October 17, 2012

"How are your passions...?"/"I am bloody elated."

Chris Matthews/Andrew Sullivan.


_Jim said...

Maybe this comment is better posted on this thread ...


Oh boy ... does anybody REALLY want a 'bully' like The O in the top office of the land, especially after a performance like last night?

Fair, balanced, impartial, not prone to anger, thoughtful, respectful to opponents?

Remember, he has the full power and force of the fed gov behind him ...

Yea or no?


Wince said...

Speaking of Andrew Sullivan, here's Andrea Mitchell comparing the debate to a cockfight.

Shouting Thomas said...

The fly in the ointment is Sullivan's statement that Obama's "supporters" needed last night's display.

Somehow, I don't think that that bodes well for the President's election chances.

Leftists love to send fierce communiques to one another. That's a given.

edutcher said...

Maybe they confused Zero with Crowley.

Tom from Virginia said...

If last night was exciting, just wait until Obama and Clinton are fighting for the 2016 Democratic nomination.

bagoh20 said...

This is someone who we are supposed to read? This is the intelligentsia. There was no talk at all from Obama about his second term agenda - virtually none. Romney was the only person talking about the future and how to address it, but this guy is all excited because of Obama's body language and some insignificant acting out on his anger for effect. A real freaking genius with a keyboard. We are so lucky to have that to learn from.

john sager said...

So the base is secure now?

kcom said...

Say what you will about Fox, but MSNBC is leaving them in the dust on partisanship. I rarely (to never) watch cable news but when I have I've never seen anyone on Fox go this far over the top. I remember back in the mists of time when I was under the impression that Chris Matthews was a real reporter. Wow.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

A missed opportunity to evoke the resurrection or perhaps simply an erection.

Farmer said...

He saw the guy who turned the economy around? When did the economy get turned around?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you want 4 more years of economic devastation and political corruption - vote for Obama.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Michelle Obama insists you should ignore your lying eyes because we are in a "Huge Recovery!"

Curious George said...

"I saw the guy who turned the economy around tonight," Sullivan said.

25 million out of work Americans were unavailable for comment.

Kansas City said...

Sullivan is amusing in his emotional attachment to the president. While on the one hand I wonder why anyone would be interested in listening to him on substance, it is strange that a smart guy like him can be so over run by his own emotions.

What he, and other Obama supporters fail to recognize, is that when the end result of the debate is a discussion about Libya, that is not good for Obama. And, with the "foreign policy" debate coming up on Monday, the stage is set for more attention. The Monday debate also gives Romney a perfect opportunity to frame the issue in very favorable terms, i.e., "It is true that on the day after the attack, after President Obama had cancelled his national security briefing on 9/11, the day of the attack, and before he flew to Las Vegas for a political fundraiser, he read a speech a speech from a teleprompter that included the words "acts of terror." But let's look at what happened after the president read that teleprompter and took off on Air Force One for three days of campaigning. . . . "

Nathan Alexander said...

We're Matthews and Sullivan among those threatening to assassinate Romney if he wins?


I wonder if any of the lefty commenters got in on the act?

I wonder how many will criticize their fellow travelers for doing so? Surely some will, but not all.

And I wonder if they will ever develop the self awareness to realize their ideology fosters and promotes such hate toward anyone seen as obstructing the fulfillment of progressive ideology, and begin to question why they lay down with such dogs, is it really worth the fleas they get up with?

I'm thinking not.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Chelsea Clinton's cause. Andy Sullivan.

The focus today is apparently what comes out, and what goes in, the anus. Happy hump day.

Kensington said...

Andrew Sullivan is not a smart person. He is an hysterical flibbertigibbet who indulges his overwrought emotions more than twelve year old girls do.

Kensington said...

Meghan McCain has greater command of her words than Andrew Sullivan, and more complexity in her thinking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The GOP should cut an ad showing Jay Carney and Susan Rice and others within the Obama admin. endlessly repeating the "It was the video" lie.

It was terror and had nothing to do with the video. Why lie?

Rusty said...

Foolish people with little charachter can convince themselves of anything.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Do Andrew Sullivan or Chris Matthews care that a man sits in jail because he made a video? A video that was used as a scapegoat by the administration so the administration could cover up the fact that the riots in the ME had more to do with the DNC convention.

Does either of them care about free speech in America? Anything for dear leader, right?

Usually Andrew Sullivan's heart bleeds for the under-dog.

hombre said...

"I saw the guy who turned the economy around tonight," Sullivan said.

How stupid or disengenuous can he be? (I'm never quite sure which it is with this jackass.)

garage mahal said...

Do Andrew Sullivan or Chris Matthews care that a man sits in jail because he made a video?

Jesus. Give it up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Garage- your side lies. Your side is corrupt. Why should anyone give it up?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


"Obama did not forfeit the debate as last time, and took his cue from Joe Biden in interrupting and muttering while Romney spoke, so his energy made it an entertaining night. Nevertheless, the same theme as in Denver emerged — Romney more often providing specific proposals and detailed critiques, and Obama preferring more often emoting and running more on hypotheticals, as if he were not an incumbent with a depressing record that he is obligated to defend. A key moment was Libya, and that is bad for the Obama cause, even if Romney let Obama slightly off the hook. Obama frowned and got defensive and then blew it by disingenuous explanations — claiming that almost immediately after the attack, he had labeled it an act of terrorism, omitting that on numerous occasions in the next two weeks he most certainly did not say that clearly at all, and declared either that it was the fault of a video or that he did not have enough information."

Anonymous said...

Obama inherited an economy that was moving in the wrong direction. But he turned it around by 360 degrees!

SteveR said...

Wow Garage, using the Lord's name in vain. How immature and inconsistent with tolerance and political correctness. I don't expect better of you, just pointing it out.

Moose said...

Sharing the tingle I would say...

Still amused that Sully still counts himself a conservative.

Brian Brown said...

"I saw the guy who turned the economy around tonight," Sullivan said.

Right. Because so many "economic turnarounds" have millions of fewer people working and annual trillion dollar + deficits.

Darrell said...

Obama has garage and Honey Boo Boo in the bag.
What more does he need?

Christopher in MA said...

Do Andrew Sullivan or Chris Matthews care that a man sits in jail because he made a video?

Jesus. Give it up.

Care to actually, you know, address the fucking issue instead of dropping a turd and running away like the worthless piece of scum you are, garbage?

Is the man not in jail?

Is he not there because of the video?

Oh, I know, if you manage to pull your head out of your ass long enough to address this, you'll just whine "he's in jail for a parole violation!" as though that were the real reason your Choolate Crackhead had him hauled off.

But you really don't care, do you? Obama is just so freaking awesome! And hey, you always have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.

garage mahal said...

More bad new for Republicans here.

Gallup: The Unemployment Rate Is Collapsing

Shit. No!

Anonymous said...

It's sack cloth and ashes time.

garage mahal said...

Care to actually, you know, address the fucking issue

The dude admitted he violated his parole?

Darrell said...

You cab get a lot out of Gallup if you just threaten them.

Good to know.

Darrell said...

Most believable things I've heard this week. 1) We are in the midst of a huge recovery. 2) Unemployment is collapsing.

garage mahal said...

3.) The budget deficit is also down 200 billion.

Anonymous said...

Nakoula needs to be canonized, St. Nakoula.

Christopher in MA said...

The dude admitted he violated his parole?

Did I call it or what?

Darrell said...

Wait a second. BLS's number was based on a missing State--was it not? So Gallup forgot the same State to arrive at the same value?

I smell something--not only garage.. .

Anonymous said...

Oy! The humanity!

Darrell said...

Oy! The humidity!
As Obama loses Florida.

garage mahal said...

Did I call it or what?

Oh, that's right, I'm sorry. Nakoula isn't on parole at all!

And even if he was on parole, he shouldn't be hauled in for violating it. Because.......?

bleh said...

Am I the only one who thinks Obama missed a spectacular opportunity during the oil/gas exchange? Romney's aggressive posture was bordering on a "Dingell-Norwood" moment. Instead of humorously defusing the situation like Bush did in 2000, Obama went beta, averted his gaze, walked away from Romney, his voice got high, etc.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
3.) The budget deficit is also down 200 billion.


You are beyond parody at this point.

Brian Brown said...

Gallup: The Unemployment Rate Is Collapsing

That is actually funny.

Garagie has never heard of a part-time job.

You are a silly, fat, clown.

Amartel said...

The all-important Tigerbeat editorial board weighs in.
Dateline, Obama's butt.

(Watch out, Obama. They've got two, make that four, enthusiastic thumbs up, and a skewed poll.)

Amartel said...

What a super duper debate performance from a super duper genius! With the relentless and dishonest assistance of an Obama-voting cheerleading "moderator," Obama ably convinced people who were never not going to vote for him to enthusiastically follow the lefty media comeback narrative which they were never not going to do anyway.


Darrell said...

Good news/bad news for the women working for Obama, including his campaign.

The bad news is that they are still paid less than their male counterparts. The good news is that they will be getting Honey Boo Boo merchandise as part of Boo Boo's endorsement agreement. That and the lower taxes they will have to pay when the huge tax increases hit next year.

ricpic said...

Comrade Sullivan: Comerade Obama was positively Reaganesque in his closing comments, Comrade Matthews.

Comrade Matthews: Da da, is good to fool the peasants, right Comrade Sullivan?

Comrade Sullivan: Da.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Does anyone even question how a judge can order someone not to use a perfectly legal and ubiquitous piece of technology like a computer anyway? Heck, telephones are used in the commission of a lot of crimes, especially fraud, but I never heard of a judge ordering someone to stay away from telephones when they were paroled. And if he did, imagine the reaction when someone went to jail over that. Not being able to post a simple, legal YouTube video? Un-American, I say. What if his 7-year-old niece posted it?

Christopher in MA said...

Oh, that's right, I'm sorry. Nakoula isn't on parole at all!

And even if he was on parole, he shouldn't be hauled in for violating it. Because.......?

Like I said, you pathetic hack, I called it. You ran right to the "he violated his parole!" excuse, completely ignoring that he's in jail primarily because of his video.

But who cares? Obama's awesome!

Hey, how's that John Doe indictment coming along, there, pal? Any day now! right?

Cedarford said...

AprilApple said...
Do Andrew Sullivan or Chris Matthews care that a man sits in jail because he made a video?
Frankly, no they don't care that a man who violated his parole is in jail anymore than you would care if a man was tossed back in jail for drinking in a bar and thus violating terms of his probation after he mangled 5 people in a DWI case he was convicted of.

This guy you champion is a 1st class scumbag. Conspiracy to manufacture methamphetamine, bank fraud, internet identity theft. Caught with 6 passports with 6 different aliases when the cops went in after him on probation violation after it was clear what his real name was in the aftermath of the Video.

And he deserves to rot in jail. Not for the video he said was aimed into agitating Muslims into acts of violence against America, the West ---but because he is a criminal scumbag that clearly violated the terms of his probation. And yes, he did succeed in putting Americans at risk of their lives in attacks on 11 other embassies...just not the Libyan Consulate.

We still do not know who Nakoula's equally shady financiers were. Apparantly, he had the money and backers in place a month after he was released from jail. Who are they? Radical muslims or Israelis doing a false flag op? Fundie Christian Zionist goobers? Affluent Copts of the exile community?

lemondog said...

I saw the guy who turned the economy around tonight

Yeah, he did turn "the economy around tonight" with bullsh*t statistics..........

Cedarford said...

Christopher in MA said...
Oh, that's right, I'm sorry. Nakoula isn't on parole at all!

And even if he was on parole, he shouldn't be hauled in for violating it. Because.......?

Like I said, you pathetic hack, I called it. You ran right to the "he violated his parole!" excuse, completely ignoring that he's in jail primarily because of his video.

How stupid can you be?
He is back in jail because he was a felon on probation for internet fraud, bank fraud, identity theft and he decided to put a huge spotlight on himself for violating probation terms - even granting on-camera interviews.

Your 1st Amendment hero is back in jail where he richly belongs to be.

As I said, while for most people, drinking beer is Constitutional and protected as an individal freedom - that is not so for a DWI convict out on parole after killing or injuring people.
If such an asshole is filmed on national TV catching an Angel's player's 500th homer while juggling a beer in one hand and being boo'd because he is in full Yankee fanboy gear. Decides to give interviews after and his drunk driving victims see it and raise holy hell given he is holding a beer in the catch and chugging another down in the interview - and thus is tossed back into jail..
1. It wasn't because he was a Yankee's fan.
2. It wasn't because he exercised his 1st Amendment rights and did the post-catch interviews his victims saw.

It was because he violated the laws and judicial terms of his early release from jail on probation.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I never said the obscure video maker was a saint. But then that's how you lefties roll.
He may deserve to be in jail for all the sorts of things - but that's not why he was hauled off to jail in the middle of the night at the exact moment the administration needed that photo op.
Unless you think otherwise.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Cedarford - Just blame the Jews and end it. blah blah blah...

Crunchy Frog said...

Meghan McCain has greater command of her words than Andrew Sullivan, and more complexity in her thinking.

Gabrielle Giffords has greater command of her words than Andrew Sullivan, and more complexity in her thinking.

Darrell said...

Nakoula seems to have a lot in common with Barack Obama--especially that "missing" time. Maybe they met?

garage mahal said...

You ran right to the "he violated his parole!" excuse, completely ignoring that he's in jail primarily because of his video.

I think you're finally starting to get it brainiac!

Yes, he is in jail for making this video. Because making this video violated the terms of his parole!

Darrell said...

Didn't Obama's uncle violate a court order to return to Kenya?
Obama’s 67-year-old Illegal Immigrant Uncle, Onyango Obama, who has allegedly been living illegally in the U.S. since 1992, was arrested for drunk driving, and now he and his lawyer want to go after the Framingham Police Officer who stopped Onyango for drunk driving.

Onyango Obama and his lawyer have asked for the driving record of the police officer who gave him the ticket...

Anonymous said...

Didn't Nakoula say he was an Isreali Jew named Sam Bacile?

Cosmic Conservative said...

I'm almost convinced that the better Matthews and Sullivan feel, the worse it is for Obama.

Rocketeer said...

Hey Garage:

Gallup, Romney 51-45 over Obama.

Hey, maybe that's why the unemployment rate is collapsing: real change is just around the corner. The Romney Effect!

Seeing Red said...

Merkel really said all this?

LOLOLOL via Rantburg:

said on Tuesday Germany needs to stimulate domestic economic demand and urged opposition parties to stop blocking proposed tax cuts in the upper house of Parliament.

Merkel told business leaders Germany should end the automatic progression of workers into ever higher tax brackets due to inflation, which siphons more than 20 billion euros ($26 billion) out of the economy each year. She also renewed her calls for cuts in pension contributions as another way to boost purchasing power.

"Growth in Germany can at the moment be stimulated by an increase in domestic demand more than anything else," she said.

Germany has come under pressure to boost domestic demand to relieve pressure on the euro zone's struggling periphery during the sovereign debt crisis. Merkel has also encouraged German firms to give their employees higher wage increases this year.

Shouting Thomas said...

Ok, garage and Inga. You're making fools of yourself.

If a Republican, like W, were president, this video maker would be a cause celebre of the left. Hollywood would have already held fund raisers for his defense and would be in the process of making a bio-pic that established him forever as a great martyr of free speech.

The left's carrying on here is so duplicitous and stupid. At least we know now that all that bullshit screaming about First Amendment freedom that lefties do when a Republican is president is so much theater.

Charlie said...

How come whenever I see Sullivan on a talking head show he's described as a conservative?

Anonymous said...

No, Shouting Thomas, you made a fool of yourself. Althouse is SOOOOOO powerful!! Powerful says Tommy!

Shouting Thomas said...

By the way, Inga, if you read the NY Times article I referenced yesterday, you would know where the It's the Video!" meme originated.

In that article, the Times reported that, in three separate instances separated by time, the Jihadis had complained about three different videos on YouTube.

The Jihadis have a generalized complaint that YouTube is being censored for blasphemy, and they bring it up on every occasion when they want to further their grievance.

Apparently, the Obama admin seized on this as a pretext for explaining away their malfeasance over the incident at Benghazi.

It was never about a specific video. The Jihadis want YouTube to always be censored. And, Inga, it appears, agrees with them.

garage mahal said...

The left's carrying on here is so duplicitous and stupid. At least we know now that all that bullshit screaming about First Amendment freedom that lefties do when a Republican is president is so much theater

For whatever reason you just can't accept the fact this guy admitted violating his parole. That's what happens when you do that.

Methadras said...

Yay, little miss sullivan will finally be able to put her golden knee pads to good use. What was that? What that a presidential zipper I just heard being unzipped?

Shouting Thomas said...

Don't worry, Inga, Althouse is studying carefully and she'll be firing when her ducks are in order.

She works that way.

You'll be reading a lot more about the Benghazi incident when she's ready. I guarantee it.

Anonymous said...

Funny how Tommy avoids mentioning Cedarford, are you scared of him?

Methadras said...

Kensington said...

Andrew Sullivan is not a smart person. He is an hysterical flibbertigibbet who indulges his overwrought emotions more than twelve year old girls do.

Little Miss Sullivan a histrionic pre-pubescent girl? No. Yes. I don't know. LEAVE ME ALONE!!! I love you, Urkel. Call me.

Seeing Red said...

--For whatever reason you just can't accept the fact this guy admitted violating his parole. That's what happens when you do that.--

And for whatever reason you just can't accept the face Obama lied numerous times last night.

Shouting Thomas said...

For whatever reason you just can't accept the fact this guy admitted violating his parole. That's what happens when you do that.

The left would still be holding him up as a free speech martyr if a Republican were president, and you know it, garage.

In fact, the left would be screaming that the video maker was the subject of direct police state intimidation if a Republican president pulled this stunt.

Shouting Thomas said...

Where do you want me to start with the left's championing of people who were either indicted or had been imprisoned, garage?

I'll start with the Black Panthers in Chicago in 1968.

I can come up with a ton of leftist martyrs to police intimidation, if you like.

garage mahal said...

In fact, the left would be screaming that the video maker was the subject of direct police state intimidation if a Republican president pulled this stunt.

If he didn't get convicted of crimes and didn't violate his parole he wouldn't be in jail right now

Methadras said...

Urkel's aberrant lies that were showcased last night is telling. Not only did he seek Crowley's help in abetting that lie on Libya, but he fomented that lie further by stating it as fact. Then his cadre has the nerve to say, that he won the debate because he showed up with a pulse and still lied. Yes, telling bald faced lies is now a democrat strategy to win debates and they hope to win elections. The problem is, is Urkel is going to get destroyed next week in the foreign policy debate when that tape is going to be played over and over and over again in the Romney camp for debate prep. When you debate like a challenger instead of an incumbent, you have already lost. The number didn't jump. The fawning sycophantic leftards here and elsewhere know that their liar-in-chief is going to lose his ass come the 11/6/2012 and there is nothing they can do about it other than cheer their little liar to move forward into oblivion. He graduated from the empty suit to the empty chair and his next promotion will be an empty legacy of fail. So go on leftards, delude yourselves even more. Let the unicorns and double rainbows fly free.

Urkel painting himself into a corner and all he can do is look out at the world and say, "Did I do that?" Urkel is as Urkel does.

Shouting Thomas said...

If he didn't get convicted of crimes and didn't violate his parole he wouldn't be in jail right now

He never would have been noticed if Obama hadn't needed a stooge to perp walk to sell his lies about what happened at Benghazi.

The innocence or guilt of this guy is irrelevant, garage, and in this case I'm certain you know it, and that you would be championing this guy as a political martyr if a Republican president were pulling this scam.

The left would be screaming "police state tactics" if the president were a Republican. There is no doubt about that.

garage mahal said...

He never would have been noticed if Obama hadn't needed a stooge to perp walk to sell his lies about what happened at Benghazi.

This is so dumb. You need to crawl out of winger fever swamps for some fresh air.

Chip Ahoy said...

It's interesting that Sullivan and Matthews are mentioned, those two in particular are non entities in my phase. We are out of phase. Our realities overlap but do not touch. We do not pay attention to each other.

How that works was made clear in a dream. I was observing something in an alien place and was noticed and when when noticed, threatened, so I backed off but the threat kept at me now that it noticed so I backed off farther and faster and so did the threat until I was cornered in a closet with shelves and couldn't withdraw. The crisis caused me to realize in that moment, no wait, this is not my reality, this all belongs to the thing I'm watching, not me, these shelves are not mine I can pass through them so I did. How that felt and what happened next, the dream continued without waking up from alarm to a deepening epiphany but what followed is irrelevant here, the thing is it was a matter of matching vibrations. Their vibrations, Matthews and Sullivan, are all wrong, we don't match, I'm going vrrrrrrrrrrrr, and they're gonig vip vip vip vip veeep vip foof vip.

How that for hippy talk?

Speaking of flour power, I'm making a baguette. more a baton or a batard. Batard means bastard. Bastard bread. Not an official shape. Started it last night with 1/4 teaspoon yeast and cold water, flour and salt to a wet dough, and that it. The kind of bread that goes stale in one day. I'm going to bake it as soon as the oven get to 500.

Anonymous said...

I used to bake that bread all the time, back in my gluten days. Bake in a preheated cast iron Dutch oven at high heat for half the time then uncover, amazing crackly crust.

That sponge method is easy, no kneading needed.

Shouting Thomas said...

This is so dumb. You need to crawl out of winger fever swamps for some fresh air.

Christ, but that's stupid, garage.

You're quite aware that I live in NYC and Woodstock.

In fact, I live in the left-wing fever swamps.

That's why I know that this guy would be held up as a free speech martyr were a Republican President. I've witnessed this tactic used hundreds of times by the left.

Christopher in MA said...

whatever reason you just can't accept the fact this guy admitted violating his parole. That's what happens when you do that.

And just how many "parole violators"get national press attention, have a phalanx of police frogmarching them off and also feel the need to wrap themselves up like the Elephant Man, jackhole?

ST is right - if Nakoula made a film parodying Christ and was arrested for "parole violation" immediately after a killing at an abortion clinic, your side would scream until your lungs popped about the chill wind of fascism crushing dissent.

I can't wait until Romney crushes your Little Black Jesus. At least we'll have some sanity around here while you run away and sulk like you did after Walker kicked your union goons' asses, you hack.

traditionalguy said...

Coptics are one Christian group which is not afraid of the Muslim murderers and thieves. They have lived among them for 1500 miserable years.

Ergo: Mullah Obama arrests Coptics and calls them vile for publishing the truth about Mohammed.

furious_a said...

Garage: 3.) The budget deficit is also down 200 billion.

There is no budget -- the Democrat-controlled Senate hasn't voted out a budget on almost 1,300 days.

furious_a said...

The fly in the ointment is Sullivan's ...

Thank you for using "ointment" and "Sullivan" in the same sentence. shudder.

Astro said...


Hmmm... I was going to suggest that if Andrew Sullivan is bloody elated maybe Obama should be checked for HIV.

Methadras said...

garage mahal said...

You need to crawl out of winger fever swamps for some fresh air.

So says the KOS kid. Listen to garage people, he r smurt. ROFL!!!

Hey tubby, when are you and the rest of your dickless brigade going to impale yourselves on your dual use dildo bed posts when Romney shoves a boot up Urkels ass and wears him as a foot cozy?

Methadras said...

furious_a said...

Garage: 3.) The budget deficit is also down 200 billion.

There is no budget -- the Democrat-controlled Senate hasn't voted out a budget on almost 1,300 days.

but but but but but, filibusters and stuff.

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