July 24, 2012

"Exactly who in the White House betrayed these secrets? Did a superior authorize it?"

Romney asked.
"These are things that Americans are entitled to know — and they are entitled to know right now. If the president believes — as he said last week — that the buck stops with him, then he owes all Americans a full and prompt accounting of the facts."


Original Mike said...

My money's on Obama.

chickelit said...

Seems like there's bipartisan curiousity too--Dianne Feinstein is curious, blue.

Ruh Roh

Jason (the commenter) said...

If only the press had covered this story when it first appeared. But they didn't and now they're being forced to deal with it just before an election.

Michael K said...

We know it was Clapper and Donilon, especially the latter. He is a hack and has no business in the office he has. The fact that Obama put him there indicates Obama's respect for national security and intelligence (not the sociology kind).

Jason (the commenter) said...

Isn't it great to see Romney on the offensive? He's morally outraged now due to the Bain attacks (the ones which let everyone know about his business experience), and he's come out swinging.

Good job Mr. Romney!

FloridaSteve said...

This is going to be a very effective hammer.

garage mahal said...

“The time for stonewalling is over.”

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

"We've Given All You People Need to Know!"

edutcher said...

Waiting for Brian Ross to ask, "What did the President know and when did he know it?". This thing is getting radioactive if even DiFi wants to know.

A little like the story that the Syrians are threatening to use those chemical weapons guys like Choom told us for 5 years weren't trucked from Iraq by Saddam's and Assad's buddy, Putin.

chickelit said...

We've Given All You People Need to Know!

Ann Romney actually said that, garage.
Say, why don't you go and ridicule her love of dressage? You could ride your hobby horse to keep up.

coketown said...

Obama needed to project an image of shrewd toughness. His only options were: a) leak classified information showing him to be a Badass Motherfucker™; b) commission a painting of himself riding shirtless atop a grand white stallion. Relations with Russia are sensitive right now, so he couldn't choose option B for fear of offending Putin. "Barushinka, what is deal here? Is plagiarism, no?"

Scott said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MathMom said...

Obama said "The buck stops with you", not "The Buck Stops Here". Big difference.

coketown said...

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

Sez the woman who sees no difference between classified intel and tax returns. Oh, wait. You see a difference: leaks are never, ever damaging while tax returns can be quite damaging, indeed.

Priorities. Like the superPAC. Only more clueless.

Michael K said...

"Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns."

If Romney released 12 years' tax returns, you would want 14. Why doesn't Obama offer his college transcripts in a deal for the tax returns ? Sounds fair to me.

David said...

As Romney well knows, a "superior" does not have to authorize the leak. Obama will continue to tolerate leaks as long as they suit his interests. When they no longer to, some poor slob is going to join the large crowd already under Obama's bus.

test said...

garage mahal said...
“The time for stonewalling is over.”

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

"We've Given All You People Need to Know!"

Typical. Who can't tell the difference between oppo research media and national security leaks. Besides garage?

Triangle Man said...

I guess I get to be the first one to predict "Executive Privilege" will be trending soon.

Anonymous said...

Since Nancy Pelosi has given up on the tax return issue, there goes one of my suspects as to Garage's actual identity.

David said...

garage mahal said...
“The time for stonewalling is over.”

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

Another squirrel sighting by Garage, who probably does know that there is a difference between a tax return (which Romney has no legal duty to disclose) and a classified national secret (release of which is felony.)

Nice try, Garage.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

While Romney was working, paying the taxes to build roads and bridges... Obama was in school and now nobody know what he did there because his school records are sealed!

Jason (the commenter) said...

Coketown: Obama needed to project an image of shrewd toughness.

The he should have said nothing at all. Quiet stoicism gains more respect than gum flapping.

mark said...


ABC has Ann saying “And we’ve given all our people need to know and understand about our financial situation and about how — you know, how we live our life.”

Where did you pull your fake quote from?

Hagar said...

But he did not do that. Other people made that happen!

Jason (the commenter) said...

garag mahal: Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

Yes, says the guy who wont release his own tax returns. And if something as inconsequential as old tax returns are important, then the identity of who leaked national secrets cannot be kept secret.

If Obama wants to make transparency an issue he will lose.

lemondog said...

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

Oh, bullshit

Kansas City said...

I agree this is a great argument by Romney. Obama has no effective counter. Especially during the debates, Romney could really do some good on the issue - directly challening Obama on who did it and why hasn't he found out. He could make some dramatic gesture that if he read classified information in the morning, he would call in people and would not stop untl he found out he did it and fired him/her.

lemondog said...

2011 est

Matt Sablan said...

Here's a hint for those obsessing over Romney's tax returns versus national security leaks and Fast and the Furious trying to figure out why most Americans don't care: Romney's deductions never killed anyone.

Michael K said...

"Romney's deductions never killed anyone."

Matthew, I agree with you again !

Q said...

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

So you think that refusing to release private and confidential personal data is the same thing as deliberately leaking classified government documents?

Somehow, every time I read a comment of yours, my opinion of your intelligence goes down another notch.

Joe Schmoe said...

Yes Garage, because Romney's 2008 tax return is the same as classified intel, the release of which puts agents and informants lives in peril, and instantly ends a field operation that may otherwise lead to information that could thwart terror attacks.

Whoever leaked intel could have blood on their hands, now or as a result of future attacks. But based on the administration's reaction to Fast & Furious, they don't care.

Revenant said...

“The time for stonewalling is over.”

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

Harry Reid said the time for stonewalling is over?

Man, everybody's picking on Obama these days.

Darcy said...

Jason (the commenter) - you look so cute! I had to say it. Adorbs.

I agree that it's great to see Romney on the offensive. I have been very pleasantly surprised by his campaign so far. I've also gotten an impression of a very nimble support staff - another credit to him.

AllenS said...

Why is everyone talking about tax returns? The post is about who was the big blabber-mouth out of the White House. My money is on Biden. A man who could never keep his mouth shut.

The Drill SGT said...

Donilon is the guilty SOB IMHO. A Fannie Mae Lobbyist and State Dept Flack. The most unqualified person ever to hold the position. Even Dem POTUS up till now have put qualified people in that job till now.

As for the Tax returns versus transcripts trade? Hold out for Medical records as well. In 2008, McCain released 4 thousand pages and Obama a 1 page note of good heath...

garage mahal said...

Every President before Obama didn't need to release a birth certificate, but Obama did. Every President before Romney had to release their tax returns, and Romney won't.

Must be some damaging stuff.

rhhardin said...

The WSJ long ago, back when it was written for men, had a center column feature on an old guy whose business was going out and shooting large animals, say you have a sick cow or something. (One day he himself had a stroke and fainted away, shook himself off, and continued the job at hand. Tough old guy.)

Anyway the artwork showed him in a hunting cap with crosshairs and an antlered deer on the emblem, over the phrase "The Buck Stops Here."

Obama wouldn't measure up.

The Drill SGT said...

garage mahal said...
Must be some damaging stuff.

Reagan released 1 year, McCain 2 years. Kerry released 10 of his, but zero of his wife's where 99.5% of the assets are.

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Every President before Obama didn't need to release a birth certificate, but Obama did. Every President before Romney had to release their tax returns, and Romney won't.

The former demand satisfied a constitutional requirement which was in doubt (even his hairdresser didn't know for sure). The latter demand is akin to Sullivanistic womb-peering.

dbp said...

Romney is under no legal obligation to release more tax returns than he already has, similarly Obama was not legally compelled to release his birth Certificate.

Whoever leaked classified data committed a felony and anyone who knows who did it is an accessory.

garage mahal said...

Whoever leaked classified data committed a felony and anyone who knows who did it is an accessory.

We know Romney has tax returns. He gave McCain over 20 years of returns.

Romney claims there were leaks proves absolutely nothing. Especially considering the rate at which Romney lies through his teeth. You really need to consider whatever Romney says a lie first, and then backtrack to see if there is any truth at all to what he's saying.

Joe Schmoe said...

(Lunch in the Oval Office...)

Obama: You know, I need a push in the polls. I think I'm going to announce classified details of our bin Laden raid.

Hillary: Um, that's against the law, you know.

Obama: Oh yeah? Who's gonna prosecute me, Holder?

(All eyes turn to Eric Holder.)

Holder: Huh? What?

(Everyone breaks into laughter. Holder thinks about it, then finally gets the joke.)

Holder: Yeah; I'll get right on that. Right after I help O.J. find the real killer!

(More laughter; scene fades out.)

Dante said...

In my view there is a (not so subtle) difference between saying "“The notion that my White House would purposely release classified national security information is offensive,” Mr. Obama said during a White House news conference last month. “It’s wrong.”

And "I did not release classified national security information."

It's so, Clintonesque. I remember Clinton wagging his finger at the camera "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinski." That's right! He only had one.

Jason (the commenter) said...

garag mahal: Romney claims there were leaks proves absolutely nothing.

I haven't heard the media say there weren't leaks. And I'm not listening to Fox News, I'm listening to NPR.

"Leaks never happened" is not what they're saying.

Revenant said...

Every President before Obama didn't need to release a birth certificate, but Obama did. Every President before Romney had to release their tax returns, and Romney won't.

I wonder if garage realizes he just described himself as the Democratic equivalent of a Birther. :)

Revenant said...

Romney claims there were leaks proves absolutely nothing.

The information mysteriously appeared in the New York Times, but you can't prove it was leaked. It could be a freak error at the printers.

Patrick said...

Shorter Garage: Sure, the President or his close staff released information that was damaging to national security for their political gain, but Mitt Romney made lots of money, and may have misread an obscure tax regulation!!

Look here=======>!

OK, not shorter, but certainly more clear.

Michael K said...

"Every President before Romney had to release their tax returns, and Romney won't.

Must be some damaging stuff."

Does anybody smell smoke ? I think your pants are on fire.

Carnifex said...


What BC? All the WH has released has been proven a forgery. Several layers, different fonts, pixilation, all point to a forgery. But you and seven will never admit this.

Just that there where multiple layers in the PDF was proof that the image wasn't a scan but a composite. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know this...just someone with access to Photoshop.

Now since the Chicago paper said he was born in Kenya, and his grandmother said he was born in Kenya, and he himself said he was born in Kenya, I would like to see proof that he was born in America. Since he has spent millions of dollars trying to keep that record sealed, and has committed a crime to cover it up(the releasing of the forgery), I rather think he was born in Kenya.

That's why his college papers are sealed...he entered college as a foreign student. Again, why spend millions to cover up something unless it was there?

Regardless. Someone in this WH has leaked that we created "stuxnet", a computer virus aimed specifically at the centrifuges in Iran. Rest assured, the Iranians are studying "stuxnet", and we will see it again, only here next time.

The WH also gave up the identity of a turned British asset who was deep in Al Queda. He should probably get tips on how to hide out from Valerie Plame.

And the WH gave up the identity of a doctor who was helping us finger Bin Laden at his compound. This guy sits in a Paki prison cell, and might get out in 35 years, if he lives that long.

All so Garage's bronze chested man crush can seem masculine.

You have drunk deep of the kool-aid mi amigo. Hope you come to your senses.

garage mahal said...

Shorter Garage: Sure, the President or his close staff released information that was damaging to national security for their political gain

No, I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks. You haven't proven anything, nor has Romney. And I guess I'm supposed to believe that Republicans are now concerned with leaks, which is pretty damn funny on its own.

Michael K said...

"You really need to consider whatever Obama says a lie first, and then backtrack to see if there is any truth at all to what he's saying."

Fixed it for you.

Carnifex said...


Security clearence is an executive branch decision. If Zero wanted to release the information openly, he could have. But it's bad optics to actually "give" your enemies imformation. Hence "leaks".

Q said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Q said...

I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks.

Then you are a fucking moron. That leaks have happened is not a matter open to debate. The Obamaminte defense is that the leaks - which every sentient being in the galaxy knows occurred - were not part of some deliberate plot to advance Obama's political interests and were not ordered by Obama and his inner circle.

You can't even cut it as a competent lefty shill.

dbp said...

Details about stuxnet and the OBL raid did appear in newspapers around the world, Yes? Agreement so far?

These details are to this day not publicly available on official government sits, right?

So, how exactly did this happen with no leak? Is it sort of like the immaculate conception?

dbp said...


garage mahal said...

Then you are a fucking moron. That leaks have happened is not a matter open to debate.

Then link to it, and prove it.

What's everybody waiting for?

chickelit said...

garage countered: And I guess I'm supposed to believe that Republicans are now concerned with leaks, which is pretty damn funny on its own.

Cigar-lic is a kind of leek.

Francisco D said...


Why do intelligent folks fall for Garbage's trolling? He's just taking stuff off the Daily Kos site. Maybe some of you are fond of him as a pet troll?

Titus said...

Huma did it.

garage mahal said...

Why do intelligent folks fall for Garbage's trolling? He's just taking stuff off the Daily Kos site. Maybe some of you are fond of him as a pet troll?

Ah, the fake psychiatrist appears!

Maybe you can put this to rest. Have anything for us? Otherwise, you would be the troll, yes?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Every President before Romney had to release their tax returns, and Romney won't.


From National Journal -

Although the U.S. president is one of the most visible people in the country, the president's finances have often been closely guarded. But after Richard Nixon's vice president, Spiro Agnew, pleaded no contest in 1973 to tax evasion, the public became increasingly interested in financial disclosures from the president's office.

Since the 1976 election, presidential candidates have released at least one year of tax returns. After winning that election, Jimmy Carter then set the precedent for all sitting presidents and vice presidents to release their returns each year.

Wikipedia calls National Journal Washington’s premier source of nonpartisan insight on politics and policy.

Quaestor said...

chickelit wrote:
Ann Romney actually said that, garage. Say, why don't you go and ridicule her love of dressage? You could ride your hobby horse to keep up

Do two wooden rockers qualify as two tracks?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Let me repeat that in case you missed it..

Since the 1976 election, presidential candidates have released at least one year of tax returns.

Romney released two.

chickelit said...

Do two wooden rockers qualify as two tracks?

Well, garage only needs to pretend keep up--just enough to get off on his rocker.

dbp said...

Sen. Feinstein Calls for Hearing on Stuxnet Leaks as FBI Begins Probe

Quaestor said...

garage mahal's desperate bleat:
No, I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks. You haven't proven anything, nor has Romney.

If that's your standard, then by the same token there's no proof Romney had any income to report on those unseen tax returns, which may not exist.

avwh said...

Apparently about the only thing this Administration treats as "transparent" are national security secrets that can make their man look "tough". Not his health records, not his transcripts, not what's in the 2300 pages of the Obamacare law until its passed ("you'll have to pass it to see what's in it").

But garage must think Feinstein is making up the issue, since he keeps yelling "squirrel!" or asking for links.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It keeps getting better.. I should have cut and pasted the whole thing.

But 2008 Republican presidential nominee John McCain is the only other candidate to release just two years of returns in the last 34 years.

If my English is correct that means OBAMA DIDNT DO WHAT HE IS NOW ASKING ROMNEY TO DO!


Joe Schmoe said...

Carnifex, glad to see you're back in form. I hope you are well.

garage mahal said...

If that's your standard, then by the same token there's no proof Romney had any income to report on those unseen tax returns, which may not exist.

Romney gave over 20 years of returns to McCain. And he picked Palin :/

I guess us proles are the "you people" Ann Romney was talking about, and thus undeserving.

Bob Ellison said...

Feinstein knows who said what, and she's dog-whistling to Obama about that.

That's not a proper usage of "dog whistle", but Obama wrote in his first autobiography (when he was about 34 years old) that he ate dog (when he was a little boy). He also said "They talk about me like a dog."

So it's a dog-whistle-dog-eat-dog world. I claim literary license.

yashu said...

No, I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks. You haven't proven anything, nor has Romney. And I guess I'm supposed to believe that Republicans are now concerned with leaks, which is pretty damn funny on its own.

garage, does Diane Feinstein have any credibility with you? She seems pretty concerned & indignant about national security leaks-- and she's not a Republican.

From AEI, here's a slideshow, with links, of 5 damaging national security leaks from the past year alone. There are more (e.g. in the aftermath of the Bin Laden raid).

Paco Wové said...

"I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks"

And yet again, GM retreats to his Invincible Fortress of Stupid!

garage mahal said...

And yet again, GM retreats to his Invincible Fortress of Stupid!

C'mon Paco. Be the hero. Be the difference maker.

You have anything besides the old "I can't believe you're even asking this question!" defense?

chickelit said...

Feinstein is walking back her comments. It's not surprising for her to say she didn't mean to impugn the POTUS, but for her to back off her concern would be a dereliction.

Paco Wové said...

"You have anything besides the old "I can't believe you're even asking this question!" defense?"

Well, there's this as yashu already pointed out. But I'm sure you can continue to find a way to avoid addressing it.

Alex said...

So it could turn out Obama is a felon!

Christopher in MA said...

Ten to one garbage thought the "outing" of Valerie Plame was a crime worthy of hanging Scooter Libby.

Talking to this dumbass is like trying to perfect a perpetual motion machine - no matter how you try, you can't change the laws of physics. Garbage is the same - you could show him photos of Obama personally jamming scissors into a baby's skull and he'd ignore it.

When you engage him, you engage the modern Democrat party - lying, racist, incurious, unpatriotic hacks who have no loyalty to anything other than making sure Team Blue wins. He's a sniveling homunculus unworthy of his citizenship.

yashu said...

NB These leaks have compromised not only our own national security and ongoing operations, but that of our allies-- e.g. Israel (Flame, Stuxnet) and Britain (underwear bombing mole).

test said...

"garage mahal said...
No, I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks. You haven't proven anything, nor has Romney. And I guess I'm supposed to believe that Republicans are now concerned with leaks, which is pretty damn funny on its own."

How sad. A man reduced to pretending national security leaks didn't occur because it would force him to admit something about his politics he'd prefer to avoid. How does one fall so low, surely his youthful self would not place his party identification above his country. Do you suppose it was some trauma, or just the slow slide of indoctrination?

Bob Ellison said...

Maybe these leaks have terribly harmed America's security. Would that result be different than anything else Obama has done?

Michael K said...

"Maybe these leaks have terribly harmed America's security. Would that result be different than anything else Obama has done?"

They also compromised a British source and may have cost him his life. Even for Obama, that is serious.

JohnBoy said...

I look forward to the press covering this with all the fury of the Plame affair.

Speaking of Plame, there are 2 things which make no sense to me still. One, why did Patrick Fitzgerald keep going TWO years after he learned that Armitage was the leaker? Second, why was it OK for Armitage to be the leaker, but not Rove?

Rusty said...

garage mahal said...
Why do intelligent folks fall for Garbage's trolling? He's just taking stuff off the Daily Kos site. Maybe some of you are fond of him as a pet troll?

Ah, the fake psychiatrist appears!

Why not. You have a fake intellect.

gk1 said...

This reminds me of one of those fights where the champion is already drawing blood in the first round. Think Schmeling vs. Joe Louis the rematch. Afer 'Fast and Furious' does anyone really give the obama crew the benefit of the doubt? They were hoping to rope a dope this till then November, but Romney is already doing dollars and cents damage with it. Couldn't happen to a nicer, smug, bunch. No Mas!

Alex said...

Can't wait to see Obama impeached and frog marched to prison!

Eric said...

Sez the guy who won't release his tax returns.

Why would he release his tax returns?

Cedarford said...

Kansas City said...
I agree this is a great argument by Romney. Obama has no effective counter. Especially during the debates, Romney could really do some good on the issue - directly challening Obama on who did it and why hasn't he found out. He could make some dramatic gesture that if he read classified information in the morning, he would call in people and would not stop untl he found out he did it and fired him/her.

There is also a synergy with Fast&Furious...another stonewalling try.

But that was just one agent, and it appears he was shot by a non "gunwalking" gun, though some of them were discovered on the scene...Republicans have tried to make him into Hero Agent Martyr...but it's mostly for their side, just like no one gave a rat's ass that Joe Wilson smoked out his own wife except Democrats, who managed to finess the bumbling Bush II and blame the whole "exposure" of the desk jockey on Republicans.

And the 200 or so dead Mexicans don't resonate that much with US voters...most were Cartel "players".

But all the security secrets exposed have really alarmed Democrats as well - Especially when they have to explain to big bucks Jewish donors that they don't know who betrayed Israel's secrets on Flame and Suxnet. Or to voters how SEAL methods were plastered about, and why the Brits agent in the Yemen bomb plot was betrayed, or the doctor aiding us in finding bin Laden was betrayed and in jail in danger of his life.

The problem is as Romney laid out - critical secrets were revealed, it should not be hard to question each person in the loop. Two months have passed since the last betrayals. Multiple people have tagged Security Advisor Donilan as the Leaker. It only took two weeks to interview all the Bushies on who told Plames name.

Saying Eric Holder and his two appointed direct reports are looking into it, as their busy time permits, and Holder will get back to the public, report on it after the election - is UNACCEPTABLE!

Michael K said...

"there are 2 things which make no sense to me still. One, why did Patrick Fitzgerald keep going TWO years after he learned that Armitage was the leaker? Second, why was it OK for Armitage to be the leaker, but not Rove?"

Fitzgerald was doing his Lawrence Walsh impression, or Captain Ahab if you prefer.

Armitage was one of the lefty's good guys. He and Powell turned State back to the inmates and obstructed Bush's foreign policy for years.

Bruce Hayden said...

As Romney well knows, a "superior" does not have to authorize the leak. Obama will continue to tolerate leaks as long as they suit his interests. When they no longer to, some poor slob is going to join the large crowd already under Obama's bus.

We discovered during the PlameGate investigation that the President can, of course, declassify information, and, in GW Bush's case, he had formally delegated this authority to his Vice President, and so even if Scooter Libby had been the one to disclose Plame's CIA status to the media (he wasn't), it would not have been illegal, since it was done at the direction of VP Cheney.

So, the President can, on his own volition, authorize the declassification, and therefore, release of classified material. And, maybe the VP (but would Obama trust Biden in this regard? I sure wouldn't). But anyone else would have to through the formal declassification procedures, which almost assuredly was not done.

So, almost assuredly again, a federal felony was committed when the information was released - unless the person doing so can show that it was specifically authorized by the President, and, right now, I just don't see him admitting that he had done so.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Does anyone remember who in the 2008 campaign made a nasty comment about Hillary? This person, if in the WH, as I remember, is friendly with press. PS: I am fairly confident I know who the person is. But my loyalty to the POTUS prevents...

It will not matter. Press loves the POTUS. Romney is going to go down in the election. Really down.

Original Mike said...

"Why do intelligent folks fall for Garbage's trolling?"

I'm beginning to think that garage is Althouse's Simplicio.

Cedarford said...

Hayden - I believe in addition to the President and high ranking officials -he delegates to but is responsible for (Nat Security Advisor, VP, Chief of Staff) - that Directors of CIA, NSA, Secretary Homeland Security, and Chair of the JCS have the authority that can declassify intel in their spheres. Or share it with "customers" lacking US security clearances...like the Brits, Dutch troops in the field with us in Afghanistan, Aussies, the Israelis (perhaps too much), a Japanese company making "black box NSA elint" items, etc.

But initially, Obama denied disclosing the leaks, or knowing who did. "NOt on my say so".

Original Mike said...

"... and, right now, I just don't see him admitting that he had done so."

I believe the phrase you are looking for is, "under the bus".

jr565 said...

A little like the story that the Syrians are threatening to use those chemical weapons guys like Choom told us for 5 years weren't trucked from Iraq by Saddam's and Assad's buddy, Putin.

Yup, swept down the memory hole, yet history has a way of bringing this stuff back to the surface.

Ralph L said...

What, no feeding frenzy in Washington for Obama? Even Clinton would have gotten worse press over these leaks (of course, no one would have been indicted).

but that of our allies-- e.g. Israel (Flame, Stuxnet) and Britain (underwear bombing mole).
Feature, not a bug.

Q said...

Then you are a fucking moron. That leaks have happened is not a matter open to debate.

Then link to it, and prove it.

Damn, son, they broke the mold for stupid after they made you.


British agent in underpants bomb plot had been working undercover 'for up to a year.

Future operations and Intellience sharing between Britain and the US may have been endangered by the leaking of sensitive details about the agent who infiltrated an al-Qaeda cell plotting an underpants bomb attack.

What, you've been stuck in your mom's basement for the last decade?

Q said...

How sad. A man reduced to pretending national security leaks didn't occur

That's well beyond sad. That's psychotic.

Original Mike said...

"Then link to it, and prove it."

Nobody disputes the leaks happened. Not even the Dems. The only argument is over how we find out who did it. DOJ investigation vs. special prosecuter.

Q said...

Nobody disputes the leaks happened. Not even the Dems.

Gar Bage is the sort of fellow who, found standing over a bloody body with a bloody knife in his hand, would loudly exclaim, "Knife? What knife? Body? What body?"

A nice padded cell is the appropriate place for him.

virgil xenophon said...

garage is so off his game tonight and America's Politico is even more of a ridiculous parody of himself than usual, it makes me pine for RITMO again..I miss him..

Revenant said...

You call what's goin' on around here a leak? Boy, the last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself a boat!

Original Mike said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Original Mike said...

"the last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself a boat!"

I think this is the root of Feinstein's position. I'm, a team player, but this is beyond the pale.

garage mahal said...

How sad. A man reduced to pretending national security leaks didn't occur

How sad you can't read. I asked for evidence. You know: make your case. Show your work. Out of 50 posts I received back, there was one link to the AEI. Okay, you're a champ.

Known Unknown said...

I hate to bust Carni's balloon, but newer versions of Acrobat create layers for any scanned document converted into a PDF.

The existence of layers in a PDF does not signify the document was falsified, forged or created from whole cloth.

I've run the tests myself on several variances of documents, scanned years apart, containing different types of text.

I, too was surprised to see how many differing layers existed once I opened the Obama BC in Illustrator, but I achieved the same results with other documents.

Michael K said...

"You call what's goin' on around here a leak? Boy, the last time there was a leak like this, Noah built hisself a boat!"

That's one of my favorite movies and Wilford Brimley is another favorite.

Michael K said...

"I asked for evidence. You know: make your case."

For Christ's sake !

Maybe you really are dumb !

garage mahal said...

Dick Toesucker Morriss? For real? LOL. You guys are too much.

Carnifex said...

I'll accept your propsosal that acrobat creates different layers. I don't work with acrobat. My question in retort is does it spontaneously change the fonts too? Because if it does, that would be a major bug, wouldn't it? But the Zero BC has different fonts. How strange.

Revenant said...

There was no leak. The information appeared in the news media through a little-understood phenomenon known as "immaculate perception".

That's when reporters just suddenly acquire knowledge of covert military operations without any actual exposure to any actual source of the information in question.

Revenant said...

Because if it does, that would be a major bug

You were faced with a choice between "Acrobat is buggy" and "there's a massive conspiracy at every level of government" and went with door number two? :)

yashu said...

garage, the AEI link provides links to the New York Times and Washington Post articles where leakage manifested. There are also links to the Telegraph and Guardian that report the ire of British intelligence over American leaks. Feel free to read those.

You never answered my question about Diane Feinstein. Perhaps you missed my question, or missed the fact that Feinstein has been in the news; I assume at least you know who Feinstein is (at the very least, that she's not a Republican). She doesn't blame Obama himself, but there's no question she thinks troubling national security leaks have occurred under his administration. So do you think she's lying or just full of scheisse?

MayBee said...

I note the much-loved (by Dems) Patrick Fitzgerald managed to show no interest in Valerie Jarret's bid for Obama's senate seat.

I note he was not the investigator called in to investigate the leaks.

Original Mike said...

"There was no leak. The information appeared in the news media through a little-understood phenomenon known as "immaculate perception"."

Quantum tunneling.

Michael said...

Garage wrote "No, I said I haven't seen proof of any leaks. You haven't proven anything, nor has Romney. And I guess I'm supposed to believe that Republicans are now concerned with leaks, which is pretty damn funny on its own."

In which paragraph it is made clear that our very own Garage does not read the newspapers of record, does not watch the major news shows on Sunday mornings and is otherwise a sample product of the Wisconsin public school system. Really stunning.

test said...

"garage mahal said...
How sad. A man reduced to pretending national security leaks didn't occur

How sad you can't read."

It's also sad you don't understand life. You can ask for evidence all you want, and we can tell you to suck our testicles. No none owes you shit.

Further it's pointless to provide evidence since the leaks were published. Do we ask for evidence the sun exists or do we just agree the sunlight covers that? If you want to deny they were made for a political purpose at least you'd have a string to hang from. But of course you didn't, because you're too fucking stupid to undertstand what you're claiming.

gamblingdada said...
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