November 19, 2012

Sexually assaulted in full view of millions, the 18-year-old boy really has no option but to treat it as a joke.

Look at the photograph of the hulking Jenny McCarthy grabbing Justin Bieber by the throat and suctioning the back of his neck:
"Wow. I feel violated right now," he said, laughing.

"I did grab his butt," McCarthy said backstage. "I couldn't help it. He was just so delicious. So little. I wanted to tear his head off and eat it."
Imagine the sexes reversed. If you can. McCarthy is more than twice Bieber's age. She's 40. But, oh, she's trying so hard to project sexuality:
As you may know and not care about, Jenny is about to pose in Playboy again. She first posed for the men’s mag at 21, which helped launch her career as a sexy doofus. Recounting her first experience posing nude, Jenny told Oprah that... the Playboy people were surprised when she first took off her undies because she supposedly had the hairiest nether region they’d ever seen. In an appearance on The Today Show, Jenny said she’s using her pubes to maintain her modesty or something...
Too much information? Actually, no. That's great information. That's funny. But stop molesting teenagers. That's not funny, even if circumstances require Bieber to pretend that it is.


alan markus said...

So,that was 1993 when she posed for Playboy? Right after the end of the first Bush presidency.

Peter said...

Recounting her first experience posing nude, Jenny told Oprah that... the Playboy people were surprised when she first took off her undies because she supposedly had the hairiest nether region they’d ever seen. In an appearance on The Today Show, Jenny said she’s using her pubes to maintain her modesty or something...

Oooooooookay .....

LarryK said...

American Music Awards 2012: Justin Bieber gets kiss from Jenny McCarthy, performs with Nicki Minaj - and wins artist of the year

What next, Rosie O'Donnell as Miss America? Al Sharpton nabs the Nobel Peace Prize? Maybe the apocalypse really is coming.

Matt Sablan said...

Are we sure it wasn't just part of the performance like any of the other antics at these sorts of award shows?

Shouting Thomas said...

When you're an Old Fart (no, make that Old Dawg!), certain age old truths are revealed upon you.

The girls do the same thing every generation. They always complain that they're getting the short end of the stick.

The White Knights rush in to give the girls whatever they want and can imagine. They blame everything that the girls are currently angry about on the Bad Men. As they will often remind you, the great White Knights are motivated by chivalry and high minded liberalism.

This charade leads to women constantly demanding more when they are in fact always favored.

You have to be an Old Dawg and live through several iterations of this farce before you can see it for what it is.

Renee said...

Who watches these award shows?

Rusty said...

Aw, man. When did she turn into a cougar?

LoafingOaf said...

I didn't see it, but I doubt he felt assaulted, as I don't think most guys care if a female does that to them. Of course you never know so it's never a good idea to do that, and you're correct that if he didn't like it he would feel forced to treat it as a joke.

If my memory's correct, one of Jenny McCarthy's things on her MTV show Singled Out was to grope some of the male contestants.

Kevin said...

Matthew has it right, this is no more an assault than the Janet Jackson Super Bowl thing or the Eminem fart thing. It's all prestaged preplanned "controversy," and I don't know how anyone could write an article like that with a straight face. I'm so tired of people just pumping out lies knowing that the masses are stupid and led around by the nose, like in the musical Chicago.

LoafingOaf said...

Speaking of MTV, way back when Jon Stewart had a talk show on there and Elisabeth Shue was a guest, and she grabbed him in the crotch.

Ann Althouse said...

"Are we sure it wasn't just part of the performance like any of the other antics at these sorts of award shows?"

No, but it is displayed that way for millions of young people to absorb and be influenced by.

Ann Althouse said...

And even if he agreed to be woman-handled, that's some scarily rough handling... the big hand around the front of the neck... the giant lips gripping from behind...


Ann Althouse said...

@Loafing Oaf Here, I found the clip. He asks her to get off his lap, saying he has a fiancé, and she assaults him AFTER that. Then she moves over to the couch, smirks, and talks about the fact that she went to Harvard.

It's actually quite disgusting, but she has no idea, despite being smart enough to have gone to Harvard (assuming that's true).

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

I wouldn't call it assaulted, but I'm a little surprised Ann goes all Puritan here.

It is, after all, show biz.

PS No pictures so we can make our own evaluation?

I feel so cheated.

Anonymous said...

Boy, I must really be out of the loop because I have no idea who Jenny McCarthy is. I looked at her picture and didn't even recognize her face. Is she a singer or actress? Does everyone know who this person is?

NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

In an appearance on The Today Show, Jenny said she’s using her pubes to maintain her modesty or something...

It's funny until you realize that people actually follow this woman's advice about not vaccinating their kids.

Anonymous said...

This is the woman who argued vociferously that vaccinations cause autism, right? Beauty can slowly fade, but that damage from that stance is longer lasting.

Anonymous said...

This is the woman who argued vociferously that vaccinations cause autism, right? Beauty can slowly fade, but that damage from that stance is longer lasting.

Hagar said...


Dave D said...

Does anyone else think that owl tatoo on JB's arm looks ridiculous? Looks like an anime/big-eyed jpapanimation owl. WIll REALLY look ridiculous if he ever decides to look like a grown up human male...........

Wince said...

In an appearance on The Today Show, Jenny said she’s using her pubes to maintain her modesty or something.

A follow-up to yesterday's post on why "'I think we are just used to seeing naked women because they are used as objects of desire in advertisements and TV.' Naked men are not that common - we are not used to seeing a penis..."

shiloh said...

Not to worry as it was a legitimate rape and Bieber's body just shut down or some such conservative nonsense.

ricpic said...

I wanted to tear off his head and eat it.

The female propensity for black widow sex.

virgil xenophon said...


Agree w. your assessment. Actually Shue's actions are in some ways far worse, far more objectionable, as, unlike Shue, McCarthy makes no pretensions as to possessing a scintilla of intellectual and/or "class act" heft..

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Not to worry as it was a legitimate rape and Bieber's body just shut down or some such conservative nonsense.

The little weasel needs to get out of mom's basement.

He doesn't know it's the girl that gets pregnant.

And where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Managing the rubber plantation for the porn industry?

sakredkow said...

Not to worry as it was a legitimate rape and Bieber's body just shut down or some such conservative nonsense.

That was funny, Shiloh. :D

McTriumph said...

Bieber is a pussy, even at 40 McCarthy is still hot, she grabs my crotch, I'm grabbing her's back.

William said...

I don't think this is the most traumatic experience of Bieber's young life. I'm not sure if Bieber has even had an unpleasant, much less traumatic, experience in his young life. Maybe he had an unsatifactory haircut one time, but from the looks of it, he's got the kind of life that Tom Brady would envy.

sakredkow said...

Maybe he had an unsatifactory haircut one time, but from the looks of it, he's got the kind of life that Tom Brady would envy.

Nnn-nn. Selena just broke up with him.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Perhaps McCarthy was merely helping throttle back Bieber's newfound bad-boy image.

dbp said...

"...grabbing Justin Bieber by the throat and suctioning the back of his neck:"

Maybe she was attempting to perform an extremely late-term partial birth abortion on Bieber.

LoafingOaf said...

@Althouse: Oh, I didn't know Shue did it again on the Daily Show. I saw it on the MTV show when it first aired and thought it was pretty weird, like she could only get on this obscure new talk show and she was desperate to make some news out of it. I can't even imagine a male actor going on a talk show hosted by a female and grabbing her in her private areas. He'd probably be arrested and drummed out of Hollywood.

It says on Wiki she did go to Harvard.

pdn said...

Althouse is right ---- Bieber had his personal and physical space violated. It doesn't matter the business he is in, or his age, etc. He seems like a somewhat innocent kid (not naive)and probably does not think even an attractive 40 yr old grabbing him is exciting or OK. I remember being grabbed by a 40 yr old when I was 19, and it actually made me vary wary of 30+ men for a couple of years (not young men my age). It was totally gross .... but I didn't tell anyone or confront him so I am sure he did it to many other women my age.

It is not OK --- and she is totally gross.

jr565 said...

If males and females are the same and equal and cougars can grab guys and kiss them in the kneck, then what sweong with me copping a feel on some young starlet. Her tits are just so delicious I want to suck in them at an awards show.
Women's lib seems to mean women get to act like horny guys. Why can't guys act that way?

Biff said...

So let's try a concrete example of a gender/age role reversal. How about if, instead of 40 year old Jenny McCarthy assaulting Bieber, we pick an attractive 40 year old male, say Jude Law, to grab Bieber's erstwhile girlfriend, Selena Gomez, by the throat, plant a kiss on the back of her neck, and squeeze her butt because it "was just so delicious. So little. I wanted to tear [her] head off and eat it."


Biff said...

While we're at it, let's consider how all the variants in my hypothetical scenario might be interpreted/treated by the press and others:


How about same sex pairings? Shades of Madonna/Spears?

Anonymous said...

Totally gross?

Vaaa-lley girl.

Okay, I may not know who the hell Jenny McCarthy is, but I do get the "totally gross" reference.

Sing it, Moon Unit.

Like, oh my god! (valley girl)
Like - totally (valley girl)
Encino is like so bitchen (valley girl)
There's like the galleria (valley girl)
And like all these like really great shoe stores
I love going into like clothing stores and stuff
I like buy the neatest mini-skirts and stuff
Its like so bitchen cuz like everybodys like
Super-super nice...
Its like so bitchen...

Balfegor said...

Re: Loafing Oaf:

I didn't see it, but I doubt he felt assaulted, as I don't think most guys care if a female does that to them.

Well, a female that we think is reasonably attractive, sure. If someone my mother's age did that to me I would find it sick-making even if the perpetrator were still a reasonably handsome woman. It's like old maiden aunts squeezing nephews' cheeks only ten times grosser.

Balfegor said...

Oh heavens, she looks like a vampire in the article photo.

Balfegor said...

Trying to suck out his youth. Next Madame McCarthy will be after the blood of virgins.

Anonymous said...

McCarthy and Bieber?

Oh my God!

Barf me out!

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

No, but it is displayed that way for millions of young people to absorb and be influenced by

Yeah, it was weird and gross, but with all the garbage out there in the cesspool we call pop culture, you raise the What About the Children flag?


I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Also, why do people watch this shit? Serious question.

Balfegor said...

re: jr565:

If males and females are the same and equal and cougars can grab guys and kiss them in the kneck, then what sweong with me copping a feel on some young starlet.

Dear fellow, your problem is in your premise. Men and women are not the same. They are not equal. Of course there is a double standard -- don't be taken in by the rubbish people spout about "equality." Men are expected to behave like men. They are expected to exercise sexual self-restraint. Women, as every good Edwardian chauvinist knows, tend to an emotional hysteria. Sometimes that hysteria manifests itself in regrettable incidents like this. One really cannot expect any better. The decent thing to do is to avert ones eyes from the spectacle and carry on.

But I am not a gentleman. I prefer to gawk.

sakredkow said...

Also, why do people watch this shit? Serious question.

Well the show about the Dust Bowl was actually fascinating, but that's PBS, so it was that or football.

PBS is both too hard to understand and not politically correct.

Known Unknown said...

The 18-year old adult Bieber could sue the 40 year-old McCarthy.

Known Unknown said...

Well the show about the Dust Bowl was actually fascinating, but that's PBS, so it was that or football.

PBS is both too hard to understand and not politically correct

Say what?

sakredkow said...

Oh, Jesus, let me find someone to read it to us EMD!

Freeman Hunt said...

That Elizabeth Shue clip was horrible. Stewart was left summoning all his hosting wiles to smooth out the awkwardness. His main tactic was to self-deprecate below the threshold of the awkward guest, a good tactic but tough when the guest has so debased herself.

shiloh said...

I watched The Dust Bowl and there's always Discovery/National Geographic channel.

Or gasp, read a good book ...


Speaking of Playboy, Paula Broadwell's next legitimate option?

One would suspect there's already an All In! porno in production.

Indeed as porn ran out of plots (40) years ago, so they "borrow" from real life melodramas.

Or, Octomom/Amy Fisher, etc., use the genuine article lol.


btw, "legitimate" movies also ran out of plots forty years ago ...

The rule of Lemnity said...

Not to worry as it was a legitimate rape and Bieber's body just shut down or some such conservative nonsense.

Not to worry as it was Jenny McCarthy's choice not to abort her autistic baby or some such liberal nonsense.

shiloh said...

Lem's deflecting, non sequitur is duly noted ...

jr565 said...

balfegor wrote:
Dear fellow, your problem is in your premise. Men and women are not the same. They are not equal. Of course there is a double standard -- don't be taken in by the rubbish people spout about "equality." Men are expected to behave like men. They are expected to exercise sexual self-restraint. Women, as every good Edwardian chauvinist knows, tend to an emotional hysteria. Sometimes that hysteria manifests itself in regrettable incidents like this. One really cannot expect any better. The decent thing to do is to avert ones eyes from the spectacle and carry on.

I'm reminded of the line from As Good As it Gets.
Jack Nicholson is asked "How do you write women so well?"
Nicholson responds "I think of a Man.. and take away Reason and accountability."
That supposedly shows that Nicholson was a prime jackass, misanthrope, but perhaps he was on to something.

jr565 said...

EMD wrote:
The 18-year old adult Bieber could sue the 40 year-old McCarthy.

Most guys wouldn't dream of suing if they were groped, because.... well, they're not a bunch of pansies.

jr565 said...

However, maybe they should. Since, after all, women of a certain persuasion have been villifying men for objectifying women for the longest. If we are in a war of the sexes, then men should perhaps swing a few blows themselves.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Lem's deflecting, non sequitur is duly noted ...

An assault, or the appearance of an assault, takes place and you turn it into a liberal versus conservative thing and I'm deflecting?

sakredkow said...

An assault, or the appearance of an assault, takes place and you turn it into a liberal versus conservative thing and I'm deflecting?

Sir, sir...would you please step back, sir? With explosives like these you really need to let the professionals do their job.

McTriumph said...

Brennan, McCarthy and Shue, one wonders if there is enough cocaine, vodka and pot in the world to make it happen, could I afford it? What would be the logistics of getting them to my bedroom at the same time? Living room might be better, I've got a very sturdy coffee table and an adjustable piano bench.

Gee, guess I spent too much time at "The Sharing Cafe" post, find your dream.

shiloh said...

"An assault"

Indeed, Althouse's daily hyperbolic nonsense was also duly noted.

btw, gotta love those "assaults" which take place in public w/the whole world watching!

The rule of Lemnity said...

Sir, sir...would you please step back, sir? With explosives like these you really need to let the professionals do their job.

You want to get ugly... or you want it to get ugly... you want to shut people up.


ken in tx said...

It's the female Mantis that bites of and eats the head, not the Black Widow; but the male Black Widow is equally dead.

The rule of Lemnity said...

If it happened between two people of the same political persuasion... it didnt happen.

When everything is identity and identity is the defining fundamental principal, everything becomes political.

Politics is the vehicle for keeping people in line.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Politically, Rush could be demonised for calling a woman a slut... but McCarthy can be exonerated for invading a kids space... for handling him in a suggestively sexual manner.

That apparent disconnect only makes sense in our current political setting.

sakredkow said...

An assault, or the appearance of an assault, takes place and you turn it into a liberal versus conservative thing and I'm deflecting?

Let me spell it out without couching it in humor then. You're being a bit of a drama queen here, and it's not hard to see why. You want to leverage your rather artless f-a-u-x o-u-t-r-a-g-e to score points off your opponent.

Lighten up and try to have a little fun with the political foibles of your neighbors. I doubt anyone here at Althouse actually has any real influence for good or ill.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh, we are joking now. its a joke.

When Justice Prosser was accused to choking his college, it was joke too right?

sakredkow said...

When Justice Prosser was accused to choking his college, it was joke too right?

Oh, Mother of God. Please, self-serving shamemongering has ZERO effect on me. Nada! Never did, never will! Argue like a grownup.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You want to leverage your rather artless f-a-u-x o-u-t-r-a-g-e to score points off your opponent.

Questioning an adversary authenticity, qualifications is only allowed on one side.

When a conservative raises authenticity questions he/she is automatically labeled a racist, homophobic, misogynist bla bla bla.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh, Mother of God. Please, self-serving shamemongering has ZERO effect on me. Nada! Never did, never will! Argue like a grownup.

What you call self-serving shamemogering I call historical references and you say they are of no significance to you.

Got it.

Changing the language... 1984... oops, there goes another selfserving reference.

Renee said...


I was watching the Dust Bowel, as well. Some of the best television programming for the social conservative.

sakredkow said...

The 1984 Lebanon bombing! The Paris Peace talks! The McCarthy Hearings! Calling ketchup a vegetable! The Checkers speech!

There. I can do my own references and you should take them all seriously.

The rule of Lemnity said...

You liberals are very sensitive.

How dos it feel when the show is in the other foot?

The rule of Lemnity said...

There. I can do my own references and you should take them all seriously.

Not so seriously when they have little import to the discussion at hand... a woman twice his age womanhandles a young man in front of millions of impressionable young viewers and a regular commenter self-serves it to make a political dig aimed at - what was that word you used - shamemongering conservatives.

Im giving a little pushback.

Darrell said...

Just remember all the children that died as a result of the anti-vaccine nonsense she popularized.

Anyone that hires her should be sent into bankruptcy.

sakredkow said...

Not so seriously when they have little import to the discussion at hand... a woman twice his age womanhandles a young man in front of millions of impressionable young viewers and a regular commenter self-serves it to make a political dig aimed at - what was that word you used - shamemongering conservatives.

It's phx's fault.

Steve said...

If John Lovitz can get away with this then McCarthy is fine.

sakredkow said...

How dos it feel when the show is in the other foot?

I guess you showed me! Boy, you are school, Len. Lesson learned!

The rule of Lemnity said...

It's phx's fault.

You mean like Romney is responsible for Twinkies going under?

And you want me to argue like a grown up?

Alex said...

It's a given that even on a celeb story 100% of left-wing trolls will argue the contrary position. Yeah they just are that mentally ill.

sakredkow said...

Look, left-wing, right-wing, all I know is, Selena Gomez is HOT!

sakredkow said...

You mean like Romney is responsible for Twinkies going under?

Another of your on-point references, eh Lem?

Anthony said...

the Playboy people were surprised when she first took off her undies because she supposedly had the hairiest nether region they’d ever seen.

I guess none of the Playboy photogs from the 70s were still around in 1993.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Look, left-wing, right-wing, all I know is, Selena Gomez is HOT!

I'll give you this... I've done it... just like that commenter did it earlier... I've used news events to score an easy IED... but what does it do? does it work to persuade anybody?

I dont think it does... if anything I think it makes people more reticent to listen to the other side.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sakredkow said...

I'll give you this... I've done it... just like that commenter did it earlier... I've used news events to score an easy IED... but what does it do? does it work to persuade anybody?

I dont think it does... if anything I think it makes people more reticent to listen to the other side.

Oh, okay Lem. Lesson learned.
What are you, a Leave It to Beaver episode?

The rule of Lemnity said...

Another of your on-point references, eh Lem?

You didnt hear?

A Bain Capital type investor bought Twinkies a while back, but they didnt do what they had to do to start making money and Twinkies slipped near bankruptcy again..

Well.. Some Union guy said that the investment people killed the company... Drudge ran it as...

Romney gets blamed for Twinkies going under.

Kind of like what we been talking about.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Oh, okay Lem. Lesson learned.
What are you, a Leave It to Beaver episode?

I seriously have no idea what you mean... I get the Beaver female body part connection... but I'm lost after that.

sakredkow said...

I think what will happen to make people listen to each other is if we genuinely respect each other and somehow communicate that to one another.

I actually do believe in that. I do believe in reaching out a hand in good will, and accepting it when it gets offered. Fight hard sure, but find a way to show respect when you do it.

Maybe that is something a lot of use here can agree on regardless of party.

sakredkow said...

It's not easy to do. You take a couple of swings at one another and suddenly nobody wants to talk anymore!

I'm usually more forgiving. Of both myself and others.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I actually do believe in that.

I do too. and I believe it because we have shown over and over again that it works wonders.

Like this very medium we are enjoying.

sakredkow said...

Lem, good. I'll join you in that. So if you and I get a little rough and tumble at times, I say we have a metaphorical beer or scotch afterwards and shake hands like men.

Feel free to keep me honest whenever I'm being hypocritical or unjust, or not hewing to the critical thinking skills that I say I believe in.

You ever really want my attention, or want to call me on something you think is important, I'll listen soberly.

Paul said...

I bet Marilyn Monroe had to put up with ALOT more than Bieber ever did or will.

But that's Hollywood. The land of the rich and pervert.

sakredkow said...

No take backs either. No Indian giving on respect.

Awww shaddup you PC righties.

Ann Althouse said...

"I was watching the Dust Bowel, as well. Some of the best television programming for the social conservative."

To each his own. I can't imagine watching a show about desiccated intestines.

The rule of Lemnity said...

No take backs either. No Indian giving on respect.

I'm not going to make a promise I dont know for sure I'm going to be able to keep.

I'll say what I'll say when we get there.

sakredkow said...

I'm not going to make a promise I dont know for sure I'm going to be able to keep.

I'll say what I'll say when we get there.

Just note that I never asked you to promise anything.

I was talking about myself.

First conservative phx principle: You are responsible for yourself, and no one is responsible for you or to you.

Anonymous said...

Is it his age, 18 is not a "boy" anymore, or is it his "boyishness". He's maybe 5'5" with an infantile almost feminine face.

Plenty of 18 year old young men are hulking, ugly brutes.

Jenny McCarthy might not want to "Dracula" them but if she did you might be less offended, maybe just embarrassed. For her.

Amartel said...

"Then she moves over to the couch, smirks, and talks about the fact that she went to Harvard."

Gross. Leathery old broad still trying to be relevant even though her act was tired a long time ago.

She may have gone to Harvard ... to meet with anti-vaccine co-conspirators. Degree from Harvard? Not so much.

Amartel said...

This kid has been discussed in sexual terms for years by older men. McCarthy is making it okay for them to do this to young boys. Leathery old broad seal of approval.

Balfegor said...

Re: Althouse:

To each his own. I can't imagine watching a show about desiccated intestines.

Come on. Everyone loves zombies!

Re: Amartel:

She may have gone to Harvard ... to meet with anti-vaccine co-conspirators. Degree from Harvard? Not so much.

I think the Harvard degree is Elizabeth Shue, who assaulted John Stewart. Madame McCarthy is the anti-vaccination fanatic.

McTriumph said...

Amartel said...
"Then she moves over to the couch, smirks, and talks about the fact that she went to Harvard."

See, Ivy Leaguers will tell you where they went to school within three minute of meeting you, they're the best and brightest.

McTriumph said...

"Madame McCarthy is the anti-vaccination fanatic."

MccCarthy went to a Catholic high school, as any jock from the closest public high school can attest, they are the best.

Baron Zemo said...

Acting like Bill Clinton at the intern orientation is not the problem.

It's her gaydar.

She needs to upgrade. Just sayn'

Baron Zemo said...

Plus Jenny is from Chicago and you know how those people are.

virgil xenophon said...

"debased"--Freeman Hunt scores the word I should have used in my comments up@10:03am when describibg Shue..

McTriumph said...

Wasn't Robert Downey Jr. posting in the past concerning rampant pedophilia among Hollywood elites? Some theorized that it explained why so many child stars had issues in early adulthood. If true, my guess is that Bieber escaped it if he really thinks that was sexual abuse.

AllenS said...

I wanna hear more about those pubes.

jr565 said...

Shiloh wrote:
"An assault"

Indeed, Althouse's daily hyperbolic nonsense was also duly noted.

btw, gotta love those "assaults" which take place in public w/the whole world watching!

Methinks you don't know what "sexual assault" is.

I'd read up on it.

Sexual Assault is any unwanted sexual contact. This includes sexual contact made by opportunity (e.g. you were intoxicated and could not say no), coercion, intimidation, threats or the use of force. It is important to remember that sexual assault takes many forms, some of which do not involve penetration. Grabbing someone’s breasts, genitals or buttocks is sexual assault, so is someone making you touch them for a sexual purpose.
So ANY touch of sexual nature, even if its not painful can be construed as assault if its not asked for.
I guess this gets into issues of rape versus rape rape. Maybe you think just say no is conditional and that many date rapes are not rape?

jr565 said...

IF shiloh wants to say that many things viewed as sexual assault (i.e a guy pinching a girls butt as she walks by) are not actually assaults per se, and that the term sexual assault is over used, thats one thing.
But if you're going to say that pinching someones butt IS sexual assault then what Jennifer did WAS sexual asault.

MarkD said...

Leave it to Bieber.

jr565 said...

(not that Jennifer actually pinched his butt, but she did grab him and do something sexual to him - which many, particualrly feminists would say is assault if done to a woman.

jr565 said...

Steve wrote:
If John Lovitz can get away with this then McCarthy is fine.

I think her response to his groping was a better response than getitng all puritanical about people touching other people and calling things like that "assualt".
But that's not the climate we live in, especially when it's certain people doing the touching and certain people being touched.

Methadras said...

He's 18, he's an adult. He didn't say no, she didn't either. Win-win. Go with the flow. I'm not seeing sexual assault.

Beach Brutus said...

If she didn't "do him" back stage afterwards -- it was all just a prick tease.

Paco Wové said...

"even on a celeb story 100% of left-wing trolls will argue the contrary position."

Because the operative word is "troll".

Joe said...

As you may know and not care about, Jenny is about to pose in Playboy again.

She already did. She looked pretty fine too.

Folks, this is showbiz. They can be very physically demonstrative. I don't like Justin Bieber, but his music videos show up on the TVs at the gym. This seems par for the course for him.

VekTor said...

Am I the only one who is absolutely and totally OVER this trend of referring to those aged 18 or 19 as "teenagers"?

There is a bright, shining line on their eighteenth birthday. The law recognizes it, and we should, too.

It seems part and parcel of this whole infantilization trend, with "children" up to age 26 staying on their parent's insurance.

Using "teenagers" in the phrasing along with "sexually assaulting" is rather hyperbolic, looking to me like an attempt to paint this as a form of child molestation.

sakredkow said...

I personally never met a mature 18 year old.

VekTor said...

Maturity is a spectrum, with no bright line. I've known people as young as 14 whom I considered more mature than a typical 21-year-old, and some in their mid-forties that I strongly suspect will never in their lives cross into the area that I would call "mature".

To me, this is about the law, not about maturity. McCarthy's actions were extremely immature and irresponsible, but that doesn't mean she needs to be classed with child molesters because of it. Bieber's handling of it struck me as vastly more mature. He's not a baby, no matter how much Ann might like referring to him as a "boy".

He's a man, and he seemed to handle himself like one. I don't see what the kerfuffle is about.

Finding something personally icky doesn't put it into the realm of child molestation. That does a disservice to every child that was ever molested, just as the trivialization of rape does to every rape victim.

sakredkow said...

You are right.

shiloh said...

jr565's irrelevant anal-retentiveness is duly noted ...

Ralph L said...

WTF is all this "duly noting", and where is Peter Ironrails--already in transit to McCarthy?

DEEBEE said...

Watch out! when a monologue is not wnough for a Vagina.

Rob Crawford said...

And even if he agreed to be woman-handled, that's some scarily rough handling... the big hand around the front of the neck... the giant lips gripping from behind...

The spiked tongue piercing the spinal cord... the ovipositor implanting the egg...

Anonymous said...

Just out of curiousity, I looked up the age of Justin Bieber's mother. Pattie Mallette is 36, four years younger than cougar Jenny McCarthy. Malette was in the audience that night, I wonder what she thought when she saw this?

Kensington said...

When you watch the video, it's clear that he's not into it and wants it to stop.

The video is here, and it definitely makes her look like a creep.

Anonymous said...

Who are these "people"? I'm no prude, but her statement...cannibalism / bizarre. I have heard their names before, but - even now - wouldn't be able to ID either of 'em in a lineup.

Alex said...

Creepy old cougar accost a young, innocent boy and no one complains?

mbecker908 said...

Well, she's not a blonde.

Charlie Martin said...

Now look. I actually was an 18 year old boy once. I actually dated a 40 year old woman at the time. I can promise you, assuming Bieber likes girls at all, he was not damaged and in fact enjoyed the hell out of it.

caseym54 said...

Bieber should get a tetanus shot and send the bill to McCarthy.

Emery Calame said...

She implanted him with a control parasite. He'll grow his hair long to cover the little worm tail that ticks out of the hole in his neck. Then he'll move to Fredricksburg, TX and raise emus and llamas for the inhabitants of the subterranean HIVE.

Saint Croix said...

Justin Bieber is pro-life, which got him some hate on The View.

When asked about rape he sounded just like a Republican running for Senate.

Saint Croix said...

"I couldn't help it. He was just so delicious. So little. I wanted to tear his head off and eat it." Imagine the sexes reversed. If you can.

A man pawing a girl on stage would be attacked and demonized non-stop. They would say it's sex harassment. He would never work again in Hollywood. He'd have to apologize and go to sex therapy re-education camp. He'd have to apologize some more. His career would be over, anyway.

The victim would be encouraged to go on the View and talk about it. She would go on all the talk shows. She would talk about her trauma. She would write a book about how awful it was. And then she would say she doesn't want to be defined by this attack. And when we heard her song on the radio, we'd be like, "oh yeah, she was the one who was assaulted on stage at the MTV awards."

So that's what it would be like if we flipped the sexes around. And I disagree that we should be working up some sort of outrage about this. No, we shouldn't. Our society's response to this non-event is exactly right. It is a non-event, and should be treated like a non-event.

And while I think we cannot truly reverse the sexes, I also think our non-response to this event is more normal and healthy than our stupid feminist politics. Our society going overboard over a man pawing a woman on stage is exactly what would happen, and it's that response that is abnormal, unhealthy, and weird.

Feminism has been utterly and completely unhelpful in regard to anything that has to do with sex. Where feminism has been strong is in regard to non-sexual matters, like voting or getting a job. Where feminism is stupid and insane is in regard to sex. Feminist sex theory is irrational and unhinged.

Saint Croix said...

I don't want to say that Bieber is in denial of his masculinity, but he's probably going to be boyish until he is 45 or something. Feminism is so uptight and weird about man that androgyny is the new normal.

Saint Croix said...

Jenny McCarthy, by the way, is absolutely brilliant in this.

Chris Eigeman is one of my favorite indy actors. So when he did this romantic comedy with McCarthy, I had to see it. It's the perfect role for her. Frank about sex, but also smart and witty.

Saint Croix said...

The article Althouse links to is an example, I think, of misogyny. McCarthy is very open about sex, which creates a hostility in people. People like sex. But we don't like whores. When you flirt with a whore persona--which McCarthy does--it can cause a backlash. So she's famous for sex and infamous for sex and pretty soon that's all people are talking about.

And of course if you're an actress known for sex, sooner or later you age out of roles. As Althouse puts it, "She's 40."

Oh no!

What I like about McCarthy is her honesty and her brashness, and her sexual appeal. What other 40-year-old is calling herself a cougar?

Other actors have more dignity. Even if they are actual cougars! McCarthy is utterly shameless. I find her lack of shame interesting and intriguing.

On Entertainment Tonight, McCarthy talks about her "sexual assault" at the MTV awards...

"It was a little cougar scary. But I took the opportunity in the window, considering I'll never get to do it again, and kind of molested him."

And then she imagines the headlines if she were to hook-up with Bieber.

"Can you imagine how hilarious that would be? It would be the cougar score of the century."

"I want some Bieber fever — and I want a Bieber rash. It'd be like cougar rape."

Now to me, that's funny. But it's also provocative. She's using words like "molest" and "rape." Althouse calls it a "sexual assault."

It's none of those things!

Obviously McCarthy did it for attention. And she is emphasizing how shocking and outrageous her action was, bringing attention to it. Althouse blogs about it, scolding her.

But stop molesting teenagers. That's not funny

Score! That's the response she wants you to have. She is provoking you, on purpose.

I like provocative art, and provocative artists. Free speech! And like a lot of actors, McCarthy is willing to say whatever floats into her brain.

Her "attack" on Bieber is rather like hooking up with Jim Carrey for several years. Half genuine sexual impulse and half instinctive desire for people to pay attention to her. She craves attention and celebrity.

Jenny McCarthy had a TV show called The Jenny McCarthy Show when when she was nobody! I shudder to think what she had to do (or who!) in order for that to happen.

You look at her IMDB credits and it's a bunch of stuff you've never seen. And yet she is on stage at the MTV awards, famouse for being famous. And she takes advantage of her fame to make a little more fame for herself.

She's kind of an id monster. But she's honest enough to comment on it and joke about it along the way.

Saint Croix said...

And speaking of turning Justin Bieber into a sex object.

Now that's just rude.

Luke Lea said...

Let's not forget that old SNL skit on sexual harassment in the workplace starring Tom Brady: