November 12, 2012

Paula Broadwell to Jill Kelley: “back off,” “stay away from my guy,” and “I know what you did."

The soap opera plot thickens.


MayBee said...

What is a "social liaison"?

Anonymous said...

"What is a "social liaison"?"

Sex with horderves and a martini?

Joaquin said...

Never mess with psycho-chick.

Dr Weevil said...

Yep: the plot ith abtholutely thickening.

JAL said...

Amazing to me how stupid "smart" people are.

Sorun said...

If this was a movie, secret government agents would be trying to "silence" these women. There would be car chases and explosions and stuff. Instead, there are emails. How dull.

traditionalguy said...

Sounds to me like Broadwell and Petraeus were her mind at least.

Also the Great Khan/Petraeus seems to have expected for his harem would go along just fine until he encountered a woman as intelligent as Broadwell.

Cherchez La Femme.

ooonaughtykitty said...

The Kelley chick is pretty. Paula is not pretty and has odd proportions. Her head is too small for her body. Every photo I see of her, she looks like she's shrugging her shoulders. Maybe that is why she wears her hair up? To make her neck seem longer?? Plus she looks uncomfortable in dresses. Not a feminine beauty.

It seems that the General has a penchant for Brunettes.

Carol said...

Yay, finally back to some 90s-style dish!

Left Bank of the Charles said...

Do we know that "my guy" is necessarily Petraeus? And not, say, Mr. Broadwell?

I don't get why Kelley would have gone to the FBI and not Petraeus, if they were involved.

edutcher said...

Why did the image of Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" just pop into my head?

I have this nasty feeling this "affair" is going to turn out to be mostly in the Broad's head.

Wasn't there a movie like that, "The Story of O", or something?

MayBee said...

I wonder if Kelley ever called her good friend David and said, "Hey, I'm getting these really weird emails about you."

Wouldn't that be most people's step number 1?

Matt Sablan said...

"Wouldn't that be most people's step number 1?"

-- Nope. Go the authorities when you receive threats; it is something a lot of people get drilled into them by security people on the job.

MayBee said...

Nope. Go the authorities when you receive threats;

Ok, then step number 2?

Remember, she is friends with Petraeus. Telling him about the emails at some point would be a very normal response.

shiloh said...

Her children notwithsatnding, Paula Broadwell's hubby is a lucky guy!

He had to cancel her 40th birthday party this past weekend ~ go figure!

Matt Sablan said...

Though, her going to the authorities -does- make me think that Kelley is not in an affair with the general. After all, if she went to the FBI or whoever, that makes me think she's not trying to hide anything.

Matt Sablan said...

"Remember, she is friends with Petraeus. Telling him about the emails at some point would be a very normal response."

-- That again, matters. If they thought there was a potential security leak, protocol is not to talk about the investigation, since you don't know who is compromised. Even if no one thought the general would betray his country, some little minx could be going through his emails.

Oh, wait.

McTriumph said...

Cheaters are always the most devastated when cheated on or in this case Broadwell incorrectly suspected it.

shiloh said...

Angelina Jolie as Broadwell.

Jennifer Aniston as Kelley.

George Clooney as Petraeus ...

edutcher said...

Shilol as Biden.

MayBee said...

If they thought there was a potential security leak, protocol is not to talk about the investigation, since you don't know who is compromised.

A potential security leak? She thought someone was accusing her of sleeping with her friend, Petraeus.
That's not a security leak. That's personal.
You tell him.

shiloh said...

Well, this is a fuckin' big deal w/a tad of malarky!

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Well, this is a fuckin' big deal w/a tad of malarky!

No, that's BFD.

He really can do Biden.

And where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Stand-in tickler for Kevin Clash?

Matt Sablan said...

I thought the two didn't know each other, so the only way that crazy got the email was stealing it from the general? That would strike me as a potential leak. How'd the crazy woman get the email?

MayBee said...

I thought the two didn't know each other, so the only way that crazy got the email was stealing it from the general? That would strike me as a potential leak. How'd the crazy woman get the email?

The General is the only source only if it's a private email only she and the General used (which, ahem, he did with Broadwell).
Otherwise, it's pretty easy to track down an email address for people. This woman was a pretty active person- a social liason!

Automatic_Wing said...

I wonder if Kelley ever called her good friend David and said, "Hey, I'm getting these really weird emails about you."

Wouldn't that be most people's step number 1?

According to the story, the e-mails were anonymous and didn't mention Petraeus by name. The feds didn't find out that Petraeus was "my guy" until later, while they were monitoring the e-mail account that the threats came from.

Matt Sablan said...

But her personal email? I dunno; I understand wanting to keep things close to the vest. (Likewise, if someone accused me of sleeping with someone I was not, I would just let the accusation die and not bring it up to the person. Best to just let rumors die.)

JohnJ said...

“Angelina Jolie as Broadwell.”


“Jennifer Aniston as Kelley.”

No, Salma Hayek as Kelley

“George Clooney as Petraeus”

Hmmm…, this is the casting decision of the year.

…would take a great deal of thought.

I’d say…

Former California Gov, Arnold Schwarzenegger, as Petraeus, in a breakthrough performance.

(Nicholas Cage?)

MayBee said...

I didn't get that from the story, is it said somewhere? This is what the linked article says:

The nature of the e-mails, according to the source, was “I know what you’re doing” and similar suggestions that someone was on to Kelley. There was no explicit threat of violence.

The feds — fearing that the nation’s top spy was the victim of an e-mail hacker — traced the messages to Broadwell, and in the process discovered tawdry messages between her and Petraeus.

Sydney said...

This one is married to a doctor, too. Geesh. What is it with doctor's wives?

MayBee said...

ikewise, if someone accused me of sleeping with someone I was not, I would just let the accusation die and not bring it up to the person. Best to just let rumors die..

But she didn't let it die.
She told the FBI.

Here's the thing. If she told Petraeus, who was her friend, he would have had a chance to clean up any mess in his personal life without ultimately losing his job.

The way she handled it, it was like she wanted him to get into trouble.

Unless, as Maguro said, she did not know the emails referred to Petraeus.

ndspinelli said...

JAL, The little head is never smart, just horny.

ndspinelli said...

I'm sure Derek Jeter is pleased everyone now knows where he lives.

Hagar said...

Apparently Jill Kelley did not "go to the FBI," but just mentioned it to a friend working at the FBI.

It may be that the "investigation" had mor to do with inter-service rivalries than "national security."

It would not be the first time.

MayBee said...

Although, her resume and position is a little....odd. I can imagine she might have a situation where "I know what you did" might seem like something worth involving the FBI on her behalf, with nothing at all to do with Petraeus.

I still want to know about warrants.

Unknown said...

Pussy. If you've got a Y chormosome, it's kryptonite.

shiloh said...

Even before wikileaks, most astute folk knew nothing on the internet is secure.

Re: big brother, it's ironic that the U.S. always had more private info re: our citizens that the Soviet Union because of our superior electronic technology. And now "we" have on going unconstitutional data mining.

And so it goes ...

Oh what a tangled web Petraeus weaves.

alan markus said...

So, can we expect Gloria Allred to step into the fray on behalf of Broadwell? Her specialty seems to be representing loony women, especially those who think they've been "dissed".

Hate to be harsh, but looking at the picture with Patraeus and his wife, well, all I can say is do the math.

rcommal said...

I don't think knowledge of this before the election would have changed its outcome.

And why on earth are people seemingly thinking that Jill Kelley is the bad guy here?

Or, for that matter, making fun of her volunteer activities in support of the military?


jr565 said...

It's like the Jerry Springer show over at the CIA. All that's missing is the bitch slapping.

MayBee said...

I'm not making her the bad guy and I'm not making fun of her efforts.

I'm just trying to figure her- and this- out.

Anonymous said...

A demigod descends into ridiculousness.

YoungHegelian said...


This one is married to a doctor, too. Geesh. What is it with doctor's wives?

I don't know, but if you send me what names & numbers you know, I'll be sure to make it the object of an extended congressional probe.

kcom said...

What it reminds me of is the astronaut who took the diaper trip from Texas to Florida to confront (perhaps kidnap and harm?) her rival for a fellow astronaut's affections. From what I remember, the relationship was mostly in the head of the agitated astronaut.

Saint Croix said...

What's awesome about the sex is that it means the MSM will cover the scandal. And of course they will spin it so that Petraeus will be the bad guy and Obama is the good guy. They will try to contain the scandal. But scandals have a way of escaping. Because people want to know! The sex scandal is like a Pandora's box. And it will take this story in places the media does not want it to go. They will be forced to report the scandal despite themselves.

sakredkow said...

Sad. Don't have heroes.

edutcher said...

What kcom said.

As I mention, Glenn ("You're not going to IGNORE ME") Close comes to mind.

shiloh said...

Even before wikileaks, most astute folk knew nothing on the internet is secure.

Anybody with a brain knew nothing on the 'Net was secure.

The little weasel acts as if he's found the wisdom of the Ages when it's only the inside of a fortune cookie.

Re: big brother, it's ironic that the U.S. always had more private info re: our citizens that the Soviet Union because of our superior electronic technology. And now "we" have on going unconstitutional data mining.

And so it goes ...

Oh what a tangled web Petraeus weaves.

No, it's Little Zero and it's gonna bite him. He's tried to manipulate this and it's blowing up in his face.

So where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Telling Ned Silver he ought to be starring for Zachary Paul Sire?

F said...

That "my guy" reference is interesting. One of the earlier reports is that Broadwell had told Patraeus it was over and he was burning up the internet with pleas to take him back. If she had ended it, why would she call him "my guy," much less care if he was seeing someone else?

Saint Croix said...

Unless, as Maguro said, she did not know the emails referred to Petraeus.

The emails assume a knowledge. But if you're innocent, those emails are just going to seem psychotic and crazy.

MayBee said...

The emails assume a knowledge. But if you're innocent, those emails are just going to seem psychotic and crazy.

In this case, it really depends on whether she knew who the "my guy" was in the emails.

If she knew they were about Petraeus (as the stories I read keep suggesting), then they would seem off-base but not psychotic. You would tell your friend that someone is accusing him of having an affair. You give him a heads up.

If she didn't know they were about Petraeus, then anything is possible. She could think they were random creepy threats. Or, because of her work with the military (is she a spy?), she could have thought it was much much more.

Anonymous said...

BRAVO network can turn this into a series.

Jaq said...

You don't suppose that the CIA was gathering up heavy weapons from the militias(that was their stated purpose) and giving them to Syrian rebels without the bother of getting a congressional approval....

Iran Contra, meet Benghazi Jihadi.

Cedarford said...

High-performing women like Paula Broadwell and diaper Astronaut Lisa Nowak acting like total hormonally-driven loons?
Taking down "their man!" with them!
Like Petraeus, Bill Olefein for tapping trim in a love triangle - was forced to resign.

While that is bad, think of all the white, latin, and asian women with good jobs, high income, and good college degrees that formed a herd of love-besotted Sparkle Cows and voted for Boyfriend!!! Obama....

55 to 45 in the 2012 election. Enough to give Boyfriend!! the reelection.

Same women that will soon chase their emotions in another direction, moaning about how bad the next 4 years are and how Boyfriend let them down again! After they all forgave Obama and gave him a 2nd chance after they considered going back to live with Daddy again. But Daddy is just so boring!

Meanwhile, when not moaning and whining about ruinous taxes, Obamacare fees, Boyfriend screwing up another 4 years in the job they gave him...the same herd of Sparkle Cows will be self-congragulating each other for:

1.Being empowered!!
2. Having advanced college degrees that show how smart and wise Women are!
3. How nothing, and certainly not 4 more years of Obama, are in anyway their fault. For women are perfect. It is the men that mess up and let other people down.

Rabel said...

My first response on seeing Ms Kelly's pic was that she looked Lebanese. Turns out that her parents are from Lebanon, home, at one time, to the most beautiful women in the world. My genes may be prejudicing that opinion, but the jealousy is understandable.

Jaq said...

I don't get this precise categorization of women by looks. Like Billy Crystal's character in Sleepless in Seattle said about ugly women friends... "you want to bang them too."

When you like somebody, you see their positive attributes, including in the looks area, and when you dislike somebody, their unattractive bits are emphasized in your mind.

Rabel said...

If there is a movie, who will play the Karl Rove or Dick Cheney look-alike whose sinister machinations are behind the evil plot to bring down the head of the CIA on behalf of the greedy corporations?

David said...

Two women with major grandiosity issues.

What a surprise.

David said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sakredkow said...

Like Billy Crystal's character in Sleepless in Seattle

I think you got your chic flics mixed up.

Matt Sablan said...

"That "my guy" reference is interesting. One of the earlier reports is that Broadwell had told Patraeus it was over and he was burning up the internet with pleas to take him back"

-- Something like 2,000 emails in two months or something.

furious_a said...

Ecco Jill Kelly, la terza donna di David Petraeus.

Love quadrilaterals sound better in Italian.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

Rabel said...

My first response on seeing Ms Kelly's pic was that she looked Lebanese. Turns out that her parents are from Lebanon, home, at one time, to the most beautiful women in the world. My genes may be prejudicing that opinion, but the jealousy is understandable.

Now it makes sense! They're Al Qaeda plants.

I always said Al Qaeda was just like SPECTRE, but without the high tech plots.

And the glamorous HQs.

And the good-looking broads.

Now we're getting someplace.

All we need now is a kick-ass Republican POTUS who wants to go out and kill crazies.

Methadras said...

This will keep Drudge going for another 20 years.

jacksonjay said...

Shiloh says Clooney should play Petra! Why not Brad! Hell they wouldn't have to act! Talk about fireworks!

From Inwood said...

Movie people

"I saw what you did (and I know who you are)."

1956 Joan Crawford movie: prank call turns deadly when two teenagers dial murderer's number.

Freeman Hunt said...

"Stay away from my guy."


The general's wife might have something to say about that.

sakredkow said...

The general's wife might have something to say about that.

It might be possible that she doesn't care at this point.

mccullough said...


I think that's totally likely. I doubt she had any delusions about her husband. The only delusion she probably had is that he would be discreet. Ah, the Best and the Brightest. It's tough to even get mad at our Masters of War, since they are so pathetic.

chickelit said...

Rabel said...
If there is a movie, who will play the Karl Rove or Dick Cheney look-alike whose sinister machinations are behind the evil plot to bring down the head of the CIA on behalf of the greedy corporations?

There will never be a movie.
There will never be a Johnny "Wad" Edwards story either--salacious as it was.
There will only be catty put-downs of Sarah Palin starring actresses of lesser beauty. Hollywood only destroys one side of things.
With a few exceptions, evenhandedness went out the window long ago.

sakredkow said...

I hope no one makes her go to a press conference standing by his side. :(

rcommal said...

By every account I've ever heard online or off, it's not always a picnic being a military spouse and often it's quite tough. Thirty-seven years, and it comes to this betrayal and very public humiliation and hurt. And then there are comments about the wife's looks! Godalmighty. We all get older, eventually.

From Inwood said...

Help, I'm missing what Derek Jeter has to do with all this.

GOOGLED & see HuffPuff has a headline but there are a zillion stories to go through & zzzzzzzzz

traditionalguy said...

Insider experience among Commanders of the Army has been of of men that hold in emotions and maintain himself a loneliness of command posture among everyone.

But when faced with a catharsis person to whom they trust to tell their painful stories and repressed emotions connected to them, they often develop Freud's famous conversion syndrome and fall in love with the Psychiatric listener figure.

They then need to withdraw themselves from that relationship to be well.

But love makes fools of strong men like this all of the time.

Rabel said...

Michael Isikoff at NBC News has put all my concerns to rest. All is in order, all is in train. There is no story here. MSNBC is currently interviewing a Sasquatch hunter. Go there to satisfy your conspiracy cravings.

"It was the second time that FBI agents had questioned Broadwell in the probe and during both interviews she acknowledged having had an affair with Petraeus, the official said. Petraeus himself had been questioned a few days earlier and also acknowledged the affair, the first official said.

The dual interviews the week of Oct. 29 -- among the last to be conducted by the FBI in the case -- allowed the FBI to formally conclude there was no basis for criminal charges in the matter. This explains why the Director of National Intelligence James Clapper wasn't told about the probe until the following Tuesday, Nov. 6, election day, the official said.

The official offered new details about the FBI investigation -- and a more precise timeline of key events-- in order to rebut suggestions that senior law enforcement officials held back key information about the Petraeus matter until after the election."

rhhardin said...

Rush called her Paula Broadbeam in the third hour, quickly corrected himself.

Evidently pictures are going around.

Peter said...

There is an 85% to 90% chance that Broadwell is hairless. For Kelley, around 80%.

Titus said...

She is horny bitch.

cubanbob said...

I would like to know what vitamins the general takes to keep up with those two. At 60 nom matter how good in shape a guy is, it's not 30.

Peter Hoh said...

A photo of Rove and Broadwell has emerged.

David said...

"I don't get why Kelley would have gone to the FBI and not Petraeus, if they were involved."

Because she's an ambassador? That's what she told people. How does he find these women?

Chip S. said...

How does he find these women?

David said...

ha ha chip. good one.

mtrobertsattorney said...

How do we know that Broadwell really sent these emails? Just asking.

Joe said...

Why is the FBI involved? Occam's razor says that it's because Petraeus was leaking state secrets.

Emil Blatz said...

The FBI is scrutinizing her underwear drawer!

Kirk Parker said...

tim in vt,

Get it right: the quote is from When Harry Met Sally.

McTriumph said...

Nothing to see here, then why did the FBI raid the Broadwell home last night?

Unknown said...

Kelley went to the FBI instead of Petraus becauseshesaid she felt physically threatened by Broadwell. She actually felt her life in dangered. Perhaps that still isn't a reason. I do think Blackwell oops Broadwell had every intention of deceiving the general and even on tv went so far as to suggest Obama was at fault for Lybia Ambassador..dropping a brief blurb of
misinformation on the Daly show. She is out to bring Obama down as well. She has some agenda. Her book got lousy reviews. She is no writer and had nothing new to say.

Unknown said...

Since it was really stupid of Broadwell to threaten Kelly who actually had no love interest in the general...was the attempt to force Kelly's had a motis apperhendi for publicity for her book? What a selfish pig she is.

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