January 14, 2013

Jodie Foster's Golden Globes speech isn't nutty or incoherent.

That's my working theory. Maybe you disagree. Transcript here. Highlights:
"So while I’m here being all confessional, I guess I have a sudden urge to say something that I’ve never really been able to air in public.... I am single. Yes I am, I am single...."
That is, she rejects the yep-I'm-gay routine. She's not being all confessional, like these other people.
"... But now I’m told, apparently that every celebrity is expected to honor the details of their private life with a press conference, a fragrance and a prime-time reality show.....

"But seriously, if you had been a public figure from the time that you were a toddler, if you’d had to fight for a life that felt real and honest and normal against all odds, then maybe you too might value privacy above all else. Privacy.  Some day, in the future, people will look back and remember how beautiful it once was."
Well said. That's rather old-fashioned and not what the pop-culture media have been telling us is the right way to be these days.

ADDED: Andrew Sullivan says: "What unadulterated bullshit."


jr565 said...

That part of the speech was clear, only what about the rest of the speech. Was she retiring. Was she going all Greta Garbo and removing herself from public life. Is she gay! Not gay?

jr565 said...

That part of the speech was clear, only what about the rest of the speech. Was she retiring. Was she going all Greta Garbo and removing herself from public life. Is she gay! Not gay?

Anonymous said...

She's pretty much in the complete wrong line of work for privacy eh? Whether it's reasonable to expect something as transient as privacy while spashing your mug across the cinema screen for DECADES... Color me doubtful. Why didn't she just become a college prof with a blog?

Unknown said...

I'm sure it made sense to her at the time.

KCFleming said...

I read it and it made sense. Maybe it sounded nutty.

I don't like to find out about the personal lives of entertainers I like. It ruins the magic.

ndspinelli said...

We agree, Althouse. I have long admired Foster. I respect her for standing by friends and thumbing her nose @ the Hollywood mindset. When she spoke of her mom who is obviously in the late stages of dementia it was a real tear jerker. But that wasn't the intent. She was just talking to her disabled mother..daughter to mom. Foster is all class in a culture that is just a veneer of class.

ndspinelli said...

Pogo, I didn't think it sounded nutty @ all. But, I like her so that would make me biased.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Put me down for "nutty."

And why broach the subject at all?

Darcy said...

I read the transcript and found her thoughts beautifully expressed.

sdharms said...

But we must want to know the details of their private lives -- after all , their self esteem is derived from loci external to themselves. So... the whole thing is UN-interesting. I dont want to help her by being interested.

Darcy said...

When I read the words about her mom I sobbed. I guessed she's losing her mom to dementia as well, and having lost my mom that way it touched me.

Shouting Thomas said...

Lying about these things is standard PR for Hollywood. So, why believe Foster?

Despite the BS, running out the "I'm gay" thing is good PR. She had to know the media would eat it up. The media loves trumpeting gaydom.

Let's go down memory lane. Hollywood used to trot out beautiful starlets for PR dates with the great leading men, like Rock Hudson, in order to sell them as daydream love idols for movie going women.

Rock Hudson turned out not to be hetero, right?

So, why believe Foster? Could just be a PR stunt.

ndspinelli said...

When Foster was doing her tease about being "single" the camera flashed to Jane Lynch[lesbian], who I also like a lot. Lynch looked peeved. That is just a Blink read on it..a snapshot. The camera cut was 2 seconds.

Anonymous said...

Meaning she's gay, there's nothing wrong with it, and that's none of your damn business, so f*ck off!

She is not in a wrong line of work. She is an actress, acting is her work. The cinema goers can vilify her work, criticize her for whatever reason, not watch her because she is gay, but her private life is none of your damn business.

Known Unknown said...

She stood by Mel Gibson through all of his difficulties, when others were kicking him when he was down.

Yes, Gibson can be a world-class jackass, but he and Foster obviously formed a meaningful friendship when they worked together, and she is the type of person to put that above whatever is politically/professionally expedient.

Simliar to the Michael Richards/Jerry Seinfeld Comedians in Cars Getting Coffee.

ndspinelli said...

Darcy, I cried like a little girl. I would encourage you to watch the videotape. It was straight from the heart. Both your moms had wonderful daughters!

Known Unknown said...

Orlando Bloom: I can't believe they pay us all this money to act ... I'd do it for free.

Johnny Depp: Privacy is expensive.

Lyle said...

I loved how she supported Mel Gibson through his problems.

A friend is friend.

edutcher said...

She was a child actress (one of the best ever IMHO), so, if she didn't know about the biz and its lack of privacy then, she learned about it after Mark David Chapman.

Conserve Liberty said...

I understood every word. IMHO (which I really shouldn't write, because who cares what my HO re: Jodie Foster's life is anyway) if she wants privacy she should have just stayed private.

But some of us are feeling a bit of mortality these days, and confessing things in advance and perhaps making some long-past-due amends.

Hell, I just received a message from my 40th High School Reunion Committee.

40th. Oh My.

Bryan C said...

It makes sense to me. I didn't hear it, though, only read it. What did she say during those seven seconds they bleeped out?

But it's nobody's beeswax if she's gay or not. I'm only interested in hearing from actors when they're pretending to be other people. I couldn't care less about the intimate details of their actual lives.

Darcy said...

I will. And thank you.

Bob_R said...

I only read the transcript. I'd go for "rambling" more than nutty. And the venue is completely appropriate for this type of speech. But then, I admire Foster greatly, so I'm kind of biased.

Shouting Thomas said...

Not long ago, I remember, Althouse wrote "Actors are liars."

The veneration of the gays thing has triumphed over her normal cynicism here. The veneration of the gays seems to override everything, particularly in the atmosphere of academia.

Foster risked nothing here and had everything to gain. The media is deep in the veneration of the gays BS, and looking for every opportunity to play out that theme.

It's only 50/50 that Foster is telling the truth. I'd put the odds lower than that if I were betting.

AllenS said...

Since she started acting so early in her life, it doesn't seem like it's a profession that she chose. It was just there for her, and she followed it. I didn't watch it on TV, but only read what everybody else read and it sounded quite honest and open to me. As we used to say, she has her head together.

Anonymous said...

There is no way I could ever stand here without acknowledging one of the deepest loves of my life, my heroic co-parent, my ex-partner in love but righteous soul sister in life, my confessor, ski buddy, consigliere, most beloved BFF of 20 years, Cydney Bernard. Thank you, Cyd. I am so proud of our modern family. Our amazing sons, Charlie and Kit, who are my reason to breathe and to evolve, my blood and soul.

Doesn't this say it without saying it? What else could she be saying here? "We're just good friends"?

prairie wind said...

I don't get those who wonder if she was telling the truth.

Oh, you mean you though this was her coming-out speech and you wonder if she really might be straight? But it wasn't her coming-out speech; it was her 'buzz off, you nosy buggers' speech.

Shouting Thomas said...

Oh, you mean you though this was her coming-out speech and you wonder if she really might be straight? But it wasn't her coming-out speech; it was her 'buzz off, you nosy buggers' speech.

Actually, it was her "please pay attention to me and my career and sorta buzz off" speech.

Anonymous said...

I don't get those who wonder if she was telling the truth.

Me neither.

I read the speech as heartfelt but difficult because it's so compressed. She's addressing her peers in the film industry and she's thought long and hard about this stuff, so her words are the tip of an iceberg.

ricpic said...

Blubbering self-pitying 50 year old but Althouse likes it because Jody bolsters the gay.

McTriumph said...

Jodie foster is a class act in real life. For those of you that didn't know Ms Foster was gay or at least bi, you haven't been paying attention for the last three decades.

Alex said...

ST - your bigotry shines through as always.

Shouting Thomas said...

Blubbering self-pitying 50 year old but Althouse likes it because Jody bolsters the gay.

There you go. That pretty much sums it up.

Alex said...

But honestly what's the last film Foster was in that mattered?

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

ST - your bigotry shines through as always.

The usual brain dead bullshit.

Crying bigotry has become the trademark of the brain dead idiot.

Shouting Thomas said...

Alex... which Alex are you today?

Conservative moby Alex or liberal moby Alex?

furious_a said...

I loved the "I'm Single" bit. I've had a crush on Ms. Foster (we're almost the same age) since I was a kid, so that line was one last crumb to which I can cling that she's not, you know, all-the-way whatever.

And, yes, she made a point of spending the event conspicuously in Mel Gibson's company. So, to her at least, there's something redemptive in the man. Bravo to her for not following the herd.

Amartel said...

Nice speech, funny but dignified. She is definitely one of the few entertainment industry figures who I can admire. She seems very cerebral and I bet she planned that speech out to the last word. In the moment things went a little sideways emotionally, she was nervous throughout and got really teary when talking about her mom. Completely understandable and relateable reactions. Well done!

furious_a said...

Doesn't this say it without saying it? What else could she be saying here?

It's like all the Halloween or Friday the 13th movies -- unless you see Michael/Jason's body on the slab in the morgue and the pathologist removing the brain then they're still alive.

Shouting Thomas said...

Folk, in light of the blubbering and whimpering show that Foster put on for you...

You might want to remember that she's a professional actress...

You know... "That's why they call it acting?"

traditionalguy said...

Jodi Foster is not nuts. She just talks over their heads and shows more courage than her jealous critics.

Shouting Thomas said...

Jodi Foster is not nuts.

No, she's an actress. See above.

Anonymous said...

Film Actors - what an excruciating subset of humanity. But I guess that says more about me than them.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Tupac summed it up best:

All I want is money, fuck the fame, I'm a simple man.

Anonymous said...

ST is just pulling rank on us because he knows all about sex and all about entertainment, don'cha know.

Shouting Thomas said...

When Foster was doing her tease about being "single" the camera flashed to Jane Lynch[lesbian], who I also like a lot. Lynch looked peeved. That is just a Blink read on it..a snapshot. The camera cut was 2 seconds.

In other words, the entire affair was scripted and choreographed down to fractions of a second.

Foster's remarks were undoubtedly written by a professional speechwriter, too.

firstHat said...

When our current president is incoherent, he is "nuanced." When a classy lady uses careful and humorous language, she is "nutty." Hey, I used to teach literature and specifically poetry. I can read Foster's words and with a bit of work and understanding, they actually say something. I can't say the same about the president's words most of the time. (lower case intended where used)

Paul said...

Guys, Hollywood, by definition, is fake.

Ever here of the Russian female duo TATU? Elena Katina and Yulia Volkova?

For years they faked out being a gay group but both married MEN (later once they uh.. passed puberty.)

Who knows, Jodie might be just teasing to jack up the ratings if she goes back to work as an actress. I mean these people are mostly in la-la land anyway.

I really just pity the kids they have. Most grow up twisted.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, my conclusion...

Whether or not you believe Foster, the ultimate purpose of this was PR. Whether or not you buy the PR depends upon which side of the veneration of the gays propaganda war you reside.

I'll take my own guess about what Foster's sex life is really like. She's an actress which means she's an exhibitionist and likes a lot of action. She's probably up for just about anything... gay, straight or in between... as long as there's a lot of it.

tiger said...

Foster is not on a higher moral plain for making this speech.

If anything, I think she is just as bad -if not worse- than the people she mildly ridicules - - the 'reality show/perfume' crowd - for saying she has fought for her privacy.
This is the same woman who a few years back while receiving yet another award gave overly-generous thanks for her partner of 10/15 year and then dumped her with-in 2 months.

Nope, if Foster was the kind of person she purports to be she wouldn't have said anything about her personal life.

Now if being gay didn't matter, then it wouldn't matter; the fact that her speech is considered 'news' shows that lots of people who say/write that sexual orientation doesn't matter then go and use her speech to make points about 'gay rights' are hypocrites.

Me? Farking allah! I don't care so just stop talking about it. However, gay or not she's still attractive, if a little brittle in the personality department.

Freeman Hunt said...

I read it without reading any commentary about it first, except for this post. I didn't see anything nutty or incoherent about it. It reads like a speech marking retirement from big budget films or maybe from acting, so I assume that's what it is.

Lyle said...

I can't believe some of you lot can't understand that Jodie Foster was being real with her speech.

... and a lesbian can give a speech that embraces her lesbianism or whatever. They wouldn't ever be able to give a speech if you think them speaking is some gay bolstering bs.

They lady is as decent as it gets for human beings.

Brian Brown said...

She's immature, vapid, and incoherent.

Like many, many others in her profession.

Lydia said...

Foster is a very smart cookie in a very tough town. And she's a superb self-promoter.

The Mel Gibson stuff has undoubtedly made her a huge hate object among the Hollywood elite, but she’s got a fan base and they can’t ignore that.

And she very openly dissed her mother about a year ago on Letterman, so maybe the moving tribute to her was to make up for that.

I've got an anti-Foster bias, though, because of her great passion for Leni Riefenstahl.

bagoh20 said...

To me it was a simple expression of joy and appreciation, and of love of the people in her life and how her life has been. The sexuality and privacy stuff was short and mostly inconsequential and... private.

I don't know much about her, but what I've known, I've always liked. She seems enviably happy. Good for her.

Amartel said...

Off topic: Just wondering how many more years they plan to nominate and celebrate the Must Destroy Palin mockumentary.
I'm ready to see less of the untalented Julianne Moore.

Bob Ellison said...

I still haven't forgiven her for Contact. Wow, that was bad. I loved her in Mad About You, though.

Tom said...

Well, the speech made Andrew Sullivan emote! So that was worth it :-).

Seriously, I think, Jodie sought to be normal and did a great job! It was an intelligent, if a bit coded, speech.

Alex said...

Contact was the last meaningful film Foster did. That means she's living off 15 years of that.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Up is down and down is up.

the wolf said...

She was a child actress (one of the best ever IMHO), so, if she didn't know about the biz and its lack of privacy then, she learned about it after Mark David Chapman.

I think you meant Hinckley.

SteveR said...

For me, Jodie Foster is one of those people who can do or say whateverthe hell they want. Not many folks in that category but I respect her.

jacksonjay said...

You ever known a woman who flaunted her cleavage and then acted like you were a perv if you looked? Duh?

Remember Anne showing her hootchie and then acting all coy? Next thing you know, she'll be wantin some privacy!

Remember Bubba Bill whining about his "private life" until they paid him a shit-load to spill the details?

Remember when Colon Powell was a Republican and then he wasn't?

el polacko said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
G Joubert said...

Regardless of what else Jodie Foster might be, she is also something of a rarity in Hollywood: a celebrity (and gen-Xer no less) tending towards traditional values, keeping for private life private and someone who is extremely loyal to her friends.

CatherineM said...

I didn't think it was the time and place for it. She should have talked about her career and told some movie stories. No one cares if she's gay anymore.

el polacko said...

are some folks thinking that because she said "i'm single" that was possibly a hint that she's not gay?? i'd say that referring to her female 'ex-partner and co-parent' settles the orientation question (if there ever was a question.) gay people can be 'single' too, y'know.

the speech may read better than it came across live. there was a tension and desperation in her demeanor that led many to conclude that she's nuts. she, obviously, has issues with having been a child actor and complained about having been in the biz for forty years even though she's only 50. she frequently contradicted herself saying, for instance, that she 'wants to be seen' while saying that she struggles with her desire to be permanently off the stage. she passionately talked of the importance of privacy and then delivered a highly personal message to her afflicted mother in front of millions of people. she announced that this wasn't going to be a 'coming out' speech and then launched into how she's come out to friends and family her whole life but wasn't about to 'hold a press conference'...she'll just give a speech at an internationally broadcast tv show.

she struck me as a bright person who has thought just a little too much about everything to the point of driving herself close to the edge. maybe she ought to take her own advice and just retire from the business, enjoy her riches, meet a nice gal, and learn how to relax. not everything in life needs to be a Big Deal.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Its not enough that gays can get married.

We need bigger magazines against homophobia.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Not wanting to pose nude is incoherent.

I'm 'quietly abandoning' all sense of right and wrong I've ever had.

jr565 said...

The speech makes more sense when you read the transcript rather than hear it spoken. But it's still pretty schizophrenic.

There is a duality of her wanting privacy and demadning to be seen that seems to be, to be charitable at odds. And she still seems to be talking about retiring. Or not.

For example she says:
' I want to thank you for everything: for your bat-crazed, rapid-fire brain, the sweet intro. I love you and Susan and I am so grateful that you continually talk me off the ledge when I go on and foam at the mouth and say, 'I’m done with acting, I’m done with acting, I’m really done, I’m done, I’m done.'

Her foaming at the mouth is her characterization of herself. And this speech seems to bare it out.
"You see, Charlie and Kit, sometimes your mom loses it too. I can’t help but get moony, you know. This feels like the end of one era and the beginning of something else. Scary and exciting and now what? Well, I may never be up on this stage again, on any stage for that matter. Change, you gotta love it. I will continue to tell stories, to move people by being moved, the greatest job in the world. It’s just that from now on, I may be holding a different talking stick. And maybe it won’t be as sparkly, maybe it won’t open on 3,000 screens, maybe it will be so quiet and delicate that only dogs can hear it whistle. But it will be my writing on the wall. Jodie Foster was here, I still am, and I want to be seen, to be understood deeply and to be not so very lonely."
So it she saying she's giving up acting again? Does she need to be talked down? It sounds like she's saying she's not going to do acting anymore. (Again!)
And then, after saying how she wants nothing but privacy she talks about how she wants to be seen and have people know she was her, and to be understood and not be lonely. So, she DOESN'T want to maitain her privacy and anonymity?

You can't have your cake and eat it too. If she never made another movie she might get that privacy, but then we wont know whether she's here or not and she will never be seen or heard from again (though maybe dogs will still hear her).

Fandor said...

Is any of this really important?

jr565 said...

are some folks thinking that because she said "i'm single" that was possibly a hint that she's not gay?? i'd say that referring to her female 'ex-partner and co-parent' settles the orientation question (if there ever was a question.) gay people can be 'single' too, y'know.

I thought she said SYdney which sounded like a guys name, so thought that was her saying she was hetero.i didn't realize that Cydney was a woman.
so despite saying it was no ones business, she then revealed her personal business.

Skipper said...

Standing before millions of TV viewers, she declares her privacy, sort of?

jr565 said...

"For me, Jodie Foster is one of those people who can do or say whateverthe hell they want. Not many folks in that category but I respect her."

I never had that much respect for her (though I didn't dislike her either) but I do like how she's stuck by Mel Gibson.

That earned her some respect in my book.

jr565 said...

Is she saying shes giving up acting but will only direct going forward?
I have no idea.

Tank said...

Alex said...

Contact was the last meaningful film Foster did. That means she's living off 15 years of that.

Foster won two awards for best actress, which is kinda like winning two superbowls. You really don't need to do anything else after that. Besides, as far as I know, she's not asking for your support or charity.

What is so terrible about "living off" your own great accomplishments in your field. She seems to be well respected by both her fellow actors and the general public.

test said...

Freeman Hunt said...
I read it without reading any commentary about it first, except for this post. I didn't see anything nutty or incoherent about it. It reads like a speech marking retirement from big budget films or maybe from acting, so I assume that's what it is.

I thought the same. If you want nutty read Ray Lewis' speech after the Ravens win. Summary: god told him to put his hands on Joe Flacco before the big play.

Bryan C said...

"so despite saying it was no ones business, she then revealed her personal business."

She has a partner and, despite a break-up, she felt the need to thank that partner for her love and support. That partner happens to be a woman. Some people insist that should be important even though she apparently disagrees.

I think she was expressing resentment at the idea that her sexuality is relevant beyond the sphere of her personal life. And mocking the idea that she has anyone she's obligated to "come out" to.

Tank said...


I'm gonna let you tell Ray he's nutty. I'll just wait outside, OK?

Moose said...

Sully does NOT approve.

MadisonMan said...

It was more coherent and interesting than 99+% of all other GG acceptance speeches.

That is, admittedly, a somewhat low bar to clear.

kjbe said...

I’m a fan, but I’m not seeing how a speech for a lifetime achievement award is the time/place/audience for a speech defending privacy, invoking intimate details of her private life…on live tv. A big shout-out to her ex-partner would have brought less scrutiny and more privacy, IMO.

jacksonjay said...

Mr. Lewis, like Ms. Foster strikes me as a little unhinged.

sparrow said...

Privacy is the cost of such a public profession , but her cases was especially bad being a child actor and having a would be assassin admirer

test said...

Tank said...

I'm gonna let you tell Ray he's nutty. I'll just wait outside, OK?

As long as his friends aren't around I'll be fine. But I was thinking I'd send a letter.


Matt Yglesias

ndspinelli said...

Shouting Thomas is not a gay basher. On the contrary, he is still the biggest supporter of Jerry Sandusky. ST believes this fine man was railroaded. So lay off ST, he's really smart and very consistent!!

Baron Zemo said...

Jodie Foster is ok but she is sure as shit no Kim Richards. Just sayn'

Baron Zemo said...

Hey Tank...way to sneak in an Eli
Manning comment just to cheese off the Cheese Heads.


ndspinelli said...

Eli Manning was vacationing w/ his family in Alaska when he was a teenager. He met some local kids and wanted to get into their Alaska Ranger Club. They told Eli he would have to kill a moose and fuck an Eskimo woman as the initiation. After being gone for a day Eli returned and asked, "Now..where's that Eskimo woman I'm supposed to kill?

Leland said...

I only read it, like many others. What I read sounded very coherent and honest. The delivery may have been nutty, but I don't care. There's more than enough reasons why I don't watch the Golden Globes, this is just one on the list.

Whether she is "homosexual/gay" or not, its clear she has been in a lesbian relationship for years, for which she clearly admitted. Why not come out and say "I'm gay"? Well, reread her speech, she says why. I get it, and frankly, I wish many gay people would get it. Yes, some heterosexuals are flamboyant too, but the vast majority of couples like their lives private. And what they do in their home, their bedrooms, is simply not anyone else's business. It doesn't mean they lack pride or anything else. It just means they prefer privacy. I got that from reading her speech (except for the hetero side).

On another note, reading Althouse on this made me think of another aspect of Foster's speech. Maybe it was directed to her sons, who live in the Facebook world. Don't know, don't care, but do wonder.

AllenS said...

I heard the same story, Nick. Evidently, it wasn't even a female moose.

Shouting Thomas said...


I appreciate that junk yard dog personality of yours, but you're going overboard.

If you don't cool off, I'm going to back out of your wife's Tuesday night gangbang group and you'll have to find some other dude to go fifth. She's getting a little used up and she's kinda flapping in the breeze anyway.

You must really miss the days of planting evidence on some poor bastard and hosing him down in the back room with your cop buddies. You're losing your sense of humor.

Bart said...

Speaking of QB jokes:

Eli Manning, Drew Brees and Ben Roethlisberger walk into a bar, to watch the playoffs

Thanks I will be here all week.

Thorley Winston said...

Contact was the last meaningful film Foster did. That means she's living off 15 years of that.

I really enjoyed her in “The Brave One” which was in 2007.

ndspinelli said...

You brought up wives, ST. I'll give you a mulligan because I'm quite sure you don't want to go that route. Why don't we keep it on Sandusky. You were nowhere to be seen when the trial was going on. I would seriously like to know your view on him now.

Shouting Thomas said...

Unlike you, spinelli, I'm content to let juries decide things.

It's really that simple.

As I said, you seem to prefer the backroom tactics.

Give it your best shot, dude.

jr565 said...

Bryan C wrote:
I think she was expressing resentment at the idea that her sexuality is relevant beyond the sphere of her personal life. And mocking the idea that she has anyone she's obligated to "come out" to.

HOw I wish it were true that more gays didn't have her attitude about coming out and her sexualty not beinging relevant beyond the sphere of her personal life.

jr565 said...

THorley wrote:
I really enjoyed her in “The Brave One” which was in 2007.

That was a terrible movie. IN fact that was the first movie I saw of Jodie (ok, maybe the accused) where I assumed she was a dyke. Because she looked so angular and jagged and frumpy.

Plus, it really was a bad rehash of Death Wish. I wonder why she even starred in it.

Though it does make me wonder what her stance on guns is. Because that movie certainly glorified guns as objects of empowerment and defense.

ndspinelli said...

I have more class than you to talk badly of your deceased wife. For you to even put it out there certainly makes your noble wife sob from above. My wife is my better half and it's painfully obvious yours was a saint.

I've just been watching you throwing invectives since you creeped back after your boy Sandusky was convicted. You don't want to start another feud w/ me. But, some folks just like a good ass kicking..a verbal S&M. Why don't you just feud w/ folks on your AA level, I'm a Major Leaguer.

Alex said...

I agree "The Brave One" was just a Death Wish rehash.

Methadras said...

Was there an empty chair next to her?

insurance said...

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William said...

Like others here, I respect her for maintaining her friendship with Mel Gibson. Being friends with Mel Gibson is demonstrably more detrimental to a Hollywood career than sexually abusing a child. If it comes out that the reason she supports him is because she secretly agrees with his views, then I withdraw my respect. If it comes out that the reason she continues to support him is because they secretly have great sex together then my respect for her and her acting ability will know no bounds.

Tibore said...

Wow. I'm surprised at the vehemence regarding her speech... and at Jodie in particular. Me, I loved it; it was a "My life, no one else" declaration.

And her defending privacy in public? What the hell else was she supposed to do, write a letter and hide it in her living room? Where else would she say that?

There's already too much Look At MEEEE "individuality" in Hollywood. I loved her "you're looking too much" version. So refreshing in the light of endless narcissists like the Kardashians. Who cares if she's gay? I don't. Not a single fuck given over that.

Look, I'll bash Hollywood self-absorption with anyone, but I think there's a need to distinguish between that and Foster's speech. Unlike so much else of the insecure industry, I felt it was a welcome departure. Anytime a movie industry member says "enough publicity!", I applaud it.

Anonymous said...

It's simple: a celebrity's right to privacy stops at my right to masturbate.

Shouting Thomas said...


You're a major asshole. Junk yard dog asshole.

Keep your advice to yourself asshole.

I've from Chicago. I've dealt with plenty of cops and PIs who are assholes like you. Might be necessary for the job.

You take care of your end, asshole, and I'll take care of mine.

ndspinelli said...

ST, Might I suggest an Urban Dictionary thesaurus. You used "asshole" 5 times in 7 sentences. Or, I teach a creative writing course for semi literate musicians. It's only $75 and you can complete it online. I think you need both.

Shouting Thomas said...

Asshole fits you.

Sometimes, it's best to keep things simple.

You keep trying to give me advice, and issue warnings, asshole.

Remember, you can't use a rubber hose on me over the internet. That's not a function... yet.

mariner said...

Well, if anyone knows what unadulterated bullshit tastes like, it's Sullivan.

Nichevo said...

ST, may I say respectfully that you are a little high-strung lately? I think you have been preaching mellowness lately. You could use some more practice. I'm not saying you are wrong, I'm saying your goat seems pretty gettable these days. It's a vulnerability, that's all.

As for Foster I prefer to think well of her and commend her apparent desire to not make that harder than necessary.

Sanddog said...

I thought the sexuality bit was a big "piss off" to the Sullivan types who seem to believe they are defined entirely by gayness. Her friends, her family, the people she actually knows and interacts with knew she was gay and she didn't owe anyone else a parade.

RonF said...

My wife had the Golden Globes on. I was at my computer working on some stuff. I remember watching the intro to her speech, where they shows scenes of all the movies she's been in. At least, I presume they were all the movies she's been in. I wouldn't really know, because I think I've seen only one or two of them. Nothing against Ms. Foster - with only a very few exceptions I've only seen one or two of any movie star's movies. I don't do movies much.

So here's what I don't get. I can certainly understand why Ms. Foster wants to keep her private life private. What I don't understand is why it is so difficult for her to do so. Why do people give 2 shits about what she does in her private life - or what any movie star or professional athlete or singer or any other entertainer does in their private life? I don't. Nor do I care what their opinions are on politics or religion or social issues. I don't see how expertise in entertaining makes their private life interesting or their opinions on anything except their area of expertise in entertainment more informed or valid than mine.

I realize this is against the received wisdom of the age, and that hundreds of millions of dollars are spent on TV shows, radio shows, magazines, newspapers, blogs, tweets, etc., etc. telling us all about what they do, what they wear, who they fuck, etc., etc. Someone please tell me why. Especially, tell me why I should pay any attention to the expressed opinions of someone who makes a living expressing emotions and thoughts that they don't believe and that were written by someone else.

dave in boca said...

If Andrew Sullivan wants to talk about 'unadulterated bullshit,' he should read the last decade of his "Daily Dish" exhalations.

Zach said...

I wonder if Foster hasn't been feeling a little pressure to come out officially, or heard some insinuations that being discreet is being an Uncle Tom. She rather pointedly insists that she is out:

Seriously, I hope you're not disappointed that there won't be a big coming-out speech tonight because I already did my coming out about a thousand years ago back in the Stone Age, in those very quaint days when a fragile young girl would open up to trusted friends and family and co-workers and then gradually, proudly to everyone who knew her, to everyone she actually met.

Methadras said...

I knew Jodie Foster was a homosexual the first time I saw her as a kid myself. She exuded it, but I didn't care cause I thought she was cute. Even still, she looked fantastic at the globes. Just gorgeous.

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