"... but let’s start with the obvious thing, which is that neither Mitt Romney nor anybody running for office under the Republican banner is suggesting doing anything that would hurt her."
All right, National Review's The Corner, but I found it deeply affecting. I am a woman, and I vote.
1 – 200 of 291 Newer› Newest»Could this be the beginning of a "How Romney lost me" post?
So your basic point is that women really are hysterical?
'Hey over here...I can't think my way through the real issues so I feel bad...therefore I vote for X! Try and woo me if you like but my thinking turns on irrational emotions...so beware!"
Lots of chatter lately about how logic is silly and emotion is queen. I've heard that before somewhere.
So the point is that Obama racked up trillions helping women like Brittany? What was her status under Bush? Nobody is suggesting yanking funding for her but money to her isn't why we're a few trillion extra in the hole under Obama.
Lots of chatter lately about how logic is silly and emotion is queen. I've heard that before somewhere.
Is that how "logical" people comprehend what they read?
This is absurd. Obama's use of a retarded girl to counter Romney's 47-percent argument is a complete non sequitur. Althouse acknowledges as much, but goes on to say, in effect, that she doesn't care. Why? Because she's a woman. Which is even more of a non sequitur.
Just vote for Obama already. Waving the bloody shirt of an exploited retarded girl makes you look, um, retarded.
I am a woman, and I vote.
Without using your brain evidently. Voting with your vagina or hormones is an insult to not only other women but to the brain you claim to be using.
I am a woman and I vote. I decide my votes by examining the evidence, researching the issues, determining who is trying to fool me, fuck me, pull the wool over my eyes, sell me the used car that is a lemon. I vote based on what I analyze is not only best for ME but what is best for the country, the economy and what will be the best policy. I DO not vote based on sentiment or how hormonal I might be at any given time of the month.
I am a woman.....and I am embarrassed that you vote.
Wait until the IPAB gets Brittany's file...
Pete, Romney never "had" Ann, she is, was and always will be voting for Obama.
Sure, Democrats are there for folks with Down Syndrome.
All long as they don't want them aborted first.
Just think of all the love the Dems showered on little baby Trig.
Didn't John Edwards do this commercial for that jury when he was channeling that baby?
@Jack - Given the state of the Obama Economy, it's more like going "full retard". Any you should NEVER go full retard.
Ann - you're a woman, but you're also a mother. Don't you care that another 4 years of Obama could do almost irreparable damage to the US economy, causing decades of unnecessary pain to younger workers?
I'm not sure what is accomplished by saying, in essence, that it isn't a rational argument but it works on women.
Lots of things "work". That doesn't make them automatically right to do.
Oh hey, and Brittany - if Democrats had their way, they would "family plan" people like you right out of existence.
Margaret Sanger would be so proud
Every-ONE here: This is the top-notch super consultant from K-street. I am the MEMBER of the CORE (COmmittee to Re-Elect) the POTUS, the greatest and the best in our US History.
Oh, well, oh well, to-night we begin party-a-night. This is OUR VICTORY CELEBRATION.
On Wednesday, October the 3rd, we all will be at the National Press Club. We will be the guest of the NYT.
I am the bridge between NYT, NPC, and WH.
Yes sir, madame, I made it Big Time.
After Nov election, I mean re-election, I WILL have a Corner Office in the WH.
The election is OVER Already.
I'm curious. Does Althouse have a substantive basis for supporting Obama again? If so, I haven't seen it, and I'm here every day.
Half-wit grifter in Cleveland says stupid shit about Obamaphone? Check.
Obama exploits a retard? Check.
That's it so far.
Before you go all apeshit on Ann, and maybe I'm just not reading her intentions accurately, note that she didn't really say how she was affected.
Ann, are you most affected by this girl's story, and you put stock in it, or are you more affected that Team Obama is using her as a political prop? Or Door Number Three?
Brittney has more to fear from the Obama death panel. Not that you care, but this coy litte dance with Obama is turning me off. Vote for him already. I quit your blog in 2008 because of it and it was a couple of years before I read it again. There are plenty blogs in the sea.
The "girls, we have to get our act together" suggestion as a direction for feminism isn't being taken up.
So are the guys who are happily using "retard" in the comments section mobys? All you guys who are know all about mobys and scream at me for not recognizing them, give me a clue.
Jack Sparks said...
I'm curious. Does Althouse have a substantive basis for supporting Obama again?
She was offended by Rush Limbaugh the other day and holds Romney responsible.
IF Brittany is in that bad of shape, why did Obamacare cap the FSAs to $2500/yr which affects families that have children like Brittany?
Hello. My name is Chip Ahoy and I am part of Romney's 47%. I cannot help myself for I have Down syndrome which forces me to be acutely aware of politics and to focus on Democratic talking points and express them articulately wherever possible even though I suffer tremendously with common spas slkjkiwil smslsm ms of lsa'dflk control la l ' lkslkjs <--see? it happened again.
Before you go all apeshit on Ann, and maybe I'm just not reading her intentions accurately, note that she didn't really say how she was affected.
Good point.
Lol, Althouse is just trolling you guys again. Sweeps week mustn't be over yet.
My how dems have grown..... A mere four years ago they would have chastised the mother for not aborting her.....if mom was a republican running for office
phx said...
So are the guys who are happily using "retard" in the comments section mobys? All you guys who are know all about mobys and scream at me for not recognizing them, give me a clue.
They may just be implicitly asking permission to use terms with which they are familiar--sort of like black Hip-Hop guys taking license.
They may just be implicitly asking permission to use terms with which they are familiar--sort of like black Hip-Hop guys taking license.
So you're saying they themselves are "retards"?
IF Brittany is in that bad of shape, why did Obamacare cap the FSAs to $2500/yr which affects families that have children like Brittany?
I'll buy that.
Jack Sparks, "Obama exploits a retard" sounds offensive to many people. Some even don't like the phrase "mentally retarded" at all. It's an evolving language; we have to keep changing the words we use to refer to members of ethnic groups...
But I'm not aware of "retard" ever being anything but an epithet. Stop it.
Unfortunately Brittany is unaware that in any life threatening situation, she'd be given "comfort care" and nothing more under ObamaCare since her "quality of life" is not considered great.
Indeed, Down's syndrome people are a great embarrassment to Democrats. Look how they treated Trig -- even to saying the Palins were heartless & cruel to even let him be born.
Gads, Obama & his ilk make me sick to my stomach.
Can anyone take note that Obamacare has a goal of aborting every fetus with Down's syndrome, so that none are ever born? this is close to being achieved in Europe. And what kind of treatment will Down's syndrome adults get in the death panel deliberations?
Did it occur to anyone else that Brittany is uncommonly articulate for a Down's sufferer? Her diction, style, and punctuation are more sophisticated than the average college graduate of 2012. I guess the school system in Mechanicsburg is topnotch!
So you would then vote for Palin?
A vote for a stable and fiscally responsible government will protect Brittany and her financial support.
"mere four years ago they would have chastised the mother for not aborting her.....if mom was a republican running for office"
This zombie lie has always been one of the more disgusting zombie lies.
A letter from a little dead girl would be the way to go.
Government programs should be in place to help the Brittanys of the world. But, sadly we are spending far more money than we have to take care of Sandras of the world as well. We are $16 trillion in debt and when the economy goes really south the Brittanys, who need the assistance, will be more severely affected than the Sandras who really don't.
Please, you may want to reconsider excusing your vote by saying you are bad at math rather than you are a woman.
Maybe Brittany realizes that allowing herself to be used as a political prop in the giant soap-operatic set-piece that is the Obama campaign might get her exempted from the standard treatment mandated under "Obamacare" for people like her.
Just think of all the love the Dems showered on little baby Trig.
I also seem to recall a certain blogger throwing a hissy-fit about Downs syndrome and campaign props...
So who's this "you guys" Althouse is supposed to be trolling?
Must be "us guys".
Oh, this one will blow up in Zero's face.
This is what Sarah Palin meant when she talked about death panels.
As Mo5m said, "Brittney has more to fear from the Obama death panel".
Mrs Palin noted that his "board" would levy judgment on her son the way the Spartans did and the savages at NHS do today.
(the Spartans had an excuse, they were barely civilized)
Nobody is suggesting yanking funding for her but money to her isn't why we're a few trillion extra in the hole under Obama.
Actually, the logical result of Paul Ryan's budget would be yanking money from people just like her.
Oh, don't be naive. It was Ronald Reagan who started sitting people down near Nancy for his SOTU speeches, people who had jumped into icy water to save others from drowning and the like. We're all props. Shakespeare I ain't, but c'mon. Get off your high horses.
Brittany and probably her parent(s) composed a pretty good letter. Take it how you like. She's not a piece of furniture. You don't know what she thinks, and if you think you do and should be able to adjudicate her ability to judge, then you aren't a small-d democrat, or a small-r republican.
"I'm a woman and I vote". I got chills after reading that! Although that might be due to the 102 degree fever I'm currently running. I'm a woman and sometimes I puke after reading such nonsense.
Obama's use of a retarded girl to counter Romney's 47-percent argument is a complete non sequitur.
Why is that? Romney condemned the entire 47% of the populace who doesn't pay income tax as refusing to take responsibility for themselves.
I've been struggling to understand why Obama leads Romney by 9% with women. It seems clear that by any measure other than fund-raising, his performance as President has been substandard.
It is certainly clear that if Democrats are allowed to continue their spending policies, our children and grandchildren are screwed.
His foreign policy is contributing to the ascendency of al Qaeda and other Islamic jihadists and the result of that for the US and Israel is potentially infinitely more tragic than "Fast and Furious" which killed dozens, maybe hundreds, of Mexicans.
However, after reading Professor Althouse's recent blog posts it is beginning to dawn on me that these things may not be significant to a majority of our female voters.
I'm sorry to confess that while I am shocked, I am not surprised.
@Bob Ellison
I am aware of the connotation of "retard." I am using it to illustrate how disgusting it is that Obama would exploit a woman with Down's Syndrome to score the basest of political points. And to illustrate how facile Althouse's feigned outrage is.
Other than Reagan/Carter, this is the most momentous election in my lifetime. That an otherwise-intelligent woman like Althouse approaches it with the mentality of a 13-year-old girl voting for 8th-grade class president makes me sick. She is acting retarded and I'm calling her on it.
As a father of a boy with spina bifida, I know there is a lot of crossover of concerns for people that have Downs Syndrome and people that have spina bifida. (For starters, most of them are aborted these days of the "Why have an inconvenient baby?" mindset.)
My biggest concern is that if Obamacare isn't repealed soon, the companies that make the medical devices that keep my son alive (adjustable CF shunts, etc) are going to say the hell with it, or at least not pump any money into R&D to improve the devices. (
Maybe I should have my son "write" a manipulative letter to Obama asking why the president is trying to hurt his quality of life.
Is she a real person?
Unfortunately Brittany is unaware that in any life threatening situation, she'd be given "comfort care" and nothing more under ObamaCare since her "quality of life" is not considered great.
You are simply lying. Provide any evidence for this absurd assertion.
People have been txting me on my earlier posting on this fair blog. We shall meet at the NPC at 9:00 p.m. for the debate.
You have to pay; I do not as I am the guest of others in the bridge NYT/WH/NPC for the debate.
OKAY DOKEY? See you or be square.
There she goes again!
I'm unaffected.
Now how hard was that?
I've been struggling to understand why Obama leads Romney by 9% with women.
Because, it seems, a majority of women are blithering idiots who grope and sob their way through life.
Oh, please, Professor.
1)Britney *may* have Downs Syndrome but if she does it must be extremely mild for her to write such a letter.
2) As for you being a 'woman who votes': you're so weak-willed as to let a possibly fraudulent letter sway you to vote for Obama? Surely, you are more intelligent than that.
3) If I miss understood your point, I apologize in advance.
Mrs Palin noted that his "board" would levy judgment on her son the way the Spartans did and the savages at NHS do today.
My god, two lies in one sentence. There is no basis in fact for either of the assertions made in this sentence.
Freder Frederson said "Why is that? Romney condemned the entire 47% of the populace who doesn't pay income tax as refusing to take responsibility for themselves."
No. Romney merely observed the obvious: there is a large minority that has disincentives to support his candidacy. Don't you think that's the case?
He also suggested that people in that condition, taking more than they give, will tend to care less about what works for society at large and more about what they get for themselves. This is obvious, especially to liberals. Not every individual acts that way, but aggregate groups do.
"Unfortunately Brittany is unaware that in any life threatening situation, she'd be given "comfort care" and nothing more under ObamaCare since her "quality of life" is not considered great."
Curiously, in birds it's the male that is unable to think, and the female is the good voter.
The Democrats are shameless. But what else is new?
Correct me if I'm wrong, but is she complaining about high implicit marginal tax rates?
I really want to make lots of money and have a hot tub someday, but SSI subtracts my paychecks from my SSI benefits, so I don’t have much to put into a savings account.
I am now working for a store, folding clothes and doing returns. I like my job a lot! I make $4.98 an hour and I am allowed to work 25-30 hours a week (I have paid $542.72 in federal, FICA, state, and city taxes this year as of August 31st). I just got my own apartment and share it with another girl like me. I get to pay rent now ($325 a month) and pay for my telephone and cable because I like the Disney Channel.
Freder Frederson said...
Obama's use of a retarded girl to counter Romney's 47-percent argument is a complete non sequitur.
Why is that? Romney condemned the entire 47% of the populace who doesn't pay income tax as refusing to take responsibility for themselves.
My god, two lies in one sentence. There is no basis in fact for either of the assertions made in this sentence.
I am a woman, and I vote.
Fine. You be a woman, and nothing more, and I'll be black - and we're both voters, O.K.?
Anybody else want to join in this? What are you? Let's get it all out. Come on:
"I am _______ and I vote."
At some point the base stupidity of that statement HAS to dawn on her,...
My god, two lies in one sentence. There is no basis in fact for either of the assertions made in this sentence.
Sure there is! Freder's the retard, not Brittany.
I don't know when retard started being an unacceptable word.
It fills a gap, probably left by previous words filling it becoming unacceptable.
Airbuses call it out to the pilot automatically on landing, if he screws up.
@Matt I hope there is hope for yor baby. My mother's mother had a baby with spina bifida, back in the 1930s. She was doomed. Her name was Hope.
OKAY DOKEY? See you or be square.
It's OKEY DOKEY, be there or be square, you alien creature.
Mrs. Althouse: LGF here I come!
but I found it deeply affecting. I am a woman, and I vote.
Guys, I think the learned Professor is pulling our chain here.
Irony travels badly over the web, but "I am a woman, and I vote" just doesn't sound like Madame La Professeur Althouse.
tiger said "...if she does it must be extremely mild for her to write such a letter..."
Forgive me for being pedantic, but this is personal, because I have a son with Down Syndrome. There is no "mild" form of DS. You have it or you don't.
I think I know what you were saying. The DS community speaks of "high-functioning" people with DS. Some with DS also have severe physical problems. It affects different people differently, and one of the happy discoveries of this tragic condition is that the people with DS tend to be, as a general rule, among the most likeable and joyous people on the planet.
Anyway, carry on. It's a personal thing, as I say.
Mrs. Althouse: LGF here I come!
That's it. I thought I'd give it one more shot after your "racial not racism" stunt over the weekend. You blew it. Say goodbye to an avid reader. I hope the rest of you follow the same path.
Being a baby, a Hope may need a change.
Think how interesting soap opera news must be to women.
Lots of eyes to sell to sponsors.
Lots of revenue.
What's the defining characteristic? Sex? Race? Other? I can't fathom defining my vote by a single factor. Seems a bit childish and simplistic. Perhaps Althouse can explain how she dumbs things down.
garage mahal,
To the extent that there are people working against the selective abortion and after-birth neglect of Down Syndrome children, they do tend to be conservatives. George Will wrote frequently and forcefully on this subject in the early 80s.
There was a child ("Infant Doe") born with Down Syndrome, and with a frequent complication, an alimentary tract blockage that would, uncorrected, cause the child to starve to death. People rushed forward to adopt the baby; surgeons offered to do the operation gratis; but the parents said no, and the baby starved.
Then there was the Phillip Becker case, and ... well, you could always read this.
The Crack Emcee said...
I am a woman, and I vote.
Fine. You be a woman, and nothing more, and I'll be black - and we're both voters, O.K.?
Anybody else want to join in this? What are you? Let's get it all out. Come on:
"I am _______ and I vote."
At some point the base stupidity of that statement HAS to dawn on her,...
"I am left handed and I vote."
"I am a Lady Gaga fan and I vote."
"I drive an new VW and I vote."
"I hate reality TV and I vote."
"I don't have cable and I vote."
Need I go on? ALL of these are as valid as 'I am a woman and I vote"
I think I know what you were saying. The DS community speaks of "high-functioning" people with DS. Some with DS also have severe physical problems. It affects different people differently, and one of the happy discoveries of this tragic condition is that the people with DS tend to be, as a general rule, among the most likeable and joyous people on the planet.
I've observed this as well. I've also observed difficulties that make it very hard to believe that a Downs person could write a letter hitting all those precise political points.
Country is going to hell in a hand basket. we are supposed to get emotional by some hypothetical that a lying campaign puts out. How are these stories different from the other story they put in an ad, the man claiming Romney killed his cancer ridden wife? What are they saying using this down syndrome kid that Romney would rather neglect her to death? Garbage -- and this supposedly intelligent professor is warning us that it might have effect on women and they will vote for Obama. The women are stupid if they think Obama is better than Romney in taking care of these people.
Brittany and her parents are lucky. My niece with DS will never work. And she could never write a letter to any candidate. Well, maybe I shouldn't say never. But after 21 years, the prospects for her working are slim.
Her parents will vote for Romney.
So I wonder, who was the éminence grise behind Brittany's letter, one of her family members or friends, or someone on Obama's campaign staff?
So I wonder, who was the éminence grise behind Brittany's letter, one of her family members or friends, or someone on Obama's campaign staff?
Why don't you guys try reading to the end of the letter?
I'm a violist, and I vote.
No, really. I have my OR proof of voter registration right here.
Clearly, Brittany is not the retard, but she is good at exposing them.
Romney has a record of himself helping exactly such people, in case that's been forgotten.
Obama has no such record. Strongly the oppposite. His brother's niece needed money for an operation and some conservative gave it to him, not Obama.
I'd suppose the letter is real, just to argue the right thing, even though it's certainly not.
"I am _______ and I vote."
I am a dead person and I vote.
I am a citizen of Mexico and I vote.
I am someone who already voted in this election and I vote.
I am sobbing quietly and I vote.
I am wearing a vagina costume and I vote.
Just putting some Democrat party categories out there...
Matt. A dear friend's son has spina bifida. He is now in his late thirties and lives somewhat independently. He has been an incredible gift. I hope that all of the technologies remain in place to help your son.
Why don't you guys try reading to the end of the letter?
Only women could make it to the end of the letter.
It's worse than the death of Tiny Tim.
Ann is either going loopy, or playing with her readers. I vote playtime.
On the merits, can a party and administration that effectively encourages the abortion of 90% of babies with down syndrome conceivably gain through the use of a down syndrome supporter? With this media, the answer is, horribly, yes.
Ann is either going loopy, or playing with her readers. I vote playtime.
I dunno know about that. I do think we're getting to the end of the blog. Which I'm sorry about.
Palladian said "I've also observed difficulties that make it very hard to believe that a Downs person could write a letter hitting all those precise political points."
I agree, in general. I remember a girl in my high school who had the highest GPA for a while, despite her never showing up to class, apparently due to infirmity, and despite her turning out to be not all that and a bag of chips when the infirmity withered away.
I favor judging people based on what you know and can observe. It's unlikely that a person with DS would write such a letter. But maybe she did write it.
That makes it easier to say "you're a money-grubbing leech on society", if you think that's the case, and sometimes it is.
FWIW, I do believe those few who have said everyone assuming Ann's position by her tag on this post may be jumping to unwarranted conclusions.
garage mahal said...
mere four years ago they would have chastised the mother for not aborting her.....if mom was a republican running for office
This zombie lie has always been one of the more disgusting zombie lies.
The name Trig ring any bells?
Freder Frederson said...
Mrs Palin noted that his "board" would levy judgment on her son the way the Spartans did and the savages at NHS do today.
My god, two lies in one sentence. There is no basis in fact for either of the assertions made in this sentence.
OK, let's go through it. There will be boards to ration care - they already exist.
The Spartans vetted their newborns. From Wiki (I know, but it's a quick quote and we all saw 300), "The Gerousia then decided whether it was to be reared or not. If they considered it 'puny and deformed', the baby was thrown into a chasm on Mount Taygetos known euphemistically as the Apothetae".
As for the NHS, there was a plethora of stories about 2 months ago how the NHS was allowing terminal patients to die without food or water.
As usual, Freder sticks his foot in it.
Ann is either going loopy, or playing with her readers. I vote playtime.
Playing is not a good idea in that it wastes the readers' time without license having been given for it.
It may be laziness, like the use of sarcasm is. Something is wrong but you have to figure out what it is, I'm can't be bothered.
" i am a dead person and I vote."
I didn't know you were working for the RNC in Florida. I hear they have some interesting GOTV ideas down there. Very inclusive!
Why does everyone think Althouse read that and felt supportive of Obama? I didn't get that from this post. Maybe I'm missing something. (Or maybe a bunch of other commenters are.)
Palladian said...
"I am _______ and I vote."
"I'm still an embryo
With a long long way to go"
But this could (and maybe should) escalate into a really embarrasing back and forth. There are a sizeable majority of downs people born into ardent pro-life families, because they're the one's most likely to reject the abortion option pushed on them after an amnio diagnosis. I'm sure you could round up hundreds of willing parents, siblings and friends of people with down's for an effective "affective" commercial asking what the IPAB would think of funding their lifelong medical needs. Would a 50 year old person with Down's Syndrome make it on a Sibelius kidney-transplant list? I'd give one to my aunt in a heartbeat.
I'm a woman and I was offended.
I was offended because there were several sentences that sounded like they were written for her - just didn't ring quite true to me. Too pat.
I think this is a shameless use of a beautiful young woman for political gain.
But this could (and maybe should) escalate into a really embarrasing back and forth. There are a sizeable majority of downs people born into ardent pro-life families, because they're the one's most likely to reject the abortion option pushed on them after an amnio diagnosis. I'm sure you could round up hundreds of willing parents, siblings and friends of people with down's for an effective "affective" commercial asking what the IPAB would think of funding their lifelong medical needs. Would a 50 year old person with Down's Syndrome make it on a Sibelius kidney-transplant list? I'd give one to my aunt in a heartbeat.
who is the Freder troll and why is he asserting lies about the so-called "independent price board" of 15 hand-selected NON-medical people who WILL decide what is proper medical treatment?
At least Britain has ironically named their death panel NICE.
Have you been eating a whole heaping bowl of dumb flakes for breakfast this week?
Why are you falling prey to stupid shit? You know better.
Maybe it's an "as-gold-to" type letter, or a what-she-would-write-if-she-could-write type letter, or a composite type thing like in Dreams from my Father.
I find obama's desperation ploy a total turn off.
Obama has nothing to run on but Romney's 47% remark. Astonishing.
meh, "as-told-to"
--As for the NHS, there was a plethora of stories about 2 months ago how the NHS was allowing terminal patients to die without food or water.--
Doctors told to try and talk women giving birth out of having epidurals to save NHS money (as they cost £200 a pop)
Minimum wage in Pennsylvania- $7.20 an hour.
Why aren't President Obama and Eric Holder going after the a--holes paying her $4.98 an hour instead of exploiting her for a campaign ad?
garage mahal said...
" i am a dead person and I vote."
I didn't know you were working for the RNC in Florida. I hear they have some interesting GOTV ideas down there. Very inclusive!
Before you get on your high horse there ' slim, maybe you want to tell us about those 100,000 african american voters that just don't exist in Milwaukee County.
LOL! I seriously never saw so many concerned people commenting on something they only pretended to read!
Freder is a Brit & American citizen. He can't make up his mind.
Again Freder - you're welcome that my grandparents, my parents & I got up to go to work every morning to pay for protecting your rear.
Going to be awkward next week when the featured supporter letter is from a woman thanking Obama for defending her right to abort her Down Syndrome child.
You already declared your intention to vote for that fraud who calls himself Obama. I guess that Meade has already dumped your overgrown ass that tries to pretend it has a brain. Good for him.
Aren't there tax credits to hire people with Brittany's condition?
Removed from blogroll. Talk to the mirror.
Romney's "47%" statement was unartful - to say the least. But you cannot rationally think he doesn't care what happens to people like Brittany. It would be antetheical to the way he has lived his life.
The Presidential election is to a majority of female voters as American Idol is to female teeners.
Would it injure your sensitivities as a woman to witness a born-alive aborted Down’s syndrome baby dying alone in a dirty laundry room, without any medical care or human contact? I can supply a link if you are interested in reading this gruesome story. As you know, our president approves of denying medical care to born-alive aborted babies.
Now, how dumb was Romney's statement. Plenty dumb. Subjects him to this and other unconsionable attacks by Obama.
Romney must have a good answer for the 47% on Wednesday. It has always seemed simple to me. "I did not say it right, but I was trying to refer to the fact that I thought 47% of the voters were so much in favor of bigger and bigger government that they would never vote for me. Now, I think that if the American people honor me with the office of President and I get to work day and night to help 100% of Americans, that 47% will be significantly smaller next time because we all working togehter will make America better for everyone - then use examples]
If he does not have a great answer on the 47% issue, he is guilty of political malpractice and probably deserves to lose.
Freeman Hunt said...
Why does everyone think Althouse read that and felt supportive of Obama? I didn't get that from this post. Maybe I'm missing something. (Or maybe a bunch of other commenters are.)
Just ESP. It's like ASP*
*cf. Gen. 3:4–5 and 3:22)
If you haven't seen it yet, Pulitzer winner Michael Ramirez perfectly captures the Obama voter
At least Britain has ironically named their death panel NICE.
Possibly more ironically than they know. In one of C.S. Lewis's novels there is an entity called the National Institute for Co-ordinated Experiments. Let's just say that the N.I.C.E. isn't especially, well, nice.
Why does everyone think Althouse read that and felt supportive of Obama? I didn't get that from this post. Maybe I'm missing something.
I agree that I wouldn't necessarily jump to that conclusion. And insofar as I somewhat identify or have identified ideologically/ politically with Althouse in the past, I would argue against it (but I've recently realized that that identification or sense of likeness might be much more erroneous than I thought).
The reason why IMO the "supportive of Obama" interpretation of the text is plausible, is the "All right, [...] but" in "All right, National Review's The Corner, but I found it deeply affecting".
Abstracting from all political interpretation, just in terms of textual interpretation, I read that kind of phrasing (all right,... but...) as a limited concession but overall an objection, overall a conclusion against rather than in sympathy with the addressed POV.
I hope not. But, I'm just going by the text.
I am sure it was already said , but in Obamas America, this young woman doesn't exist because she was aborted.
Ha ha, now I see how everyone else is reading this post, and everyone else probably had the correct reading.
I first read its meaning as, "It's The Corner, and you wouldn't think you'd find emotionally affecting things there, but this post over there really got to me." Ha.
Affected by a campaign's using a mentally disabled person as a prop to make a disingenuous argument? Why?
It is possible that Ann is using "persnalized" stories to point out that some of these ploys launched by either side can resonate with certain so-called "voting blocks." The Limbaugh fugue can be hyped as racist because it featured unfavorably a black woman. The Brittany letter can be hyped as a sob story. Rational rebuttals, while very correct, are not always effective in response to an emotional pitch. Perhaps Ann is laying the groundwork for reprising her 2008 experience, or perhaps she is trying to illustrate the political impact of these things.
I also don't know what Althouse meant by what exactly she found affecting.
Care to clarify, Professor?
And, by the by, when I think 'Democrats' and 'Down syndrome,' I think about 90% of suspected cases being terminated. It takes a set of brass balls for Democrats to use people with disabilities to score cheap and dishonest points when they are the ones fighting tooth and nail to legalize/justify/applaud/normalize abortion of babies with disabilities.
Yeah, Brittney, they totally have your back.
phx said...
LOL! I seriously never saw so many concerned people commenting on something they only pretended to read!
The letter said:
P.S. My mom and her friend helped me write this.
PHX, there is a difference between "helped" and wrote if for her. The sentiment expressed in the letter is deeply, politically cynical. I've known Brittanys - this letter just doesn't ring true. It was obviously written FOR her.
And people like you, and like Ann Althouse, allow themselves to be manipulated by it. Or encourage it because you think it manipulates others.
Conservatives would not cut off help for the Brittanys of the country. But, driving our economy into ruin will make life harder for the Brittanys.
I also don't know what Althouse meant by what exactly she found affecting.
The last sentance appears to be addressed TO National Review, as if she's saying TO them, "yes, but..."
If you haven't seen it yet, Pulitzer winner Michael Ramirez perfectly captures the Obama voter
Here's the trouble for you Republicans, IMO. Ramirez's cartoon is how you most of you guys really do think of the 47% - complete disrespect. Ramirez is a cartoonist so he's off the hook. But if you listen to yourselves day in and day out on Althouse, it's the way most of you think of us.
The problem for you is that attitude then gets easily tied to Romney. And you lose independents and undecideds in droves.
Democrats do it too, but many of your Republicans have raised disrespect to an art level.
...but I found it deeply affecting.
I found it deeply affected myself.
"Affect" is a wonderfully multivalent word.
So we've now seen the Althouse pivot. Until now she's criticized both media and campaign manipulation. Now suddenly she legitimizes it.
It is SOP for the welfare [administration] community that whenever a legislature passes legislation to tighten up welfare requirements, they find a quadraplegic war veteran with seven kids and his wife has cancer, who somehow fits within the legislation, prepare eviction papers on the family and call all the TV stations to come on down and film the proceedings as the sheriff's deputies put the family out on the sidewalk.
The politicians hurriedly run for cover and rescind the legislation or otherwise declare it dead and to be ignoreed, and the welfare officials chuckle, give high fives, and say "Well, I guess we taught those damn politicians a lesson this time!"
I am a man, and I vote!
Democrats do it too, but many of your Republicans have raised disrespect to an art level.
We be dissin' all y'all.
You be.
I didn't find it all that effective but I think the target demo is definitely the distaff.
On the other hand, I don't necessarily buy into the outrage of impropriety on the right either. Seems a little heavyhanded for something that doesn't come out and accuse anyone of anything. This isn't Mitt Romney's likeness wheeling the kid's ass off a cliff, after all...
I'm more inclined to be persuaded by the violent death of Christopher Stevens and the dishonest incompetent State Department who virtually served him and a list of Libyan US supporters up to a terrorist attack and then tried to blame it on a you-tube clip. On 9/11.
I am the mother of an almost 22-year-old special needs daughter. She has a developmental delay, mild conductive hearing impairment, epilepsy, and lupus. She will never work.
I am afraid for her after I'm gone. I even wonder at her ability to stay on her epilepsy meds if resources are scarce... Since she'll never be a "productive member of society" I can see the death and health panels deciding that resources spent on her medication could be "better spent elsewhere".
I'm pretty sure Althouse is just pointing out the rhetorical force of the ad, not declaring an end to her vow of cruel neutrality.
P.S. My mom and her friend helped me write this.
Why do I feel that mom's "friend" smiles underneath a dark moustache?
" Conservatives would not cut off help for the Brittanys of the country. "
Almost all DS adults are on either Medicare or Medicaid. It would be a great debate question, actually, for Weds. To what extent are we obligated to people like Brittany?
Democrats do it too, but many of your Republicans have raised disrespect to an art level.
Exhibit A in rebuttal: "Teabaggers!"
Funny that they didn't use a letter from that guy who is living on disability as an adult baby...
I am a woman and I vote, but not on schlocky appeals to emotion.
Can I just say how much I hate that we're supposed to take these syrupy anecdotes and vote based on them? Romney was not talking about people like this lady, although many people with disabilities manage to live productive lives. I grew up across the street from a man who had disabilities and he worked sacking groceries for 20 years and I respected the hell out of him for it.
"It would be antetheical to the way he has lived his life."
Cons don't want the gov paying for "takers.". The community should voluntarily take care of those who can't help themselves. It seems like the LDS are especially focused on taking care of their own, sans gov. At least winger radio told me that no Mormons needed any gov programs during the great depression. So folks will be fine after Rs cut gov spending and put the private sector in charge of all healthcare, just convert to the church of JC.
I am a woman and I vote, and I found the Brittany ad repulsive in its dishonesty and its exploitation of a disabled woman.
Honestly, Ann, it's ok. You want to vote for Obama, you're going to do it, you don't need anyone's permission or blessing.
I am a woman and I vote, and I found the Brittany ad repulsive in its dishonesty and its exploitation of a disabled woman.
Honestly, Ann, it's ok. You want to vote for Obama, you're going to do it, you don't need anyone's permission or blessing.
Whatever Romney meant by the term, Brittany is not a 47-percenter. Instead, if Brittany belongs to any percentage-based identity group, it is to the 10 percent of Americans with Down Syndrome who make it past the abortion clinic.
Saved the best nugget for the end.
To what extent are we obligated to people like Brittany?
Society feels obligated to see that the Brittanys of the country are helped along their way - either privately or publically.
People who believe in small government don't really think 'its everyone for himself' as Obama would have you believe. They think big, bloated, ineffectual programs are just not the best way to help people. In trying to help the Brittays and the people who've had a bad setback (ie lost job), we've ended up allowing people like the Obamaphone-gal and (even worse) fraudsters, to belly up and help themselves to the taxpayers money.
The government makes NO distinction between those who cannot help themselves and those who could help themselves. They give our money to both groups equally.
Sad thing - the economic destruction that will come from overburdening the system will hurt the poor far more than any other group (and will create more poor).
Romney's statement was stupid, since he had ought to at least suspect he would be taped, and I think also confused.
The context was how he was planning to win the election and whose votes he would go for in order to win. He was probably right that as things are, at least 47% are going to vote Democrat no matter what, so he needs to get to at least 47.05%, and in the right states to win the Electoral College.
Maybe half of that 47% vote Democrat because of the welfare programs; the others because their great-grandpappy rode with Bobby Lee, or whatever.
If "handpouts" have nothing to do with the Democrats' strategy for winning this election, why is Pigford II still proceeding and growing? Why have Secretary Vilsack of the USDA put forth a call for "Hispanics" and I think, American Indians to apply for another Pigford-like program that Congress apparently have funded for them to the tune of $1½ billion?
Only women could make it to the end of the letter.
rh should replace Ryan in the ticket.
I guess it's better than I am not voting for Romney because Rush Limbaugh played the Detroit women several times on his show.
Sad thing - the economic destruction that will come from overburdening the system will hurt the poor far more than any other group (and will create more poor).
Yes! This is key. One of the things that I care most about in this election. But I don't fit the image/ stereotype of "Republican" that Democrats (including, it seems, sometimes Althouse) have in mind.
rhhardin said...
"Why don't you guys try reading to the end of the letter?"
Only women could make it to the end of the letter.
It's worse than the death of Tiny Tim.
10/1/12 8:06 PM
Thanks a lot, Hardin. I laughed so hard I got in trouble with my wife.
Hahaha. Right. I doubt Brittany, having Down Syndrome, spends all day tuned into Democratic politics. It's like, ok, so, she can follow national politics with enough sophistication to project her situation into the consequences of certain policy choices, but she can't write a letter without help? Horse-shiiiiit. If Brittany exists at all, her "mother and her friend" were totally behind it. Brittany probably has no idea this letter is out there right now.
This is a step below writing letters on behalf of kittens. This is theatrics. A pure appeal to emotion devoid of any factual basis. Should we enlist Trig Palin to respond? Lord.
The whole letter sounds contrived. "I'll be 26 on October 3rd!" Was her mom like, "Hmm, this sounds too grown-up. How can we make her sound more retarded? Don't retards like birthdays? Balloons and such, you know? Ok perfect."
Good God I wish I had a campaign to run. I could play this idiot like a fiddle.
I guess it's better than I am not voting for Romney because Rush Limbaugh played the Detroit women several times on his show.
This is sad and indicative of what the leftard will do to promote their rancid ideology. She may be a 47%'er, but if she is legit, she clearly has real needs and in contrast to the kind of person Romney is, do you honestly believe that he is the kind of person with known and unknown displays of compassion that he meant this person is a parasite or a leech or a person that won't for him?
The levels to which people have conflated the 47% statement is only indicative of the intellectual dishonesty that leftards display on an hourly basis. If you are a leftist or a liberal you are a waste of space for believing this bullshit.
Calm down people, Palladian is right.
Althouse is trolling you all.
"So I wonder, who was the éminence grise behind Brittany's letter, one of her family members or friends, or someone on Obama's campaign staff?"
Yes, I wonder, also.
Sorry for the cynicism, but try to find examples of such writing among people with Down’s Syndrome.
My guess is that the Obama campaign believes that no one would dare question the legitimacy of the letter and risk the full blubbering backlash of the outraged, nitwit segment of the citizenry.
Simply because the Lefties put Brittany and Peggy Joseph in the same 47% doesn't mean everybody does.
That's the mistake they make, but they try to use it to prove how "uncaring" Conservatives are.
Anybody who thinks that's the way the Romster thinks knows nothing about his life or his church.
P.S. My mom and her friend helped me write this.
If you write a letter and we publish it... you didn't write that.
Here's a link to a doctor writing on the effect of Obamacare and how treatments will be denied. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2012/07/03/this-is-your-life-under-obamacare/
We aren't going to find out directly how Althouse intends to vote or how she does vote. Deal with it.
But I must admit my blood freezes whenever Althouse says that some Obama ad appeals to her or some Romney ad puts her off. Why these posts? Here's my theory. Remember that Professor Althouse lives in Dane County, in Madison teaching at UWM, deep among the Kool-Aid drinkers, so she is super aware of Democratic reactions. Perhaps she chooses to blog about these reactions as her own because at some moments they are her own. I mean she does live in a virulently Democratic area. A Dane County judge has just invalidated Scott Walker's reforms - that's what it's like there. Maybe she hears these remarks at parties she goes to. She tosses them out to see what people will say in the wider world.
Or maybe she is Charles Johnsoning but then how could she write about liberal bias in the press?
“If you write a letter and we publish it... you didn't write that.”
We’re still laughing at this one here in Iowa.
(Sorry about that hiccup; dunno how that happened.)
I used to go to Little Green Footballs... that was the guy that nailed Rather and his Bush AWOL fake but accurate Texas National Guard letter.
And then he got a bug that everything and everyone conservative was racist.
60% of the time, this kind of shit works on the gullible every time.
Guys, I think the learned Professor is pulling our chain here. Irony travels badly over the web, but "I am a woman, and I vote" just doesn't sound like Madame La Professeur Althouse.
Maybe, but based on the posts of this past week, how the hell else are logical people supposed to react? She's threatening to vote for Obama because of what Limbaugh said, for God's sake.
If you're right, then maybe our fair hostess is the mean little kid with the magnifying glass shining on ants, rather than Howard in the post from last week.
Either way, it doesn't reflect well upon our hostess.
" ... I found it deeply affecting. I am a woman, and I vote."
Some of us, women, use brains, you know.
Also, if this girl with Down syndrom could follow the media fresnzy around 47% issue and write such a cogerent argimentative letter, she can work as well.
The matter is that, with IQ at around 70 at best (which is the tops for Down syndrom), she most probably could not. My bet is that his letter is fiction, as much as any Obama's abvilities, except prompt teleprompter reading, and producing sloppy smile for likability; that is when his jaws are not too tightly clenched, from permamnent irritation.
"Blogger JohnJ said...
"So I wonder, who was the éminence grise behind Brittany's letter, one of her family members or friends, or someone on Obama's campaign staff?"
Yes, I wonder, also.
Sorry for the cynicism, but try to find examples of such writing among people with Down’s Syndrome."
Exactly. I've dealt with many people with Down's and there is some variation in the severity of mental retardation (sorry, Brittany) but that letter does not look like a Down's patient's production. There are milder example of mental retardation but Down's is about the lower 1/3 of the scale.
The key comment in the column is about her being in the 10% (of Down's cases) that made it past the abortionist.
althouse, lets not forget what many on the left said about Sarah Palin keeping a Down's syndrome baby. Didn't keep you from voting for Obama, even though you're a woman and all.
For all the talk about evil repubs, it's dems that will abort these babies and not let them into the world. So, frankly, I don't want to hear the abortion is murder but I'm all for it person saying she will get all weepy at the idea of the Down's syndrome babies losing funding because of heartless repubs.
It's a real risk for one to put their trust in the state to provide for a Down child. There are all kinds of terrible examples of supposed beneficial states that start out providing welfare, and then end up doing horrible things to handicapped individuals (i.e. Germany/Sweden, etc).
The better policy is for the state to create an environment so that the people prosper enough to provide for these citizens without the brutal hand of the state. IN the end the state will never really love your child or your relative. Why trust them....
This may have already been said, but if we continue to spend money at the rate that Obama is spending, we won't have the money to pay for the safety net for people who really need it. People like Brittany.
Ha ha, now I see how everyone else is reading this post, and everyone else probably had the correct reading.
I don't suppose it would be too difficult for the Professor to clarify. Haven't seen any evidence of that yet in the comments.
I give up. Seriously.
For the life of me I cannot make the connection between this reported Downs Syndrome woman and Romney.
How is Romney involved in this at all beyond assignation by his opponents?
rhhardin, I was reminded of the words of Oscar Wilde: "One must have a heart of stone to read the death of little Nell without laughing."
Who dares to take advantage of a disabled person in this way? They ought to be strung up by their thumbs with piano wire. It's on the level of Jay Leno's repulsive segment Jaywalking. Condescension should not be a celebrated value of a presidential candidate. Romney's condescension is rightly condemned, but Obama's is a sign of his immense virtue, as if he has some sort of common touch.
To be a Harvard educated lawyer once meant something good. Nowadays, all it means is that at some point you will be entitled to run for the Presidency, in the hopes of letting the people choose between you and a fellow alum to decide which weak-tea version of America the rest of us get to live in for the next four years.
" For the life of me I cannot make the connection between this reported Downs Syndrome woman and Romney. "
You didn't read her letter.
"I am _______ and I vote."
I am Spartacus and I vote.
NO>>>>>I am Spartacus and I vote.
Me too I'm Spartacus. And ME and ME.
Well, you get the idea.
“How is Romney involved in this at all beyond assignation by his opponents?”
That’s the cleverness of it. The Obama campaign is counting on the phantom inference that Romney is the antagonist of any heart-rending story it publicizes.
Watch for the story of obese Tommy. Was it a Bain Capital fast-food startup that ruined his health?
Was it?
@YoungHegelian Just think of all the love the Dems showered on little baby Trig.
Perfect response to the use of Brtiaany by the Dems.
People like Brittany are at risk in the liberal utopia.
A letter from a little dead girl would be the way to go.
Not a chance.. In union controlled education boards?... its a cornered market.
I wonder how Brittany would feel if she heard Rahm refer to enemies as "retards" or Maureen Dowd and Al Gore when they claimed Republicans had an extra chromosome. Those liberal are so kind hearted towards the disabled.
Romney and the Republicans have no intention of removing the safety net for people who can't provide for themselves, however, that net is becoming so stretched with the growth of government and entitlements people who truly need aid will be denied it so government workers can attend lavish getaways and everyone has an Obamaphone.
I wonder how Brittany would feel if she heard Rahm refer to enemies as "retards" or Maureen Dowd and Al Gore when they claimed Republicans had an extra chromosome. Those liberal are so kind hearted towards the disabled.
Romney and the Republicans have no intention of removing the safety net for people who can't provide for themselves, however, that net is becoming so stretched with the growth of government and entitlements people who truly need aid will be denied it so government workers can attend lavish getaways and everyone has an Obamaphone.
but I found it deeply affecting.
The shameless, dishonest exploitation?
It is fun watch Ann wind up her Althouse Hillbillies.
Jesus, Ann. I have become a loyal reader over the last few years, but if you vote for Barry again I am not sure I can take it. I understand that women are going to decide this election but women's issues are not going to mean s--t if we don't get this economy growing again. Barry is more interested in class based justice than actual justice (not a single perp walk in four years). If you insist on seeing this through a class-based lens then his policies are hitting hardest those people he claims to want to help the most. This is inevitable and will continue and grow worse. Don't vote for the faculty Marxist! Please! (And, yes, this is a threat to delete the Althouse link from my Google home page.)
P.S. you KNOW Romney has not written off "the 47%", just complaining about the difficulties of appealing to them. It was a stupid comment, but the guy's actions demonstrate he is a deeply compassionate man.
Alex Ignatiev, you are brief to a fault.
Let me expound: what the hell are you trying to say? Use more words. Assume we cannot read your mind, or that we are too slope-foreheaded to do so.
Hey look, it's Jay Retard!
Jay Retread said...
It is fun watch Ann wind up her Althouse Hillbillies.
Even funner to watch her wind up all the idiot trolls who consider her traitor to Glorious World socialist Revolution.
They say in politics you can't be too cynical. As a corollary to that, I would add that in appealing to women voters you can't be too manipulative. Some time back I was in a restaurant--OK, bar, but I was eating there-- when Obama came on the TV and delivered a eulogy to the little girl who was shot in Phoenix. He talked about her now "puddle jumping in heaven". I swear to God, those were the exact words he used: "Puddle jumping in heaven." I looked around the restaurant. No one was barfing. The women looked tearful and deeply moved. His words had pierced their hearts....If you think this letter won't work, you're a high functioninng Asperger patient and will probably forget to vote on election day.
garage mahal said...
You didn't read her letter.
I beg your pardon? I read the letter before reading anything else. In her first paragraphs, if they are hers, she claims to be part of a group Romney will harm. Okay. Her opinion.
Now explain to me how that ex post facto assertion, relating the the 47% comments, makes this something Romney is actually doing?
I'd appreciate details that show how Downs syndrome patients will be hurt or helped, by either Romney/Ryan or Obama/ACA.
This emotional crap is wearing me out.
And when I ask a question I am not doing so while ignoring what is presented. That is your erroneous presumption.
This is beginning to remind me of the annual Thanksgiving political "discussion."
I will thus be in the kitchen doing the dishes and finishing my wine, at least until the election blows over.
After everything we said over Obama-phone... now I'm expected to beg her to vote the way she doesn't feel like voting?
Althouse is gathering material to pin her Obama button.
85% of babies identified with Downs Syndrome by prenatal testing are aborted.
I wonder how many pictures of cute girls with Downs were focus group tested before they found the one that would make the biggest emotional connection with women. I am a tiny bit surprised she isn't holding a puppy.
I can't believe this didn't just lead to eyerolling, even on the Obama campaign site the comments are not all pro-Obama,
"I am a woman, and I vote.
Oh? Well, I eat tofu and I vote.
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