August 30, 2012

Democrat sends out a mailer saying crime has gone up "over 50% in our negrohood so far this year."

Supposedly a typo, but how does a typo like that happen?

Imagine if a Republican had done that. People would be saying the mask has slipped and this shows what all the Republicans are really like.


Michael K said...

"Akselrod campaign treasurer"

I thought it was spelled "Axelrod." Interesting.

Richard Dolan said...

It's from Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn. Whoever prepared the flyer was already familiar with the term, and evidently had heard it used in this context. So it was a mistake for sure, but not a typo.

edutcher said...

Are we sure it's a typo?

I mean, think Chicago.

Richard Dolan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sorun said...

Is Negrohood anywhere near Hymietown?

MadisonMan said...

I imagine that if a Republican sent out the mailer, his chances of being elected would be negatively impacted as has happened for the Democrat in this story.

And I had the same reaction to Akselrod that Michael K did ;)

Carnifex said...

Little Chrissy Matthews, who is sometimes known as tingles, as opined that the word "Chicago" is raaaacist. Because black people live there. Doesn't matter if more white people do.

Larry Odonnel(is he still alive?) is complaining that someone making a joke about Zero trying out for the PGA was raaaaaacist(I thought someone had killed him by now) because they are linking Zero to Tiger (Where da' white wimmin' at?) Woods.

And these are the people MSNBC thinks of as responsible journolists...ahem...I meant journalists. My bad. See, I messed up the left wing bat web site and its supporters with...naaah. still fits.

Balfegor said...

Whoever prepared the flyer was already familiar with the term

Is it even a term? I don't think it is -- all the Google hits I see are for Akselrod. After I exclude him, "candidate," and "brooklyn," the references to "Negrohood" all seem to use it in the sense of "personhood," (i.e. the quality of being Black), rather than as a pun for "neighbourhood."

Tim said...

Are we now past the point where our moderate blogging hostess, has decided that republicans are generally better than their democratic counterparts?

john said...
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Chip S. said...

Autocomplete strikes again.

Balfegor said...

Autocomplete strikes again.

I can't even get my spellcheck to suggest "Negro." Not even "Negor" does the trick (I just tried with spellcheck in Word).

Carnifex said...

Autocomplete messed my e-mail up= the dog farted, not me.

Leastways I credit maybe having a stroke for my mispellings!

dbp said...

Simple typo: The transposed the O and R and then left out the I, H and B.

Could happen to anyone, we're not robots after all.

Chip S. said...


I should've specified TypeBooster, which learns new words after three uses.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine! So a pipsqueak challenger in a primary enlarged to democrat(s) by inflection.

Can you be any more biased or is just this an example of red meat pandering" to your readership base?

I'll thumb through your blog and find all I can read about that West guy in Florida and all the commies in congress or those pricks in Virginia with invasive ultrasound or maybe something about your looser senate candidate in Missouri?

How about them Mets!

Sue D'Nhym said...

Well, some spell-check programs learn by adopting to words that the user uses, so that if the user used negro a lot, this could happen.

john said...

Dems use Macs. Macs use Word. This wouldn't happen with Wordperfect.

Bob said...

*Imagines Mr. Rogers in his cardigan singing It's a beautiful day in the Negrohood.*

Baron Zemo said...

My Dear Lady please do not be so upset.

This is a common locution.

Many area's have a negrohood watch.

I believe Mr. Zimmerman belonged to one.

john said...

Lindsey -

No wonder you are so stressed out. It's happy hour, you should just kick back and enjoy the joke.

And you know, pinching yourself between your eyes is going to leave a permanent red mark.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Personally, I prefer living here in Crackertopia.

holdfast said...

@Lindsey Meadows:

An ultrasound may be, in and of itself, somewhat invasive, but compared to having an actual abortion, it's a love tap.

Anonymous said...

"And you know, pinching yourself between your eyes is going to leave a permanent red mark."

She does seem to be a little tense,doesn't she? Well, in all fairness I can understand that. I imagine Barry is feeling the same way.

holdfast said...


No, imagine Eddie Murphy in his "Mr. Robinson's Neighborhood" SNL Sketch, a parody of Mr. Rogers. It works damned well.

Chip S. said...

your looser senate candidate in Missouri

Looser than whom? He seems pretty tightly wound to me.

holdfast said...

Eddie Murphy. From when SNL was funny.

Automatic_Wing said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Matt Sablan said...

You know what's funny? The double standard is expected. I honestly think a Democrat could go out wearing a sheet and torch a cross and only lose a few points from his or her base at this rate, and news shows would tut tut and make excuses.

X said...

so that's how it is. just because it's a negrohood, crime is the big issue. just sayin', sounds kinda racist.

john said...

Honestly, Lindsey, there are good people here who only want to help.

Anonymous said...

ast said...
"An ultrasound may be, in and of itself, somewhat invasive, but compared to having an actual abortion, it's a love tap."

I enjoy it when some decry any intrusion of the government - just an ounce of overreach - and they just go beserk. But let's perform a transvaginal ultrasound on any woman who seeks an abortion, even if the woman or the doctor don't agree.

Love tap? You ass.

Anonymous said...

Matthew Sablan said...
"...could go out wearing a sheet and torch a cross and only lose a few points.."

You have plenty of extra sheets there Matt? 1200 thread count. size 2. send it right over.

Matt Sablan said...

I actually only have a green sheet I wash every week. No spares.

Balfegor said...

I enjoy it when some decry any intrusion of the government - just an ounce of overreach - and they just go beserk. But let's perform a transvaginal ultrasound on any woman who seeks an abortion, even if the woman or the doctor don't agree.

Ultrasounds are already standard procedure for abortions. At least at Planned Parenthood.

Sue D'Nhym said...

Serious question. Let's do role-reversal. If this happened to a Republican, and tonight was the DNC with Obama speaking, do you REALLY think he would not say something about it, perhaps even obliquely, to get it in the zeitgeist?

Odds that Romney does have to be worse than the odds that Snooki will be our first woman President.

Anonymous said...

Harry Reid can tell you about Negrohoods. That's where the well spoken ones live. The ones with no discernable Negro accent. The ones like Obama.

Anonymous said...

Harry Reid can tell you about Negrohoods. That's where the well spoken ones live. The ones with no discernable Negro accent. The ones like Obama.

PianoLessons said...

OK - someone has to send this to MSNBC (Chris Matthews and his boss especially - the Orwellian speech/thought monitor of citizen speech as anointed the American 4th Estate Palace Guard)....they would be all over this story.

Oh no wait.....that Palace Guard thing means they only protect the American King - you know - the one who bypasses Congress and acts by Executive Fiat (immigration) and Administrative Rule (EPA)....

You know - MSNBC - where they say we cannot ever again mention Obama's golf outings because it evokes images of Toger Woods and so it's a racial slur.

IMHO Hello Orwell in America with these folks but they sure would like to hear about this little typo.

Try sending it to them and wait to see how they explode in outrage.

Paul said...

The mask did slip... only it's the Democrat mask. Most Dems are still Dixiecrats.

Alex said...

Why is it everytime totally outrageous Democrat behavior is POINTED OUT, liberals come in here and cry "FOUL! RED MEAT ALTHOUSE HILLBILLIES! RACISTS!!!".

Is this some kind of Tourettes?

Anonymous said...

They ran this flyer past Biden first. He gave it his A-OK.

PianoLessons said...

Sorry that my tinyurl link didn't work to an Ed Driscoll story....

maybe try this one or just go to Google or Twitter for the story.

wef said...

My little racist mind never would have thought of the term. But it's perfect.


Now everytime you see or hear the word neighborhood, your mind will flit, at least for an instant, to the word Negrohood. Nothing will stop it. It is etched into your psyche.

(By the way, was Trayvon Martin wearing a negrohoody?)

Automatic_Wing said...

They should absolutely do ultrasounds not only before, but also during the procedure itself. Did you know that the little clumps of cells try to run away from the abortion implement? Quite amazing.

Matt Sablan said...

Just remember, a Republican saying something off the cuff and stupid is part of the war on women or racist. A Democrat printing, approving and mailing out a racist flyer is an honest mistake that should require clarification before we pounce.

Anonymous said...

Oh and now Chris Tingles says "Chicago" is a racist dogwhistle, thus replacing yesterday's racist dogwhistle, which was "golf."

Let's play Democrat Word Association!









exhelodrvr1 said...

Clearly SpellCheck was designed by a racist Republican. Or maybe a Democratic woman in a vagina suit.

holdfast said...

" exiledonmainst said...

They ran this flyer past Biden first. He gave it his A-OK."

But he was talking in a slight Indian accent at the time.

exhelodrvr1 said...

I thought we were supposed to use "African-Americanhood" now.

The Scythian said...

"Is it even a term?"

If it wasn't before, it will be now.

Anonymous said...

Balfegor said...
"Ultrasounds are already standard procedure for abortions."

Oh I see. What if the doctor said it wasn't needed or the woman refused. The state then has a right to order it so? Is that your position?

got it. thanks for clearing that up. sure hope you don't suffer from ED....cause I've got some ideas we can try on you when you want a viagra script.

JAL said...

Spellcheck Fail?

The Scythian said...

Yes, of course, because abortions are equivalent to treatments for erectile dysfunction.

YoungHegelian said...

Of those increased crimes in the negrohood, how many are murders committed by ask murderers?

Cedarford said...

Maguro said...
They should absolutely do ultrasounds not only before, but also during the procedure itself. Did you know that the little clumps of cells try to run away from the abortion implement? Quite amazing.

As a student, I noticed amoebas I had gathered from pond scum trying to run away from a needle probe I was using to try to separate them from the bits of living and dead plant matter they were feeding on.

It was quite amazing.

Difficult to get those amoebas, nd make a clean slide!

Chip Ahoy said...

As the candidate, I take full responsibility for this erroneous 3 letter omission/2 letter transposal resulting in an amusingly apposite but racially offensive typo that offended some people.

You see, for I have I faced discrimination as a white guy with ten fingers, five on each hand symmetrically, which did affect my typing skills, causing dropped letters and transpositions, on my native planet Mars and I fiercely reject any form of racial and ethnic bias.

Sam L. said...

Like to coughed myself into unconsciousness on reading that.

Chuck66 said...

A typo is a missed letter. Not a changed word.

Sam L. said...

Not on Ann yet but check this out:

Amartel said...

"hood" is clearly a code word racist dog whistle alert that compels racist Republican typesetter to typo the word "negro." Because raaacism.

Eric Jablow said...

John, Macs use Pages. Word is an interloper.

But then I'm no longer a democrat and I use Emacs and LaTeX on my Mac. LaTeX, for when you care how your writing really looks.

JAL said...

Forget Brooklyn. I want to know what happened to 60% of the black voters in Milwaukee.

If the Rapture occurred, I've been left behind? (Anyone heard from Tradguy recently?)

Two (+) other questions sprang to mind immediately reading that news: 1a. Since it was pre-recall -- did they leave them on the rolls? 1b. How many of the disappeared voters voted?

2. Why did they target African Americans ONLY for the vote canvass? Aren't poor whites, poor hispanics and poor Asians worthy to vote?

Mmmm. Could be racist either way. "Sorry non-black dudes and dudettes, you're on your own." OR The African Americans aren't smart enough to go vote without being told. (?)

Either way (I suppose there are reasons ...) looks bad.

Matt Sablan said...

This mistake: Not racist. Shortening YellowShirtGirl to YellowGirl is racist thought.

Joe Schmoe said...

I myself have mixed up 'neighbor' and 'negro' several times. "Have you met our new negroes, I mean neighbors?" "Canada is our negro to the north, I mean neighbor to the north." "Thou shalt love thy negro as thyself, I mean neighbor as thyself."

I swear, he must've been working off the script for Blazing Saddles.

john said...

Eric -

When you switch to WP, you will know freedom.

Besides, Corel is a Mormon front organization.

Aridog said...

Carniflex said ... Little Chrissy Matthews, who is sometimes known as tingles, as opined that the word "Chicago" is raaaacist. Because black people live there. Doesn't matter if more white people do.

Perchance Tingles misspoke or was geographically challenged....and meant Detroit, where black people are the majority and the pejorative term is "Detroiter." In a suburban newspaper, if the article on crime says "3 Detroiters broke in to a wig shop and stole hair extensions" ...everyone knows what it means.

Balfegor said...

Re: Lindsey Meadows:

Oh I see. What if the doctor said it wasn't needed or the woman refused. The state then has a right to order it so? Is that your position?

Yes. The state doesn't have a right, as such, but it does legitimately have the power to regulate the performance of medical procedures, including requiring that they be performed in a particular way, according to particular standards. I mean, unless we're willing to throw out medical malpractice law entirely, this is kind of a given.

Skipper said...

Is this "typo" any different than typing "Honolulu" and ending up with "Kenya"?

Gene said...

I remember once reading about a guy who wrote a story about a black Mercedes. When his spell/grammar check got done with it all the car references were now to an "African-American Mercedes."

AllenS said...

Give the guy some credit, he didn't use the word nigger.

Big Mike said...

But the mask really did slip, did it not?

cassandra lite said...

Rahm wrote it, right?

DADvocate said...

Hell. That wasn't a typo Topys are where one or tow letters are transposed or somethign, not a complete three syllable word.

Democrats are the real bigots. Who else thinks of black people as soon as the word "welfare" is mentioned?

Yes, the mask slipped.

jeff said...

"Yes, of course, because abortions are equivalent to treatments for erectile dysfunction. "

If you are a exceedingly shallow thinker, then yeah, abortion is EXACTLY like erectile dysfunction. Also, while the ultrasound has the benefit of being an actual medical procedure that is peformed during many abortions, its only fair that a non-medical procedure that only exists in her mind to be painful or humiliating with no medical value at all, because....hey, its a guy.

Gospace said...

Spell check. If it's been added to his spellchecker- well- need anything more be said?

Bob Ellison said...

Damn Siri!

purplepenquin said...

So a pipsqueak challenger in a primary enlarged to democrat(s) by inflection.

Can you be any more biased or is just this an example of red meat pandering" to your readership base?

Reminds me of the time one individual was attempting to intimidate her, but she reported that as being threatened by unions.

Wally Kalbacken said...

Looks like V.I. Lenin, IV on the left in that photo.

hugh42 said...

Derek Parra, Bravo.

Micha Elyi said...

People would be saying the mask has slipped...
--Ann Althouse

You betcha the mask has slipped - the Democrat mask.

hugh42 said...

Let him go!

wyo sis said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wyo sis said...

"Just imagine! So a pipsqueak challenger in a primary enlarged to democrat(s) by inflection.

Can you be any more biased or is just this an example of red meat pandering" to your readership base?"

Ask the people responsible for the Romney-Ryan-Akin bumper sticker. No red meat pandering there.

Charlie Martin said...

I'm certain I read one news story about it that claimed he was a Republican.

kimsch said...

You might "excuse" this if it had been a mass email, where generally one person looks at it before hitting the send button. But this was a mailing. Someone wrote it, someone designed it, someone printed it, supposedly someone approved the printing, and then they sent it out. It's either on purpose or complete incompetence.

From Inwood said...

And gentlemen in Brooklyn now a-bed
Shall think themselves accursed they were not here,
And hold their negrohoods cheap whiles any speaks
That fought with us upon Election Day right here in Sheepshead Bay.

Nora said...

Democrates and their election machine lie? Why is it a surprise?

What's a lie in comparison to common good, universal justice and somesuch amphibological notions? It's not like the Dems are out to get all the Reps into labor camps or something. So, don't you worry ...

Unknown said...


"Forget Brooklyn. I want to know what happened to 60% of the black voters in Milwaukee.

If the Rapture occurred, I've been left behind? (Anyone heard from Tradguy recently?)"

At the same time honeybees, cans of tuna fish packed in oil and new Pontiacs have also disappeared. Coincidence? I don't think so.

Who is responsible for these disappearances? Extraterrestrials? The chief mages of the Black Crusaders? The Illuminati? No this is obviously a conspiracy by Dubya, the Koch Brothers and the Elders of Zion. The only question is why.

Toad Trend said...

Ahh, the liberals have clearly raised that civility bar once again.

If we must look through the prism of a 'slipped mask', we must conclude that this is just further proof of their daily projection.

Corollary: if you listen, they will tell you exactly what they are thinking.

Rusty said...




I'm beginning to see how this works.

Apparently the negrohood in Milwaukee has shrunk by 60%.
I wonder how many have moved to garage's house?

shishka said...

I'm not all that surprised. Democrats are the party of plantation owners, the KKK, they wrote the Jim Crow laws, turned firehoses on black kids to keep them out of their schools, told Rosa Parks to sit in the back of the bus and filibustered the Civil Rights Act. They (Clinton) award segregationists (Fulbright) presidential medals of honor. So, what's the fuss.

Todd said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

This is akin to rich liberals saying that the rich are not taxed enough but strive for every deduction and shelter they can find. See as they are trying to track this type of thing.

West said...

"I enjoy it when some decry any intrusion of the government - just an ounce of overreach - and they just go beserk. But let's perform a transvaginal ultrasound on any woman who seeks an abortion, even if the woman or the doctor don't agree.

Love tap? You ass."

Look at it as a package deal, darling. You have to have the horribly intrusive, devastatingly insulting, painful and humiliating ultrasound picture taken so that the doctor knows best how to perform the completely harmless, painless, and consequence-free ripping and liquefaction of your unborn child out from your uterus.

mdgiles said...

Liberals hear "racist dog whistles" because they're racist dogs. It's really simple when you think about it.

Toad Trend said...

"This is akin to rich liberals saying that the rich are not taxed enough..."

For 'rich' liberals, just *saying* that "the rich are not taxed enough" is their attempt to draw fire away from themselves for being rich.

That's it.

If they really meant it, they would first write that additional check each April 15th BEFORE preaching to everyone else what they should be paying.

But of course, they don't mean it, and it wouldn't change a thing fiscally. It would only embolden (is that possible?) liberals to spend more because spending money is compassionate and keeps their sorry asses in a job.

Rusty said...

leslyn said...
This is worse than throwing peanuts at a black reporter and calling her an animal?

Didn't happen.

Rusty said...

leslyn said...
@ Rusty: Are you quoting that old meme:

"You didn't throw that" ?

I'm saying what you allege didn't happen. There is no proof it did happen.

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