- Chuck Schumer will be the next majority leader (once Reid is forced out in coming year or resigns his post but remains the senator from NV). Schumer is bitterly fighting Durbin from IL. He gains a national stage today.
- Obama picks his nose in the midst of lunch. Why? I see him do this so many times in interviews.
- Michelle changes dress and then back again at the parade. What is going on?
- Why are their actors in the sitting at the swearing in? How does one get that ticket?
- The gains women have made in Congress. Expect the next V-POTUS of the Democratic Party to be a woman. I predict Kirsten Gillibrand from NY. Mark my words. She is the next VP.
- Romney no show was bad. Why? Was he not invited?
- Bush no show was class. He stayed away. Clinton wants parties like a fly wants light.
- Hillary is old. She is not coming to the WH ever as VPOTUS or POTUS. Mark my words.
Did anyone watching the TV hear about the anti-abortion heckler? He was on the tree the whole time shouting as the speeches were being made. He kept repeating: What about the baby? This was particular contextual when Obama talk about live, liberty, etc. And, all are created equal.
The irony was that police were helpless. THEY could not do anything. The guy was up on the tree from 8 AM to 12:30 PM. Can you believe it? They kept trying to get him down.
What if this was a terrorist? The police are just clueless. They could have climbed the tree.
The heckler ruined the speeches for those near the tree.
How much longer do we have to continue to endure the left's insistence that women, gays and blacks should act like assholes to take revenge against white straight men?
Barry and Moochelle are like the Hildabeast and Willie - no class Kennedy wannabe machine politicians - and the worst racists and anti-Semites to hold the White House since Woody Wilson.
Ali Karim Bey said...
A few points from the 2013 inaugural:
- Chuck Schumer will be the next majority leader (once Reid is forced out in coming year or resigns his post but remains the senator from NV). Schumer is bitterly fighting Durbin from IL. He gains a national stage today.
Harry is turning into Joe West and is fast becoming a liability. Chuckie will make Newt look like Gary Cooper.
- Romney no show was bad. Why? Was he not invited?
He was, but why freeze your brains all day for some schlub who stole the election after spending a year sliming you because he hasn't a single accomplishment in his life to which he can point?
Barry and Moochelle are like the Hildabeast and Willie - no class Kennedy wannabe machine politicians - and the worst racists and anti-Semites to hold the White House since Woody Wilson
There must be some sort of seating protocol for these dinners. There are protocols for all these sorts of events. Is the VP on the President's right and the Speaker of The House on the left?
Does anyone know?
For whatever it's worth, Mrs Boehner doesn't look too thrilled to be there, either.
Oh, how awful for Lord and Lady Obama to have to sit next to these little people! How do they stand it!? They're American Royalty! Oh, well at least they only have to do it once every four years!!
Politics has been taken over by gossip queens and fanboys and their even lower information followers.
Boehner should just light up a cig right there on the dais.
"Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell."
How is that any different than anyone who hates Michelle and criticizes her for no reason?
For all anyone knows she was slightly irritated for having to lean forward so that her husband could have a conversation behind her. Maybe her eyes just look rolly when they're not. I had a customer accuse me and everyone else she talked to of "rolling their eyes" at her. Whenever I'm thinking hard I look angry. (Which made karate sort of interesting.)
I clicked through and the comments were either gratuitous hate on Boehner or his wife (and what did she ever do to deserve it?) or gratuitous hate on Michelle.
What *exactly*, Inga, should have Michelle told Boehner to go to hell for?
No because he's a jerk. Did you see the movie Lincoln? Mary Todd Lincoln had some choice words for some Congress Critters. I'm sure there must be some historical record of this.
You go, Girrrl! Good for you!! You show that bad little man!!!
How pitiful.
Passive-aggressive eye-rolling is what spoilt brats do when they are not getting their way. It is not the conduct of a mature, serious adult. It is not the conduct of a liberated and independent woman who can speak for herself. It shows insecurity and pettiness.
Inga said... No because he's a jerk. Did you see the movie Lincoln? Mary Todd Lincoln had some choice words for some Congress Critters. I'm sure there must be some historical record of this.
What's with the baseless comparison of the Lincolns and Obamas, Inga?
I'll being your daddy when you stop acting like a dumb child.
The criticism of Obama in this blog, as I've said repeatedly, is remarkably restrained in comparison to the awful assault of the left on President Bush.
It's the President and First Lady's job to be gracious at public events, even to people who criticize them... maybe, especially to people who criticize them.
I am saying that I'm sure that in the history of First Ladies, Michelle isn't the only one who has rolled her eyes and given a head shake at a public function.
@Inga: What's with the baseless comparison of the Lincolns and Obamas, Inga? I mean I haven't seen it but if you're hinting that it was made in order to flatter our current President then maybe I don't want to see it.
Today on ABC’s This Week, after Rick Santorum explained that Americans are protective of their right to buy guns because they “want to feel safe,” former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm offered a reassuring sentiment: Americans needn’t worry about protecting themselves, because they have President Obama, and “he sees himself as protector-in-chief.”
Barry and Moochelle are like the Hildabeast and Willie - no class Kennedy wannabe machine politicians - and the worst racists and anti-Semites to hold the White House since Woody Wilson
"What's with the baseless comparison of the Lincolns and Obamas, Inga?"
It's only been suggested, repeatedly, in the celebrity media. This is where low information voters take their cues. This is how low information voters get led about like sheep. You go girrrlll.
Inga said... I am saying that I'm sure that in the history of First Ladies, Michelle isn't the only one who has rolled her eyes and given a head shake at a public function.
You sure about that? Another's example would soften the blow the current FLOTUS delivers in lack of couth.
Classy liberals boo Rep. Paul Ryan at the inauguration. Another report has the booing led by a Justice Department attorney.
Any wonder why the Romneys and the Bushes didn't want to attend? Liberals are rude and adolescent in their public behavior towards people who hold other beliefs. No excuse for it at all.
You have to say that all the vicious crap throw her way is warranted.
I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close.
I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close.
Bullshit. Laura Bush was absolutely vilified.
Huge failure of memory... let's say deliberate failure... garage.
Thats what Halderman could have said to Dick Cavett I suppose.
Here is part of a conversation between Richard Nixon and Nixon's Chief of Staff H.R Haldemann reacting to John Kerry's appearance on The Dick Cavett Show with Nixon supporter John O'Neill
Nixon: Nothing you can do about it, obviously? Haldemann: We've complained bitterly about the Cavett show. Nixon: Well, is there any way we can screw him [Cavett]? That's what I mean. There must be ways. Haldemann: We've been trying to.
Its not easy 'screwing' or 'sending people to hell' when you are in the White House... thank God.
I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close.
Most Republican president's wives weren't shoved in people's faces 24 hours a day either.
"I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close."
The interesting thing is... gawker didn't post that gif to pile unhinged hatred on Michelle. They posted it because they think she's AWESOME.
Me? I think it's a whole bunch of nothing.
But gawker and most of the commenters over there WANT to think that Michelle Obama is a catty b*tch cuz it's simply fabulous.
So a bunch of other people are also saying Michelle is a catty b*tch and because they don't think it's fabulous, that's *bad*.
Get over yourself. Does anyone in here actually "hate" Mrs. Obama? Because laughing at her pretentious self-centered nonsense is not showing "unhinged hatred." She puts herself out there with her Foodie Policies and her silly statements about how she wasn't proud of her country until her husband became president. And, of course, she wears expensive designer clothes and jets off to the far corners of the world for lavish vacations that would be perpetually criticized if she was a Republican. Just ask Nancy Reagan.
I remember when W. was getting a daily beating from the media after the 9/11 fake respect period expired.
He was never rude or or even very defensive toward them, and it used to get me pissed. I wanted him to call them out, to shame them in public, and to be an ass. I would be so much happier as a Democrat. That's what I get for voting for grown ups.
Oh wait, I am still a goddamned registered Democrat. I got to get that fixed some day. I guess I'll go Independent when I do, but since I'm currently a Democrat, I thought someone else would take care of that for me. I know if I said I was handicapped, someone would show up and hold my hand, but I'm a Democrat and that clearly shows I need help with stuff, and a little Obama stash if you know what I mean, brother.
"It's great to see the CCCons chiming in to defend the idea of empty phoniness as a core tenet of etiquette.
It kind of clarifies what they're all about."
What? Actual courtesy and civility toward your opponents instead of the sort where your bad behavior is excused because your heart is pure?
So everyone can simply use the excuse of "I was being honest about my sacred feelings" when they call Michelle a fat wookie? Or can I safely assume that "I was being honest about my sacred feelings" is only a valid excuse if you're a liberal?
Leo Lenbeck III posted today at The Belmont Club, and it seems to be very fitting:
I’ll give the last word to Tocqueville, as he describes the way he expects despotism to emerge from modern democracy:
Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?
Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men for these things; it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on them as benefits.
After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.
@Inga and garage (and anyone else who thinks like they do about celebrities).
Celebrities and people in high places do not get a pass on bad behavior. It is not OK to excuse their bad behavior by comparing it to louts like me and you who inhabit Althouse. What did FLOTUS gain by her little middle school taunt? She gave her hard core supporters a couple yucks for sure, but she further alienated the rest. WTF kind of example is that? Are her daughters supposed to look at her and say "cool, mom!" Are she and POTUS supposed to bump fists over it somewhere off camera?
One thing's for sure. The next four years are going to be great, both from a public policy standpoint and because of the Internet commentary they will engender. Looking forward to it. Forward!
Of course, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush. Yep, not a single portrayal on SNL. It's amazing how they were all so loved and respected by the left. And they didn't even try to tell you what to eat, or what your kids should be fed at school, and they foolishly respected their country even before their husbands got elected. Silly broads.
I see no reason to assume she was reacting to something Boehner said. It is easy to take these things out of context.
For all we know, her husband cracked a joke she'd heard him tell a hundred times before and she rolled her eyes at that. There are lots of possible explanations beyond "being bitchy about the seating arrangements".
Palladian, coming from YOU, that's supposed to mean something to me? I guess it doesn't shame you to hawk your wares to the commenters here, but hey it would be a shame if you couldn't pay your rent, or buy gourmet food to cook.
I'm studying the prospect of how often a raging pimp like "Shouting Thomas" would ever get invited to the White House. What makes him an expert on protocol? His own mannerless behavior?
Boehner is not just any guest of the people. He and Obama have each other on speed dial, they have to work together, and Michelle Obama has an entire constituency of non-politicians to "appease", as you would have her do.
Now get over yourself and your impotent Congressional figurehead.
"For all we know, her husband cracked a joke she'd heard him tell a hundred times before and she rolled her eyes at that. There are lots of possible explanations beyond "being bitchy about the seating arrangements"."
So much nothing there but gawker and commenters there and Inga and Ritmo WANT to believe she was acting publicly dismissive to Boehner (and his wife) because of teh awesomeness.
Nevertheless, she has ENORMOUS PRIVILEGE in her life as first lady. Since I'm paying for all the privilege, I do expect her to act graciously during public events.
If she didn't want to be a big part of it - she doesn't have to. But she's put herself out there with all her initiatives and her big fashion-gal stuff. She's getting a lot out of this.
Many times in life, a lady is called upon to do things she'd rather not do. A lady does these things with grace.
Nevertheless, she has ENORMOUS PRIVILEGE in her life as first lady. Since I'm paying for all the privilege, I do expect her to act graciously during public events.
Then call your congressperson, quick -- and ask for better representation and leadership PRONTO!
I see no reason to assume she was reacting to something Boehner said. It is easy to take these things out of context.
For all we know, her husband cracked a joke she'd heard him tell a hundred times before and she rolled her eyes at that. There are lots of possible explanations beyond "being bitchy about the seating arrangements".
Ha ha, yeah, everyone here is assuming she was rude to Boehner, the only dispute is whether being rude to Boehner is awesome or not.
If she wasn't being rude, the whole conversation is moot. But revealing nonetheless :-)
Palladian, coming from YOU, that's supposed to mean something to me? I guess it doesn't shame you to hawk your wares to the commenters here, but hey it would be a shame if you couldn't pay your rent, or buy gourmet food to cook.
You're a real cunt, Inga. But fortunately, you're also as dumb as a bag of ball peen hammers.
And no, it doesn't shame me at all to "hawk my wares" at all, nor does it shame me to share my thoughts, feelings and even troubles with a group of people that I generally like.
Unfortunately, this being a public forum, I'm also forced to share with people that I dislike, including you.
He does that every time. It's like watching a guy walking down the street toward an open manhole reading the paper. You just wait and watch then boom, down he goes.
Now, he will bitch and blame someone else for fall and soon struggle back to his feet and pretend to make sense with someone who he will praise for being civil.
I think there's probably an innocent explanation for the eye roll. If there isn't, there soon will be.....If it truly was a gesture of contempt at a state dinner, it indicates that Michelle isn't ready for prime time.
I think the noun is "cuntosity", or should be. Like: "Your cuntosity is a monstrosity. See it works.
And this is the ingenious work of a man who would insult the intelligence of others. Brilliant.
His new pet, Boot-Licker-to-the-Job-Creators Thomas, doesn't realize that getting his ass handed to him by Scott Lemieux and his crowd was about as public an ass-beating as anyone's ever seen.
But he does talk a good game. It's talk emanating from his beaten and bloody ass, but it's very boastful.
People who live by them or their CV are all full of shit. Only lightweight wannabemen ask for them.
Bag represents the contingent of businessmen who prefer their slave labor uneducated, unaccomplished, and, if possible, working in a third world country.
I've a sense that those facial expressions are just her usual demeanor. She's much too busy savoring and chomping on her food to give a hoot about what Boehner is saying.
Ritmo, I'm trying like hell, believe me, to come up with some way to help you understand that you've got some sort of serious emotional problem that's interfering with your ability to use your intellect.
It's clear you have an intellect.
Buy, something is getting in the way and not allowing it to function.
God alone knows what it is, because I don't know you well enough to say.
Bag represents the contingent of businessmen who prefer their slave labor uneducated, unaccomplished, and, if possible, working in a third world country.
I think the First Lady is responding appropriately. What would you do if accosted at luncheon by a narcissistic, delusional asshole on your right, and a tedious shoe salesman on your left?
Ritmo, I'm trying like hell, believe me, to come up with some way to help you understand that you've got some sort of serious emotional problem that's interfering with your ability to use your intellect.
I aspire to one day possess the arrogance contained in this paragraph, and use it to help me overcome my "emotional" problems.
William said... I think there's probably an innocent explanation for the eye roll. If there isn't, there soon will be.....If it truly was a gesture of contempt at a state dinner, it indicates that Michelle isn't ready for prime time.
I've a sense that those facial expressions are just her usual demeanor. She's much too busy savoring and chomping on her food to give a hoot about what Boehner is saying.
Michelle Obama's job is to make Boehner fell welcome and comfortable at a public event where she is the victor.
Have his pussy-ass over to your own boring house and play those chincy show-tunes for him your fuckingself.
I'm sure he'd love it.
The two of you douchebags could cry together, shed a few tears over how great things were in the good old days, when you could beat up whomever who felt resentful of and bested by without anyone taking your sorry-ass to task for it.
She's a classless prig. I usually don't comment on her at all because frankly she is an insignificant insect in a long line of race hustlers and perpetually aggrieved black racists.
Oh Ritmo, I know what slave labor is. It's what I do January 1st through sometime in late July every damned year. And after that, the Boss man says were even more in debt than before around this plantation, and we need you to give a little more there Bago.
Actually, none of the people in that video look like they're having a good time. Can you imagine Jack and Jackie acting like that?
The more I read about Jack Kennedy, the more impressed I am about his way with people. He had a knack for it. He was truly congenial. Naturally. And not just with the ladies ;) And Jackie...well, after hearing her 'spoken history', I confess I'm a little less impressed with her, except that she was, for the most part, able to hide her true feelings about the people and the process. (which, according to her 'spoken history', Jack encouraged her to do. She said he didn't even want her to think badly about his opponets. He said that they'll know how you feel, and we need their help to get things done.)
Don't badmouth resumes. If it wasn't for resumes, what would HR departments have to file away while the other departments were figuring out who to hire?
Alternate universe question: What would the lefties be saying if it was Ann Romney rolling her eyes at Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi at her husband's inagural lunch (while hunched over her plate and with her elbows on the table)?
Better than having her roll her eyes at half the country while batting her eyelashes at the One who provided that insult.
Anyway, it looks like Synova's debunked the intentional propaganda. Obama was just sick of hearing him tell the same fucking joke. There were no hard feelings.
Except for Shouting Thomas - may he practice in peace and always be thought highly of.
That's very good. We are proud of you too lil' fella.
So are my mom and dad. While yours beg for hand-outs to help them overcome their trailer-park existence. Lord knows your "accomplishments" aren't good for anything else.
Did your parents even live to see you as an adult? Serious question here (even though I know you are not capable of seriousness, I figured I'd try anyway).
I for one am glad that Ina will be sticking around.
I'm still waiting for her to answer my question from election eve:
how are we going to ever going to pay for Obama's deficit spending?
How, exactly Ina, does it go from here, financially speaking.
And while your in that part of your data analysis, please also tell us how our children and grandchildren are going to get by when one full set of taxes goes to pay for our spending today, and another entire full set of taxes are required to pay for their spending?
Ass-kissing print-outs of Linked-In profiles that make merit secondary to a "social network"? Oh, wait
Pretty much nobody wants to work with an asshole who can't do his job. Some do, which is presumably why you have coworkers, but most don't.
So, yeah, "does anybody know someone who'd be good for this job" is always the first question we ask. They still have to pass the tests and the interview, of course -- but turning to the stack of resumes is a last resort.
An irony here -- given your endless bitching about offshoring -- is that if we relied on resumes we'd probably never hire another American, ever. For every American who looks good on paper you can find ten Indians who look even better and cost less. Which is why offshoring is so popular, of course -- on paper, it looks like a no-brainer. In reality, it involves hiring no-brainers.
Thanks for the non-answer, Revenant. You're inability to differentiate what looks good on a foreign resume from what looks good to someone familiar with American workplaces and credentials, though, rather proves my point. You don't know what you're looking at.
Thanks for the gratuitous pot-shots too. I understand the importance of getting along with and gaining respect at work (if I said I was good at it, then you petty people would get resentful and pre-emptively call "foul!"), and of having other professionals who know your work vouch for you. Not the same as the bullshit that Linked-In has reduced everyone to. In fact, I hardly see how it's not the very embodiment of the sort of resume-puffing that you decry.
I had a girl I never even carried through on asking out on a date ask me for a Linked-In reference once. It kind of solidified in my mind what bullshit it is. It's the fucking FaceBook of professionalism. By which I mean it's the embodiment of its degradation.
And also, what blazing idiot thinks that Michelle Obama is the president?
If she wanted to live a low-key life as first lady, I'd respect that. But she's out front, and living the good life and enjoying all the perks to the fullest.
So, if she wants to have the priviledge and the perks, I think she should at least behave with decorum at public events.
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1 – 200 of 416 Newer› Newest»Our classy First Lady shoveling food into her mouth with her elbow on the table. No one else was eating.
BTW, the 3-course lunch meal was over 3,000 calories.
A few points from the 2013 inaugural:
- Chuck Schumer will be the next majority leader (once Reid is forced out in coming year or resigns his post but remains the senator from NV). Schumer is bitterly fighting Durbin from IL. He gains a national stage today.
- Obama picks his nose in the midst of lunch. Why? I see him do this so many times in interviews.
- Michelle changes dress and then back again at the parade. What is going on?
- Why are their actors in the sitting at the swearing in? How does one get that ticket?
- The gains women have made in Congress. Expect the next V-POTUS of the Democratic Party to be a woman. I predict Kirsten Gillibrand from NY. Mark my words. She is the next VP.
- Romney no show was bad. Why? Was he not invited?
- Bush no show was class. He stayed away. Clinton wants parties like a fly wants light.
- Hillary is old. She is not coming to the WH ever as VPOTUS or POTUS. Mark my words.
How much nothing can exist and be featured on gawker?
Bad form. The woman's job is to be gracious to everybody, not to carry a grudge for black folks.
she can really put it away.
Nice, Michelle. Elbow on the table, leaning far forward and shovelling food into your mouth, rolling your eyes at the Speaker.
At least your husband pretended to be amused, if he wasn't actually amused.
Geez, she's awful.
Did anyone watching the TV hear about the anti-abortion heckler? He was on the tree the whole time shouting as the speeches were being made. He kept repeating: What about the baby? This was particular contextual when Obama talk about live, liberty, etc. And, all are created equal.
The irony was that police were helpless. THEY could not do anything. The guy was up on the tree from 8 AM to 12:30 PM. Can you believe it? They kept trying to get him down.
What if this was a terrorist? The police are just clueless. They could have climbed the tree.
The heckler ruined the speeches for those near the tree.
I'm sorry, without trying to demonstrate my political position
Michelle, your job is to be polite to everybody.
Laura would not have been that big an a$$
Boehner has the better character.
The first lady is an asshole of assholes.
What an unattractive, classless bimbo. Way to go, oh DumbLady.
Now Barack isn't going to be able to bum any more cigs from Boehner.
Boehner was probably telling her he felt a cry session coming on.
Michelle's got a shovel ready mouth.
To be fair, Boehner was drunk off his ass.
Thats not bad garage.. I give it two giggles ot of five.
So, this is Obama's second term.
How much longer do we have to continue to endure the left's insistence that women, gays and blacks should act like assholes to take revenge against white straight men?
Revenge for what?
Barry and Moochelle are like the Hildabeast and Willie - no class Kennedy wannabe machine politicians - and the worst racists and anti-Semites to hold the White House since Woody Wilson.
Ali Karim Bey said...
A few points from the 2013 inaugural:
- Chuck Schumer will be the next majority leader (once Reid is forced out in coming year or resigns his post but remains the senator from NV). Schumer is bitterly fighting Durbin from IL. He gains a national stage today.
Harry is turning into Joe West and is fast becoming a liability. Chuckie will make Newt look like Gary Cooper.
- Romney no show was bad. Why? Was he not invited?
He was, but why freeze your brains all day for some schlub who stole the election after spending a year sliming you because he hasn't a single accomplishment in his life to which he can point?
Does Michelle Obama do anything other than eat and go on vacation?
Oh, she, easily a size 16, lectures America on eating habits.
That too.
I think the eye-roll/headshake thing is your basic women dismissing guys' jokes gesture.
The real tell that she can't stand Boehner is when he moves his hand toward her and she then pulls away and puts her elbow on the table.
Barry and Moochelle are like the Hildabeast and Willie - no class Kennedy wannabe machine politicians - and the worst racists and anti-Semites to hold the White House since Woody Wilson
She's not disrespecting Boehner.
She's disrespecting men.
That's the "Oh, men!" look. Specifically, the men on either side of her, who are perfectly representative of the larger problem of penis growers.
Very well executed I must add.
Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell.
There must be some sort of seating protocol for these dinners. There are protocols for all these sorts of events. Is the VP on the President's right and the Speaker of The House on the left?
Does anyone know?
For whatever it's worth, Mrs Boehner doesn't look too thrilled to be there, either.
Oh, how awful for Lord and Lady Obama to have to sit next to these little people! How do they stand it!? They're American Royalty! Oh, well at least they only have to do it once every four years!!
Politics has been taken over by gossip queens and fanboys and their even lower information followers.
Boehner should just light up a cig right there on the dais.
Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell.
A woman who has access to millions of dollars, eats the best food and vacations at the taxpayers' expense.
Inga, that's asinine.
Her job is to be cordial to all people, no matter what they political views.
To expect anything less from her, Inga, is to expect her to behave like a low life nigger.
Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell.
Because he's a Republican?
"Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell."
How is that any different than anyone who hates Michelle and criticizes her for no reason?
For all anyone knows she was slightly irritated for having to lean forward so that her husband could have a conversation behind her. Maybe her eyes just look rolly when they're not. I had a customer accuse me and everyone else she talked to of "rolling their eyes" at her. Whenever I'm thinking hard I look angry. (Which made karate sort of interesting.)
I clicked through and the comments were either gratuitous hate on Boehner or his wife (and what did she ever do to deserve it?) or gratuitous hate on Michelle.
What *exactly*, Inga, should have Michelle told Boehner to go to hell for?
No because he's a jerk. Did you see the movie Lincoln? Mary Todd Lincoln had some choice words for some Congress Critters. I'm sure there must be some historical record of this.
You don't know him personally, Inga.
You just disagree with his politics.
Back off and behave like a decent woman.
You go, Girrrl! Good for you!! You show that bad little man!!!
How pitiful.
Passive-aggressive eye-rolling is what spoilt brats do when they are not getting their way. It is not the conduct of a mature, serious adult. It is not the conduct of a liberated and independent woman who can speak for herself. It shows insecurity and pettiness.
If you can't be gracious in the light of a two term victory by your candidate, what in the fuck can you be gracious about, Inga?
FLOTUS deserves all the flak she's getting. What miserable human being. What excuse does she have?
And Inga lowers another standard.
1st ladies no longer have to be gracious.
ST, are you seriously telling me to behave like a decent woman?
After all the nasty vengeful comments about the Obama's today and I sayBoehner is a jerk, then I am "misbehaving"?!
LMAO, oh please. You're not my daddy.
Inga said...
Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell.
no, because basic social graces requires you to be polite in a public event....
Remember this unforgettably delightful picture of Michelle Obama and Carla Bruni-Sarkozy?
Michelle seemed on the verge of biting the lady.
Hey Inga, John Boehner was not in the movie Lincoln. Which by the way is a movie. LOL.
The bright side is Inga won't have to shame us anymore.
Inga said...
No because he's a jerk. Did you see the movie Lincoln? Mary Todd Lincoln had some choice words for some Congress Critters. I'm sure there must be some historical record of this.
What's with the baseless comparison of the Lincolns and Obamas, Inga?
I'll being your daddy when you stop acting like a dumb child.
The criticism of Obama in this blog, as I've said repeatedly, is remarkably restrained in comparison to the awful assault of the left on President Bush.
It's the President and First Lady's job to be gracious at public events, even to people who criticize them... maybe, especially to people who criticize them.
Soft racism
Did The New Yorker actually put Barry on the cover as a shepherd?
I am saying that I'm sure that in the history of First Ladies, Michelle isn't the only one who has rolled her eyes and given a head shake at a public function.
@Inga: What's with the baseless comparison of the Lincolns and Obamas, Inga? I mean I haven't seen it but if you're hinting that it was made in order to flatter our current President then maybe I don't want to see it.
The bright side is Inga won't have to shame us anymore.
Apparently so.
The First Lady's only job, so far as I can see, is to be a gracious hostess to all.
You don't think Laura Bush would have liked to punch a few Democrats in the mouth? Why can't Michelle show the same graciousness as Laura Bush?
Today on ABC’s This Week, after Rick Santorum explained that Americans are protective of their right to buy guns because they “want to feel safe,” former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm offered a reassuring sentiment: Americans needn’t worry about protecting themselves, because they have President Obama, and “he sees himself as protector-in-chief.”
garage mahal said...
Barry and Moochelle are like the Hildabeast and Willie - no class Kennedy wannabe machine politicians - and the worst racists and anti-Semites to hold the White House since Woody Wilson
You're laughing? Sad.
Which part isn't true?
"What's with the baseless comparison of the Lincolns and Obamas, Inga?"
It's only been suggested, repeatedly, in the celebrity media. This is where low information voters take their cues. This is how low information voters get led about like sheep. You go girrrlll.
Inga said...
I am saying that I'm sure that in the history of First Ladies, Michelle isn't the only one who has rolled her eyes and given a head shake at a public function.
You sure about that? Another's example would soften the blow the current FLOTUS delivers in lack of couth.
Classy liberals boo Rep. Paul Ryan at the inauguration. Another report has the booing led by a Justice Department attorney.
Any wonder why the Romneys and the Bushes didn't want to attend? Liberals are rude and adolescent in their public behavior towards people who hold other beliefs. No excuse for it at all.
FLOTUS deserves all the flak she's getting
You have to say that all the vicious crap throw her way is warranted.
I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close.
Ohh, so a presidential inaguration is now just a "public function?"
It's no more important than pardoning the turkey or cutting a ribbon in Podunk, USA.
I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close.
Bullshit. Laura Bush was absolutely vilified.
Huge failure of memory... let's say deliberate failure... garage.
You remain a thoughtless, knee-jerk partisan.
Here again are the leftists arguing that their grievances are so overwhelming that they have a right to be assholes.
The usual.
You're getting senile in your old age, Garage.
Nancy Reagan comes to mind.
Wasn't Barbara Bush not invited as a commencement speaker because she was a SAHM?
She should've told him to go to hell.
Thats what Halderman could have said to Dick Cavett I suppose.
Here is part of a conversation between Richard Nixon and Nixon's Chief of Staff H.R Haldemann reacting to John Kerry's appearance on The Dick Cavett Show with Nixon supporter John O'Neill
Nixon: Nothing you can do about it, obviously?
Haldemann: We've complained bitterly about the Cavett show.
Nixon: Well, is there any way we can screw him [Cavett]? That's what I mean. There must be ways.
Haldemann: We've been trying to.
Its not easy 'screwing' or 'sending people to hell' when you are in the White House... thank God.
I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close.
Most Republican president's wives weren't shoved in people's faces 24 hours a day either.
"Did The New Yorker actually put Barry on the cover as a shepherd?"
Yes. Herding cats.
Mary Todd Lincoln was a nutcase.
Michelle Obama is just venal.
"I'm trying to think of a Republican First Lady that had to face all the unhinged hatred that Michelle Obama has. Can't think of any that come even close."
The interesting thing is... gawker didn't post that gif to pile unhinged hatred on Michelle. They posted it because they think she's AWESOME.
Me? I think it's a whole bunch of nothing.
But gawker and most of the commenters over there WANT to think that Michelle Obama is a catty b*tch cuz it's simply fabulous.
So a bunch of other people are also saying Michelle is a catty b*tch and because they don't think it's fabulous, that's *bad*.
Oh I'm sure I'll have plenty more opportunities to shame y'all.
It's great to see the CCCons chiming in to defend the idea of empty phoniness as a core tenet of etiquette.
It kind of clarifies what they're all about.
I have a shepherd, it isn't POTUS.
Get over yourself. Does anyone in here actually "hate" Mrs. Obama? Because laughing at her pretentious self-centered nonsense is not showing "unhinged hatred." She puts herself out there with her Foodie Policies and her silly statements about how she wasn't proud of her country until her husband became president. And, of course, she wears expensive designer clothes and jets off to the far corners of the world for lavish vacations that would be perpetually criticized if she was a Republican. Just ask Nancy Reagan.
Michelle Obama is just venal.
Her detractors are just empty phonies.
It's ok. It will give Boehnnie Johnny something to cry about later.
He loves that.
Ahh, sorry, Inga, you progs have superficiality over substance mastered.
It's great to see the CCCons chiming in to defend the idea of empty phoniness as a core tenet of etiquette.
When one's only job is to be a gracious hostess, empty phoniness is your job when confronted by people you dislike.
Another idiot comment by Ritmo, the moron who thinks he's an intellectual. Re-read your statement, Ritmo. It's a marvel of dirt bag stupidity.
You just care so much it hurts.
Well, the policies you support do to the little people.
And when the policies don't work, it's never the policy.
I guess they couldn't defeat the president by hingelessly bashing him on non-issues.
So they'll do it to his wife, instead.
Typical Republican M.O. Nothing new.
It isn't just the rolling of the eyes, it her whole countenance.
She is the antithesis of grace.
Ritmo, do you spend your day studying how to be stupid?
Your standard of shame.
Fortunately, you progs lowered the bar so much there really isn't a standard anymore.
I remember when W. was getting a daily beating from the media after the 9/11 fake respect period expired.
He was never rude or or even very defensive toward them, and it used to get me pissed. I wanted him to call them out, to shame them in public, and to be an ass. I would be so much happier as a Democrat. That's what I get for voting for grown ups.
Oh wait, I am still a goddamned registered Democrat. I got to get that fixed some day. I guess I'll go Independent when I do, but since I'm currently a Democrat, I thought someone else would take care of that for me. I know if I said I was handicapped, someone would show up and hold my hand, but I'm a Democrat and that clearly shows I need help with stuff, and a little Obama stash if you know what I mean, brother.
15% underemployment is a non-issue?
"It's great to see the CCCons chiming in to defend the idea of empty phoniness as a core tenet of etiquette.
It kind of clarifies what they're all about."
What? Actual courtesy and civility toward your opponents instead of the sort where your bad behavior is excused because your heart is pure?
So everyone can simply use the excuse of "I was being honest about my sacred feelings" when they call Michelle a fat wookie? Or can I safely assume that "I was being honest about my sacred feelings" is only a valid excuse if you're a liberal?
One of the reasons the Queen hates Boehner is because he lets the prez bum smokes from him.
When one's only job is to be a gracious hostess, empty phoniness is your job when confronted by people you dislike.
Is she getting paid?
Then consider her giving Crybaby Bohner yet another reason to cry ("It's not my fault that my caucus is so unhinged!"") a job done gratis.
You're welcome.
And if you're a fan of unpaid labor, go do it yourself.
A dinner party hosted by Ritmo, now that would be something. No one else would get a word in edgewise, but at least he'sd be keepin' it real, yo.
15% underemployment is a non-issue?
Thank the politically minded obstructionists in Boehner's House for that.
Note how Ritmo tries to change the subject.
The subject, idiot Ritmo, is that the First Lady's job is to be a gracious hostess.
Leo Lenbeck III posted today at The Belmont Club, and it seems to be very fitting:
I’ll give the last word to Tocqueville, as he describes the way he expects despotism to emerge from modern democracy:
Above this race of men stands an immense and tutelary power, which takes upon itself alone to secure their gratifications and to watch over their fate. That power is absolute, minute, regular, provident, and mild. It would be like the authority of a parent if, like that authority, its object was to prepare men for manhood; but it seeks, on the contrary, to keep them in perpetual childhood: it is well content that the people should rejoice, provided they think of nothing but rejoicing. For their happiness such a government willingly labors, but it chooses to be the sole agent and the only arbiter of that happiness; it provides for their security, foresees and supplies their necessities, facilitates their pleasures, manages their principal concerns, directs their industry, regulates the descent of property, and subdivides their inheritances: what remains, but to spare them all the care of thinking and all the trouble of living?
Thus it every day renders the exercise of the free agency of man less useful and less frequent; it circumscribes the will within a narrower range and gradually robs a man of all the uses of himself. The principle of equality has prepared men for these things; it has predisposed men to endure them and often to look on them as benefits.
After having thus successively taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp and fashioned him at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community. It covers the surface of society with a network of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowd. The will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided; men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting. Such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.
Oh I'm sure I'll have plenty more opportunities to shame y'all.
I'm not sure about that, but you certainly take plenty of opportunities to shame yourself.
A dinner party hosted by Ritmo, now that would be something. No one else would get a word in edgewise, but at least he'sd be keepin' it real, yo.
I would just invite more intelligent and mature people than you.
I've got a longer guest list than just people like that.
In fact, I don't know any people like that.
I guess that's why I must get such a kick out of hanging out around here. Lol.
And if you're a fan of unpaid labor, go do it yourself.
The First Lady receives public freebies totaling many millions of dollars. She lives the life of a queen.
Ritmo, you are so fucking stupid it's painful.
@Inga and garage (and anyone else who thinks like they do about celebrities).
Celebrities and people in high places do not get a pass on bad behavior. It is not OK to excuse their bad behavior by comparing it to louts like me and you who inhabit Althouse. What did FLOTUS gain by her little middle school taunt? She gave her hard core supporters a couple yucks for sure, but she further alienated the rest. WTF kind of example is that? Are her daughters supposed to look at her and say "cool, mom!" Are she and POTUS supposed to bump fists over it somewhere off camera?
One thing's for sure. The next four years are going to be great, both from a public policy standpoint and because of the Internet commentary they will engender. Looking forward to it. Forward!
Is she getting paid?
The woman has enormous priviledge in her life as first lady. And its too much to ask her to be civil and kind for a few hours a week?
The subject, idiot Ritmo, is that the First Lady's job is to be a gracious hostess.
So how much are you proposing to pay her for supposedly keeping a perpetual crybaby like Boehner from finding yet another petty thing to cry about?
Should she get up, go over to him, and pet his head?
I bet if you were him, that's what you'd want.
You need to grow up.
The woman has enormous priviledge in her life as first lady.
Which is her husband's doing.
Unlike the rest of you cowards, she probably has the decency to at least recognize that.
Of course, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Laura Bush. Yep, not a single portrayal on SNL. It's amazing how they were all so loved and respected by the left. And they didn't even try to tell you what to eat, or what your kids should be fed at school, and they foolishly respected their country even before their husbands got elected. Silly broads.
I see no reason to assume she was reacting to something Boehner said. It is easy to take these things out of context.
For all we know, her husband cracked a joke she'd heard him tell a hundred times before and she rolled her eyes at that. There are lots of possible explanations beyond "being bitchy about the seating arrangements".
Another diversionary tactic by Ritmo the moron.
Her job is to be a gracious hostess, to make every person at the event feel appreciated and welcome.
Do you study idiocy during your spare time?
Yes, she did a great eye roll and head shake, good for her. She should've told him to go to hell. - Inga
Yep. And that's why you don't have any class, either, bitch.
Well done.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Is she getting paid?
Of course not, but she volunteered. She could have told her husband, no. Or, she could live up to office.
Palladian, coming from YOU, that's supposed to mean something to me? I guess it doesn't shame you to hawk your wares to the commenters here, but hey it would be a shame if you couldn't pay your rent, or buy gourmet food to cook.
Even in victory, the left lives for spite.
I'm studying the prospect of how often a raging pimp like "Shouting Thomas" would ever get invited to the White House. What makes him an expert on protocol? His own mannerless behavior?
Boehner is not just any guest of the people. He and Obama have each other on speed dial, they have to work together, and Michelle Obama has an entire constituency of non-politicians to "appease", as you would have her do.
Now get over yourself and your impotent Congressional figurehead.
Ritmo, yout last comment was the jibbering of an idiot.
You've descended into utter spastic idiocy.
Would you like to try again?
Or, she could live up to office.
If you want a queen, go to good ole' jolly fuckin' England.
Actually, Ritmo, the first lady is granted a staff and budget by Congress. So, yeah, it is a paid -- or at least subsidized -- position.
It is fine to argue that she *shouldn't* be treated like she's part of the government. I'd quite agree. Can we have the money back, though? :)
Actually, Ritmo, the first lady is granted a staff and budget by Congress. So, yeah, it is a paid -- or at least subsidized -- position.
Jesus, Ritmo the idiot strikes again!
How do you maintain this level of moron helplessness, Ritmo?
You've descended into utter spastic idiocy.
The resentful chip on your shoulder about being a mental midget is Boehner-sized. It's gargantuan.
Tell us again about your prize-winning work in pharmaceutical chemistry, you lying, boastful, arrogant, dupe.
What? It would shame him if he couldn't pay his rent or cook gourmet food?
He doesn't need to, he can move to England.
Let me introduce you to Natalija Belova, 33,
Living On Welfare in the U.K.
I'm studying the prospect of how often a raging pimp [...] would ever get invited to the White House
Insert Bill Clinton joke here.
"For all we know, her husband cracked a joke she'd heard him tell a hundred times before and she rolled her eyes at that. There are lots of possible explanations beyond "being bitchy about the seating arrangements"."
So much nothing there but gawker and commenters there and Inga and Ritmo WANT to believe she was acting publicly dismissive to Boehner (and his wife) because of teh awesomeness.
Which is her husband's doing.
Nevertheless, she has ENORMOUS PRIVILEGE in her life as first lady. Since I'm paying for all the privilege, I do expect her to act graciously during public events.
If she didn't want to be a big part of it - she doesn't have to. But she's put herself out there with all her initiatives and her big fashion-gal stuff. She's getting a lot out of this.
Many times in life, a lady is called upon to do things she'd rather not do. A lady does these things with grace.
At 6:29, Shitting Too Much calls me an "idiot" by, you guessed it, misquoting me.
Talk about a shameless bastard.
He simply can't accept that there are people in this world who aren't as stupid as he is.
What a sad, stupid bastard.
Kid, I've been trying to tell you for a while that you're just plain stupid.
There's some evidence, given your ability to actually compose sentences and use big words, that there is some kind of underlying ability there.
But, something in your development just failed, leaving you at the level of a moron.
Michelle Obama has more grace than all of you. She has spunk, she's sassy, they don't like that. Too fucking bad.
Nevertheless, she has ENORMOUS PRIVILEGE in her life as first lady. Since I'm paying for all the privilege, I do expect her to act graciously during public events.
Then call your congressperson, quick -- and ask for better representation and leadership PRONTO!
I see no reason to assume she was reacting to something Boehner said. It is easy to take these things out of context.
For all we know, her husband cracked a joke she'd heard him tell a hundred times before and she rolled her eyes at that. There are lots of possible explanations beyond "being bitchy about the seating arrangements".
Ha ha, yeah, everyone here is assuming she was rude to Boehner, the only dispute is whether being rude to Boehner is awesome or not.
If she wasn't being rude, the whole conversation is moot. But revealing nonetheless :-)
We know she recognizes the privilege of spending the taxpayers' money.
She has spunk, she's sassy
She's spunky, she's sassy, but has no classy.
Palladian, coming from YOU, that's supposed to mean something to me? I guess it doesn't shame you to hawk your wares to the commenters here, but hey it would be a shame if you couldn't pay your rent, or buy gourmet food to cook.
You're a real cunt, Inga. But fortunately, you're also as dumb as a bag of ball peen hammers.
And no, it doesn't shame me at all to "hawk my wares" at all, nor does it shame me to share my thoughts, feelings and even troubles with a group of people that I generally like.
Unfortunately, this being a public forum, I'm also forced to share with people that I dislike, including you.
Post your CV, Shitting.
Do you know what "CV" even means? It's just two letters, so you can't complain about it being "too long to comprehend".
Also, show me the work in pharmaceutical chemistry that you boasted about earlier.
Here's a short word for you (not as short as a grunt, but close:
Does that word ring any bells?
I wasn't a Rosalyn fan but they had the good sense to scale down when the economy was like this.
Where's the I feel your pain?
Michelle Obama has more grace than all of you. She has spunk, she's sassy, they don't like that. Too fucking bad.
What does she have to be sassy about?
She was born to wealth (despite the BS you've been hearing) in the Jesse Jackson kickback and extortion machine.
What reason does a woman who's been wealthy and privileged all her life have to be "sassy?"
"You've descended into utter spastic idiocy."
He does that every time. It's like watching a guy walking down the street toward an open manhole reading the paper. You just wait and watch then boom, down he goes.
Now, he will bitch and blame someone else for fall and soon struggle back to his feet and pretend to make sense with someone who he will praise for being civil.
I love this show, but it is kind of repetitive.
Then call your congressperson, quick -- and ask for better representation and leadership PRONTO
I don't need to call anyone. If Michelle was a lady, she's know how to behave in public.
You're the one who had the problem with my pointing this out.
Palladian, your "cuntishness" is far bigger than mine. I'm here, I'm not going anywhere, so go hawk some paintings.
There goes Inga judging again. I thought that wss passe?
Classy people don't take a $300K/yr job and complain she & hubby's income is so tight that she could barely afford ballet lessons for the girls.
Bag, are you looking for an intelligent guy to work for you in the materials engineering field?
We've got just the man for you -- assuming you like fake resumes.
a bag of ball peen hammers.
And that $300K/yr job, created for her went POOF, it's the Chicago Way, don'tcha know.
Lem, that makes a beautiful collage!
I think the noun is "cuntosity", or should be. Like: "Your cuntosity is a monstrosity. See it works.
I think there's probably an innocent explanation for the eye roll. If there isn't, there soon will be.....If it truly was a gesture of contempt at a state dinner, it indicates that Michelle isn't ready for prime time.
He interrupted her counting the days until her next multi-million dollar vacation.
Michelle Obama has more grace than all of you. She has spunk, she's sassy, they don't like that. Too fucking bad.
What an odd statement. "Graceful" and "sassy" are largely antonymous.
Also, given that "sassy" means "insolent", "she's sassy and they don't like that" may be a thread-winner for "best restatement of the obvious". :)
Bitter land, it's just the first day....
I love this show, but it is kind of repetitive.
I've been trying for a few days to convince Ritmo that highlighting his idiocy in a public forum is not a great idea...
To no avail.
It does..
Ok Bagoh, Palladian is a cuntosity, is that like a curiosity?
There's a bar peen hammer among the ball peen hammers.
"We've got just the man for you -- assuming you like fake resumes"
Actually, I've never seen any other kind. People who live by them or their CV are all full of shit. Only lightweight wannabemen ask for them.
I think the noun is "cuntosity", or should be. Like: "Your cuntosity is a monstrosity. See it works.
And this is the ingenious work of a man who would insult the intelligence of others. Brilliant.
His new pet, Boot-Licker-to-the-Job-Creators Thomas, doesn't realize that getting his ass handed to him by Scott Lemieux and his crowd was about as public an ass-beating as anyone's ever seen.
But he does talk a good game. It's talk emanating from his beaten and bloody ass, but it's very boastful.
In some places, that would count for something.
Let's shed a tear for that. Boehner would.
See, "Your cuntosity is a curiosity." works too.
People who live by them or their CV are all full of shit. Only lightweight wannabemen ask for them.
Bag represents the contingent of businessmen who prefer their slave labor uneducated, unaccomplished, and, if possible, working in a third world country.
I've a sense that those facial expressions are just her usual demeanor. She's much too busy savoring and chomping on her food to give a hoot about what Boehner is saying.
Word play is cuntagious
Ritmo, I'm trying like hell, believe me, to come up with some way to help you understand that you've got some sort of serious emotional problem that's interfering with your ability to use your intellect.
It's clear you have an intellect.
Buy, something is getting in the way and not allowing it to function.
God alone knows what it is, because I don't know you well enough to say.
Either that, or he prefers more of a "good ole boy" network to steer his hiring choices.
It's the cuntinental divide.
Bag represents the contingent of businessmen who prefer their slave labor uneducated, unaccomplished, and, if possible, working in a third world country.
Your bole is hyper today, Ritmo!
I think the First Lady is responding appropriately. What would you do if accosted at luncheon by a narcissistic, delusional asshole on your right, and a tedious shoe salesman on your left?
Let them eat Moonpies.
Everyone knows that back women can't help but be sassy. It's like the deal where they say "axe" when they really mean "ask".
Either that, or he prefers more of a "good ole boy" network to steer his hiring choices.
Now, Ritmo has descended even below his normal idiot level, and has just become a feral rabid animal.
Time to go practice for this week's gigs and for Mass.
Ritmo, I'm trying like hell, believe me, to come up with some way to help you understand that you've got some sort of serious emotional problem that's interfering with your ability to use your intellect.
I aspire to one day possess the arrogance contained in this paragraph, and use it to help me overcome my "emotional" problems.
William said...
I think there's probably an innocent explanation for the eye roll. If there isn't, there soon will be.....If it truly was a gesture of contempt at a state dinner, it indicates that Michelle isn't ready for prime time.
I can live and let live with that.
Time to go practice for this week's gigs and for Mass.
Thank God.
The one entity that he isn't too arrogant for: An invisible one.
What a relief.
I've a sense that those facial expressions are just her usual demeanor. She's much too busy savoring and chomping on her food to give a hoot about what Boehner is saying.
This is probably the truth of the matter.
As I said, the left lives for spite and revenge, even in victory.
Passive-aggressive contempt. That's one way to deal with people you disagree with.
As I said, the left lives for spite and revenge, even in victory.
They don't live for over-the-top deference to an ineffectual pussy like Boehner.
I've got to go work, Ritmo the idiot. Even though I know that it is hopeless, I'll try to explain something really basic to you.
They don't live for over-the-top deference to an ineffectual pussy like Boehner.
You, as an individual citizen, have every right not to defer to Boehner and to think he's an "ineffectual pussy."
Michelle Obama's job is to make Boehner fell welcome and comfortable at a public event where she is the victor.
You're very stupid, Ritmo. Blazingly, magnificently stupid. Take your time and study what I've said.
Michelle Obama's job is to make Boehner fell welcome and comfortable at a public event where she is the victor.
Have his pussy-ass over to your own boring house and play those chincy show-tunes for him your fuckingself.
I'm sure he'd love it.
The two of you douchebags could cry together, shed a few tears over how great things were in the good old days, when you could beat up whomever who felt resentful of and bested by without anyone taking your sorry-ass to task for it.
And then you can fuck off some more.
Shouting Thomas:1
Maybe Boehner just let one rip, in which case the look would be justified.
Shouting Thomas:1
But, I protest! The referee is mind-blind!
As for vilified First Ladies, try Pat Nixon and Ladybird Johnson.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
15% underemployment is a non-issue?
Thank the politically minded obstructionists in Boehner's House for that.
No, thank government over-pending and Dictator Zero's job-killing executive Orders.
PS Anything I could say about Oop talking cunt would be overkill.
Or are you going to threaten me with another call to the Gestapo?
Ritmo sez ...
If only.
The tough guy keyboard commando act is spectacular tonight.
The tough guy keyboard commando act is spectacular tonight.
Whose? THomas's?
Yes, he's always like that.
I said goodbye as a way to not let the door kick him in the ass as he takes his leave to pay homage to the invisible one.
An invisible one who must love "tough guys" like him.
Petty AND crass! Impressive.
She's a classless prig. I usually don't comment on her at all because frankly she is an insignificant insect in a long line of race hustlers and perpetually aggrieved black racists.
Oh Ritmo, I know what slave labor is. It's what I do January 1st through sometime in late July every damned year. And after that, the Boss man says were even more in debt than before around this plantation, and we need you to give a little more there Bago.
Actually, none of the people in that video look like they're having a good time. Can you imagine Jack and Jackie acting like that?
The more I read about Jack Kennedy, the more impressed I am about his way with people. He had a knack for it. He was truly congenial. Naturally. And not just with the ladies ;) And Jackie...well, after hearing her 'spoken history', I confess I'm a little less impressed with her, except that she was, for the most part, able to hide her true feelings about the people and the process. (which, according to her 'spoken history', Jack encouraged her to do. She said he didn't even want her to think badly about his opponets. He said that they'll know how you feel, and we need their help to get things done.)
Don't badmouth resumes. If it wasn't for resumes, what would HR departments have to file away while the other departments were figuring out who to hire?
Michelle Obama's job is to make Boehner fell welcome and comfortable at a public event where she is the victor.
And also, what blazing idiot thinks that Michelle Obama is the president?
What a douchebag.
Eddumber, only if you threaten to shoot liberals in your basement again.
If it wasn't for resumes, what would HR departments have to file away while the other departments were figuring out who to hire?
Ass-kissing print-outs of Linked-In profiles that make merit secondary to a "social network"? Oh, wait...
Why would anyone shoot liberals in the basement? Who wants to carry 200 pounds of dead liberal up a flight of stairs?
Shoot 'em in the attic. Let gravity work for you.
Apparently Ritmo is proud of his resume'.
That's very good. We are proud of you too lil' fella.
Alternate universe question: What would the lefties be saying if it was Ann Romney rolling her eyes at Harry Reid or Nancy Pelosi at her husband's inagural lunch (while hunched over her plate and with her elbows on the table)?
Better than having her roll her eyes at half the country while batting her eyelashes at the One who provided that insult.
Anyway, it looks like Synova's debunked the intentional propaganda. Obama was just sick of hearing him tell the same fucking joke. There were no hard feelings.
Except for Shouting Thomas - may he practice in peace and always be thought highly of.
That's very good. We are proud of you too lil' fella.
So are my mom and dad. While yours beg for hand-outs to help them overcome their trailer-park existence. Lord knows your "accomplishments" aren't good for anything else.
Did your parents even live to see you as an adult? Serious question here (even though I know you are not capable of seriousness, I figured I'd try anyway).
I for one am glad that Ina will be sticking around.
I'm still waiting for her to answer my question from election eve:
how are we going to ever going to pay for Obama's deficit spending?
How, exactly Ina, does it go from here, financially speaking.
And while your in that part of your data analysis, please also tell us how our children and grandchildren are going to get by when one full set of taxes goes to pay for our spending today, and another entire full set of taxes are required to pay for their spending?
Any initial thoughts, Ina?
I'm waiting, Ina.
We're all waiting.
Show us your brilliance. Show us your compassion.
Show us how much you know and care.
Ass-kissing print-outs of Linked-In profiles that make merit secondary to a "social network"? Oh, wait
Pretty much nobody wants to work with an asshole who can't do his job. Some do, which is presumably why you have coworkers, but most don't.
So, yeah, "does anybody know someone who'd be good for this job" is always the first question we ask. They still have to pass the tests and the interview, of course -- but turning to the stack of resumes is a last resort.
An irony here -- given your endless bitching about offshoring -- is that if we relied on resumes we'd probably never hire another American, ever. For every American who looks good on paper you can find ten Indians who look even better and cost less. Which is why offshoring is so popular, of course -- on paper, it looks like a no-brainer. In reality, it involves hiring no-brainers.
From these comments I take it Republicans look at resumes the same way they do temperature readings and polls: Pretend they're made-up.
You guys have come a long way since Teddy Roosevelt reformed the civil service. A long way down...
Who is Ina?
BWAAAAAA Ritmo thinks piling on more subsidies will get the country moving.
Jobs program. We have them already.
Get out of the way, reduce regulation.
Command/central economies don't work.
That's history, we aren't special.
First Lady Camacho
"Resumes should be taken at face value" is a weird hill to die on, Rit. :)
Who is Ina?
Spell her fake name correctly, damnit.
Thanks for the non-answer, Revenant. You're inability to differentiate what looks good on a foreign resume from what looks good to someone familiar with American workplaces and credentials, though, rather proves my point. You don't know what you're looking at.
Thanks for the gratuitous pot-shots too. I understand the importance of getting along with and gaining respect at work (if I said I was good at it, then you petty people would get resentful and pre-emptively call "foul!"), and of having other professionals who know your work vouch for you. Not the same as the bullshit that Linked-In has reduced everyone to. In fact, I hardly see how it's not the very embodiment of the sort of resume-puffing that you decry.
I had a girl I never even carried through on asking out on a date ask me for a Linked-In reference once. It kind of solidified in my mind what bullshit it is. It's the fucking FaceBook of professionalism. By which I mean it's the embodiment of its degradation.
And also, what blazing idiot thinks that Michelle Obama is the president?
If she wanted to live a low-key life as first lady, I'd respect that. But she's out front, and living the good life and enjoying all the perks to the fullest.
So, if she wants to have the priviledge and the perks, I think she should at least behave with decorum at public events.
To be fair, Boehner was drunk off his ass.
Wouldn't you be if you had to sit next to that nasty bitch?
"Resumes should be taken at face value" is a weird hill to die on, Rit. :)
Never said that.
I said that credentials matter -
Which, I take it, is the hill you'd like to die fighting against.
No Rev, that's my real name, Allie Oop was my fake name.
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