I liked how the Fox News article on this subject had Powell referring to "his" Republican party, noting that even though he voted for Obama twice, he still considered himself a Republican. This is like a woman having sex with men a couple of times and still considering herself to be a lesbian. Newsflash, Colin: If you vote for Democrats, you're at best an independent. You, sir, are not even a RINO.
Colin Powell obviously has met with more racial slights than we would have thought, and it has had more effect on him than we knew.
However, I think it is Powell that needs to take a step back and take a lok at that brooding about it. Most of what he quotes is not racism, but just him seeing racism in Rorschach blots.
I also think Powell is in a unique position in that if he had run back when, he would have been elected with acclamation from all sides. It does not help either him or the country hat he is now making this sort of comments.
And that Barack Obama's father was born in Kenya does not automatically make his son immune to any and all criticism for his policies, especially when they are at such variance with the ideas of most of the voting public.
I'm going to state, as has become the approved practice, that I'm not a big President Bush supporter.
But, after the horrifying defaming of Bush, including the outrageous assassination wet dreams, how can anybody suggest that there are limits of decency in talking about a president?
The left showed no decency in its attacks on Bush. The game is up, so far as asking for decency.
If we can't criticize and lambast blacks in the same way as any other people, then blacks should be not be in office.
Racial politics is hard? No way! Why, all you have to do is attribute bad faith to the speaker of words and phrases that bring out the racist in you! Does the word "lazy" remind you of black people? Well then the person who said the word in the first place must be a racist! "Shuck and jive" is a slave-era slur to you? Then whoever said it is racist. (BTW, this makes Chris Matthews a racist. Stuff we already know.)
If you hear the racist dog whistle, you're the racist dog. Apparently, though, you can distract from that fact by going up and sniffing your opponent's butt and reporting the findings.
Also, whenever you hear about the Republican party moving right - think about where the Democratic party is now as opposed to 20 years ago. It's the Democrats who have moved, not just out of town but out of the country. They're citizens of the world now. And the birthers? Remind me again, who started that rumor?
Powell's stirring up (bull)shit to keep his name in conversation and his power rating high. Jackass.
If the voice and pronunciations Mr. Obama uses on the campaign trail (as opposed to the one he uses for Prseidential announcements) is not "shucking and jiving," what is it?
I love and respect Black conservatives, but mostly despise Black liberals. It seems those on the left likewise do the the same in reverse.
So why are only my motives suspect? At least my disapproval is limited to their ideas, while the left's attacks on Black conservatives (and whites for that matter) are mostly race based complete with a thick lathering of racial slurs.
If the incumbent does not treat the presidency with respect himself, he should not complain if he is answered in kind.
As for the comment above, anyone else here remember when Jack Kennedy ran well to the right of Richard Nixon in 1960? And Colin Powell is old enough that he should remember!
Yes, yes, a vein of intolerance so dark that in the last year a Republican woman governor of South Asian ancestry appointed the first African-American senator in the South since Reconstruction.
South Carolina, the dark heart of GOP darkness pumping intolerance through the GOP's dark, intolerant veins.
I hope I have the hyphenated-American terminology correct.
"The whole birther movement: Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within the party?" Powell asked. "I think the party has to take a look at itself."
I suppose I could point out that the only Democrat in a leadership position to speak out against the "truther" movement was former president Clinton, and he was limited to sputtering "How dare you" to a truther. But the core of the matter is this. Does Powell think that the Republican leadership can, or even ought to, set itself up to suppress free speech? However foolish and misguided the "birthers" are, they have a Constitutional right to express their sentiments, do they not?
Powell has been a startling disappointment. What color was that guy who made him Sec State again ? And Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? He's been a politician since he was a captain.
So, as is the norm in these types of kerfluffles, Powell is demanding that blacks receive preferential and deferential treatment that would never be accorded to whites.
At some points, blacks, women and gays, those pet constituencies of the liberals, have to be told... "No, you've got enough. No more."
Nothing says intolerance like treating everybody the same way as equal citizens. Republicans!
Nothing says tolerance like picking through speeches looking for indelicacies, not finding them so looking harder, finding things that could be used and going,
That's why those rotten bastard Republicans are rotten to the core, it takes a FUCKING GENERAL like Powell to discover these things and remind us why we we must remain prickly. Wouldn't do to settle down. No. Then what would we have? Nothing. That's what. Proof, without racism Powell and we have nothing.
We live in deeply unserious times. It is our misfortune that we also live in a time is need of great seriousness.
We live in a time when the majority party looks outwards to the rest and says: "reform yourself and become like us" instead of "are we really what we should be?" It's lack of introspection. I find Powell utterly disingenuous.
This is the dialectic of affirmative action. To the extent that one like Powell is a beneficiary of it the level of racism must rise to make that benefit seem fair and that beneficiaries' achievement legitimate.
We will soon reach the tipping point when minorities will be sufficiently empowered by affirmative action that it will never be repealed.
That deep vein of intolerance must be why the local GOP I encountered years ago was touting Powell for president. And when he declined, the same ones quickly switched to Condi Rice. They seemed to fetishize the moderate, presentable blacks, as opposed to, say, Al Sharpton. But they raised Powell and Rice over competing white candidates.
All evidence of a dark vein of intolerance. Deep-seated, and hard to root out.
Powell absolutely abhors the affirmative action tag fluttering from his ass. Certain men get old and a lifetime of ass-kissing and politicking leave them friendless and all they're left with is primitive notions of a "core" identity buried under a lifetime of role-playing.
Powell's come full circle to his teenage years. It's redo time.
The GOP may have a "dark vein of intolerance" but they are the only hope for survival of the African-American community. The African-American birth rate fell below replacement level in 2006. At that time African-Americans were 12% of the population but 34% of all abortions. Since then Obama has made abortions even cheaper with the specific intention of increasing the minority abortion rate. Who opposes this? Only the Republican party which is characterized by racism and a "dark vein of intolerance" according the the media and the liberals. Will Democrats act to save the African-American community from being wiped out by abortion / contraception? Garage? Is government funding which is accelerating the destruction of the African-American community OK with you? Maybe there is a dark quiet vein of intolerance in the Democratic party? Inga? Mechanic?
Powell has always been a highly political officer. He gained his stars when he and several other junior Black Colonels of middling ability were promoted over senior white Colonels with FAR better records in order to quell potential race riots in the early 70s during the "Black Power" movement. (There were Army caserns in Germany that had areas where white officers could not go even in daylight.) His first assignment was to the 2nd Inf Div in Korea as Deputy Commander and IG (Unit Inspector General--which the No2 guy always is in the armed services) where he immediately began to court-martial the black fomenters of mutiny as only Black generals could do such things without bringing on the very riots the Army was trying to prevent in those racially volatile times. Powell was always first and foremost NOTHING BUT a "political general." (Now, this is not to say he was incompetent, but he was/is FAR from the "best and the brightest" the Army then had to offer save for the ONLY thing that counted for what was seen to be needed in those times--the color of his skin). And let us note that Powell was ONLY TOO WILLING to be "used" by the white dominated military and civilian leadership if it would advance his career. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Powell owes EVERYTHING to his skin color and historical timing; otherwise a Colonel of his true abilities would hardly have made flag rank and most likely retired at the rank of Colonel The guy was a VERY ordinary slightly above average B+ type officer who just happened to have the added advantage of his skin color at a very opportune time in our nation's history..
It wasn't until today that I figured out Colin Powell. How it is that his schtick works.
I kenw he posessed the magic perfecta of "respected black leader" and "military." The two things -- maybe the only two things -- that supply you with a free pass to avoid hard questions in the arena of public events.
That's the deal with Colin Powell. People seem interested in hearing his opnions on all sorts of things he knows nothing about; like the Tea Party. And while he gets lots of press, he doesn't get what anybody in public affiars needs to get, and that is hard questions from your opposition.
I should add something. There is one more category of persons in public life who get no hard questions from the press. And that is "Republicans whose party has left them." The press loves that group. Can't wait to hear their stories.
When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them? That John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson wouldn't recognize a party that endorsed gay marriage and gays in the military? That state-funded abortion was an extreme position that a generation of Democrats had regarded as unthinkable? That racial quotas in public education and public hiring were anti-American and unthinkable for Democrats who had spent a lifetime opposing race-based decisions?
I rather liked the comment above; that "RINO" was a term that can scarcely count in the case of Colin Powell. At what point, after supporting Democrats in two straight presidential elections, are you still a Republican, even in name? And what Democrat, after supporting two straight Republican presidential tickets, would still be getting national press attention as some sort of representative of his or her party?
So the GOP as a 'dark vein of intolerance' and what Powell? What does the Democrats have? A super black hole of intolerance?
I mean look at all of what the Dems have done in the last four years? Intolerance? Sounds like Powell is trying to become a Democrat by out-Democrat the Democrats.
Yes when the Republicans are out of office it's easy to just jump ship to the 'dark side'.
I get the impression that some people who decry racism at every opportunity don't hate is as much as envy it, and they are getting pretty good at reinventing it for their own purposes.
I'm amazed at the left's ability to make total bullshit an effective strategy, and many power players know exactly what they are doing with that. Other people have done it in the past, but we have the internet and widespread university education. Somehow more information doesn't seem to be the answer. The bullshit is totally outstripping our defenses. The enemy mistakenly thinks this is a good thing. And, yes, they are the enemy.
This has already been covered. The NAACP ruled that the disparagement of Americans, including Black Americans, can be reasonably done by left-wing Americans, and left-wing Black Americans specifically. Powell is therefore "right" (or at least free from liability) when condemning the GOP. He has received implicit approval and purchased indulgence from the leading civil rights business.
Shall we know celebrate or denigrate the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr? His insight was clearly not intended for, nor appreciated by, individuals with dreams of redistributive and retributive change.
I wonder whether Powell is considering running for President in 2016 as a Democrat. Maybe make a big announcement switching parties and denouncing the racist Republicans just before the campaigning starts to build momentum. It could work...
First, intelligence is a poor indicator of goodness. Second, left-wing actors are the ultimate "capitalists", in that their interest is to consolidate (i.e. monopolize) capital and power under authoritarian (i.e. minority) rule. They typically, and the American variety certainly, exploit differentials (e.g. skin color) and gradients to advance their political, economic, and social standing. That is their business model. That it happens in America through extortion and fraud is not really unique; but, it does represent measurable progress beyond the common violence employed by similar actors around the world and throughout history.
The intolerant GOP made him the first black Secretary of State, the first black Joint Chief, the first black National Security Advisor, and made his son a FCC honcho opposed by the tolerant Democrats.
The intolerant GOP nominated and confirmed the first female Supreme Court Justice, the second black Supreme Court Justice, and the first black female Secretary of State who was vilified as a "house negro" with thick lips by the tolerant Democrats.
Wonder what a tolerant GOP would be like? More like the Democrats?
Guess the General feels a bit guilty of doing such bad jobs that he was trusted to do.
I am intolerant of rappers with 11 children (whose names the rapper cannot recite) with 10 women. I am intolerant of a president who is black and has failed at every turn to use his podium, his high office, to condemn this kind of behavour that is decimating the black community. Not once has he preached about the destruction of the black family. I am intolerant
If the Dems nominate Powell for the presidency in 2016 and Powell picks Morgan Freeman as his veep, think of it, two absolutely untouchable perfect black men who must not be questioned never no how no way. There won't be a campaign at all since anything less than throwing in the towel on day one by the Republican token will be vilified, and rightly so, as RACISSS! Keerist, it'll be positively orgasmic.
When you complained about his actions/policies, how often did you also refer to the color of his skin? For example, did you say "Fuck that asshole!" or was it "Fuck that white asshole!"
The comments of ricpic (and Maguro) point to a central question, namely. will the Donkeys ever run a white male for President ever again? It is clear that they cannot honestly run/debate openly on their philosophical principles so they will have to, will they not, elevate "untouchable" PC minority candidates who, by mere dint of their PC status, no longer have to suffer any criticism of their philosophical and/or programmatic political stance?
PurpleP. Focus on that. Make yourself feel great. Ignore the giant problem in the black community created by liberal policies. But the important thing is that you feel good about your purity. Ignore the problem your smugness has created. Supported. Enshrined.
To become a registered member of some political party, you don't have to pledge never to vote for any other parties' candidates.
It just means that you feel more comfortable with that party's platform than with those of other parties. Not that you always feel comfortable with that party's candidates.
Michael: Why are you focused on me instead of paying attention to the giant problems in the black community? Why do you ignore the problems your smugness has created? Are you trying to make yourself feel great or something?
And frankly, I don't understand why you're trying to shame me into silence, but I totally understand that I must have hit a nerve.
Chuck asks: "When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them?"
Lane Kirkland Jeane Kirkpatrick (switched to GOP) Ben Wattenberg Phil Gramm (switched to GOP) Susana Martinez (switched to GOP) Joe Lieberman (became Independent) Zell Miller
Aww... one little speech. His years of community organizing in Chicago clearly haven't worked. 500+ murders this past year. Way to go Obama and absent black fathers.
When you complained about his actions/policies, how often did you also refer to the color of his skin? For example, did you say "Fuck that asshole!" or was it "Fuck that white asshole!
Depends on how I feel at the moment.
A lot of the animosity toward Bush among the lefties in Woodstock was based on the fact that he was a white man.
The Republicans have done all they can for Colin Powell. He no longer needs them.
Of course, since he had so little experience in political, military and international affairs, that speech he gave at the UN about Iraq was all the Republicans fault.
@Inga, talk is easy. Where are Obama's policies to make it less attractive for inner city women to be single mothers than married mothers. Where are his policies to make it more attractive for young inner city men to marry the women instead of boasting about eleven children by ten different mothers?
Penguin. No interest in silencing you you silly person. How absurd. Just pointing out that liberal policies have resulted in calamity for blacks while liberals preen. And please continue to crow about your purity silly girl.
Really, I'm not sure why people view one party as so much different than the other when it comes to humorless, or respect for different views, or tolerance.
He's got nothing. No power, no mojo, no political clout, no words of wisdom. Nothing.
Neither side wants him. He's burnt his bridges with Republicans and never clicked with Democrats. He had a decent post-military career as a motivational speaker at pep rallies for insurance sales people, but now even that's run out of steam.
His hobby is restoring old Volvo cars. That's right up there in the "shit white people do" top ten.
The GOP's "dark vein of intolerance" is the musing of an aging former general who got pushed up the ladder as far as his own abilities could manage, and then became angry that a few extra rungs weren't thrown in because of his skin color.
"sinz52 said... Chuck asks: "When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them?"
Lane Kirkland Jeane Kirkpatrick (switched to GOP) Ben Wattenberg Phil Gramm (switched to GOP) Susana Martinez (switched to GOP) Joe Lieberman (became Independent) Zell Miller"
Yes, we all know the names. And when was the last time any of them were interviewed in the MSM expressing how the Democrat Party left them? Answer- never, to my knowledge. Once they left.
The MSM isn't interested in any of their viewpoints at all- unless, for any reason at all- they momentarily co-incide with Democrat/Liberal aspirations. Then, they suddenly become statemenlike. And then disappear again.
It's interesting that our Southern Gentleman, Michael, is so quick to blame liberals as somehow causing the people who would have at one time been his property to self-corrupt. No, in Michael's mind, it's not the fact that slaves were forcibly bred by their owners that impacted their bonds of family. It was liberals. Always the liberals.
Truly the most nauseating blogpost and thread in a long, sordid, if muted history that can only stay so hidden beneath the surface for so long. And an astounding depiction of a party so senseless and disarrayed as to forget that political impotence is no guarantee from further debasement and decline. May the last Republican left taking up the cause of privileged white nobility please remember to turn out the lights.
As for Shouting Turd, his bellowing about the need of politicians to protect his (white, racial) interests reminds me of Robert DeNiro's character in This Boy's Life, crying to the abused wife and battered son as they leave him about how no one cares about him, the real victim.
Truly a display as sad, shameful and nauseating as I suppose it was predictable and necessary. Enjoy your irrelevance, fossils.
It must be difficult, finding a politician to look out for "your interests."
Tell everyone what you really mean by that, Dwight. Why not come out in the open and tell everyone what thoughts really lurk underneath that statement.
50 years of liberal policies. Black out of wedlock births go from 17% to 70%. Liberal adjustments to policy? Point to slavery and call southerners racist. Hug themselves.
Tell us about your political "interest" in racial politics, Thomas. Which of them is looking out for you?
Well, as stupid as you are, you seem to not be so stupid as to explicitly tell us what you mean by that one, you cowardly blowhard and pisspoor, third-rate, kiddy-tune session musician.
It's funny. DeNiro's character "Dwight" in that movie also fancies himself a musician. He gets up with a saxophone and bleats out some of the foulest sounding notes any jackass has had the bluster to muster.
You are a loser. Let us know about your revanchist dreams of a newfound white nobility once you find the retracted ballsack for it. What a retard.
Ritmo, you've got about five minutes. That's how long I'll put up with a dumb bastard like you before I go turn on the keyboard and the recording studio.
I do enjoy beating the living hell out of you, and you deserve it. You seem to be an utterly worthless, degraded, stupid and vicious son of a bitch. You haven't exhibited a single redeeming characteristic on this board.
I am confident that the world is beating the shit out of you with no help from me. You've got it coming, so it comes to you with or without outside assistance.
A lot of the animosity toward Bush among the lefties in Woodstock was based on the fact that he was a white man.
Unless that is an admission that you're a lefty in Woodstock, it doesn't answer my question.
I know I've seen you refer to black people as "black" quite often, but I can't recall if I've ever seen you refer to a white guy as white before. And not just you...seems to be a pattern for a lotta folks.
Thanks for the kind response...for real.
Just pointing out that liberal policies have resulted in calamity for blacks while liberals preen.
That's right. You're just pointing, and doing nothing else.
You need to quit your preening and start fixing the problems you have been causing.
And why are you whining about "liberals" to me? Should I complain about the bad service I got at Burger King the other day to you?
And please continue to crow about your purity silly girl.
Is this code for something? 'cause I don't get it...
Has Colin Powell ever said that, what with all the gun deaths in America, he doesn't think that Ray Lewis should be allowed to play pro ball? Has he ever said that if he met Naomi Campbell he would not shake her hand because she accepted a bag of blood diamonds from that murdering thug Charles Taylor? Does he want to be the first black public figure in America to go on the record criticizing Michael Vicks?.....I understand that there is such a thing as white bigotry, but, honestly, how much courage does it take for a black man to criticize whites. I have yet to read of a black man publicly charged with a crime to receive widespread black criticism.
sinz52 said... "Chuck asks: "When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them?'
Lane Kirkland Jeane Kirkpatrick (switched to GOP) Ben Wattenberg Phil Gramm (switched to GOP) Susana Martinez (switched to GOP) Joe Lieberman (became Independent) Zell Miller"
And not one of those people were ever asked; "Tell us about how your party left you..."
Joe Lieberman lost a primary; but he thought he could win as an independent and he did.
Zell Miller doesn't get the Colin Powell treatment in the press; Zell Miller was treated as an object of ridicule by much of the mainstream media. By the way, you forgot Strom Thurmond.
But you remembered another southern artistocrat, Lane Kirkland, who never switched parties, who remained a Democrat, and who is famed for his quote, responding to a question about why U.S. labor unions were so wedded to the Democratic Party said, "I've been standing, tippy-toed, waiting to be kissed [by a Republican] and no one has come forward."
You see, I wasn't talking about that rare bird of American party-switchers, but rather the notion of any Democrat who complained about his party moving too far to the left to warrant his continued support.
Indeed, there was a whole block of such Americans, who essentially had no representative face or voice because no leader emerged through the gauntlet of the American press. We called that group "Reagan Democrats."
The honest thing for Colin Powell to do, would be to do what Phil Gramm and Jeane Kirkpatrick did. Just quit the party with which you no longer agreed, and join the other party and stake your ground, with no regrets and no whining.
Colin Powell has a dark vein of back stabbing. He really did George Bush and 'Scooter' Lobby in not revealing that it was his deputy, Richard Armitage, who was the source for the famous column about Valerie Plame.
"All dieing off daily." In my (me and siblings) family alone still alive 1 parent, 5 children, 21 grandchildren, 9 greatgrandchildren. All white conservatives, 18 of them voters.
I'm gonna rant here a little bit... but what a FUCKING moron.
THIS idiot can't point to any violence from the Right in how long? 50 years? 60 years? But I can point to a dozen from the Left in the past three years.
Oh STFU Bag of Douche. If you knew a damn thing about anything you'd know that the greatest and most stable era of enduring growth in American economics took place with the state that FDR built.
Republicans dismantled it and then stood around, mouths agape, scratching their butts, wondering how another 1929 could have occurred.
virgil xenophon said... Powell has always been a highly political officer. He gained his stars when he and several other junior Black Colonels of middling ability were promoted over senior white Colonels with FAR better records in order to quell potential race riots in the early 70s during the "Black Power" movement.
This is true. I know men who had thought about making the Army a career and then had to step aside.
I receive a lot of email concerning Army things and this was just brought to my attention, and I'm sure that all the other states, plus all the branches of the services have this also. Minnesota has a National Guard Diversity Program Manager.
Ritmo ignores that, like Obama, FDRs policies made things worse economically.
And yes, when a ponzi scheme is still working, it all looks so stable. Now that the ponzi scheme called Social Security has finally peaked and run out of money, there will be no mention of it, just paens to the faded glory of failed socialist policies.
FDR was also the racist who kept the Military segregated throughout WW2 and put Japanese people in racist camps for the high crime of having slanty eyes and brown skin.
Democrats are the party of Jim Crow, and the KKK. But, it's the GOP that is the problem. Yea right.
The NAACP has more racists pe capita these days, with their reflexive calling anybody that disagrees with their politics a racist. Witness Colin Powell.
The ugly side of the Democrats minority outreach is that it is based on the notion that white people are especially evil, and that Black Pride and Chicano Pride, both predicated on racist ideas about solidarity against white people, is something strive for. When whites express any sort of "pride" idea based on skin color, why, thats white supremist. But, somehow, brown skinned people that call for the exact same thing for those with the same skin color is "diversity" and it is to be celebrated.
It's the Democrats that remain a racist party to the core, using nameless white people to keep brown skinned people scared and on thei political plantation.
Now, with gay people, you are on solid ground to criticise them. The GOP seems all about compromising every principle except on abortion and equal rights for gay people. And the Dems aren't much better, seeing as how Obama only endorsed gay marriage when he needed their money and votes.
No Mr. Powell: The GOP has guiding principles which differ from yours since you are a progressive. Because you are a progressive, you insult and demean people who do not share your ideas. The GOP does not and will not share your ideas Mr. Powell. Now grow up a bit and enjoy your retirement.
O Ritmo Segundo said... Oh STFU Bag of Douche. If you knew a damn thing about anything you'd know that the greatest and most stable era of enduring growth in American economics took place with the state that FDR built.
DADvocate said "Powell has become a bigoted, bitter old man."
That's a problem. I find myself going that way, and I try to fight it. My sons help me by making me listen to new music. There's still new beautiful stuff happening out there. We grumpy old men should get out more.
Powell cites the birther movement as triggering a need for GOP introspection. He might be right to a small degree, although I think partisans grasp any straw and the idea that this one is at root racist is largely wrong. Many Democrats for example cling to the erroneous ideas that Gore would have won Florida but for the court intervention / voter fraud in 2000 and the SBVT were "disproven". The fact that Obama is black doesn't make ideas about him racist as the left contends.
But where is the media's demand for introspection (and support by Party moderates) as it relates to the truther movement or the Unocal pipeline conspiracy theory?
As always standards only apply to the right, and that's why media bias is so successful. They hype every statement or event that could in any way be interpreted to taint Republicans while downplaying anything tainting the left. Since most Americans don't pay a lot of attention the media impressions carry fair weight, and this explains why the left does so well among low information voters.
The ranks of active duty military officers have been GOP dominated for generations. Funny how these intolerant white Republicans kept giving Powell these stellar OERs that got him all the way to the Chairmanship of the JCS.
The self described "New Deal kid" is just expressing his true feelings which, in turn, plays into the narrative of the Left, who are doing everthing to destroy all opposition ie Conservatives & the Tea Party. The General is what use to be called, "a useful idiot".
THIS idiot can't point to any violence from the Right in how long? 50 years? 60 years? But I can point to a dozen from the Left in the past three years.
During the recalls/protests there were quite a few violent acts from folks on the right...bomb threats called in, spitting on petitioners, and at least one brick through the window of a ProUnion coffee shop. There was also at least one abortion clinic bombing here in WI in the past year or so.
Ain't sayin' that is a reflection of everyone on the "right"...rather I'm sayin' that just 'cause the media ignores it doesn't mean it ain't happening.
It is sad, to me anyway, to see a flag rank officer demean himself as much as Gen. Powell has done lately. Given how almost his entire career advancement has been under the very kind of men he now demeans with the dark stain meme.
If one looks aback in time, it might not be surprising....then Major Powell is one the of the senior officers in Vietnam [Americal division...aka 23rd Infantry] who wrote a refutation of the My Lai incident in Vietnam. He had to think he was "pleasing" somebody...or he was following an odious order. Odd how not much has been dredged up about that feature of his career.
As an aside: I understand his action back then, however, because at a much lower rank, as an NCO, I had to lie to survive...and I damn sure knew I was lying and for whom. I resented it then, and I resent it to this day, even though I did it only when under extreme rank duress...and I apologize for not having the guts to say fuck you and telling the whole truth and nothing but...a stance I didn't reach until the 2000's. Inexcusable IMO. One of my several "guilt ticks."
Post Vietnam, Colin Powell was almost purely a political General, starting immediately in 1972 as a White House Fellow under President Nixon. Consider the timing, if you will, as one where dozens upon dozens enlisted and officer ranks were being denied re-enlistment and discharged, yet this ROTC officer is retained. Eventually promoted from one star to four stars in less than 10 years.
I can't understand why General Powell doesn't just STFU and move on. He has already had the best opportunities he will ever see. If he's honest, he would know whatever travails he's experienced were as much his doing as anyone else's.
Finally, we currently have over 800 flag rank officers in the US military of 1.4 million active under arms. The most that manning level calls for is about 300. What do the other 500 "stars" do? It long ago ceased being the cream of the officer crop.
You'll have to forgive me, but I wasn't keeping up much on current events in 1970. (Was a very selfish time of my life, and was living a very hedonistic lifestyle) So while I don't remember it directly, I have heard a lot about it since. ('twas working at the local newspaper when one of the reporters had a book published on the subject, and the subject matter was being talked about all over the building.)
Anywhos....I've had people only read 1/2 my posts and then replying to it before, but you're the first one who only read the second half before doing so. :D
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I liked how the Fox News article on this subject had Powell referring to "his" Republican party, noting that even though he voted for Obama twice, he still considered himself a Republican. This is like a woman having sex with men a couple of times and still considering herself to be a lesbian. Newsflash, Colin: If you vote for Democrats, you're at best an independent. You, sir, are not even a RINO.
Powell voted for Obama because Obama is black. He cannot give a reason other than race that he supports him.
As a Jamaican-American, I thought Colin Powell had a duty to scorn lazy, shiftless blacks.
With all due respect, tolerance IS the problem - not too little, but too much.
Too much tolerance of bad math, bad faith, bad argument, bad memory, bad journalism, bad laws, bad loans, bad outcomes.
Yes, the right is indeed less tolerant. I know I am, but then my life is not a series of mistakes either.
Second highest AA position in our history attained by this stunad.
A brief skim of the article tells the story.
We must constantly censor our language when talking about black government officials, to be sure to remove any phrase that might offend in any way.
Fuck that shit. Powell can stick it up his black ass.
Anyone who calls the president lazy is an obvious racist.
Colin Powell obviously has met with more racial slights than we would have thought, and it has had more effect on him than we knew.
However, I think it is Powell that needs to take a step back and take a lok at that brooding about it.
Most of what he quotes is not racism, but just him seeing racism in Rorschach blots.
I also think Powell is in a unique position in that if he had run back when, he would have been elected with acclamation from all sides. It does not help either him or the country hat he is now making this sort of comments.
And that Barack Obama's father was born in Kenya does not automatically make his son immune to any and all criticism for his policies, especially when they are at such variance with the ideas of most of the voting public.
He's talking about himself.
Oblivious lefty projection du jour.
I doubt that Powell has been suffering from racial slights.
This attempt to stifle the language of the opposition is just an extortion tactic.
Fuck any black who thinks he can tell me how I can talk. Fuck him up the ass.
Won't work. I'll talk the way I want to talk.
Imagine what he could have accomplished in his life if it hadn't been for that "dark vein of intolerance" we Republicans have.
Speaking of not tolerating crap, can Trump make Maher pay up?
I'm going to state, as has become the approved practice, that I'm not a big President Bush supporter.
But, after the horrifying defaming of Bush, including the outrageous assassination wet dreams, how can anybody suggest that there are limits of decency in talking about a president?
The left showed no decency in its attacks on Bush. The game is up, so far as asking for decency.
If we can't criticize and lambast blacks in the same way as any other people, then blacks should be not be in office.
Yeah.. well?
Racial politics is hard? No way!
Why, all you have to do is attribute bad faith to the speaker of words and phrases that bring out the racist in you! Does the word "lazy" remind you of black people? Well then the person who said the word in the first place must be a racist! "Shuck and jive" is a slave-era slur to you? Then whoever said it is racist. (BTW, this makes Chris Matthews a racist. Stuff we already know.)
If you hear the racist dog whistle, you're the racist dog. Apparently, though, you can distract from that fact by going up and sniffing your opponent's butt and reporting the findings.
Also, whenever you hear about the Republican party moving right - think about where the Democratic party is now as opposed to 20 years ago. It's the Democrats who have moved, not just out of town but out of the country. They're citizens of the world now. And the birthers? Remind me again, who started that rumor?
Powell's stirring up (bull)shit to keep his name in conversation and his power rating high. Jackass.
If the voice and pronunciations Mr. Obama uses on the campaign trail (as opposed to the one he uses for Prseidential announcements) is not "shucking and jiving," what is it?
Powell is correct about how the right wingers who nominated McCain and Romney shot from the hip.
Huntsman/Hagel would have been a much more acceptable loser's losing team.
Let's see the good General apply for a Cabinet post in the current Administration.
I love and respect Black conservatives, but mostly despise Black liberals. It seems those on the left likewise do the the same in reverse.
So why are only my motives suspect? At least my disapproval is limited to their ideas, while the left's attacks on Black conservatives (and whites for that matter) are mostly race based complete with a thick lathering of racial slurs.
If the incumbent does not treat the presidency with respect himself, he should not complain if he is answered in kind.
As for the comment above, anyone else here remember when Jack Kennedy ran well to the right of Richard Nixon in 1960?
And Colin Powell is old enough that he should remember!
Terms like "dark vein" and "rich lode" come in handy for minors of the truth, not for major figures. Powell is bating us.
Yes, yes, a vein of intolerance so dark that in the last year a Republican woman governor of South Asian ancestry appointed the first African-American senator in the South since Reconstruction.
South Carolina, the dark heart of GOP darkness pumping intolerance through the GOP's dark, intolerant veins.
I hope I have the hyphenated-American terminology correct.
This comment jumped out at me:
"The whole birther movement: Why do senior Republican leaders tolerate this kind of discussion within the party?" Powell asked. "I think the party has to take a look at itself."
I suppose I could point out that the only Democrat in a leadership position to speak out against the "truther" movement was former president Clinton, and he was limited to sputtering "How dare you" to a truther. But the core of the matter is this. Does Powell think that the Republican leadership can, or even ought to, set itself up to suppress free speech? However foolish and misguided the "birthers" are, they have a Constitutional right to express their sentiments, do they not?
Powell has been a startling disappointment. What color was that guy who made him Sec State again ? And Chairman of the Joint Chiefs? He's been a politician since he was a captain.
It's sad to see him demean himself.
We live in deeply unserious times. It is our misfortune that we also live in a time is need of great seriousness.
If he thinks the party should be shouting down people who say things he doesn't like he really should just go ahead and become a Democrat.
Did Powell have a problem when Andrew Cuomo said in 2008 that Obama was doing a "shuck and jive" with the media?
Or when Obama's press secretary, Jay Carney, used the term in a joking way during a 2011 press briefing?
So, as is the norm in these types of kerfluffles, Powell is demanding that blacks receive preferential and deferential treatment that would never be accorded to whites.
At some points, blacks, women and gays, those pet constituencies of the liberals, have to be told... "No, you've got enough. No more."
Nothing says intolerance like treating everybody the same way as equal citizens. Republicans!
Nothing says tolerance like picking through speeches looking for indelicacies, not finding them so looking harder, finding things that could be used and going,
That's why those rotten bastard Republicans are rotten to the core, it takes a FUCKING GENERAL like Powell to discover these things and remind us why we we must remain prickly. Wouldn't do to settle down. No. Then what would we have? Nothing. That's what. Proof, without racism Powell and we have nothing.
I suppose I could point out that the only Democrat in a leadership position ...
...to call down Howard Dean for floating the rumor that the Saudis gave the Bush Administration advanced warning about 9-11 was...
...um, nobody. Mr. Powell should know, he was Sec'y of State at the time.
By invoking that imagery, did Powell just call Republicans dicks?
We live in deeply unserious times. It is our misfortune that we also live in a time is need of great seriousness.
We live in a time when the majority party looks outwards to the rest and says: "reform yourself and become like us" instead of "are we really what we should be?" It's lack of introspection. I find Powell utterly disingenuous.
Amartel said ...
If you hear the racist dog whistle, you're the racist dog
bagoh20 said...
With all due respect, tolerance IS the problem - not too little, but too much.
Thread winners.
Aside: Who on earth cares one whit what Colin Powell thinks anyway?
"Powell: GOP has 'a dark vein of intolerance.'"
Did Powell just find something not covered by Obamacare?
I don't think Colin Powell is being disingenuous, but I do think he is brooding himself into a dark old age.
Trump can't make Maher pay because of an infelicity. It was an unserious offer, which makes it not an offer at all.
Next time get Maher to sign something, which act trumps infelicities.
This is the dialectic of affirmative action. To the extent that one like Powell is a beneficiary of it the level of racism must rise to make that benefit seem fair and that beneficiaries' achievement legitimate.
We will soon reach the tipping point when minorities will be sufficiently empowered by affirmative action that it will never be repealed.
Maybe Powell wants to be the Secretary of Defense after Hagel's nomination falls apart.
That deep vein of intolerance must be why the local GOP I encountered years ago was touting Powell for president. And when he declined, the same ones quickly switched to Condi Rice. They seemed to fetishize the moderate, presentable blacks, as opposed to, say, Al Sharpton. But they raised Powell and Rice over competing white candidates.
All evidence of a dark vein of intolerance. Deep-seated, and hard to root out.
Powell absolutely abhors the affirmative action tag fluttering from his ass. Certain men get old and a lifetime of ass-kissing and politicking leave them friendless and all they're left with is primitive notions of a "core" identity buried under a lifetime of role-playing.
Powell's come full circle to his teenage years. It's redo time.
Finally, he's a brother.
The GOP may have a "dark vein of intolerance" but they are the only hope for survival of the African-American community. The African-American birth rate fell below replacement level in 2006. At that time African-Americans were 12% of the population but 34% of all abortions. Since then Obama has made abortions even cheaper with the specific intention of increasing the minority abortion rate. Who opposes this? Only the Republican party which is characterized by racism and a "dark vein of intolerance" according the the media and the liberals. Will Democrats act to save the African-American community from being wiped out by abortion / contraception? Garage? Is government funding which is accelerating the destruction of the African-American community OK with you? Maybe there is a dark quiet vein of intolerance in the Democratic party? Inga? Mechanic?
Powell has always been a highly political officer. He gained his stars when he and several other junior Black Colonels of middling ability were promoted over senior white Colonels with FAR better records in order to quell potential race riots in the early 70s during the "Black Power" movement. (There were Army caserns in Germany that had areas where white officers could not go even in daylight.) His first assignment was to the 2nd Inf Div in Korea as Deputy Commander and IG (Unit Inspector General--which the No2 guy always is in the armed services) where he immediately began to court-martial the black fomenters of mutiny as only Black generals could do such things without bringing on the very riots the Army was trying to prevent in those racially volatile times. Powell was always first and foremost NOTHING BUT a "political general." (Now, this is not to say he was incompetent, but he was/is FAR from the "best and the brightest" the Army then had to offer save for the ONLY thing that counted for what was seen to be needed in those times--the color of his skin). And let us note that Powell was ONLY TOO WILLING to be "used" by the white dominated military and civilian leadership if it would advance his career. Talk about biting the hand that feeds you! Powell owes EVERYTHING to his skin color and historical timing; otherwise a Colonel of his true abilities would hardly have made flag rank and most likely retired at the rank of Colonel The guy was a VERY ordinary slightly above average B+ type officer who just happened to have the added advantage of his skin color at a very opportune time in our nation's history..
Infelicity read infidelity... I only got it after a few tries.
Through an ass darkly, in vain has he struggled.
I thought "Infelicity" was that show with the girl with the curly haircut that lost her career after she got it cut.
(She is starring in the new show called "The Americans" on FX about a bunch of KGB spies living in the US during the 1980's)
It wasn't until today that I figured out Colin Powell. How it is that his schtick works.
I kenw he posessed the magic perfecta of "respected black leader" and "military." The two things -- maybe the only two things -- that supply you with a free pass to avoid hard questions in the arena of public events.
That's the deal with Colin Powell. People seem interested in hearing his opnions on all sorts of things he knows nothing about; like the Tea Party. And while he gets lots of press, he doesn't get what anybody in public affiars needs to get, and that is hard questions from your opposition.
I should add something. There is one more category of persons in public life who get no hard questions from the press. And that is "Republicans whose party has left them." The press loves that group. Can't wait to hear their stories.
When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them? That John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson wouldn't recognize a party that endorsed gay marriage and gays in the military? That state-funded abortion was an extreme position that a generation of Democrats had regarded as unthinkable? That racial quotas in public education and public hiring were anti-American and unthinkable for Democrats who had spent a lifetime opposing race-based decisions?
I rather liked the comment above; that "RINO" was a term that can scarcely count in the case of Colin Powell. At what point, after supporting Democrats in two straight presidential elections, are you still a Republican, even in name? And what Democrat, after supporting two straight Republican presidential tickets, would still be getting national press attention as some sort of representative of his or her party?
So the GOP as a 'dark vein of intolerance' and what Powell? What does the Democrats have? A super black hole of intolerance?
I mean look at all of what the Dems have done in the last four years? Intolerance? Sounds like Powell is trying to become a Democrat by out-Democrat the Democrats.
Yes when the Republicans are out of office it's easy to just jump ship to the 'dark side'.
I get the impression that some people who decry racism at every opportunity don't hate is as much as envy it, and they are getting pretty good at reinventing it for their own purposes.
I'm amazed at the left's ability to make total bullshit an effective strategy, and many power players know exactly what they are doing with that. Other people have done it in the past, but we have the internet and widespread university education. Somehow more information doesn't seem to be the answer. The bullshit is totally outstripping our defenses. The enemy mistakenly thinks this is a good thing. And, yes, they are the enemy.
This has already been covered. The NAACP ruled that the disparagement of Americans, including Black Americans, can be reasonably done by left-wing Americans, and left-wing Black Americans specifically. Powell is therefore "right" (or at least free from liability) when condemning the GOP. He has received implicit approval and purchased indulgence from the leading civil rights business.
Shall we know celebrate or denigrate the memory of Martin Luther King, Jr? His insight was clearly not intended for, nor appreciated by, individuals with dreams of redistributive and retributive change.
On a related note:
"For God's Sake, Please Stop the Aid!"
It is dissociation of risk which causes corruption. It is dreams of instant (or immediate) gratification which motivates its progress.
I wonder if Powell actually cares about other people and Blacks specifically.
I wonder whether Powell is considering running for President in 2016 as a Democrat. Maybe make a big announcement switching parties and denouncing the racist Republicans just before the campaigning starts to build momentum. It could work...
First, intelligence is a poor indicator of goodness. Second, left-wing actors are the ultimate "capitalists", in that their interest is to consolidate (i.e. monopolize) capital and power under authoritarian (i.e. minority) rule. They typically, and the American variety certainly, exploit differentials (e.g. skin color) and gradients to advance their political, economic, and social standing. That is their business model. That it happens in America through extortion and fraud is not really unique; but, it does represent measurable progress beyond the common violence employed by similar actors around the world and throughout history.
Maguro is on to something..
Powell is obviously "evolving." Maguro may well be tracking the right spoor..
Running for the President for the first time while pushing 80? Impossible for anyone other than a crank candidate.
Ouch...tent getting smaller and smaller...
Well, machine, I don't give much of a fuck about tents. I'm more interested in a politician who actually represents my interests.
The intolerant GOP made him the first black Secretary of State, the first black Joint Chief, the first black National Security Advisor, and made his son a FCC honcho opposed by the tolerant Democrats.
The intolerant GOP nominated and confirmed the first female Supreme Court Justice, the second black Supreme Court Justice, and the first black female Secretary of State who was vilified as a "house negro" with thick lips by the tolerant Democrats.
Wonder what a tolerant GOP would be like? More like the Democrats?
Guess the General feels a bit guilty of doing such bad jobs that he was trusted to do.
I don't think we need to worry about the opinion of a cornball brother. Just sayn'
I am intolerant of rappers with 11 children (whose names the rapper cannot recite) with 10 women. I am intolerant of a president who is black and has failed at every turn to use his podium, his high office, to condemn this kind of behavour that is decimating the black community. Not once has he preached about the destruction of the black family. I am intolerant
Powell. Krugman.
Watch them, then go the other way.
You will always be on the right path.
Powell has become a bigoted, bitter old man. Not sure why. But, he's made himself irrelevant to both sides.
If the Dems nominate Powell for the presidency in 2016 and Powell picks Morgan Freeman as his veep, think of it, two absolutely untouchable perfect black men who must not be questioned never no how no way. There won't be a campaign at all since anything less than throwing in the towel on day one by the Republican token will be vilified, and rightly so, as RACISSS! Keerist, it'll be positively orgasmic.
Ann Althouse said...
Running for the President for the first time while pushing 80? Impossible for anyone other than a crank candidate.
Well, that explains why Halo Joe is supposed to be one of the leading lights for '16.
Along with Hillary.
I'm not a big President Bush supporter
When you complained about his actions/policies, how often did you also refer to the color of his skin? For example, did you say "Fuck that asshole!" or was it "Fuck that white asshole!"
Not judging - just curious.
The comments of ricpic (and Maguro) point to a central question, namely. will the Donkeys ever run a white male for President ever again? It is clear that they cannot honestly run/debate openly on their philosophical principles so they will have to, will they not, elevate "untouchable" PC minority candidates who, by mere dint of their PC status, no longer have to suffer any criticism of their philosophical and/or programmatic political stance?
PurpleP. Focus on that. Make yourself feel great. Ignore the giant problem in the black community created by liberal policies. But the important thing is that you feel good about your purity. Ignore the problem your smugness has created. Supported. Enshrined.
Obama speaks about absent fathers in black community
Newsflash for you, Clyde:
To become a registered member of some political party, you don't have to pledge never to vote for any other parties' candidates.
It just means that you feel more comfortable with that party's platform than with those of other parties. Not that you always feel comfortable with that party's candidates.
Michael: Why are you focused on me instead of paying attention to the giant problems in the black community? Why do you ignore the problems your smugness has created? Are you trying to make yourself feel great or something?
And frankly, I don't understand why you're trying to shame me into silence, but I totally understand that I must have hit a nerve.
Chuck asks: "When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them?"
Lane Kirkland
Jeane Kirkpatrick (switched to GOP)
Ben Wattenberg
Phil Gramm (switched to GOP)
Susana Martinez (switched to GOP)
Joe Lieberman (became Independent)
Zell Miller
Powell out of step with the times, I think. And he's also ignorant of history.
Shuckin and jivin is a slave term?
Aww... one little speech. His years of community organizing in Chicago clearly haven't worked. 500+ murders this past year. Way to go Obama and absent black fathers.
@sinz52 - It would certainly be interesting to know what Republican policies Powell agrees with, if there are any.
When you complained about his actions/policies, how often did you also refer to the color of his skin? For example, did you say "Fuck that asshole!" or was it "Fuck that white asshole!
Depends on how I feel at the moment.
A lot of the animosity toward Bush among the lefties in Woodstock was based on the fact that he was a white man.
And, penguin, for your edification, you can see how even handed I've been in this post...
Fuck any black who thinks he can tell me how I can talk. Fuck him up the ass.
I didn't say "Fuck him up his black ass."
Fuck that white asshole!
Can we please leave anal bleaching out of this?
The Republicans have done all they can for Colin Powell. He no longer needs them.
Of course, since he had so little experience in political, military and international affairs, that speech he gave at the UN about Iraq was all the Republicans fault.
@Inga, talk is easy. Where are Obama's policies to make it less attractive for inner city women to be single mothers than married mothers. Where are his policies to make it more attractive for young inner city men to marry the women instead of boasting about eleven children by ten different mothers?
Penguin. No interest in silencing you you silly person. How absurd. Just pointing out that liberal policies have resulted in calamity for blacks while liberals preen. And please continue to crow about your purity silly girl.
...and so does the Democratic Party.
Really, I'm not sure why people view one party as so much different than the other when it comes to humorless, or respect for different views, or tolerance.
Inga. Why you are right!!!!! Obama made a speech about it in 2008. One speech? 2008. How humiliating.
People still pay attention to Colin Powell? Why?
He's got nothing. No power, no mojo, no political clout, no words of wisdom. Nothing.
Neither side wants him. He's burnt his bridges with Republicans and never clicked with Democrats. He had a decent post-military career as a motivational speaker at pep rallies for insurance sales people, but now even that's run out of steam.
His hobby is restoring old Volvo cars. That's right up there in the "shit white people do" top ten.
The GOP's "dark vein of intolerance" is the musing of an aging former general who got pushed up the ladder as far as his own abilities could manage, and then became angry that a few extra rungs weren't thrown in because of his skin color.
Call it Condi Rice envy.
"sinz52 said...
Chuck asks: "When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them?"
Lane Kirkland
Jeane Kirkpatrick (switched to GOP)
Ben Wattenberg
Phil Gramm (switched to GOP)
Susana Martinez (switched to GOP)
Joe Lieberman (became Independent)
Zell Miller"
Yes, we all know the names. And when was the last time any of them were interviewed in the MSM expressing how the Democrat Party left them? Answer- never, to my knowledge. Once they left.
The MSM isn't interested in any of their viewpoints at all- unless, for any reason at all- they momentarily co-incide with Democrat/Liberal aspirations. Then, they suddenly become statemenlike. And then disappear again.
It's interesting that our Southern Gentleman, Michael, is so quick to blame liberals as somehow causing the people who would have at one time been his property to self-corrupt. No, in Michael's mind, it's not the fact that slaves were forcibly bred by their owners that impacted their bonds of family. It was liberals. Always the liberals.
Truly the most nauseating blogpost and thread in a long, sordid, if muted history that can only stay so hidden beneath the surface for so long. And an astounding depiction of a party so senseless and disarrayed as to forget that political impotence is no guarantee from further debasement and decline. May the last Republican left taking up the cause of privileged white nobility please remember to turn out the lights.
As for Shouting Turd, his bellowing about the need of politicians to protect his (white, racial) interests reminds me of Robert DeNiro's character in This Boy's Life, crying to the abused wife and battered son as they leave him about how no one cares about him, the real victim.
Truly a display as sad, shameful and nauseating as I suppose it was predictable and necessary. Enjoy your irrelevance, fossils.
May as well add Evan Bayh to sinz52's list. However, to his credit he basically said a pox on both your houses on the way out.
Ritmo is a lilly white boy who likes to pretend that he's devoting his life to saving the black people.
Too funny for words.
Mostly, he just spends his day jerking off to porn.
And, no, Ritmo.
I won't spend the night wrangling with you.
Go find a black person, if you can, and tell them how you are devoting your life to their salvation.
You want me to find one for you?
It must be difficult, finding a politician to look out for "your interests."
Tell everyone what you really mean by that, Dwight. Why not come out in the open and tell everyone what thoughts really lurk underneath that statement.
What a loser you are. And a coward, too.
Ritmo, go find something to do. You're too damned stupid to be posting on an internet board of any kind, which is saying something.
I'm going to spend the night playing and writing music.
Go play with your dick. That's about all a moron like you is capable of doing.
Over and out.
50 years of liberal policies. Black out of wedlock births go from 17% to 70%. Liberal adjustments to policy? Point to slavery and call southerners racist. Hug themselves.
Tell us about your political "interest" in racial politics, Thomas. Which of them is looking out for you?
Well, as stupid as you are, you seem to not be so stupid as to explicitly tell us what you mean by that one, you cowardly blowhard and pisspoor, third-rate, kiddy-tune session musician.
It's funny. DeNiro's character "Dwight" in that movie also fancies himself a musician. He gets up with a saxophone and bleats out some of the foulest sounding notes any jackass has had the bluster to muster.
You are a loser. Let us know about your revanchist dreams of a newfound white nobility once you find the retracted ballsack for it. What a retard.
Ritmo, you've got about five minutes. That's how long I'll put up with a dumb bastard like you before I go turn on the keyboard and the recording studio.
I do enjoy beating the living hell out of you, and you deserve it. You seem to be an utterly worthless, degraded, stupid and vicious son of a bitch. You haven't exhibited a single redeeming characteristic on this board.
I am confident that the world is beating the shit out of you with no help from me. You've got it coming, so it comes to you with or without outside assistance.
Three minutes to blastoff.
You and a few other arguing fuckers take the fun and enjoyment out of damn near every Althouse comment thread.
It's not about you. Grow the fuck up.
Right Haz. It's about Thomas. It always is. He's just that much of a cowardly, selfish, racist blowhard.
You're included, Ritmo.
A lot of the animosity toward Bush among the lefties in Woodstock was based on the fact that he was a white man.
Unless that is an admission that you're a lefty in Woodstock, it doesn't answer my question.
I know I've seen you refer to black people as "black" quite often, but I can't recall if I've ever seen you refer to a white guy as white before. And not just you...seems to be a pattern for a lotta folks.
Thanks for the kind response...for real.
Just pointing out that liberal policies have resulted in calamity for blacks while liberals preen.
That's right. You're just pointing, and doing nothing else.
You need to quit your preening and start fixing the problems you have been causing.
And why are you whining about "liberals" to me? Should I complain about the bad service I got at Burger King the other day to you?
And please continue to crow about your purity silly girl.
Is this code for something? 'cause I don't get it...
As long as you don't exclude Pet Thomas.
Face it wingnuts you are the party of white old southern men.
And white Althouse too.
And you are all dieing off daily.
Deal with it.
Also, it's funny that you predicted that this would be a "fun" thread, Haz.
Titus said...
Face it wingnuts you are the party of white old southern men.
And white Althouse too.
And you are all dieing off daily.
Deal with it.
LOL. You would cringe at my son's politics. BTW, what are your son's politics?
You know what's raaaaacist? Black ice!
And you are all dieing off daily.
Oh? What color?
Has Colin Powell ever said that, what with all the gun deaths in America, he doesn't think that Ray Lewis should be allowed to play pro ball? Has he ever said that if he met Naomi Campbell he would not shake her hand because she accepted a bag of blood diamonds from that murdering thug Charles Taylor? Does he want to be the first black public figure in America to go on the record criticizing Michael Vicks?.....I understand that there is such a thing as white bigotry, but, honestly, how much courage does it take for a black man to criticize whites. I have yet to read of a black man publicly charged with a crime to receive widespread black criticism.
sinz52 said...
"Chuck asks: "When was the last time you heard from a Democrat who felt as though their party had left them?'
Lane Kirkland
Jeane Kirkpatrick (switched to GOP)
Ben Wattenberg
Phil Gramm (switched to GOP)
Susana Martinez (switched to GOP)
Joe Lieberman (became Independent)
Zell Miller"
And not one of those people were ever asked; "Tell us about how your party left you..."
Joe Lieberman lost a primary; but he thought he could win as an independent and he did.
Zell Miller doesn't get the Colin Powell treatment in the press; Zell Miller was treated as an object of ridicule by much of the mainstream media. By the way, you forgot Strom Thurmond.
But you remembered another southern artistocrat, Lane Kirkland, who never switched parties, who remained a Democrat, and who is famed for his quote, responding to a question about why U.S. labor unions were so wedded to the Democratic Party said, "I've been standing, tippy-toed, waiting to be kissed [by a Republican] and no one has come forward."
You see, I wasn't talking about that rare bird of American party-switchers, but rather the notion of any Democrat who complained about his party moving too far to the left to warrant his continued support.
Indeed, there was a whole block of such Americans, who essentially had no representative face or voice because no leader emerged through the gauntlet of the American press. We called that group "Reagan Democrats."
The honest thing for Colin Powell to do, would be to do what Phil Gramm and Jeane Kirkpatrick did. Just quit the party with which you no longer agreed, and join the other party and stake your ground, with no regrets and no whining.
Small correction; I typed "gauntlet" but the correct term for what I intended is "gantlet."
Colin Powell has a dark vein of back stabbing. He really did George Bush and 'Scooter' Lobby in not revealing that it was his deputy, Richard Armitage, who was the source for the famous column about Valerie Plame.
"All dieing off daily."
In my (me and siblings) family alone still alive 1 parent, 5 children, 21 grandchildren, 9 greatgrandchildren. All white conservatives, 18 of them voters.
I'm gonna rant here a little bit...
but what a FUCKING moron.
THIS idiot can't point to any violence from the Right in how long? 50 years? 60 years? But I can point to a dozen from the Left in the past three years.
What an embarrassment.
I've lost all respect for this farking hack.
The Volvos have poisoned his mind.
"And you are all dieing off daily."
That's the only good part.
We lived mostly prosperous and free, with a lifetime of improving standards, and we lived our ancestors' dreams.
The young now are royally screwed, and despite all the promises of safety net security and the enormous cost they will bear for it, they too will die,
What a rip off.
Don't blame me, I voted to take the other road. At least that way there was something worth the effort of living.
Oh STFU Bag of Douche. If you knew a damn thing about anything you'd know that the greatest and most stable era of enduring growth in American economics took place with the state that FDR built.
Republicans dismantled it and then stood around, mouths agape, scratching their butts, wondering how another 1929 could have occurred.
Jokes. Fossils. Hypocrites.
Powell is the presses favorite "Republican". He can always be counted on to smear the party over race.
It's the gays that is where the intolerance is, not blacks. Not that the Dems are much better.
virgil xenophon said...
Powell has always been a highly political officer. He gained his stars when he and several other junior Black Colonels of middling ability were promoted over senior white Colonels with FAR better records in order to quell potential race riots in the early 70s during the "Black Power" movement.
This is true. I know men who had thought about making the Army a career and then had to step aside.
I receive a lot of email concerning Army things and this was just brought to my attention, and I'm sure that all the other states, plus all the branches of the services have this also. Minnesota has a National Guard Diversity Program Manager.
Ritmo ignores that, like Obama, FDRs policies made things worse economically.
And yes, when a ponzi scheme is still working, it all looks so stable. Now that the ponzi scheme called Social Security has finally peaked and run out of money, there will be no mention of it, just paens to the faded glory of failed socialist policies.
FDR was also the racist who kept the Military segregated throughout WW2 and put Japanese people in racist camps for the high crime of having slanty eyes and brown skin.
Democrats are the party of Jim Crow, and the KKK. But, it's the GOP that is the problem. Yea right.
The NAACP has more racists pe capita these days, with their reflexive calling anybody that disagrees with their politics a racist. Witness Colin Powell.
The ugly side of the Democrats minority outreach is that it is based on the notion that white people are especially evil, and that Black Pride and Chicano Pride, both predicated on racist ideas about solidarity against white people, is something strive for. When whites express any sort of "pride" idea based on skin color, why, thats white supremist. But, somehow, brown skinned people that call for the exact same thing for those with the same skin color is "diversity" and it is to be celebrated.
It's the Democrats that remain a racist party to the core, using nameless white people to keep brown skinned people scared and on thei political plantation.
Now, with gay people, you are on solid ground to criticise them. The GOP seems all about compromising every principle except on abortion and equal rights for gay people. And the Dems aren't much better, seeing as how Obama only endorsed gay marriage when he needed their money and votes.
No Mr. Powell: The GOP has guiding principles which differ from yours since you are a progressive. Because you are a progressive, you insult and demean people who do not share your ideas. The GOP does not and will not share your ideas Mr. Powell. Now grow up a bit and enjoy your retirement.
O Ritmo Segundo said...
Oh STFU Bag of Douche. If you knew a damn thing about anything you'd know that the greatest and most stable era of enduring growth in American economics took place with the state that FDR built.
Funny as hell.
I went to the link to find the metaphor.
I went to the transcript to find the metaphor.
There was nothing to discover, neither a dark vein returning deoxygenated blood to the heart, nor a rib in rainbow kale.
Give William Blake a metaphor like this and you might have one of the proverbs of Hell.
The crimson artery of pride returns the dark vein of intolerance.
Expect poison from the standing water.
DADvocate said "Powell has become a bigoted, bitter old man."
That's a problem. I find myself going that way, and I try to fight it. My sons help me by making me listen to new music. There's still new beautiful stuff happening out there. We grumpy old men should get out more.
So Powell is a pitiful, stupid, whiny race hustler.
It's sad that these people get press coverage, much less end up in positions of power.
Powell cites the birther movement as triggering a need for GOP introspection. He might be right to a small degree, although I think partisans grasp any straw and the idea that this one is at root racist is largely wrong. Many Democrats for example cling to the erroneous ideas that Gore would have won Florida but for the court intervention / voter fraud in 2000 and the SBVT were "disproven". The fact that Obama is black doesn't make ideas about him racist as the left contends.
But where is the media's demand for introspection (and support by Party moderates) as it relates to the truther movement or the Unocal pipeline conspiracy theory?
As always standards only apply to the right, and that's why media bias is so successful. They hype every statement or event that could in any way be interpreted to taint Republicans while downplaying anything tainting the left. Since most Americans don't pay a lot of attention the media impressions carry fair weight, and this explains why the left does so well among low information voters.
The ranks of active duty military officers have been GOP dominated for generations. Funny how these intolerant white Republicans kept giving Powell these stellar OERs that got him all the way to the Chairmanship of the JCS.
Racists, all, clearly.
People still pay attention to Colin Powell? Why?
Well, the liberal media does because he's a handy stick with which to beat Republicans with.
The self described "New Deal kid" is just expressing his true feelings which, in turn, plays into the narrative of the Left, who are doing everthing to destroy all opposition ie Conservatives & the Tea Party. The General is what use to be called, "a useful idiot".
THIS idiot can't point to any violence from the Right in how long? 50 years? 60 years? But I can point to a dozen from the Left in the past three years.
During the recalls/protests there were quite a few violent acts from folks on the right...bomb threats called in, spitting on petitioners, and at least one brick through the window of a ProUnion coffee shop. There was also at least one abortion clinic bombing here in WI in the past year or so.
Ain't sayin' that is a reflection of everyone on the "right"...rather I'm sayin' that just 'cause the media ignores it doesn't mean it ain't happening.
Sterling Hall. Remember that? Left wingers did that.
Bombing the Pentagon and a NYPD station. Remember that? Left wingers did that. One went on to become besties of the current POTUS.
It is sad, to me anyway, to see a flag rank officer demean himself as much as Gen. Powell has done lately. Given how almost his entire career advancement has been under the very kind of men he now demeans with the dark stain meme.
If one looks aback in time, it might not be surprising....then Major Powell is one the of the senior officers in Vietnam [Americal division...aka 23rd Infantry] who wrote a refutation of the My Lai incident in Vietnam. He had to think he was "pleasing" somebody...or he was following an odious order. Odd how not much has been dredged up about that feature of his career.
As an aside: I understand his action back then, however, because at a much lower rank, as an NCO, I had to lie to survive...and I damn sure knew I was lying and for whom. I resented it then, and I resent it to this day, even though I did it only when under extreme rank duress...and I apologize for not having the guts to say fuck you and telling the whole truth and nothing but...a stance I didn't reach until the 2000's. Inexcusable IMO. One of my several "guilt ticks."
Post Vietnam, Colin Powell was almost purely a political General, starting immediately in 1972 as a White House Fellow under President Nixon. Consider the timing, if you will, as one where dozens upon dozens enlisted and officer ranks were being denied re-enlistment and discharged, yet this ROTC officer is retained. Eventually promoted from one star to four stars in less than 10 years.
I can't understand why General Powell doesn't just STFU and move on. He has already had the best opportunities he will ever see. If he's honest, he would know whatever travails he's experienced were as much his doing as anyone else's.
Finally, we currently have over 800 flag rank officers in the US military of 1.4 million active under arms. The most that manning level calls for is about 300. What do the other 500 "stars" do? It long ago ceased being the cream of the officer crop.
You'll have to forgive me, but I wasn't keeping up much on current events in 1970. (Was a very selfish time of my life, and was living a very hedonistic lifestyle) So while I don't remember it directly, I have heard a lot about it since. ('twas working at the local newspaper when one of the reporters had a book published on the subject, and the subject matter was being talked about all over the building.)
Anywhos....I've had people only read 1/2 my posts and then replying to it before, but you're the first one who only read the second half before doing so. :D
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