Observes Toby Harnden, noting a corresponding crankiness in the crowds that come out to see him.
... Obama is on the defensive and knows the only way he can win re-election is by the narrowest of margins, by ‘slicing and dicing’ – his own pejorative term – and eking out a 51 to 49 per cent victory, crawling across the line to 270 electoral college votes.
Rush Limbaugh, who says
Let me ask you this, any of you paying attention to Obama at these campaign appearances: Have you heard him say what he wants to do the next four years?... Have you heard anything that would qualify as a second-term agenda?...
[H]is entire campaign consists of trying to scare everybody in his pathetic base of voters about what a bad guy Romney is. That's all he's got. His agenda is to try to get people to hate Mitt Romney....
There is nothing comparable in this year's campaign to what Obama was getting away with in 2008. That was lofty....
implicitly saying that we should
stay the course, but I can see why he's not leaning on that message. He can't do the old hope-and-change message, because he's the status quo. Getting us excited about hope and change could only push us toward Romney (and Ryan).
1 – 200 of 282 Newer› Newest»The goal, according to the "Obama's Last Stand" (e-book, $2.99, via Amazon Kindle) is to defeat Romney in each and every state.
The Chicago HQ operation is so detailed and un-merciful towards GOP, that you will all start crying. You can see a glimpse of it in Chapter 4 of the new book, The Candidate, by Sam Popkin in how Obama defeated Clinton.
Romney is finished. Chicago HQ has him in the cross-fire. They have a dashboard (like the movie, Dr. Strangelove) where Romney/GOP every move is displayed with all possible actions to destroy him.
GOP: Go home. It is over. If not the hurricane will get you, The Forward Campaign of Obama-Biden, directed by David P., David A., and Jim M., will get you. Of course, you know, no one in the Main Stream Media (NYT, NPR, PBS, WashPost, DailyBeast, HuffPost, etc.) want you to win even one state.
Every which way you figure, you are screwed.
Obama/HackMedia/Akin. It's his only hope.
Romney is scary. Just like every other republican who has ever been nominated for any office anywhere.
CNN told me, and I believe them.
I gather your (Ms. Althouse's) conclusion is based on the premise that Harnden and Limbaugh are correct in their observations.
Limbaugh hasn't been right on anything since he sent the wrong housekeep to buy pills for him. Harnden is wishful thinking.
I would have thought that this was logic 101.
I often try to get people look at this as a hiring decision, because in fact, it is, although for a very unique job. There is no way that strictly on the facts of qualifications, resume, and current presentation that anyone can honestly say they would choose Obama. Imagine the chances of success for an organization that would hire people like that. The organization in question is the most important one in the world, ever, and you get to make that decision. Awesome.
If only people would look at it as a hiring decision. Sadly most look at it as a dating decision.
I would have thought that this was logic 101.
But you flunked Logic 101, Lindsey, don't you remember? Take another drag; it'll calm you down.
Obama is a black hole
Sucking all the juice out of the universe,
Romney is gonna bowl
A seven ten pickup and rid us of the curse.
From the article: "What a difference four years makes. Obama is campaigning ferociously for a second term – and he is a candidate who would have probably have been disdained by the Obama of 2008."
Well, millions of us thought the 08 Obama was all gobbledegook, brandmaking at its worst and also thought any guy (not gal because they are all fucking sexist) with a donkey label would win in 2008 and the donkey won. But it is a good strategy to rub it in like this now.
I gather your (Ms. Althouse's) conclusion is based on the premise that Harnden and Limbaugh are correct in their observations.
Limbaugh said Obama is behind Hurricane Isaac. Or something. Why any clear thinking person pays attention to this detestable blob is a mystery.
True, but here's a good thing for you anti-Obama people to consider.
What I see driving the election is (1) the economy and (2) fierce hatred and a desire for revenge against the scoundrels who carried out the 2008 banking scam and subsequent government payoffs to the bankers. Biggest financial scam in history. People are justifiably pissed off.
Somehow, a lot of folks I talk with have linked up Romney with that scam. They see him as the face of the Wall Street Banksters.
I think they're wrong. And I tell them that Goldman Sachs has a pretty heavy presence in the Obama admin.
But, they don't buy it.
So, the hate campaign against Romney is effective. Obama supporters see Romney as the face of the Wall Street bankster ripoff.
What struck me was Harnden's noting how lackluster the mood at Choom's rallies are.
You'd think the party faithful could get it up a little more.
AprilApple said...
Obama/HackMedia/Akin. It's his only hope.
As I noted in another post, if the best Choom can do in MO is a 1 point lead after Akin self-destructed, the Romster will be back on top after the next job figures come out.
Akin was McCaskill's hand-picked opponent, so how gettable the seat was remains to be seen. When the money dries up, so will he; Huckleberry's endorsement won't carry him for long.
Don't be so hard on yourself.
What else can Obama really do? He hasn't got a record he can run on. His party no longer controlls Congress and so any lofty plans are DOA. His only hope is that we tend to give our presidents a second term most of the time.
If Obama had good judgement, he would have seen all of this a year ago and not run for re-election. He could have gotten rich on speaking gigs and golfed 100 times per year. Plus, he would be a power broker who could have come out of retirement to run again someday.
Now he is a guy who will loose and like Carter, be forever branded a looser. Or he will win and spend 4 years becoming less popular and dragging his party down with him the whole way.
Who's Toby Hardon?
I would have thought...
Thought is beyond you, Lindsey.
ST - The hate campaign is effective in Woodstock, not in sane districts.
ricpic said...
"Thought is beyond you, Lindsey."
Now that was a clever comeback ricpic. Shock and awe. Shock and awe.
Romney is going nowhere in the polls and Ryan is being exposed like the Wizard in Oz. Most thinking people understand the governmental stall in getting things done and you can see it in approval ratings - congress 9 Obama 50. We know where the real blame is for no action and thinking people tend to look past party slogans and plastic smiles to find it.
I am not the spelling police, the typo police, or the grammar police. I am not qualified.
However, I notice a few good folks say "loose" when they mean "lose".
Loose: (looss) 1.Not firmly attached: not firmly fastened or fixed in place
Lose: (looz) 1.have something taken away: to cease to possess or have something such as a job or home 2.make somebody forfeit something: to be the cause of somebody's failure to obtain, win, or maintain something
Thank you for your attention to this semi-important matter.
Telling! (from the article)
"A number of those attending seemed only to want to get a picture of themselves with Obama speaking in the background. In 2008, audiences would be rapt, almost mesmerised, when Obama spoke. At Romney and Ryan events there is near silence and many an intent, furrowed brow as the case for change is made.
In Las Vegas, the crowd chanted ‘Yes We Can’ before Obama appeared but it sounded like a dirge rather than the perky, upbeat chant of 2008. It was so different that one local reporter even walked over to me to ask what they were chanting."
"I would have thought that this was logic 101."
Do you know the meaning of the word "logic"?
Quaestor said...
"But you flunked Logic 101, Lindsey, don't you remember?"
Wanna see my grades? You are the moth to the flame of the GOP dim light.
"Limbaugh said Obama is behind Hurricane Isaac. "
Are you familiar with the concept "humor"?
Ann Althouse said...
"Do you know the meaning of the word "logic"?"
Sure Ann. Do you know the meaning of the term pandering to your base?
"Why any clear thinking person pays attention to this detestable blob is a mystery."
You are expressing bigotry toward the fat.
And yet I happen to know as a fact that you yourself are fat!
Why the self-loathing, garage?
"Sure Ann."
Then please demonstrate that by explaining why you had to be wrong in saying "I would have thought that this was logic 101."
Otherwise, I'm not believing "Sure Ann."
Ann Althouse said...
"... this detestable blob is a mystery.....You are expressing bigotry toward the fat."
I would have thought that he was showing bigotry toward blobs.
I know that you are right, but I cannot help myself. I feel like the oo sound, like in boot is needed for loser. In my head loser sounds like losser.
I will though, try--even though it will be hard, to spell things according to "conventions".
Ann Althouse said...
"Sure Ann."
Then please demonstrate that by explaining why you had to be wrong in saying "I would have thought that this was logic 101."
I do believe you mis-spoke.
Wow, Althouse just nailed Garage, ouch-that hurt
Getting us excited about hope and change could only push us toward Romney (and Ryan).
Yeah, like he could get us excited,...
Ann Althouse said...
"Limbaugh said Obama is behind Hurricane Isaac....Are you familiar with the concept "humor"?
A regular Will Rogers I'd say.
Several of you are texting me to inquire how to get the two books: Obama's Last Stand (e-book only, a quick read like an article) and The Candidate.
You can get both these books via the Professor's page
Warning: You will start crying once you read these books. So, you are advised not to if you are insecure, and cannot handle the truth (such as Obama is the best and the greatest POTUS and Biden is the best and greatest VPOTUS).
Obama-Biden is about to destroy Romney-Ryan you have no idea of the damage it will do to the GOP.
Happy Reading, folks!
This is too much fun. Can't have too much fun.
Off to work on my proletariat tan and read Atlas Shrugged.
Lindsey sounds like a nasty version of AP.
Or any number of sockpuppets.
And yet I happen to know as a fact that you yourself are fat!
Why the self-loathing, garage?
I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat? No where near as fat as Limbaugh in any case.
The question is why you think a whacked out conspiracy theorist like Limbaugh is worthwhile for your readers. Wait, nevermind.
If it was true that "Limbaugh hasn't been right on anything since he sent the wrong housekeep to buy pills for him." then it would be ill-advised to take any of his judgements seriously.
The syllogism depends on the validity of the premise. If Limbaugh truely has not been right on anything, then how to account for the fact that he is still alive? If he chooses the wrong side of the road to drive on or crosses a road when there is traffic, he would be killed. every day our lives depend on making correct decisions.
Several of you are texting me to inquire how to get the two books:
Is captcha still down for some? 'cause it looks like some spam is getting through...
Lindsey's icon seems emblematic of your traditional Obama supporter. Holding your head as if you have a tension headache and smoking a cigarette.
It is stressful trying to get 4 more years out of that record I agree.
I believe those political pundits who say this election could be like 1980 when all the polls had the race close right up to near the end but the voters overwhelmingly went with Reagan. I really believe Romney is going to win overwhelmingly and I don't believe I'm just cheerleading.
Furthermore, I don't believe the polls that say Obama is likeable because I believe people have been so programed to be politically correct that they refuse to say that they don't like Obama to avoid being thought racist by an anonymous pollster.
And I don't believe people will dislike Romney once they are exposed to him by the Republican convention, most people haven't been paying attention. Its obvious to me and I believe it will be obvious to most people that Romney is the more likeable of the two presidential candidates.
In the last election, Obama veered between the Hope and Change! talk and negativity against Bush. The people who attended his rallies loved his Hope talk, but they also loved to trash talk Bush (and later, Palin). It was obvious his most ardent fans, claiming to want his new politics, also wanted nothing to do with people who didn't share Obama's beliefs.
Even so, what Obama did believe was hard to decipher. I believe the idea was he was going to use his magic personality (and pragmatism) to just work out the problems of the country.
He can't run on that now. He can't run on Hope because he hasn't been that kind of president. He can't run on a new kind of politics, because he has been the worst kind of politician. He can't run on bringing people together (Change!) because he has shown he cannot do that.
He *is* pretty much repeating the idea that if you vote for him, he will work out the problems of the country, somehow. This time not with his magic personality (that's gone), but with the mandate of "I won" once again behind him.
The overall decline since June 2009 was larger than the 2.6 percent decline that occurred" during the recession from December 2007 to June 2009. For household income, in other words, the Obama recovery has been worse than the Bush recession.
So true. So true.
I recall not so long ago, some left-wingers made serious claims that George W Bush was to blame for hurricane Katrina "because he hates black people". He seeded the clouds, or something. Logic!
You know George W Bush - a man who has been praised by Elton John and even leftwinger Matt Damon for his work with Aids in Africa.
btw- Rush Limbaugh jokes around a lot. Poor thin skinned leftists can't handle it. Sluts.
I know: BMI is BS, but a male of
5'11" that weighs 220lbs has a BMI of 30.7 and •Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.
So, I think Althouse is on solid ground here.
I recall not so long ago, some left-wingers made serious claims that George W Bush was to blame for hurricane Katrina "because he hates black people". He seeded the clouds, or something. Logic!
Riiiiight. Sure you did, April.
Lindsey's icon seems emblematic of your traditional Obama supporter. Holding your head as if you have a tension headache and smoking a cigarette.
Lindsey had to change her icon because the last one was being used by several porn websites. Poor girl.
People forget Obama's astonishing 2008 campaign, when Obama exploded out of nowhere to run as the Son of God, to cast the moneychangers out of the temple, shame the hypocrites, inspire the masses, and fulfill the prophecy of America.
We've had a few rock star presidents like JFK and Ronald Reagan, who were larger than life, but were nonetheless human. They were not routinely portrayed haloed as Obama was. They did not have celebrities crowding to pledge a new-found dedication to life, to others and to America, as we saw the week of Obama's inauguration in the "I Pledge" video.
We have never had a presidential candidate running as the leader of a messianic cult as Obama did.
I know most of those who voted for Obama in 2008 will vote for him again in 2012, but they will not be on fire with joy and possibility. It will be a hard, bitter slog against the evil and stupidity they attribute to Republicans. The promises of 2008 are now trampled banners. All they have left is fear, blame and anger, and that's all that Obama is offering.
jr565 said...
Lindsey's icon seems emblematic of your traditional Obama supporter.
I'd say her education is more revealing. She doesn't know the difference between opinion and logic, and when challenged she flees with her self-superior image unpunctured.
The trolls and trools are out today!
Limbaugh the blob. I wonder too why people listen, he is antagonistic. I wonder the same thing about Moore. The difference between them, as blobs, is one is a blob dressed well and the other a blob slob. One antagonistic blob slimmed down a bit, got married, the other antagonistic blob got fatter and worse. Maybe that was SouthPark. I don't know why they're here either. They both make sense to a lot of people I suppose. They cannot be part of the Chip Ahoy happy fun club, they both set their orbits so distant to me I need an Althouse to pick up the faintest of signals and then the dah dah dit dit is just trashed.
5'11" inches, 220 lbs is relatively slim for Wisconsin, no?
5'11" that weighs 220lbs has a BMI of 30.7 and •Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater.
It could be muscle weight.
"We have nothing to offer but fear itself."
AprilApple said...
"btw- Rush Limbaugh jokes around a lot. Poor thin skinned leftists can't handle it. Sluts."
I just popped by to reboot and low and behold, AprilApple's learned comment pops up.
How can we tell when The Drugster is joking? Reminds me of the idential twins - one who always told the truth and one who lied 100% of the time - couldn't tell 'em apart.
As to the "slut" comment. Don't be so hard on yourself.
People who bad-mouth Limbaugh the most don't listen to or have ever listened to his show, they only know what they've heard. They are basically closed-minded people who refuse to be confused with facts.
Haven't we already filled our quota of stupid twats who think they're clever and who post too many comments?
Lindsey Meadows said...
Ann Althouse said...
"Do you know the meaning of the word "logic"?"
Sure Ann. Do you know the meaning of the term pandering to your base?
Seriously. Stop digging.
People who do drugs should never, ever be forgiven for it. Nor should we listen to anything they say ever again.
The fact Obama is polling in the mid 40% range at all is a sad testament of our electorate.
The most narcissistic, incompetent fool to ever occupy the White House.
Seriously. Stop digging.
No, no, she should keep digging! When she gets deep enough, we can push the dirt over the hole and have a chat in peace!
I am 5'11 and weigh 160...teehee.
Let's all tell out heights and weights and then go off on each other.
It will be fun.
But all this weight and fat talk means I have to head to the gymy. pecs and bis today.
The most narcissistic, incompetent fool to ever occupy the White House.
I'm happy that he's helping boost the reputation of the only man from my home state, PA, who was elected President. Now at least, perhaps, Buchanan will only be the second worst president in history!
garage mahal said...
And yet I happen to know as a fact that you yourself are fat!
Why the self-loathing, garage?
I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat? No where near as fat as Limbaugh in any case.
The question is why you think a whacked out conspiracy theorist like Limbaugh is worthwhile for your readers. Wait, nevermind.
Ah. Hell.
Nevermind. Keep going.
Titus said...
I am 5'11 and weigh 160...teehee.
Let's all tell out heights and weights and then go off on each other.
It will be fun.
But all this weight and fat talk means I have to head to the gymy. pecs and bis today.
I would, but I make garage look positively svelt. Which is bad enough, but I'm also impossibly ugly.
The internet was made for people like me.
Rush had a brief addiction to Oxycontin - a pain reliever that is highly addictive. Oxycotin addiction is a common problem. Rush sought help for his addiction and kicked it.
That makes him a drug addict?
Choom gang Obama snorted coke. To the leftist, one is a drug addict; the other is a saint, to be worshipped with blind faith.
Rotund Mahal oozed "I'm 5'11" 220lbs, is that "fat" fat? No where near as fat as Limbaugh in any case."
Yes, yes it is "fat" fat. This is why I don't want to be paying for your healthcare, fattie.
"I know: BMI is BS, but a male of
5'11" that weighs 220lbs has a BMI of 30.7 and •Obesity = BMI of 30 or greater."
Not wading into the personal dimensions of other commenters here, just noting that I'm 6' and when I weighed 220 I was at 21.5% body fat, which is considered at the higher end of the healthy range. So, BMI is indeed BS.
Garage isn't fat. There's just more of him to love.
AprilApple said...
Rush had a brief addiction to Oxycontin - a pain reliever that is highly addictive. Oxycotin addiction is a common problem. No matter. Rush sought help for his addiction and kicked it
I've always been hesitant to lable people like that. Unless you've experinced chronic pain day after day for years you understand how someone could get hooked. It isn't recreational. It's how you stay functional.
Sometimes after going out to dindin my jeans are a little tight and in the waist, and I don't like it, so I make myself puke-not all the time, maybe once a month.
Palladian said...
Seriously. Stop digging.
No, no, she should keep digging! When she gets deep enough, we can push the dirt over the hole and have a chat in peace!
I doubt she will. She thinks she's the smartest person in the room. We all know what that means.
Rusty -
I was in such agony, one time -(one time!) I took 1/2 an oxycontin. (I hate taking anything beyond advil) I totally get where the addiction comes from.
My pain was gone and it didn't make me high.
Whoa--this thread degenerated in a hurry.
America's Politico said...
Warning: You will start crying once you read these books. So, you are advised not to if you are insecure, and cannot handle the truth (such as Obama is the best and the greatest POTUS and Biden is the best and greatest VPOTUS).
Should I feel bad for laughing at that statement?
"I've always been hesitant to lable people like that. Unless you've experienced chronic pain day after day for years you understand how someone could get hooked. It isn't recreational. It's how you stay functional."
Exactly. One doesn't take Oxycontin to get high.
Obama snorted coke and smoked pot - to het high.
But it is Rush who is the drug addict.
get high ...
AP is Meade goofing. It came like a revelation.
Limbaugh's pain pill addiction is very understandable to anyone who has ever had chronic pain for when you are hurting you just keep taking pain pills and its very easy to take too many.
No telling how many deaths especially among older people are due to overdosing on pain pills and their interactions with the other drugs older people by necessity have to take for whatever.
garage, your BMI is 30.7. Over 30 is obese.
So, you are not merely fat, you are obese.
AA: Broomhandle thinks America's Politico is Meade.
Meade: Who's Broomhandle?!
AA: I don't know, but be careful where you put that thing.
"Exactly. One doesn't take Oxycontin to get high."
Unfortunately some do, its called hillbilly heroin in eastern Ky.
Perhaps Ms. Meadows can go back to her real name of Tawana and have a avatar of a feces covered Hefty bag?
"AA: I don't know, but be careful where you put that thing."
Broomhandle, ok for "war on women" but bad for love on women.
It's possible to have a high BMI and actually be super-muscular, but I have seen the video of garage mahal, and this is not that.
Forget BMI - it can be misleading. Garage, how many inches are you around your middle, at your navel? If you're 40 inches or more, you might have metabolic syndrome.
Could somebody who knows how to check out the sock puppets tell us who Lindsey Meadows and Baron Zemo are?
I tend to think Baron is Trooper and Lindsey is someone boring (just trying to get another shot at not being automatically rejected as boring).
Anyway, glad to see Trooper back. That flexible/expandable wisecrack in his profile is funny.
That we've devolved into talking about the precise nature of garage's fatness is further evidence of the nothinginess of Obama's campaign.
I knew a guy back in Cincinnati who had such a huge beer belly he called it his baby.
I'm no fan of Obama, but the fact Romney gets attacked is no sign he's not dangerous. Conservatives are merely trapped in tunnelvision now, desperate for a win and deluding themselves in the effort. They saw it in Obama, but refuse to reflect on themselves, and their own choices, as they repeat the spectacle.
It's really sad, for me especially, going from a spouse into cults, to cult killings, to Oprah-backed Obama, to the Mormon take-over - actually, it's not sad, but surreal. The way everyone acts like it's O.K., or normal, and then cheers as, say, Katie Holmes escapes their clutches. Cognitive dissonance much?
Oh well. I've watched this slow slide into irrationality this long, one more time won't matter - until it does. I'll just keep remembering my wife's words as she walked out the door:
"We're in the hospitals - we're getting legit - you'd better 'get it' before it's too late!"
And now here comes the new president - a supplement salesman - with his First Lady carrying a bag full of worthless potions and pills.
Seeing that - and watching how my wife played the system to get off for her "spiritual" crimes - I've got to hand it to her:
She's a cultist with her finger on the pulse, not only of the "spiritual" movement, but the gullibility of everyone around her...
Ann Althouse,
garage, your BMI is 30.7. Over 30 is obese.
So, you are not merely fat, you are obese.
If BMI is bullshit - and it is - then this can't possibly be true.
Did somebody mention "Logic 101"?
Palladian said...
Haven't we already filled our quota of stupid twats who think they're clever and who post too many comments?
oh Palladian...its ok. You can write as much as you want.
Creeley23 - " I know most of those who voted for Obama in 2008 will vote for him again in 2012, but they will not be on fire with joy and possibility."
Not "most" unless you mean by that a plurality of 2008 voters for Obama.
Quite a few people voted Obama only because Hillary or Romney was not available, given the "wisdom" of primary voters.
Given the other guy was a war-thirsty Neocon that proudly said he had focused on "more important things than the economy" - many people rolled the dice.
But now, even the Democrats realize they got Jimmy Carter II, and independents realize they rolled snake eyes.
garage, your BMI is 30.7. Over 30 is obese.
So, you are not merely fat, you are obese.
If BMI is bullshit - and it is - then this can't possibly be true.
It can be both true and wrong.
Lindsey Meadows said...
Palladian said...
Haven't we already filled our quota of stupid twats who think they're clever and who post too many comments?
oh Palladian...its ok. You can write as much as you want.
What'd I tell ya Palladin.
The Crack Emcee said...
Ann Althouse,
garage, your BMI is 30.7. Over 30 is obese.
So, you are not merely fat, you are obese.
If BMI is bullshit - and it is - then this can't possibly be true.
Did somebody mention "Logic 101"?
In that case I'm Arnold fuckin Schewarzenegger.
just not as good lookin'
"I knew a guy back in Cincinnati who had such a huge beer belly he called it his baby."
I knew a guy who had such a beer belly gut in KY that it was rumored that he was not only going to have a baby but a baby elephant and he told one and all that he believe it too for he could see its trunk.
Are you familiar with the concept "humor"?
You see, even Ann knows garage is a humorless bore.
My BMI is 19.9, so eat it losers!
Titus - how striated and vascular are you? Are you really really cut? Please regale us of your workout routine and your Indian husband's too.
Body fat percentage is a much better measure than BMI, but it is pretty hard to measure; at least compared to determining BMI.
BMI is BS if you are particularly muscular, but I seriously doubt this is an issue for all but a slim minority of people.
The claim that "It is muscle weight" should be categorized in much the same way as, "I can quit anytime", "She will never find out" and "I can change him" as Statements which are not always self-delusion.
garage better stop pounding back to Wendy's bacon doubles and hit the gym. Oh and introduce himself to a thing called a salad.
I tend to think... Lindsey is someone boring...
You tend to think she's someone boring? The evidence is right here! She is someone boring!
Meade for the win!
Why do commenters or even the blog owner here feel the need to get personal with commenters here when they diss Limbaugh. Do any of you know him personally? He is fair game as a public persona.Chip Ahoy is right about him, Chip always makes sense, well in a strange/ sweet sort of way.
Ann, I think you're being a bit mean to Garage, he is a fellow Sconnie and Madisonian. Cut him a break. He could save you from some crazed protester one day.
Allie - so Obama is just as much fair game as Limbaugh right?
Of course Alex.
Allie - yeah right. Look how offended garage gets when anyone dares to diss Obama.
I've never seen people more humorless and dead inside then liberals. Their ideology is so cold, grey and barren it doesn't lend the possibility of laughter.
I never saw Garage get all offended when someone dissed Obama, quit yer spinnin'.
Ask yourself if you've ever met a European bureaucrat who had a sense of humor.
Or a German.
Now Allie is lying again. That's another thing about liberals is they lie in your face, like DWS.
Alex, I'm quite funny, so I'm told, by my conservative friends actually, especially after a few rum and diet cream sodas. Come on Alex, let down your hair a bit, your uptight switch hitting is tiresome. I bet you can be fun when you want to, but then a moment later you could turn into a snarling dog, well at least you're not boring.;)
Alex, you can get in the front of the line.
Thing is about Rush is he has a light-hearted humor that he employs. Like the "with talent on loan from God" or "I'm doing this with half my brain tied behind my back". Or the animal & homeless updates he used to do. Then you tune in to the Air America type shows and it's one humorless Commie after another. They're oh-so-somber.
I agree Rush tends towards blob-dem, but that's a genetic fault. I already stated my BMI is 19.9 and I'm pretty well muscled, I have favorable genetics there.
In fact I used to weigh as much as 146 and now down to 123. I'm actually trying to gain weight.
For the clueless among us who don't realize out dishonest the Obama campaign is, I suggest you check out the video via www.powerline.com of long time Democrat women posing as Republican women who going to vote for Obama in this election.
Alex, if you are a male, you are quite tiny, I could beat you up! Oh those violent liberals!
Allie, I'm pretty damn strong. Since you look quite doughy and frankly OLD, I would have no issues pinning you. However I don't beat up on grandmas.
Is there anything better then listening to "God Only Knows" on a Saturday morning?
Not "most" unless you mean by that a plurality of 2008 voters for Obama.
Cedarford: Not following you.
Let's say that "most" means 80+% percent. I'm saying that of the ~70 million Americans who pulled the lever for Obama last time, 56 million or more will vote for him this time.
Alex, I am old and I am a grandma, so you should be respectful, shouldn't you, teeny tiny widdle biddy Alex. I'm not a bit doughy! I'm rock hard for a grandma, my ass is that of a 30 year old ask my neighbor, the conservative plumber.
Allie - suuuuuure. I bet you've got rock hard abs and chiseled shoulders that would rival any young triathlete. Lolo Jones trembles in the sight of you.
So why are most musical geniuses fatties?
Alex, I'm 60 years old and I have guys half my age hitting on everytime I go out, it's quite tiresome. I tell them to go home and get their fathers.
Ah well, back to the thread topic, of which I have no idea what it is, oops;)
I can see Allie is in need of some serious de-psychotic drugs.
"Ann, I think you're being a bit mean to Garage, he is a fellow Sconnie and Madisonian. Cut him a break. He could save you from some crazed protester one day."
I think she was pointing out his hypocrisy given his less than ideal weight. After all, hypocrisy is a big issue with liberals at least when we conservatives fall short our principles or liberal perceived conservative principles.
If BMI is bullshit - and it is - then this can't possibly be true.
It can be both true and wrong.
No, it's just wrong. Like the global warming jerk-offs, this focus on being skinny is a mental disorder, like anorexia, and a way to safely exhibit narcissism through attacking people.
I'm convinced, like cultism, most people can't spot phenomena like "mass hysteria" and they definitely don't want to consider their own role in it because - let's face it - they're cowards, not brave enough to admit they're the assholes. (It's much easier for the self-proclaimed "nice" people - again, as a crazed mob - to persecute those who use "bad" language, than think about whether the angry message those "nice" people inspire is true,...)
There are three body types - one of them gathers fat around the middle - and those people live longer because, generally, they're not as susceptible to disease as skinny fucks.
I feel sorry for people who use their dinner plates as a medicine cabinet. Most of them are only focusing on trying to look good, which is a sign of both narcissism and insecurity - and says what, exactly, about their cognitive abilities?
They're stupid, because - rather than functioning healthily without being slaves to their pathologies - they're being pushed around by them and, even worse, forcing them on others.
In other words, the lunatics have taken over the asylum,...
Haha, I got under Alex's skin! I deserve a reward for that!
Allie - you want a pat on the head or something? Now go back to your bingo session grandma.
Alex, I never play Bingo, my game is strip poker.
It's fun messing with you Alex;).
Crack's lament about "skinny fucks" is the age-old one from a fatty who just could never lose that spare tire.
In fact studies show that having a spare tire is highly indicative of heart disease, hypertension and a shorter lifespan. People with less fat in the middle are more likely to have longer lifespan and higher cognitive function.
"Dreams, if Limbaugh went on our diet, he would lose all that blobiness, I guarantee it! I would even send him some of my famous lowcarb bakery.'
I agree assuming he could stick with it.
Allie, no one in their right mind wants your diet cream sodas and low carb bakery.
As I said, all you're doing is advertising your mental pathologies - and letting the diet industry play you like a fiddle.
Rush would eat you for lunch,...
"I doubt she will. She thinks she's the smartest person in the room. We all know what that means."
She and Ritmo will gaze into each other's eyes and find ... true love?
(Seriously, this has to be the lowest-content Althouse thread ever.)
Crack - go on keep slammin' back to Wendy's bacon doubles. I'll keep eating my vegetable stir fry with chicken and laugh all the way to the bank.
Unfortunately Rush backslid on his diet as soon as he married wife #4. I mean how does she stand him in bed, his body is so gross with all that lard and hanging skin.
Regarding supposedly but not really Republican women for Obama, see also...
"(*forthcoming Romney ad featuring endorsements from lifelong liberal Democrat women Ann Coulter, Michelle Malkin, Laura Bush, Phyllis Schlafly, and me in a black cocktail dress)"
As much as I hate Sandra Fluke, she is hot compared to Rush.
Surrre Crack, Mormonophobia better today?
Oh, you're all a bunch of narcissists.
Bragging about your BMI and gym routines and diet drinks.
What is it about the mere mention of Rush Limbaugh that causes mass stupidity to bloom among the libs? (and Alex)
I know...
I'm a fat, old conservative, grandma, so of course my brain doesn't work.
"Rush would eat you for lunch,..."
Literally and figuratively, maybe.
"As much as I hate Sandra Fluke, she is hot compared to Rush."
And therefore needs lots of free birth control pills.
Why is that all talk radio hosts are fat fucks? Doesn't matter left or right, they're all fat fucks.
No Wyo Sis, your brain needs fat, I'm certain your brain is in tip top condition. Don't let these young whipper snappers diss our grandmatude, we rock!
"I'm a fat, old conservative, grandma, so of course my brain doesn't work."
If true then you can take comfort in the fact that you have strength in numbers.
Dear Debbie,
Crack's lament about "skinny fucks" is the age-old one from a fatty who just could never lose that spare tire.
I rest my case about the deranged desire to use this bullshit as an attack vehicle.
This is going to shock you, Debbie, but some people DON'T CARE WHAT YOU THINK.
I've been heavy, I've been svelte, but what I haven't been is determined to have anyone look at me for anything but what I am. (My last girlfriend wrapped herself around my leg, like a horny puppy, because she saw me win political debate.) THAT'S what matters.
Moreover, smart people know they're going to die, sooner or later, from a whole host of things that fall under the category of "risks of ever having taken a breath."
I'm not trying to "live longer" because I've already outlived most of my peers - from the guys I grew up with to The Beastie Boys' (vegetarian) MCA and, now, Tony Scott - so why should I deprive myself of good food, one of life's few, true pleasures?
I work out when I feel like it, mostly swimming, but when I don't I stick to manual labor to, both, burn weight and produce something productive.
What you don't understand - and I'm starting to get that it's one amongst many - is the meaning of life,...
Overlooking the brain part.
Crack - keep convincing yourself of that.
Overlooking the brain part as in discounting the seriousness of that part.
Crack - go on keep slammin' back to Wendy's bacon doubles. I'll keep eating my vegetable stir fry with chicken and laugh all the way to the bank.
Dinner last night was a salad and a piece of chicken - because THAT'S WHAT I WANTED.
Not because it was "healthy," not to keep my weight down, and not because anyone else determined that's what I should be eating, but because THAT'S WHAT I WANTED TO EAT. And if I want a Wendy's bacon double, then goddammit, that's what I'm going to eat.
I don't know what you think you're going to win, by doing otherwise, except a lifetime of deprivation from enjoyment.
Oh yeah - you get to "laugh all the way to the bank," whatever that means in this context. I know it makes you a cretin, so - hey - laugh it up, bozo, the joke's still not funny.
You're a fool, Debbie,...
My dear lady you are quite silly.
I wear a mask not a sock.
Baron, I bet you wear a sock in your pants.
Crack - you sound overly defensive on the issue of food & health. Next thing you'll be mocking Mitt Romney for not consuming hot drinks and alcohol. Somehow he doesn't strike me as a man filled with deprivation.
Crack, do you think DWS reads this blog, or yours?
The sad thing is all Mitt wants to do is free up Crack so he can succeed more in life, but Crack sees conspiracies everywhere and prefers to be in mental chains.
This is the chattiest thread I've ever seen here.
Is it a consequence of losing verification?
I've got to admit that having to push through CAPTCHA everytime reduced the frequency of my comments.
There's something called Metabolic Syndrome that Crack might want to look into.
Eating whatever you want is not necessarily a good idea for everyone. (Some people can do it however)
Having a gut around the waist is particularly bad for a lot of people, as is type 2 diabetes which is largely caused by food consumption.
That being said, he is largely right about the BMI index. IT may not be that good a mesaurement of where you're supposed to be on the weight scale. I think, probalby a much better indicator are blood tests of things like tryglicerides rather than trying to determine an average weight that people should be at that determines they are healthy or not.
Crack Emcee wrote:
I don't know what you think you're going to win, by doing otherwise, except a lifetime of deprivation from enjoyment.
Oh yeah - you get to "laugh all the way to the bank," whatever that means in this context. I know it makes you a cretin, so - hey - laugh it up, bozo, the joke's still not funny.
Maybe he means you wont get things like diabetes. It's a condition you can live with, but wouldn't it be preferable not to have to? A little bit of foresight and you might not have to waste ten years or more of your life sticking yourself with a needle.
look if someone doesn't care about getting Type 2 diabetes, that's their problem.
Garage Mahal is a fatso? That explains a lot.
GM is a fatty mcFatty poopy pants.
Skinny = smart, living life to the fullest, creative, happy, healthy.
Fat = dumb, barely surviving, dull, sad and sick.
all things that lead to skinny are good and worthwhile
if you are skinny you are virtuous and beautiful by definition
all things that lead to fat are evil and a waste of time
if you are fat you are evil incarnate and ugly by definition
Let's make a law to that effect.
What could go wrong?
wyo sis - don't hate us skinny fucks because we're skinny. It's a burden actually.
"I'm 5'11" 220lbs"
Now GM's handle makes sense.
garage mahal as in "I'm as big as a garage".
I can see I missed nothing in my time away.
Smoking is nasty, give it up!
Now we have to state out height weight and BMI in order tto be taken seriously?
Add skinny and stupid like Alex = complete tool
Cry me a river you dumbass.
Lindsey none of us missed anything. This thread became trivial the moment you said logic 101 thus guaranteeing no logic would come within a hundred miles.
Now that I have pointed out my utter superiority to all of you I'll retire to gloat about my awesomeness.
Alex said...
Smoking is nasty, give it up!"
Is that the best you got? I'll quit when you get some common sense and stop riding an idiological pony with 3 legs.
Damn--this thread is approaching zero as a limit! It was bad late morning--the good news is, I suppose, that Allie has the tush of a 30 year old, so that means the conservative plumber's ship has come in :)
wyo sis said...
"Now that I have pointed out my utter superiority to all of you I'll retire to gloat about my awesomeness."
That's a pretty good line. Nice!
Roger J.
Allie is a hottie and if she is 50, then there is hope for the rest of us.
I don't see anything wrong with pointing out who is temperate and who is not. Your body is a temple. If you abuse it speaks volumes as to character. Yes that means Rush is not a good person. He's useful politically, but I do not admire him.
Miss Lindsey--I am 70, and all women look good--(I think allie said she was sixty) A bit young for me, but the older they are the more likely I can catch them :)
Alex said...
"Your body is a temple."
Thank you for noticing. See? You can be nice.
Your body is a temple.
Like I said, you don't know shit,...
Crack - you dispute the idea that you should treat your body as a sacred vessel? The only and only body God gave you?
Alex--the body is a temple thing was one of the justifications of my southern baptist upbringings--thus smoking and alcohol were verboten. As I have gotten older I have resorted to cuban chemotherapy--rum and cigars--so far so good.
BTW on a more somber note, Neil Armstrong has died at 82--RIP Astronaut Armstrong.
Lindsey, aw that's sweet, I'm 60 actually! My ass is 30 though:)
RIP, Neil Armstrong. He has taken another huge step.
“Oh I Have Slipped
The Surly Bonds of Earth...
Put Out My Hand
And Touched the Face of God”
I suspect many of the commenters werent even alive when Neil Armstrong set foot on the moon--I was listening to the descent while I was in Viet Nam--It was one of those moments that I will never forget.
My first memory about the space program was the Challenger blowing up in Jan 1986.
I'd love to see any of the blogger tough guys in this thread run a chain saw alongside me for an afternoon cutting firewood . I bet there ain't but one or two that would last an hour. Pfft.
My first memory about the space program was the Challenger blowing up in Jan 1986.
Mine as well. I clearly remember sitting in kindergarten a week or so after it happened, while my teacher somehow demonstrated what had gone wrong using a model comprised of a coke can and a long strip of paper. I'm sure it made sense at the time.
Please turn the word verification back on!
"Lindsey, aw that's sweet, I'm 60 actually! My ass is 30 though:)"
"I would even send him some of my famous lowcarb bakery.'"
Hey, you know what I bet would good, a piece of low carb bakery and a piece of...
dreams said...
"Hey, you know what I bet would good, a piece of low carb bakery and a piece of..."
well your screen name pretty much sums up your chances with her or me.
RIP, Neil Armstrong. He has taken another huge step.
By the time he turned 22 Neil Armstrong had already flown 78 combat missions over Korea. After that he joined the Space Program.
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