November 13, 2012

"Both Gen. David Petraeus and Gen. John Allen intervened in the same nasty child custody battle involving Natalie Khawam..."

"... the 'psychologically unstable' twin sister of Jill Kelley, whose bombshell claims of being threatened by Petraeus' lover led to the top spy’s resignation last week, the Post has learned."
And in court documents filed by Kelley's sister Natalie Khawam, she name-drops both Sen. John Kerry of Massachusetts and Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island -- who both have ties to a Providence, RI, lawyer/lobbyist who loaned a whopping $300,000 to Khawam.

Khawam claimed in a July 12 letter to her estranged husband that she took their son "on vacation last year to Martha Vineyard," where their son and "I had a great time at the DSCC [Democratic Senate Campaign Committee] event."

"Sen. John Kerry asked if [her son] would be coming again this year," Khawam wrote. "[Their son] was a superstar at the DSCC last year."

A spokeswoman for Kerry – who the Washington Post reports is being considered as President Obama's next secretary of defense -- had no immediate comment.
Oh, my. Petraeusgate is a gaping maw! Men teetering on the edge. And always another woman. Look out, there are 2 of them! Kelley comes in duplicate: Kelley and Khawam... ka-bam!

ADDED: This story is an immense distraction, with all these spangly details. I'm not sure what parts are going to matter. Is Kerry seriously involved? Is the child custody dispute significant? Will it tie back to Benghazi importantly or is it taking us down a rathole?


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Alex said...

Why does no one consider the idea that Patreus and Broadwell had an emotional connection?

chickelit said...

Now John Kerry is involved?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Do these govt big shots have a bit too much time on their hands? Doesn't anyone work in our govt?

Paco Wové said...

Democrats at play.

chickelit said...

Will it tie back to Benghazi importantly or is it taking us down a rathole?

Sen Feinstein has threatened to subpoena Patraeus' own report on Benghazi. She's not going to let go easily.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I just can't bring myself to give a shit about all of this.

Especially when we are ignoring more important things like....our country is fucking BROKE, BANKRUPT and democracy has been slaughtered by rampant voter fraud that no one seems to be the least bit concerned about.


David said...

Why? Why would they do this? Just how bad is their judgment? Just how bulletproof must they have felt?

To me a great mystery is why these people had access to such high level individuals in the first place? Kelley is broke and a high level exhibitionist. Her sister is broke and a apparent nut case. At least a selfish manipulative woman--she kept her divorcing husband from seeing their child for over a year.

Love of pussy explains a lot in many cases. But this is beyond all logic, even for the pussy enthralled.

Something really strange is going on here. What could these men possibly be thinking to involve themselves, and the prestige of the military, in a tawdry custody fight? Just sex? I don't think so.

Anonymous said...

A soap opera in ACU's

Alex said...

David - my point is there is an emotional connection, otherwise why get involved in a custody fight? This isn't just sex as much as the media loves to get down & dirty.

Bob said...

Sen Feinstein has been dissed and, while I hate her politics, does take her intel chair seriously. So she'll drag the General and Madame Secretary up for a hearing.

If this goes into the Senate DSSS this will really get entertaining. If it kills any possibility of Kerry becoming SECDEF it will be a godsend

David said...

DBQ I think you should care. The root of the fiscal mess is corruption, some of it quite legal. The whole back scratching system is corrupt. This may go way beyond a sex scandal. Why is Petraeus going to a party at Kelley's house in the first place? Why are these third rate social climbers getting any access to four star generals?

Tank said...


My wife would say: apply alcohol.

If that doesn't work, try more alcohol.

Other than that, I got nothing. We are well and truly f***g doomed.


But la la la, no one cares by you and me a couple ugly old white racist guys.

Democracy is shit and your vote is worthless.


john said...

By this time tomorrow will Rielle Hunter have been dragged into this despicable affair? Concerned readers want to know.

bleh said...

I hope this doesn't derail JFKerry's nomination. A suddenly open Senate seat would offer Scott Brown another short term serving the people of Massachusetts.

TWM said...

I would have cared before the election. No doubt many Americans would have as well. Now, I just don't give a damn. You see, economic doom has a way of focusing one on the important things. Like guns, ammo, canned goods, and beer.

shiloh said...

The plot thickens ...

ok, ok, that's soooo yesterday!

David said...

Petraeus had an emotional connection to Kelley? Was he fucking her too? Sharing her with Allen?

Of course there's an emotional connection between Petraeus and Broadwell. That's a given. Sex breeds emotion. Emotion breeds sex. But why would this lead him to assist Kelley's sister? WTF?

Plus people in Petraeus' league generally learn to put self interest ahead of their emotions. It part of their success formula. I bet he was in love with Broadwell. At least for a while. But it's a stretch to think he was in love with Kelley too. Or her sister.

You can say no even to people you love. Did Allen get P. to write the letter? Is P. in love with Allen?

It's all too absurd. There's something more.

Nonapod said...


Agreed. The relevance of the lifestyles of a bunch of highly politically connected morons is about on par with a typical episode of Jersey Shore.

test said...

Will it tie back to Benghazi importantly or is it taking us down a rathole?

Of course it's a rathole.

But we're talking about people who seem to have everything in fact being totally screwed up. And now we've brought in child custody, so the feminists can rant about the patriarchy while the outraged fathers point out the unfairness of not seeing your son for a year because your ex lied that you abused the kids.

If they're this deep after two days this is turning into the circus of the year - potentially bigger than John Edwards. Plus pics of good looking women at least one of whom is nutty. And we can pretend there's a conenction to national security.

shiloh said...

"rampant voter fraud that no one seems to be the least bit concerned about."

Death, taxes and DBQ's hyperbolic/childish whining!

All is well ...

Renee said...

I deal with a lot of drama at the Department of Children & Families, the rich and politically connected are not immune to the same drama. The poor though, are a lot more sane then these psycho b#tches. My apologies for language. Oh pity who does or doesn't get invited to clambakes on Martha's Vinyard with the DNC or spend summers in Newport, I wouldn't trade my life with yours.

F said...

BDNYC: Why in the world would Brown be elected to a seat he has already lost once? I suspect a Kennedy could be found. Probably a female Kennedy.

And the big thing is that Benghazi has been knocked off the front page. That and voter fraud should be front and center. They're not while the newspapers (can we still call them that?) focus on four stars and their unstable lovers.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"DBQ I think you should care."

Why? Why should I care? Why should I waste my time even thinking about caring or not caring about this stuff? How is it going to make my life better to sit and worry? No one else seems to be concerned about it.

Is there anything that I can do to make it better? NO. Is there anyone who has any power to make it better or fix the corruption that is rampant in our so called representative republic, doing to fix anything? NO.

Voter fraud. Pifffle. Nothing to see here. Illegal aliens flooding the social welfare system and driving wages into the tank. No big deal and you are racist if you say anything about it. Drunken and debauched Secret Service personell understandable, I would be drunk on my ass too if I had to to guard, with my life, and to pretend respect the criminals in the Whitehouse Inflation?? Naw. Just your imagination that everything is costing twice as much as a few years ago. Who needs gasoline or milk or heating oil anyway. Quit whining and bow to Obama

I just don't give a shit and plan to only do things that will personally benefit me...Me...ME!!! I've decided that it is more peaceful and calming to be a low or even NO information voter since it doesn't matter what we do or say.

A well armed, well provisioned low information voter :-D

It.... just...doesn't....make....any ....difference.

bleh said...

F said...

BDNYC: Why in the world would Brown be elected to a seat he has already lost once? I suspect a Kennedy could be found. Probably a female Kennedy.

And the big thing is that Benghazi has been knocked off the front page. That and voter fraud should be front and center. They're not while the newspapers (can we still call them that?) focus on four stars and their unstable lovers.

Because he still has money in the bank and is a popular politician?

MayBee said...

Isn't Khawam an attorney for whistleblowers?

You know what's funny- Nick Kristof met Joe Wilson at the DSCC. That's where Joe lied to him about how he had been send to Niger because of the forgeries (false).
John Kerry was involved in that, too.

What great judgement John Kerry has. What great judgement they all have.

Sorun said...

This crap all over the Daily Mail is making it harder to keep up with the Kardashians.

D.D. Driver said...

And why are lobbyists giving Khawam a $300k "loan"?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

rathole. distraction. The video.

PS - Democrats take a lot of vacations.

Me? Not so much.

Tank said...

DBQ - Oh, you're definitely ready for a martini beeni.

Meanwhile, wouldn't a nuts n sluts tag go here, or is that TM by the Clintons.

test said...

Almost Housewives of the Military.

mccullough said...

Looks like its time to move the headquarters of Central Command to Sioux Falls, SD. Too much crazy shit going down in Tampa.

ricpic said...

Final days of Rome. Okay, final decades.

But the good news is we've got garbage's permission to secede.

Anonymous said...

"Will it tie back to Benghazi importantly or is it taking us down a rathole?"

The BS media are talking about it, which should answer the question: rathole.

Darrell said...

I could use a $300K loan.

Michael K said...

It's about time Kerry showed some interest in another lady part that doesn't belong to that drunken idiot he married for her money.

I'm Full of Soup said...

DBQ said:

"Illegal aliens flooding the social welfare system and driving wages into the tank. "

It is interesting the media and the pols never mention that last part when they are lamenting wage stagnation and middle class woes which they invariably blame on the Romneys of the world.

MayBee said...

This is going to sound crazy, but I'm beginning to think people in government are not immune to using their power to do favors for glamorous hangers-on.

Tank said...

AJ and DBQ = both racists.

Well, just sayin.

Not ALLOWED to say those things.

Geez, dnt you get the memo?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Tank - I think you have that equation backwards. When only HIspanics/Latinas/ Latinos/ La Raza care about illegals because 90% of illegals are Hispanic/ Latino/ Latino/ LaRaza and when 100% of "urban corridor" voters vote for a president who happens to be black, that is racism.


hombre said...

Of course the mediaswine couldn't be bothered with Benghazi or the scandal of Sandy, but this "desperate housewives" crap is the biggest of deals.

And other than Petraeus and the security risk, who cares anyway? The women who buy the grocery store tabloids and vote for Obama? Oh. Maybe they are the target audience for the legacy media now. Low information, high emotion women.

Welcome to Obot America.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Actually we could blame the housing bubble too on all the illegals who bought starter homes and caused the upward domino effect on home prices!Heh [I am only half kidding].

edutcher said...

The weirder this gets, the more attention is given it.

Fine with me, because it all leads back to Commandante Zero and Benghazi and the election.

shiloh said...

rampant voter fraud that no one seems to be the least bit concerned about.

Death, taxes and DBQ's hyperbolic/childish whining!

All is well ...

If it were, the little weasel wouldn't be talking about whining, his little dog whistle for someone breaking the code.

The states with voter ID were won by the Romster.

The states without voter ID were won by Choom.

Throw in 140% turnout in some counties, 100% of the vote going for Choom in some precincts, voting machines flipping 10% of the Romney votes to Choomie, and it's got nothing to do with the new demographics or Axelrod keeping the white vote home (what a crock!).

And speaking of missing, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Posing as Kelley's psychologically unstable twin sister?

Renee said...

ricpic, So when do I get fed to the lions?

Wait.. I can't even get a religious exemption on the contraceptive mandate.

edutcher said...

ricpic said...

Final days of Rome. Okay, final decades.

But the good news is we've got garbage's permission to secede.

23 states, so far - Louisiana, Alaska, Utah, Wyoming, California, Delaware, Nevada, Kansas, Ohio, South Dakota, West Virginia, Nebraska, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Oklahoma, Arkansas, South Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Tennessee, Michigan, New York, Colorado, Oregon, New Jersey, North Dakota, Montana, Indiana, Mississippi, Kentucky, Florida, North Carolina, Alabama and Texas.

Renee said...

The problem is, just as it 'distracts' us with the real problem imagine how it distracts those who actually have control and the ability to solve the real problem.

I'm not distracted, I'm angry that preventative distractions are effecting the country's decision makers.

Larry J said...

The very idea of John Kerry being considered for SecDef make me want to puke. His "Winter Soldier" activities alone should disqualify him for public office, but then, he was the junior senator to Ted Kennedy for many years. Mass. voters must have very low standards.

Tank said...


whoa, too confusing for a man who's applying alcohol [or at least thinking about it].

Racism, that word does not mean .......... well, anything, anymore.

Does it?

garage mahal said...

But the good news is we've got garbage's permission to secede.

You don't need my permission to secede.

DADvocate said...

Psycho women everywhere!!

Nothing new.

Sunslut7 said...

Jill is from a Lebanese Arab family. She may have ties to Syrian, Jordanian or iranian intelligence services. What if she was an intelligence operative inserted to gain usable intell from Petraeus and Allan? is this the second coming of Christine Keeler? Is tis another Profumo scandal?

It seems that CIA & DNI were asleep at their posts. More loose supervision from POTUS 'Present'?

Will the MSM bury this story too?

Hagar said...

The 4-star circus and the Real Housewives of the Central Command are jam for the media, but the important part is that both houses of Congress know they have been lied to and are highly pissed about it. Also that the reputations of these actors have been shredded and will not deter the Senators and Representatives of either party from asking intrusive questions.

Indigo Red said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
William said...

I would like to politicize this scandal. That would be a way of imposing order on all this babbling chaos. It's all a trail of slime from Axelrod and John Kerry, and it happened under President Obama's watch so he's responsible.....The problem is that so many of the other actors are not Democrats or even politicians. Four star generals, FBI agents, West Point graduates doing a doctoral thesis: one expects a certain level of prudence and sanity from such people.....The most comprehensible part of the scandal is the administration's attempt to obfuscate the events at BenGhazi. All this other stuff doesn't make sense on any level.

Indigo Red said...

If this sex scandal piques the interest of the flaccid press to investigate Benghazigate and the Obama WH, then I say, "Please, sir. I want more."

Anonymous said...

The poor guy in the child custody case didn't stand a chance. A four star general, probably in uniform, was testifying on the woman's behalf. Who did the poor guy have? His local priest?

WineSlob said...

Petraeus Got Reamed in the Anus
Some Dumb Broad Who Thought She Was Famous
A Stoolie of Barry,
John Kerry, and Harry
Found Hard-ons to be Most Advantageous.

edutcher said...

Update to the states petitioning for secession.

I find out the total is 47, only Maine, Vermont and Washington want to stay.

Heckuva job, Barry.

MadisonMan said...

You know, it would refreshing if all the details of this were not covered. Let the narcissists in DC get no press time.

How about some press on how actual veterans are dealing with their homecoming into a stagnant economy? Or the sorry state of VA Hospital help for traumatic brain injuries?

Oh, right. This Petraeus thing with all its tentacles is so much more compelling.

@MayBee at 2:44: LOL!

Crunchy Frog said...

Actually we could blame the housing bubble too on all the illegals who bought starter homes and caused the upward domino effect on home prices!Heh [I am only half kidding].

In the Inland Empire, you see a lot of these shiny almost-new houses standing vacant, that were purchased with ninja loans to people who were obviously not qualified.

I saw the writing on the wall when BofA and other large SoCal banks started accepting Matricula Consular cards as identification back in 05-06...

Known Unknown said...

Sen Feinstein has threatened to subpoena Patraeus' own report on Benghazi. She's not going to let go easily.

Feinstein >>> Boxer.

Feinstein does take her role seriously.

Toad Trend said...

Now, THIS is important.

Benghazi, on the other hand?

Not so much.

Modern media has gone completely 'Entertainment Tonight' and left its post. Because, it has been devalued by modern communications and the speed at which it now travels.

Which just means that state business has to be more of a 'managed' activity, and in turn, so do the citizens.

1984, meet 2012.

Crunchy Frog said...

Actually we could blame the housing bubble too on all the illegals who bought starter homes and caused the upward domino effect on home prices!Heh [I am only half kidding].

In the Inland Empire, you see a lot of these shiny almost-new houses standing vacant, that were purchased with ninja loans to people who were obviously not qualified.

I saw the writing on the wall when BofA and other large SoCal banks started accepting Matricula Consular cards as identification back in 05-06...

Hagar said...

If it helps us to find out how come the sudden urge to revenge Lockerbie and liberate Libya after 23 years of making nice with Ghadafy, it's all good!

Lydia said...

God (or maybe just Jill's sister Natalie) save us from John Kerry as secretary of defense.

Remember this?

You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq. --John Kerry, Pasadena City College, 2006

That must really endear him to everyone involved in the military, don’t you think?

Crimso said...

Vermont has had a secession movement for some time now. They may not want to secede because of the election (on the whole, they probably don't want to secede at all), but there are people there who are serious about it.

I oppose secession, especially that prompted by election results. That question is settled, and we have the graves (and Texas v. White) to prove it.

MayBee said...

I think it's important for two main reasons:

1. Forcing Petraeus out when he seems to have had an....outlier...opinion on Benghazi that backed up the President's politically expedient explanation, but may not have sounded plausible when testifying to the Senate.

2. The obviously over-broad power of the FBI to read the private emails of private citizens and reveal them publicly if they want.

Booger Orr said...

Like Dust Bunny Queen, just too fatigued by it all. DGAF at all.

Anonymous said...

our country is fucking BROKE, BANKRUPT and democracy has been slaughtered by rampant voter fraud that no one seems to be the least bit concerned about.

Oh my, two patently false statements in one sentence. DBQ is just getting unhinged.

Cedarford said...

This is going to be an incredible test of the discipline of the various cabals of liberals and progressive jews in the media to try and keep a lid on this to continue to serve their Messiah.

It will be a trying time for owners, producers, and editors to work serve Obama to suppress a story that has:

1. Dead Benghazi bodies.
2. Sex, tits, scandal!
3. High performing women acting Lisa Nowak diaper-crazy and 4 Star Generals acting nutty.
4. Investigations into dead Benghazi bodies and national security failures and apparant Contra-Style gun-running mixed up in chain of command breakdowns and key people compromised on sex scandal.
6. Now Senators, Kerry and Elizabeth Warren involved!
5. FBI apparantly violated civil liberties to pry into non-threatening email due to an agents friendship with one of the crazy bitches. Then got a Dem campaign bundler turned judge to sign the warrant.
6. FBI and Petraeus delayed telling the public about the affair and the Beghazi real info until after the Messiah was reelected!

And all through this, liberals and progressive Jews in the also suppressed what they knew and to this day maintain that their Messiah knew nothing.
And Obama being disengaged, not interested, not wanting to read anything other than about his campaign?
Maybe that is entirely plausible. Obama can say he knew nothing 'bout no shit, and more than the liberals and progressive jews in the media will also nod their heads up and down.

Meanwhile, on to the 2nd huge phase of the Recession that never ends, more trillions to ObamaPhone mommas, and that Blessed 2nd Inaugural!!

I'm Full of Soup said...

Crunchy Frog:
Thanks for validating a theory of mine which I figured had some logical validity...inflated values started at the bottom [starter homes] and worked their way up to the McMansions and the root cause in many cases was mortgages approved to people who had no or bad credit.

MayBee said...

Oh, third reason:

Broadwell's home was raided today, right after the tape with her saying Benghazi was a CIA detention center gained some attention. The CIA denies this. But still, Broadwell's home was raided.

Why? Was she using Indian rosewood for her guitars?

Tim said...

The people voted for bread and circuses.

This is the circus.

The bread is in the mail, in form of an EBT.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Update to the states petitioning for secession.

I find out the total is 47, only Maine, Vermont and Washington want to stay.

Hell, we all would be thrilled to just be able to secede from California. We've been trying since before WWII.

State of Jefferson FTW!

We will never be set free. They think a petition is going to do it? Good luck with that secession thingy y'all.

Larry J said...

Mamie said...
God (or maybe just Jill's sister Natalie) save us from John Kerry as secretary of defense.

Remember this?

You know, education, if you make the most of it, if you study hard and you do your homework, and you make an effort to be smart, uh, you, you can do well. If you don’t, you get stuck in Iraq. --John Kerry, Pasadena City College, 2006

That must really endear him to everyone involved in the military, don’t you think?

Yes, his comment was noticed by the troops.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That question is settled, and we have the graves (and Texas v. White) to prove it.

THAT question may be settled. THIS one is not.


MayBee said...

They linked Broadwell's ISP information with the hotels she had stayed in. That's how the FBI confirmed it was Broadwell emailing Kelley.

How did they know Broadwell's schedule, and which hotels she had been staying in?

Anonymous said...

Naw. Just your imagination that everything is costing twice as much as a few years ago.

Actually it is. Even gasoline, which has seen steep rises (although it has fallen recently) is still nearly 70 cents a gallon cheaper than it was at its peak in 2008. Inflation is low and remains low--selecting a couple volatile commodities and then claiming "every thing costs twice as much" is ridiculous.

I sure wouldn't trust you with my money.

I'm Full of Soup said...

I don't think there is much doubt that the country is way way underwater if we accurately calculate unfunded liabilities for soc sec, medicare, fed govt, state and muni pension funds, etc.

But I guess some libruls would argue that "way way underwater" does not = bankrupt.

Patrick said...

I find it interesting, though not surprising that the press is falling all over themselves to investigate and report these sex scandals. A US ambassador's assassination, however, and there all "nothing to see here, we have to wait for the official investigation."

I'm Full of Soup said...

"Home was raided? why? ..Was she using Indian rosewood for her guitars?"

Good one Maybee! Thanks we all could use a laugh.

Toad Trend said...

"The CIA denies this. But still, Broadwell's home was raided.


Because, as has been evidenced, they CAN.

MayBee said...

The NYTs on the privacy aspect.

Nobody seems to know what kind of warrants were used, or even if warrants were sought and granted.

Hagar said...

The last news item is that someone found Broadwell's driver's license in a Washington, D.C. park, and the cops are holding it, so they can probably charge her with driving without a license too!

MayBee said...

Heh, Hagar.

Also, probably fine her for littering in the park.

mariner said...



I still care very much. I just don't know what people like you and me can do to change it.

If Republicans aren't concerned about vote fraud (and it certainly seems they aren't) the only reason I can see for that is there is some payoff for them, too.

I just wish I knew what.

Anonymous said...

Femme Fatales X2, fatal to Generals and other powerful men.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Even gasoline, which has seen steep rises (although it has fallen recently) is still nearly 70 cents a gallon cheaper than it was at its peak in 2008

Maybe for YOU. We are paying $4.89 a gallon for regular gasoline. Diesel is well over $5 a gallon. Hamburger which was about $2.99 a pound in 2008 is over $5.50 in our same grocery store....and it is crap hamburger with fillers and water added. Rib eye steak. Same thing lower quality, tough and full of gristle @ $16 a pound. Milk. Sugar, Flour, Cheese. Try buying corn based products.

Here is a listing of some meat items from my recipe blog from a post in January 2008. Those were current prices then.

2 Whole 5 lb chickens .89/ lb 8.90
London Broil/Top Round 2.99/lb x3 8.99
Hamburger 4 lb @ 1.99/lb 8.00
Small Ham 2.5 lb @ 1.89/lb 4.75
Lunch Meat Thin Sliced @.79/pk x 4 3.16
Pork Steaks 2 lb @ 1.19/lb (on sale) 2.36

You name has gone up in price AND/OR more significantly the package sizes are shrinking.

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm mistaken, Femme Fatales in triplicate.

chickelit said...


shiloh said...

DBQ is gonna continue to post sayin' she doesn't care ...

Anonymous said...

Blogger mccullough said...

Looks like its time to move the headquarters of Central Command to Sioux Falls, SD. Too much crazy shit going down in Tampa.

11/13/12 2:35 PM

Why not Minot?

DADvocate said...

Even gasoline, which has seen steep rises (although it has fallen recently) is still nearly 70 cents a gallon cheaper than it was at its peak in 2008. Inflation is low and remains low--selecting a couple volatile commodities and then claiming "every thing costs twice as much" is ridiculous

From Jan., 2008 to Sept., 2012, the CPI has risen 20.32 points, a little over 9%. Food and energy are the greatest driving factors. Since everyone needs food and energy, ignoring these, as does the government in calculating inflation, is ridiculous. You don't appear to be that good of a money manager yourself.

Known Unknown said...

Inflation is low and remains low

There's a wonderful reason for this.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tim maguire said...


Some political operatives went to a political event and met some politicians.

Every word about this is a word not about Benghazi.

mccullough said...


That's what I was thinking but f'ed up the locale. Minot AFB in North Dakota would be a good spot. These commanders need to chill out a bit. The nightlife in Tampa is too much for them.

Carl said...

It's taking you down the rathole.'s not taking you, you're diving down gleefully.

Benghazi is a difficult question. There really is a "fog of war," and it also doesn't sit well with anyone, even rabid Republicans, that the Commander in Chief simply callously left a few good American soldiers to die because it suited his grand strategy. There's no way you can get a clean story out of Benghazi, there's no way anyone can feel good about what the true story is.

But! A sex scandal! Woo-hoo! We get to delight in all the twists 'n' turns, we get to mock the protagonists, silly mortals in thrall to their hormones, we get to issue rich pronunciementos about Right and Wrong, and debate some -- and at the end of the day, nobody is dead. All the harm is theoretical, to this person's and that's panache. (Don't tell me about harm to the children involved -- if anyone gave two f**** about that, they'd STFU. All those children have two parents, now and forever, and all of them will be harmed by having their parents' laundry dragged out in public and at least one parent humiliated and made miserable.)

I think it was a Team Obama trap, and it was beautifully designed. They predicted very rightly that many on the right side of the aisle are primed to so obsessess over a sexual morality morass that they will immediately forget anything else that was on their minds.

Benghazi? 100% Obama results in Philadelphia precints? The fiscal cliff? The pending debacle in Afghanistan? The stock market dying? Who cares! There's spangly things over there -- somebody violating his marriage vows! Off they go, scampering...

It's interesting that they used the same trick with Bill Clinton. Ask anyone young why Clinton got impeached, and you'll hear it was because he let Monica Lewinsky blow him. That's exactly the narrative the left has encouraged for years. That Bill! Such a horn-dog! Ha ha ha!

And in this way we completely forget about perjury, obstruction of justice, Juanita Broaddrick -- who suggested a President of the United States was guilty of rape.

The rule of Lemnity said...

ADDED: This story is an immense distraction, with all these spangly details. I'm not sure what parts are going to matter. Is Kerry seriously involved? Is the child custody dispute significant? Will it tie back to Benghazi importantly or is it taking us down a rathole?

Rush speculates that the distraction benefits Obama by damaging any testimony Petraeus might have to give blowing up the Benghazi cover up.

If Petraeus decides to tell the truth about Benghazi he will be made to look like a distraught, ungrateful, sex crazed nut out for revenge... the administration is going to say can you believe a man that concealed and lied to everyone (over the sex affair) or the president of the United States?

kcom said...

We don't need no steenking warrants!

Bob Ellison said...

This will not end well. It will not end at all.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Have you notice how carefully every one in the administration is going out of their way to praise Petraeus.

Petraeus is in a precarious position.

Cedarford said...

DBQ, like many people are discouraged that America will face 4 mor years like the last 4 under Obama and the last dismal 2 years of the supposed American Churchill.

Can't blame her.
The better man lost the Presidential election thanks to ObamaPhome mommas, feckless women, Latinos and Asians that want 300 million more people given the RIGHT to get in and stay in America.

By a good man who failed to connect, by stupid Republicans unable to deal with the alienation their advocacy of extreme "conservative, religiously-based family values" causes the rest of the public.

Worst of all, the public has had a long time to see how Republican-Reagan supply side economics and "Freedom from regulations" on the Heroes of Wall Street --worked.
12 years of tax cuts for the Rich "jobs creators" did not create jobs.
Workers wages, in real terms, have been stagnant for 30 years.
Free trade for Freedom Lovers! - did not lift all boats. They gutted much of America from the opportunity for jobs outside social services, government jobs, or proivate sector healthcare jobs largely dependent on government checks.
Private sector job security and the difficulty in getting a private sector job, even one with no prospects of career growth, good pay - is as bad as in the Great Depression.

We are in for another really bad 4 more years of Obama ride as our nation declines yet further.

And Republicans need to seriously rethink "Jesus sez and Reagan sez".

Titus said...

This is stupid, except the pic of the FBI guy shirtless needs to cum out.

Titus said...

Guys need sex. Put out women.

The rule of Lemnity said...

This is stupid, except the pic of the FBI guy shirtless needs to cum out.

Titus is calling for full disclosure.

Ambrose said...

Why isn't Gloria Allred representing at least one of these women?

Titus said...

tit pics will be forthcoming.

Hagar said...

Republicans won't buy that, and even the Democrats will only pretend they do.
This is not going well for this administration, especially along with everything else on their plate right now.

Sydney said...

The Democrats certainly have more than their fair share of bimbos in their party apparatus. But, what can you expect when the centerpiece of their platform is free birth control and free unlimited abortions. The party of women of easy virtue and men of easy conscience.

Titus said...

Cooch & hog shots too, possibly with erections.

Bob said...

While we wait for the steamy emails and naked pics, sure to follow. Why did the CIA Director conduct a personal
Ground inspection of attack site. Usually you'd send in
Some one you trust. Ponder what happens if General
Had been killed or captured? What was going on that
Required Director to go on-site to an insecure location

Cedarford said...

Titus said...
Cooch & hog shots too, possibly with erections.

Titus, why don't you contact Anthony Weiner and offer to buy his boner pics. They probably would make you happy and Anthony could use the money until , election safely over, the Obamites and progressive jewish donors that once were Weiner's patrons can find him a cushy job paid with China IOUs.

Titus said...

hopefully no 68 old hog though...gross.

mccullough said...

Cedarford has a good point. The GOP hagiography of Reagan is holding them back, just like the Dems in the 1980s with nice liberal fools like Mondale and Dukakis.

In this country, the Dems represent the dependent poor and the uber-wealthy and scare single women from supporting the GOP. There is absolutely no reason the GOP should not agree to raise taxes on the wealthy. To protect the small business owner, the GOP should say that they will agree to a 7th income tax bracket of 50% on all income, whether from salary, dividends, interest, capital gains, in excess of $1 million a year and should phase out all deductions starting at $100,000 of annual deductions and finishing at $150,000 in annual deductiions.

They should also demand a $5
million threshold for estate and gift tax exemption and subject all charitable donations to gift tax and estate tax lifetime exemption of $5,000,000.

Finally, they should impose a $5 tax on all annual revenues of non-profits that have at least $1 billion in assets.

These taxes would not affect most small business owners and would soak the wealthy, the majority of whom voted for Obama.

Anonymous said...

Titus, 72 hogs await you in Heaven.

Titus said...

orgy videos cumming down the pike.

Titus said...

count on nipples being licked in videos.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Republicans won't buy that, and even the Democrats will only pretend they do.

Romney's campaign was largely predicated on the idea people were not buying what Obama was saying about the economy and what he said about Romney...

Bluntly put... it didn't work.

Lying won.

Petraeus writing is on the wall.

vza said...

Some great lines from Andrew Bolt:

"A second general wounded in the Zipper Wars"

"The Taliban hasn’t had this much success in bumping off top US generals"

"30,000 pages? Did the general actually have time left between all that reading and writing for running a war?"

Bob Ellison said...

I have not seen before such a combination of incompetence and corruption in my lifetime.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Fr. Fox and I may have to sit this one out. If you get some good stills from HDTV you might post them though.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Cedarford said...
The better man lost the Presidential election.

the public has had a long time to see how Republican-Reagan supply side economics and "Freedom from regulations" on the Heroes of Wall Street --worked.
12 years of tax cuts for the Rich "jobs creators" did not create jobs.
Workers wages, in real terms, have been stagnant for 30 years.

This is somewhat inconsistent. As you note, Republican polices have been disastrous for average people. So, how can the guy humping not just a continuation of those polices but a doubling down on those policies be the "better man'?

Conserve Liberty said...

Though I honestly, truly don't know from personal experience, I have understood since I was sixteen or so years old that the availability of strange turns off all rational thinking and judgement in the male cerebral cortex.

Deb said...

Oh What a Circus, Oh What a Show@!

mccullough said...


Better is a comparative word. Reagan was better than Mondale. Doesn't mean he was good, just not as bad as Mondale.

Romney mentioned limiting deductions and means-testing Medicare. Those are two very good suggestions. Obama mentioned raising the top two tax rates on salaries and maybe raising the capital gains rate from 15 to 20%, which is lower than it was under Reagan.

Romney also mentioned not strangling energy production in this country, which certainly does create good paying jobs for middle class workers.

It is very easy to claim that Romney was the better man for President.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

mccullough said...

Romney also mentioned not strangling energy production in this country, which certainly does create good paying jobs for middle class workers.

In the WSJ this morning they were claiming that the US will overtake both Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil production in the next decade. Combine this with the enormous increase in natural gas production over the last four years and claiming that Obama has strangeled energy production becomes something of a hard sell.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Why isn't Gloria Allred representing at least one of these women?

Good question... I thought she had first dibs.

David said...

"A four star general, probably in uniform, was testifying on the woman's behalf."

Testify? Hell no. They sent letters. No sworn testimony. Cross examination is so inconvenient.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

DBQ is gonna continue to post sayin' she doesn't care ...

If she didn't care, she wouldn't be commenting (the little weasel can't even get that right), but it's the little weasel who doesn't care.

He will, though, when inflation and taxes start to bite. It's gonna be tough when food stamps buy less and less.

And, as we're biting stuff, where were you hiding out 10/5 - 11/5 when the Romster was winning?

Head of the heads on the USS Ozero?

Anonymous said...

Any known connection between the Lebanese women in this drama and Huma Abedin also of the US State Department?

mccullough said...


You need to keep atop what the EPA is doing about fracking. There will not be a natural gas revolution in this country if they keep doing what they're doing.

Recently, the EPA finally came clean and admitted that they didn't engage in any cost-benefit analysis for their regulations, as required.

You need to become better informed. Energy jobs in this country are not going to grow under the Obama EPA.

The rule of Lemnity said...

There are reports that Petraeus is writing a Fact Finding Report he went to Lybia to collect.

Will the scandal make Petraeus have a change of hart... are we going to see another John Roberts?

Its reported that John Roberts had originally voted against Obamacare and then changed his mind.

new york said...

Penny said...

Read the same thing in the WSJ, ReasonableMan, and all of a sudden, I am thinking about backroom meetings of Saudis and Russians and their handpicked American environmentalists.

"Special Interest Group"

Let's see how they do.

chickelit said...

AReasonableMan said...

In the WSJ this morning they were claiming that the US will overtake both Russia and Saudi Arabia in oil production in the next decade. Combine this with the enormous increase in natural gas production over the last four years and claiming that Obama has strangeled energy production becomes something of a hard sell.

People don't react to increased quantities of oil produced--they react to inelastic prices of refined oil products which haven't come down.

Let's trot out some reasons for that: (1) refinery regulation impeding their growth, upkeep, and expansions--done on the name of greenliness and electric cars; (2) an actual stated desire to see fuel prices reach those of Europe--"Chu/Obama Economics (Chubamics), accomplished by flooding world markets with dollars--thereby driving up the prices of crude and gold.

I'd say Obama has achieved more goals than just reelection.

cf said...

Too bad Old Coptic Nakoula, aka Sam Bacile, can't cough up some buxom Mediterranean twins at his jail visits, all glisteny like the Kardashians, and maybe then he would get a thimbleful of the reporter attention this Kelly, Broadwell, Petraeus Affair is getting.

Maybe we would even get a fuller report and picture of what this man is about who took such a bother to make a clumsy, technically primitive TRAILOR to a film. You remember him, condemned immediately and well after by President Obama, Sec. Of State Clinton and Hack Susan Rice, and according to Turkish translations, jailed For the fourteen minutes of offense to Mohammed.

How many more will be jailed in America for such "crimes"?

We need some sexy shoulders Cat-fighting with big Tits to tie to this sad soul, and then maybe we might pay attention.

Lydia said...

Worth a thought:

@RichardGrenell -- "FBI took woman feeling threatened by email seriously, but NO ONE took Amb. Stevens feeling threatened seriously."

Hagar said...

There apparently is a full press smear campaign going on with regard to General Allen and the Khawan sisters, so it is important to keep the timelines straight and pay close attention to the exact wording of what the reporters on TV are actually saying.

So to recapitulate:

This thing became public because Paula Broadwell sent inappropriate e-mails to Jill Kelley. However, she never used Petraeus' name or otherwise got specific, so Kelley may have thought she was being stalked by an unknown for unknown reasons.

Kelley did not "go to the FBI." She told a friend who happens to work for the FBI, and the friend went off on his own to start the FBI "investigation."

The friend did not then proceed to send her e-mails with shirtless pictures of himself. The pictures were sent earlier, and this being Florida, may be of him cooking hamburgers in the back yard with his family.

The 20-3000 pages of e-mails between Jill Kelley and General Allen are now down to a couple of hundred e-mails about parties, etc. at the base officers club, or whatever. "Flirty" bantering language, but nothing exceptional between the base commander and the "unofficial hostess" over a period of several years.

There is just no "there" in any of this, except the affair between Petraeus and Broadwell, and then taht she went off and made that speech at Denver.

Anonymous said...


edutcher said...

Has anyone though of the implications of all this on Petraeus' potential testimony?

Originally, revelation of this "affair" was supposed to have gotten him out of testifying because the Deputy DCI would now be the Director, but DiFi and King have proven to be insistent, so Plan B.

What if Petraeus has a lot to say about Benghazi that is impeachment-worthy? Don't all of these surprise - and recent - "revelations" turn him into a laughingstock and tend to discredit anything he might say under oath?

The name Anita Hill ring any bells?

Think about it.

chickelit said...

Hagar slacks: There is just no "there" in any of this, except the affair between Petraeus and Broadwell, and then taht she went off and made that speech at Denver.

There's also Petraeus' memo on Benghazi, which I hope gets to priviledged, Congressional and Senate Oversight Committee members in a timey fashion.

Michael K said...

Blogger Tank said...


My wife would say: apply alcohol.

If that doesn't work, try more alcohol.

Other than that, I got nothing. We are well and truly f***g doomed.


But la la la, no one cares by you and me a couple ugly old white racist guys.

Democracy is shit and your vote is worthless.

I care but I'm another almost dead white guy. Time to cocoon.

Penny said...

"People don't react to increased quantities of oil produced--they react to inelastic prices of refined oil products which haven't come down."

Sounds good, chickelit.

And you'd think it would be true!

But it wasn't true ENOUGH in our most recent election.

Did you hear voting Americans in your district screaming about the rising price of gasoline on their way to the voting booth?


Didn't think so.

So perhaps it's safe to say that most Americans are still cool *enough* with gas costing $4 or $5 bucks a gallon?

Penny said...

Course if you have no job to drive to, I guess you can make that tank S T R E T C H !

Hagar said...

Quite so, Chickelit, but that is yet to come.
There is obviously open warfare going on between the highest levels of our government.
All I am saying is that you need to stay alert and pay close attention to exactly what the leakers are saying and do they have any actual evidence for it, or is it all done with smoke and mirrors.

Trashhauler said...

Senator Kerry in the running for SECDEF? Man, that would be the crowning joke to my 40+ year career in the military and civil service.

Penny said...

Now I'm curious?

Last I collected unemployment, I needed to show up every two weeks to report to someone on exactly what I had done to get a job, get my unemployment check.

PLEASE don't tell me the government has "streamlined" this into some direct deposit scheme?

McTriumph said...

The Black Nixon will have a news conference tomorrow at 1:30 ET. He will answer questions about the "Generals scandal".

Will that include questions on Benghazi? Don't hold your breath.

Penny said...

And what about welfare payments? Social Security checks?

Sent to your home or woooooooooosh, right into your checking account?

Nora said...

It seems that the Congress (at least the Democrate part of it) is busying itself with nonsence.

What I want to know is when Obama is coming with a plan on reducing spending and creating jobs.

I guess there is no chance to learn what happened in Bengazi. Pertraeus private life seems more important to our free [of conscience] media.

Penny said...

Same question for food stamps? Disability checks?

Wooooooooooooooooooshin' into personal bank accounts as we speak!

Synova said...

Excuse me... did you just say that Kerry was being considered for Secretary of Defense?

Dear Freaking Dog.

Dave E. said...

Choose! Choose The Form Of The Destructor!

Lyle said...

Tammany Hall bullshit. Obama needs to resign.

Automatic_Wing said...

Kerry has the hat. To this day, he still has the hat.

Automatic_Wing said...

Did I mention that John Kerry served in Vietnam?

Penny said...

Know what crosses my mind?

Many think that every American needs to pay "something" in the way of taxes. If only to stay in touch with issues of the nation or the state. I agree.

But now I'm thinking of a reasonable compromise.

How 'bout you go pick up your government check for "whatever" at a prescribed place and a prescribed time and then deposit it or spend it, as you see fit, and get fitter from the "fresh air" in the meantime?

Automatic_Wing said...

I want to Kerry to say that he's "reporting for duty" when he gets sworn in as SecDef. That would be awesome.

Emil Blatz said...

Sheldon Whitehouse
/ /John
- separated at birth!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Excuse me... did you just say that Kerry was being considered for Secretary of Defense?

Dear Freaking Dog.

Its almost like they are taunting the military.

Perhaps a military coup is in the future. That is generally one of the steps in the timeline of the decline and fall of nations. We are well along the way. WTF....why not.

Synova said...

"Hell, we all would be thrilled to just be able to secede from California. We've been trying since before WWII.

State of Jefferson FTW!

How many more stars does it take to not mess up the flag too much?

Jefferson should get together with Puerto Rico, Guam and D.C.

Chuck66 said...

Jean Francias Query as Sec'y of Defense....thas is like Pat Robertson as (something that lefies would hate).

Titus said...

There will be tits.

They will be bouncing.

We lost, but we were told we were going to win.

Needy huge wreck now.


Synova said...

Chuck... Pat Robertson as the Education Secretary...

Hagar said...

If John Kerry becomes Secretary of Defense, I hope someone will finally teach him how to do an American salute.

Howwever, I don't think even this administration can be that crazy and incompetent.

What if it comes to light that he actually was working undercover for Navy Intelligence infiltrating the anti-war movement back then?

(And that would be consistent with his behavior to either side of that period.)

Michael Haz said...

This feels like it's going to cost John Kerry a loss of spousal money before it's over.

edutcher said...

Interesting point made over at HotAir.

Did all this come to a head because Petraeus purposely feed the Broad word we were using Labia as a terrorist prison (because he couldn't say anything personally), so the the bad guys decide they had to bring him down?

Also, a great line from Col Ralph Peters, "I Don’t Want To Hear ‘John Kerry’s A Combat Veteran’ — So Was Benedict Arnold".

I love it!!!!

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

"Too many people have spent the past four years obsessed with birth certificates. Now they are obsessed with voter fraud conspiracies, talk of secession, and supposed election changing news stories if only we had known. ... Even here at RedState, while we may not much care for him, President Obama is still our President and we are still quite happily citizens of the United States. If we must drain this fever swamp that’s taken hold of a few people on the right over this past week before we can drain the swamp in Washington, so be it," - Erick Erickson, Red State.

chickelit said...

Penny asks: So perhaps it's safe to say that most Americans are still cool *enough* with gas costing $4 or $5 bucks a gallon?

Maybe they. Diesel is up too, which affects the price of anything that's moved around. Maybe you're right and people can take things in stride w/o even noticing. Maybe people feel we're on the verge of a huge recovery.

Automatic_Wing said...

Broadwell revealed our secret weapon of using Labia to imprison terrorists.

It works kind of like those venus flytrap plants, only on a much, much bigger scale.

Penny said...

"Government Streamlining"

I know! SCAREY!

No need to "show up" for the heartfelt gift of fellow taxpayers, sensitive to, and paying for, your difficult times. In most cases, willingly and gladly.

Soon enough, no grace, no gratefulness.

Beware "Government Streamlining".

chickelit said...

@ARM: Are you talking about ODS or its precursor, BDS?

Did you suffer from PDS? I don't know where to pidgeonhole you w/r/t to Palin. I want to file you with the the rest of Sullivanists but I want to be sure.

test said...

Ah, if only "reasonable people" policed the left's conspiracy theories half so well...

Synova said...

"If John Kerry becomes Secretary of Defense, I hope someone will finally teach him how to do an American salute."

Well, he was in the Navy after all.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Marshal said...
Ah, if only "reasonable people" policed the left's conspiracy theories half so well...

I don't advance conspiracy theories. I thought Sullivan was nuts with his obsession with Palin. Sullivan is hardly a leftist however. He believes himself to be a conservative and in most of the world he would be.

edutcher said...

It says something important about Libertarian blowhard Erick Erickson when people like AnUnreasonableTroll start using him to try to suppress conservative dissent.

Never forget Erickson spent the primaries doing his best to undermine Republicans, not Choomie.

Synova said...

(Seriously... the Navy has a "posture" thing going on on account of standing on rolling decks, no? Thought I heard that somewhere.)

test said...

AReasonableMan said...
Marshal said...
Ah, if only "reasonable people" policed the left's conspiracy theories half so well...

I don't advance conspiracy theories.

Since that wasn't my assertion this is an admission of truth.

Regardless the head of your party does, including that President Bush refused to remove restrictions blocking Katrina aid (a lie) because the residents were primarily black (the conspiracy theory).

It's revealing though after a campaign of this and the nuts claiming Republicans are going to take away their tampons and contraceptives the fact that you can only identify Sullivan speaks volumes about your honesty.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Even here at RedState, while we may not much care for him, President Obama is still our President and we are still quite happily citizens of the United States.

It that the 'royal' we? Speak for yourself Erick.

Doc Merlin said...

The government is an incestuous clusterfuck.
The people who rule are incompetent at ruling.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

edutcher said...
It says something important about Libertarian blowhard Erick Erickson when people like AnUnreasonableTroll start using him to try to suppress conservative dissent.

The point is that there is a lot of bitching and moaning on this site about the MSM distracting everyone from the very very important conspiracy theory of the day but the conspiracy theories are themselves a distraction from the real problem, which is coming up with some palatable policies. Redstate seems to understand this, unlike most of the republican trolls on this site. It does seem that most people posting here are completely in thrall to the right-wing media industrial complex, not to the betterment of their understanding of the state of current day politics.

Paco Wové said...

You hear that, people?! You're not a good enough commentariat for ReasonableMan! Shape up, dammit!!

The rule of Lemnity said...

We are not going to see Lewinsky as a CNN contributor are we?

I mean, if there was ever a chance for her... she wrote a book, she was out of the spotlight for years...

The lefts war on women... continues.

Richard said...

Ça c'est formidable! Peut-être un ménage avec des jumelles?

Peter V. Bella said...

Hopefully this will destroy any chance Kerry has at getting the Secretary of Defense. He would be the worst one in history. The man is an intellectual idiot and a liar. He lied to Congress when he testified about Viet Nam atrocities he " personally knew about". He was never prosecuted and instead became a politician. Typical for Democrats.

edutcher said...

RedState wants to lay down and roll over for our new masters.

Some of us don't see it that way.

There's a Hell of a lot more to the Petraeus thing than some soap opera, just as there is to the fact that the states with voter ID were won by the Romster while the states without voter ID were won by Choom.

Now, off Insta, we see where there is concern the Sandy death toll may be bigger than anyone wants to admit.

This Administration is telling way too many lies, covering up way too many things.

AnUnreasonableTroll wants us to lower our heads, tug our forelocks, and take what Choom has in store for us because, if we keep asking questions, we may find enough to rid ourselves of this cancer.

PS If it's ever found the Demos stole the election, does that mean R/R move in?

test said...

It does seem that most people posting here are completely in thrall to the right-wing media industrial complex, not to the betterment of their understanding of the state of current day politics.

It's amusing that someone who comes out of an election where virtually all of the voters for his preferred canidate have cartoonish views of the opposition primarily due to media bias claim others are "in thrall" to the media.

Synova said...

"...but the conspiracy theories are themselves a distraction from the real problem, which is coming up with some palatable policies."

I've never been particularly interested in the conspiracy theories. Though I do think there is an odd double standard going on about them. Are they a distraction? Absolutely. Can they be made to go away? Well, that's where the double standard comes in, doesn't it? It seems to me that some people get to tolerate their conspiracy minded loonies, ignore 9-11 truthers, the race baiters, and even celebrate them when they worry that Republicans are going to take away their tampons or insist that all the old icky white dudes are interested in your snatch. While Republicans or conservatives are supposed to find some way to control their loonies or it's all over.

In any case... I thought that Romney and Ryan's policies were quite palatable in the sense that I want a job when I graduate with my student debt, seeing as I gave up finding work with a future and went to school on account of the economy is in the toilet. (Honest, I would have rather *any* sort of entry level OJT with chances to advance.)

But it seems clear to me that other people's idea of "palatable" is far different than mine is, and that it's far more "palatable" to pretend that nothing is wrong and no one is hurting and Obama just needs more time because he's "palatable" and Romney is mean.

And no one is supposed to feel grumpy about that and no one is supposed to worry that the economy might still be in the toilet by the time graduation rolls around. Perhaps we'll have moved a little turtle island into the bowl, with the little plastic palm tree, make it all pleasant and homey and serve drinks in pineapples and pretend we aren't in a toilet.

coketown said...

If everyone involved were younger and firmer, this would be hot. But it's kind of gross. Salacious liaisons of geriatrics worked once--once!--in all of history, and it was called the Golden Girls. But we came for the laughs, not the sexual exploits. The producers understood that, unless you're one of the parties involved, the sex lives of elders cannot be anything but comical.

And now there's a custody battle? Is all this actually happening, or is this some "Wag the Dog" thing in which the production staff of Lifetime Television is working overtime?

Character coming to terms with her lover's alcoholism in 3...2...1...

edutcher said...

s/b RedState wants us to lay down

My bad.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Who is in a better position to tell us whats going on behind the scenes than Monica Lewinsky?

Face it, the hollow halls of the television networks are not for friendly to women...

Client #9 had his own show.

#42 was out campaigning for Obama.

But while these men ahve names, the women are as if wiped off the map... worst than wiped off the map... I mean when you are literally wiped off the map you get a plaque or a memorial ala 9/11, Hiroshima, people get to remember you... this wiping of the map is more final... you are not on the tubes... 3D, HD, No D, and not even the intertubes... the one accessible to the masses.

Patrick said...

The point is that there is a lot of bitching and moaning on this site about the MSM distracting everyone from the very very important conspiracy theory of the day but the conspiracy theories are themselves a distraction from the real problem, which is coming up with some palatable policies.

Well, if you had written "effective policies," I'd agree a bit more. That aside (semantics, I know), I think this whole rat hole is emblematic of the Administration's failed policies, and whatever the hell that happened in Libya (and elsewhere) is important. I won't say it's being ignored, but Petraeus' love life seems much easier for the press to focus on than anything about our ambassador's killing. The press is supposed to be a watchdog, not a lap dog. So yeah, lots of conspiracy theories here and elsewhere, but the administration could take care of that easily, by having Petraeus and H. Clinton testify. They both announce that they won't, and the press, dutifully reports that, and then goes on to find pictures of shirtless FBI agents.

Patrick said...

Sheldon Whitehouse / /John
Laroquette - separated at birth!

At least we know who will play him in the movie.

The rule of Lemnity said...

The Warrior - Scandal

You run, run, run away
It's your heart that you'll betray
Feeding on your hungry eyes
I bet you're not so civilized

The rule of Lemnity said...

The point is that there is a lot of bitching and moaning on this site...

Everybody voted to let the ship go down... I might as well be entertained while waiting to die.

Policies, wash-she-sees... Oh, how wonderful Obamacare is going to be?

$5 gallon gas... no so bad, it could be worst?

Stop stabbing me and telling me you wish it didn't have to be this way.

The rule of Lemnity said...

Stop stabbing me and asking me to be quiet.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I'll talk about whatever I want to talk about.

Joe said...

It's time to clean house and shrink the military and CIA by half. The hideously named Department of Homeland Security should simply be chucked in entirety.

Titus said...

How is Needy? Hope he is ok. He must be in shock. Give him some pussy & suck up his cum.


NorthOfTheOneOhOne aka Doug Emhoff's Pimp Hand said...

Maybe it's not a but Benghazi at all. Maybe they're trying to cover Gen. Kip Ward's ass.

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