November 1, 2012

Obama, Springsteen, and Bob Dylan converge on Madison next Monday.

Obama and Springsteen are arriving as a team. Obama, sans Springsteen, was just here last month, but apparently he thinks this city needs more prompting, this time with Springsteen added. Springsteen was here in '04 with the Democratic nominee, John Kerry. And the state did, in fact, go for Kerry.

Meanwhile, Bob Dylan will be in town on the same day, not in anyone's tow and with no politicians in tow, but along with Mark Knofpler.


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bagoh20 said...

Lalalalala all you want, but it ain't going away. The only question left is who looks like a sucker when Obama gets exposed. It won't be long now. The only chance for him is a Romney Administration trying to be magnanimous for the sake of the country. So a vote for Romney is actually a vote for Obama's future, and what little is left of your own self respect.

Benghazi: It's a bitch!

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You're right, Bloomberg is a Windbag.

Stuff it, Chick. You're genetically obligated to kiss the dick of anyone with enough money to buy your rear end, which isn't much.

Jason said...

I gig regularly with a guy who's pretty prominent on the folk circuit (HAR!). Tours the U.S. regularly and Europe as well. Has had songs recorded by prominent artists, etc.

He was part of the Greenwich village scene going back to the 70s and 80s I know. Very nice guy, and, of course, a liberal. We get along fine. We don't talk politics at work.

We were active on each others' Facebook pages. Here's where the leftard weirdness comes in... I can be very frank with this guy, and debate issues like an adult and he can do the same with me.

But one of his libtard "friends" and a prominent member of he fan base, I guess, called me a Nazi, and unfriended him and told him he can't be a fan if he associates with conservatives like me.

So my music partner wrote me a note saying he had to unfriend me on Facebook a couple of months ago because he couldn't afford to alienate the silver ponytail crowd.

It just reinforced my conviction that you can't treat these people like adults.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Benghazi: It's a bitch!

Desert-dweller Bagpipe feels for his fellow desert-dwellers, wherever they are.

The entire eastern seaboard and financial center of the country he lives in? Not so much.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Those are priorities for you.

chickelit said...

The only chance for him is a Romney Administration trying to be magnanimous for the sake of the country.

Romney could be the Lincoln that Obama never was.

Patrick said...

Source? Haha. Just kidding dude.

Try this.

Among the worst:

Another senior counter terrorism official says a hostage rescue team was alternately asked to get ready and then stand down throughout the night, as officials seemed unable to make up their minds..."The response process was isolated at the most senior level," says an official referring to top officials in the executive branch. "My fellow counterterrorism professionals and I (were) not consulted."

bagoh20 said...

We'll have an inquiry into exactly who was responsible for that hurricane right after Benghazi is cleared up.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Romney could be the Lincoln that Obama never was.

Wow. Just wow. Holy mind-blindness, Batman!

Known Unknown said...

Uh, you realize that what happens to the east coast of the U.S. is more important to AMerica than what happens in the less significant North African country whose dictator we already deposed, thank you very much?

One was an act of God, the other an act of ?????.

chickelit said...

I'm outta here for a while. Ritmo is just way too ad hom tonight.

theribbonguy said...

From the article...

""The CSG is the one group that's supposed to know what resources every agency has. They know of multiple options and have the ability to coordinate counterterrorism assets across all the agencies," a high-ranking government official told CBS News. "They were not allowed to do their job. They were not called upon."

Via Ed Driscoll via Insty's site

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We'll have an inquiry into exactly who was responsible for that hurricane right after Benghazi is cleared up.

Don't let it get in the way of your hang-gliding, or anything.

And don't let all those deaths keep you up at night. You've got a broken childhood to compensate for, and no life is more important than that.

Anonymous said...

Ah Chickie, don't fly the coop, Ritmo won't hurt ya.

garage mahal said...

We trust CBS News again?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm pissed that they care less about lives in America than they do the tidy, safe-beyond-safe, garrisons out in the imperial hinterlands.

It's disgusting beyond words.

Paul said...

Well here comes shitmo and the degradation of the thread. Time to close the window. I'd recommend that the other good faith commenters do the same and leave him to jerk off by himself. Never try to argue with and idiot. He'll drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I imagine they prefer to view our foreign outposts as immaculately well-secured, miniature Death Stars.

bagoh20 said...

We still have hundreds of people at risk in embassies around the world, and someone has been shamelessly letting them die in terrorist attacks (leadership). I don't see any more hurricanes on the horizon. Terrorists?, Al Qaeda? Yea, rumors of their demise have been wildly exaggerated, but our President is busy hugging fat guys in order to save lives or something.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Well, Paul. I do imagine you'd complain that stupidity is contagious. It provides you with the ultimate excuse for yourself.

No personal responsibility, there.

Anonymous said...

No, Ritmo, only THEY get to be disgusted.

I want answers about Benghazi, I think they will come out eventually, DESPITE Romney's indifference.

Patrick said...

No more than usual, Garage. You wanted a source, I figured I'd give you one. And you've got to admit that getting rid of Dan Rather was a good move.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bag, do tell me how much more of a deficit you wish to NOT avoid (via magic math) with increased empire spending?

Give me a ballpark figure.

Patrick said...

I want answers about Benghazi, I think they will come out eventually, DESPITE Obama's indifference.


theribbonguy said...

"We trust CBS News again?"

Nope. But I mostly trust Sharyl Attkisson and Jake Tapper..when their bosses let them off the chain. As far as I can tell the last two actual journalists left in the LSM.

bagoh20 said...

Inga, you have lost the only person here that gave you the benefit of the doubt, but that's not nearly as sad as being there alone with Ritmo.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I want answers about Benghazi,

You think there are any answers for anything under the sun satisfactory to these people?

Quit playing their stupid game. They still think that only God can influence the environment, for crying out loud! Cleveland caught on fire, but somehow only God now impacts the environment around us.

Stop placating them. Think about your own country for a change.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I want answers about Benghazi, I think they will come out eventually, DESPITE Obama's indifference.


See? No answers need be sought or applied to the already evangelized.

Open your eyes.

yashu said...

I'm pissed that they care less about lives in America than they do the tidy, safe-beyond-safe, garrisons out in the imperial hinterlands.

It's disgusting beyond words.

This comment is disgusting beyond words. But I'll spare some.

I wasn't aware that it was mutually exclusive to give a fuck about Benghazi and feel great compassion for the victims of Sandy.

It's an either/or, is that it?

Maybe Paul is right. Ritmo isn't always a troll, but when he's in troll mode there's just no point in dialogue or argument.

bagoh20 said...

"Bag, do tell me how much more of a deficit you wish to NOT avoid".

Yes, I'm sure it was the cost of the bullets that stopped Obama from protecting the people under his care.

How about one impeachment invoice. That will satisfy me, but I don't think we'll need it. The voters will avoid that expense.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, I think for myself, you don't think for me , nor does Ritmo, or anyone else here. Don't think conservatives have the market on concern for our Americans in foreign service or military service overseas.

Anonymous said...

YES Ritmo, I see, I've always seen.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's an either/or, is that it?

Nope. As I explained to Maguro, it's a more/less. Priorities dictate caring more about what happens HERE than THERE.

And reason dictates that you don't waste fact-finding missions on people who don't care for facts, lest they get in the way of their agenda.

Now listen, God caused the increased weather anomalies that have destroyed one American city and nearly another in less than ten years. So let me tell you, God caused the deaths at the embassy.

Sounds like a deal to me. When you get around to embracing the empricism that Christie and Bloomberg have had no choice but to do, then we'll got on with your fucking investigation of the Martyrs for Empire.

bagoh20 said...

No Inga, you clearly don't care.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, clearly you are trying to manipulate me. You are assuming I don't care and I'm done trying to convince anyone.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ron Paul censured by a scared GOP and Windbag goes on and on about how you don't care enough for the empire. BTW, did HE fight for it?

He couldn't be more out of touch than if ten Libyans severed his fingers.

bagoh20 said...

Just leave that comment right there Ritmo. Don't dare delete it. Be proud of it.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They don't care about soldiers or the military, Inga. They care about EMPIRE.

Ron Paul had it exactly right.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm sure proud of my ability to understand the satire that eludes empire-defenders.

yashu said...

WTF are you talking about, Ritmo? WTF does "God" have to do with Sandy or Benghazi?

Forget it, don't answer, I don't care. Not interested in such a bad faith conversation.

PS I'm an atheist, so fuck whatever strawman you're attempting to project on me.

bagoh20 said...

No Inga, I don't care enough now to manipulate you. You have no principles I respect.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you make sure to be proud of your indifference to the deaths and economic devastation from hurricanes, Windbag.

Anonymous said...

No Bagoh, the problem is, I have principles that don't match yours, therefore you think they have no value. Whatever.

bagoh20 said...

Right this moment I'm thinking Obama is hoping he loses. His clingers don't even know enough to jump ship.

bagoh20 said...

Yes Inga. That's correct.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

PS I'm an atheist, so fuck whatever strawman you're attempting to project on me.

Ahh- good! One of those supposedly rational types in the GOP. I heard they exist, just like gays and lesbians. Just without much respect.

Anyway, I assume too much. (Talk about extending good faith!) People come to atheism for many reasons, I'd assume (not being one myself). But I'd like to think they see themselves as rational people.

That being said, what's your take on science in general? And in particular, climate science, embryology, evolution, macroeconomics?

But today, I'm interested in knowing what you think of climate science. As a non-theologically inclined person.

Do let me know.


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

No Inga, I don't care enough now to manipulate you.



What a scumbag.

bagoh20 said...

Well, you and Gore can track down who was responsible for Sandy, so that doesn't happen again.

Anonymous said...

Because Bagoh, only YOUR principles have value in this world?


Automatic_Wing said...


Blather on all you want to about the evils of empire and foreign entaglements, it was Obama who sent those men to Libya. And left them there to die. Those are the facts. And by the way, who destroyed the Libyan government and created that chaotic situation in Libya in the first place? Oh yeah, that was Obama too. It's all on him, dude. You can't spin it any other way.

And Sandy has nothing to do with any of it. But you already know that, you're just trolling.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

BTW, I'm reluctant to get to the point of calling "Bag" a receptacle for "scum", but I don't care much for manipulators - let alone those who blatantly declare themselves as such.

And his fellow-travelers here talk of the importance of "good faith" discussions. What a charade! The "Democratic" Romney defender outs himself as manipulative.

He cares only about his money, Inga. The soldier-tantrum is his pretension to that end. He doesn't care about it all in itself. It's just a means to his end.

He does not deserve that end. I hope his business suffers because of his bad political decisions (it would anyway, but this time I think it's safe to say it would be a deserved fate).

bagoh20 said...

This is going nowhere. The truth will come out soon.

Anonymous said...

Well I don't care to be manipulated, even by those I like.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And by the way, who destroyed the Libyan government and created that chaotic situation in Libya in the first place? Oh yeah, that was Obama too. It's all on him, dude. You can't spin it any other way.


BTW, extension of blood and treasure is what defines empire, not the mere influence we exerted (at far less cost) in achieving our interests in that country.

There may be hope for you yet.

bagoh20 said...

Nice buddy you got there Inga with those principles. He's a beauty. Just read what he wrote above and see if you want to be associated with that.

David said...

Free stuff!

Chicks for free.

yashu said...

If Obama actually was God (or Zeus, or some other power that had direct knowledge of, power over, responsibility for meterological events), then I guess I would be more interested in getting answers from Obama re Sandy. I guess the GOP would be remiss if they didn't ask Obama: why did you cause or not prevent Sandy?

As far as I know, he's not Zeus. I don't require a Sandy theodicy from Obama.

However, Obama actually is POTUS. I.e. someone who had/ has direct knowledge of, power over, responsibility for the many of the events and actions that transpired on 9/11/12.

Excuse me if I think Obama owes the American people some answers on Benghazi. I guess you think it's more urgent to demand answers from Obama on, what, the etiology of storms?

Not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou.

Anonymous said...

And I don't wish anyone bad luck or ill will.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I don't wish anyone bad luck or ill will.

Bag does - onto you. He just hopes Romney will be better for HIS OWN business - which he may or may not be. He probably won't. Profits are at record highs under Obama.

Bag thinks you're someone who's incapable of taking responsibility for yourself. Decide for yourself how much respect you'd extend to such a person. But do know that he's in this for himself alone. Even if it leads him to bad decisions for everybody - himself included.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, Ritmo is his own man, he speaks for himself, I don't always agree with him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I guess you think it's more urgent to demand answers from Obama on, what, the etiology of storms?

Yep. Science and domestic concerns over empire. I do agree with those priorities.

Not sure I agree with you a hundred percent on your police work, there, Lou.

Again - science and domestic infrastructure. Feel free to elevate non-science and empire over those things, if that's what you feel more strongly about.

I'll be happy to publicly disagree with you on such priorities. Respect if that's the stand that you really prefer to make.

Anonymous said...

Ritmo, Bagoh is a good guy, but obviously his world view is very different than mine or yours.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bagoh, Ritmo is his own man, he speaks for himself, I don't always agree with him.

But HE'S TRYING TO SPEAK FOR YOU. DISHONESTLY! With intentional manipulation!

And yet, your conclusion of him is so gently worded.

Don't you have any self-respect? No wonder the GOP rushes to defend such a condescending man! Amazing!

With enemies like theirs....

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo, Bagoh is a good guy...

I used to think so, but his lust for money and need to compensate over an inhumane formative experience are blurring not only his decisions in this election, but the way he treats others, and any hope for his humanity...

Take a lesson from the Republicans and refuse to "incentivize" that. Stop rewarding it. You have the capability.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I do Ritmo, that's why I won't bash the hell out of him, because he has value, even if his principles and outlook are different than mine.

Some of them hate us and want us dead for our principles, I won't go there, too much bashing on these threads the last few weeks.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Bag O' might not throw you in a fire, but he sure seems to love the idea of throwing more fuel on it.

His ideas are bad for America and they require the same condescension for you (whatever your income) that Mitt Romney admitted to.

Do you really think it's worthwhile to make endless excuses for that?

It's a basic issue of respect. Do you respect people more than you do their money, influence and political usefulness to you? If so, you're not a part of today's Republicans. And you never will be.

It is useless to try to "reach out" to that.

yashu said...

Yes, let's hold our politicians responsible for the occurrence of natural disasters.

Hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods, volcanic eruptions, plagues.

After all, it's not like natural disasters have been an inescapable part of the earthly condition since the beginning of time. Someone must be to blame.

Obama failed to stop the rise of the oceans, failed to heal the planet.

Hmm. Human sacrifice, anyone?

LilyBart said...

Ty Woods and Glen Doherty could not be reached for comment.

Lydia said...

Well I don't care to be manipulated, even by those I like.

And manipulation in your view is, what, the force of a logical, fact-filled argument?

wyo sis said...

I see lots of Ritmo and Inga here. The bullshit is too deep. I won't read it.
But, I can guess what it says.
Inga and Rit hate Romney to the exclusion or reason or decency.


Anonymous said...

Wyo Sis, wrong.

Chip Ahoy said...

What? You saw this? In the comments over there,

in Manchester both Dylan's band and Knopfler's had separate sound systems/engineers and the results were polemic.

Hahahahaha polemic.

Sometimes in English, you have to interpret it into English.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Yes, let's hold our politicians responsible for the occurrence of natural disasters.

Which the ancients would have concluded was the cause of the Cuyahoga River catching fire.

But unlike them, we have science. We have industry. And we know what the unmitigated costs of oil in a river and heat trapping gases in the atmosphere are.

But not you. You're too "advanced" for that, I see.

Automatic_Wing said...

Ritmo is trying to convince everyone that our diplomatic personnel getting killed is no big deal warming. Or something.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just out of curiosity, yashu - how many college-level physics courses have you taken?

Just out of curiosity.

We drum-beaters and fire worshipers are interested in knowing how you came by your superior knowledge system.

yashu said...

If you want to blame Sandy on "Anthropogenic Global Warming," I'm afraid the burden of proof is on you.

That's science.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maguro is trying to say that killing people on the Northeast is not as bad, as long as they didn't die in the heart of America - which is Libya, according to him.

wyo sis said...

Well, I really wasn't asking Inga, but OK.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you want to blame Sandy on "Anthropogenic Global Warming," I'm afraid the burden of proof is on you.

That's science.

The burden you carry by never defining what would constitute proof is not a burden worth bothering to meet. Feel free to carry the light weight of your own ignorance on your own shoulders.

Seriously: "I'm un-convince-able! Now convince me!" Not worth taking seriously.

And again, how many physics courses have you taken?

Anonymous said...

How many years did people die of sepsis before they discovered germs? Who would've thought that forces unseen by the human eye could kill us?

Chip S. said...

I, for one, am impressed by Ritmo's performance tonight.

As I understand it, he's trying to let us all know what it's like to be assaulted by a furious, relentless, unreasoning force of nature. It's so realistic, I could swear there's sea spray hitting me in the face right now.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How many years did people die of sepsis before they discovered germs? Who would've thought that forces unseen by the human eye could kill us?

Physicians who didn't wash their hands causing purpura deaths in pregnant women! Who'd have thunk it! Heresy!

But yet, that's exactly what they thought of Semmelweis.

And their modern-day equivalents similarly insist that humans can do no harm to themselves, or at least not in a way that science would prove.

History is not on their side, either.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It's so realistic, I could swear there's sea spray hitting me in the face right now.

You must not be in the Northeast. This stuff isn't funny to us. Maybe the Louisianans will take it lying down. Not us.

Perhaps this area of your own country seems as imagined and far-away as does Libya to some...

yashu said...

The burden you carry by never defining what would constitute proof is not a burden worth bothering to meet.

Um, how about any proof or evidence at all?

What is it about Sandy-- which involved a confluence of factors, a hurricane/ storm that went on a certain path and met other meteorological factors (a cold front, etc.), resulting in the effects that we saw-- is there anything about that event that calls for AGW to account for it?

You keep using the word "science," I don't think it means what you think it means.

wyo sis said...

Rit has a little Crack thing going. Is there a rule that there has to be at least one narcissist on any thread dealing with Romney?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pasteurize the milk!? How could those little tiny things be better for us dead than ALIVE!


Chip S. said...

Not only do I blame anthropogenic climate change for Sandy, I also blame it for the 1938 hurricane that killed 600 people.

XRay said...

Great comment, Chip. The perfect word... "unreasoning". As for the sea spray, it is easily removed, though the memory may linger.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Um, how about any proof or evidence at all?

Define your standard, you busy little scientist, you!

Scientists already agree on this stuff. If YOU disagree, you have to tell us what, in all your research that you've apparently staked your public reputation on, is lacking in the research. Tell us what would convince YOU!

You still haven't told me what sort of physics courses you've ever taken, BTW. If someone wants to be "convinced" of the sublime artistry of Shakespeare's works, you kind of have to know how much English they understand, yo.

clint said...

Wow, the trolls are in fine form tonight.

Back to Springsteen... it's a bit in keeping the the Obama campaign's theme -- Binders, Big Bird, Bayonets, Bull$#!++ers, and Bruce!

A bit pathetic that even in Madison he needs an aging rock star to share the stage with him in order to attract a sufficiently large crowd to make for a good election eve photo op.

How many UW students do you imagine will go to the concert and still not bother voting?

Curious George said...

"Inga said...
So if Romney doesn't want me to vote for Obama , why isn't HE demanding answers? Doesn't he think we potential Obama voters should be dissuaded by hearing the details of Obama's misdeeds?

It seems to me that Romney doesn't care."

You're so fucking stupid it actually is painful to read. I mean ritmo and the rest are just troll9ing for trolling sake...but you actually think you are being clever.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chip: Are you saying that statistically significant trends matter less than anecdotes? One thing happened in history, so that negates the trend of how often they didn't (and now do) happen?

That's an interesting way to vulgarize the discussion. And yashu here is hoping to try her hand at, you know, science.

It doesn't occur to you that advances in disaster preparation might mitigate death count. How many more people died in embassies throughout history as opposed to now? For shame!

Anonymous said...

Says the monkey.

bagoh20 said...

I listened to a reading of Poe's "The Telltale Heart" last night. Apparently the mad man escaped.

chickelit said...

wyo sis said...
Rit has a little Crack thing going. Is there a rule that there has to be at least one narcissist on any thread dealing with Romney?

Since we don't know real identities even including sex and race, one could reasonably hypothesize that they are related, based on argumentative style similarities: reliance on blustering ad hominems. Also, there is their uniting factor of Romney-loathing.

I tend to think that Ritmo is more Sullivanesque than Crack-like. To wit--look at Ritmo's passionate and immediate leap here to global warming as a salient issue in the election due to Sandy--exactly what Sullivan is publishing today. But again, it's mere conjecture on my part.

XRay said...

Well, the mad man, in this case, achieved his objective, derailing this thread.

Chip S. said...

One thing happened in history, so that negates the trend of how often they didn't (and now do) happen?

Ritmo, you're the one waving the bloody shirt, so I'm pointing out that there have been far worse hurricanes long before the earth had warmed to its current level. And the 1938 'cane isn't just one example; just the biggest.

But I agree that prevention is the right way to think about this stuff. And in terms of the economics of CC, flood prevention is almost certainly is more cost-effective than stopping economic growth.

chickelit said...

Ritmo chides Yashu: Define your standard, you busy little scientist, you!

I took two semesters of college physics (calculus level) and a bunch of physical chemistry.

I'm even familiar with the Fermi resonance couple in the deformation mode absorption band of CO2, if that helps.

chickelit said...

coupling not couple. I didn't want to sexualize science.

yashu said...

Please cite a single scientist-- an actual scientist, not a politician-- who ascribes the occurrence of Sandy to Anthropogenic Global Warming. A scientist who explains the occurrence of Sandy by reference to Anthropogenic Global Warming.

By the way, I grew up in a part of the world that has to deal with the threat of hurricanes every year. Since time immemorial. That's hurricane season.

Every year, hoping to be spared the worst. Tracking the paths of all the tropical storms/ hurricanes. Most of the time, all's well-- they miss us-- or it's not too bad. Given the odds.

But we always know: shit happens. Really awful shit can happen.

Ancient local cultures named gods after the word for "hurricane" (or hurricanes after the word for a god).

Many people nowadays invoke "AGW"-- instead of a primal force/god-- to explain the shit that, you know, happens.

Anyway, I'm out. Troll-debates are not my thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...'s mere conjecture on my part.

No s$%&, my friend. Although it's sad to see how removed you are from the realities faced merely across a short continent. If the shocking disasters aren't enough to attract your attention, look at what the governor of New Jersey and the mayor of New York are up to. How does this influence them? Why would they choose to not respond in a rational way?

Watch them. Read them. That is the reality of what is happening here. Your buddies like to pretend that they've got their fat fingers on the pulse of every hole around the world that the American boot has stomped across (after pulling itself up by those expensive "straps" - courtesy of the nasty, gigantic federal government). But they don't seem to have a clue as to what happens in the population and power and finance centers of their own country.

It's really quite remarkable.

We need to secede or something, I guess. I heard that sort of stuff really earns your respect.

clint said...

Ritmo- "And again, how many physics courses have you taken?"

Just in passing, mostly because credentialism is a peeve of mine, I have a PhD in physics. Not a big believer in climate hype.

Hint: Any field of study that has the word "Science" in its name probably isn't. If they have to tell you they're doing science, there's a reason for that.

See: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, and Medicine.

Compare to: Political Science, Library Science, Creation Science.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But I agree that prevention is the right way to think about this stuff. And in terms of the economics of CC, flood prevention is almost certainly is more cost-effective than stopping economic growth.

"The right way to think about..." Dude, you sound so fascist. It's fine to take into account design issues - I love urban design. And those Dutch, they sure are (and were) crafty. But that doesn't stop them from throwing up windmills. Somehow, other economies don't crash on the basis of innovation and self-sufficiency; The Republicans just want to convince that OURS WOULD.

So weird.

Whatever, growth in renewables is inevitable and faster than the old stuff. Have fun arguing the modern-day equivalent about how horrible it was that automobiles like, TOTALLY WRECKED the horse and buggy industry, if you want. But it's about as unconvincing as using clothespins over one's nose to deny a smell...

Anonymous said...

I knew Sunday was the turning point as Sunday was going on.

You see, I voted for Romney on Friday.

I knew Obama would lose. BUT, I was thinking of SANDY all day Saturday. You can check this blog.

Then on Sunday when I found out that Obama was heading back to DC from FL, I immediately came up with a few scenarios:

- Obama gets a great photo-op.
- He undos the damage he caused in Benghazi, just like that. Like a fart in the wind.
- Press goes wild. Political orgasm at NYT, NPR, and PBS.

I knew this was going to happen on Monday. On Tuesday, I got SCARED.

On Wednesday I could not even eat.

Now, on Thursday, every-thing I thought and said on this blog happened.

On top of that, Bloomberg endorsed Obama. Why? It is not easy to forget that Mike wants the Treasury job. BUT, now Climate Change problem-solver will be Obama. His 2nd term plan is that. He got a peace prize for his potential. He made it without even doing anything, just a photo-op.

Christie was an idiot. He should have asked Romney to visit. And, Romney is an idiot. Did he not realize on Friday that with Sandy coming, Obama would use it for his own photo-op?

Never trust Obama to do anything for USA sake. It is all about him.

Why did GOP screw up by not aggressively working on Sandy?

Why did GOP not realize on Sunday the events of Mon through Thurs?

Why must I be thinking ahead and not anyone from the GOP?


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Go debate Gabe Hannah, "clint". He's a physicist. Tell him about the things (scientific, of course) that you're a "big believer" in...

XRay said...

Well, then, Ritmo should soon introduce Sullivan's exploration of Rommey's "Confederacy". Of equal worth and validity as Sullivan's research into Sarah Palin's vagina. Like either of them would know the difference from a squash. Given, an extra large Butternut might perhaps seem rapturous.

wyo sis said...

Library science is legitam...
well, you're right, it's not science.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

My PhD in physics tells me that human activity CANNOT AFFECT a natural system, because that's basically all of what the climate change deniers say boils down to.

I can find no precedent in science that says that if the change to a natural system comes from a human, it will therefore NOT AFFECT that system.

I guess we can just flood the Cuyahoga River with petrochemicals (many of which, before refinement, were naturally occurring) and see how well that hypothesis holds out.

LilyBart said...

Not only do I blame anthropogenic climate change for Sandy, I also blame it for the 1938 hurricane that killed 600 people

I accuse global climate change of causing the 1915 Galveston, Tx Hurricane which killed up to 400 people.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

STFU Bey. Some of us have to live through disasters and accept what our Republican governors and independent mayors can do about them, asshole. If you don't know how to govern except through photo-op, that's your problem.

LilyBart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LilyBart said...

Desert-dweller Bagpipe feels for his fellow desert-dwellers, wherever they are.

Four honorable Americans were abandoned by the Obama administration. Sacrificed to keep the lie alive that Obama had created positive change in Lybia with his intervention.

Woods and Doherty rushed in to save Americans - and gave their lives in service to Americans. Obama wouldn't send help. He left them to die and went to bed.

chickelit said...

XRay predicts: Well, then, Ritmo should soon introduce Sullivan's exploration of Rommey's "Confederacy".

He did! You missed his little dig at me at 9:18:

We need to secede or something, I guess. I heard that sort of stuff really earns your respect.

bagoh20 said...

Benghazi is still there. The heros still sacrificed for what? The answers still missing, and the one who knows but lies to you is asking for your vote. Mr. President could you spare 30 minutes to explain. Sure, after you vote for me. Suckers.

chickelit said...

The thing about Sullivan's new confederacy theory is that he doesn't explain how it spread west. It's not going to explain Tuesday either.

wyo sis said...

I think climate scientists should be locked up for not protecting us from this disaster. If they knew it was coming and failed to pinpoint the correct day and time and people died, it's clearly their fault. See Italian jurisprudence for a precedence on how scientists are responsible for deaths caused by acts of God.

I don't global warming as a cause, but science should have perfected a warning system at least. Sheesh. (to quote Inga)

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Four honorable Americans were abandoned by the Obama administration. Sacrificed to keep the lie alive that Obama had created positive change in Lybia with his intervention.

One hundred fifty-seven honorable Americans were abandoned by Republicans and their whorish corporate interests. Sacrificed to keep the lie alive that Exon Mobile and British Petroleum had created positive change in our environment with their marketing.

FIFY. BTW, it's spelled "Libya", douchenozzle.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The thing about Sullivan's new confederacy theory is that he doesn't explain how it spread west. It's not going to explain Tuesday either.

Though Stephen Pinker does, grasshopper. It has to do with cultures that grazed the dangerous land versus those that settled farms and faster ways of attaining civilization.

bagoh20 said...

"It's just a third rate burglary."

Now in our time, a much bigger betrayal. The question will be: "Where did you stand when it mattered most?"

People wonder how we get such despicable politicians - we vote for them.

Sometimes, we don't know better, and sometimes we don't even ask.

furious_a said...

"Yes, I'm sure it was the cost of the bullets that stopped Obama from protecting the people under his care."

The Obama admin can spring for a Secret Service detail for a flunky like Valerie Jarrett but not for a diplomatic team in harm's way. That is just shameful.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The hang-gliding out-sourcer has his (feigned) obsession of his lifetime all mapped out -- at least for the next few days.

Unknown said...

the one who knows but lies to you is asking for your vote.

Vote for the Etch-A-Sketch!

LilyBart said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Titus said...

What happened to enormously obese Palladian?

Was he utilized as a ginormous barge to allow people passage out of the city.

I know his gigantic, humongous gerth would help for something. SS Palladian ready to dispatch to dry ground, you won't find her hog amongst the disgusting fat but you will feel safe and comfortable as she is able to take on a maximum of 20 or 800 pounds.

The bitch is totally huge you know, as a result she is a very bitter angry invisible fag in NYC.

My hope is she allowed other New Yorkers too embark upon her, serve them dinner or feast on her fat fag lard and then bring them to safety

I am sure Anderson Cooper will have a story about morbidly obscene obese fatty fag Palladian soon.


bagoh20 said...

"Counterterrorism sources and internal emails reviewed by CBS News express frustration that key responders were ready to deploy, but were not called upon to help in the attack…"

"Another senior counter terrorism official says a hostage rescue team was alternately asked to get ready and then stand down throughout the night, as officials seemed unable to make up their minds."

“The response process was isolated at the most senior level,” says an official referring to top officials in the executive branch. “My fellow counterterrorism professionals and I (were) not consulted.”

Bagho Benghazi

Unknown said...

People wonder how we get such despicable politicians - we vote for them.

What was the alternative for Republicans? Santorum? Gingrich? Perry? Bachmann? That was the worst collection of primary candidates ever.

bagoh20 said...

"Yeah, how is it that a guy who’s willing to let climate-change policy determine his vote for president chose to leave the country’s most populous city underprepared for weather disasters? Whether global warming contributed to Sandy or not, an AGW true believer in a position of power should have had special concerns about flooding and protecting infrastructure. To preach it and not act is as silly as a guy running for reelection on his terrorist ass-kicking credentials refusing to consult his counterterror team during a terrorist attack." ~

bagoh20 said...

"What was the alternative for Republicans?"

Actually I was referring to Nixon, and his Democratic reincarnation on steroids.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wonder Bag has taken to letting others do his arguing for him.

WHich is just as well, given that he's let others do his thinking for him.

Unknown said...

Actually I was referring to Nixon, and his Democratic reincarnation on steroids.

Has Mittens flipped party affiliation? I suppose it was to be expected--Mr. Etch-A-Sketch has flip-flopped on everything else.

Unknown said...

Bagoh's having another of his Althouse meltdowns. This isn't his first tantrum and it won't be his last.

bagoh20 said...

“The minute I found out what was happening . . . I gave the directive,” he said, “to make sure we are securing our personnel and doing whatever we need to do. I guarantee you everybody in the CIA and military knew the number-one priority was making sure our people are safe.”

bagoh20 said...

"CBS News has released a clip of an interview by Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes on Sep. 12 with President Barack Obama that indicates Obama knew the assault on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya was a premeditated terror attack--and suggests the White House later deceived the public by blaming protests against an anti-Islam video. CBS chose not to air the clip for over a month--but did air Obama’s attack on Romney that same night."

XRay said...

chickelit, I did miss that, well, read it but didn't get it at the time.

Though, I wonder, with all of Ritmo's demands for CV's. What's his. What the fuck does he know?

I mean, from his condescension he must have at least a dozen Master's and several Ph'D's. Wouldn't you think?

As a matter of fact I'm surprised that Ritmo, based on his intellect alone, isn't ruler of the world right now.

bagoh20 said...

I think Ritmo's quality arguments, and a cursory review of just a few of the President's recent words and actions has done enough damage to their cause for one night, but tomorrow is another day and both will be producing more material for Romney's campaign. Thanks all. Talk to your neighbors - they won't learn anything otherwise.

I'm Full of Soup said...

A.J. Lynch's law:

The number and fervor of comments made by Ritmo is in inverse proportion to Obama's prospects for re-election. And so it is obvious Romney is gonna be our next president.

Cosmic Conservative said...

Antarctic sea ice is at an all-time record volume. More ice is currently in Antarctica than at any time since we began tracking sea ice.

The latest climate data analysis done by the same organizations that were front and center promoting Global Warming alarmism just last month released their conclusion after careful study that global temperatures have not warmed at all since 1998.

Anyone who still calls Global Warming an impending global catastrophe is either scientifically illiterate, an anti-capitalist primitivist or an environmental zealot. Or any combination of the above.

Global warming has been going on for the past ten thousand years. That's been the single most positive factor in the growth and success of the human species. There is no reason to believe that the earth as it existed on Jan 1, 1965 was the absolute perfect set of climate conditions for the world.

But what we do know from history, archaeology and anthropology is that throughout the entire scope of human history we have had cold and we have had warm.

Warm is better.


David said...

This tells me that the Obama people are not worried about Ohio. Otherwise Springsteen and Katie Perry would be there. This is not good news for Romney.

The Cracker Emcee Refulgent said...

The incontinent fury of Ritmo's commenting speaks volumes about what he thinks is going to happen next Tuesday. What I love about the Loony Left is their lovely predictability.

madAsHell said...


I stop reading these threads when they go:

I know you are, but what am I.

I'm rubber, you're glue.
What bounces off me, sticks to you.

chickelit said...

O Ritmo Segundo said regarding...
Ritmo, Bagoh is a good guy...

I used to think so, but his lust for money and need to compensate over...[yada yadas removed for brevity].

We should all worship mammaries, not mammon. 'Tis the Titusian way.

Unknown said...

"-- some say twenty-two."

Guildofcannonballs said...

1. That a tale shall accomplish something and arrive somewhere.

Anonymous said...

How about the atheist conservatives, I guess if they vote for Romney they get a free pass to heaven. Huckabee said so.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"It would have been much more decorous to keep silent and let persons talk who have read Cooper."

Or vetted Obama.

Yet my way obliges oblique obtuseness to the point of failure.

madAsHell said...


I'd rather paint my refrigerator harvest gold, and walk on earth-toned shag carpets.

Guildofcannonballs said...

Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow.

My little horse must think it queer
To stop without a farmhouse near
Between the woods and frozen lake
The darkest evening of the year.

He gives his harness bells a shake
To ask if there is some mistake.
The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake.

The woods are lovely, dark, and deep,
But I have promises to keep,
And miles to go before I sleep,
And miles to go before I sleep

Guildofcannonballs said...

"The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake."

Chuck66 said...

There is nothing to fire up the Madison left more then a 62 year old pasty white billionaire who lives in a gated community.

At least Bono looks cool.

Guildofcannonballs said...

"The only other sound's the sweep
Of easy wind and downy flake."

That is good stuff.

Chuck66 said...

Springsteen had the domestic terrorist Billy Ayres as a guest host on his Sirious radio station a while back. I would like to ask the families of any 9/11 victims if they treat terrorism as a joke, like Bruch does.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
chickelit said...

@Chuck66: You are mistaken: wrong Bill Ayers link

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I would like to ask the families of any 9/11 victims if they treat terrorism as a joke, like Bruch does.

Leslyn at 10:51 seems to think this is all just a laff riot, too.

Leslyn, would you mock these events to Tyrone Woods' father's face? How about his wife's?

Titus said...

It really is hilarious in here when a moonbat arrives and all the wingnuts explode.

Total fuckedupness.

I can't wait until the election to see either of your sides heads explode.

Total chaos and total fab.

furious_a said...

"The thing about Sullivan's new confederacy theory is that he doesn't explain how it..."

...includes Indiana and excludes N. Carolina.

Ned said...

This will make althouse FEEL GOOD and she will forget obama sent Americans to their DEATH!!!

Clyde said...

I must say that I'm grateful for the various colorful avatar pictures next to the comments, so that I know in advance which commenters to scroll past. It saves me a lot of time. Thanks, Blogger!

Paco Wové said...

Scrollin' scrollin' scrollin'

Got that mouse wheel rollin'

Scrollin' past the trollin'

Althouse! (hee-yah!)

Patrick said...

Quite a discussion on the relative merits of Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen and Mark Knopfler.

Toad Trend said...

Like Hollywood, Springsteen's politics detracts from his contributions to American music. I have no use for his elitist views. Same for Bon Jovi who also seems to be confused, what with his strong Catholicism and allegiance to Obama.

Just more self-congratulatory behavior that helps no one.


sakredkow said...

Used to be a Bob Dylan tag got you, oh, fifteen-twenty comments.

He's come a long way.

Jason said...

Knopfler is a great, great master.

Loved his recordings with Chet Atkins. Terrific, underappreciated songwriter, too.

sakredkow said...

I'm rubber, you're glue.
What bounces off me, sticks to you.

Spoken like a true libtard. Or are you a wingnut?

sakredkow said...

The only chance for him is a Romney Administration trying to be magnanimous for the sake of the country. So a vote for Romney is actually a vote for Obama's future, and what little is left of your own self respect.

Damn. Dude actually thinks he has the gift of persuasion.

Rusty said...

When did this become the Ritmo-Drama Queen comedy hour?

Not complaining mind you, Althouse.
But a heads up would be nice.

sakredkow said...

When did this become the Ritmo-Drama Queen comedy hour?

Can't stand having people who disagree with you allowed to post on Althouse.

Patrick said...

Loved his recordings with Chet Atkins. Terrific, underappreciated songwriter, too.

Couldn't agree more.

Kris said...

I'm almost impressed with Obama's supreme gall. He's going to come the Capitol Square now after being absent last year, inconvenience all of those state and city workers and then ask these same people he snubbed for their votes.

And for their part, they're going to cheer him like he's some kind of hero.

The rest of us get to pay for his 2nd photo op here and try to figure out how to navigate around our city for a day and a half.

The whole thing makes me sick. At least Republicans have the decency to leave Madison alone.

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