7:38 Central Time: For some reason, I feel as though I'm not going to have anything to say. But I'm going to try to watch like a normal person, let it flow over me as if I didn't need to write about everything, and I'll see what happens. Please converse in the comments. And I'll do updates here if the spirit moves me.
7:43: Now, my son John is a fabulous live-blogger, and he's set up to go.
7:50: In the practice debates, Obama had John Kerry pretending to be Mitt Romney, and Romney had Rob Portman pretending to be Barack Obama. I've got to think Romney had the better practice partner. Why would Kerry be any good at that?
8:05: The candidates come out and shake hands. Meade: "Romney's taller." Me: "Romney has a bigger head."
8:06: Obama appropriately makes a statement about his wife. It's their 20th anniversary.
8:08: Romney says: "I'm sure this is the most romantic place you can imagine: here with me."
8:10: In the opening speeches, Romney had a great line about Obama thinking "trickle-down government" would work. "I'll restore the vitality that gets America working again." Meade says Romney won the opening statements: "Obama talked about himself and his job. Romney talked about us and our jobs."
8:13: Obama is talking up tax cuts for the rich!
8:23: "Donald Trump doesn't like to think of himself as small anything," says Obama.
8:26: Romney's going on about lowering taxes, and Obama looks irritated.
8:29: Jim Lehrer is getting the vapors. He seems very old, weak, and small. Romney seems to have a plan to dominate him.
8:41: Obama has a plan to flash his winning smile, but he just flashed it when Romney brought up Solyndra and said "You pick the losers."
8:43: Lehrer only interrupts Romney (it seems to me). "Let's go," he mutters gruffly.
8:53: How long is this debate? Is this 2 hours? Is anyone still watching?
8:55: Lehrer interrupts Obama. He's struggling to get some control. He seems desperate.
9:16: They're not really attacking each other. Just rolling out policies, pretty wonkily, and distinguishing theirs from the other guy's.
9:17: Do they differ on "how they view the role of the federal government?" Lehrer asks with dismaying generality.
9:19: Obama invokes Lincoln. Lincoln thought the government should do some things, and Obama tries to be like Lincoln.
9:20: Romney loves great schools and great teachers. But the question is what's the role of the federal government. "We're all children of the same God." We have the "right to pursue our own dreams" as "free people."
9:36: Obama's closing statement sounds like platitudes. I'm surprised he has nothing vivid to say. Romney goes second.
9:39: Lots of hanging out on stage... together. Could it be that they like each other?
10:29: Everyone seems to be saying that Obama lost by a lot. I blame John Kerry. I'll bet he was a terrible practice partner.
«Oldest ‹Older 601 – 780 of 780phx & somfeller, very fair-minded remarks from both of you tonight. I really respect that.
Next debate is foreign policy?
Mitt can bring up everything that was covered up?
Oh, brother!!
Barry better not ditch prep next time out or it's over.
Unless the audience for the next debates is much smaller, in which case, it's over tonight.
shiloh said...
Willard had a 36% job approval rating at the end of his term as MA gov. w/no chance for re-election!
They didn't like the fact he governed responsibly and not like a Lefty.
Required taxes not go up to fund Romneycare.
Improved schools
Brought jobs into MA
Cut spending and ran a surplus.
How dare he!
Judging by the comments in the typically left-leaning outlets, POTUS did the impossible...he made his failure unspinnable.
Thnx yashu. Gotta keep it real.
Inga, that was not a subject of this debate.
But, I agree with you.
We desperately need to bring the troops home and reduce the size of the military.
It's the key to reviving our economy.
And, as much as I supported Bush's War on Terror policy, the policy of permanent occupation cannot and will not work.
I was impressed by Shouting Thomas' objectivity. The guy is extremely sober and about dead on when AndyR's not around.
Seriously though Leaher was really horrible. He should never, ever do a debate again. Republicans should insist on it.
Obama's closing speech was bumbling and awkward. I judge HS debate, the Sophomore mediocre debaters have better skills than he did in his closing, even his grammar was jacked up, and it is a prepared speech.
Obama destroyed Romney.
Obama clean-bowled Romney.
Obama dismantled Romney.
NYT is so happy, so happy. Gwen Ifill on PBS is so happy. Mark Shields on PBS is having an organism. David Brooks is so happy.
Every-one is Happy as Obama deleted Romney from the competition.
Yes, the left here tonight was awesome. Wish we had more of you.
In the end, what does Romney stand for other than his own ambition.?
I watched NONE of this but i can tell romney won BIG time be ause i just put on msnbc and maddow/lawrence odonnel are pisssssssed!!!
Yes, ST I know it was Domestic Policy tonight, but Defense spending is HUGE.
Someone needs to ask Romney point blank, how long he plans on keeping troops in that hellhole Afghanistan.
Someone needs to ask Inga what war Obama committed himself to in 2008.
I've run into a fair number of Democrats who thought Obama opposed the war in Afghanistan.
Someone also needs to ask Inga what her daughter's comrades died for over there when Obama committed to a deadline with no mention of results, much less victory.
Obama's handling of Afghanistan is the most purely political calculation that wasted the lives of American soldiers that I can think of.
Ha ha. Now for the ABC "fact check"...
Seriously though Leaher was really horrible. He should never, ever do a debate again. Republicans should insist on it.
I think Bagoh20 was right - Lehrer inadvertently was pushed into the background - worked out well actually.
Obama Zindabad! Obama the great. Obama, the peace be upon him. Obama is the best POTUS.
To-night, billions of people watched Romney get defeated by Obama.
That was the worst bit of moderating I have ever seen ever.
Also, win, Romney.
It's hard to believeObama's14years younger than Romney
Hate ages a man.
Thank you, yashu. I always try to see things as they are and separate my desires from my analysis. It's helpful in practicing law and playing politics (or vice-versa?).
Romney accomplished what he had to, and more.
Teehee, hehehehehe. Reverend Al.
Oh, actually it wasn't bad.
The crazy lib in my house is calling it a draw.
I did say he was crazy, didn't I?
Inga said...
Romney= collaborator?
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait avec les Bosch?
Shave his head!
Wake up, wake up! You're dreaming. You missed the whole thing, and you got to do something about that damned snoring.
Victoria -
You think Obama will be better prepared for the next debate on foreign policy? It won't matter, the second debate will be his Waterloo (or his Afganistan, or his Libya). Obama should get nailed, prepared or not.
"9:39: Lots of hanging out on stage... together. Could it be that they like each other?"
They want idiot women swing voters to think they like each other.
Seems like a winning strategy.
Hate ages a man.
Oh, please. Where does this hate shit come from? You sound just like the people you probably can't stand over at balloon juice.
Isn't defense spending only 4%?
Well, it might be more because we're taking in less tax revenue because there are no jobs.
Shouting Thomas said...
We desperately need to bring the troops home and reduce the size of the military.
It's the key to reviving our economy.
And, as much as I supported Bush's War on Terror policy, the policy of permanent occupation cannot and will not work.
Join the choir brother. Only one small step now to supporting Obama over the alternative which is the permawar of the current version of the Republican party.
Obama was slow..
Does that mean presidential?
Or... something that's going to make Althouse uncomfortable ;)
Its seems like Romney was trying to make Obama keep up by setting a record breaking speaking pace.
Obama does better when he has time to be deliberate... So Romneys pace made Obama hamana hamana a few times.. making Obama look unprepared.
Inga said...
Romney= collaborator?
Qu'est-ce qu'il fait avec les Bosch?
Shave his head!
Though I must say, I was happy to see Romney state that regulations (i.e., a strong state) are necessary for a free market economy to work. Alexander Hamilton lives!
He's now pontificating to my other roomie how anyone who says Romney won is just "playing football and trying to make it into something it's not."
It's his "intellectual take on it."
The guy's nuts.
--In the end, what does Romney stand for other than his own ambition.?---
Does it matter? Why does it matter w/Romney instead of Obama? Bamster wanted another line on his resume.
Freeman Hunt said...
Romney clearly won this one. Even the opinion at ABC seems to be that Romney won.
But Obama is going to come back much better. He won't make the same mistakes again.
Will he? I'm wondering.
He thought he could goof off rather than prepare, even though he hasn't done one of these in 4 years and Romney did 9 million in the winter and spring.
The arrogance of him is astounding, so the question must be will he listen or is he going to just listen to the network spinmeisters and conclude he should do what he did the last 3 days?
I think we're about to find out just how smart - and sensible - he really is.
vbspurs said...
But Obama is going to come back much better. He won't make the same mistakes again.
But the number of eyeballs will be significantly less.
If so, as I said earlier, it's over.
They're going to have to ramp up expectations to get people to watch again and one of Barry's problems is that people are really sick of him (not being nasty here, making a data-based observation).
Every time he speaks, his viewership has declined. Not leveled off - declined.
That's not good at all. People are shutting him out.
Well anything can happen between now and Nov. 6. I'm not placing any bets on the outcome. I will bet it's still gonna be very close a week from now.
Yes, ST I know it was Domestic Policy tonight, but Defense spending is HUGE.
Compared to what? Medicare and Social Security comprise nearly 2/3 of the Federal budget. On the other hand providing for the common defense is in the Constitution.
Inga said...
"Yes, ST I know it was Domestic Policy tonight, but Defense spending is HUGE."
But still DWARFED by social entitlement programs.
Bet that spending doesn't bother you one bit...save for the notion it might not be enough.
The war's been going on 1500 years - tell them to stop and voila, we come home.
Though I must say, I was happy to see Romney state that regulations (i.e., a strong state) are necessary for a free market economy to work.
Yes, I agree with that. One thing about Romney's win tonight - it's got to be tempered by the fact that probably a lot of tea partiers and such are still lukewarm to cool about him.
Try 25% of the budget Seein Red.
Without media and his echo chamber supporters propping him up, Obama becomes a small man -- rambling, unfocused, strangely obsequious.
The following debate will be important -- and that's because it's Paul Ryan versus Joe Biden.
Romney lost exactly zero tea partiers, because the caricature of them is not what they are. He hewed very close to what they believe.
Holy Cow!
Romney gives the President of the United States a crash course on economics, government and civics.
A bit more intense and complex than skating through Harvard Law—eh, Mr. President?
But overall Romney seems like a much better choice for President than almost any of the other Republican candidates earlier this year.
I could live with his domestic policies but what scares me is his foreign policy. That will be an interesting debate.
Defense is 25% of GDP?
Watching the analysis on CNN just for giggles. They are savaging Obama. Van Jones is trying to defend him but the panel is taking him apart too.
I cannot wait to see Biden and Ryan. Is Rachel Maddow the moderator for that one?
Freemans point that Obamas speaking training - classroom community organising, as opposed to Romney's - boardroom, did not help him.
Matthew maybe you are right but I would like to see those numbers broken down in a poll.
Wow. MSNBC is really freaking out. I hope they don't hurt themselves.
Nice to see michelle obama classed it up tonight by actually wearing sleeves.
Ryan and Biden? Geesh. Biden will talk in talking point cliches, while Ryan will be intelligent.
Also, I agree with Patton Oswalt - I'm guessing no Obama anniversary sexytime tonight.
"glad there's only two more of these" obama says to romney at the end
Obamas ending was his lowest point I think.
vbspurs said:"The following debate will be important -- and that's because it's Paul Ryan versus Joe Biden.
10/3/12 9:56 PM
Yes, it is. I expect blood on the floor.
And it won't be Ryan's.
phx - could his foreign policy be worse than Obama?
At least with a republican in office the press will pay attention and hold him accountable.
Topic: Foreign and domestic policy
Air Time: 9:00-10:30 p.m. Eastern Time
Location: Centre College in Danville, Kentucky (Tickets)
Sponsor: Commission on Presidential Debates
Participants: Vice President Joe Biden and Congressman Paul Ryan
Moderator: Martha Raddatz (ABC News Chief Foreign Correspondent)
Since 1950 the defense budget as a percentage of outlays has been as low as 17% and as high as 70% in the 50's. Right now it is at a relative historic low of about 21%. If that was our problem, then the 50 would have been a disaster compared to today, since the expenditures were over triple the percentage of what they are now. defense is not our problem. I would still cut it some, but it's not the problem.
October 11, 2012, incidentally. So next Thursday.
Oh, please. Where does this hate shitcome from?
Did you read any of his books? Listening to a racist preacher for 20 years rant about how vile the country is? Ginnng up an audience about how DC won't give them money like they did for NY when in fact they did get aid which he voted against.
It's all there in front of you but you don't care or are willfully blind to it. I said to you before, you're partisan loyalty to him is infallible.
Obama and Michelle will play scrabble this evening. Michelle will spell out "Nonookie" for a triple word score. No score for Obama.
phx - could his foreign policy be worse than Obama?
Absolutely. I think he's going to model it on the W Bush FP. We'll see in the debate if he's learned anything since the primaries.
I don't know if I can stomach a Ryan-Biden debate. That is going to be absolutely brutal.
And it won't be Ryan's.
Ryan also has to be wary of looking too eager to beat up the old guy. He won't do that -- insomuch that Ryan is sharp, but clever.
He knows what's at stake here.
Wow. MSNBC is really freaking out. I hope they don't hurt themselves.
10/3/12 9:58 PM
Yes, it's fun to hear them moan about how Romney "bullied" poor Jim Lehrer - and Obama didn't stop it!
Jeez, even Bill Maher tweeted that Obama did a piss-poor job.
I think it's pretty obvious who the diehard one-dimensional partisan is.
Obama's repeating of the "$5 trillion" shortfall that he thinks would result from Romney's tax cuts makes it look as if he doesn't know how tax policy and economics interact.
If you raise taxes by 10% on an economy with $100 of income, you're not getting the full benefit of $10 in revenues because you're taking money out of the stream of commerce. That's money that could be taxed a larger number of times (albeit at a lower rate) as a result of a larger number of transactions.
But if you're trying to raise revenue by raising taxes in a down economy, it's like a dog (or an ass, if you will) chasing its own tail. Romney touched on the notion that this is simply a cycle that gets you nowhere. Obama is ignoring the concept.
Colonel Angus had the 666th comment. Hot, fiery colonel angus.
vbspurs: Yes, Ryan has to do what Romney did tonight - be aggressive without looking mean.
Like you, I think he'll manage it.
And I expect Joe will be - Joe.
Okay, we got a little off track there (Obama's wandering dialoque), I have to respond to:
Romney says and then does just that.
Per Obama's "voting present" performance, the DemoTV talking heads keep whining that "Romney didn't have a country to run", "Obama has a country to run". Lol. At least James Carville didn't pull that crap, tho he's hoping for a Hillary campaign job in '16.
My Demo friends all think Romney killed it tonight.
Great day for America!
You know, Joe Biden is very personable -- he's hard to hate, and not just because he acts and talks like a fool.
He's like a trainwreck, but with a caboose full of clowns, lions and trapeze artists.
So where is Alley?
Someone needs to ask Romney point blank, how long he plans on keeping troops in that hellhole Afghanistan.
Inga, again:
Someone needs to ask Inga what war Obama committed himself to in 2008. I've run into a fair number of Democrats who thought Obama opposed the war in Afghanistan.
Someone also needs to ask Inga what her daughter's comrades died for over there when Obama committed to a deadline with no mention of results, much less victory.
Obama's handling of Afghanistan is the most purely political calculations that wasted the lives of American soldiers that I can think of.
Of course, it's much more important to ignore what Obama has done and get ready to hammer Romney.
Obama's repeating of the "$5 trillion" shortfall that he thinks would result from Romney's tax cuts makes it look as if he doesn't know how tax policy and economics interact.
Yes, I thought Romney scored pretty well on that in the beginning and Obama never managed to really get the momentum back. It wasn't a success for Obama.
Per Obama's "voting present" performance, the DemoTV talking heads keep whining that "Romney didn't have a country to run", "Obama has a country to run". Lol. At least James Carville didn't pull that crap, tho he's hoping for a Hillary campaign job in '16.
My Demo friends all think Romney killed it tonight.
Great day for America!
I agree with the CNN panel. Romney destroyed the TOTUSless liar who stuttered and nearl blinded himself from blinking at warp speed.
I apologise for all of my prior criticisms of Romney's persona.
Romney does still add a small weak grin after he finishes slamming out perfect answers, but that was his only flaw.
Of all the trillions Obama has spent, he cites a private sector Cleveland hospital/clinic as why Obamacare kicks ass.
Absolutely. I think he's going to model it on the W Bush FP.
Didn't Obama pretty much follow the W FP, right up and including targeted assasinations, regime change in Libya and expanding the imagionary terror war to Yemen?
You seem like a decent chap phx, but if the prospect of Romney scares you, the current President should be terrifying no? Or is it plain old partisanship that absolved Obama?
I can't wait to take a ride on Obama's Intercontinental* railroad.
Save me a seat!
*All rights reserved for B. Obama.
Obama destroyed Romney.
Obama deleted Romney.
Obama dismembered Romney.
Obama forever! Obama the greatest! Obama the best!
While so many people are asking about the specifics of Romney's eliminations of deductions, I just want him to repeatedly explain why he's not getting into those specifics. I've heard him say it before, but I wish he'd said it tonight.
Basically, it's better to punt it to Congress. You articulate the demands and the ground you need to make up due to the rate reductions, and you allow a bipartisan group to deliberate, debate, and prioritize in order to figure out what stays and what goes.
I am a decent chap.
Inga has a good point. The tragic disaster of the Afghanistan drawn out human target gallery for no purpose needs swift truth spoken about it for the first time.
I think Ryan's strategy will be to not show up and let Biden lose.
Obama is the details guy. He is so smart, his brain works so fast, he talks of five things instead of just answering one questions.
Because Obama is the details President.
Romney is afraid of details. He doesn't understand the nuts and bolts; no consultants ever do.
They just get money by looking the part, like in Hollywood.
Successful consultants are so because of looks and pedigree, not mastery of debating details.
Who is this Inga people keep talking about?
In FP I think Obama has improved our standing in the world immeasurably from the Bush years. YMMV.
Take away the politics from the things -- just let's look at each candidate, without talking points.
Wouldn't YOU want to have a capable, business-savvy, substantive leader for a change?
Come on, indies. I know you are reading this. Vote for the adult.
Wouldn't YOU want to have a capable, business-savvy, substantive leader for a change?
Feh. You don't know a loaded question when you write one.
Inga has a good point. The tragic disaster of the Afghanistan drawn out human target gallery for no purpose needs swift truth spoken about it for the first time.
TradGuy: Really. Take it up with Obama who tried to match Bush's successful Iraq surge with a surge in Afghanistan and wasted a whole lot of lives to no purpose.
Who is the greasy young man who looks like a less attractive male version of Rachel Maddow, who is sitting next to Rachel Maddow?
I am a decent chap.
Perhaps but a bit inconsistent with your political criticisms. Obama has followed and expanded the war on terror and regime change (great one that Libya) but Romney is scary.
Matthews melt down? Epic.
Lem, I'm here, can't a girl take a potty break? Sheesh.
Matthews melt down? Epic
What he do? what he do?
Who is the greasy young man who looks like a less attractive male version of Rachel Maddow, who is sitting next to Rachel Maddow?
This dude?
Chris Hayes. I follow him on Twitter.
Curious if anyone else noticed how Obama and Michelle left the stage before the Romney entourage and let them bask in the final moments on stage. Seemed strange (and the wrong move for the President) to me.
Insty has the clip.
Hickenlooper, the dems best hope in many ways, struggled for 30 seconds to say "voters are ... gonna make ... a ... very personal choice."
Obama destroyed Romney, just ask NYT.
Obama cleaned Romney's clock, just ask MSNBC.
Marco Rubio is going to make a GREAT President, one day.
Thanks Vbspurs!
Inga said:
Yes, ST I know it was Domestic Policy tonight, but Defense spending is HUGE.
Weren't you just calling for a draft a few weeks ago so that we have a larger military to keep us safer and put less strain on the troops?
Which is it? Do you want a draft for a larger but less effective military, or do you want a cheaper and less effective military?
Palin on FNC.
Colonel keep in my mind while discussing with me, I don't necessarily think in black and white terms.
I know you probably think Mitt is all good and Obama is alllll bad, but that's not how I look at things. I don't think that's useful.
So there's things I would criticize about Obama and his FP, but yes, Romney really frightens me with his outlook.
And when I hear more from him I'll probably find some things to like.
In FP I think Obama has improved our standing in the world immeasurably from the Bush years.
I'm sorry but that is delusional. Have you even been paying attention to the Middle East in the last month?
Evidently you're not being serious.
Chris Matthews is on the verge of tears.
Sarah Palin on Fox! I don't care for her new makeup job.
The puppets in the German parade were hysterical.
Standing in the world.
Barry better not ditch prep next time out or it's over.
Romney's much smarter. Barry's a smooth talker, knows how to shoot the shit, but he ain't as smart as many think he is. I'm sure he's quite average overall. While Romney may, literally, be a genius. He's a little socially awkward and a select few of his supporters do ugly things. But, he's not "basically" a good man, he is a good man.
I'm a RINO because I always vote for who I like. I respect no party lines. I'm voting Romney because I hope for a change. ;)
"He [Obama] didn't have his buddy, the TelePrompTer to help him tonight".
Matthews had it right.
Ack! I'm bleeding invisible blood from being repeatedly stabbed with an invisible toothpick.
She's also dyed her hair flat black.
Don't care for that.
She should go back to the mixed brunette look.
I don't care for her new makeup job.
Agree. Camille Paglia once echoed what I think of her ethnicity -- that she must have some native American blood inside her.
And this darker shade of her really brings that out. She looks like Bristol!
"I am genuinely undecided, and I'm going to watch the debate like a real person, not like a blogger looking for things to put up. "
And here we have the difference between a republican and a democrat. G. Bush said "read my lips, no new taxes" then raised taxes, one term president.
Ann has herself published several lies that Obama has told, and yet she is "undecided", really Ann, undecided? I am not recommending that you vote for Romney, but you really are undecided about voting for Obama? wow......wow...
Al Sharpton just said that the president had a rope-a-dope strategy. Lol!!!
Chanel 7 9:15 in Denver Hick was more dumbfounded than Trig Palin will be at the moment he realizes his mother is one of the most important figures to grace the planet.
What, pray tell, would or could you or I think in that one moment?
Mommy's special?
"I am genuinely undecided, and I'm going to watch the debate like a real person, not like a blogger looking for things to put up. "
And here we have the difference between a republican and a democrat. G. Bush said "read my lips, no new taxes" then raised taxes, one term president.
Ann has herself published several lies that Obama has told, and yet she is "undecided", really Ann, undecided? I am not recommending that you vote for Romney, but you really are undecided about voting for Obama? wow......wow...
How convenient those potty breaks.. just when Obama is getting crucified you bail.
Probaby shouldn't be watching Hannity. He's too partisan.
"Obama was flat, listless, and uninspired tonight".
Maybe he doesn't want to be president anymore. Not that he has been, in anything but name. Maybe he realizes that his 2008 rise was a fluke, that he really wasn't supposed to beat Hillary, that his victory over McCain was a one-fer, and that he blew his wad in 2009 when he had a willing congress.
Maybe he wants just to get back to Hawaii and that new house.
Palin making a great point re: being extra vigilant regarding the press spinning extra hard if Romney continues to surge
Nathan, obviously you weren't paying attention. If we aren't if fighting unnecessary wars we would save on the defense budget, freeing up monies to used elsewhere. We don't need a draft unless there is a war, a declared war.
Shouting Thomas said...
Good point by Obama about repeal.
I seriously doubt whether Romney will repeal Obamacare, or that he would have the political clout to do so if elected.
Fortunately, the besotted with power Messiah and various Pelosi PACs demanded the law allow Presidential waivers for - say unions with plush healthcare deals, Cities, Dem Wall Street bankers, etc.
So by applying the law, Romney could apply a waiver to the 34 or so States that want a waiver.
Then we could match up Obamacare and how it fares in Illinois, and broken California against what states like Virginia, Missouri, Maine want to do.
Lem, watched the whole debate, what are you yammering on about?
How many times have Democrats say "tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas" and "subsidies for big oil". But no one in MSM will ask them what the fuck that means.
Romney called Obama on them tonight and Obama looked like my pro-choice co-worker when I asked her if she wished the gov't would have subsidized my unwanted fathers abortion.
Palin making a great point re: being extra vigilant regarding the press spinning extra hard if Romney continues to surge
I agree with that, but they were planning a deluge of anti-Romneyism later than sooner. Now it'll just be sooner.
I know Team Romney will be ready.
Oh, Mathews and MSNBC are hilarious. They are freaking pissed. I think they would kick the shit out of Obama if he came in the studio tonight.
Mathews' advice to Obama: watch MSNBC.
If he does, he's gonna get depressed, if not scared for his life.
Palin's hair is a bit goth looking. I'd love to see some tattoos on her inner thighs.
Maddow just admitted the polls will tighten a bit?
They can't spin their way out of this one.
So how do you all think Obama's "presidential visit" to UW-Madison is going to come off tomorrow?
So how do you all think Obama's "presidential visit" to UW-Madison is going to come off tomorrow?
Swimmingly. He has the kind of small ego that needs to be stroked by supporters any time anyone even lays a pinky on him. Madison will provide that easily.
U like me, U really like me!
I think Palin's new look is fine. I would like to see her go mostly blonde, but then she would disappear on Fox. I can't tell those ladies apart now, not that I care which one I fantasize about - they all work.
bagoh - as always brutal honesty.
Bamster looked like he didn't want to be there.
Remember when #41 looked at his watch during the debate?
He doesn't want the job. Just the perks.
He might get his wish.
“Curious if anyone else noticed how Obama and Michelle left the stage before the Romney entourage and let them bask in the final moments on stage. Seemed strange (and the wrong move for the President) to me.”
We noted the same thing. Practically everything about the President’s performance tonight indicated that he mostly just wanted outta’ there.
Who was that guy up there with the President? Surely it couldn’t have been the despicable, gaffe-prone, flip-flopping, greedy, uncaring vulture capitalist characterized in all of those millions of dollars of TV ads.
Althouse opened a new tread to talk about who won.
Dont stay here stuck in the mud..
Come over and join us.
"So how do you all think Obama's "presidential visit" to UW-Madison is going to come off tomorrow?"
Yes, time to put some ice on that swelling.
Seeing Red says: "He doesn't want the job. Just the perks."
Yup. Playing golf. Eating $100 a pound ham. Going to fund raisers with adording donars. The private jet. Big vacations. But no leadership.
He reminds me of a NFL replacement ref.
Two points about the people who don't understand history, economics, or foreign policy:
Under W, his policy (enacted by the GOP majority Congress) improved the economy. After the so-called Bush tax cuts, the deficit declined, revenue rose, the economy grew significantly, and unemployment dropped to under 5%.
Democrat policies, enacted after they took control of Congress in 2006, increased the deficit, damaged the economy. Democrats also blocked Bush's attempts to head off the housing bubble. This policy was voted for by then-Senator Obama.
Here is the chart of deficits:
No one should ever lie about it again, phx, ARM, AF, et al.
2) Foreign policy:
The middle east was stabilizing under W. After the surge, Iraq was settling into democracy, Libya had given up WMD, the Levant hadn't gotten much better but wasn't getting any worse, and Afghanistan was stabilizing extremely slowly. The presence of US troops in Iraq had gotten mostly routine, and was a reminder to the rest of the Middle East.
We were capturing terrorists and getting information on them to roll up their organizations. All the information needed to pinpoint bin Ladin was discovered from these techniques, it just took time to follow the leads.
Now we have an ambassador murdered because Obama couldn't be bothered to take Intel threat briefings and lead to keep our sovereign territory safe. We are hated more and disrespected more around the world. Nations are stepping into the power vacuum and destabilizing what had been in equilibrium (Spratly and Senkaku Islands, Georgia, Egypt, the Levant...). Our embassies have been violated. Obama's only plan to deal with all this has been to lie to the US about the attack on the consulate in Libya to try to preserve his electoral chances. And he kills terrorists, civilians, US citizens with messy drone strikes, wasting valuable intelligence opportunities...our relationship with Pakistan is now worse than it has been in more than a decade.
If we could return to Bush-era foreign situation (circa 2007), the US and the world would clearly be much better off.
The only way to prefer Obama's approach is if you are willing to have a destabilized, more dangerous world in order to have a weaker US.
Do you guyth check in with Hillbuth occathionally? Kevin ith inthindiary lately, but he theems to know whereof he speakth.
I'm putting on ackthenth. Donald Duck.
Short interpretation of Ann tonight: "I was waiting for a reason to say 'Mitt lost me' and it didn't happen. But maybe supporters will show a tape of Obama and it'll make me think about racial inequality and I'll have to then vote for Obama again."
"Ronald Reagan" isn't specific.
Obama wanted to be the next Reagan even, so, "Reagan" doesn't now, like that fuck Chris Hitchens told you back in the 1980's, mean anything at all.
Ronald Reagan was a lizard, but not a cool J. Morrison lizard.
A cold one.
Probably racist; look at the numbers and never the man.
"Dodd-Frank" isn't specific.
It means nothing.
Romney talks in doublespeaknewstalkshitofthebullmost.
Romney never said any specific number, like $715 or $717 Billion.
If he did, it was bullshit.
But it was NOT specific.
Nothing that preceded or followed was specific.
Obama is specific.
With a name like that in a country like America, how could Obama not be specific and "Romney" unable to specify?
There is no there there.
No common ground.
Obama is specific because of his background and Romney is bland and boring and unable to offer a single detail when asked to because he is typical.
Of a white person.
So fuck him.
You know, of course, the smart ones reading this, that Romney didn't "pick" or "choose" Paul Ryan.
It's all contingent.
Ryan could be gone tomorrow and that would follow the pattern Romney has established of gaffes and fuck ups.
If Romney chooses Condi tomorrow, not a single eyebrow would be raised.
Romney continually fucks up and blames others.
That is why he lies.
Obama wrote Obamacare, one night in Selma, alone (not without his trusty St. T. Aquinas text though, blessed be peace upon him) before the election so we could all, with 100% transparency, see it.
Obama did and does this.
He does.
phx: In FP I think Obama has improved our standing in the world immeasurably from the Bush years.
Then the night-time glow from the Levant are beach blanket bingo bonfires and not our embassies in flames.
It's well-known knowledge Mitt Romney told Dick Cheney to suck hind tit because of what John Edwards talked about.
Mitt Romney, everyone knows, 'cept you maybe, doesn't like what John Edwards talked about during his "debate" with Vice President Richard Cheney.
Everyone agrees kids are off-limits.
Unless it's Dick Cheney's children, natch.
Romney killed Obama, absolutely killed. But a lot of it was that Obama actually did himself in by being so lackluster.
Terrible performance stylistically. He looked like he was looking down at his notes constantly. And he had no energy at all.
Romney also came across as not the guy that fired your parents, but the guy who cares about the middle class. And that's what Romney has to articulate.
Everyone seems to be saying that Obama lost by a lot. I blame John Kerry. I'll bet he was a terrible practice partner.
Of course, Obama had nothing to do with it. The dog ate his homework.
Rolling my eyes.
I'll grant you this much: kudos to Rob Portman. But this is Romney's victory, not Portman's; and it's Obama's failure, not Kerry's.
Suggesting otherwise is bullshit. But maybe you were joking.
--The only way to prefer Obama's approach is if you are willing to have a destabilized, more dangerous world in order to have a weaker US.---
Niall Ferguson WSJ article 2004 - US, ChiComs, IslamoFascists or armed camps, take your pick.
NorK & SorK might go nuclear on each other?
How can that happen?
In what will undoubtedly be the last comment on this thread, I would just like to point out that although Romney clearly won for the next two weeks we will hear nothing but how Romney was not honest about his past positions and how he cleverly distorted Obama's. The question will be not did Romney win, but do we want such a skillful liar as our President....Plus if Obama is a tad less comatose during the next few debates, the media will proclaim him as Mr. Comeback, ole gimlet eye who waits for just the right moment and than then pounces. Just because Romney won the debate tonight doesn't mean he actually won-won the debate.
Obama has SAVED $100,000,000.
What, in God's holy name and like D. Letterman says "God's honest truth" (like he didn't rape and impregnate many subordinates over many years) has Romney saved?
Except for many, many millions for himself?
Obama saved $100,000,000 for the taxpayer and Romney "saved" over $100,000,000 for his greedy self.
End of story.
Case closed.
No more words spoke.
Or thought.
Or typed.
Or compared to Donny in the Lebowski but Fargo was the movie scene where Buscemi just kept talking.
And talking...
Really good to read you, again, William. I miss your prescient comments like "Mr Comeback".
And no, it won't be the last comment on this thread. ;)
Wow, NotquiteunBuckley, way to grab the thread and run with it.
Anal compulsive much?
Obama inherited his debate prep from the Bush Administration.
Baron Zemo, You were reading my mind, but that was easy.
Ditto Victoria. I'm glad that thanks to Obamacare you continue alive and well. It has been estimated that without Obamacare most women currently alive would have perished in a dark, back alley abortion.
Upon a word I would like to think was isn't create or die.
I am so sorry. I really did not mean that.
My hope was to inspire creation(s)S of new words but the word "die" threatens me daily. Now I spread that word, and must have to once again enunciate why humans aren't cockroaches.
This lostness noted:
Crack, music isn't based on anything other than Althouse's posts here and there, and those Althouse posts more than just here and there too.
Had I the time, I would hyphenate that Hell outta that last sentence.
Of nothing.
Crack, love/beauty/music all involve perceptions that are of their essence ambiguous and mysterious.
Which makes you a sexist.
I noted this with you and MKH.
But your crack is attention, even from a Hell-spawn Devil/Shit like me.
Inga, someone needs to ask Obama when he plans on closing Gitmo. If anyone did ask him, would you believe what he said?
I blame John Kerry. I'll bet he was a terrible practice partner.
I'll bet he was, too. A good debate practice partner has to have enough empathy for the person he is emulating to be able to portray him as positively as possible. It is impossible for me to imagine John Kerry having anything but disdain for Mitt Romney and portraying him as a loser.
Inga said...
Try 25% of the budget Seein Red.
Defense spending is measured against GDP you incalculably, misbegoten idiot. Not against budget, which by the way hasn't been one for quite a while.
This was like a Mohammad Ali fight where Obama tries to do the rope a dope and to tire out Romney who is punching him whille he leans against the ropes.. Only Obama never came out of the rope a dope. So the whole thing was just Obama getting pounded.
Ouch, that was ugly.
Inga wrote:
Someone needs to ask Romney point blank, how long he plans on keeping troops in that hellhole Afghanistan.
this is not really a winning argument for Obama since he actually escalated there. Romney could say, if he has to pull out troops it's because of obamas escalation there (in other words, it's his fault). He could also argue, he will keep troops in there until its advantageous for us to
Withdraw them. In other words, he'll actually fight
The war to win an not like Obama did. He'd argue that troops would come out when the generals said
It was a good idea ti do so and not based on a politically calculated timetable.
Both of those are actually arguments that hurt Obama a lot more than help him.
Yet again, when Obama has to run on his record or defend it he loses. You should be asking your question of Obama frankly.
Wow. The trolls were out in force, but failed miserably at their task of propping up Obama's performance in this debate. In particular, "AReasonableMan" must be singled out for his metronomic commentary, desperatley trying to hold back the Romney tsunami.
"Romney hasn't had a real job in a decade. He should be pretty rested." Comedy gold. How many "jobs" has Obumbles had? Ever? That he was good at?
Absolutely fucking hilarious. I look forward to your additional beclownment...
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