November 25, 2012

"Everytime I think the Democratic race card players could not get more vile..."

"... more deranged, more patronizingly demeaning to blacks, someone manages to defy even my vivid imagination."
This time, it is the Editorial Board of The Washington Post, which issued a truly amazing screed... claiming that critics of U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice are motivated by race and sex, as demonstrated by the facts that most are male and a significant percentage come from former confederate states....
It's an obvious scheme — actually, I am not amazed — to scare conservatives into believing that there are some Democrats who may not be criticized. If you accept the pushback, it will occur again and again. It's bullying, really. The key is to recognize it and confront it soundly, or it will go on and on.

Everyone holding power is open to criticism. Anyone resting on the argument that black/female politicians cannot be criticized is actually arguing that black/female individuals should be excluded from power. That is the racist argument that should be moved to the center. That is my answer to the bullying.


edutcher said...

Mead obviously never got the memo - Lefty or Demo politicians (distinction without difference anymore) are always immune from criticism, kind of like the idea anybody who's black can't be a racist.

rhhardin said...

The insult is rather that blacks and females will buy the charge made ("as Republicans ought to know").

Which, by the way, they do.

rhhardin said...

Both blacks and females will have to up their games a lot, to get past this MSM ploy.

But once females get past it, who will watch the MSM. There goes soap opera news.

Hagar said...

They are just desperately trying to deflect questioning about why she did it.

Th "talking points memos" - classified or modified or not - just do not get you to the "all caused by the video" story, and she had to know that.

So where did that story come from and why did she tell it?

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

At some point, lots of people will wake up to the fact that the Democrats foster (welcome?) a whole lot of racist and hateful ideas. Add this to their ability to believe in economic policies and market responses that cannot possibly happen and you either set the stage for a massive meltdown and extinction or the permanent establishment of a new religion.

Unknown said...

This kerffuffle is so pointedly comparable to what happened to Condoleeza Rice that it's amazing the MSM and the left have the boldness to persue it. Winning the election must make them think they're untouchable.

shiloh said...

Again, its a damn shame no one has criticized Obama the last (6) years because they were fearful of the race card. Oh wait!

Althouse, when Susan Rice becomes Sec of State will your con flock be really, really, really pissed off? Or just really, really pissed off? Rhetorical.

shiloh said...

hmm, a thread re: race at a con blog = mega blog hits! That's the ticket!

Chip Ahoy said...

My problem with Rice is that I am a low information voter, tender-hearted child of the universe, stardust, golden, and I've got ... so I didn't know her at all, Susan Rice, not at all, and then suddenly there she is all beautiful and glamorous and telling us a big fat lie. The sliding trombone goes downwardly waaa waa waaaa and I'm over here, "what?"
Then again, and again, then she's gone.

And I heard she was even more active that day than what I happened to notice.

That's how I know her.

Me low information, her liar and only liar.

So it's a small problem, and that's the only problem that I have with her.

Hagar said...

Susan Rice does not become Secretary of State.

Mitch McConnell would not be able to hold his troops together on that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

So, wapo, if Susan Rice had white skin, we would be allowed to criticize her for misleading all Americans about the role of "the video" on the Benghazi attack?

Or perhaps if Susan Rice had a penis, we could call her out on her lies?

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Again, its a damn shame no one has criticized Obama the last (6) years because they were fearful of the race card. Oh wait!

And, of course, he's done nothing in the last 8 years (like, say, subprime mortgages) to deserve that criticism.

Althouse, when Susan Rice becomes Sec of State will your con flock be really, really, really pissed off? Or just really, really pissed off? Rhetorical.

No, just blindingly off point.

It will be swapping one Lefty incompetent for another.

Not that we haven't been thankful to be rid of you the last few days, but where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Giving prostate exams to Butterballs?

Tim said...

The seam between the Democratic Party and the mainstream media is invisible.

Hagar said...

The Congressional Black Caucus is a result of the gerrymandering rationalized by making Black people a constitutionally protected class rather than normal citizens.
The result is Black voting districts dominated by corrupt political machines led by old men in their dotage.

jr565 said...

Skokie wrote:

Ted Rall let the mask slip, and gave us a gift in the form of a cartoon portraying Condi Rice as a "House Nigga." Don't be afraid to use it to show what real racism looks like.

yet again. Once there is a complaint by dems where they play whatever card they have reserved for their faux outrage you can find where they are utter hypocrites on the subject and acted on ways that would put the current instance to shame.
It happens so often it's almost a truism.
Someone should come up with a law,like Gideon's law to describe the phenomenon.

Big Mike said...

That is my answer to the bullying.

I am in complete agreement with your analysis Professor, but until the thoughts in your post can be reduced to a simple, ten-second sound bite suitable for use in Sunday morning talk shows we're going to be left with the bullying.

Automatic_Wing said...

I'm not buying the notion that Susan Rice is black. She looks like a female George Hamilton to me...are we sure she's not pulling that Soul Man stunt on us?

Comanche Voter said...

All we old white male Southerners (or those who came from the South) are offended by people who lie to us. It's not an honorable thing. And if the morons on the WaPo editorial board had any honor they'd understand that. But honor is not a concept understood by WaPo editors--a fact easily proven by looking at the lineup of clowns who write reguarly on their op ed page.

Bill Clinton--always a piece of dodgy trailer trash--lost me absolutely and forever when he looked me in the eye on national television and said "I did NOT have sex with that woman."

Peter V. Bella said...

Why is criticism of incompetent people racist? Just asking.

Michael K said...

As far as I am concerned, Obama can have her. Reid plans to change the Senate rules so the filibuster is no more. Republicans have not used the filibuster to block appointments as Democrats have. I say let her be confirmed with no Republican votes. That make clear who is responsible. Granted, the Obama voters ignored his responsibility for Obamacare, also passed with no Republican votes, but the pain is still a year or two away. It will come. Israel may be destroyed but Jewish voters bought the Obama line so they will have to live with the results.

I am very pessimistic about the future but there will probably be life after the crash and somebody will have to pick up the pieces and try to make the country work again. There is an argument that economic growth may be ending for the future but that may be too pessimistic.

Rome had a chance to accomplish the Industrial Revolution 1900 years earlier but law and property rights were not enforced so the chance was missed. There was a working steam engine in 200 AD. What Obama is doing seems to be eroding the legal basis of the present economy so maybe...

What if, a few pessimists are asking right now, if the long-wave of steady economic advance starting with the industrial revolution 200 years ago is over, and we are now going to revert to the mean of almost no economic growth that characterized human history prior to the industrial revolution? This is the melancholy speculation of Northwestern University economist Robert J. Gordon, in a recent NBER working paper entitled “Is U.S. Economic Growth Over? Faltering Innovation Confronts the Six Headwinds.”

Oh well. Contraceptives are free.

jr565 said...

By the way, history sometimes provides examples of mirroring that are coincidental but still perfect to prove a point or to show a patter or teach a lesson.
Despite Split Enz saying History Never Repeat in fact it does, constantly.
In this particular case, isn't it funny that the Condi and Susan both share the same last name, and are both black?
It's so perfect as to almost make you think it was part of gods design.
And here we have the dems being completely offensive to Condi Rice including going as far as having soeone call her a House nigger (granted it was Ted Rall, but still...) and then turn around and cry racism when Susan Rice gets criticized for her job performance. THAT is racism and sexism.
Repubs have a great opportunity to in fact rub libs nose in their racism and hypocricy and should do it contstantly.
Make the exact comments about Susan Rice that were made about Condi. Then, when the cries of racism come out say. "Oh, that's racist? It is? So then where was all your outrage when dems were making those comments VERBATIM you hypocritical bastards?".
THen reveal the history behind the comment and then really push the racism angle and play the race card as broadly as possible and smear them as horribly as you possibly can.

Lets bring back a few statements made against Condi at the time:
Julian Bond said Condi was a ""shield" to protect the Bush Administration from race-related criticism"
Michael Eric DYson called her "Accidentally black"
Gary Trudeau insinuated that she was in her position because she slept with Bush. He describes Bush as calling her "brown sugar"
Then of course there is the "house ni*gger" comment made infamous by Ted Rall (can I wish that he dies? Would that be too unchristian of me?)
Lets not forget dems saying that She was accused of being part of an effort to “distort information” in the service of “political objectives”; by a white politician.
Barbara Boxer said she "Frightened the american people into supporting the Iraq war.
She also got, as the Washington Post notes, the most negative votes cast against a nominee for that post in 180 years.”
So, lets not let dems get away with their usual canard. Repubs should set traps for dems by attacking dems with words used earlier by dems ot attack republicans. When they inevitably draw the race card charges, rebubs should then bring out their own rebuttal.
Call it race card entrapment.

Anonymous said...

What's really amusing is that Rice's two children will be eligible for the full panoply of affirmative action benefits even though they are of basically 100% Caucasian appearance and therefore will never face any racial discrimination.


I'm Full of Soup said...

When oh when will our first post-racial president stand up and condemn divisive lies like this WAPO editorial ?

jr565 said...

Here's another cartoon that some might consider a WEEEE bit racist. No problem making the charge when it came to Condi, a black woman though. Was it?
In the cartoon Condi is sitting on a chair surrounded by tubes (aluminum tubes)
She says "I KNOWS ALL ABOUT ALUMINUM TUBES" then it says "Correction"
The she says again "I know Nuthin about Aluminum Tubes..."
and the caption is "Condoleeza Rice The Role of A Lifetime"

So how about if we just change the name to Susan Rice and instead of aluminum tubes say "Terrorist attack in Benghazi"
Republicans should put out this cartoon, just to trap liberals into suggesting that the cartoon is racist. (Gee, do you think?)
THen we can have a conversation about race, the extent of which is about how the dems and libs are a bunch of racist fucks who have been trying to get away with playing the race card and expresseing faux outrage while they themselves have no problem engaging in what are racist attacks.
Lets start making dems and libs start living by their own rules.

Anonymous said...

Chip Ahoy said:

"...I didn't know her at all, Susan Rice, not at all, and then suddenly there she is all beautiful and glamorous and telling us a big fat lie."

That was my experience too - never heard of her until Benghazi. And never having seen a photo of her, I didn't know she was black. (In fact I once knew a pale blonde named Susan Rice, and I wondered, idly, if it was the same person.)

But whoops! - THIS Susan has African ancestry, and thus is beyond criticism.

Anonymous said...

Chip Ahoy said:

"...I didn't know her at all, Susan Rice, not at all, and then suddenly there she is all beautiful and glamorous and telling us a big fat lie."

That was my experience too - never heard of her until Benghazi. And never having seen a photo of her, I didn't know she was black. (In fact I once knew a pale blonde named Susan Rice, and I wondered, idly, if it was the same person.)

But whoops! - THIS Susan has African ancestry, and thus is beyond criticism.

chickelit said...

But for Benghazi, there would be little opposition to Rice as Sec State.

WaPo has used Rice's race to immunize her and POTUS from criticism about why they stood down and blamed a video.

An alternate to the Sullivanistic "New Confederacy" theory is is that southern white males care more about the military and military integrity than your average Beltway politician.

pm317 said...

That is the racist argument that should be moved to the center. That is my answer to the bullying.

Good luck with that. The Dims won the presidency twice operating the way they do and more so. Unless there is a critical mass of blacks and women who will say enough already, nothing will change. For God's sake, the women hoarded on contraceptives and voted for the guy who scared them. How stupid can they get?! There is no such thing as self respect with people who are not self-reliant and depend on others.

Humperdink said...

Disagree with a liberal, you are a hater.

Disagree with a minority(must be a liberal minority), you are a racist.

You are not a racist if you disagree with a conservative minority. Just can't be done.

Aridog said...

Hagar asked...

So where did that story come from and why did she tell it?

Easy one. It came from the executive offices of the administration. Period. Same place the idea that the offending video was produced by Terry Jones of Florida came from. Think not? Tell me, then what induced Chairman of the Joint chiefs of Staff General Martin Dempsey to telephone Terry Jones personally to ask that he not promote the video...he called on 9/12, two plus months after the video was published, and less than 24 hours after the blow up in Egypt (where the chant was "we are all Osama") and Benghazi.

Funny thing about Terry Jones, pastor of a tiny group of odd ball congregants,...he gets personal telephone calls directly from Robert Gates and David Petraeus (in 2010) as well.

Tell me how he qualifies for such attention?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

They don't want to criticize her; they want to crucify her. Conservatives can hardly be trusted to know the difference.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

An alternate to the Sullivanistic "New Confederacy" theory is is that southern white males care more about the military and military integrity than your average Beltway politician.

Just not on the way it spends/massively wastes and pisses away its money.

Did Andrew Sullivan refuse you as a gay lover, at one point? Your persistent obsession with him seems to be entering even newer, stranger and more disturbing territory.

Wince said...

In this media environment, Republicans are forced to...

"Walk the Rice paper softly as you can. Be careful not to tear it... When you can walk the Rice paper without tearing it, then your steps will not be heard.

Lesson learned?

Pookie Number 2 said...

Everyone holding power is open to criticism. Anyone resting on the argument that black/female politicians cannot be criticized is actually arguing that black/female individuals should be excluded from power. That is the racist argument that should be moved to the center. That is my answer to the bullying.

Your answer presumes that the argument is being made in good faith. You know that's not true.

pm317 said...

I think Republicans made a strategic error in going after her. They should have gone after Obama for his dereliction of duty -- where was he? and what did he do to save those people in their hour of need?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You are not a racist if you disagree with a conservative minority. Just can't be done.

Because conservatives never question, let alone determine, their own morals. They just blindly accept previous attempts at them as defined by someone older and even less familiar with the situation than they.

Gary Rosen said...

aridog 12:10 - great post

jr565 - I thought you were leaving out the notorious "Butterfly McQueen" cartoon on Condi Rice but you got to it in another post. Wasn't that *published* in the WaPo? They simply don't care any more how brazen their hypocrisy is.

ritmo - "They want to crucify her"
ANTISEMITIC DOG WHISTLE!!!!!!! bwahahahaha

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Oh I'm sure you know a lot about dog whistles Gary, given how many of them you set off in your friend Cedarford.

Shouting Thomas said...

That was at least six strawmen within a few posts, Ritmo!

A laudable feat, even for a paranoid like you!

Beat up those strawmen some more! You seem to have gone soft.

I will note the probable amusing truth... our racial warrior, Ritmo, is a paunchy white guy.

reformed trucker said...

Obviously these morons never heard the story of The Little Boy Who Cried Wolf. They delegitimize true cases of racism/sexism.

Gary Rosen said...

jr565, it gets even "better". I followed your link to the cartoon and there were comments from the time it was published (~2004). Here's one from a lib:

"In presenting his comic using a racial stereotype, he confronts the conservatives who want us to think they aren't racist loons"

So a lib publishes a racist cartoon against a minority Republican and that proves how *conservatives* are racist!?!?!?! Unbelievable yet all too believable.

Incidentally I was probably wrong in suggesting it was originally published in the WaPo. I thought the cartoon was from Pat Oliphant who draws for the Post but it was Jeff Danziger. Not much mitigation though.

Shouting Thomas said...

Anyone resting on the argument that black/female politicians cannot be criticized is actually arguing that black/female individuals should be excluded from power.

You're missing another possibility. Perhaps the majority of blacks and women would like to wield power absent criticism, and believe they have the right to do so.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wherein Shouting proves that he can't distinguish between a new assertion and an attack on someone else's argument.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that this is pretty bogus. The woman went on national TV and intentionally lied to the American people about Benghazi. She did it on all the Sunday talk shows.

Add in that she also apparently has some culpability for the disastrous Obama/Clinton foreign policy, esp. as it has to do with our failures in the Middle East. They thought that being nice to the extremists and helping them into power would help us. Instead, we have a Middle East in shambles, with the long peace that Carter brokered between Egypt and Israel rapidly falling apart, and extremists taking dictatorial control throughout the region. At lest the dictators they replaced had been somewhat moderate. These sure aren't.

Still, her most egregious sin was lying about Benghazi. It was so blatant. Sure, she was carrying water for Obama and Clinton, but that shouldn't excuse her lies. How can we trust her to tell any part of the truth if and when she becomes Secretary of State? Just because she is part black? Or, is the theory that it is ok to lie to the American public if you are black?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Perhaps the majority of blacks and women would like to wield power absent criticism, and believe they have the right to do so.

Which would be different from the right you regularly assert to go uncriticized in what way, exactly?

You are kind of like a woman, Shouting. I find it kind of funny, actually. ;-)

reformed trucker said...

"lost me absolutely and forever when he looked me in the eye on national television and said 'I did NOT have sex with that woman'." - Comanche Voter

Clinton lost me when he said he didn't inhale, which meant he was either a liar or a dork who tried it to look cool. I figured he was a liar; it wouldn't have been shocking to find out that someone growing up in the sixties actually blew a little weed now and then.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ritmo, you're funny.

You have a great vocabulary and you can construct a good sentence, with subclauses and everything.

But, you're an empty headed moron.

Funny shit!

Alex said...

It doesn't take a genius to see that not a single southern state voted for Obama in 2008/2012. Virginia & Florida don't count.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you're a woman!

PeterJ said...

The Washington Post is vile, and getting viler all the time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

So Shouting... Would you say you're more butch or femme?

Are you still attending those lesbian support group sessions? I heard the other ladies are very, uh, supportive. Not very talkative, but, you know. Supportive.

Alex said...

I've yet to see a single black person come in here and complain about this double-standard.

Alex said...

Some wards in Philly went 100% for Obama.

Gary Rosen said...

"he said he didn't inhale, which meant he was either a liar or a dork who tried it to look cool"

I actually think it may be the second. Clinton has a history of respiratory problems and he certainly is someone who wants to "look cool". Also I've never been aware of much evidence of BJ abusing drugs whereas his other vices (women and food) are overwhelmingly obvious. Then again he has been known to stretch the truth a time or two ...

Gary Rosen said...

The other thing about "I smoked but I didn't inhale" is that it is so damned lawyerly (sorry, Ann). He could have just said "I tried it once but didn't like it".

William said...

Maxine Waters is married to a crooked banker and has said a number of blatantly stupid things. No late night comic has ever made a joke about her and she continues to accrete power and seniority in the House. There's no reason to believe that Susan Rise will not have a similarly fortunate career.

Anonymous said...

Add in that she also apparently has some culpability for the disastrous Obama/Clinton foreign policy, esp. as it has to do with our failures in the Middle East. They thought that being nice to the extremists and helping them into power would help us. Instead, we have a Middle East in shambles, with the long peace that Carter brokered between Egypt and Israel rapidly falling apart, and extremists taking dictatorial control throughout the region. At lest the dictators they replaced had been somewhat moderate. These sure aren't.

It seemed as if almost everyone thought that the "Arab Spring" would lead to secular democracy. That's because the alternative - that Islam (at least the Arab version) is incompatible with secularism and democracy - is far too terrifying to contemplate.


ken in tx said...

Evidently, Titus has never been to Savannah or New Orleans. They can be considered gross but not to the Rainbow.

Anonymous said...

I love Savannha, lovely city!

Lydia said...

chickelit said: But for Benghazi, there would be little opposition to Rice as Sec State.

Actually, Rice has apparently made lots of enemies in D.C. See the piece by the very liberal Dana Milbank in the Washington Post from about a week ago. He trashes her, and not based on Benghazi.

Anonymous said...

Tallahassee is gorgeous too.

Methadras said...

Enough of this bullshit, conservatives have to fight back against this crap. Leftards who use this tactic should be exposed, put to shame as the scam artists they are and hit in their pocket books and patronage. They are racists, they use race and gender as a bludgeoning weapon against any opposition. It must not be tolerated anymore.

AF said...

Did anyone read the Washington Post editorial?

It did not say that Rice should not be criticized. It explained why the criticism of her is crap.

Baron Zemo said...

No sane white person listens to cries of racism. You just shrug your shoulders and ignore it and go on with your life. The race card is no longer valid to most of us.

The way the race card is played will also change. There are many other minorities in the United States and they do not like each other. Just as the Italians and the Irish and the Jews fought tooth and nail last century until they assimilated and intermarried....... the Asians, Hispanics, South East Asians (India & Bangledesh) and Native born immigrant Africans have a big problem with native born African Americans. They have no patience with the blame game and will not stand for it.

That is the upcoming focus of racial conflict in Barack Obama's America. Not white people holding the poor black people down.

It will be "people of color" fighting over the diminishing pieces of pie.

Anonymous said...

Yet more reason never to hire a woman or a minority. You can't criticize them and you can't fire them.

Baron Zemo said...

The vast majority of cab drivers in New York City are not white. Almost everyone of them is now an immigrant of one nationality or another.

When they don't stop to pick up a black person it is not because whitey told them not to do it. Just sayn'

jr565 said...

O Ritmo wrote:
Did Andrew Sullivan refuse you as a gay lover, at one point? Your persistent obsession with him seems to be entering even newer, stranger and more disturbing territory.

I suppose you think we are trying to crucify Andrew Sullivan. Or maybe it's gay bashing.
If Andrew Sullivan can make points that suggest that not voting for Obama is racism and then bring up some ludicrous parallel to southern states in the civil war, when then people can call him an asshole for doing so.

And that goes for you too Ritmo. We woudnlt think you were such a douche, if you keep vomiting inanities from your mouth.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Bruce Hayden,

I think that this is pretty bogus. The woman went on national TV and intentionally lied to the American people about Benghazi. She did it on all the Sunday talk shows.

The damning part of this is not that she (and Clinton, and the President) didn't name al-Qaeda or an allied group as responsible. The damning part is that they did all name as responsible the man behind a YouTube video that had been online for months, and "spontaneous protests" arising from it. There is no evidence of protests in Benghazi. No reports -- in fact, reports of total calm -- from eyewitnesses, not to mention security cameras.

In other words, the story Ambassador Rice reported five times on the following Sunday was invention. If she had no solid information, the ordinary thing to do would have been to say as much. If she had information that it wasn't prudent to reveal (that was the last line, or maybe the last-but-one), she could, and should, have said (truthfully) that our information was incomplete.

Instead she went with a story that was factually false, and that a great many people must have known to have been factually false.

Hagar said...

No AF,
The article is crap, repeating the administration's "talking points" yet one more time, and trying to explain them away by more lies and obfuscation.

Whatever happened in Benghazi, it was not caused by that stupid video, and they know it.

Cedarford said...

Liberals and progressive Jews in the media and academia have adopted the meme of higher black or female moral authority - contrasted with the white male and push various "narratives".

1. The white male of privilege and power that is historically to blame for all the world's ills.

2. Things would automatically be better if the white male oppressors were replaced by wiser Jews, Latinas, blacks, and white women.

3. Ergo, any criticism of a wise Latina, a Jewish socialist judge, a black community organizer, or a liberal female teacher union official turned politician is racist, sexist, anti-Semitic. If done by a white male.

4. Guilty white males ashamed of their oppressor status can consult a "magic Negro" - in real life and in movies - who will guide that poor white male soul to a better, more moral existence.

Anonymous said...

wyo sis: This kerffuffle is so pointedly comparable to what happened to Condoleeza Rice that it's amazing the MSM and the left have the boldness to persue it. Winning the election must make them think they're untouchable.

They think they're untouchable because they have been (and still are) very, very successful at getting the opposition to fall for the diversionary tactic, and grovel and simper and whimper at playing "please don't call me a racist" all the live long day.

Sure, some people aren't playing along any more (though they can still have their careers destroyed), but I can't think of anybody at the public level who's been willing to get right back in their faces and tell them to stick their "racism" charges where the sun don't shine. And the time for doing that was 20-30 years ago.

Cedarford said...

Michelle Dulak Thompson - The damning part of this is not that she (and Clinton, and the President) didn't name al-Qaeda or an allied group as responsible. The damning part is that they did all name as responsible the man behind a YouTube video that had been online for months, and "spontaneous protests" arising from it. There is no evidence of protests in Benghazi.

Unfortunately for you, and your hero scumbag Copt - the Blasphemy had been used by radicals to whip up Muslim mobs at 11 other locales the same day. Embassies were overrun and trashed and property looted, vandalized, burned. Thousands of Americans put in fear of their lives. A dozen and a half Yemenis killed by secret police as they stormed the Sana Embassy.

Even in Benghazi, the Blasphemy video played a role. All the jihadi fighters interviewed later said they were informed of it and it helped motivate them to kill Americans. (We do the same thing. We gave our Marines Bataan Death March footage and Rape of Nanking footage the Japanese stupidly gave us as motivational ammunition right before they hit Tarawa, Iwo Jima, etc.)

virgil xenophon said...

ironrails is correct about the "too horrible to contemplate" bit re the "Arab Spring" up@1:21pm. In fact this "too horrible" bit accounts, imho, for almost ALL of the suicidly naive whistling past the grave-yard that the entire West has done about the Muslim threat, The West is simply not psuchically prepared to contemplate the effort to gird it's loins for the effort needed to repel the Muslim civilizational onslaught..

Kirk Parker said...

C4, you moron: the Rape of Nanking was objectively wrong. Surely you aren't putting some sophomoric video on the same level.

donald said...

I never knew Susan Rice was black till I read about it in the NYT. I just thought she was your basic totalitarian type communist.

Which she is, so score one for the dumb white Georgia racist (Well, bigot I suppose, but real bigots don't understand, so what the hey).

chickelit said...

Titus said...
Chick, don't be obsessed with Sully-not worth it.

I'm not digging at Sullivan (who never engages here)--rather his followers who snowball his retarded theories. That's why I use the derogatory term "Sullivanist."

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Unfortunately for you, and your hero scumbag Copt - the Blasphemy had been used by radicals to whip up Muslim mobs at 11 other locales the same day.

The video was online in July, and everyone just decided to get "spontaneously" "inflamed" two months later? And the spontaneous inflammation just happened, by one of these wacky golly-gee coincidences, to take place on 9/11?

Nakoula is not my "hero," by the way, except insofar as I'm inclined to defend anyone made a worldwide scapegoat by the likes of the President, the Secretary of State, and the Ambassador to the UN.

And my point was that there was and is no evidence that there was any spontaneously protesting mob at either site in Benghazi. In other words, someone just made that part up, and then made Rice go on five different talk shows Sunday morning (I do believe that's a record) to repeat it again and again. After which other people at the top of the administration did the same. About two weeks in the narrative started shifting, and it still hasn't settled yet.

Craig said...

And my point was that there was and is no evidence that there was any spontaneously protesting mob at either site in Benghazi. In other words, someone just made that part up, and then made Rice go on five different talk shows Sunday morning (I do believe that's a record) to repeat it again and again.

I watched five hours of live coverage on CNN International on September 11. It consisted of cutting back and forth between cameras in Cairo showing protests and demonstrations that threatened to storm that embassy and cameras in Benghazi where a consulate had already been breached and stormed. Their explanation of both situations specifically and repeatedly referenced a video that had triggered outrage. Susan Rice had nothing to do with fabrication of that story line. It's the hand she and Obama were dealt.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It has the effect of corroding the supposed gain made by the election of Obama.

I'm Full of Soup said...


If I understand you correctly, you are cliaimg the President gets his info from CNN and whatever CNN reported in the first 5 hours was the whole truth and nothing but the truth?

kcom said...

I was in Savannah this morning. It's still nice.

Gary Rosen said...

"the Blasphemy had been used by radicals to whip up Muslim mobs"

By sheer coincidence on 9/11, that had nothing to do with it, right, C-fudd? Get an IQ for a change. By the way, what gender are your "children" today?

Gary Rosen said...

Noted also that C-fudd called the amateurish video "Blasphemy" with a capital B! Fudd a 'slim?? Didn't know you were so religious bwahahaha.

Gary Rosen said...

AJ Lynch,

If I understand you correctly, you are cliaimg the President gets his info from CNN"

Would explain a lot.

Synova said...

"I watched five hours of live coverage on CNN International on September 11. It consisted of cutting back and forth between cameras in Cairo showing protests and demonstrations that threatened to storm that embassy and cameras in Benghazi where a consulate had already been breached and stormed. Their explanation of both situations specifically and repeatedly referenced a video that had triggered outrage. Susan Rice had nothing to do with fabrication of that story line. It's the hand she and Obama were dealt."

And yet... when Romney claimed that Obama claimed at first that it was a video and riots Obama let the righteous anger flow, and a "how dare you!" to Romney because Obama did SO say that it was a terrorist attack and had said so all along.

Because the problem, dear sir, with your little fable is that Obama is the President of the United States and Obama is not subject to news reports because OBAMA had eyes on Benghazi, live, recorded, and witnessed, as it happened. Which is why Romney tried to point out his lie and Obama "how dare you!" insisted that he had always said it was not the video, nor spontaneous, but a terrorist attack.

Which leaves us with Rice.

Who also is not subject to news reports or media, no matter that Obama again "How dare you!" let the anger show that people were picking on the poor woman who, in HIS words, knew nothing at all about Benghazi. She just put herself out there, silly chit, so be nice.

These people, Obama and also Rice, do NOT depend on news media. They have direct reports.

They. Both. Lied.

Or at the least, Rice was lied TO and sent out to pass on her misinformation.

Synova said...

Obama didn't say that's what he knew at the time. He didn't say that the information came out later. He wasn't *dealt* anything.

He didn't say that more information came out later when challenged by Romney because anyone with more than half a brain understands that it was impossible that Obama didn't know.

People with less than half a brain make excuses for Obama because his job is hard and it's not his fault.

Nichevo said...

Ritmo, work with me here. Be fair if you can. I'm trying to be fair with you. You're an intelligent man, or can be when you concentrate all your faculties and pay attention to your interlocutor/s . Surely you can, in an adult fashion , make an affirmative, or at least a least-worst, case for the Obama Administration's performance in the Ben Ghazi affair.

I say affair because perhaps you can accept that without flinching and feeling somebody's honor insulted , as it seems you would from debacle (Android voice recognition spelling on Evo so...

Chip A, my dear fellow...Shit, this is what
you do all the time except you're so much cuter at it. I'm going off on a digression and I stop myself now. Anyway I'm relying on the Android
voice recognition capability to do any kind of serious commenting on the smartphone. IMHO it works pretty darn well and I'm impressed that I can actually get the guys eat without at least raining except it doesn't is 2 words. oops it heard the guys eat when I meant Ben Ghazi .

And the academic left type people seem to love to change the spellings of foreign words and places from anything known to us common folk, who had public schools. I'm going to run with relying heavily on the Android voice recognition. I wonder if Dragon is better on Android or on PC's. End of digression.)

...debacle, I said, or fiasco or shame or failure or sheer systematic incompetence or selling out our guys before during and after the attack, or madness or the Chicago way or treason which is the same thing. Surely you can find the pony in the Benghazi pile.

Craig said...

Impeach Petraeus. Letting him resign didn't provide enough spectacle.

Rocky2 said...

[Here's what I saw on the web that may shock some Obama fans.]

Obama Enslaves & Destroys Inner Cities

( I experienced all this while trapped in a large American city.)

The suburbs are booming, but not fast enough. Yessir, you ghetto folks
in inner cities have started a good thing, but there are still lots of acres
outside the cities without any houses on them. So you've gotta move into
"untouched" city blocks and do the following:
Throw trash everywhere. You'll insure that your friends who pick up trash
and distribute free rat poison packets will keep their jobs. And folks can
predict the weather by the direction the trash is blowing!
Walk down the street. Better yet, rhythm down it. And when I say street
I don't mean sidewalk. Save sidewalks for your friends on cycles. Besides,
it's hard to fit many cursing, screaming, drinking, pot-smoking kids on a
sidewalk, and it's also hard to spot keys and other things left in cars when
you're walking on a sidewalk!
When walking down a street, turn your head when you hear a car coming
and stare at the driver. For all you know, it might be one of your enemies
out to get you. On the other hand, it might be only your neighbor and all
that hateful staring might make him want to move out.
Be sure to beget lots of unloved, unsupervised, unwashed two-legged
"Obama welfare meal tickets" - either through wedlock or (preferably) out of
wedlock. And let them often ring doorbells, begging for money.
Turn quiet streets into noisy jungles. Have a blast - a
long blast with your car horn under your neighbor's window at
3:00 a.m. Let folks know who the real honkies are! Blow your horn when (1)
you see the police coming (2) you want to buy some dope (3) you want to sell
some dope (4) for any other reason. Play your stereo so loudly that folks can't
hear sirens going to the latest holdup or arson. Be noisy, man, noisy!
Be cruel to animals, especially "man's best friend." Tie your dog on a
short chain under a blazing sun with no water or food or love or license or
dog shots. Make him as mean as you are. Better yet, let your dog run loose.
Neighbors love to find freshly killed cats (after hearing their screams) and
other goodies on their lawns. Pit one dog against another in bloody "canine
cockfights" while friends lounge on car hoods and cheer and make bets! And
what madness is it where folks move out and abandon pets in the house,
leaving them nothing to eat but their own droppings? This happens often in the
ghetto, and almost no one will help the animals.
Keep a good supply of Saturday Night Specials - also Sunday, Monday,
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday Night Specials. Your criminal
presence will improve your neighbor's light bill; when he isn't watching you
at night (with his lights off), he will be able to read books at night by
the light of the police helicopter searchlights!
Here's more insanity: Uncle Sam spends millions of our tax money to
move you into our neighborhoods where we lose much when we sell our homes.
So you have your nerve when you glare and swear at us when we don't move
out quickly; but you're the reason we can't find good buyers! I really wonder
what you and Uncle Sam will do when lots of folks move to the wilderness and
live off the land and consequently don't have to pay taxes to support such
Finally, spread the rumor that all of your troubles are associated with
skin, even though you and I know that your problem isn't skin. It's sin!!!
What makes a ghetto? It's not the paint on a house (or lack of it) but all
of you two-legged pains in the neck!
For more information on Blockbuster Obama, Google "The Background Obama
Can't Cover Up."

(anyone is free to copy and air this paper)

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