September 6, 2012

"I credit the power of Matt Drudge. Reaching out, godlike, from a condo in Florida to change the course of the Democratic National Convention."

Says Instapundit, spotlighting Drudge's spotlight on the Democrats who "booed putting God back."

Now, the Democrats weren't actually booing God. They were booing the way the vote was done, which was to call for ayes and nays over and over in the hope of getting what could plausibly be declared two-thirds "aye." That never happened, with 3 voice votes, so L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa simply announced that the ayes had it. They obviously didn't. So I'd say boo to that too.

Moving beyond the superficial spectacle of Democrats kinda-sorta booing God, let's look at the Democrats supposed dedication to counting all the votes and denial that we need to worry about voting fraud. This was out-and-proud vote fraud.

God is watching. And so was everyone else. Because it was on television. And now it's viral video.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Democrats need vote fraud. It's their only hope.

Comanche Voter said...

Vilaragosa (heck I live in Los Angeles and still have trouble spelling this shyster's name) was following orders. Obama had decreed (after getting nudged by Drudge) to put those things back in the platform. There could have been dead silence on the "ayes" part, and Antonio would have ruled that the "ayes have it".

It was a funny sight though.

test said...

This is a refinement from 2000. Then their policy was to count every Democratic vote. Now it's count every vote our leadership agrees with.

Wince said...

" L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa simply announced that the ayes had it. They obviously didn't. So I'd say boo to that too."

"Let's finish this damn thing."

wyo sis said...

It was funny and sort of sad.
But, it certainly makes the Republican's day.
It's always entertaining to see dishonesty acted out so visibly.

Matt Sablan said...

Hey, at least this time around, they didn't do anything funky with their delegates like Michigan/Florida last time around. This was just a straight up "screw you."

Lyssa said...

And now it's viral video.

And if the Republicans don't make sure that it's the first thing that even the most poorly informed voter thinks of when they think of the DNC, then they don't deserve to win.

paminwi said...

Hey, the preordained vote result was already in the teleprompter so there was no other way this vote could have come out!

The Crack Emcee said...

Says Instapundit, spotlighting Drudge's spotlight on the Democrats who "booed putting God back."

Now, the Democrats weren't actually booing God.

And, as usual, Glenn wasn't actually telling the truth.

All hail the ethically challenged:

Hail! Hail! With a Michael Jackson fist bump!

Brian Brown said...

Clinton's speech was so successful!

CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) -- President Barack Obama is expected to lay out his vision for a second term, even as advisers say they don't anticipate a big bounce in the polls following the Democratic National Convention.

By the way, I love the swooning over Clinton by the Democrats. It reminds you that Obama isn't really that great a speaker and Obama doesn't really support any of the same policies Clinton did.

Sydney said...

That's what struck me about that video, too. It was like what happens in our church when our deacon is trying to get the American Catholics to behave like holy rollers. He keeps asking us over and over again to say "Amen" until we say it loud enough for him.

Honestly, how can you expect them to act with integrity when it comes to a secret ballot when they can not act with integrity with an open vote, even among themselves.

Bob Ellison said...

The thing is, the left is accustomed to vote fraud. They know it exists, they project it on the other side (see Bush v. Gore), they do it themselves first of all, they do it again in supposed retaliation, and they think it's inevitable.

This story won't matter to anyone not on the right. It stinks to high heaven, but leftists won't smell it.

ricpic said...

So am I to take away from Althouse's whitewash that rank and file Dems hate unfairness and love God?

virgil xenophon said...

Slightly OT, but why has no one commented yet on Clinton's obvious face-lift?
My wife the RN even picked out the surgical line on his scalp during a close-up. Looks like they did a little nose-work, too.
All doubters have to do is compare last-nite's taut, smooth visage to the loose, lumpy and saggy visage of but a few months ago. "You didn't do that, Bill" (i.e., with strenuous work-outs, etc.) "somebody else did that." LOL.

Matt Sablan said...

A lot of the claims about "booing God" are, in part, tweaking the left after they accused people shouting down Ron Paul supporters as actually being racists and trying to shout down a minority speaker.

Most of the folks understand that it was being upset over the railroading. But, from what I saw on Twitter, most of them saw no reason to give the benefit of the doubt to the left when it is routinely denied to the right.

Democrats set the tone for how combative the conventions should be, and Republicans decided to join them at their level instead of aiming higher.

But, hey. It'll make a neat ad.

roesch/voltaire said...

I give Obama credit for stepping in to change an item in the platform. Still this is a small issue as the Dem platform has a long section on the importance of faith and includes as many references to God as does our constitution.

Sloanasaurus said...

This DNC is clearly the convention that took God and Jerusalem out of the mainstream of Democratic thought. Im not sure where that takes us. But it makes stuff like aborting babies at 8 1/2 months, letting the mid east go up in flames, or relegating people to food stamps for the rest of their lives (to get their votes) a lot easier on the conscience.

campy said...

Democrats need vote fraud. It's their only hope.

Yep, and they know it, and they are prepared to do whatever it takes this Nov.

You know that slogan you sometimes see on righty blogs? "If it's not close, they can't steal it"? Yeah, forget that. This crowd is ready and willing to steal it even if the vote goes 70-30 for Mittens. Maybe 75-25. And with Holder at justice, who's going to stop them?

We're doomed.

Matt Sablan said...

R/V: You are aware that Obama had previously OK'ed the platform to begin with, right? He had to double back and change what he had previously approved because it had such negative backlash. Sort of like he had to disown the "belong to government" video. Obama's not been doing a very good job of "owning" the convention messaging in the way Romney was.

AllenS said...

"It doesn't matter who votes, it matters who counts the votes" -- Joe Stalin

ricpic said...

roeschi must have been assigned damage control by his overlords.

MathMom said...

Who will stop them? WE THE PEOPLE.

Volunteer to help us at, and help us keep the zombies in their graves!

Shouting Thomas said...

They were booing God.

john said...

AllenS - Your new avatar looks good on you. Did you get a little nip and tuck there?

Shouting Thomas said...

I am reminded, however, of a conversation I had with Father Rod, the Laughing Priest.

I told him that I was angry with God.

He said... "It's OK. God can take it!"

MayBee said...

Isn't it funny to see Obama embracing Clinton? Four years ago, Obama was doing to Bill Clinton what he's currently doing to Romney:
criticized his economic record, painted him as a racist, used his surrogates to call him a liar.

It all demonstrates how Obama smears his opponents however he sees fit. Why should anybody listen to his opinion about Romney or Ryan?

Jason said...

I have every confidence that absentee votes from servicemembers stationed abroad will be held sacrosanct.

Tom Spaulding said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tom Spaulding said...

Debbie Wasserman-Schultz convinced me during the RNC that the candidate himself is 100% responsible for the party platform, every comma, period and coat-hanger.

She is the Voice of the DNC.

Therefore, by her own standards, Barack Obama is 100% responsible for the DNC platform that excluded God and Israel.

Da Debster called both omissions "technical".

Anonymous said...

I give Obama credit for stepping in to change an item in the platform. Still this is a small issue as the Dem platform has a long section on the importance of faith and includes as many references to God as does our constitution.

R/V: Wait a minute. It's a "small issue" therefore the rules don't apply when Lord Obama intervenes from on high via Villaraigosa to reverse an actual voice vote from the floor?

Do any rules or principles matter to your side?

I can only imagine the scorn you would (rightly) heap upon Republicans had they behaved similarly at their convention.

Is there any reason we should not understand you and the Democratic leadership as anything other than amoral hypocrites lusting for power?

AllenS said...

No nips or tucks, John, but I'm about 15 pounds lighter in the new picture, and I'm now, about 10 lighter than that. The new me.

traditionalguy said...

They were booing the Jewish State's control over Jerusalem. Which is the heart of all conflict in the world today.

It's not the West Bank or the Gaza Strip, or the Sinai. It's who rules in Jerusalem.

And Barack Obama wants to be the Ruler who decides that question.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The Elisabeth Warren (the strongest) wing of the Democrat Party is all about making things appear the way they are not.

Kudos to Drudge.

edutcher said...

As Matthew notes, Zero had approved the original language - or at least ticked off "No God" on his checklist.

That Drudge made him jump is testament to the fact they really are that scared.

PS If you listen to the tape, the vote's clearly even.

No majority.

God, this is turning into a mess.

Sixty Bricks said...

God is watching - That's a laugh.

traditionalguy said...

And kudos to Anderson Cooper who calmly stood his ground and called DWS's claptrap an "alternate universe."

Andre said...

Everytime a Democrat points out (correctly) they weren't really booing God, the Republicans can say "You're right, they were booing being railroaded in their attempts to *vote* against God."

You have to be pretty deep in the weeds to think that somehow plays better with voters.

Sloanasaurus said...

How can we expect Democrats to follow the laws they pass, when they don't even follow their own rules. This is reminiscent of Obama's annoucing he will not enforce various laws.

Matt Sablan said...

I want to know what DWS did to Anderson Cooper that has made him take the kid gloves off when dealing with her. He has been super harsh and down on her the last few weeks. Did she kill his puppy?

Tom Spaulding said...

DWS= Dissembling What's Said


test said...

ricpic said...
So am I to take away from Althouse's whitewash that rank and file Dems hate unfairness and love God?

Maybe it's closer to say they hate unfairness among themselves.

edutcher said...

rsb said...

God is watching - That's a laugh.

Watch what happens to the Demos this Fall.

None of this is happening by accident.

Andre said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
test said...

Tom Spaulding said...
Debbie Wasserman-Schultz convinced me during the RNC that the candidate himself is 100% responsible for the party platform, every comma, period and coat-hanger.

She is the Voice of the DNC.

From Mediate....Following this afternoon’s ordeal, during which the Democratic Party’s platform was amended to include “God” and mention that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, Anderson Cooper turned to DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz for her response, incredulously deeming that she was in an “alternate universe.”

Bagdad Debbie.

I reiterate that her qualification for the job is her comfort being seen an idiot on national TV. Her extensive experience with the part probably came in handy.

Bob Ellison said...

And now it's viral video.

It doesn't seem viral on the Interwebs. Fox News is playing it heavily today, but elsewhere, it's pretty quiet.

Here's the video.

test said...

Matthew Sablan said...
I want to know what DWS did to Anderson Cooper that has made him take the kid gloves off when dealing with her. He has been super harsh and down on her the last few weeks. Did she kill his puppy?

She's costing Obama votes.

Bob Ellison said...

This debacle could, instead, be used to debase Robert's Rules. That would be a good thing. It's a laughable way to run a meeting, yet we require public meetings to be run this way. This is part of why Americans hate Congress.

campy said...

Who will stop them? WE THE PEOPLE.

That's cute.

dreams said...

This election makes me feel like I do when I'm watching my favorite sports team about to win a game, anxious for the end of the game.
The Dems had some stupid turnovers last night, unforced errors that can only help Romney-Ryan come Nov.
The booing of Jerusalem and God debacle for the whole country to see, no way the liberal media can spin that away. Plus, Bill Clinton's speech was a reminder of how undisciplined he has always been as was his administration and it ran over his allotted time by almost twenty minutes which wasn't helpful. And it was in keeping with my theory that he doesn't really want to help Obama but rather advance Hillery's 2016 presidency chances.

Below are a couple of quotes from Jennifer Rubin of what she thought of Wednesday night at the DNC.

"Wednesday was a wonderful political day for Republicans. Let’s recap. The day started off with the flap over platform language. That in turn led to the spectacle of Democratic delegates booing the vote to put back Jerusalem and God back into the platform. It was even in the eyes of the most Obama-sympathetic media a horrid disruption, signaling both incompetence and hostility to things that many if not most Americans hold dear. The news got worse as Politico reported that the president had signed off on the platform sans God and Jerusalem."

"Mostly, it seemed that Bill was paving the way for a potential Hillary presidential run. He talked fondly of her, of course, and gave a passing and remarkably vague defense of Obama’s foreign policy. He did not mention Israel."

Roger J. said...

AllenS--you look great man--thats what clean living does for you!

The Drill SGT said...

I don't think they were booing G_d, but they were clearly booing the Israel part.

They also didn't like the do it, till you get it right part. but there were a bunch of no votes on round 1, maybe 40%, climbing to 55% by round 3

Roger J. said...

As noted above with respect to Catholic church. Works the same way with Southern Baptists. The congregation assembled was to vote on issuing call to a new pastor. The Deacon in charge said all in favor say aye. The ayes rang out. All opposed say nay. one very strong nay rang out. The Deacon surveyed the situation and after a pause said, "the decision being unanimous said, the ayes have it."

The Drill SGT said...

Beyond the administrative disaster, it makes them look like hypocrits on multiple levels.

- last week, DWS told us that Romney was accountable for every phrase

- this week, Durbin says, the platform is long, nobody reads it, nobody cares

- yesterday, DWS says Obama approved the platform, then

- yesterday, DWS says Obama says the platform is flawed and must be changed.

The G-d part, who cares, but the Israel stuff reflects a party that is deeply divided about continuing support for those jooos, but wants their money. And Obama clearly doesnt think Jerusalam is the capital. Just ask Jay Carney....

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

This incident is further illustration that Woodwards book is onto something.

Nobody is in charge at the White House... the place runs like Saudi Arabia.. a hodgepodge of smaller kingdoms all vying for more power.

george said...

Obama does everything half-assed and by fiat.

That is how things are always done in banana republics.

Kirk Parker said...

Bob E.,

So what would you replace Robert's Rules with?

SPImmortal said...

The left is moving in an ugly direction, reminiscent of the leftist ideology of Europe that have left much of that countinent a disfunctional mess.

I predict the left in America will begin their assault on free speech within the next decade.

We've already seen the beginings of that with the Democrat assault on Chik-Fil-A. That was a trial run, a testing of the waters.

LarryK said...

Headline: Bill Clinton calls Black man a Burning Sex Fiend!

Oh wait, that would be the headline if a Republican sent out this dog whistle about our smoky, smoldering Sovereign....

campy said...

I predict the left in America will begin their assault on free speech within the next decade.

Been asleep a while, have you?

Tom Spaulding said...

Ask not For Whom the Shill Polls, He Polls For Thee:

Fahrenheit 538

(Nate) Silver's work, and his lucid explanations had enormous appeal to, in particular, Barack Obama's legion of supporters, to whom he delivered the (accurate) news that the polls were on balance right, and their guy was likely to win. (Silver supported Obama but said his sympathies had no impact on his work.)

His work also, it turns out, drew the attention of the Obama campaign. Sasha Issenberg's new book on the science of politics, The Victory Lab reports that Silver's data-centric approach and skepticism of other media's — as the Obama campaign saw it — unsophisticated take on state polls won him an "obsessive following" in Obama's Chicago headquarters.

Obama's polling analysts, Issenberg writes, wanted to test their internal polls against Silver's model. And so — in an unusual step for the closely-held campaign, and for the analyst, who was then running his own website, — the Obama campaign offered Silver access to thousands of its own internal polls, on the condition Silver sign a confidentiality agreement, which he did. (Silver, who now writes a widely-read blog for the New York Times declined to comment on the arrangement.)

"We wanted a little external validation that what we were seeing is what was actually going on," Michael Simon, a former Obama aide, told Issenberg.

...from BuzzFeed

Methadras said...

All this proved is how Democrats operate. They don't care about the content, just how they can manipulate the outcome. Hey, Elizabeth Warren, I don't see your finger point back in your direction, fake-o-hauntus.

Sloanasaurus said...

Obma will surely lose this election. According to Real Clear Politics, Obama's approval rating is at 47%, and he is underwater on disapproval. That includes MSM polls of only registered voters showing him at 46-47%. IN fact Obama has been under 50% for several years. There is no way he is going to crawl above that average now in the last two months. Even Bush in 2004 was hovering around 50%. Obama is 3% on average lower than Bush.

gerry said...

Aren't Dems focused on outcome-based bullshit?

Par for the course.

shiloh said...

"power of Drudge"

hmm, preaching to the choir! The only time I hear about him is when Althouse is pandering/kowtowing to her 90/10 flock.

Daily to be sure, but Althouse herself is preaching to her choir ...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I want to echo the Allen S new pic.

I didnt recognise who that was.

You look marvelous Allen.. nice smile.. good to hear you are in good heath.

Seeing Red said...

--President Barack Obama is expected to lay out his vision for a second term, even as advisers say they don't anticipate a big bounce in the polls following the Democratic National Convention.--

So the bounce will be sold as "You really like him!"

So R/V thinks telling the Jews what the Dem party thinks of 1 of their concerns is a "small issue."

As long as their pocketbooks stay closed, I'm fine with that.

AllenS said...

Unfortunately, Lem, I lost all that weight by not drinking beer.

Fen said...

Why its the Democrat Party, not Democratic.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

LOL, I love the current picture on Drudge of Clinton holding his finger in the air with the caption "You Will Feel It".

john said...

Unfortunately, Lem, I lost all that weight by not drinking beer.

Of all the normal accepted ways of losing weight and looking good, you choose to give up beer. AllenS. From Wisconsin.

john said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

" L.A. mayor Antonio Villaraigosa simply announced that the ayes had it. They obviously didn't. So I'd say boo to that too."

Really? If you'd been in the audience, voted "aye", and then have the chair announce that "the ayes have it", you would have boo'd because you thought he was wrong?

Now, I can believe that you wouldn't cheer your side dishonestly "winning", but you'd boo?

Remember, these are the Democrats, the people who say "it's not over until we've won."

No, they weren't booing their dishonest leadership, they were booing God and Jerusalem.

The will, and should, end up in some ads. Because it's a lose-lose for the Democrats. Either the delegates are booing because the Democrat Party leadership is dishonest and engages in vote fraud, or the Democrat delegates are booing because they hate God and Israel.

Both are, after all, true. Neither shows the Democrats in the light they like to show.

SPImmortal said...

"power of Drudge"

hmm, preaching to the choir! The only time I hear about him is when Althouse is pandering/kowtowing to her 90/10 flock.

Daily to be sure, but Althouse herself is preaching to her choir ...


Drudge has 14 million unique visitors a month. the website has a huge reach, it's not just "preaching to the choir."

You seriously don't know anything about anything.

Matt Sablan said...

"You will feel it" -- -So- many people snarkily tweeted that last night. I was one of them.

Bob Ellison said...

Kirk Parker, good question. Robert's Rules probably work well for small groups (let's say <20) of mutually respectful individuals that are actually trying to make compromises and group decisions.

It works not at all in a group like the DNC, or in the US House or Senate, where the rules are mere window-dressing for what really goes on behind/before the public discussion.

Most "meetings" are really just presentations. People in groups larger than about three don't meet in order to discuss options; they meet in order for one to tell the others what's what.

I don't know what would serve better in such circumstances. I'd start by saying the DNC, for example, should not pretend to be a policy-choosing, word-deciding body. Hah!

SGT Ted said...

They were booing both.

They voted to remove God from the platform. When their votes were overruled, they booed.

So, they were booing both the vote fraud AND the reason for it, which was to reinsert a reference to God. Not to mention booing Israel for the same reasons.

Bender said...

Now, the Democrats weren't actually booing God.

I've seen this wholly specious argument made elsewhere.

Even if they were not "booing" God, the overwhelming majority of Democrats there were loudly saying "NO!" to God.

It is a distinction without a difference.

The question is why make this distinction? Why give Dems any cover here? They said NO. And if that is what they said, then they should stand by that, rather than have people come and explain it away with obfuscations.

Matt Sablan said...

The difference is: "I do not think we should change the platform to include X" as opposed to booing X. It's a very fine distinction, but one worth making.

The Drill SGT said...

note what they didn't put back in on the Israeli issue. The absences say alot.

- Hamas are terrorist a$$holes
- there is no right of return of descents of Palestinians into Israel. their return is to the new state of Palestine
- the 1949 borders are not the basis for a permanent peace

Obama apparently rejects these three statements, since he only put back the Capital.

If I were Jewish, I would have issues about the trend

PatCA said...

Typical leftist organizational tactics.

I'm sure the whole sorry episode will be airbrushed out of their archives.

Bender said...

In this context, the "boo" was just another way of saying "no." There is no substantive difference between the two.

They were not booing the procedural game of leadership ramming something down people throats against their wishes. Playing fast and loose with the rules is what the Dems do. How do you think the entire Dem agenda got passed?

The "booing" was merely saying "NO" by another name, but even emphatically than they had in the voice votes or in the removal of God from the platform in the first instance.

Alex said...

r/v doesn't care about democracy. Whatever the party lords decide is fine with him. The nays had it, but screw them.

Bryan C said...

"President Barack Obama, Villaraigosa said, took “decisive action” when he realized God and Jerusalem had been left out of the party platform."

1. Read nothing.
2. Do nothing.
3. Deny the obvious.
4. Blame everyone else.
5. Rig the vote.


Saint Croix said...

They were booing God.

No, no, let's be fair. Some of them were booing the Jews.

Anonymous said...

"Saint Croix said...

"They were booing God.

"No, no, let's be fair. Some of them were booing the Jews."

No, no, they weren't saying "boo", the were saying "Jew". /Woody Allen

I'd like to thank Barack Obama, the DNC leadership, and the DNC delegates, for forgetting the first rules of holes: when you're in one, stop digging.

It is nice to know there are at least as many self-destructive idiots among the Dem delegates as among the Rep delegates. It's even nicer to know the Dems' self-destructive idiots are more politically destructive than the Republican ones. (See rep fight over not letting someone claim to be a candidate's delegate, when the candidate would prefer someone else to be his / her delegate.)

cubanbob said...

And don't forget federally funded abortions. That was left in.
Gonna over really well with Evengelicals and Catholics.

Matt Sablan said...

So, was it a gutsy call when he approved taking it out or putting it back in?

eddie willers said...

Then Jesus answered, "Will you really lay down your life for me? I tell you the truth, before the rooster crows, you will disown me three times!

John 13:38

Anonymous said...

ahhh Drudge: ....and who disguised as clark kent, mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, fights a neverend battle against truth, justice, and the American way!

The Godfather said...

Yeah, but doesn't what the Dem leadership did make you mad as Hell?

Look, I don't care what the Dems put in their platform. I don't care what the Reps put in theirs. It's all eyewash. We've had four years to figure out how Obama acts as president toward religious freedom and toward Israel. If you care about those issues, then the record is what counts, not the platform.

But the blatant suppression of democratic process, stomping on the expressed will of the supposed representatives of the party members -- that was truly disgusting. And this is from the party that accuses Republicans of "voter suppression" for supporting voter ID laws.

hombre said...

Althouse: Now, the Democrats weren't actually booing God. They were booing the way the vote was done ....

Baloney! The more logical call is that they were booing the result, which was to insert God and Jerusalem back into the platform. Thus, they were booing God and Jerusalem.

That the chair cheated to get there may have amplified the boos, but it is probable the boos would have followed a fair "aye" vote as well. The lib anti-God, anti-Jew bigots hate to lose whether by fair means or foul.

Badger Pundit said...

Glenn's comment about Drudge "reaching out like the hand of God" reminded me of a classic Star Trek episode, “Who Mourns for Adonis?”:

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