September 16, 2012

"So, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets."

"Then the president flies to Vegas for a fundraiser. No, no, a novelist would say; that's too pat, too neat in its symbolic contrast.... Too crude, too telling, too devastating."


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KCFleming said...

I'm pretty sure what Steyn just wrote will soon be illegal.

Not joking.

KCFleming said...

And Roberts will say jail time is not a penalty, but a tax.

clint said...

If only there were some way to make undecided voters aware that any of this happened...

Tim said...

Barry Soetoro will have Steyn arrested, er, detained on suspicions of being an illegal alien.

Because if Americans don't have First Amendment rights, foreigners sure as hell don't.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Half brother George living in a hut in Africa is not all that unique anymore... politically speaking.

Richard Fagin said...

At the risk of sounding like the ever-annoying scratched record that skips and replays a certain part, the administration's conduct, and the President's in particular, were entirely predictable 4 years ago for anyone who chose to look at the beyond-a-reasonable-doubt stack of evidence before him.

Pierre said...

Yes but the press is so on the take for Obama that only political junkies realize he did it. Our press has become the enemy...perhaps even more dangerous than Obama himself.

vet66 said...

Steyn describes it well. Meanwhile, on the home front, a political hack judge in Wisconsin tangentially to the Chicago Teachers Union unconscionable selfishness, temporarily overturns the people's will regarding public sector union's tyranny over the state's taxpayers.

There is something seriously wrong with this country.

pm317 said...
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Wince said...

Answer this question:

In this environment, would Parker and Stone's "Team America: World Police" get the green light from any studio or distributor?

pm317 said...

Obama, a fairytale that came to you in 2008 and can it or has it become a nightmare? It has all the signs.

Every positive thing said about him is an exaggeration or a plain lie enabled by media whores and his minions. He is an ordinary man with the incompetence of an ordinary man for the job he holds.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Mark Steyn is a Canadian obsessive anti-Muslim bigot. Just the person we should be listening to regarding the conduct of our foreign policy.

Bob_R said...

Just think what Steyn could have written if he didn't have a deadline before the brownshirt/midnight knock photo.

All those people who criticized Goldberg for naming his book "Liberal Fascism" have some explaining to do.

Beta Rube said...

Anti-Muslim bigot = reporting Muslim atrocities.

Crucifix in urine = Artistic Expression.

Mark Steyn just can't get with the program.

Beta Rube said...

BTW Bob R, what part of Mark's column was untrue and/or bigoted?

sane_voter said...

Beta, I think you meant that for UnreasonableMan

TWM said...

I went and bought another gun yesterday as I'm not at all confident Barry isn't going to executive order them out of our hands should he be reelected.

And if you think that's crazy, then you simply aren't paying attention to what's going on in our country right now.

Gahrie said...

At this point, I can merely wonder about just what exactly President Obama would have to do to get the Left to finally open their eyes about this guy.

pm317 said...

Our press has become the enemy...perhaps even more dangerous than Obama himself.

Which is why it is all the more imperative to defeat Obama in this election. Romney is almost irrelevant but he (as anybody else) will be better than Obama.

virgil xenophon said...

Once again, all of this confirms the adage that truth is INDEED stranger than fiction. File ALL that's happened since 0/11/12 under the "you can't make it up" file..

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Remember when Samantha Powers called Hillary a monster, for suggesting that Obama had not being vetted?

I wonder who's the monster now?

Gahrie said...

Let me pose a hypothetical:

Let's say you get elected president.

Let's say you want to destroy the free market system, and convert the U.S. economy to a command system.

Let's say you want to diminsh the standing of the U.S. with its allies around the world, and reward its enemies.

Let's say you want to reduce the presitige and power of the other two branches of government.

What would you have done differently than President Obama in the last four years?

campy said...

what exactly President Obama would have to do to get the Left to finally open their eyes about this guy.

The eyes of the leftards have atrophied from lack of use. Even if they did open them, they'd see nothing.

Beta Rube said...

Thanks for the correction.

My apologies to Bob R.

sane_voter said...

I don't know why Ann is so focused on this overseas Muslim issue, when we have a war on women raging here in the US.

John said...

Is there much difference between an anti-muslem bigot and an anti-nazi bigot?

There were always a lot of good Germans - even when they allowed the radical nazis take control of their country and attempt to inflict their world view on the rest of the world.

There are a lot of good muslims - even now when radical muslims insist the rest of us be converted, subjugated or preferably murdered.

As a society do we have the will required for self preservation?

Kchiker said...

I think the hyberbole expressed (and increasing) in recent days stems from the realization that Romney is losing. That’s why we see things like demands for Obama’s resignation or the almost-daily mantra of Rasmussen numbers on here.

You are losing. Once everyone has recovered from the denial and anger stages of grief, I hope the Republican party does some serious soul-searching.

Anonymous said...

What would you have done differently than President Obama in the last four years?

I would have nationalized the banks and the auto industry.

I would have immediately pulled all troops out of Europe, Iraq and Afghanistan.

I wouldn't bother with drone strikes or going after Bin Laden.

I would have released all the detainees at Gitmo and Bagram, given Gitmo back to the Cubans.

Say, "hey, it's not our problem if Iran has nukes."

I could go on and on.

You are just silly.

shiloh said...

Althouse certainly is "free" to post any unsubstantiated report she wants by any right wing hack!

Indeed, as she does try diligently to appease her flock daily ...

god love her.

_Jim said...

"in"-sane_voter perpetrates:

"I don't know why Ann is so focused on this overseas Muslim issue, when we have a war on women raging here in the US."

Gawd ... what mis-direction and mis-focus.

Root cause? 90% troll and 10% stupidity.

Prescription: Ignore with prejudice.

_Jim said...

shiloh said...

"Althouse certainly is "free" to post any unsubstantiated report she wants by any right wing hack!

Indeed, as she does try diligently to appease her flock daily ...

god love her."

Ditto my above (previous) post.

Same prescription; poster has ZERO redeemable traits, value or qualities.

I'm Full of Soup said...


Sane Voter was being sarcastic.

ricpic said...

Among other great lines, such as Obama's "slapdashery," Steyn is chillingly on target when he calls America "a dying superpower."

I'm Full of Soup said...

See Shiloh - Steyn's report as you call it is his opinion or observation. Get it - he has an opinion just like you do and I do.

And as someone has noted above, liberals have trouble forming accurate observations because they don't use their eyes much anymore to see the real world. They just kneejerk their old reliable doctrinaire libril talking points.

madAsHell said...

when we have a war on women raging

I read that as sarcasm.

wyo sis said...

It's essential to remember the most important thing here is the fact that Romney is losing.

Please get your priorities straight.


Darrell said...

November 7, 2012
Obama loses. "Liberals" stunned. Know nobody who voted for Romney, ask UN for assistance.

edutcher said...

Love that word, "slapdashery", and it so fits.

I was wondering where the trolls were. Must have taken a while to have Steyn's piece explained to them.

And, yeah, Steyn's just another hack.

Just like Victor Davis Hanson.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

Personally, I'd like a sincere apology from everyone who voted for, and thus inflicted upon us, this miserable piece of shit of an Administration.

Shame on you all.

garage mahal said...

Mark Steyn looks like a hobbit.

Darrell said...

You look like a chick.

Darrell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

How does it feel living in a post-Constitutional America?

Quaestor said...

AReasonableMan wrote:
Mark Steyn is a Canadian obsessive anti-Muslim bigot...

And just a few days ago you took me to task for labeling you a troll... Irony much?

Joe Schmoe said...

I'm pretty sure what Steyn just wrote will soon be illegal.

It already is in Canada. He went through a lengthy free-speech-type trial when Human Rights Commissions in Canada complained about his treatment of radical Muslims.

Quaestor said...

garage mahal (the idiot) wrote:
Mark Steyn looks like a hobbit.

No, children, Mark Steyn looks like Sean Astin.

Patrick said...

Mark Steyn looks like a hobbit.

The best argument the left has.

Oh yeah, that and "RACIST!!"

sakredkow said...

Shame on you all.

Oh please. I'm sincerely sorry all the Republicans had to offer is McCain and Romney.

Drama queen.

The Crack Emcee said...

"So, on a highly symbolic date, mobs storm American diplomatic facilities and drag the corpse of a U.S. ambassador through the streets. Then the president flies to Vegas for a fundraiser. No, no, a novelist would say; that's too pat, too neat in its symbolic contrast.... Too crude, too telling, too devastating."

So then you give some history of Vegas, of how it's the sleazy economic second home of his seemingly-squeaky-clean rival and his "church," from Mafia connections going back to Howard Hughes and the 40s and 50s. Tell how the "spiritual leaders" make $7 billion a year there, laughing at the poor schmucks who lose their shirts, homes, and lives, while looking down on the nation's fleshy kids as they provide them with sordid 1/2 off invitations to a really "good time."

Let the reader know that, as far as the cult is concerned, having the president in Vegas is almost as poetic as their famous catch phrase, "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas," because - if they can keep him there long enough - those "religious" masters of temptation can attempt anything to win the day for their guy - who, while always aware of the sin his "prophets" indulge on his behalf and in other expressions of their search for further power, is more uniquely untroubled by it all than his father, that's for sure. But then, he's also not as bright,...

What do you think, writer? Does that close the symbolic contrast enough?

Anonymous said...

Yes Romney is losing and all the shrill hyperbole from Althouse commenters reflects it, good observation, Kchicker.

Soon they will all clear the store shelves of bullets amd 50 pound bags of beans and rice once again, just like after Obama won in 2008.

Dejavu all over again.

Obama is eeeevillll!

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
kentuckyliz said...

Actually, Steyn's case with the Human Rights Council is instructive.

Just as for the sake of PPACA Obama reduced freedom of religion to freedom of worship, we will soon see for the sake of peace with the ME will we accept the sharia law prescriptions that make depictions of Mohammed, burning of Korans, and criticism of Islam a hate speech crime.

The media doesn't care becausee it's busy being advocates and PR agents.

The people don't care because they either don't know, or they don't care as long as they get their check. They are firmly on the plantation and Massah can do no wrong.

Anonymous said...

Romney, the "it's not Obama guy" will save your collective asses from those who will take away your guns!

Darrell said...

Or we will bathe in your sweet, sweet, bitter tears come Nov. 7th.

Obama behind by at least 20 pts after this weekend.

sakredkow said...

Chicken Littles. "We must vote Obama out! We're going to have Sharia Law here!"

Anonymous said...

If Romney were President, the world and it's Islamic fanatics will love us and wouldn't dare storm any Embassies. Nopes.

Darrell said...

How many embassies were stormed when Bush was President?

Chip S. said...

Oh please. I'm sincerely sorry all the Republicans had to offer is McCain and Romney.

Either one of whom is far preferable to Obama.

But, of course, you'd only be pleased if the Republicans nominated Howard Dean.

And Allie Oop is morphing into shiloh right before our eyes. Here's a clue for you, sweetie: Recitation of the facts isn't hyperbole. You should be able to recognize true hyperbole, being a fan of a president who's mouthpieces have called Romney a felon and a cancer-bringer.

Matt Sablan said...

"If Romney were President, the world and it's Islamic fanatics will love us and wouldn't dare storm any Embassies."

-- If Romney were president, he may have bothered to go to his God damn briefings and sent guards to guard living people instead of dead bodies.

sakredkow said...

How many twin towers were hit genius?

Matt Sablan said...

"How many twin towers were hit genius?"

-- Apples to oranges; before Bush was president, we did not have the infrastructure built to effectively combat terrorism or prevent such attacks. Obama has inherited an effective counter-terrorism system that he has ruthlessly deployed.

Darrell said...

Two, based on horeshiy intelligence. Bush missed the first 9/11: Obama missed the eleventh.

Darrell said...

Obama missed the eleventh.

With the Egyptians and Libyan giving him the date, time, and suspects.

edutcher said...

phx said...

How many twin towers were hit genius?

Zero's had 4 years to harden our defenses and improve intel, genius.

Dubya had 9 months. And Jamie Gorelick's "impenetrable wall" to surmount.

And the Lefties still have no defense beyond, "It's Bush's fault".

sakredkow said...

Two, based on horeshiy intelligence.

Right I forgot. Bush gets a pass. It wasn't his fault. You get to say anything you want is Obama's fault, Bush had horseshit intelligence. Even a moron can understand that.

Matt Sablan said...

No, really. You have to compare the two situations Phx. Bush knew "something might happen somewhere, maybe involving hijacked planes. What should we do boss?"

Obama knew: "Libyan embassy is reporting people taking photos of their location, they've been hit with an IED over the last few months, we've got chatter that Al Qaeda wants to attack our embassies, and specifically has target the embassy in Libya. What should we do boss?"

Bush's response: "Sit tight, keep looking and get me more information."

Obama's response: "Tell them to lock the door."

Darrell said...

The US may be attacked, somwhere and some day over the next fifty years or so. Make sure it doesn't happen.

sakredkow said...

The US may be attacked, somwhere and some day over the next fifty years or so. Make sure it doesn't happen.

First of all Darell, nobody can make sure that doesn't happen. Nobody.

Darrell said...

Your embassy in Libya--your embassy in Egypt--will be attacked on 9/11 by al-Qaeda agents that have moved into the area during the protest demonstrations.

gerry said...

You are losing. Once everyone has recovered from the denial and anger stages of grief, I hope the Republican party does some serious soul-searching.

That's the worst projection I've ever seen.

Darrell said...

First of all Darell, nobody can make sure that doesn't happen. Nobody.

Right, including Bush.

You Lose! Thanks for playing!

edutcher said...

All the "hyperbole" (it's the Lefties' new word) seems to be on the other shoe. Since the Kumbaya exploded in Zero's face and the "bounce" fizzed out, it's the Lefties who are on the "Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated" kick.

AllieOop said...

If Romney were President, the world and it's Islamic fanatics will love us and wouldn't dare storm any Embassies. Nopes

The sockpuppets are forgetting whose persona is whose.

In any case, I don't think the Romster worries about being loved overseas. If they respect us, or, better yet, fear us, they'll stay away.

Darrell said...

Who can do something if you get the location, date, and suspects?

Everyone--with a brain. Evacuate if you have to. . .

Michael said...

AllieOpp. 16 Trillion in debt gas at $4 a gallon. Middle class incomes down $4,000 per annum. Middle East a muddle.

Can you offer some positives? Killing OBL is given.

sakredkow said...

I've never blamed Bush for 9/11, ever. I was making a point about your ridiculous double standard.

Known Unknown said...

At the very least, I would have added security measures at embassies in unstable ME countries the week of 9/11.

At the very least.

sakredkow said...

I would have added security measures at embassies in unstable ME countries the week of 9/11.

If only you had been President.

Darrell said...

Right I forgot. Bush gets a pass. It wasn't his fault. You get to say anything you want is Obama's fault, Bush had horseshit intelligence. Even a moron can understand that.

I'll bury you with your own words.

Known Unknown said...

AllieOpp. 16 Trillion in debt gas at $4 a gallon. Middle class incomes down $4,000 per annum. Middle East a muddle.

Can you offer some positives? Killing OBL is given.

Passage of Obamacare.

Voices support of gay marriage.

Created 4.4 million jobs.

* - Note: I'm doing this from the POV of an Obama supporter, which I am currently not.

Known Unknown said...

If only you had been President.

Sad, but true.

sakredkow said...

Darrell, I was being nice arguing with you but you really are one of the dumbest of the bottomfeeders here.

That quote doesn't support you at all and you can't even see that.

sakredkow said...


Big Mike said...

It's not completely true that you can't rewind history and see what would have happened in case of an alternate decision. I think we're seeing right now how the War on Terror would have shaped up under Al Gore.

Darrell said...

You weren't blaming Bush?


sakredkow said...

No I was calling you out on your hypocrisy. And if you call me a liar again I'm gonna complain to Meade.

shiloh said...

hmm, cons are still apologizing for Bush. :::shock::: btw, that's a tad off/topic!

sakredkow said...

But that's typical of people arguing out of their league. End your posts with an epithet way out of proportion to what's gone on. Like a disgraceful, foolish attempt to deflect having to face being wrong.

Darrell said...
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Darrell said...

"How many twin towers were hit genius?"

This is not a reference to Bush's cupability? Right.

sakredkow said...

Yeah, who else ends their comments "Liar." "Idiot" "Moron."

It's always the smart ones, huh?

Darrell said...

Your league, phx, seems to be t-ball.

Known Unknown said...

I can't believe the bad optics of still going to Vegas.

This would hold true regardless of party affiliation.

Chip S. said...

Bush gets a pass.

You seem to be completely missing the point. Obama is the one who placed his bets on the new guys in Libya and Egypt. Obama is the one who has missed over 60% of his intel briefings as president. Obama's State Dept. is the one that decided on the level of security in Benghazi. None of that has anything whatsoever with how Bush interpreted a vague bit of intel on the possibility of some kind of attack on the US on some unspecified date.

But leave all of that aside. Let's suppose that Obama is so super-smart that he doesn't need to engage in Q&A with his security briefers; he can learn every single thing he needs to know from reading memos. And let's suppose that every policy call he made is defensible. There is still the matter of his appalling behavior since the murder of our ambassador.

First his press secretary got the Party Media to chase the squirrel of Romney's statement about the absurd tweet from our embassy in Cairo. Then his Sec. of State groveled, thereby granting legitimacy to the purported grievances of the murderous mob and shifting blame to a private US citizen. During all this time he has remained on the campaign trail.

I reject the notion that outrage at these reactions is "drama" or "hyperbole". It is the logical consequence of actually paying attention.

Why don't you put aside the standard talking points ("Bush was worse--OK, make that just as bad"; "McCain sucked"; "Romney's a Mormon") and address the facts?

sakredkow said...

Yeah, fine. I'm all wet Darrell. You da man.

Darrell said...

What happens when you lie (on the same thread, even)? You get called a liar. Simple--even for you.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

hmm, cons are still apologizing for Bush. :::shock::: btw, that's a tad off/topic!

Lefties still blaming him.

cheney pants down mama grizzly cons hyperbole


:l {D >K

Busted, by damn!

Aridog said...

Darrell said...

November 7, 2012 ... Obama loses. "Liberals" stunned. Know nobody who voted for Romney, ask UN for assistance.

I'd laugh ...but, really am not certain what the administration will do when Obama loses. Srsly.

When I left it was running off the rails in Bush's 2nd term, and now with Obama, it has run plumb off the cliff. The later situation is frequently without remedy.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Quaestor said...
And just a few days ago you took me to task for labeling you a troll.

Providing some background on the odious Mark Steyn does not constitute trolling. I have listened to this clown on the radio and regularly read his posts on NRO. If you substituted the words Jew or Mormon for the word Muslim in his posts he would be considered the vilest kind of racist. He gets away with it because of a double standard implicitly accepted by much of his audience.

Bruce Hayden said...

I think that most here noticed that the leftists failed to address anything that Steyn said here. He was called a anti-Muslim bigot, a Canadian, etc., but the merits of his piece was not addressed.

And, the reason, of course, is that they have no response, because Steyn is right. Obama's government had actionable intelligence (as contrasted to what Bush had 11 years earlier) - the who, what, where, and when of a likley attack, and did essentially nothing. Obama wasn't interested. He never has been interested in the people who work for him directly or indirectly, and instead, is only interested in what the job can do for him, and how he can retain it. So, instead of going to PDBs, beefing up security on the anniversary of 9/11, in light of those specific threats, he plays golf and goes to Las Vegas for a fund raiser.

sakredkow said...

Hey Darrell, reread ChipS's post. That's what you should write if you could.

To you it's just business as usual to call someone who disagrees with you a liar.

Think of a monkey examining a watch.

Darrell said...

If he told about Jews firing a missile at a Red Crescent ambulance, he'd be called NPR, AP, Reuters or the European Press, though.

Darrell said...

Think of a monkey examining a watch.

OK. I'm thinking of you. Now what?

Get a ChemE and call me back.

Aridog said...

EMD said...

I can't believe the bad optics of still going to Vegas.

Oblivious is as oblivious does. I truly believe Obama is that odd combination of narcissistic arrogance and bone numbing stupid.

He touts a street "cred" that he sorely lacks...unwilling to recognize that the ability to bounce a basket ball without putting an eye out is not the same as "street savy."

sakredkow said...

OK. I'm thinking of you. Now what?

Okay Pee Wee.

Darrell said...

Hey Darrell, reread ChipS's post

Comment? Or does ChipS post here on Althouse's blog? Didn't know that.

Do go on, though...You're the smart one.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Bruce Hayden said...
I think that most here noticed that the leftists failed to address anything that Steyn said here. He was called a anti-Muslim bigot, a Canadian, etc., but the merits of his piece was not addressed.

Other than maligning the US as a flailing, blundering superpower he didn't seem to have a point.

Stop the presses, Obama does fundraisers. Obama wouldn't have to do so many if not for the Citzens United decision. The excessive role of money raising in US polititcs is an abomination that directly undermines democracy and the function of government. This being said it is hardly news.

LincolnTf said...

There's no point to arguing with today's Left. They get their "economics" from Michael Moore, their "science" from Al Gore and their "news" from Jon Stewart. They don't live in the real world.

Chip S. said...

Stop the presses, Obama does fundraisers.

Like Debbie did Dallas.

furious_a said...

AllieOop: "If Romney were President...

...the Libyan ambassador's security detail would have been at least as large as Valerie Jarrett's vacation Secret Service detail.

It was President Obama who promised that "...the day I'm inaugurated Muslim hostility will ease." He once ate dog in a Muslim country, you know.

furious_a said...

ARM: Stop the presses, Obama does fundraisers....

...while our embassies burn.

furious_a said...

President Obama phones it in to his day job, can't he phone it in to a fundraiser or two while our embassies burn?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Chip S. said...

Like Debbie did Dallas.

Correct me if I am wrong but weren't Bush and Rove the ones from Texas? Much more likely to have been intimates of Debbie.

Anonymous said...

Darrell the monkey is nit picking. "Post or comment" who the hell cares? When they sense they've lost an argument they resort to nit picking.

Anonymous said...

Furious, and you know this nugget of truth.... how?

Romney has NOT been vetted as Crack keeps pointing out, you really DON'T know him, none of us do.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AReasonableMan said...
Other than maligning the US as a flailing, blundering superpower he didn't seem to have a point.

Good point ARM. How does this treasonous Canadian nancy boy get away with attacking the USA like this. Burn him. Burn him like a witch.

sakredkow said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bruce Hayden said...

Yes Romney is losing and all the shrill hyperbole from Althouse commenters reflects it, good observation, Kchicker.

Soon they will all clear the store shelves of bullets amd 50 pound bags of beans and rice once again, just like after Obama won in 2008.

Here is the problem with that - that Obama is again screwing the pooch here. Instead of taking threats of national security seriously, he fund raises in Las Vegas, allowing him to hob nob with other millionaires and billionaires, and plays golf. Not time for the Israeli PM though, even if that causes him to lose more of the Jewish vote.

Looking back to McCain and his suspension of his campaign - the guy at least had the right instincts, not surprising though for the son and grandson of admirals who got their stars the hard way - in front (his grandfather was relieved for essentially pushing too hard, and losing men in a typhoon). There is something more important than "being President", and that is the country. McCain got it. Obama still doesn't have a clue. Bush got it, as evidenced by the 90+% of PDBs he attended, and the golf he gave up. Obama still doesn't.

Back to the post I quoted - no, Romney isn't losing, Obama is, and doesn't appear to realize it, or figures that if he can catch up in the money area, he can pull through. Most every one of those people buying guns, ammo, and/or survival rations is going to vote this time, and is likely to try to get all his friends to vote too, and not for Obama. Its called intensity, and Obama's opponents have it this time, and his supporters don't. And how could they? He doesn't, and the number of people who do is rapidly declining.

Joe said...

Why are we ignoring the obvious? Regardless of actionable intelligence, why the hell were marines not allowed to have life ammunition in Cairo and not even allowed in Libya or Sudan?

Quaestor said...
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Darrell said...

Me lose that argument?

You can't read, can you? phx was beclowned. Big time.

furious_a said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

Bruce Hayden said....

Obama wasn't interested. He never has been interested in the people who work for him directly or indirectly, and instead, is only interested in what the job can do for him, and how he can retain it.

A near perfect summary of Obama's character, thank you.

I think this because I believe Obama is actually a puppet for his handlers, who cannot possibly manage him perfectly 24/7...e.g., he gets out and runs amok occasionally. He's like the show pony that prances about unbridled occasionally.

Why should he care about anyone else? How, with his background, could he have developed viable connections to other people? Let alone black families, kids, and communities as a native son.Even his books are ghosted, IMO, and his contributions were simply to sketch out fantasies of the journey to what he is today...which he thinks is special (because he is repeated told so).

His election was mass quantitative proof of the dictum credited to P T Barnum. If he is reelected, it will prove we are just too stupid as a nation to stop digging when in the bottom of a hole with the water table rising day by day.

Quaestor said...

John wrote:
There were always a lot of good Germans - even when they allowed the radical nazis take control of their country and attempt to inflict their world view on the rest of the world.

There were a lot of good Germans in 1933 and thereafter, unfortunately for the world they were largely silent and effectual. As the Hitler regime’s grip on power tightened many good Germans reasoned thusly: I disagree with the anti-Semitic rhetoric I read every day in the newspapers, the suppression of dissent, the Brownshirt bullies prowling the streets, the brutal KZs, but Hitler has put the unemployed back to work, he’s broken the back of the Communists’ plot for revolution, and he has re-gained for Germany the international respect and power that is her birthright. So for now I’ll tolerate the Jew-hatred -- it’s crude and silly, anyway, no intelligent person will buy it – when Germany gets back to a condition of power and security, we good Germans will deal with Hitler and his cronies. Besides, a lot of those arrogant Bohemian smarty-alecks languishing in Dachau probably deserve it. By late 1939 the good Germans said to themselves, “We’re at war! Maybe it’s Hitler fault, maybe it’s the Poles (they’ve always been a nuisance, they sided with Napoleon against the Germans a century ago, now they’re sitting on historically German land handed to them by Versailles) who knows whose fault it is, but good Germans are patriotic Germans. Win the war first, and then we’ll settle accounts with justice and fairness.” By 1944 with the fortunes of war turned decidedly against them the good Germans said, “Hitler is the Leader, resisting him benefits no one but our enemies who are dedicated to the total destruction of German… Death to traitors! Long live Germany!”
The point of the above too brief history is to point out that during the whole Nazi period the practical difference between the actions of most good Germans and the confirmed Nazi Party stalwarts was effectively nil. The proportion of the good Germans who made their actions fit their opinions was very small indeed. They made a few symbolic gestures, like the White Rose leaflets, and one substantial one – the Valkyrie conspiracy. But their numbers were just too small to make their actions effective.

John’s analogy is that simplifies the situation too much. The schools of thought among the Muslims break down roughly this way:
1) I agree with Al-Qaida and all its aims and policies and will support it with my fortune and my life
2) I agree with Al-Qaida and all its aims and policies, but I’m poor and the sole support of my family. Therefore I’ll give AQ all aid short of my fortune and life
Positions 3 through X) All permutations of partial agreement with Al-Qaida and partial support
Position X + 1) I am completely neutral
Position X + 2) I disagree with all jihadists, but I fear for my life and the lives of my family. Therefore I keep silent.
Position X + 3) I disagree with all jihadists and will denounce them and actively resist them.

Of all these only the last two categories of Muslims can be said to be not enemies of the United States, and of the non-enemies only the actively anti-jihadi category is effective an ally in the War on Terror. Every in America where fear of the consequence of expressing and anti-jihadi opinion is the least Muslims who have denounced Al-Qaida is vanishingly small.

Anonymous said...

Joe, you do NOT know that as a fact (Cairo), why repeat misinformation at best or lies at worst?

Chip S. said...

Correct me if I am wrong...

To save time how about making that your baseline assumption, and I'll let you know if you're ever right.

Anonymous said...

Where was Romney and what was he talking about while Clinton and Obama were at Andrews Air Force Base, meeting the bodies of the murdered Embassy staff?

What does Romney wear to bed?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

Gahrie said "At this point, I can merely wonder about just what exactly President Obama would have to do to get the Left to finally open their eyes about this guy."

The Left are AGAINST freedom of speech, they support restrictions on our freedoms.

furious_a said...

@Allie: I know this nugget how.

President Tee Time fundraises in Vegas and parties with Beyonce and Jay-Z While. Our. Embassies. Burn. Pucker up for Crack!

Matt Sablan said...

"Where was Romney and what was he talking about while Clinton and Obama were at Andrews Air Force Base, meeting the bodies of the murdered Embassy staff?"

-- What Romney was doing doesn't matter. Why did Obama think a locked door was a suitable defense for a place that had been hit with an IED a few months ago?

Matt Sablan said...

The best thing for Obama would be if the press didn't ask questions. Oh, wait. He has issued an edict that the people do not deserve to know the truth because we cannot handle it and is refusing to answer any more questions.

Remember when Bush insisted we not ask about what happened during 9/11? Oh, wait. He let an extremely damaging report go out that confirmed that our security failed us.

I miss him.

Quaestor said...

ARM wrote:
Providing some background on the odious Mark Steyn does not constitute trolling.

And what "background" have you provided. troll?

Darrell said...

As the bodies of the embassy dead were being unloaded after their trip home, and the maudlin spectacle was unfolding for public consumption, manufacturing the images it hopes will fill the void of unanswered questions and lies told to explain shortcomings reported by the foreign press, here’s the Tweet that went out from the President: “Winter is coming, but these sweatshirts are perfect for fall: http://OFA.BO/rj5Tns”

Thanks for reminding me, AllieOops!!!

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
Joe, you do NOT know that as a fact (Cairo), why repeat misinformation at best or lies at worst?

The same could be said of you when you wrote: Romney has NOT been vetted...

Anonymous said...

Breitbart, ok, sure great source, lmao.

bagoh20 said...

"I can't believe the bad optics of still going to Vegas."

He doesn't think it will change any votes, so why not go get that money anyway? The thing is, he's probably right. This is one reason why Obama is so much more dangerous than Romney - even if Romney gives you all kinds of fears. If Romney screws up as President he will get fired. A bunch of conservatives are not going to support him just because they feel sorry for him, or he's black, or because they can't admit they were wrong for idolizing a man. Contrary to Crack's assertions, nobody is idolizing Romney and that's healthy, and a major advantage on his side. Now, if he could just get on Chris Christie's work out.

Paco Wové said...

"Blogger AReasonableMan said...

AReasonableMan said...
Other than maligning the US as a flailing, blundering superpower he didn't seem to have a point.

Good point ARM"

Seriously? Patting yourself on the back when nobody else does? That's trolling with extra pathetic sauce, Reasonable. Or perhaps you forgot to log in to a sockpuppet account.

Naetheless - perhaps you can take one actual sourced quotation from Steyn and use it to demonstrate his "obsessive anti-Muslim bigotry".

shiloh said...

Finally someone mentions Hitler! What took you fools so long ...

edutcher said...

AllieOop said...

Where was Romney and what was he talking about while Clinton and Obama were at Andrews Air Force Base, meeting the bodies of the murdered Embassy staff?

Where was Zero while 2 former SEAL contractors were trying to keep Christopher Stevens from being murdered?

Hint: He rolled over on Moochelle.

Anonymous said...

Darrell, are you saying the President was tweeting during Hillary's speech? OMG! You all are right, he is eeeeevillll I'm voting for Romney, just for that!

Paco Wové said...

"I can't believe the bad optics of still going to Vegas."

His supporters don't care and undecideds will probably never hear about it.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Quaestor said...
The schools of thought among the Muslims break down roughly this way:

Do you actually know any Muslims personally? Based on this post my guess is that the answer to this question is no. This is all just delusional fantasy on your part. American muslims are just as patriotic as everyone else, unlike that Canadian traitor Steyn.

Foreign mulsims are also very patriotic. The limits of blind patriotism being all too evident in this case. There is no excuse for the violence against the US embassies. Obama and Clinton made this very clear. Only the willfully deaf did not hear this. Nonetheless they have a job to do, which in their view is to maintain a dialog with these countries. My view is that these countries are of extremely limited geopolitical importance to the US. Conventional wisdom begs to differ. Most of the posters on this site seem to agree with Obama and Clinton on this point.

bagoh20 said...

Allie, what would have to happen for you to not vote for Obama? There is still a few weeks to go, so be careful. You don't want to have to walk it back.

Darrell said...

I suppose you might not be able to read a date and time stamp.
And I might ask staff to delay such a frivolous message during such a solemn event if I were filling his empty chair.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Paco Wové said...
Seriously? Patting yourself on the back when nobody else does?

Lighten up Paco. Your man Romney will probably win this in the end. This isn't the movies. The poor mixed race kid doesn't get to beat the patrician rich kid in the end.

furious_a said...

Allie: ...while Clinton and Obama were at Andrews Air Force Base, meeting the bodies of the murdered Embassy staff?

Seeing as now they ignored warnings from both the Libyans and Egyptians, that's the least they could do after they finished the ritual grovelling apologies.

What does Romney wear to bed?

Probably more important question is why President Obama rolled over and went back to sleep after his 3AM call, yes? Magic underwear never left diplomatic staff to be lynched, I heard of.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Darrell said...

Obama may be a devil too, but he's he devil I know.

We've seen those movies, Allie, like End of Days. Hope you enjoyed the ride.

furious_a said...

Allie: lmao

Yes, I find it funny, too, that President Ladies' Tee parties while our embassies burn. It was rude of Gov. Romney to interrupt him during his backswing.

Anonymous said...

Bagoh, I've stated here a few times that I didn't trust Obama, he is far from perfect, I didn't even know IF I would vote for him again, but the crazy shit that commenters here have been saying the past few days is just over the top. If the rhetoric gets this crazy before the election, if outright lies and misinformation is repeated ad nauseum by commenters here, well.....honestly it just turns my stomach.

Obama may be a devil too, but he's the devil I know.

Deleted and repeated because of spelling errors, Darrell is crouching in wait....

Paco Wové said...

" Every in America where fear of the consequence of expressing and anti-jihadi opinion is the least Muslims who have denounced Al-Qaida is vanishingly small."

I would dispute the "vanishingly small" characterization, though the condemnations are rarely as robust as I would like. FYI, here's a relevant link.

Also, I thought this piece,'Middle East Expert Says Muslims Should Denounce Embassy Attacks', was pretty interesting.

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

AllieOop's "logic" causes me to reflect that it was perhaps unwise to give women the vote.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

AllieOop said...
Where was Romney and what was he talking about while Clinton and Obama were at Andrews Air Force Base, meeting the bodies of the murdered Embassy staff?

This is the hilarious part of this particular line of attack on Obama. While this is going on the serious minded Romney is off doing cheese ball interviews with the press and improbably claiming to prefer Snooki, the fat dwarf-like drunken slut, to some other no-name celebrity. And no, I have no argument with sluts, male or female.

Michael K said...

Why do we have to rely on the UK media to tell us what really is happening ? I was wondering how all those illiterate Egyptians watched the internet video.

His inflammatory chat show on satellite television has long prided itself on baiting liberals, Christians and Jews, but last week saw Sheikh Khalid Abdullah stage the broadcasting controversy of a lifetime.
The rabble-rousing Egyptian tele-Islamist knew he had found a ratings-grabber when he found an obscure, badly-made film on the internet called the Innocence of Muslims.
It had actually been online since July, but nobody had paid attention to its crude libels against the Prophet Mohammed until Mr Abdullah's show broadcast clips from it last weekend, calling for the film-makers to be executed.

Mark Steyn is about 6 foot 4, garage, I would leave him alone if I were you.

A reasonable idiot might want to check a few facts. But that would confuse him.

Aridog said...

Quaestor proposed...

Position X + 2) I disagree with all jihadists, but I fear for my life and the lives of my family. Therefore I keep silent.

Very good. As someone who lives in the center of the largest population of Arab Muslims in the United States, one that dates to 1900 or so, I 'd say that your "Postion X+2" is the most accurate.

Not one moment this week has there been a big protest or any wailing and big eyed rage, and no one, not a soul among the ordinary folks have said word one about any video. Businesses are run, garage sales go on, kids run about giggling and playing, old folks sit on porches, young folks chase after the kids, etc...and no black AQ flags are flying or posted in windows.

There is a problem with those who might choose X+3...and that is they don't really know who is Positions 1,2 or 3....and they fear it, even if they would prefer to criticize. I know that the 1,2, & 3's are here among us, just how many isn't discernable easily....except to say they make little noise. Peer pressure is part of it, and the loons at CAIR are also part of it...CAIR represents no one I know yet they get all the media attention and focus.

The leader of the largest mosque in North America came out immediately against the violence in Egypt and Libya...and his coverage is maybe page 18, bottom 10 quarter lines in inside corner....I've not heard of it on broadcast or cable news ... but I might have missed it...I've paid more attention to what my neighbors are saying and not saying.

Sadly, most of this area will vote for Obama because he tells them what they hope to here (his Muslim background. hint hint)...even if he delivers nothing. That and most Arabs even those as white, or whiter, as me, think they are not white.

Or maybe not...the X+2's may just think for themselves this time. Voting is still by secret ballot here. 10 years after 9/11 I still remember what the first Arab Muslim neighbor I saw said to me on 11 Sep 2001 when I came home from my US Army office ..."What we fled has followed us here..." Then, 10 days later, when a Federal Protective Service Officer, who was a friend and lived in the next block from me, was shot dead in the federal building lobby...there was almost the news it was not an Arab or Muslim who killed a genuinely nice guy named Ron Sheffield.

Diogenes of Sinope said...

leftists will vote for Obama no matter what he does. They are looking at the election strategically, not tactically. Which is another way to say Leftists are unprincipled. For the Left the ends justify the means.

Darrell said...

Deleted and repeated because of spelling errors, Darrell is crouching in wait....

Deleted and repeated after I commented--like you've done before. It isn't any more clever this time.

Devil getting mother/daughter sex while visiting a family of supporters in End of Days.

Paco Wové said...

From the piece I linked to in previous comment:

"It was not right for the United States to say, “We apologize.” You don’t have to apologize. If anyone needs to apologize, it’s the director of the film. It’s not the United States. Such distinctions as this are essential — the distinction between culture, politics, economy, religion and so on."

Thus echoing Synova in a previous comment thread, I believe. The person being quoted is, I think, a Lebanese Catholic, but he seems to have a better grasp of the U.S. Constitution than some Obama-bots commenting here.

Aridog said...

correction: "...11 years after 9/11..."

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

Michael K said...
Mark Steyn is about 6 foot 4, garage, I would leave him alone if I were you.

Allie Oop could beat that treasonous Canadian Nancy boy like a rented mule.

garage mahal said...

Mark Steyn is about 6 foot 4, garage

If true, I'm surprised. He always reminded me of some sort of bridge troll.

bagoh20 said...

Allie, you didn't answer the question.

Imagine something that would make you change your vote.

See I think Obama could clinch this thing pretty easily by admitting mistakes and going full reform mode with broad-based real cuts to spending. Although that's the opposite of his campaign, his supporters would still vote for him.

Even if he said: "everything I did was wrong" you guys would still vote for him. I would then have consider him seriously, but then there is his tendency to lie and break promises, and say anything to get elected, so.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
Obama may be a devil too, but he's the devil I know.

So you voted for Bush in '04?

Darrell said...

He always reminded me of some sort of bridge troll.

You have a habit of seeing others as yourself, don't you Garage?

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
AllieOop's "logic" causes me to reflect that it was perhaps unwise to give women the vote.

And some people can't understand why the Republican party underperforms with women voters.

Anonymous said...

Quaestor, if I did, I wouldn't admit it now.

Darrell said...

And some people can't understand why the Republican party underperforms with women voters.

Only the Julias and Sandra Flukes (rhymes with flucks), though, because Republicans gave women the vote--watch Boardwalk Empire. And always have the best female candidates.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

bagoh20 said...

I think Obama could clinch this thing pretty easily by going full reform mode with broad-based real cuts to spending.

That would be called the 'fiscal cliff'.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
Quaestor, if I did, I wouldn't admit it now.


SomeoneHasToSayIt said...

One of our best, Ann Coulter, has offered to give up her right to vote, if it means all other women give up theirs, too.

She gets it.

Camile Paglia does, too.

Anonymous said...

Quaestor, I was being snarky toward those of you who did vote for Bush in '04, the truth of the matter is I didn't vote in '04 , I sat it out and yes that may have been cowardly.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

SomeoneHasToSayIt said...
One of our best, Ann Coulter, has offered to give up her right to vote, if it means all other women give up theirs, too.

She gets it.

Camile Paglia does, too.

SomeoneHasToSayIt: not just giving up on the women's vote but actively trying to suppress it.

Darrell said...

One person saying something is just like the whole political party (which he may or may not belong to) saying something. Really? Nah, even you don't believe that.

Anonymous said...

AReasonableMan, yes women have taken notice and will vote accordingly.

Anonymous said...

Correction, many women, not all.

Chip S. said...

not just giving up on the women's vote but actively trying to suppress it.

Aha! Now I understand. The plan is that if women have to pay for their own birth control pills they're more likely to be incapacitated by pregnancy on election day, b/c they can't figure out how to work those credit-card-swipe thingies.

Who says the GOP are dummies? But they can't fool AReasonableFacsimileofaHuman.

Paco Wové said...

"American muslims are just as patriotic as everyone else, unlike that Canadian traitor Steyn."

Once you weed out the jihadis, that's probably true.

Still waiting for an actual critique of Steyn, rather than your usual content-free invective.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

One of our best, Ann Coulter, has offered to give up her right to vote, if it means all other women give up theirs, too.

I agree with Coulter, she probably should probably give up her right to vote. Didn't she have a problem knowing where she is supposed to vote?

But are we sure she's a woman anyway?

Who is going to be the lucky chap that vets Coulter to find out?

Darrell said...

Who is going to be the lucky chap that vets Coulter to find out?

Bill Maher, apparently. Next question. Who vetted you? You still look like a chick.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
I sat it out and yes that may have been cowardly.

Definitely craven, and unprincipled.

You have offered as your justification for support Obama to be better the devil you know than the devil you don't. If applied as a principle the consequence is this: All incumbents are the devil you know, ergo all incumbents must be re-elected.

Since you did not vote to re-elect GWB you have negated any claim you may have on principled voting.

Anonymous said...

Quaestor, yeah, whatever.

Chip S. said...

But are we sure she's a woman anyway?

garage mahal: recycling worn out "humor" for the amusement of no one but himself.

Don't forget Pam Geller! Another woman the left debates with via junior-high witticisms.

BTW, why are you so bigoted toward the TG community? H8R!

Michael K said...

A reasonable troll said:

"Allie Oop could beat that treasonous Canadian Nancy boy like a rented mule."

I don't doubt it. I've seen those feminists in action. She'd probably beat him to death with a package of contraceptives. The industrial strength ones like Sandra uses.

furious_a said...

Allie: Obama may be a devil too, but he's the devil I know.

I prefer the devil who'd choose to attend his daily Intell briefings over partying with Jay-Z and Beyonce while our embassies burn.

Anonymous said...

I vote with the good of the Country in mind, and what is best for the Country and her citizens, blindly adhering to "principle" when some folk's principle be highly flawed, does the Country no good.

Rigid adherence to ideology or flawed principle is what unthinking people do.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
[Yeah,] whatever.

So you admit to being craven and unprincipled? Interesting... This will be filed for future reference.

Darrell said...

Rigid adherence to ideology or flawed principle is what unthinking people do.

Say's the always predictable Lefty...

Darrell said...

But that confession about being unthinking wsas good for the soul, yes?

Anonymous said...

Michael K, no, a speculum would be a much more effective weapon.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop wrote:
Rigid adherence to ideology or flawed principle is what unthinking people do.

I submit that voting for Obama because Romney is an unknown devil rather than voting against the incumbent president who has done severe damage to the national economy and the nation security is a flawed principle.

Think about that, if you're able.

Michael K said...

AllieOop said...
"Michael K, no, a speculum would be a much more effective weapon."

The voice of experience.

garage mahal said...

Don't forget Pam Geller! Another woman the left debates with via junior-high witticisms.

Geller and Coulter are at junior high level intelligence. If that. How else to debate them?

Quaestor said...

garage mahal wrote:
Geller and Coulter are at junior high level intelligence. If that. How else to debate them?

So Socrates, Seneca, Marcus Aurelius, et al. were just jerking off...

Garage, you are amazingly dull-witted.

Darrell said...

How about you challenge either with an actual proctored exam, Garage?

You can use your NYT best-sellers during the test, too.

Darrell said...

Shout out "Man Hands!!!" during the test too. That'll help you.

Chip S. said...

How else to debate them?

I should think that someone of your supreme intellect could find a way. You know, explain things clearly and simply, using facts and logic.

And by "facts" I don't mean the fevered delusions you pick up at HuffPo and bring here like a dog with a dead squirrel in its mouth. Nor by "logic" do I mean shouting "liar" at anyone who disagrees with you.

Ah, forget it. Just keep posting "bridge troll" and "tranny". You're too old to change the habits of a lifetime.

David said...

It's all well to blame the press for burying the story and not asking the questions. They deserve some blame. But first the American people have to actually care about this. A very large percentage could care less. Our gal Alilie is a good example. Ultimately this does not affect her enough to look beyond her usual thought pattern. What will it take? More than a planned massacre with a humiliating corpse parade.

Anonymous said...

Quaestor, think about what he was left with when he took office, if you're able that is.

Quaestor said...

Allie Oop, garage, Reasonable all argue against Romney in terms of Romney would do this or would do that... all speculative and all based on little or no objective fact. While they ignore the Obama actual fact "has dones" among which the destructive "has dones" greatly outweight the beneficial "has dones"

(The only "has dones" Obama's surrogates like to mention can be summed up by Slow Joe's famous General Motors is alive and Bin Laden is dead bleat. Won't be hearing that one again, methinks.)

Darrell said...

think about what he was left with when he took office, if you're able that is.

Now think of the shit mountain he will inherit if he gets elected. Five times high than Everest! Wow!
Better head to Hawaii now and that $35 million home.

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