More quotes from Romney's speech at the link, including:
I believe that the enduring alliance between the State of Israel and the United States of America is more than a strategic alliance: It is a force for good in the world. America’s support of Israel should make every American proud. We should not allow the inevitable complexities of modern geopolitics to obscure fundamental touchstones. No country or organization or individual should ever doubt this basic truth: A free and strong America will always stand with a free and strong Israel.
The Romster is drawing a very definitive line in the sand and a sharp distinction between himself and the bow and grovel of Smart Diplomacy.
He also is turning London into a plus by saying, when asked if he wanted to do it over, "I tend to tell people what I actually believe".
I have to admit I didn't see the Romney team willing to campaign like this. They see an obama policy failure and kick it at every opportunity and all team obama can do is shout "squirrel!"and hope their hand maidens in the press will change the subject for them.
The meaning of the Chosen People, according to Levinas, is chosen for special responsibilities. In particular concern for the other guy, a moral responsibility of the chosen. (Which is why Arabs wind up in Israeli hospitals.)
Levinas goes on, that that's the human condition in general. Every person is a Jew.
Romney circles that idea.
It probably won't affect the Jewish vote much since Jews and blacks seem immune to facts about their own self interest. There are still 100 days to wake up, though.
There is a devastating article in the most recent City Journal about school discipline, though. The Obama administration will sue any school district that tries to enforce discipline in the classroom. Well, my kids are adults.
According to pelosi, Obama has practically LIVED in Israel most of his adult life.
MichaelK, Absolutely! I would add gays to Jews and blacks.
gk1 said...
I have to admit I didn't see the Romney team willing to campaign like this. They see an obama policy failure and kick it at every opportunity and all team obama can do is shout "squirrel!"and hope their hand maidens in the press will change the subject for them.
As I've said to The Blonde, he may be a pleasant surprise.
In any case, rumor has it Lizzie Warren is up for keynoter (keynotress?) at the convention. Love to see what they'd make of that one.
AA Reporter: Mistuh Prezden', if Jerusalem ain't in Israel, where it at?
Obama: It be coiclin' the Jew Entity. It want in, the Jew Entity want it in, but forces dat wants to crush, er...let me say dat forces leadin' from beehine, forces in league with the muslim brother, er...WHAT DUH FUCK DEY NEEDS JERUSALEM?! dey gots dat Tella Tella Vee by the sea, what more dey wants?...pushy bastids.
AA Reporter: Thank you, Mistuh Prezden'. And, er...yuh gots my vote!
Obama has to be gritting his teeth, knowing 10s of millions he gave to the Bankers in the big Bailout - are going to end up right in Romney's campaign coffers, after that Jerusalem speech.
"I tend to tell people what I actually believe".
Heh. I have been pleasantly surprised at Romney's political style. He wasnt' my guy but I think he's going to do ok.
That's what a Leader sounds like. We haven't heard such in awhile.
You seem to be going out of your way to be kind of a dickhead today, ricpic. Why is that?
"Absolutely! I would add gays to Jews and blacks."
The anti-bullying stuff is all about gays. They also seem to be very susceptible to BS from this bunch. I could care less about gay marriage but it is interesting to see the rage at the Chick fil A guy when that was Obama's position until yesterday morning. The difference is that they know Obama lies.
Choosing who to vote for by how good a liar he is seems a new trend.
Someone has to counter your lefty shit, Paco.
Why would any Jew vote for Obama? I believe there will be a lot more Jewish votes for Romney than the corrupt liberal media think.
Looking forward to President Romney.
I wish American politics didn't have this norm that backing whatever crazy thing the Israeli right wants is considered "good" for Israel.
This one state solution that some on the Israeli right are going for is going to be a disaster when they realized they have to decide between Judaism and democracy.
That simple speech by Romney from the Capital of Israel was an historical moment that will not be forgotten.
Meanwhile 2/3rds of Obama's inner circle are now so busy gnashing their teeth that they cannot get back to planning the campaign.
Romney is doing them and their plans for a Palestinian terrorist State to be created serious damage and seems not to be fooled by the Neo-Nazi plans of the Marxist-Progressives.
The Obama-media tells us stories of the 1967 boundaries declared by Tyrant Obama to be all the Israelies get...which sounds better than the true meaning that they must revert back to the 1949 truce line where they stopped while the six Arab Armies completed a resupply so that they finish off their war of extermination of the Jews.
The Obama knife in Israel's back also demands that they surrender East Jerusalem so the Arabs can again forbid Jews from entering the old Walled City and Temple mount area.
Well that is never going to happen any more than the Texans surrendered the Alamo to Santa Anna's Army.
Obama is Israel's enemy. He knows it and Netanyhu knows it.
So Romney's actual support for continuing 45 years of Jerusalem under Jewish rule comes as a breath of fresh air for isolated and until now abandoned Israel.
That crazy thing Israel wants is to not get killed by her neighbors. The Palestinians, who btw would kill you for being gay, want to kill the Jews. They are supported by their Arab neighbors, who for the most part would kill you for being gay, who support the Palestinians (as long as they stay out of their neighbors countries, and who enforce that by killing them should they stray over their border) because they can blame the Jews and keep their own people distracted by their 13 century lives, and lack of a remotely democratic process. Unlike Israel who would not kill you for being gay and is the most democratic country in the region. So naturally, you are on the other side.
Jay Carney, demonstrating that the Obama administration are not only weasels, but also cowards.
Andy R. said...
I wish American politics didn't have this norm that backing whatever crazy thing the Israeli right wants is considered "good" for Israel.
This one state solution that some on the Israeli right are going for is going to be a disaster when they realized they have to decide between Judaism and democracy.
Hatman hasn't been told that Arab Israelis are freer and safer than those in any Arab country and certainly those in the Palestinian satrap.
Judaism is democracy and has been for 64 years.
Islam is tyranny and oppression, but Hatamn would have to start thinking for himself to see that.
Hatman hasn't been told that Arab Israelis are freer and safer than those in any Arab country and certainly those in the Palestinian satrap.
I lived in Jerusalem near the Arab neighborhoods for a year, I'm well aware of the conditions there.
It's Israeli's decision to govern the Palestinians in the West Bank rather than allowing them to have a state that will be causing the problems.
America must appear absolutely schizophrenic by everybody else in the world.
I'm imagining. And I'm imagining too they would not be wrong. We must appear feckless and unreliable in every way. Apparently capricious. Other nations would be foolish to trust us. We seemingly cannot be relied on for long.
Or can we? Maybe that is reliable.
This is how to mark our relationship with other nations.
I'm trying to draw up plateau down plateau up plateau down plateau at irregular intervals. Steady. Steadily schizophrenic. Is that so different from everybody else?
I wonder how this pandering -"Israel and the USA Best friend forever", "Please like me, Israelis" - plays in the rest of the world.
I notice our pompous, uber-responsible, internet foreign experts never speak up on that one.
I hear Mitt's going to wear a Yamaka during the debates. He's trying to win Pat Robertson's vote.
"We must appear feckless and unreliable in every way. Apparently capricious. Other nations would be foolish to trust us. We seemingly cannot be relied on for long."
Absolutely. No worse friend, no better enemy.
"It's Israeli's decision to govern the Palestinians in the West Bank rather than allowing them to have a state that will be causing the problems."
Having been there, you presumably know why "Israeli's" have made that decision.
Andy R Seems to be a very intelligent and well educated Jewish man.
Guys like Andy living here in America have been postulating about and searching for for a peaceful solution to Jerusalem by treating Palestinians with respect and justice for...about 60 years.
But some bad communications coming from the hard liners in Israel keeps causing the surrounding billions of armed men sworn to kill the Jews in Israel to ignore that message.
Surely it's all a temporary sociological and psychological problem about to be solved by liberal Jews in America agreeing for the Jews living in the State of Israel be systematically murdered without any messy and embarrassing armed Jewish resistance.
You might want to admit that there is no such easy answer, Andy, except for armed resistance.
Andy R. said...
Hatman hasn't been told that Arab Israelis are freer and safer than those in any Arab country and certainly those in the Palestinian satrap.
I lived in Jerusalem near the Arab neighborhoods for a year, I'm well aware of the conditions there.
It's Israeli's decision to govern the Palestinians in the West Bank rather than allowing them to have a state that will be causing the problems.
A Palestinian state that would be funded by the Russians, the Red Chinese, and the Arabs with the sole mission of destroying Israel.
Besides, they captured it, fair and square (I'm sure Hatman thinks we should give back the Mexican Cession, too).
I'm wondering if Hatman was tarred and feathered before they ran him out of town on a rail.
(should I be suspicious of anybody's veracity when the say something like, "It's Israeli's decision..."?)
Read an article that highlighted the speech and linked to it; then read about half of it - it's fairly long.
I liked what I read and am getting more and more impressed with Romney.
I originally thought he was a good looking empty suit but the guy can give a great speech, seems humble enough for being stinking rich and certainly seems genuine especially compared to Obama.
I sure wish candidates for the presidency of the United States would actually campaign in the United States, as for instance in Ohio or western Pennsylvania. All those working class guys there who cling to their religion and guns because they don't have jobs still don't have any jobs. And they're American citizens.
A twofer..
Not only step on Israeli soil but say that their capital is Jerusalem..
Severely Neocon.
I wonder how this pandering -"Israel and the USA Best friend forever", "Please like me, Israelis" - plays in the rest of the world.
Considering what much of the "rest of the world" thinks of Israel and says about Israel, I can imagine how this "plays" to them. So? That makes Romney's speech the opposite of pandering. It's “tell[ing] people what I actually believe.”
Real suck-up pandering to world opinion-- that's what Obama did and does. What a reception he got for his speech in Berlin! "Please like me, world, love me, adore me, I apologize for the USA and all the evil things it's done and is. I hate Bush too." And boy did they like him.
After all, that's what earned Obama a Nobel Prize. A Nobel Prize before he did anything at all... other than rhetorically pander to world opinion.
"Tell Vladimir I'll be more flexible after re-election." Romney's going to Poland next. Oh no, I wonder what Putin will think. Is Romney's speech there going to be a case of "pandering" too?
I get the impression the White House is using Obama's record to attack Romney.
See yashu above.
God curses those who curse Israel. I've seen it happen to my own Uncle and just look a the state of the Muslim world.
This is one of the reasons I think Obama is having such a hard time during this election season. Sadly, there are a lot of people in this country who wouldn't care if the Islamists destroyed Israel. Little do they know, God isn't going to allow that to happen. They'll get close and then they will all be destroyed forever.
"Hatman hasn't been told that Arab Israelis are freer and safer than those in any Arab country and certainly those in the Palestinian satrap.
I lived in Jerusalem near the Arab neighborhoods for a year, I'm well aware of the conditions there. "
Did you happen to go into the West Bank and announce your gayness ? We know the answer since you are polluting this blog comments.
The gay left never ceases to impress me with their obtuseness.
"God curses those who curse Israel."
Really Saudi Arabia and Kuwait seem to be doing pretty well. But maybe they don't "curse" Israel - just bad mouth it.
So I said this on July 28th:
This article makes me think that Republicans should make our support for Israel loud and clear. For instance, by wearing a T-shirt like this one when you go on Jon Stewart's show, or Leno, or Letterman, or Colbert.
There's a lot of moral cowardice on the left. Making our support for Israel loud and vocal distinguishes us from liberals, who are masters of appeasement.
Sarah Palin had an Israeli flag in her office. I love it! But nobody sees her office. She should take it a step further and wear the T-shirt in public.
You liberals want to marginalize Israel? The right should respond with vocal support.
And on July 29th, Mitt Romney responds with vocal support!
Hey, somebody in the Romney campaign is reading Althouse. Or it's a coincidence. But that's not any fun.
Romney reads Althouse!
Andy - which ethnic group was massing for war in June 1967 against the other?
Hello American Jews..
Can you now see who really will stand up for Israel?
It's not like Obama has done or said ANYTHING to show he is and ally to Israel.
Now I don't really care much for Mitt but I have to say HE SAYS WHAT HE MEANS and I bet he won't back down.
No, I'm not bubbly about Mormonism, but from what Mitt has said and done does raise his stock in my eyes. And I say this as a Catholic and conservative.
I just hope and pray we don't end up with a smart rich liberal president, but that is better than the ignorant rich leftist we have for a president now.
"I'm trying to draw up plateau down plateau up plateau down plateau at irregular intervals."
While hanging upside down!
Andy R: Can you say aloud what city is the capital of Israel? Is there a good reason that the Obama administration can't?
Or is that just another "crazy thing that the Israeli right wants"?
"Really Saudi Arabia and Kuwait seem to be doing pretty well."
Maybe for the rich oil sheikhs, but not the average citizen. They are profoundly oppressive. Having money does not mean you are doing well. Withholding monetary success isn't the only way God curses people. When is the last time a Muslim invented anything or contributed anything positive to society? My brother has studied Arabic for years, has been to the Middle East and he laughs at the pathetic nature of their cultures. They don't even have words for most of the inventions in the past 200 years because they've been living in ignorance for so long with no educational system beyond studying the Koran. A lot of the women hate their lives and if they weren't afraid of their cowardly husbands stoning them they would flee. Being antisemitic is " the fashionable thing over there" he tells me.
As I said in an earlier post...Mitt is a better campaigner than I gave him credit for. He's starting to hit WWAAAAYYYY better. I just wish he was a conservative.
FWIW I'm on the Obama campaign mailing list. This past week I've been getting two, three and four emails a day crying for donations. Today Harry Reid beseeches me:
What you do between now and Tuesday will decide what happens on Election Day 100 days from today. Don’t sit this out. Please click here to contribute $5 or more.
You can smell the desperation in these emails from the Obama camp.
Romney isn't perfect but he is a leader who can support a democratic ally and speak the straight truth.
I'd respect Obama more if he would speak his truth on Israel instead of these silly games where where he pretends he is the greatest supporter of Israel in history yet cannot, will not admit the capital of Israel or even explain why he won't.
On a humorous note it reminds me of that running gag in the Simpsons where they always obscure which state the Simpsons' Springfield is in.
I went to high-school with members of the Kuwati royal family. They were the most heinously spoiled children I have ever met. My school had community style lunches with all the students attending at the same time but at multiple assigned tables. They wanted us to learn how to be good people so we would have responsibilities including people having to clean the tables at the end of lunch which included scraping the food off other people's plates and returning them to the kitchen. Whenever the Kuwati boys were responsible for cleaning up they would become furious and yell, "At home I have slaves to do this!" They would routinely brag about how they had never done anything for themselves in life because they had servants to do it for them. Boy, was it easy to get under their skin.
Also, they all disappeared for about a year just days before 9/11. It was strange to say the least.
Creely23, Obama's message, which to you seems torn, is quite reflective of the views within Israel.
Her citizens don't speak with a single Israeli tongue any more than American citizens do.
Hey! What can I say? We got opinions!
Andy R, weren't you a member of Hillel? Didn't you go on one of their Birthright tours to Israel? How did you reconcile your beliefs about Israel with Hillel's Israel advocacy?
Penny: How many Israelis don't or won't acknowledge that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel?
How many past American presidents wouldn't?
I don't know.
And I don't know.
My point, creely, was that there is no SINGULAR Israeli view, any more than there is a SINGULAR American view.
You and I may agree on Romney's message, but we need to at least be aware that there are opposing opinions that have as much inherent value as our own.
What happens when beloved Egyptian actors/comedians are told the show they are appearing on is Israeli owned/produced? This--
"Get her a chair!" [5:20} What a guy! What a gentleman!
Penny's right about the diversity of Israeli opinion - there are quite a few people that would gladly cede the West Bank to the Palestinians if there was a reasonable chance of peace.
On the other hand, Douchebag Andy, who is always prepared to shriek about bigotry in other situations, is either too dishonest or too ignorant to acknowledge that Obama's plan of just pressuring that damned Jew Netanyahu into abandoning the West Bank as soon as possible has no chance of success because of the Palestinians' well-documented and violent hatred of Jews. and it's telling that Douchebag Andy lacks the integrity to criticize Obama for his nasty and ineffective leadership, simply because he agrees with Obama's domestic "ideas".
The capital of Israel is where Israel's top level of government resides, which appears to be West Jerusalem.
It is not for United States politicians to comment on one way or the other.
Why do our politicians have to make a show of their obeisance to Israel?
Why do our politicians have to make a show of their obeisance to Israel?
Showing support for a beleagured ally is an important issue for a lot of voters.
It's the same reason Obama panders to people like you with "you didn't build that" claims, although thankfully more Americans support Israel than bad economics.
Robert Cook said...
Why do our politicians have to make a show of their obeisance to Israel?
One reason is public displays of malfeasance made by supplicants like this.
rcocean - I hear Mitt's going to wear a Yamaka during debates. He's trying to win Pat Robertson's vote.
Snark works better when you can actually spell, imbecile.
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