January 13, 2013

"Madison City Council quietly abandons effort to create code of conduct for members."

The most amusing lines come from  Alder Lauren Cnare: "We could have come up with a set of guidelines that would have helped people behave in situations that are sort of gray" and "I think it's over until something happens again."

The something that happened this time, sending the council into a tizzy about codification, was that one alder allegedly did something sexual to another alder the morning after a long night drinking together.


edutcher said...

Considering "other liberals and moderates 'have privately expressed their disdain for him and his inappropriate behavior'", he's obviously guilty as sin.

The truth of this is a jump ball, but, if this is a code of conduct thing, Madison needs better city government.

Automatic_Wing said...

Episodes of binge drinking leading to regrettable sexual encounters is sort of expected in a college town, but usually not from middle aged city council members.

Oh well, I guess Madison likes to be at the cutting edge of social change. Forward!

Shouting Thomas said...

Prick teasing in the land of the feminist behavior regulators!

I'd like to give somebody some advice, but the old adage seems to apply:

Don't stick your dick in a blender!

Roadkill said...

Sounds like there was some sort of aldercation. Or something.

Shouting Thomas said...

A question:

How does the Madison lefty male manage to get a boner for the Madison lefty female?

My dick wants to live.

Strelnikov said...

"Alders"? Why not just go with "Elders"? Sounds so much more...archaic.

Ann Althouse said...

"How does the Madison lefty male manage to get a boner for the Madison lefty female?"

Read the details. The alleged intrusion was digital.

kentuckyliz said...

It's unacceptable, therefore it must be banned! We need more regulations to ensure that other people don't behave in unacceptable ways.


Shouting Thomas said...


How does the Madison lefty male become aroused enough to want to embark on a digital intrusion into the Madison lefty female?

Said male is still sticking his dick in a blender.

Alex said...

So common sense is so void amongst government employees that you need to instill it? These are adults, if they don't already know it they're fucking hopeless loser jerkwad jerkoffs.

Wince said...
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n.n said...

So, these are the people who are offering to moderate our behavior, while they demonstrate an inability to moderate their own. It also explains their obsession with certain "rights". She's fortunate that the intrusion was not made by a single "digit."

Wince said...

Speaking of digital piracy (or was he being a privateer?)...

By contrast, Solomon describes his digital workmanship as producing not one, but two, orgasms in a woman who suffers from sexual trauma on the morning after an excessive atypical drinking binge.

Cat Scratch Fever

Well I made her pussy purr with the stroke of my hand
They know they're gettin' it from me

And they know just where to go when they need a lovin' man
They know I'm doin' it for free

I give 'em cat scratch fever, cat scratch fever
They got it bad scratch fever, cat scratch fever

Mogget said...

I'd like to know who it is that is unsure whether or not wandering fingers are inappropriate. Cause you'd think after all this national conversation on the war on women that it wouldn't be much of a head-scratcher.

Shouting Thomas said...


Basic hygiene dictates that head scratching and wandering fingers could lead to unwanted infections.

Fortunately, bikini waxing seems to have wiped out crabs.

MadisonMan said...

I think there should be rules against wasting taxpayer money (Hello Bike Path Lights).

That Alder Solomon can digitally manipulate his bar conquests to orgasm is very very insignificant.

Big Mike said...

Typical leftie politicians. Rules for the rest of us, but never rules for them.

MadisonMan said...

BigMike, to my knowledge, the Madison City Council has not established rules for hoi polloi restricting the ability to go to a bar, get smashed, pick up a woman, and massage her clitoris to orgasm.

kimsch said...

Strelnikov said...

"Alders"? Why not just go with "Elders"? Sounds so much more...archaic.

It's short for Alderman. Which was changed to Alderperson because Alderman and Alderwoman are sexist when "womyn" also hold the position. So I guess in Progressive Madison they've just shortened it to Alder.

Basta! said...

In the 2nd link, I see someone complained about a laxer standard being applied to liberals in government, "referring to calls for conservative state Supreme Court Justice David Prosser to step down amid allegations that he put liberal colleague Justice Ann Walsh Bradley in a chokehold in June."

Wow, Wisconsin is one hopping place.

And now I'm stuck picturing, say, Alito putting the chokehold on Ginsburg.

Anonymous said...

BigMike, Madison man is all wet (pun intended), there is an obscure law on the books that states drunk digital lovemaking must be performed using appropriate lubricant. Regulated by the FDA.

Big Mike said...

@Inga, please tell me you're joking.

(I started to type "please tell me you're pulling my leg," but in the context of this thread I chose to rephrase myself.)

Anonymous said...

I'm pulling your leg:)

kimsch said...

@Inga and @Big Mike - which meaning of "digital" are we speaking of? Sexting? or Finger F*cking?

chuck said...

Well, if they are going to screw someone it might as well be each other. I'm also happy that the government program training workers for the new digital age saved a good deal of money that otherwise would have been spent on contraception.

Anonymous said...

Oh I forgot we live in the digital age, I'm referring to the digits on a human hand.

YoungHegelian said...

When it comes to rules of conduct, it looks like the Madison City Council will just have to finger out things for themselves.

RonF said...

"one alder allegedly did something sexual to another alder"

"to"? Or "with"? Because the former sounds like rape.

MadisonMan said...

So I guess in Progressive Madison they've just shortened it to Alder.

Yes, we are governed by trees.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

If the rules were anything similar to the Dallas Cowboys... I could see why they were quietly abandoned.

• A midnight curfew. If a member is going to miss curfew, all the members must know in advance;

• No drinking alcohol.

• Members can’t attend any strip clubs and can only attend nightclubs if they are approved by a majority vote and have a security team with them.

• Members must attend counseling sessions twice a week.

• A rotating three-man security team will leave one man with Council members at all times.

• Members of the security team will drive City Council members to and fro City Council Meetings and functions.

David said...

Cnare is the new President of the Council. Here is what she said in an interview shortly after she was elected to that post. The question was whether there were any "troublemakers" on the new council.

I think we need to speak frankly about our last council. We had an outlier on the council (Ald. Thuy Pham-Remmele). It didn't work well for that person and it didn't work well for us. Depending on your point of view, we either looked like we were mean to her or she was mean to us. I don't want that to happen. I'm going to make darned sure that nobody gets marginalized. If behavior is inappropriate for lack of training, we should be able to provide our colleagues with training and coaching that says, "Here's the way we do it and here's why we do it and if you do it this way, things will work better for you."

No more outliers!

Conform, sheeple, if you know what's good for you.

Sam L. said...

The local David Gregory? Not on tape, though.

William said...

I wouldn't vote to convict him, but an alder who brags about his digital prowess does not grasp the responsibilities of his position.

kimsch said...

"MadisonMan said...

So I guess in Progressive Madison they've just shortened it to Alder.

Yes, we are governed by trees."


MadisonMan said...

an alder who brags about his digital prowess does not grasp the responsibilities of his position.

Well, he certainly grasps something, and it is related to a position.

Levi Starks said...

One of the problems I have with this blog is never knowing whether a given topic will be handled as a serious matter, or as a vehicle for humorous one liners.
I can only guess it's because I suffer from Aspergers syndrome, and have difficulty looking commenters in the eye.

Anyway, on to the topic.
"code of conduct" It's such a novel idea, I wonder whoever came up with it. It's just too bad their can't be some kind of universal code of conduct where all people treat each other with mutual respect.
But that's just crazy talk.

Anonymous said...

A hand up, not a hand out.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

City Council finds light vain of tolerance... but it was quickly clot up by racy materials on the computer.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

One of the problems I have with this blog is never knowing whether a given topic will be handled as a serious matter, or as a vehicle for humorous one liners.

I've always had trouble with abandoned codes of conducts at church steps.

KCFleming said...

I blame Bush.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I meant quietly abandoned... noisy abandonment seems insincere.

RazorSharpSundries said...

"That's the story of the Hurricane
But it won't be over till they clear his name."

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I'm seeing some kind of Drudgedy just now btw..

Saint Croix said...

"We could have come up with a set of guidelines that would have helped people behave in situations that are sort of gray"

1. Let the drunk girls sleep on the toilet.

2. Don't carry the drunk girls in the street, or you're going to be looking for car keys.

3. No bragging about orgasms in the police report.

4. No backrubs. That's like second base on the other side. Backrubs are just begging for misunderstandings and hurt feelings. If the gray area has a king, it is King Backrub. We have to draw a firm line on the backrub, and we say, no damn backrubs. At least not any backrubs involving public property or public officials. No way. Backrubs are out.

5. Small girls are only allowed to drink one Hurricane, unless they have identified a drinking buddy that will look after them.

6. You cannot volunteer to be a drinking buddy if you actually want to have sex with your drinking buddy.

7. No means no.

8. Yes means yes.

9. If there is no no and no yes, then you have a maybe. Unless she is asleep, which is a no.

10. Platonic sleepover invitations are strictly forbidden. Unless you're Amish or 13 or something.

McTriumph said...

I'm always confused by liberal sexual rules. On one hand Bill Clinton didn't have real sex with that women, besides it's personal and none of our business. But, on the other hand, if a women has regrets after participating in a romp it's date rape.

In this Madison case it seems the woman in question is a whack job, her ex is lucky to be rid of her. The man in question is also a whack job, his ex is lucky to be rid of him, but misses his digit, nothing a Rabbit can't fix.

MadisonMan said...

I blame Bush

(guffaw) Excellent.

Anonymous said...

He fingered her, then she fingered him.
Get it in writing next time.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
John henry said...

Ann I disagree about the best line in the story. My pick is this:

"Berg, who is small and doesn't typically drink to excess,"

She doesn't "typically drink to excess? What does that mean? She only gets shitfaced once a month? Once a week?

I read the whole story and it is just bizarre. I have no sympathy for either party. Both seem like a couple of losers.

Glad I don't live in Madison to be represented by these alderfolk.

John Henry

campy said...

Yes, we are governed by trees.

And they never leave.

Clyde said...

Speaking of digital penetration to orgasm, I watched the movie Hysteria the other night on Starz. It's one of those "based on true events" movies, where a London doctor in 1880 treats women suffering from "hysteria" with digital manipulation. Naturally, this popular treatment leads to very tired, cramped hands. The doctor's friend is an inventor who is working on a mechanical feather-duster that causes a lot of vibration... I'm sure you can see where the story goes from there. Maggie Gyllenhaal's character chews up the scenery. Sadly, the buzz was rather mixed on this film, so to speak.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...

How many alderpersons are there? How many were present at the lounge?

In Texas, Chapt. 551 of the Government Code covers "Open Meetings."

It is a violation for a quorum of officials - usually defined as a majority of the governing body, sufficient to make or change policy - to discuss any matter over which the governing body has power to make policy, unless such discussion be at a meeting open to the public, with statutory timely notice posted.

(Exceptions for announced closed sessions at which matters of legal, real estate, personnel, etc. are discussed. Voting however must be in public session.)

So ... does Wisconsin have such an Open Meetings Act? Was there a quorum of Alderpersons present? It is near inconceivable that at such an after-meeting gathering there would be no matters of City business discussed.

Hammond X. Gritzkofe said...


If anybody cares ...

TosaGuy said...

I've always preferred the term aldercritter.

SGT Ted said...

Of course they have a code of conduct: Lefties do what they please, as long as their politics are correct. Righties, not so much.

SGT Ted said...

Yes, we are governed by trees

That explains their wooden headed politics.

Kirk Parker said...
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Kirk Parker said...

Saint Croix,

I see you didn't go to Yale.

Lincolntf said...

I see they're still using the term "chokehold" in regard to the last squabble. Good ol media.

Strelnikov said...

EDH said: Speaking of digital piracy (or was he being a privateer?)...

I don't know where they come from, but they sure do cum.

Bryan C said...

"Solomon won't be charged, attorney Shelly Rusch wrote, only because the case has significant weaknesses that would make a jury unlikely to unanimously conclude he was guilty beyond a reasonable doubt."

Mean ol' juries and their stupid standards of reasonable doubt. What is Madison coming to when a woman's perfectly good allegations aren't enough to jail a man for his possible crimes?

MadisonMan said...

@TosaGuy, I like alderaans.

Astro said...

No code of conduct for the Brat pack?

McTriumph said...

Saint Croix

Rule 9 is a problem, some women are so bad at sex you can't tell if they are asleep or not.

"9. If there is no no and no yes, then you have a maybe. Unless she is asleep, which is a no."

Saint Croix said...

I hesitate to ask which rule they are breaking at Yale.

Roux said...

Hey, at least it wasn't "sexual assault, sexual assault".

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