August 30, 2012

Live-blogging Day 3 of the GOP Convention.

6:04: Settle in. It's going to be a long night. Are you looking forward to anything other than Rubio and Romney?

6:30: A Mormon invocation, from Ken Hutchins, thanking God for "the beauty of the heavens and the earth... a lasting testament of Thy love for us."

6:43: "Once again, it's morning in America!" announces Connie Mack, gesturing exuberantly.

6:47: Another story of an immigrant who started a business. It's the American Dream, Mack tells us. "It's morning in America," he repeats, and the tribute video to Ronald Reagan begins.

6:53: "Whatever else history may say about me when I'm gone," says the  voice of the departed President, "I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears, to your confidence, rather than your doubts. In this springtime of hope, some lights seem eternal. America's is." And so, we hear the theme of the night: hope, dreams... the very words that won the last election for the other party.

6:59: It's Callista and Newt Gingrich, here to liken Romney to Reagan and Obama to Carter. It's like 1980 again, you must understand, and it's striking how President Carter and President Obama both wrecked out hopes and dreams within only 4 years. They're speaking in this slow, methodical way. I think this would have been livelier without Callista, but she's bringing the woman... and the beauty... very crisp beauty.

7:03: Hispanics: We love you! We really, really love you. Your values are Republican Party values. Hard work. Entrepreneurship. The American Dream. The successful Hispanics have been Republican.  Identify with success, o Hispanic people! [This was a video. I'll post it here when I find it.]

7:06: It's Craig Romney, the youngest Romney son. He speaks at some length in Spanish, and it sounds fluent to me. He's really handsome too, by the way.

7:12: Jeb Bush comes out and speaks his first few words in Spanish. I'm picturing the Democrats suddenly scrambling to put more Hispanic in their convention.

7:40: Grant Bennett, a friend and fellow church member of Romney's, explains the work Romney did within the LDS Church. This is beautifully stated, explaining a life of service to others. Meade says, "Community organizing!" And I say, "No, he was ministering to individuals." There was no organizing.

7:47: An array of church members testifying to Romney's religious ministry. [This is very touching, parents with children who suffered and died.]

8:37: More testimonials from businesses that were helped by Mitt Romney and from Olympians who benefited from Mitt's leadership. This section is well-done. I'm not particularizing it, but let me say I'm impressed by it.

9:03: Clint Eastwood!

9:10: Clint's talking to an empty chair representing Obama. Oh, I don't think it's possible for him to do that to himself.  

9:13: We own this country... Politicians are employees of ours... When somebody does not do the job, we've got to let them go. Note the echo with Mitt Romney's famous: "I like being able to fire people."

9:14: Marco Rubio! About Obama: "Our problem is not that he's a bad person. It's that he's a bad President."

10:42: And now, Romney has given his speech. It was a Romney speech.


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Shouting Thomas said...

I couldn't watch. Don't want to remember the master cowboy that way.

Thorley Winston said...

I can't do that to myself either.

Meade said...

When some does not do the job, we have to let him go.

pm317 said...

wow, go Clint!

Pastafarian said...

It's shocking that someone has to point out that politicians are our employees and not some ruling class.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Althouse masochist!

ALH said...

"when someone doesn't get the job done, we have to let them go."

Alex said...

Clint was still a scary motherfucker up to 62.

Pastafarian said...

Hey Shouting Thomas: go fuck yourself. He did one he'll of a job.

Synova said...

Let 'em go.

JohnJ said...

"When somebody does not do their job, we gotta let 'em go."

Nobody has said it better.

pm317 said...

Wow, again.. give it to Romney for bringing Clint out there and letting him say what he did.

Pastafarian said...

Rubio is very very good.

Anonymous said...

Romney has a Harvard Law degree and a Harvard MBA degree earned concurrently. But he is a businessman, not a lawyer.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

The point about Obama shutting people up... when somebody asked him a question.

Matt Sablan said...

Not a bad person, a bad president. Redefining what we're arguing about is good.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I heard the Republicans are going to great lengths to showcase their own "Potemkin" diversity display.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Wait a minute.

Rubio is not blond.

Matt Sablan said...

It's amazing how racist folks who hate Republicans are when they get to vent at a minority Republican.

Pastafarian said...

These are ideas that people come to America to get away from.

Great line.

Alex said...

I heard the Republicans are going to great lengths to showcase their own "Potemkin" diversity display.


Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Got to let him go..

Time to take down the fading Obama posters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

When some does not do the job, we have to let him go.

This is an astonishing way of saying:

"When someone doesn't do the job that he was prevented from doing, we should give his job to the people that prevented him from doing it."

An interesting way of looking at merit - from the Republican perspective, of course. Thank you for this insight into a way of refusing to see something clearly.

Anonymous said...

Pretty daring to put Clint up there without a script and no idea where he was or what he was doing.

That takes gumption, Mitt, real moxie.

Strap the dog to the roof and away we go!

hugh42 said...

He's a bad President = our problem. Yes.

Unknown said...

I don't think it's nice, you laughin'.

Synova said...

"Potemkin" I think that word doesn't mean what you think it means.

Rubio didn't genuinely earn his place introducing Romney? Really?

Pastafarian said...

I think Rubio is making the best speech of the convention.

Anonymous said...

This is strong, exciting stuff. I don't see how the Dems match it.

Anonymous said...

Meade said...
When some does not do the job, we have to let him go."

Well that gets the old professorial "A" for off the cuff cliches.

Pastafarian said...

Charles, my dog gets the crazy idea they're laughing at him.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Strap the dog to the roof and away we go!

Thats nothing.. compared to Obama strapped the country to his roof.

Matt Sablan said...

Guys: It wasn't off the cuff. It was a callback to Romney talking about wanting to be able to fire people who didn't provide the service you expect.

Alex said...

Lindsey - you're talking about a legend. You - you're nothing but dogshit. A shit stain on Clint's shoe.

Anonymous said...

gosh Matt, ya' think?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"When some does not do the job, we have to let him go."

When strikers prevent customers from entering a place of business, we should throw out the customers and give away the goods to those striking instead.

I sense a meme here.

Alex said...

Ritmo - I classify you with Tingles and that crowd.

Pastafarian said...


Rubio 2020.

Shouting Thomas said...

What time does Romney go on?

cold pizza said...

Rubio Rocks! -CP

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"When some does not do the job, we have to let him go."

When weapons inspectors are prevented from entering a nuclear facility, we should kick them out of the country and ramp up Iraq's production of fissile materials.

hugh42 said...

Rubio + Romney = front of the room. Dreams come true here.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Rubio is the future.

Alex said...

Ritmo thinks he's being very clever. But $5 trillion in additional debt later it's just not funny. 23 million unemployed = not funny.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"When some does not do the job, we have to let him go."

When Pearl Harbor is attacked by the Japanese, we should impeach Franklin Roosevelt and sell our Pacific naval bases to Hirohito.

Synova said...

More Spanish.

And a great speech.

Titus said...

Clint comments about Afghanistan were interesting.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

But $5 trillion in additional debt later it's just not funny. 23 million unemployed = not funny.

Slower spending growth than any recent previous president and better employment growth, too.

Research your facts. You will learn to hate reality less.

Republican administrations = exploding debt. And Paul Ryan's "serious" plan doesn't balance anything for decades.

Some attempt at seriousness, there.

pm317 said...

Clint was talking to an empty chair -- was Obama out golfing again?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Rubio slipped up but its ok.

KCFleming said...

Rubio was mesmerizing.

Alex said...

Ritmo - Obama is on pace to DOUBLE the national debt by 2015. He's breaking all records.

Synova said...

"And Paul Ryan's "serious" plan doesn't balance anything for decades."

We don't have a solution. We just know that we don't like yours.

And Obama's plan is?



Meade said...

When some ritmo does not do the job, we have to let him go. And Mitt Romney is the man to let ritmo go.

Titus said...

Romney's walking the Red Carpet!

Love it!

Matt Sablan said...

"Slower spending growth than any recent previous president and better employment growth, too. "

-- To get that, you have to not credit Obama with the spending of 2009, while crediting him with the jobs of that time period.


Alex said...

Oh yes - Obama's plan is to triple the national debt in record time. Ryan's plan is to only double it in the same span. That's better.

Titus said...

Meade what do you know about having a job?

Alex said...

Titus - you just aren't funny anymore. Tits.

Matt Sablan said...

Paul Ryan's plan is also, as I've said ad nauseum, a compromise plan that has a chance of actually being passed instead of what Ryan would like if he were king for a day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo - Obama is on pace to DOUBLE the national debt by 2015. He's breaking all records.

That's what happens when you create a housing bubble and an economic crisis. Not normal conditions. Last one (also Republican-led) resulted in a decade-long depression and 25% unemployment. Feel grateful Obama prevented that.

But you won't. You'll just resent him for not cleaning up a Republican mess faster than the Republicans will fight to make another one happen.

Anonymous said...


i think the topic is ryan's plan which simply isn't workable unless you use crazy math.

we can talk about obama's plan next week. right now the topic is ryan's plan so deflecting isn't a response...unless you say "well what about obama" and I say "well look at what bush left him".

then it is o'k.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Body language is all wrong.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

We don't have a solution. We just know that we don't like yours.

And Obama's plan is?

Probably to not lie, for starters.



Exactly. That's the part you hate.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

“Obama's ideas are the ideas that people come to America to get away from.

Best Rubio line.

Shouting Thomas said...

Rubio's speech is kinda fomulaic.

Read parts of Romney's speech this afternoon.

Romney has to show he can connect.

Anonymous said...

Alex said...
Lindsey - you're talking about a legend."

legend = something mythical that doesn't exist, stuff made of legends (not reality).

if you knew what words meant you wouldn't make such an ass of yourself. and pssst. he played Dirty Harry, he wasn't Dirty Harry. It was a movie. Keep thinking "movie".

Synova said...

Obama's plan is to wait?

Well, eventually it will probably work, if he can be stopped from borrowing more money from the Chinese or bailing out more of his friends.

Unknown said...

Clint was talking to an empty chair

When he's at home he talks to the refrigerator and the mailbox.

Anonymous said...

Ritmo: FDR was a leader. He knew who to unify the country, even those who disagreed with him. He did not complain and blame as Obama has (and you do for that matter).

Obama's politics aside, I've never known of a successful leader who behaved as Obama has.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Obama's plan is to...

Sounds like someone's being literal.

Anonymous said...

LMAO Jake, you made my day!

Anonymous said...

Pogo said...
Rubio was mesmerizing."


garage mahal said...

"Americans always come together after elections."

Sure, show us your birth certificate and maybe we'll talk.

Bender said...

All I could watch before going back to getting caught up with Doctor Who is Romney walking up to the stage.

I gotta tell you -- these conventions and campaign events really, really need to get rid of the recorded rock music.

It simply is not rousing or rah-rah enough. You need a big sound, a march or fanfare full of brass instruments, something stirring and larger than life. Playing some pop rock music over the speakers just doesn't cut it.

Pastafarian said...

Shorter Lindsay and Ritzy: Burn the math witch!

Alex said...

garage - yeah I'll take your birthers and raise you race mongers.

jkmack said...

Aaron Rodgers was sporting a Fu Manchu, Harrel had a full untrimmed beard, beards are making a big comeback, it feels like 1979 again.

Item the second, whether or not Mitt wins the white house, I predict an increase in conversions to the church of LDS.

Alex said...

Bender - maybe some Deutshcheland Uber Alles?

Revenant said...

Looks like the talking point for today is "Eastwood's speech was rambling/bizarre/ditzy".

Anonymous said...

hey allie,

the troops (storm) are in full march tonight...some of this is really fun. Pogo is mesmerized by Rubio...I think he is in love.

Matt Sablan said...

Actually, after the election, the right liked Obama quite a bit. That's how he was able to take such big risks and push big legislation. He had high favorable rates.

garage mahal said...

USA! USA! Cay-man Islands! Ber-mu-da!

Anonymous said...

Damn the torpedoes Lindsey!:)

Pastafarian said...

Lindsey, if you didn't like Rubio's speech, there's something wrong with you. Some things go beyond politics.

Synova said...

When an Obama partisan's description of Obama's economic plan is "probably not to lie" you know Obama doesn't have an economic plan. No. Plan.

Except to wait.

I'm not being literal. You were being unintentionally cogent.

KCFleming said...

Seriously, Lindsey, he was. My parents were like his. If you didn't know that kind of sacrifice, you might mock it.
It made me remember.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Sablan said...
Actually, after the election, the right liked Obama quite a bit..."

Baloney. They went after him immediately. Don't doubt for a minute that part of the GOP hated the idea of a black man in charge of things.

Anonymous said...

Bermuda, Bahamas, come on pretty mama!

Alex said...

Romney not giving any policy specifics.

ALH said...

Will Romney finally close ritmo?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo: FDR was a leader. He knew who to unify the country, even those who disagreed with him. He did not complain and blame as Obama has (and you do for that matter).

Bullroar. Read the history of the time. The "bidnissmen" class at the time was just as full of resentment and pissy.

The only difference was timing. Hoover had the bad luck of putting his crisis at the beginning of his term. Bush, at the end of his.

The Republicans know this and decided to make the crisis worse (a full percentage point of unemployment worse with state gov't layoffs) because they wanted to make the best use of the optics.

If they'd cooperated with Obama, the economy would have been better. But Mitch McConnell was sick of hearing other Republicans complain that doing so would cost them to be out of political power "for decades".

You guys made your trade-off. It's a pretty dishonorable one.

Republicans came around to FDR after a term. And modern-day Republicans still hate Democrats to this day for it. It cost them power for decades then. And you decided that your political power meant more to you than the country.

As a citizen of this country, and one who cares about its economy moreso than just what I, personally, get out of it, I have a big middle finger to wave if Obama rightly survives this disgusting onslaught of resentment, entitlement, and economic terrorism you have wrought on him and on the rest of us.

Alex said...

We all know Allie is in the tank for Obama. She is not open minded at all.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Linsay expects people to come here and stay poor.. its in the democratic play book.

Anonymous said...


or damn the potatoes...

is danny boy on the podium or did newt step over his body earlier?

Alex said...

Actually FDR was the most divisive President ever, read "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes.

JohnJ said...

Romney looks great!

You know, he’s about the same age as Bill Clinton.

(Must be a story there.)

hugh42 said...

I'm an American -- I make my destiny.

Synova said...

"Looks like the talking point for today is "Eastwood's speech was rambling/bizarre/ditzy".

Well, it's not untrue after all.

But it was still a good speech, clever and approachable and I'll bet old people were forgiving of his senior-ness.

garage mahal said...

Detroit with a huge applause? Wha?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Don't doubt for a minute that part of the GOP hated the idea of a black man in charge of things.

Obamas election shocked Lindsey so much.. she still cant get over it.

_Jim said...

Geez ... I wish THE KIDS on the board would just SHUT UP ... it gets tedious reading YOUR CRAP. I'm sure I speak for many others ...

Pastafarian said...

Pogo -- I remember hearing my dad leaving for work before dawn, and I hadn't thought of that for years, until Rubio's speech. He died not too long ago; he lived just long enough to hear his president tell him "you didn't build that."

Hey Ritzy and Lindsey and Jake and Allie: Shove it up your ass.

Anonymous said...


My grandfather is a survivor. My grandmother worked in slave labor camps for 3 years. They both got here after the war. I have some idea of work as my parents both are physicians and they didn't have a pot to piss in. What they did have was a government that tried to level the field for everyone and my parents to this day are staunch patriots .. and a political...just Americans.

Bender said...

Alex -- it is supposed to be a rally, not a night at the club.

Anyway, I flipped over and watched about 30 seconds before I couldn't take any more.

Another thing they really, really need to get rid of is the teleprompters. Please. Especially Romney. Enough with the reading the words. Enough!

Get rid of the teleprompters and, yes, get rid of the microphones. Force the speaker to SPEAK UP, to PROJECT. No more reading, no more droning. Come alive you damned robot. Get excited, get emphatic. Stop reading, and stop with the pauses to look in the camera. Engage the people!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Its official!

Romney is human.

Synova said...

"Baloney. They went after him immediately. Don't doubt for a minute that part of the GOP hated the idea of a black man in charge of things."

I realize that pre-9/11 treatment of President Bush has gone entirely down the memory hole. But Bush wasn't black, so what was the Democrat excuse?

What amazes me is that people who can apparently function in the world don't choke on the claim that it was Obama's *blackness* that provoked people who were his political polar opposite to oppose him. Wow.

In order to believe that, honestly, one would need to believe that Republicans, conservatives, and libertarians, are actually socialists who hate black people.

Hello? Real world?

Alex said...

Lindsey has just Godwined the thread.

Revenant said...

Don't doubt for a minute that part of the GOP hated the idea of a black man in charge of things.

Anyone who thinks Obama would have been treated better by Republicans if he was white is an imbecile.

Hell, they've treated him with more respect than they treated Clinton, and Clinton's as white as the driven trash.

Alex said...

So now I realize that liberals aren't nice people at all.

Matt Sablan said...

It's offi-- Oh, someone made that joke already.

Alex said...

What kind of insanity does it take to shout RACISM 24 hours a day for 3.5 years?

Rob said...

Romney: "If you'd ask Ann and I . . . " Jeez, his knowledge of the objective case is no better than Obama's.

Anonymous said...

Actually FDR was the most divisive President ever, read "The Forgotten Man" by Amity Shlaes

I don't say he unified everybody, but enough so that he was elected to four terms, and led the country, however imperfectly through the Depression and World War II. Not too shabby.

Obama is not going to make it to two terms and all he will leave behind is debt.

KCFleming said...

Then Lindsey,you shouldn't have mocked.

KCFleming said...

It denigrates their memory.

Alex said...

ROmney talking too much about his family and church. Where are the policy initiatives? Obama is going to be speech-ifying policy like crazy next week.

Alex said...

Mittens - enuf about your family. We get it - you're all perfect.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Hey Alex,

Eat your heart out.

Anonymous said...

All that church talk is going to upset somebody.

Alex said...

Now he bares the fangs.

Synova said...

"Obama is going to be speech-ifying policy like crazy next week."

Think so?

Maybe we'll find out what his economic policy is going to be to improve employment. I bet it will have something to do with making those nasty rich people pay their fair share.

Alex said...

Defending Bain Capital, gutsy.

Anonymous said...

I just watched Mitten with the sound on...sound on/sound off...same amount of policy specifics. Meade must be in seventh heaven.

Revenant said...

Obama is going to be speech-ifying policy like crazy next week.

That'd be a first...

Alex said...

Obama will attack the GOP for attacking his patriotism and his dedication to capitalism.

Sofa King said...

Then Lindsey,you shouldn't have mocked.

I really think that's all they know how to do. Sincerity is extremely uncool.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romney is using humor...

Alex said...

So Romney is pushing his family & Bain Capital. No policy yet.

Sofa King said...

Then Lindsey,you shouldn't have mocked.

I really think that's all they know how to do. Sincerity is extremely uncool.

Alex said...

Lindsey - fuck off. How dare you try to gain sympathy from your grandfather's experience. Fuck you to hell.

Anonymous said...

Alex said...
Defending Bain Capital, gutsy."

driving over a cliff is gutsy too then. he will be beaten like a rented mule over Bain.

But I'm waiting for the part where he brought health care to know..his keystone legislation...

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Romney helped built a freaking steel mill!!! right here in the US.

Anonymous said...

Lindsey, he should brag it up, he was so proud of it.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...


Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Pogo -- I remember hearing my dad leaving for work before dawn, and I hadn't thought of that for years, until Rubio's speech. He died not too long ago; he lived just long enough to hear his president tell him "you didn't build that."

Hey Ritzy and Lindsey and Jake and Allie: Shove it up your ass.

Well, unless that guy built the public roads he used (that Obama was referring to) then you can both SHOVE it up YOUR OWN asses.

Disingenuous, resentful, smug, self-entitled, self-righteous liar.

Alex said...

Tepid applause for the Obama attacks.

KCFleming said...

"This President cannot tell us you are better off than when he took office."

Anonymous said...

Alex said...
Lindsey - fuck off. How dare you try to gain sympathy from your grandfather's experience. Fuck you to hell."

A way with words, I'll say.

Do you think for one instant that I am the type that looks for sympathy? Are you absolutely crazy?

If you beat me in debate so good for you. I can take it. And I can dish it out too so bring your game little boy or go home.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Personally, I've got an entire stretch of the I-95 corridor in mind that you can shove up your ass, Pastafarian.

Alex said...

Allie - Romney did just brag about earlier this week but you weren't paying attention. Were you too busy having geriatric sex with the plumber?

Revenant said...

he will be beaten like a rented mule over Bain.

Hm. Well, Obama did win by the largest margin since '88... and we HAVE lost millions of jobs and trillions of dollars since then... so I suppose it is possible that the American people have folks who build domestic businesses and create American jobs.

But hell, the Republicans might was well gamble that they don't. :)

Alex said...

Lindsey - you do not want to debate me little goil.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Tepid applause for the Obama attacks.

Obama would accuse his own shadow of racism... did his own mother.

Anonymous said...

What about Garage, shouldn't he be included in the ass shoving? Let's not exclude our Garage!

Alex said...

So now Romney is bashing China? Is that wise?

Alex said...

I shove the Hoover Dam up Ritmo's ass.

Synova said...

Creating tomorrow's prosperity instead of redistributing today's.

Alex said...

Frankly Paul Ryan was more convincing yesterday. Maybe the ticket is in the wrong order. Mittens just doesn't have what it takes.

AMDG said...

Here come the specifics . . . .

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Anyway, the "up your ass" smack-talk is tiresome. Rather on the level of Vinnie Barbarino's retort of "Up your nose with a rubber hose".

But an honorable Republican would just respond to Warren and Obama's statements by boycotting any use of public roads.

Too bad such a Republican doesn't exist.

Anonymous said...

Jesus...did anyone review this "speech" before they handed it to him? has he got the wrong copy?

headlines tomorrow: "Romney pisses off China"

Revenant said...

Frankly Paul Ryan was more convincing yesterday. Maybe the ticket is in the wrong order.

Personally, I'm rooting for a Paul Ryan/Rand Paul ticket in '16. Rand Paul/Paul Ryan would be much better, but I'm realistic.

Anonymous said...

Romney, not wise move on China trade, my son in law the Capitalist, won't like that. :(

aronamos said...

Christamighty, this place is lousy with mouthy lefties tonight.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Obama has not made one trade agreement.. meantime China has made over a dozen and are working on 15 others.

ALH said...

1)Energy independence by 2020,
2)school choice,
3) trade agreements,
4)balance the budget,
5) take the shackles off s,all business and replace obamacare

Revenant said...

headlines tomorrow: "Romney pisses off China"

He should get a pretty good bounce in the opinion polls from that headline. :)

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

He said the magic word..

repeal.. he didnt stay with it though

KCFleming said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Elect me and I will repeal the healthcare law I championed and passed!

Revenant said...

Christamighty, this place is lousy with mouthy lefties tonight.

Yeah, you have to laugh when they say this place is 90% conservative.

By headcount, maybe. By ASCII character count, eh... not so much.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I shove the Hoover Dam up Ritmo's ass.

Don't forget to apologize to the 1.7 million households who would have to go without electricity so that you can be a tough-talking keyboard warrior!

Alex said...

Allie - so your son the capitalist will vote for the Commie Obama as retribution?

Revenant said...

Elect me and I will repeal the healthcare law I championed and passed!

Hey, if the guy who championed it admits it is a terrible idea, who are we to argue? :)

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

"Romney pisses off China"

As well he should.. they are screwing us!

Linsay, do you read anything?

Alex said...

Conservatives make up 80% of the Althouse user base, but only 20% of the comments.

KCFleming said...

"unlike President Obama, I will not raise taxes on middle class America."

Alex said...

Ok - now comes the Israel bit.

Anonymous said...

is he going to cure cancer too?

energy independence by 2020? someone better tell the oil companies.

i guess Mitt has an unloaded capgun for policy specifics. You guys nominated a real beauty there I have to say. The proverbial silver fox.

Alex said...

Obama threw Israel under the bus.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Great speech.

Back to Rubio for a moment:
Another great line
"This election is about YOUR future not his." [Obama].

Oh no! What will Andrew Sullivan do with his Obama shrine?

Pastafarian said...

Ritzy: disingenuous? Me? While you tell me that the "that" in "you didn't buil that" refers nnot to it's natural singular antecedent a few words before, but to a plural antecedent in another sentence?

Why do you think obama can't speak with proper grammar? Because he's black? Was it Ebonics, you racist twit?

Resentful? Yes, of socialist ninnies like you with your hands in my pocket. Self-entitled? Only to the contents of my pockets.


Alex said...

Oh... that was a dagger with the Putin thing.

Alex said...

Ritmo thinks that because highways are the proper role for government that means EVERYTHING is.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Putin.. Obamas best friend.

ALH said...

Obama "threw Israel under the bus".

Ouch, that was blunt !

Anonymous said...

Alex, no because he won't believe Romney is sincere, he knows Romney is only pandering to populists.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...

Don't forget to apologize to the 1.7 million households who would have to go without electricity so that you can be a tough-talking keyboard warrior!

You just haven't considered the physics involved. It is pretty simple, really.

See, by shoving Hoover Dam up your ass he places it in close proximity to your head; this allows the turbines to harness the constant flow of hot air from your big yap.

The big risk is that if Romney wins, you'll probably sulk quietly for a good 2-3 months. There needs to be a contingency plan to handle the resulting brownout.

Synova said...

I think that only highway workers should get to use the roads.


After all, you didn't build that. A bunch of sweaty blue collar men with tar splattered and steel toed boots built that.


But Ritmo thinks that the government farted the interstate out it's ass with fairy dust and now the rest of us have to pay, because of the hypocrisy.


Because hard working people didn't build that. Working men and women, business owners; they didn't pay taxes for the roads or provide needed services or products, they didn't hire workers or pay payrolls.

Government fairy dust did that. And now the successful OWE.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Conservatives make up 80% of the Althouse user base, but only 20% of the comments.

And only about 5% of the cogent thought material.

So considering that, their commenting percentage is not all that bad.

It's like another one of their artificially inflated economic bubbles

Alex said...

Ritmo still hasn't answered what is the proper role of government.

tiger said...

shiloh said...
Tomorrow's headline:

Dirty Hairy outshines mittens!

How 'bout we start calling you 'shithole'? Does that work for you cuz it does for me...

Alex said...

Honestly it wasn't a memorable speech. Nothing like Reagan's 1980.

Alex said...

OTOH, getting too specific just gives the Democrats ammo for ads. The swing voters are stupid assholes anyways so might as well keep things generic.

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

It was a good speech..

Not much red meat.. but these are tough times.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The big risk is that if Romney wins, you'll probably sulk quietly for a good 2-3 months. There needs to be a contingency plan to handle the resulting brownout.

Oh, I'm sure you'll think of one! That's about as much time as Republicans took in 2009 before they decided to torpedo an administration and a country's recovery efforts in order to gain political power.

Don't expect me to stop reminding you of your support/complacency in coddling that dishonor.

JohnJ said...

“My promise is to help you and your family.”

ALH said...

An ok speech, given that I had low expectations. A little too much "we deserve" this or that. I would agree that we deserve better leaders and equal opportunity, but that's about it.

Shouting Thomas said...

Romney played small ball. I think that's what we need. He doesn't have an overriding theme, only the promise that he has the technical and managerial skills to lead.

Obama will promise social justice and payoffs to his favored groups.

The debates should be interesting.

Synova said...

"energy independence by 2020? someone better tell the oil companies."

As a goal it's doable, almost trivially so. We can land a nuclear power source on Mars the size of a car. We can have complete energy independence in seven years IF WE WANT TO.

Scientifically. Practically. Materials and engineering. Almost trivial.

The roadblocks are political. The roadblock builders are mostly on the left.

Shouting Thomas said...

We have the oil and gas to be energy independent.

The ability to recover shall oil has tripled our known reserves. We don't need Middle Eastern oil any more, if we drill for our own.

A. Shmendrik said...

Works for me.

edutcher said...

After a great speech by Rubio, forcefully presented, a better than expected one from the romster, and showing him a bit better speaker than I had thought.

And JohnJ is right; the whole, "Obama promised to heal the planet, I promise to help your family", is going to get a lot of play.

And, no, nobody is going to say GySgt Highway outshone Romney.

The party goes out fired up and united against Democrats trying to separate themselves from Choom.

I don't blame the trolls for being cranky.

garage mahal said...

Ann Romney always looks like she's sniffing something foul smelling.

ALH said...

Holy shit- Mitt even knows the second verse of America the Beautiful. Obama can only sing along with Marvin Gay and 50-cent.

Alex said...

garage always looks constipated from all those onion rings.

Pastafarian said...

I must admit: This convention has me much more optimistic about the country's future than I've been in a very long time.

I guess I'm going to have to break out the checkbook now and make a big donation.

Or I suppose I could express myself politically as they do in Wisconsin, by shrieking from a bullhorn while wearing only a thin coat of dayglo pink paint.

Meade said...

"Romney played small ball. I think that's what we need. He doesn't have an overriding theme, only the promise that he has the technical and managerial skills to lead."

Exactly right. What we need now is boring small ball competence. Time to put obama's failed presidency behind us. Romney will be a fine president.

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