August 24, 2012

"We’re not going to be canoodling."

(Via Ace.)


I'm Full of Soup said...

That was really funny.

KCFleming said...

Ha. Her face was priceless, the hand gesture of "not gonna happen", the worried confused brow, all completely real.

Ann Althouse said...

She handled it extremely well. Very entertaining!

James said...

She looks a bit like Soledad O'Brien...and just as humorless.

"You just made the blooper reel."

Matt Sablan said...

News reader also confused to learn that knocking boots is not a term used to describe the process of removing mud caked onto them.

Beta Rube said...

Thinks "hide the salami" is something Italians do on Easter morning (and may well be right).

Brian Johnson said...

Ha, I thought it meant what he did. Maybe it's where you're from.:)

Wince said...

What, you think you're too good for me, Astrid Braunschmidt?

Is that why you are wearing that bullet-proof vest?

Show some cleavage, you weather Twinkie!

Matt Sablan said...

Newsreader totally confused as to why "making out like a bandit" doesn't get him the same strange looks.

Kevin said...

Um, so does that mean she's still available?

acm said...

And, he finishes with "get me off. Camera."

Is he related to Joe Biden, or just a fan?

Irene said...

Canoodling Canadians.