December 9, 2012

"What is the most dignified way for [Hillary Clinton] to make money?"

Jodi Cantor buries a key question in her NYT article about what Hillary Clinton will do next.

There are 2 things I notice are missing:

1. How old is Hillary Clinton? The NYT seems to love to tell us how old everyone they mention is, and I know that rule doesn't apply to someone who's in the news all the time, but when we talk about what Hillary will do next, we ought to consider the option: Nothing. She's 65. (I looked it up.) She can close the door on the public and live a private life.

2. Chelsea! There is one mention of Chelsea in the article. The Bill Clinton foundation — something Hillary could devote herself to — has "made strides lately, with... and more involvement from Chelsea Clinton." It seems to me that a big option for Hillary is to create the future political phenomenon that is Chelsea!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to believe that Hillary Clinton and Mitt Romney are the same age. She looks like she could be his, well, maybe not mother, but much older sister.

Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

why hasn't her boss told her, "at some point, you've made enough money"

PS: there is always the commidty exchanges. cattle futures are always a sure thing :)

Unknown said...

I'd be surprised if Chelsea even wants to go into politics. She should have the skills, but I'll bet she diesn't have the drive.

Ann Althouse said...

I don't think Chelsea has what it takes.

Palladian said...

I don't think Hillary really has (or had) what it takes, either.

rhhardin said...

Hillary could run a whorehouse.

Palladian said...

I doubt she'd be very good at that, either.

rehajm said...

I don't think Chelsea has what it takes.

This is not an obstacle to a 'successful' political career.

edutcher said...

As I say, retire and be Willie's constant companion.

And Chelsea will need a lot of work if she wants to do politics.

She can't get beyond the House looking like Ditzy Debbie.

Palladian said...

I don't think Hillary really has (or had) what it takes, either.

Even before she started riding Willie's coattails, she was too used to getting what she wanted handed to her because she had a slot between her legs rather than a peg.

That, and she seems to have been the sort best suited to being some rich man's wife.

rhhardin said...

Hillary could run a whorehouse.

She has, really.

bandmeeting said...

She could make an instructional video for surviving sniper fire on airport tarmac.

lemondog said...

Oh, decisions, decision.......

As long-time pols she and hubby know all the:

wealth-creating tax-payer subsidized positions;

high-paying lobbyist jobs;

hedge-funds wanting high-profile government connected types.

bandmeeting said...

Write a book: Title, How To Name Your Child After Famous People Who Are Not Yet Famous.

Insufficiently Sensitive said...


This particular citizen has the strongest possibly revulsion for political dynasties in the United States.

Even the normally disgusting principles of 'affirmative action' are welcome when it comes to grooming progeny for Mommy's and Daddy's political sinecure.

It's time to break the chain of privilege, and give some unrelated and more talented citizen a shot.

Unknown said...

"The most dignified"
When have dignity and the Clinton's been in the same room?

Wince said...

Hillary should form a "crisis management" firm with her buddy Jamie Gorelick.

Indeed, crisis seem to "follow" those two like Pig-Pen's cloud of dust.

mtrobertsattorney said...

Well, she might want to open a new fashion house. She does dress with a unique style.

Nichevo said...

Considering what she's done with her life so far? Anal and watersports.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If Hillary wants power at age 69, the media will pimp her. By 2016, I suspect both Bill and Hillary will look and sound haggard. No matter. They will be hoisted upon us.

Past posts have asked -- just what exactly are Hillary's accomplishments?
After deep introspection, I have decided that her #1 accomplishment is her long hippy hair. Perhaps over the next 4 years she can have expensive plastic surgery?

DADvocate said...

What is the most dignified way for [Hillary Clinton] to make money?

Prostitution, but, she'd starve.

SteveR said...

Retire please, for the love of God. Get a nice place outside Durango or Sedona. Write books, drink coffee on the porch, watch movies. 40 plus years of lying and cheating is enough.

Hagar said...

Hillary! controls around 3/4 billion in assets, give or take a couple of hundred millions.

Do you?

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Hillary Clinton could start a line of artisanal cheese, aged in her ladyparts.

Mary Beth said...

Puppet master. Find young politicians to mentor and influence.

Unknown said...

Retire. Old politicians, like old academics, need to depart the limelight.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Hillary should start her own business and make it profitable.

garage mahal said...

I don't think Hillary really has (or had) what it takes, either.

But, look at her. And.....look at you.

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Cattle futures.

It worked for her before, didn't it?

David said...


Must not sully the elite with low dignity money getting.

She could write a book. If she had what it takes, it could be one of the great political books of all time. However such a book requires fundamental honesty, originality and courage, none of which are Hilary traits.

AllenS said...

Hanging out with Bill is not an option. When do you think that the two of them stayed overnight with each other? She has no other option, but to run for POTUS. When you're always miserable, why not make everyone else miserable too.

SteveR said...

@AllenS, I'm afraid you're right.

Seeing Red said...

Hilary's the 1/2%, shouldn't she be giving it away?

cubanbob said...

Dignified? Why start now? A day late and and dollar short at this stage of her life. Both elected official, and an elected official's wife, neither of whom ever held a private sector job or inherited big money have somehow become centi-millionaires. Dignity is nowhere to be found in this arrangement.

Clyde said...

Social Security.

Clyde said...

rehajm said...
I don't think Chelsea has what it takes.

This is not an obstacle to a 'successful' political career.

It was for prospective Senator Caroline Kennedy.

kentuckyliz said...

Team up with documentarian Morgan Spurlock. Let her pretend she's an elderly widow and try to live on Social Security and Medicare only.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I've said this before but Chelsea Clinton is over the hill. She's my age, 32ish, and has done nothing that I know of to lay the groundwork for a political career.

ndspinelli said...

She could bake and sell cookies.

William said...

If Hillary runs, can Michelle be far behind?

Anonymous said...

I think she ought to retire and keep an eye on slick Willie, and make sure he doesn't do any more damage Brand Clinton and their position amongst Democratic Royalty

Start something like the World Foundation for the Heritage of Women's Rights, and travel around with Carter and Albright getting increasingly senile and self-righteous.

Anonymous said...

And I think Althouse is right about asking seriously what her accomplishments are. Where did she get on her own merit? Where did she truly excel?

It hasn't been at Secretary at State, for example. She's competent at best.

There's too much cultural weight in propping her up as a feminist icon (she sold out other women after Bill groped them) and some badge of freedom and democracy as a lot of cultural "elites" see it and thus cultivate in their image.

Bruce Hayden said...

"What is the most dignified way for [Hillary Clinton] to make money?"

My first thought, facetiously, was to kill herself, and let Chelsea collect the insurance. Hard to have dignity when married to Bubba Clinton.

But, why should she worry about making money in the first place? Bill has managed to do quite well since leaving office - a couple of years ago, I saw $100+ million. Maybe a legacy would be better. Her term at State was a disaster, and her time in the Senate not much better. Bill, at least has a decent political legacy (despite being only the second President ever impeached). What's hers? Benghazi? Nuclear Iran? Muslim Brotherhood running Egypt? Maybe she should join Jimmy Carter in building houses.

Aaron said...

My poor mother went to see Bill Clinton, and raved about how wonderful he is. I mentioned that they have so much money, and how much money he makes speaking, but Hillary still is begging for $82,000 to pay off some campaign debt.

My poor mother then told me she thinks that Bill Clinton doesn't actually have all that money...that it actually all goes to help people.

JohnJ said...

“It seems to me that a big option for Hillary is to create the future political phenomenon that is Chelsea!”

Are you kidding?!

Chelsea has no apparent people or communication skills what-so-ever. I remember hearing her on the radio in a car packed with several friends. She was promoting some charity event headlined by her dad and her. She sounded like what could best be described as a winded dilettante: “‘choin mehh and mahh dahhd…”

We erupted in laughter.

But, hey, with the press at her back, who’s to say? And, what’s one more nitwit in the Senate or House? (See Massachusetts’ fourth).

Lydia said...

Interesting that no mention is made of Hillary's age in the article.

It's almost going to be fun watching the Dems spin age as a good thing. Unlike, say, in 1980 when Reagan ran at 69, the age Hillary will be in 2016; then the Dems said it was way too old. Or like when McCain ran, when they said he was a doddering old fool.

Or maybe they'll just totally ignore it, à la Kantor.

Anonymous said...

It's almost going to be fun watching the Dems spin age as a good thing. Unlike, say, in 1980 when Reagan ran at 69, the age Hillary will be in 2016; then the Dems said it was way too old. Or like when McCain ran, when they said he was a doddering old fool.

Then again, women live longer than men, so a 69-year-old woman is physically equivalent to a man in his early 60's.


Amartel said...

Just no.

Mutaman said...

"I don't think Chelsea has what it takes."

Yeah she should get a cushy governmental job where she shows up for an hour or two a week and spends the rest of her time blogging and taking pictures. Let the tax payers support her and her deadbeat husband.
Oh wait, Ann's already got that job.

Aridog said...

Given her latest photo on Drudge, I'd say Hillary! could easily start up a fashion design firm featuring House of Harkonen wear.

holdfast said...


Her name is definitely a [buzz] killing word!

mccullough said...

If Obama's second term is like his first, Hillary would be unelectable. The next Repub will be running against Obama like Obama ran against W.

RonF said...

What is the most dignified way for Hillary Clinton to make money? Live off of her investments. I would be shocked if she can't.

Aridog said...

How the flip do politicians and their wives manage to become multi-millionaires from the salaries they earn?

How do they, being multi-millionaires, not manage to pay off their own campaign left over debts and still beg for money to do so?

How do they get "credit" for those debts when any fool knows it may take 4, 5 or never years to get paid? Expectation of some quid pro quo, eh?

Bilwick said...

Scaring away Zombies.

Bilwick said...

Scaring away Zombies.