November 6, 2012

The first votes are in... and it's a tie.

"Ten voters in the tiny village of Dixville Notch, New Hampshire, cast the first Election Day votes of the 2012 general elections at 12:01 a.m. ET, in keeping with a tradition that began in 1960... Five voted for President Obama and five voted for Mitt Romney."

Email from CNN.


Icepick said...


Scott M said...

It was 15 to 21 in 2008 for Obama. That's a 21 point shift away from the President if it's a 5-5 tie now. #thingsthatmakeugohmm

Shouting Thomas said...

No matter who wins...

I'm against him!

john said...

It says the median age in Dixville Notch is 76 years. It's good that they vote early. They may not get another chance (later in the day, that is).

Paco Wové said...

"It was 15 to 21 in 2008 for Obama"

Where'd the other 26 voters go? Off to the funeral home?

Shouting Thomas said...

The "median" age is 76?

That means, what? At the upper end, they're risen from the dead?

morris said...

The second votes are in, it's an Obama landslide.

Carnifex said...

More Zero voters stayed home...can you say enthusiasm gap? I knew you could. Well, except for Shiloh.

Carnifex said...

And since when has death stopped a determined Democrat from voting?

Scott said...

"Dixville" sounds like the title of a gay porno film.

bagoh20 said...

So they could have all stayed home. With only ten people you would think they would just call each other first and decide to go to bed instead.

Shouting Thomas said...

"Dixville" sounds like the title of a gay porno film.

For the elderly?

There's every kind of porno you can imagine on the web. Even porno featuring the old, fat and ugly!

TWM said...

My understanding is that there are only 10 registered voters there now. Some folks moved or something.

Shouting Thomas said...

The name of the town is actually Dixville Notch!

Even hornier than I thought. They've got notches, too!

TWM said...

Even with that, it shows how tight the race is even in Dixieville . . .

TWM said...

Sorry, yeah, Dixie Notch. Way kinkier . . .

Scott said...

For the elderly?

I can't imagine that old people find watching other old people to be stimulating to their prurient interests.

Scott said...

Or something like that.

Scott said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
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Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Last time it was AN Obama blow out. Improvement!

Nathan Alexander said...

Here's why Romney will win:
- Dem turnout numbers down
- WI, MI, MN, PA suddenly in MOE or actual ties in the last week of election, when polling accuracy becomes more important to the companies than propaganda
- President Obama (Mr Cool) crying
- that President Obama said "Voting is the best revenge" is what someone who knows he can't win says
- the sullen look on his face as he said "Voting is the best revenge"
- last-minute campaigning and ad buys in IA, PA, OH, WI, MI, MN for both campaigns mean Romney is surging in these "firewall" states. If Obama were going to win the battle would be in Missouri, Florida, North Carolina, Montana, Nebraska (for the split vote)
- The Obama Campaign telling supporters during conference call to not worry if early totals show Romney up
- Obama drew 4k to Cleveland a few days ago, where he drew 80k 4 years ago
- Obama underdrawing expectations in Madisaon
- the fact that Obama spent several key hours the day before the election campaigning in Madison (!!!)
- Romney has been drawing crowds that endure uncomfortable weather to exceed expectations AND venue capacity
- EPA rushing to complete plans to enact regulations during lame duck period should Obama lose
- Obama tired, flinty, bitter vs Romney relaxed, happy, calm
- No one disputes Romney is winning independents by 22 points
- Obama apparently cannibalized its solid voters for the early vote, rather than new/sporadic voters; Romney has eroded the lead using sporadic/new/weak voters, saving the solid voters for today

jungatheart said...
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Cedarford said...

I know the media loves to waste lots of airtime on the self-important people of one select buttfuck town every 4 years. How, also with "tradition", they demand visits and personal one-on-one with the people running for President to "assist them with their critical voting choice"..

A media love of the trivial vs. the important.

Way back, you see, before early voting and tens of millions voting earlier than the "celebs!!" of Dixville Notch - they were the earliest voters.

Now? Who the fuck cares??

edutcher said...

Their brains froze during the wait.

Shouting Thomas said...

I know the media loves to waste lots of airtime on the self-important people of one select buttfuck town every 4 years.

They ain't "butt fucking!" They got notches!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I hope that they have two coffee shops in this little burg. Otherwise it has to be uncomfortable conversations over coffee in the morning. :-)

SteveR said...

Live Free, Vote Early and Die

rehajm said...

My understanding is that there are only 10 registered voters there now. Some folks moved or something.

Those extra voters aren't living there because Dixville Notch is home to an historic destination hotel, The Balsams, which has been closed for major renovations.