January 22, 2013

"I'm outing this because I have a thick skin and, in the end, speculation on the size of..."

"... my vagina doesn't move me half as much as worrying about the next chapter of my book I'm supposed to write."

Professor Mary Beard pushes back the trolls.

ADDED: On scrolling down at the link, there's an offensive photoshop combining a face with female genitalia. I didn't put a NSFW notation because it's small and doesn't look like much of anything from even a slight distance, but commenters are requesting a NSFW. So there.


I Callahan said...

Uh, a NSFW label would have been helpful...

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Professor Beard can be fairly criticized for beating around the bush.


Farmer said...

I Callahan said...
Uh, a NSFW label would have been helpful...

No kidding! My 3 year-old daughter got an eyeful and now I feel like the worst father in the world!

MadisonMan said...


She is a blogger complaining about mean people reacting to a blog posting?

I guess you have to write about something, but the phrase Just ignore them seems apt here. She's only encouraging them.

edutcher said...

Some people just like to be nasty.

In the public eye, you have to be able to stand it, but only to a certain extent.

Good for her for speaking her piece.

test said...

It'd be interesting to understand what the nastiness was in response to. It seems excessive even by internet standards, so was it a fringe discussion or does the website she referenced specialize in extraordinarily nasty commentary?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Free speech notions are different in England.

I believe they have Internet bullying laws there. All she has to do is file a complaint... and send the trolls to hell.

To quote our beloved Inga.

chickelit said...

Free speech notions are different in Ingaland.

Brevity, Lem ;)

Anonymous said...

For someone who's bio bills herself as "a wickedly subversive commentator " she got wickedly subverted by that Sauraman gif.

If her goal was to highlight people funnier than her, she succeeded.

Triangle Man said...

But she isn't calling for a government investigation, she is calling the trolls out on their behavior. Although the law may permit all speech, we are not obliged to fail to react.

mccullough said...

The Brits and life on their little island.

Fritz said...

They come in different sizes? Maybe I shoulda shopped around more.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

...so was it a fringe discussion or does the website she referenced specialize in extraordinarily nasty commentary

The question time discussion, she mentions, included the cramming of the services by the steady influx of immigrants into England... I'm assuming lady Beard is on the immigrant's side of the discussion.

But I could be wrong... the nastiness towards her could have been compelled by something else.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Nice pun chickelit.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Boo fucking hoo, people said mean things to someone on the internet. Since she is a female it is indicative of terrible misogny and the evil oppressive phallocracy, blah blah blah.

Streisand effect much?

Petunia said...

Pretty easy to bill yourself as "wickedly subversive" from your nice secure tenured professorship at a cozy Cambridge college.

Signed, a Cambridge alumna.

Chip S. said...

Doesn't the NHS provide waxing services?

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo was speculating about the size of my vagina late last night.

You've just got to learn to take these things in stride!

My vagina, by the way, is quite snug!

dbp said...
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dbp said...

If you bill yourself as "wickedly subversive commentator" and have a name like Mary Beard, it would be shocking if there wasn't a steady trickle of juvenile japes.

She should just be glad she isn't named as poorly as the Chief Minister of Delhi

ricpic said...

Mary Beard, who, if you read the article, is certain that the people of Lincolnshire would be "delighted" with the importation of Eastern Europeans, as it would increase the holy holy holy diversity, deserves every insult aimed at her holier than thou head.

bagoh20 said...

It is pretty amazing how bold people are on the net with being invisible and all. I never in the past or present met people who talk anything like many do online.

Personally, I'm worse in person than on line. I have a gift for saying the worst possible thing out loud in person, bordering on Terrets, but thankfully, on line I have a second to reconsider and edit.

When I see that stuff, I just imagine a 12 year old at the keyboard. I assume I would be very disappointing in the truth of it. I mean 12 year-olds wouldn't be reading her stuff or be here either, would they?

Like a pussy, you attack a guy or his mother knowing damned well you would never do it face to face, but it's really small to attack a woman like that, and especially an older one from behind this veil. I mean in person that would be so embarrassing to do, that nobody would ever do it without at least a quart of tequila to make them into blathering idiots first.

It's not that it's risque or a little blue - it's mostly just lame. If it's done in a creative witty way that's one thing, but since that's up to the commenter to decide, we get mostly just lame 12 year old crap. That what I think her gripe is, and I agree.

kentuckyliz said...

Vaginal rejuvenation surgery is not covered by the NHS and costs $2,500-$4,500 - which is competitive with US fees (considering the current exchange rate).

She might get it covered if she claims her vajayjay is insured and/or she has stress urinary incontinence. They can probably work in a coochie overhaul with the corrective surgery.


bagoh20 said...

"My vagina, by the way, is quite snug!"

Can I buy you a drink?

Seriously though, I'm coming to NY someday, and I'm gonna look up the Old Dawgs, and catch a beer and a few tunes.

kentuckyliz said...

"thick skin" and vagina size are icky together in the same sentence.

Baron Zemo said...

Jeez why did you link to a photo of Inga wearing glasses?

bagoh20 said...

I envy her, because fanny packs are such a fashion faux pax now days, and I love them. Also shorts, bandannas, sombreros, and mullets are all ruinous in the eyes of the public, but I think we are all a little worse off today for losing each as an option.

Chip S. said...

So it's agreed that she's a lippy old broad?

Freeman Hunt said...

What is this about? Who is this person? What is Question Time?

This requires looking up too much background information for the payoff of understanding it.

Wince said...

Maybe the trolls didn't think anyone is watching?

"Oh, relax, they can't hear us."

Lydia said...

I have a hard time even thinking about the "wickedly subversive" Mary Beard, mostly because of what she wrote the week after September 11, 2001:

"The horror of the tragedy was enormously intensified by the ringside seats we were offered through telephone answering machines and text-messages. But when the shock had faded, more hard-headed reaction set in. This wasn’t just the feeling that, however tactfully you dress it up, the United States had it coming. That is, of course, what many people openly or privately think. World bullies, even if their heart is in the right place, will in the end pay the price."

ampersand said...

I went to the offending site and got a kick of their take on Mary Beard. Scroll down.

BTW,isnt" Merry Beard and a Hairless New Year" the customary greetings for Saint Vagina's Day?

President-Mom-Jeans said...


While I admire your civility and old fashoned gallantry towards women, don't you know that now that is considered sexist? So she is a woman, big fucking deal. You want equality, you get it, both the pros and the cons.

And since she is old she deserves to be treated with kid gloves? Smacks of ageism to me. Perhaps you were raised in a more genteel time, but for those of us who are just now approaching thirty, those values no longer apply.

One sided civility and unilateral disarmament getsnowhere. Perhaps your way is better, but you fight in the battlefield that exists, not the one you wish you had. My generation is the one who is getting fucked over good and hard, and we are not going to be quiet about it, most certainly not out of some sense of propriety when it comes to the generation that is fucking us.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Good find Lydia,

I now have absolutely zero sympathy for the old bag. And question why Althouse writes of her with sympathy.

I think the commentors saying that she looked 70 was being quite charitable.

Shouting Thomas said...

Seriously though, I'm coming to NY someday, and I'm gonna look up the Old Dawgs, and catch a beer and a few tunes.

Of course. We Dawgz pride ourselves on our hospitality.

The Old Dawgz are in the process of conquering America! Soon, it will all be one giant Dawg Pound!

This Mary Beard cunt sounds like a twat!

In the U.S. "wickedly subversive" means "I vote Democratic just like everybody else I know." Not sure what it means in the U.K.

Basta! said...

dbp, thanks for the link/the laugh.

Mary Beard is a Classics prof at Cambridge, UK. It turns out her first name is actually Winifred --- isn't that cute, Winny Beard, whinny beard, whiney beard --- and she's been awarded an OBE.

I actually do like the name Winifred, having an aunt of that name.

Anonymous said...

Um... excuse me Baron, but I don't wear glasses.O_O

Shouting Thomas said...

OK, Inga, but is your vagina as snug as mine?

kentuckyliz said...

I have a cousin with an OBE for his work in epidemiology.

I had to forswear all my foreign titles when I natchillized.

Anonymous said...

Sheesh ST. That's private and it would be unladylike for me to discuss such matters. Hmpffff.

damikesc said...

Maybe she should just shrivel up and walk off this mortal plane of existence.

She would hardly be missed.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Bagoh, dontcha know you have license to abuse women no matter her age in President Pantsloads's world?

But you are not cut from the same cloth as President Pantsload. Your mother did a better job raising you than did Pantsload's, obviously.

rhhardin said...

female genitalia. I didn't put a NSFW notation because it's small and doesn't look like much of anything


President-Mom-Jeans said...

Internet criticism equals abuse in Inga's retarded mind.

Will you be calling the internet police again? I may point out what a wrinkled nasty old shrew you are, but you are the one who threatens physical violence, ala last night.

My mother taught me to respect those who deserve to be respected.

That fact that you and Mary Beard have both managed to not die for many years and happen to be argueably female does not rise to the level of deserving respect.

The fact that you both advocate for epically stupid political positions on the internet and then cry victimhood constantly rises to the level of deserving mockery.

Your shared physical unpleasantness just makes it a bit more fun to mock.

bagoh20 said...

" Perhaps you were raised in a more genteel time, but for those of us who are just now approaching thirty, those values no longer apply."

Actually, just the opposite is in play. In the past, you had to endure a broken nose to say that kind of thing to a person. There was no safe little internet to play tough guy behind. And since punching a woman in the nose made you an even bigger pussy, that was out too.

It's the cowardice of it that's most annoying, and the fact that you can't just avoid such assholes, they come right into your space on line, and you can't just punch them in the face to teach them not to come back.

The problem with your time is lack of consequences.

X said...

Titus said...
What's Rogering?

now that's funny

chickelit said...

Does she brush the floor with her public hair-Oh Lord--I am in in heaven

A sweeping Labiafana!

Anonymous said...

President Pantsload, you obviously are a young silly little twerp who hides behing an anonymous internet persona. You are not representative of other young men your age.

My son and sons in law are your near your age, and if they heard you abuse a woman in person the way you do here on Althouse, I guarantee you wouldn't leave the room unscathed and out on the street on your ass. And one of them is a conservative.

Thank God my daughters married normal men and I have a grown son I can be proud of.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

I was not aware that in the olden days post menopausal women went around spouting leftwing garbage free from verbal reprisals, protected by nose punching protectors of their poor little feelings. How much more, dare I say, progressive, your description is.

Fuck that shit. This is not "your space" or my space, or anyone's space but Althouse's and whatever portion she ceded to Meade. The digital public square if you will.

You speak of cowardice, but I would have no problem saying everything I write on this site to someone in an actual public square, provided they were saying the same stupid shit that requires a response, whether they were my age, an dried up old witch, or an eighteen year old. If you think the response to speech is nose punching, then I can't help you.

You speak of a lack of consequences, but you could not be wrong. It is my generation and those younger who will be facing all of the consequences of the most irresponsible, feckless, self absorbed and worthless generation the country has ever seen.

I don't know you Bagoh, and we probably agree on a lot more than we disagree. But not on this issue.

Automatic_Wing said...

One of my wife's friends had the coochie overhaul done a few years ago and was quite pissed when her old man didn't even notice the difference.

chickelit said...

The digital public square if you will.

Sigh The Tragedy Of The Commons should be updated as "The Tragedy Of The Comments"

Anonymous said...

Be aware that Althouse is my age, you silly little internet tough guy, who is most likely a little pussy in real life. If you talked the way you do here in real life, you'd be missing teeth in short order.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Yes, Inga, your family is just as proud and protective of you as Manti Te'o's brave leukemia fighting girlfriend is of him.

You don't like being mocked, don't write stupid shit. Don't threaten physical violence on people while simultaneously constantly playing victim and threatening to call the internet police on others.

This is equality. All commentors are open to criticism and insult, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, disablity status, religion, or any other of the sacred cows. Pixels on a screen, thats all anyone is. A mind, a vocabulary, an ability to string thoughts together. I find that most people don't like true equality, when their ox is the one being gored.

Anonymous said...

Weirdo pussy.

Astro said...

I've seen that kind of stuff before, so I'm not too surprised. Yet, I can't help but shake my head and think 'Their vote counts as much as mine.'

- It's hard not to feel elitist when you see that kind of boorish behavior. (Which, btw, was fairly common at the OWS sites, but nearly non-existent at the Tea Party sites. Just sayin'.)

Lydia said...

Better be careful, President-Mom-Jeans, Ma Inga is on your case. Who knows -- she may just have a few Hermans, Lloyds, Arthurs, Freds, or Willmers at her beck and call.

Anonymous said...

One never knows Lydia.

Seeing Red said...

Cheer up, President Mom-Jeans, they're a lot closer to Obamacare 70 than you are.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Judging by the photograph at your link Lydia, there certainly is a physical resemblance.

Farmer said...

Hi, Inga!

Seeing Red said...

So this caring, compassionate woman didn't give her money to some poor family who could use it in these tough times?

Shocked, I tell you, shocked.

Anonymous said...

Hi ya Farmer!

X said...

Inga said...and if they heard you abuse a woman in person the way you do here on Althouse, I guarantee you wouldn't leave the room unscathed and out on the street on your ass.

Inga said...
Be aware that Althouse is my age, you silly little internet tough guy, who is most likely a little pussy in real life. If you talked the way you do here in real life, you'd be missing teeth in short order.

Inga said...
Weirdo pussy.

you obviously don't have a man. he'd line you out.

Amartel said...

Progressives always yak about "hate" and "haters" but they have never encountered actual hate, just political disagreement.

Here's a progressive academic subjected to barrage of actual hatred, venom, and contempt. Nasty, vicious stuff. The same kind that was directed at Palin, Bachmann, Condi Rice, etc., and still is. Also, she's not getting it in person like the conservative women did, but only online. This sort of behavior has been excused and excused by the status quo, because it's usually directed against conservatives. Now it's the lingua franca. In the end they will turn on each other.

I'm not sorry for this lady. She was one of the people who felt that America had 9/11 coming to it. She, herself, is a hater.

Amartel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

X, you obviously don't know any Wisconsin men, they have big gonads and can handle independent women, some men actually find "sassy" women quite appealing.

Internet pussies, so many of 'em a dime a dozen.

kentuckyliz said...

This gyno-Brit was hoisted on her own gyno.

If you want to be elevated on a gyno pedestal, don't be surprised how it hurts when you get pulled off the gyno pedestal by other far more liberated gynos who think manners are a prison for womyn.

Anonymous said...

Women can still be feminine and strong at the same time. We don't need to give up one for the other. We can be powerful women without emulating the manners of brutes.

X said...

Inga said...We can be powerful women without emulating the manners of brutes.

yet you emulate the manners of a brute and rely on men, guns, and distance to protect you from the consequences of your fighting words. how powerful.

Farmer said...

Anybody know what gyno it is? I've got twenty past gyno.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I want to say something about this commenter President Mom Jeans here. For months now, he has been hounding me, he posts disgusting, personal and untrue comments about me on threads I haven't even commented on. He has brought Garages's ill child into tirads against Garage on several occasions, that is low and sick, disgusting behavior.

When I have to interact with this weirdo I do it with the history of his abusive behavior toward myself and Gargage's child in mind. He is a repulsive human being.

Conservatives who condone his behavior are no better than him IMO.

Farmer said...

X said...
Inga said...We can be powerful women without emulating the manners of brutes.

yet you emulate the manners of a brute and rely on men, guns, and distance to protect you from the consequences of your fighting words. how powerful.

You want to fight Inga?

Anonymous said...

I should be more specific, human beings who condone his behavior are as vile as he is.

chickelit said...

In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.
~Martin Luther King Jr.

Applied to the Internet, the problem is in defining "friends."

Methadras said...

The Farmer said...

I Callahan said...
Uh, a NSFW label would have been helpful...

No kidding! My 3 year-old daughter got an eyeful and now I feel like the worst father in the world!

Your daughter got an eyeful of what her dad really is. Put a NSFW over your head. That should make it alright.

chickelit said...

Inga, there used to be a bunch of vile, leftwing commenters around here. I don't recall a condemnation of people "condoning" them. There was more or less just unbridled push back.

Methadras said...

Shouting Thomas said...

OK, Inga, but is your vagina as snug as mine?

The way she carries on, I'd say it's hotdog in a hallway time.

chickelit said...

The way she carries on, I'd say it's hotdog in a hallway time.

Unfortunately, the imagery cuts two ways. :)

President-Mom-Jeans said...

"When I HAVE TO interact"

You don't HAVE TO do anything, you silly old sow.

You CHOOSE to comment on Althouse's blog, you CHOOSE to read posts and comments, and you CHOOSE to cry victim when somebody posts something you don't like.

In that respect, you are very much like the other dried up old America hating idiot Mary Beard who inspired this thread. Don't like to be critisized? Don't say stupid shit in public forums.

I neither need nor ask for anyone to "condone" anything I post, agree with it, nor claim to represent anyone but myself.

I'm just "punching back twice as hard." I wonder where I got that idea from?

Anonymous said...

It amazes me that men do not reign in other men when there is sexual wordplay, but when a woman engages in similar wordplay, they are condemned as loose or wanton. Ah the double standard is alive and well.

Anonymous said...

See what I mean?

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Quit telling lies about me, you weird weird little man, then won't HAVE to respond to you, quit bringing up my name in threads I haven't even commented on you weirdo, then I won't HAVE to respond to you. I do not allow myself to be victimized by cowardly Internet twerps.

And quit bringing up an innocent sick child in your twisted rantings, you despicable human turd.

Farmer said...

Methadras said...

Your daughter got an eyeful of what her dad really is. Put a NSFW over your head. That should make it alright.

A NSFW over my head! I've been Methadras'ed!

Farmer said...

President-Mom-Jeans said...
I'm just "punching back twice as hard." I wonder where I got that idea from?

One of the voices in your head, from the sound of it.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

My dear little authoritarian, I'm sorry for your sake to inform you that you have zero power over my ability to express myself. I'll write whatever I feel is topical and adds to a thread, in my own unique way.

I tell lies about you? Opinions about your physical appearance are certainly subjective, and that is not a lie.

I don't believe your claims about the existance and/or professions of your supposed offspring? You are some random individual on the internet, why should I or anyone else believe you? That certainly isn't a lie.

Let's evaluate who is threatening people with violence? Feel free to go through my comment history, I don't delete anything (unlike you).

You don't like what I write, and feel it is "disgusting and vile." Well, fair enough on that point, but I'm not out to win a congeniality prize, and the internet is full of what some people feel is "disgusting and vile." Again, a highly subjective standard that you certainly don't hold yourself to.

Sad to break it to you, but your feelings are not important, hold no weight, and give you no power.

Anonymous said...

Say whatever you want Pantsload, I will continue to tell you and everyone else here what a piece of excrement you are. But I'm sure that many here see it for themselves, so by all means carry on.

Anonymous said...

And Pantsload,
You lie about my family asshole, I couldn't care less what you say about my appearance. I've had plenty of real men say the opposite to me over the years, you little twerp.

Anonymous said...

Pantsload makes multiple attempts to act AS IF he KNOWS me and feels he can be credible in disputing what I put out about my own family. He does not know me nor does he know my family. I don't really understand why he continues to attempt to disprove the existence of my children, what purpose does this serve him? It's simply very weird.

President-Mom-Jeans said...

Ding ding ding!

Thats how free speech works. I'm glad you learned something today. Who says you can't teach an old dog (and I do mean dog) new tricks?

I get to write whatever I want, you get to write whatever you want.

Marketplace of ideas. Mary Beard seems to have recognized that to some extent, although she also seems to like to play the martyr as well. Which is her perogative to do, and mine to call bullshit on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, true you dumbass, I never disputed that. I do dispute that you are a normal human being and whatever you say should be taken as coming from an abnormal sociopath.

Shouting Thomas said...

Inga, what are you carrying on about?

Ritmo called me a rapist last night, and you encouraged him and condoned it.

You know, he slandered me and accused me of a crime without any basis whatsoever for doing so.

And, you encouraged it and approved it.

You're not so much opposed to this kind of behavior, as you are opposed to it being done to you.

Anonymous said...

ST, you are not an innocent victim of Ritmo. You have given as good as you get.

Anonymous said...

And Ritmo doesn't usually attack you, he defends himself from your attacks, you don't like being attacked back by a equally strong commenter.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Shouting Thomas said...

No, I've never accused Ritmo of anything, Inga. Other than being stupid.

You should go back and read that shit you approved of Inga.

He called me, among other things, a slaveholder, an advocate of trafficking in women and a rapist. If I were so inclined, I think I've got pretty good grounds for a lawsuit based on his rants last night.

Inga, you haven't got a leg to stand on. You approve of, and often use, the most vicious, lowlife tactics imaginable.

You just get teary eyed and angry when those tactics are used on you.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, basically, Inga, you need to either clean up your act or shut the fuck up.

Anonymous said...

ST, because I like you, against Ritmo's understanding, I will take into consideration what you have said.

Shouting Thomas said...

And Ritmo doesn't usually attack you, he defends himself from your attacks, you don't like being attacked back by a equally strong commenter.

I didn't complaint, Inga.

I'm pointing out that you are one of the worst offenders on this blog. You just like to dish it out. You aren't very fond of taking it.

You start playing the damsel in distress.

Anonymous said...

Oh, wait a minute! Ritmo is right.

Shouting Thomas said...

You see, Inga, your damsel in distress routine is phony bullshit.

Shouting Thomas said...

So, we're agreed now, Inga, right?

You approve of the most vile, lowlife tactics, so long as you perceive the perp as being on your side.

Thanks for clarifying!

Anonymous said...
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I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Liz, I want to start a southern rock band and call it Coochie Overhaul.

Anonymous said...

ST, seriously, you don't think you have ever used vile low life tactics? I don't like reading them coming from you any more than I do reading them coming from Ritmo. I didn't like that he brought Bagoh's mother into the argument last evening, that was wrong. It's wrong for Panstload to bring Garage's child into an attack on Garage. I do not approve of such tactics from anyone, not you, not Ritmo and not the weirdo above.

Shouting Thomas said...

You need to go back and read that wild raving shit from Ritmo that you approved of last night, Inga.

Over and out.

The fact that you can find some sort of alliance with Ritmo worthwhile is pretty damning, Inga.

I don't even bother to pretend to discuss politics with that psycho. I can't imagine why you want a degenerate like that on your side.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

ST, funny he thinks you're a degenerate, I don't consider him a degenerate and I don't consider you one either. You both hit below the belt, and I on occasion, when I feel I've been attacked unduly. We are all human and sinners.

Pantsload is the real degenerate.

Shouting Thomas said...

No, Inga, Ritmo is either a psychotic or an internet fraud pretending to be a psychotic.

Your judgment ain't too good.

William said...

I find my problem is just the reverse of Professor Beard's. In real life, I find that many women agree with me. They do this not done because of the force and validity of my arguments but rather because I am so good looking and charming that those women are looking to be agreeable in order to curry sexual favors from me. Here on the internet, whether people agree or disagree with me, at least I know that they are honestly expressing their views of my arguments rather than my intimidating physial presence.

MadisonMan said...

I think NSFW warnings are lame. If you can't see porn at work, then why are you reading blogs?

Get back to work!

Palladian said...

In the end, everything is about Inga.

Palladian said...

And Shouting Thomas.

Palladian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kentuckyliz said...

Erika, that made me LOL.

Maybe you could get Martha White Flour to be a corporate sponsor. Their biscuit flour has hot rise.

Hot rise is good for biscuits.

Meade said...

MadisonMan said...
"I think NSFW warnings are lame. If you can't see porn at work, then why are you reading blogs?

Get back to work!"

Yeah! Especially if you work at a porn blog.

test said...

Hilarious. According to Inga calling someone a rapist makes one a strong commenter, but writing mean things about Inga is abusive.

That's not funny though. Funny is when she claims others have double standards. You can apply the points noting her support for Ritmo to Jack Diamond and Shiloh too. Not only has she never leveled a single criticism of either she actively supports them. But somehow while constantly claiming conservatives share guilt for not defending her she sees no guilt for herself for actively supporting them.

Some people have zero self awareness.

Phil 314 said...

I understand your light touch when it comes to censoring but couldn't you at least occasionally give the old bartender admonition to

"Hey, take it outside!"

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