December 2, 2012

At the Sunrise Swim Café...

... converge.

(Video by Meade. ADDED: The camera was the GoPro HD HERO2: Outdoor Edition, which you can buy, along with many other things at Amazon — and if you go in through these link, you'll be costlessly expressing appreciation for this blog. Thanks to everyone who's been doing that. We notice!)


Farmer said...

I've worked the whole weekend so far. I still have things to do but I'm taking off the rest of the day.

Go Packers!

God help me, I'm starting their defense in my fantasy league. My main team is the Giants and I don't like their matchup against the Skins tomorrow night.

A win gets me the second seed in the playoffs.

chickelit said...

This series should get more interesting as the ice floes.

pm317 said...

Was that Zeus in the background, the other black blob?

le Douanier said...

For the record, long ago--before the pics of these Meadehood dogs--I suggested that Meade should become a dog walker.

He's got a dog-walkery thing.

jungatheart said...

Amazing picture; what kind of camera is that?

Ann Althouse said...

Deborah, I added to the post to answer your q.

kentuckyliz said...

Demographic decline illustrated: the only "swimmers" a highly educated yuppie couple is concerned with are a couple of labs.

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Farmer, my bro runs a most excellent football pool - Farside

BaltoHvar said...

I have the first edition GoPro and use it on my Helmet when riding motocross. The low(er) def quality does not match the latest version, but the movies are still gang-busters.

You need to add a Dog Collar mount. These two would make ideal canine camera platforms.

Marc in Eugene said...

Am reading William Cobbett.

The great source of independence, the French express in a precept of three words, vivre de peu, which I have always very much admired. To live upon little is the great security against slavery; and this precept extends to dress and other things besides food and drink. When Doctor Johnson wrote his Dictionary, he put in the word pensioner thus: PENSIONER-- A slave of state. After this he himself became a pensioner! And thus, agreeably to his own definition, he lived and died a slave of state! What must this man of great genius, and of great industry too, have felt at receiving this pension! Could he be so callous as not to feel a pang upon seeing his own name placed before his own degrading definition? And what could induce him to submit to this? His wants, his artificial wants, his habit of indulging in the pleasures of the table; his disregard of the precept vivre de peu.

Bob Ellison said...

Is that a school of dogs, or a flock of them? Two might not constitute a nameworthy collection, though. Where's #3?

pm317 said...

Pack of dogs? (as in pack of wolves)

Bob Ellison said...

pm317, when the dogs are acting all amphibious like that, they earn a new name. A group of geese is called a gaggle on the ground, but a skein on the wing. Maybe we should call those dogs a skein or a chorus, like frogs. Pretty quiet, though, and the coats on these particular frogs doesn't look yarn-like.

pm317 said...

@Bob, OK, got it..

ricpic said...

Poor Turner, he killed himself trying to get the effect of morning sun on the atmosphere that the camera records effortlessly. Though I guess the men that developed optical technology killed themselves in the development -- so it all evens out.

Chip Ahoy said...

I noticed if you stack things up in a wish list then pop all at once then things come in dribs and drabs.

And then it occurred to me, Schwachkopf, you didn't do one click two day.

So I don't know what you're supposed to do, thread in and out making sure to use only one window -- how does a person do that? -- while using the wish list as reference. Whatevs. So now the crap comes dribbling in.

Chip Ahoy said...

oops, I goofed it.

A pack of dogs, their collective noun on the ground, a pod of dogs while swimming.

I made that up.

sakredkow said...

The very strong London Chess Classic started yesterday. Hikaru Nakamura, the American, defeated the world's #2 rated, Lev Aronian.

Unfortunately for Judit Polgar fans she was easily defeated by former World Champion Vladimir Kramnik.

Today the world's #1 rated Magnus Carlsen won his game, and sadly Kramnik just defeated Nakamura.

Vishy Anand, the current World Champion, just lost his game, too. Very tough tournament.

Moose said...

Meade is tilting to starboard a bit...

Bob Ellison said...

I like "a pod of dogs", Chip Ahoy. Given their appearance and bouyancy, perhaps "a flotilla" would work similarly. Though boats rarely chase squirrels these days.

Chip Ahoy said...

I always thought a parliament of owls should have been a hoot.

Parliaments are rowdy. Argumentative. Disputative. Owls just sit there quietly waiting for a tiny distant mouse to make the faintest rustle. Then they turn their heads all the way around and look at each other and nod wisely to each other, one after the other casting glances, nodding,

"you got this one?"

"why yes, I believe this one is mine"

"well what are you waiting for, the light to get greener?"


They all laugh together without making a sound then one slides off the branch and silently away slipping into the night and onto the ground.

foomp and that's it.

vza said...

Is it OK for a dog to go swimming frequently in cold water ?

Bob Ellison said...

A clown-car of squirrel monkeys?

AllenS said...

How about a round of applause for those Packers.

Bob Ellison said...

Chip Ahoy, let me know when the book comes out. It'll be a pop-up, I assume, with recipes.

rhhardin said...

Backwoods Santa

Ann Althouse said...

"Where's #3?"

Bingo was running with his owner.

Chip Ahoy said...

Another thing I was delighted to learn, or as the kids say on reddit, TIL, one of my favorite cards is turning out to be Discover, although they mail me too much stuff all the time like we have a relationship or something, they also email saying payment due is coming up and I appreciate that.

Amazon goes, okay, which card would you like to use? and I go, let's do Discover and Amazon goes, you know you have 50 some Discover bonus point dollars you can use, and I go, what?

I never read that stuff. It drives me nuts trying to keep up so I ignore it.

But this time Amazon said your total is 130.00 something and I go, Ha! I won't even fell it, and then it said use your bonus dollar points Dude! So I did, and then Amazon goes, your total is now 80 something dollars, and I really won't be feeling that.

rhhardin said...

The Federal Reserve pays bonus points on bank deposits. They're good for air miles, hotels, everything.

That's what's holding inflation down.

Rialby said...

If Republicans were smart they would invest heavily in US Planned Parenthood centers located in heavily black and Hispanic neighborhoods and in foreign abortion clinics in countries like Mexico that export large numbers of poor and uneducated people to the US.

Rusty said...

vza said...
Is it OK for a dog to go swimming frequently in cold water ?

It's what they're bred for.
Labrador being a very cold place.

Freeman Hunt said...

I know a child who developed a phobia of dogs after one growled at him. I wonder if he would be cured if his family borrowed a dog for a week.

edutcher said...

If we're converging, where's Ann channeling her inner Polar bear and diving in with the pups?

Rialby said...

If Republicans were smart they would invest heavily in US Planned Parenthood centers located in heavily black and Hispanic neighborhoods and in foreign abortion clinics in countries like Mexico that export large numbers of poor and uneducated people to the US.

As far as CONUS is concerned, they don't have to.

Thanks to Planned Barrenhood, blacks are slowly aborting and contracepting themselves into single digits and the Hispanics will all be going south of the Border when we hit the fiscal cliff.

Unknown said...

I'm oddly fascinated by the movies of the dogs swimming. I can't quite put my finger on why. I don't even like dogs that much.
My dad did, and his last dog was a Golden Retriever who loved the water. On the day he died in November the last thing my dad did was take Beau on a walk to the play in the water, so maybe that's it.

vza said...

In reply to Rusty:

I posted the question and the link because of a comment,(now deleted), that criticized the daily swim in the cold water.

chickelit said...

edutcher coined: "planned barrenhood".

Nice! I like it!