed reportedly said, no we can't, we're too little.

Even 7 year old's understand very well the notion of behaving in a way to avoid punishment.

Synova said...

I also connected this to guns, but more in a general self-defense way.

So many people are saying... why didn't the big fat kid fight back?

We don't allow kids to fight back even when it's appropriate. We steal their right to self-defense and teach them *explicitly* that it's wrong to fight back.

Thus, young thug knows two things that are completely true about the world. 1) He can count on his young victims not to fight back, and 2) he's too little to get in trouble with the grown-ups.

Colonel Angus said...

We don't allow kids to fight back even when it's appropriate. We steal their right to self-defense and teach them *explicitly* that it's wrong to fight back.

I remember when my son told me that if he would be suspended or expelled if he fought back if picked on.

My answer was let me worry about that. You worry about me if you come home and I find out you let yourself be a punching bag.

baker said...

Violence begets violence. The schools have it right. No bullying. No responding to bullying with violence. It's a community problem. Call the police for unlawful behavior regardless of age.

Anonymous said...

Don't try to stop DBQ, y'all. She gots her Glock and she's gunna use it on yo ass.

furious_a said...

Didn't read the whole article but where's Dad?

Nobody has the same last name (Acevedo/Ramos, Reyes/Mendez), you do the math.

Darleen said...

We don't allow kids to fight back even when it's appropriate. We steal their right to self-defense and teach them *explicitly* that it's wrong to fight back.

Yep, self-defense is labeled "co-combatant" and subjects the victim to exactly the same penality (e.g. suspension) as the perp.

Had a Vice-Principal tell me "we aren't here to judge who started the fight"

Told him, "You're wrong because that is exactly your job. Otherwise, you get more of the same from attackers because not only do they get to attack, they also get to see their victims punished a second time by YOU."

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I hate satire so subtle it may or may not be satire.

Synova said...

So who gets "unarmed" by punishing children who defends him or herself? It's not the bullies, it's the good kids.

As an additional perversion, there is No template for a strongman to protect the weak so any boy who admires macho has only the choice to be a thug.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Like at 11:48.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I feel guilty about how easy it is to look at those pictures and think, holy cow, what a parade of current and future losers.

furious_a said...

Had a Vice-Principal tell me "we aren't here to judge who started the fight"

...that's right, because that Vice Principal (and the district) might get sued for exercising judgement. Lawsuits cost money, and school administrators' Job One is risk mitigation.

sakredkow said...

Like at 11:48.

I don't have the Bible with me. What's Luke at 11:48 say?

Crunchy Frog said...

Johnny was bad, even as a child
Everybody could tell
Everyone said if you don't get straight
You'll surely go to hell

But Johnny didn't care
He was an outlaw
By the time that he was ten years old
He didn't want to do what he was told
Just a prankster
A juvenile gangster

His teachers didn't understand
They kicked him out of school
At a tender early age
Just because he didn't want to learn things
Had other interests
He liked to burn things

The lady down the block
She had a radio that Johnny wanted oh so bad
So he took it the first chance he had
Then he shot her in the leg
And this is what she said

Only a lad
You really can't blame him
Only a lad
Society made him
Only a lad
He's our responsibility
Only a lad
He really couldn't help it
Only a lad
He didn't want to do it
Only a lad
He's underprivileged and abused
Perhaps a little bit confused

Michael said...

Baker. Violence apparently does not beget violence when there is no fighting back. So let the wimpy kids lean on the "community" to adjudicate their disputes after the blood flows, after the fat kids friends cant help him, after the school turns a blind eye, after mommy hugs him and feeds him some comforting crap, after the bully has picked a few new targets, after the bully's mommy rolls up her bully sleves to give the "community" a lecture on how not to fuck with her or her bulky kid.

No, Baker, violence now begets cowardice.

Crunchy Frog said...

Didn't read the whole article but where's Dad?

It's like reading Pravda. The real information is in what the paper doesn't say.

mccullough said...

These boys fathers would have worked it out, if there were fathers around.

So Wilson the bully is 7 years old and in third grade? Did he skip a grade or two? Maybe he should be in a school for gifted kids.

The fat kid needs to toughen up right away.

Aridog said...

OT and not PC question: Is this a low income, possibly EBT in abundance, part of town? How does everybody in this article, except the bully kidlet, get so frigging "large" around the middle and the butt?

kentuckyliz said...

Fat kid crying in the photos...OMG you are hanging a sign on yourself saying BULLY ME.

Anonymous said...

"OT and not PC question: Is this a low income, possibly EBT in abundance, part of town? How does everybody in this article, except the bully kidlet, get so frigging "large" around the middle and the butt?"

2/1/13, 12:36 PM

Because cheap food is fattening, laden with PUFAs and fructose.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Because cheap food is fattening, laden with PUFAs and fructose.

Inga and I are in agreement on this issue :-) Mostly....

Cheap "ready made" fast food. You can make good cheap food that is nutritious and not full of those harmful chemicals, preservatives and fructose sugar.

Unfortunately, most of the demographic we are discussing has no idea HOW to cook and furthermore, no DESIRE to learn how. That would require actual work.

Michael said...

Cheap food is not the same as fast food. Two things in operation with the people in the article: they are of a cohort that approves and finds fat women attractive. That said, the kid will eat what the mother feeds him. Disasters piled on disasters constructed of forty years of well meaning but wrong policy. Tragic. Then heap on the PC "don't fight back" bullshit and it is beyond tragic.

ooonaughtykitty said...

Renee, sorry... but getting spanked for being a jerk, is not violence. Nor my mother's pithy response to some outsider injecting herself into her affairs.

Perhaps sharing such stories is wrong to do here... especially when some people tend to instantly gravitate towards the stereotypical realm of parents beating children and others... mode. Thank you for the chuckle, though. If you only knew my mom.

Good luck with raising your kids, Renee. :) I hope the mind meld works.

Revenant said...

$250 million?

Cripes, the parents wouldn't even be entitled to that kind of cash if their kid had been deliberately fed into a wood chipper.

Renee said...


Most parents spank. Culturally it's acceptable.

Once in a while my kids melt down or become obnoxious in front of my parents. My parents would discipline with spanking. I hindsight they regret it.

Melt downs/obnoxious behavior is rough, hitting doesn't help. Especially if your ten year old is now stronger then you and you're out numbered.

Anonymous said...

Cheap food, is highly processed calorie dense and nutrient poor. Spiking blood sugar, making insulin levels spike and then plummet causing yet more hunger....thats the cycle. Happens to kids as well as adults, one of the reasons kids are being diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes.

DBQ, you're right is that cheap food can be healthy, frozen vegetables, even some frozen fruit is cheaper than fresh. Meat on sale, stock up, instead of the flat screen TV, buy a deep freezer. With those tax returns. Rice and potatoes are starches, cheap, but won't make the kid fat if eaten witha vegie and meat. Peanut butter isn't a bad option either.

Working moms could cook a weeks worth of meals ahead of time and freeze them. So many ways that being poor and eating well could be accomplished.

I worked with women who worked so much overtime that her kids were left at home to their own devices for most of the day and night. Kids will prepare and eat what's easy, boxed processed foods. Eating out all the time even at McDonalds isn't that cheap.

ooonaughtykitty said...


If your ten year is standing toe to toe with you, and you fear he could do you harm ... then you've done a terrible job raising your kid. IMO.

Children should respect their Parents. End of story.
There should be no challenge of authority from any of your children... ever. As long as the child remains under the roof of the parents, the parents are the law.
Doesn't mean cruel. Doesn't mean mental abuse. It means you as a Parent have to be respected and trusted as an authority figure. How you get there?
You have figure it out for yourself. Which brings me to my overall thoughts... I don't think EVERYONE should be a parent. My parents were meant to be parents. Lucky me.

TMink said...

Father? He ain't got no stinkin father.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Un-wise Latinas.

Synova said...

Spanking a kid for a "meltdown" makes no more sense than anything else because it's probably not willful behavior. Do you punish for behavior that isn't willful? Not generally, I hope. It would be like spanking a kid for tripping and falling down.

If a kid is not able to cope, socially, either "melting down" or even (to an extent) acting out... time out and isolation gets the message that the behavior isn't socially acceptable or welcome and also gives them time and quiet to calm down.

But that's not the same as flagrant disobedience or a tantrum intended to get their way or get you to back down... or lying or stealing or clobbering/biting/abusing a sibling or other person or animal or tearing from your grip and dashing into danger.

I firmly believe that spanking should never be a LAST resort. It should be a FIRST resort, before you're frustrated and angry and have "lost it", for situations where punishment is appropriate... and that's not as a response to your child's inability to cope with a social situation.

Renee said...

I'm saying if I hit my 10 year old, she would hit back. And she would win.

My children don't hit me though.

It's not about fear. It's that we don't hit.

FullMoon said...

Having a father in the picture does not insure civilized behavior. Some dads encourage and reward violence in their sons and daughters. Anybody who believes different is not realistic.
Also, the idea of dukin' it out in the playground and being best pals afterwards is mostly BS.
Also, while I am at it. punching a bully in the nose and he will never bother you again generally will only work if you are actually capable of kicking his ass EVERYTIME you fight, and if his friends or relatives won't beat you later, or if he won't ambush you with a weapon when you don't expect it. Your heart may ache for "bullies" and all their pain, but your attitude will change when he knocks your little girls teeth out or breaks her nose, changing her face forever.

Synova said...

I'm not getting your point, GrandpaMark.

And you don't have to win EVERY time... you just have to make yourself a less squishy target and the bully will go pick on someone who makes a better victim.

And yes, some fathers encourage violence. I'm thinking of a friend of mine who's daughter got suspended for dropping a football player who'd been relentlessly harassing her. Her dad cheered that on, absolutely he did.

Do you know what else acceptable violence allows? It allows the option of the role of protector for those who want to feel powerful and tough... so instead of a choice between "wolf" and "lunch", "thug" or "victim", there is a way to be powerful but GOOD.

Methadras said...

It's the Bronx. The garbage dump of NYC. Shocker.

Jose_K said...

many cultures, women do not take their husband's nam..
in Latin American countries while the law allows the woman to keep her maiden name, the custom followed by almost every woman is to use "de" (of ) with the husband last name.
For example: Ann de Meade
Children will use both names. In Brazil , first the mother´s last name . In the rest, again, the law leave the choice to parents but always the child ends with the father last name and then the mother´s last name. If the child is born out of the wedlock and the father is unknown (way too common / diachronic polyandry is common too) the child usually will have the last name of the mother twice.

Jose_K said...

. It's the only country in the world where the poor people are FAT!. Not really, it is very common for the poor all around the world to eat unhealthy ( cheaper) food ( and no money for liposuction or gym) and then being fat.

Rusty said...

The chubby kid needs to learn how to punch back.
Once they learn you're not afraid of getting hurt the bullying stops.

Kirk Parker said...

Had a Vice-Principal tell me "we aren't here to judge who started the fight"

...that's right, because that Vice Principal (and the district) might get sued for exercising judgement

And these people get paid more than minimum wage why?

Lena said...

What Wilson did was ASSAULT and ROB someone. The fact that he is seven years old is appalling but does not change the fact that what he did was criminal.
Calling the police was the right thing to do given the violence involved. One person on this blog said that the victim's parents should've marched over the the perpetrators' parents' residence and let them settle it. I disagree. 1. If the seven year old is an animal the adults who created him will likely be as such. 2. Perhaps an altercation between the adults would've ensued (I know it would've been hard for me not to beat the $#%* out of every member of Wilson's household had any crossed my path and GARBAGE like that is not worth MY going to jail over)
Wilson learned this appalling behavior from someone/some place and it wasn't Barney, Sesame Street, Romper Room, a spritual leader of any holy place of any denominaton and it wasn't Head Start. It came directly from his first teachers HIS PARENTS.
Now he's learning to blame everyone - - the city, the state, "the man", society-- EVERYONE BUT the real child abusers --his parents.
We WILL hear about him again. I am certain of this. I am certain that we will see Wilson Reyes' face in the news paper again and it will probably be his kindergarten graduation picture because I am sure the only graduations he will have will be to more serious crimes and when we see this illustrious picture again...it may be because his violence will have led him to more violence and possibly a violent end of his own if SOMEONE doesn't step in --and quickly--- and teach him the proper way to behave (and possibly medicate whatever chemical imbalance has him acting so heinously) HIS parents should be sued (though I'm sure looking for anything monetary would be futile. I would settle for having them pay it off over the course of at least the next eleven years in some sort of work program. They should be made to stay in the program until the very last of their progeny grows up and/or is an decent, upstanding citizen contributing to the community) Wilson? He needs to be taken out of his parents' care, possibly be put into a group home and evaluated by both pediatricians and psychiatrists. Something is very wrong with this boy and he does not need to be allowed to be roaming unchecked...

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