September 10, 2012

At the Crosswalk Café...


... quit straggling.


Scott said...

Tomorrow is Tuesday, September 11.

Has the country changed?

Tim said...

"Has the country changed?"

The longer it's been, the less the nation seems to have changed.


Kirby Olson said...

BHO got OBL but I still don't watch HBO.

Aridog said...

BHO did not get OBL...all he did was take the report.

Scott said...

One thing that has changed, at least in NYC, is that the rate of violent crime has gone way down. Maybe it's the result of modern data-driven police methods; but I think the enormity of the terrorist act against the city caused something of a psychic shift in the level of passion that people have for living. It knocked the wind out of the city. It made people's ardor for anything trivial. It was the triumph of nihilism over spirit. And I think New York will never get it back completely.

kjbe said...

So you checked out some of the Ironman, yesterday?

Lyssa said...

There was a big to-do in the "feminism" world a while back about how young women are rejecting calling themselves femnists (the new Yahoo CEO refused to call herself one, for example).

I keep thinking that I should start a blog or a tumblr or something collecting all the reasons why ambitious and intelligent young women wouldn't want to be associated with what is commonly called feminism. For example, Naomi Wolf and her stupid vagina book.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Tomorrow is Tuesday, September 11.
Has the country changed?

I recall at the time Bush said things that seemed to discourage change..

He said things like... go and buy things... to the incredulous dismay of some.

Doris Kearns Goodwin, for instance, was on Meet the Press recounting how FDR prepared the country and asked for sacrifice... sacrifice.

At the time I didn't translate what she was saying the way I do today... by sacrifice she meant raise taxes and grow the government.. and unfortunately, the growth in government did come, in the name of a behemoth called Home Land Security.

Bob Ellison said...

Lem, DKG went on TV after the stock market crashed and said Joe Biden didn't hesitate to put people back in chains to bring the economy back.

Nathan Alexander said...

Akin's comment that got him hot water was around 21 August, right?

Check out the polling returns from Missouri:

8/22 McCaskill +10
8/22-23 McCaskill +9
8/23 McCaskill +2
8/28-29 McCaskill +1

Looks like Akin's gamble (that after thinking about it, the Culture of Death hype about the gaffe was far worse than the gaffe itself) may pay off.

People are forgetting the comment and remembering that McCaskill voted for Obamacare, and has been a pretty lousy Senator overall...

If Akin wins, that would be a kick in the collective pro-abortion progressive butt, wouldn't it?

Sydney said...

Speaking of polls, I see a lot of hyperventilating about the Obama/Romney polls in the news/blogosphere. Some people are saying that the polls showing Obama ahead are disinformation being spread by the media/Obama complex. I don't get how that helps them. When I hear that Obama is ahead, it makes me want to go out and campaign for Romney. Doesn't it make the underdog want to try harder?

Sydney said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hagar said...

Doris Goodwin will say almost anything.

Actually, I do not think FDR asked for sacrifice. Given the situation the country was in, they had about all the sacrifice they could deal with at the time without asking for more.

test said...

sydney said...
Some people are saying that the polls showing Obama ahead are disinformation being spread by the media/Obama complex. ...Doesn't it make the underdog want to try harder?

Many if not most people are only casually interested in politics. It makes these people less likely to vote.

Hagar said...

FDR's campaign song was "Happy Days are Here Again;" he was trying to strike an upbeat note.
This sacrifice bit is a mantra of today's "progrssives," not the Roosevelt Democrats.

Sorun said...

I was just thinking this today with the dishwasher pacs, "Mmm, they look minty."
Schumer tempted to eat ‘delicious’ laundry detergent

WTF with New York politicians.

edutcher said...

From that picture, it looks like, if you straggle, you may fall in a hole.

sydney said...

Speaking of polls, I see a lot of hyperventilating about the Obama/Romney polls in the news/blogosphere. Some people are saying that the polls showing Obama ahead are disinformation being spread by the media/Obama complex. I don't get how that helps them. When I hear that Obama is ahead, it makes me want to go out and campaign for Romney. Doesn't it make the underdog want to try harder?

Most of the polls are skewed toward the Demos, so you have to look under the hood.

Registered voters favor the Demos, likely favors the Republicans.

BTW, for those interested, here's the story of how Axelrod leaned on Gallup.

Brian O'Connell said...

By "sacrifice," what people mean is that you should do what they they wanted you to do all along. When Dems said it after 9/11, they meant pay more in taxes.

This is not unlike the 2009 stimulus bill, where what they deemed as stimulative happened to be what they wanted to spend taxpayer money on all along, for the previous 10 or 15 years, but couldn't get through.

They really laced into GWB for saying "go shopping" after 9/11, which on the face of it does sound silly and selfish. But anyone with a 6th grade understanding of the economy would realize why he said that, and why it wasn't silly and selfish. But they still repeat this as a criticism on MSNBC and other less than reputable places to this day.

machine said...

Dick "Genius" Morris...hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah....

Who does the Genius pick this time?

Rusty said...

I been gone fer awhile. What I miss?

kristinintexas said...

Lyssa, I would read that blog.

campy said...

When I hear that Obama is ahead, it makes me want to go out and campaign for Romney.

Undecideds tend to go for the one they think's going to win. Tell them Zero is ahead and maybe it'll become true.

kristinintexas said...

In other news, my husband and I are having our first baby! I'm due March 24th. Yay :)

Sydney said...

Congratulations KristininTexas

Michael K said...

"Doris Kearns Goodwin, for instance, was on Meet the Press recounting how FDR prepared the country and asked for sacrifice... sacrifice.

At the time I didn't translate what she was saying the way I do today... by sacrifice she meant raise taxes and grow the government"

No, she meant writing your own stuff. It's much easier to plagiarize, like she did.

ricpic said...

Scott - I left the city before 9/11 and it never fails to stun me that after 9/11 there has been an almost furious energy applied to reclaiming marginal neighborhoods in both Manhattan and the outer boroughs. Williamsburg is the outstanding example in Brooklyn, followed by Greenpoint and even a wreck like Bushwick. In Manhattan the building of the Hi-Line has reopened what was once a warehouse district on the westside and the Hi-Line's terminus, the Meatpacking District, is now a world class tourist destination. There are plans to build an entire city in the west 30's over abandoned rail lines. In Queens Long Island City has been reclaimed. So I can't agree with you about New Yorkers lacking ardor. It makes no sense to me in that the city remains terribly vulnerable to muzzie terrorists but there's no arguing with the facts on the ground.

Lem Vibe Banditory said... husband and I are having our first baby

I would only advice not to have him all in one sitting...

kristinintexas said...

Thanks, Lem! My very first piece of unsolicited baby advice. ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just couldn't pass it up ;)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Congratulations btw.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Englishman Murray has a two set lead at the US Open tennis championship..

Should he win it will be the first Englishmen to win the Open in over 70 years..

Like Biden says "its a big fucking deal".

ricpic said...

And Pippa will be able to crow "Pip, pip, cheerio and all that rot."

ricpic said...

Actually Pippa will pipe up not crow. How disrespectful of me.

Synova said...

I got a ride home from town with my son. It was early enough that I took a nap.

I had a dream.

Obama was in it. We were going somewhere to find someone but on the way we stopped at some schools. So at the first school I quick set up an appearance for Obama with the Air Force ROTC and it went great. After it was over I realized I never told the Army ROTC about it so they missed the whole thing. Then we went to the next school and this was for younger kids. Obama did everything I told him to. We were having a great time and laughing. Dream-like, rainbow toe socks were involved. I started to realize that everyone was probably going to be surprised that I wasn't going to vote for him. Right before I woke up I told him. He was mad.

Anonymous said...

Well Synova, can ya blame him? After all that fun and bonding?

Synova said...

Grats Kristin!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Check that.. Murray is Scottish... and now he is only up one set.

Chip Ahoy said...

So far I have 12 rather interesting vintage bottles and the most interesting yet to come so I think that's enough for now, although at the car wash I passed recycling bins and there was a Perrier bottle on top I almost reached in and took that but it has a flat bottom, but I can deal with a flat bottom. Marbles, like bubbles.

Imagine an upside down Perrier bottle with five or so little glass fish swimming around it in a circle.

I should go back there and get that bottle.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its all tied at two sets all.

Murray up a break in the final set.

Kirby Olson said...

If Romney wins in November, I had an idea for his coronation song. He could stop pretending not to be Mormon and bring out Donny Osmond who could sing the finale of Joseph and his Amazing Technicolored Dreamcoat. The amazing loveliness of Osmond's voice cannot be denied. It would be the dawn of a new innocence in America: something we've awaited for decades, as Osmond refused every trashy offer to play druggies and pimps for cheap laughs and remained true to his principles. I love his voice in this song. (It corresponds with the ending of Genesis which is also the beginning of the promise of God to Israel, meaning that Romney will grant that country safe passage, which Obama would not do?)

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Murray is up two love.. thats 2 to nuthing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And Murray breaks him a second time to go up three love in the final set!

Ladies And Gentlemen..

Patrick said...

Awesome news, Kristin! Hope you remain comfortable and all goes well.

Chip Ahoy said...

I've felt a need to connect with a nearby mechanic, one that I can walk home from, and there is one nearby but I've been afraid to go in there and I have avoided the place until today.

It is small and it is tucked in a triangle of two busy streets. The access looks tight, and it's within the so-called Golden Triangle surrounded by tall posh apartments, so probably not inexpensive.

I had to make an appointment!

Turns out, the place was kind of quiet, two people but I only saw the owner who took a shine in a way that was unusual and he was exceeding receptive to mild joking around. I told him I washed the truck before I brought it in, which was true, but I added, so that you guys wouldn't get your hands dirty. Because that wouldn't do.

I live right up the hill, When you call, I'll put on skates and roll straight down.

Is 15% tip customary?

Droll, I know that, but the thing is, he thought all that was hilarious and was eager to engage.

Anyway, much good jesting and joking around followed that, as someone happy to make new friends. Now my truck is all winterized and all caught up and it runs great plus I have a totally new attitude about that place.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Murray gives one back.. hes up 3 - 1 now.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Whats going here?

Murray had him by the you know what.

Murray up 3 - 2.. final set.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

And then Murray finds a magical touch and serves fives aces to go up 4 - 2.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Murray breaks him again!

What a match.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The name if the other player is Djokivic.. you will understand if I rather not venture at spelling it on every comment..

Anyways. Dj is on an injury break.. kid you not.

Murray serves for the championship.. up 5 to 2.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Match point.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Scotsman Andy Murray prevails.. to win the US Open.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Howbout that.. the Scottish Bond was in the stands.

David said...

Nice going Andy Murray. Looks like the Olympics were no fluke.

wyo sis said...

Congratulations. For your second piece of advice I offer this... Ignore all advice. (except this)

XRay said...

Perhaps there is some sensibility left in the world... until the Supremes rule that is.

Paddy O said...

Congrats kristinintexas!

Our first baby turned 5 months old yesterday. A wonderful delight, to be sure!

Rialby said...

From Barbara Bellar, MD, running for Congress from IL:

So let me get this straight, we’re going to be gifted with a healthcare plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which puportedly covers at least 10 million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted social security and medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and and financed by a country that’s broke. So, what the *blank* could possibly go wrong?

Paddy O said...

We watched The Conspirator for the first time the other night. It is now free with Amazon Prime Video.

Anyhow, I liked it. Pretty slow-paced, mostly courtroom drama, set in 1865. Covers the trial of the conspirators in Lincoln's assassination. Mostly focusing on the defense of Mary Surrat.

Very thoughtful and interesting. No doubt the timing and the producer being Robert Redford suggests more political intent for our present day, but it's pretty low key with that and tells a good story. The ending certainly suggests that the political and legal issues involved with terror are not so straightforward.

I'd never heard of the movie until it showed up on a list of new movies on Amazon.

Anyone else see it?

bagoh20 said...

The DNC convention provided some very revealing video of the attendees. There was the one of people calling for the banning or limiting of corporate profit, and then the John Stewart one of people explaining the inclusiveness of the Democratic party. That one is hilarious, especially the line by one guy who explains that his tolerance would prevent him from ever "calling a redneck a name." And another guy explains that the dems welcome everyone, "except white males". Wonderful stuff.

ken in tx said...

Synova, I have Air Force dreams two or three times a week. I dream I am in the wrong uniform or in the wrong place. I have been out of the Air Force since 94. I also have dreams in which I can't remember where my next class is. I have been out of graduate school since 2004. Every time I wake up, it is a relief.

Simon said...

I have a link for Synova; I recall promising to send it when it was finished the last time that we talked religion here. It may be of interest to Catholic Althousians, but most of you will find it intolerably boring "inside baseball." Anyway, sorry to be absent lately; everything is busy.

Bob Ellison said...

Best of luck, Kristin! We need more good humans.

ad hoc said...

Ken in SC,

I read somewhere that examination dreams (late for a test, can't find the class, etc.) persist into middle age. You could probably lump military service into that category as well.

That may be one of the benefits of graduation or commencement ceremonies; they provide a memory to relieve the anxiety of that dream.

Synova said...

Thank you Simon.

Peter Hoh said...

Ah, yes. Dick Morris and the "secret" polls that the MSM won't tell you about. But he will, if you sign up for his monthly newsletter.

Peter Hoh said...

Kristin, congrats. My only advice: enjoy the baby stage while it lasts. It goes by quickly, even though it doesn't seem that way at the time.

Tim said...

""So let me get this straight, we’re going to be gifted with a healthcare plan we are forced to purchase, and fined if we don’t, which purportedly covers at least 10 million more people, without adding a single new doctor, but provides for 16,000 new IRS agents, written by a committee whose chairman says he doesn’t understand it, passed by a congress that didn’t read it but exempted themselves from it, and signed by a president who smokes, with funding administered by a treasury chief who didn’t pay his taxes, for which we will be taxed for four years before any benefits take effect, by a government which has already bankrupted social security and medicare, all to be overseen by a surgeon general who is obese and and financed by a country that’s broke. So, what the *blank* could possibly go wrong?"

The ongoing provider shortage, made worse by Obama-care, exposes the lie of Obama-care (that it will, simultaneously [Magically!!] reduce costs, improve care and expand coverage).

This idiocy, utterly predictable (didn't any of you Obama voters realize "health care reform" was Job 1 under an Obama presidency?), equally exposes the foolishness of voting for Obama (thinking that voting for Obama would force him and the Dems to take responsibility in the WOT - really?! - was a facile delusion), could have been avoided had any appreciable amount of the 53% who voted for this affirmative action hire simply thought things through.

Surrendering the nation's health care system to the federal government for "improvements" was highly irresponsible (does anyone really think [outside of the trolls] Medicare and Medicaid more efficient, more effective, less costly than private insurance?] and, in the end, indefensible (How many here (other than Pogo, of course) know what the contrast in utilization rates are between private pay and public subsidized-pay care is?

Care to guess?

So, our idiot president, and moron Senate Majority Leader and retarded Speaker (at the the time) and all those idiots who voted for Obama gave us "health care reform" that will, in expanding coverage, crash the system for lack of new providers. Any pretense, hope, aspiration that somehow, someway, care would "improve" or costs would "reduce" under such a system, by comparison, makes an eight year old child believing in Santa Claus appear to be the pinnacle of intelligence, rationality and wisdom.

Tim said...

Oh, and one more thing.

FUCK John Roberts too.

As if Congress didn't know how to write the ACA as a tax rather than a penalty.

Tim said...

Peter Hoh said...

Kristin, congrats. My only advice: enjoy the baby stage while it lasts. It goes by quickly, even though it doesn't seem that way at the time."

This is so true.

Peter Hoh said...

A 3 a.m. feeding ain't nothin' compared to a teenager out until 3 a.m. on prom night.

Jason said...

So in contrast to W, who hardly ever missed his daily intel brief, Obama only shows up to his 43 percent of the time.

But at least voting for Obama in '08 would force the Democrats to take responsibility for the war on terror. Ain't that right, professor?

yashu said...

Can't sleep; sipping some Scotch and listening to the new Dylan album.

(Oh no, is that the equivalent of a "tweet"?)

MayBee said...

Yay, Kristin!

Humperdink said...

Go KristinTexas.

Children - arrows in your quiver. I didn't realize how true this was until later in life.

Toad Trend said...

Looks like Lem missed his calling as a tennis play-by-play talker...and who says Americans have too much time on their hands!!!

I have been meditating on the revelation that I am property of the government.

As distasteful as it sounds - I must remember that belonging is a useful attribute.

I just haven't gotten to the part where I can identify exactly how my protector reciprocates for my years of working and contributing and voting for their chosen candidates.

I'm feeling a bit used, you know???

Maybe its time to move out.

Christopher in MA said...

September 11.

As a public service, here is a capsule digest of everything you'll be hearing from the usual left-tilted cast of Althouse regulars today:

Bush lied, people died / no war for oil / dry drunk with daddy issues / no WMD / "slam dunk" lie / Powell and Rice, lying house niggers / we armed Saddam / Rummy shaking hands with Saddam / jock-sniffer Bush in a padded flight suit / plastic turkey / "mission accomplished" / Gitmo evil (whoops, that one's not true anymore) / Afghanistan real war / Faux Noise / dissent highest form of patriotism / wars on a credit card / Osama dead, GM alive.

Mix and match as you choose. It'll save you from having to read any of their nonsense.

Rusty said...

kristinintexas said...
In other news, my husband and I are having our first baby! I'm due March 24th. Yay :)

Babies are the best. Congratulations.

Bob Ellison said...

Instapundit linked to a sob-story of a 25-year-old woman who has soaked up almost $200k in student-loan debt.

Maybe we should elect a President who would nationalize loans to help her out. Oh, wait; we already did that. But it didn't help.

What to do?

kristinintexas said...

Thanks, everybody! You are a good bunch.

rhhardin said...

Weekly days with good things

Monday: Imus and Rush return; podcast.

Tuesday: XKCD science question

MWF: XKCD cartoon

Friday: Radio Derb podcast linked at

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