December 5, 2012

Quinnipiac poll: Americans favor legalization of marijuana, 54-44%.

Men support legalization by a much wider margin, 59-36%, and women oppose it, 52-44%.

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

ADDED: Instapundit: "Is it just that men are more libertarian, and women more controlling?"

AND: Why I changed my mind.


David said...

Women have seen just what terrible partners and fathers potheads can be?

Chip S. said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

I wonder if the demographics are similar for The Big Lebowski.

Tim said...

"Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?"

The new NORML, er, normal.

More women than men go to college; more women than men graduate from college; the "new economy" favors female "skills" over traditional male "skills."

If you can't work, or work at your capacity, you might as well stay home, get high and screw.

Except the one you want to screw is at work.

Get high some more...

NB: none of the above reflects my own situation - just observation. I'm jus' sayin'

Guildofcannonballs said...


Bob Ellison said...

Clones. Definitely.

X said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

women are more statist.

AlphaLiberal said...

In other polling news:

49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the [2012] election for President Obama.

Bear in mind, this several years after ACORN ceased to exist -- after Republicans killed it.

Half of all Republican voters believe that something which do not even exist stole the election!

Yet, we are supposed to take these people seriously! HA!

AlphaLiberal said...

"does not even exist"

My bad.

X said...

something which do not even exist

the ACORN pharmacy in my neighborhood doesn't exist? they should change their name to Organizing For America like the rest did.

Chip S. said...

Wiki says, an offshoot of the ACORN organization called Acorn Housing changed its name to Affordable Housing Centers of America yet has retained the same tax and employee identification numbers that it held under its former name.

Garlic by any other name would still be a stinking rose.

Or something like that.

Oh, and just to be clear: I'm not endorsing the conspiracy theory. Just pointing out that quibbling over official names of organizations seems inordinately important to you.

Balfegor said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

Men are just more libertarian than women across a whole spectrum of different issues. On average, at least (and at the extreme end, men vastly outnumber women among actual libertarians). Women are more comfortable with paternalistic government. Usually, we focus on the type of paternalism that infantilises voters by promising them goodies (or, ah, "gifts"), but another part of paternalistic government is telling voters no, they mayn't do that.

Howard said...

Women don't need it because they are naturally spacy, paranoid, and have wonderfully grand, yet impracticable ideas.

Herb said...

I'm sure Mexico will be thrilled, they are basically at war with these cartels and we want to legalise the product that is involved.

Cedarford said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

The inherent meddling nature of women.

Prohibition was driven by women.

The force behind more government to regulate things like firearms, fireworks, more than 16oz big gulps are the women.

The margin to Obama victory - women who want more Nanny State and more "caring and nurturing government employees".

They swing to Republicans only when they worry some enemy indeed might shoot their silly little asses off or crash planes into their buildings. Or when we really are in economic collapse and women wake up from Obama BFF dreams and realize government cannot keep the free food and free checks coming.

Known Unknown said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?


dmoelling said...

I'm looking for some history on the push for Alcohol prohibition in the US. A constitutional amendment is hard to come by and I know my Midwestern German ancestors would not have favored it. I do know that other countries briefly implemented prohibition as well as in Canada.

My guess is that men were really pounding it down back then. The consequent drinking away of rent money and beating of wives must have been bad. Henry Fords $5/day wage was intended to lure sober guys who then had to put up with his "Sociological Bureau" snoops.

I'm looking to see what the level of inebriation was required to demand dramatic action. As we legalize drugs, how much can we tolerate?

Unknown said...

Women know how to get things done.
Women don't feel the need to get high.
Women are more practical.
Women take their child rearing responsibilities more seriously.
Women are winners.
Men are weaker willed.
Men feel marginalized.
Men have low sperm counts.
Men are losers.

It's all bullshit.

garage mahal said...

49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the [2012] election for President Obama.

Christ. LOL

sakredkow said...

"Does this bomber make me look fat?"

X said...

pro choice my ass.

Tank said...

When Nanny Bloomberg votes, does he count as a man or a woman?

The answer to the question posed is: genetics, or, if you wish, because God made us this way.

Unknown said...

100% of progressives think if you're conservative you're a tea bagger.

Sorun said...

Men prefer to make their own choices. except the 36% with a low sperm count.

Women favor societal restriction on choices, except for abortion.

AlphaLiberal said...

ACORN is dead. The group that worked on housing is not the one that worked on voter registration.


Tank said...

88% of liberals believe that a higher minimum wage is good for minorities.


test said...

A 7% difference isn't worth speculating about.

Anonymous said...

Men support freedom and civilization.

Women support totalitarianism and suppression.

Welcome to the future, America!

X said...

7% difference?

men +23
women -8

X said...

compared to men, women are slavers.

Tank said...

Women think pot causes birth defects.


Scott said...

"Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?"

Women are control freaks.

X said...

leslyn said...
Women are more concerned about about birth defects.

stop polluting the water supply

Astro said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

Perceived risk.

Bruce Hayden said...

women are more statist.

There is something there. In settling the west, the men would come in, and anything went. Drinking, fighting, etc. Then, the women would follow, and churches would be built, saloons shut down, as well as prostitution, etc. Which is why you found the western frontier moving to ever more remote areas.

My understanding is that Prohibition was pushed most strongly by women, and got a big push during WWI while the men were in the military. Better than a hundred fifty years ago, women in my family were agitating for three things: abolition (and, yes, they voted Republican), suffrage (we saw how that worked out the last two elections), and abstinence (from demon rum).

Shouting Thomas said...

Prohibition was one of the first feminist movements.

Male intoxication has always been one of the chief complaints of feminists.

Prohibition was sold via a PR campaign that essentially predated the domestic violence hysteria of the past 25 years.

Drinking was seen as the cause of family violence.

So, pot intoxication plays a similar role.

MadisonMan said...

Munchies make women fat. Marijuana causes munchies. Marijuana makes women fat.

chickelit said...

I know but I'm not saying.

test said...

X said...
7% difference?

Should have read closer.

Shouting Thomas said...

By the way, I agree with Henry Miller's statement, made many years ago in one of his Rosy Crucifixion trilogy books.

Whores are the only honest women.

traditionalguy said...

Women know what the dangers of self medication are. They want to keep their wits about them and meet the challenges of life.

Men today just want to get the women high and into bed.

X said...

Marshal said...
Should have read closer

I had to look twice too. had no idea they were such little Eichmanns.

Titus said...

I don't smoke pot but sure, legalize it. We voted for more pot here and now the dispensers are opening all over the city. They are kind of cute looking too.

The dumb and gross states will be the last to have pot and gay marriage. Mississippi and the entire south will be way way behind the rest of the nation, natch. The south is gross. There will not be one libtard senator in the south after this next election-Pryor and Landrieu are going down replaced by some God and Creationist Freak who knows all about rape and abortion and hatred towards fags-and they will love em in Arkansas and Louisiana, wooooohoooo! Someone even freakier than that Ron Johnson from Wisconsin-who Althouse voted for-he's a winner! Every time he is on tv he is screaming-

Do you know when you google "Althouse" there is this awful picture of you with your mouth open as the pic that pops up? Why is that?


Shouting Thomas said...

Men today just want to get the women high and into bed.

Increasingly, this is also true of women. They just want to get men high and into bed. You must be an old fart, trad guy!

Shouting Thomas said...

Titus, what are the requirements for buying pot at the dispensaries in MA?

Give the south a break. They've got plenty of homos down there, and they're having a good time.

Most homos I've met love to pop the cherry of a real macho he-man. The south is where you find 'em. And, you should know that many of the he-men aren't above a little homo action on the side!

Teri said...

I'd say, better brainwashing. I think more women bought into the idea that marijuana was just like other drugs and that women are possibly less likely to have tried it.

Our city council is trying to deal with WA state's legalization and it's entertaining to watch. The women on the council seem to have a harder time choosing between following federal law and adjusting to the state law legalizing it. It's very funny to hear a discussion of why the "marijuana collective gardens" must be located in a heavy industrial area, with high security. If people really want legalization, they need to pressure the federal government to change the schedule classification for marijuana

edutcher said...


Since the phony election stats said D +2, I'd love to know how Q-pac ran it

AlphaLiberal said...

In other polling news:

49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the [2012] election for President Obama.

Bear in mind, this several years after ACORN ceased to exist -- after Republicans killed it.

Half of all Republican voters believe that something which do not even exist stole the election!

Yet, we are supposed to take these people seriously! HA!

Actually, more like the other way around.

ACORN's still out there, flying under the radar in different names in different areas.

Alpha knows that. He just hopes everybody's as dumb as he is.

BTW, look at this and ask yourself, If 47 more states had this, would we be looking forward to not going over the fiscal cliff?

Mark D. said...

Simple answer: drugs = disruption.

When it comes to keeping things stable at work and at home, women will tend to seek stability. Not all women, of course, but most.

Men (again, not all men but probably most) have less aversion to disruption, particularly within the 18-45 demographic (the wonders of testosterone).

jungatheart said...

c4 said, "The inherent meddling nature of women."

Aren't you the one always noting that the US uneccesarily invaded Iraq and Afghanistan at the cost of security, blood, treasure, and esteem? What was the male/female ratio of the Congress that authorized Bush to use force?

(lol Howard)

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

Men have to put up with women?


Geoff Matthews said...

Men are more likely to use marijuana than women (according to various polls, including one published in the LA Times).

Known Unknown said...

49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the [2012] election for President Obama.

57.8% of all statistics are pulled from random asses.

Levi Starks said...

When faced with the constant barrage from the feminist left about how everything thats wrong with the world is the fault of men, it's not surprising that a majority of them look forward to kicking back, and smoking a little weed to have a few fleeting moments of emotional peace.

Anonymous said...

My version of Let it Burn.

Legalize it all. Legalize discrimination against of all users.

Drill Baby Drill.

Half of the world's problems solved.

No drug dollars for terrorists, no petrodollars for Islamist.

Drugs users pay the social cost of their use.

Peter said...

well, it was the Women's Christian Temperance Union.

Besides, there's no way a man could get away with behaviing like Carrie Nation- he'd get beat to a pulp, or shot.

Anonymous said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

No. Don't care. Why would I?

bagoh20 said...

You guys attributing Women's opinion to their virtue on this are pretty damning of the 44% who are not so virtuous. Seems kinda harsh.

sakredkow said...

57.8% of all statistics are pulled from random asses.

Well this particuluar statistic was apparently pulled from Republican asses.

jungatheart said...


"women are more statist."

"There is something there. In settling the west, the men would come in, and anything went. Drinking, fighting, etc. Then, the women would follow, and churches would be built, saloons shut down, as well as prostitution, etc. Which is why you found the western frontier moving to ever more remote areas."

A bit of a just-so story, I think. The end-goal of winning the west was to get the girl, and the trappings of civilization, and live happily ever after.

Strelnikov said...

Right on, dude.

bagoh20 said...

Girls don't wanna have fun. Didn't want to in the wild west and don't wanna now. That's why I'm a modern Jeremiah Johnson, but with a shower.

ALP said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Totally OT - Althouse is #20 in the top Conservative blogs

Many congrats, Madame.

Tank said...

Women think pot causes birth defects.


Funny, so does medical science.

Chromosomes ring a bell?

(I know, I agree with Leslyn - weird...)

sakredkow said...

You don't drink you don't smoke
What do you do?
- Adam Ant

CJinPA said...

Half of all Republican voters believe that something which do not even exist stole the election!

Really? You think they all went and got real jobs? They just changed the name of all the local operations, silly.

Now, I don’t believe anyone stole the election for Obama, but let’s take a look at these numbers (from our respected pollsters at DailyKos.)

When asked if they thought Barack Obama legitimately won the Presidential election this year or if ACORN stole it for him, 24% responded that they did steal the election for him,

30% of respondents indicated they thought Democrats engaged in voter fraud. 33% of
Hispanics, the same percentage as of white voters, believe that Democrats engaged in voter fraud,

So only 1 in 4 voters of all stripes believe the Obama victory was a fraud. Uh, congrats?

And Hispanic voters share the same views on Democrat fraud as whites? That's interesting.

Total of 700 respondents, 32% of whom were GOP, so the take on Republican voters was based on a whopping sample of about 230 people. Heh.

You need better zingers.

CJinPA said...

Why? More women are parents than men.

Come on,folks.

Nonapod said...

Interestingly prolonged use of marijuana has been shown to increases estrogen levels in men, making them more like women. So I guess if women wanted more men to think more like women than they should encourage they legalization of weed.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

AlphaLiberal said...

In other polling news:

49% of GOP voters nationally say they think that ACORN stole the [2012] election for President Obama.

I didn't see that in the Professor's link. Did I just miss it, or are you quoting a different source? If a different source, could you provide a link?


X said...

the legal consequences certainly have a disparate impact on men

CJinPA said...

Ignorance is bliss,

It's a DailyKos poll:

ndspinelli said...

Men are smokers, and shooters. Women are pill poppers. Men snort more than women but not as much more than smoking and shooting. In the Ca. dispensaries..the ones not shut down by Holder, men are buying cannabis; women are buying edibles. Of course women would be more attracted to chocolate brownies, cookies, etc. Cannabis growers and dispensers know that edibles will be the burgeoning market once this takes it were. Women do seem to be more likely to smoke via a vaporizer because there are no carcinogens. But vapo's are expensive..~$600 for a good one.

Shouting Thomas said...

Well, I thought of another reason.

When questioned about their vices, women tend to prevaricate.

Ask a woman about her sexual activities, and she will downplay and underestimate.

As a man the same, and he will brag and overestimate.

BarryD said...

Goddamn Temperance bitches. They never fully went away.

DADvocate said...

Wow, man. That is aaaalllright. Righteous.

SteveR said...

Women: education, professionally oriented, hiring preferences, single parent, don't need men.

Men: Video games, garage band, live at home, don't need a good future to get laid, why not smoke pot.

Marijuana lowers sperm count. Hello France!

ALP said...

Female pot smoker here. Always had a hard time finding other women who shared this pastime. But even I am shocked at the results of this survey: I would have never guessed a majority of women were against legalization.

Outside of the pot thing, I still have a hard time relating to most women, and tend to get along with men better. Several posters above have mentioned some of the same theories I have. I can add one: women are obsessed with safety and believe we can legislate every scraped knee and paper cut out of existence. Trying to ensure that most of the population stays sober at ALL times (even when camped out on one's own couch) would seem to further that goal.

ALP said...

And what BarryD said:

Goddamn temperance bitches is right!

ALP said...

Also, would love to see this cross tabulated with the number of women who think masturbation is "wrong" or "gross". Pleasure for the sake of pleasure MUST be repressed!

Michael said...

Legalization of all drugs is appealing from many points of view but consider that a quarter of the gdp of Caribbean countries come from the drug trade. I expect it is a big number for Mexico and Central America as well. Stop that business and those countries have bigger economic disasters than they have now.

Shouting Thomas said...

Most women won't admit to watching porn either.

But, I think the vast majority of them are doing it.

garage mahal said...

Marijuana lowers sperm count.

I'm living proof that is a myth.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

Do you think that Barack Obama legitimately
won the Presidential election this year, or do
you think that ACORN stole it for him?

So this was not intended as a public opinion poll, but a political hack poll.

Note that there is no way to answer this question if you believe that the President did not win legitimately, but for a reason other then Acorn.

And how should you answer if you think that Democrats engaged in voter fraud, but not at a high enough level to change the results? I would call that a legitimate win, but I can see someone believing it is illegitimate, even if it didn't change the results.

Shouting Thomas said...

Women: education, professionally oriented, hiring preferences, single parent, don't need men.

Men: Video games, garage band, live at home, don't need a good future to get laid, why not smoke pot.

Yes, a whole hell of a lot of women have become The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit!

DADvocate said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

I agree with Balfegor and Cedarford. Women are control freaks. They don't like being out of control themselves, nor anyone else being out of control. They see being high as being out of control.

Since forever, man have had to take risks, often life or death risks in situations where one's control over the situation was minimal, fighting wars, fighting/killing animals, exploring wildernesses, inventing dynamite and such. Getting high doesn't bother most men at all. And, it can make the risky situations more tolerable and, perhaps, work to an advantage along the same lines of why beer drinking cultures have done better than non-beer drinking cultures over the course of history and pre-history.

Balfegor said...

Re: CJinPa:

So only 1 in 4 voters of all stripes believe the Obama victory was a fraud. Uh, congrats?

Not necessarily. You can believe that the Democrats committed voter fraud without believing that the fraud was necessary for Obama's victory. It just padded it. Just in case.

DADvocate said...

I'm living proof that is a myth.

How often do you count your sperm?

BarryD said...

The thing is, pot has never done much for me. I think that one's reaction to it is somewhat individual. For my own sake, it makes little difference whether pot is legal.

However, I find it immoral beyond my ability to express in words, that we throw people in prison for growing, trading, or possessing this plant, and that we use government guns to tell people they can't get high if they feel like it and hurt nobody. AFAIK there are no documented cases of fatal pot overdoses, but people do die from marijuana -- because our government is willing to shoot people to keep us from smoking a certain plant for amusement.

Shouting Thomas said...

Whoa, boys!

Since I am an expert sinner, I've got to defend the women a little.

Women need to get warmed up before they're ready to take the plunge into vice. They aren't generally as gung-ho as men.

Once you get the women property warmed up, they will generally go for just about anything.

It's not so much that they don't want to commit the sin. They don't want to be blamed for it. They want the man to cajole them into it, so that they can blame him for it later.

BarryD said...

Oh, and the plant in the picture behind me with that rifle is a lemon cucumber vine. I swear.

garage mahal said...

How often do you count your sperm?

I can count the children.

DADvocate said...

I didn't see that in the Professor's link. Did I just miss it, or are you quoting a different source? If a different source, could you provide a link?

Me neither. Something tells me that Alpha and garage would ruin a good high before you could exhale.

Anonymous said...

Women know how to get things done.
Women don't feel the need to get high.
"Women are more practical.
Women take their child rearing responsibilities more seriously.
Women are winners.
Men are weaker willed.
Men feel marginalized.
Men have low sperm counts.
Men are losers.

It's all bullshit."
Damn Wyo Sis, I was about to high five you.

DADvocate said...

I can count the children

That's only one sperm per child. How many kids do you have?

traditionalguy said...

ST...The mating song of southern belles has always been,"oh I'm feeling a little bit drunk."

Menahem Globus said...

I'd be curious to see a breakdown by sexual orientation. Do lesbians have patterns more like those of heterosexual men? If so I think you have the answer.

CJinPA said...

Not necessarily. You can believe that the Democrats committed voter fraud without believing that the fraud was necessary for Obama's victory. It just padded it. Just in case.

That one actually said "24% responded that [ACORN] did steal the election for him."

That's of all voters polled.

McTriumph said...

It's obvious why men support legalization in greater numbers than women. Every man born after 1945 knows that women are easy when high. They can be talked into trying anything.

Dante said...

From "As Good as it gets":

Ditzy Secretary "How do you write women so well?"

Melvin: "I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability."

How does this map. A Mom might be concerned about drug use of their child. But, they do not want to be held accountable for their children's drug use, hence they let the state be responsible for it.

A Mom might not understand that it's hard for children to get illegal booze than marijuana, and the parent might not realize the reasons behind this also translate to children obtaining marijuana.

Seeing Red said...

The gender difference once again shows for the hundreds of millions spent to make us "equal," we aren't.

Nature wins.

Legalization is coming, saw that writing on the wall at least 5 years ago.

At least it'll give MADD new life.

Toked up or booze'd up, let's get behind the wheel.

SteveR said...

Garage, I had stopped by the time I started having kids but that was one of those "reasons" they gave you to not smoke. I always thought you made up for it by frequency.

Known Unknown said...

Marijuana lowers sperm count.

I'm living proof that is a myth

The Professor asked you to speculate, not ejaculate.

AllenS said...

A woman doesn't want her man/provider, fucked up.

garage mahal said...

Don't hate. Ejaculate.

Alex said...

Garage has a family of 1 million kids who will all vote Democrat.

Alex said...

Temperance movement

The national movement enlisted more religious support throughout the country, especially from evangelicals.

Alex said...

Basically fundies just can't help themselves when it comes to poking their nose under your tent.

X said...

many are duped but women are more easily duped by Big Alcohol

glenn said...

David hit the bullseye with the first post.

Shouting Thomas said...


Drunkenness really was a problem prior to Prohibition. Prohibition, however, didn't cure it. It just made the problem worse.

Prior to Prohibition, is was common for people to drink heavily at work. If you watch B&W movies from the 20s and 30s, you'll see that it was common in offices to offer a client or co-worker a drink on the job!

In the factories, workers were commonly given a couple of breaks during the day to throw back a shot or two.

The men all repaired to the bar immediately after work, where they spent the family paycheck. Then they headed home late, drunk as skunks.

Alex said...

ST - Prohibition did not solve drunkenness, education did.

Shouting Thomas said...

ST - Prohibition did not solve drunkenness, education did.

In my family, it was religious indoctrination that solved drunkenness. My father was the first member of his family for generations to be sober.

Even today, AA employs what is essentially religious indoctrination with drunks.

Lots of musicians are recovering drunks. Believe me, I've been through it with plenty of them.

BarryD said...

Drunkenness is only a problem in specific contexts.

"A woman doesn't want her man/provider, fucked up."

Yup. In any culture where there is slavery or something akin to it, you will find laws restricting the amusements of slaves, lest something interfere with their ability to work hard for their owners.

BarryD said...

"If you can't work, or work at your capacity, you might as well stay home, get high and screw."

Shit! All those years I've been working without it killing me, I should have been getting high and screwing instead?

Balfegor said...

Re: CJinPa:

I was responding to this,

30% of respondents indicated they thought Democrats engaged in voter fraud. 33% of
Hispanics, the same percentage as of white voters, believe that Democrats engaged in voter fraud

but (a) I see you were talking about 1 in 4, and (b) I haven't read the underlying article so maybe the 30%/33% were the same as the 24% (and Blacks and Other had much lower percentages thinking the was voter fraud that changed the electoral outcome).

n.n said...

Legalize and tax it into voluntary prohibition. It works for jobs, too.

Alex said...

Drinking only works out until cirrhosis comes along.

timkb4cq said...

For some reason, the average woman seems to have a stronger belief than the average man in the power of government to help. Perhaps it's because they are, on average, more law-abiding than men are.

So if drug addiction is a problem then just make the drugs illegal - end of problem or at least a lessening thereof.
More men see that the law won't be followed, will be willing to break it themselves for something they want, and see how the lawless will be able to profit from it.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

Women dont want smoke in da house.

McTriumph said...

Men always behave more dangerously except in France where the sperm count is low.

Anonymous said...

Legalize marijuana and all heretofore illegal druges. Let people ingest what they want.

Furthermore, eliminate controls on most constrolled substances. If you need/want hydrocodone, fine. Go to a drugstore and get some.

You are responsible for your behavior.

We waste way too much taxpayer money trying to help people when we're not really helping them at all.

If you want to jay-walk, fine. Accept the risks of your behavior.

Wince said...

1.) The major downside to legalization is the perception that it will increase kid's access to weed. There are more single parent families, and women are more likely to be the custodial parent. As such, women see more harm to their kids in making it legal.

2.) As for men, they are more likely to see pot as an antidote to nagging, and need it more.

3.) Women want to keep it illegal because they can use possession and use against their husbands in divorce and custody actions.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Was Belcher smoking weed?

Just curious.

jimbino said...

Women do not favor participating in anything fun, including hunting, fishing, camping, hitchhiking, rock climbing, chess, physics, cabinetmaking, especially if there's a risk involved.

That's why they prefer gossiping, knitting, and shopping for clothes.

Mary Beth said...

Chip S. said...

Care to speculate on what that gender difference is about?

I wonder if the demographics are similar for The Big Lebowski.

I'm for both.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

You seem to know dull boring women Jimbino. I can guarantee you there are women out there that are having quite a bit of fun doing all sorts of things other than those you listed.

Anonymous said...

NTTAWWT. I'm crocheting as we speak.

DADvocate said...

You seem to know dull boring women Jimbino.


NTTAWWT. I'm crocheting as we speak.

So, you're one of Jimbino's female friends or acquaintances?

BTW - Crocheting much safer than knitting. You can poke your eye out while knitting.

Anonymous said...

No Daddy, I am not an acquaintance of Jmbino, I'm sure he is a very nice man who frequents National Parks looking for minorities, very interesting pastime.

A knitting needle can be a dangerous weapon too.

Revenant said...

Women have always been more strongly in favor of prohibition than men. Women were the reason we had alcohol prohibition, too.

Why, I can't say.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
NTTAWWT. I'm crocheting as we speak.

No wonder you get all crochety.

Anonymous said...

Well perhaps I'll take a toke off that funny cigarette, that should make me less crotchety.

chickelit said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

Women were the reason we had alcohol prohibition, too.

The Temperance movement may have been staffed by women, but it was led by men too and the passage of the 18th Amendment (by men only*) and was enabled by the 16th Amendment.

It must have been one of of those pela di figa things.

Chip S. said...

A trip to the moon on Ganja Dwarf cigs;
just one of those figs.

Luther said...

Women like control, not necessarily power in and of itself, as that means taking responsibility for ones actions.

Just control. Yoni rules.

damikesc said...

How does this map. A Mom might be concerned about drug use of their child. But, they do not want to be held accountable for their children's drug use, hence they let the state be responsible for it.

Heck, women want to be "equals" yet want Daddy Government to buy their birth control for them.

Don't see men demanding Mommy Government buy condoms.

Women have an insane belief in the kindness and goodness of government.

Mary Beth said...

If I couldn't knit, I couldn't have made a cunning Jayne hat. Also made ones for my son and two other soldiers/"Firefly" fans.

"A man walks down the street in that hat, people know he's not afraid of anything."

Anonymous said...

Maybe Amazon will sell it and we can use Althouse's portal.

rhhardin said...

The legalize vote consists of potheads and economists.

The potheads want the drug, the economists want to stop making dealing it enormously profitable.

Women lack the economics segment.

Steve Koch said...

Women are way more statist, i.e. more willing to accept government supervision at the cost of liberty.

Steve Koch said...

It was just one of those things
Just one of those crazy flings
One of those bells that now and then rings
Just one of those things
It was just one of those nights
Just one of those fabulous flights
A trip to the moon on gossamer wings
Just one of those things
If we had thought a bit
Of the end of it when we started painting the town
We'ed had been aware that our love affair
Was too hot not too cool down
So goodbye dear and amen
Heres hoping we meet now and then
It was great fun, but it was just one of those things

Steve Koch said...

Chip Ahoy's take off on Cole Porter was cool.

Anonymous said...

With lots of weed and internet porn why would a boy need girls?

chickelit said...

LarsPorsena said...
With lots of weed and internet porn why would a boy need girls?

Not a great reproductive strategy there, Lars, but you're getting warmer.

Anonymous said...
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chickelit said...

ambienisevil said...
Wasn't prohibition spearheaded by women in the 1920s?

It was perfect storm of events, including the passage of the 16th Amendment which replaced some of sales tax and revenue lost when alcohol was outlawed. See Ken Burns' "Prohibition" for a very good analysis of all the factors at the time.

kentuckyliz said...

If it were legal, it would make it so much easier for me to implement my coup d'etat of the universe.

Or at least it would accelerate social sorting.

Speaking as a top of the heap gal myself.

You fire up a fattie, I will be your sober overlord.

Valentine Smith said...
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DADvocate said...

I'm sure he is a very nice man who frequents National Parks looking for minorities...

Guess I missed something somewhere. I imagine Big Bend National Park in Texas has lots of minorities, mostly Mexicans packing in drugs.

Anonymous said...

I would like marijuana to be legalized so I could smoke it maybe 4 or 5 times per year to relax and unwind. An apathy vacation to recharge my batteries. All I would need is one or two puffs. I would never do it with my children around though. I knew some people who smoked it everyday, that I believe is unhealthy and they have to smoke a ton to get high. If you use it with extreme moderation, all it takes is one puff and you will have an enjoyable experience. Just don't smoke it with the everyday potheads because they are boring and wonder why you are laughing hysterically after just one puff. I view it as something to be savored on extremely rare occasions (never now that I am a mom until it is legalized).

sakredkow said...

You fire up a fattie, I will be your sober overlord.


Here to serve.

Chip Ahoy said...

Care to speculate.

I'm not big on speckles but here goes, they can't control us so well when we're laughing. Our discovering the sexual double entendres within their screeds directed at us and our giggling at those just flat pisses women off.

We outcook them all over the place when we're high and leave four times the mess, and being fair minded they feel compelled to help clean up rather than hose it all off in the back yard like we would do or just let the dog lick the plates clean, then put them all back.

This guy goes, "Did you ever wear the same pants because the ones you wore yesterday had a belt in them?" Women know with pot there'd be a lot more of that and when they take down our pants they expect that 'nice fresh all over' feeling.

Contrarily, women are against pot only incrementally by this poll or whatever it is, and the women I'm followixxxxx trying to gexxxxxxx keep talkxxxxxxx notice that go into the dispensary are the coolest women ever. I'd like to know them better but so far they're not having me. They're friendly enough but as yet have not accepted any offers not even anything so simple as lunch next door.

Nothing has worked. Not even this, "Don't let the fact that I was already rejected today affect your decision. That's okay, I have really thick skin." *pinches paper thin skin* "I'll live. I alway do manage." *put on my blank puppydog face*

Or this, "I didn't recognize you." She turns to see who is addressing her. "From behind I thought you were a bag lady." Her brow furrowed. "But then you spoke and I recognized your voice instantly." She does have a distinct voice. And that did get her talking about her own voice, but oddly, I didn't get anywhere with her.

joe said...

Sometime in the Future(Kalifornia)

Officer Oldhaus, pulls over a driver for a "taillight" out.

Dude, what's with the stop?

Officer;You have a light out, have you been drinking or "smokin"?

Well, I did stop at the Hookha Bazooka and had two molasses marijuana.

Officer; Sir, please blow into my Obamatronic intoxilator.

Pheww cough cough.

Officer: Please step out of your Solar Stutz as your being arrested for DWI, you blew a .04 THC

Dude; That's bogus, everyone knows the Obamatronic is a rip off.

Officer; Tell the judge, not me.

Dude; If I had known that legalizing marijuana would end up like this,I would have voted against legalizing it.

Officer; That's the thing about marijuana, it leaves you unable to think clearly and like chess, be able to think of future possibilities.

Dude; Damn Congresswomen Althouse, she's a lawyer, and knew it would end up like this, being arrested for driving under THC.What's the fine?

Officer; The fine is #5K plus probation cost, normally the total cost, loss of job, insurance, about $15k.

Dude; Oh, wait I have a Rx for marijuana, medicine you know.

Officer; Aww, now you did it, the limit for Rx marijuana is .01. I have to book you on two felonies now.

jnseward said...

Women don't dig grass as much as men do. I don't know why, but it's true, in my experience. They'll smoke it, just to please some guy, but they don't really care for it that much.

hombre said...

Given the prognosis for the country, the temptation to get stoned and stay stoned must be overwhelming for some people .

Teri said...

I smoked quite a bit back in the day. Got bored with it and stopped eventually. I had a friend that was allowed to grow medical marijuana and I can tell you that it's a lot different from the stuff you smoke to get high. It's been bred for pain relief and help in sleeping. I didn't find it at all pleasant.

When they get the law sorted out,I may buy some for those times when I'd like to unwind. I can't see smoking on a daily basis though.

Robert Cook said...

I've tried pot a handful of times and the resulting burning throat and coughing fits always prevented me from being able to smoke enough to enjoy the promised effects. So, I'm not a smoker, but friends of mine were heavy pot smokers in high school and (other friends) in college. Of those friends who smoked pot who I am still in contact with, they have all stopped of their own accord. They said as they got older it just became boring and no longer appealed to them.

(On the other hand, I have a relative who's been a regular pot smoker since he was in high school...and he's now middle aged.)

Robert Cook said...

"From 'As Good as it gets':

"Ditzy Secretary 'How do you write women so well?'

"Melvin: 'I think of a man, and I take away reason and accountability.'"

Then again, AS GOOD AS IT GETS was a shitty movie with unbelievable characters and story, and Melvin was a thoroughly unlikable asshole who never gained in charm despite the unlikely and manipulative peregrinations of the plot.

Clyde said...

Why were the forces of Temperance in the 19th Century predominantly female? Because the women saw men misbehaving (i.e., getting drunk) and didn't like it. So they banned it. It didn't work, although it did enrich the criminal underworld.

I would guess that there is a larger percentage of women who want to control the behavior of others than among men, and it's probably not limited to dope smokers.

Renee said...
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Renee said...

Than we can have warning labels on it... like we do with cigarettes.

Marijuana Use Associated With Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome in Young Males

Carl said...

The men who are involved in the question -- who vote on that basis, or gladly participate in surveys -- are young men, who want to smoke dope and not be told what to do by Authority. Older men don't care that much.

The women who are involved in the question are mothers, who don't want their sons smoking dope and getting their silly asses on probation, losing their jobs and girlfriends, et cetera. Younger women don't care that much.

As for the older libertarian men you might imagine would add to Class 1, they will want to deliver a 45 minute lecture on gun rights, the folly of nation-building in Mali, and auditing the Fed before answering the poll question Should dope be legal? with yes or no, so it those cases it's the pollster who skips their participation in order to preserve her sanity.

BarryD said...

"For some reason, the average woman seems to have a stronger belief than the average man in the power of government to help. Perhaps it's because they are, on average, more law-abiding than men are."

Could also have something to do with this.

Scroll down to Raven...

Ben said...

Women are less likely to question authority. If someone says pot is bad, women will be more likely to take their word, while men are more likely to say, "Wait a second, what's your proof?"

Craig said...

I suspect it's because more marijuana smokers are men to begin with. Why that is remains an interesting question.

el polacko said...

men have a sense of humor.

Eric said...

Just FYI, the question as asked regarding the election was

"Do you think that Barack Obama legitimately
won the Presidential election this year, or do
you think that ACORN stole it for him?"

Thus setting up anyone who has doubts about the election results to look like an idiot.


The Madison Project said...

as in women typically are the ones to deal with teenage drug use/abuse

Mermaid said...

I'm a woman and the ONLY reason I oppose legalization of marijuana is because the govt will then start TAXING it the moment it becomes 'legal'. Wise up all you fucking idiots.

Micha Elyi said...

deborah said...

   c4 said, "The inherent meddling nature of women."

I notice deborah made no attempt to refute that.

Aren't you the one always noting that the US uneccesarily invaded Iraq and Afghanistan at the cost of security, blood, treasure, and esteem? What was the male/female ratio of the Congress that authorized Bush to use force?

Nice try at attempting the tu quoque* fallacy, deborah.

You also tossed in the Frontman Fallacy - caught ya! Now you're stuck arguing that the votes of females have nothing to do with what members of Congress do. Here's a taste of real life, those men in Congress are quicker to jump to the side of females than men. And you may have missed it but polls at the time revealed more females than men supported launching those wars. Those polls sampled a cross-section of the US voting-age population, something Congress certainly is not.

Furthermore, it is easily arguable that to the degree Congress represented men's interests in going to war in Afghanistan and Iraq, their motive was to respond to Afghanistani and Iraqi aggression against the US and its allies. To the degree that their votes represented female interests, their motive was to meddle in the culture of the people of those two countries. Go ahead, deborah, and review what Western feminists were saying before 9/11 about how "somebody" should intervene in Afghanistan and other majority-Mohammedan nations because they don't meet international feminist norms...

Again, deborah, you made no attempt to refute c4's statement. Worse, by your attempted tu quoque you implicitly admit that c4 is correct.

Try again.

*in schoolyard English it means "you do it too"

Zorro said...

No matter how high they are, women know that a "Fruit Loop and Snickers pizza" is an empirically bad idea.

Gospace said...

I noticed there was no breakdown on this question- married men/singel men and married women/single women.

I'll bet the marital gap on this quesion is as large, or larger, them the marriage gap on Obama's votes.

CTimbo said...

Why? Because they see their "baby daddies" (intentionally plural,) spending the diaper money on themselves instead of on his half dozen or so kids.

Of course, these are the same women who think of the government as one of their baby daddies.

CTimbo said...

Why? Because they see their "baby daddies" (intentionally plural,) spending the diaper money on themselves instead of on his half dozen or so kids.

Of course, these are the same women who think of the government as one of their baby daddies.

CTimbo said...
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DT said...
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DT said...
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DT said...

Women are more overprotective than men. Maternal instincts. You see it in parenting, constantly trying to hover and protect their kids from getting hurt (I have to make a conscious effort not to do this, it is hard.) This translates into statist tendencies at the policy level.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

I've seen enough marriages in the last three generations to speculate that women and children are harmed when the man of the house drinks the rent, or sends it up his nose. A lot of women take this threat very seriously. Remember, the drive for Prohibition was started by women with axes.

John Thacker said...

A small part of the sex difference is because women live longer, so a greater percentage of the older 65 respondents are women. But that probably can't be all of it.

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