June 21, 2012

"On just about every level" Obama's new anti-Romney ad "is misleading, unfair and untrue..."

"... from the use of 'corporate raider' to its examples of alleged outsourcing. Simply repeating the same debunked claims won’t make them any more correct."


traditionalguy said...

Big Lie, meet the Blogusphere. Go to your media outlet corners, and may the best mind controllers win.

yashu said...

It's such a surprise when MSM "fact checkers" actually do their job, without partisan spin. It's so rare for the MSM to call an Obama lie a lie. (Though lately I've seen more and more baby steps in that direction.) Someone pinch me.

campy said...

The WaPo polishing its impartiality credentials in the dog days of summer, when no undecideds are paying attention to politics.

Don't expect this to continue in September & October.

wyo sis said...


NorthOfTheOneOhOne said...

So we were very surprised that the Obama campaign cited that critical Fact Checker column as a source for the ad in its back-up materials.

Hence the 4 Pinocchios!

Peter V. Bella said...

What else is new from the administration that cannot tell the truth on anything?

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

Is that 4 out of 5?

Big Mike said...

An Obama campaign lie so bad that even "Pravda on the Potomac" has to give it 4 Pinocchios! Wow. Just wow.

Peter Ryan said...

" Simply repeating the same debunked claims won’t make them any more correct."

And yet I saw ads supporting Tom Barrett featuring the same debunked lies about the performance of Wisconsin's economy up to and including June 5.

May I suggest that repeating the same debunked claims is the very first play in the Democrats' playbook?

Brian Brown said...

It doesn't matter!

Mitt Romney and Scott Walker lie endlessly! Garage Mahal told me, so it is true!!!

Lem Vibe Bandit said...

I'm asking if its 4 out of 5 remembering a rating system that my former employer used to have for a once a year review.

It consisted of needs improvement, good, excellent and outstanding..

In my 24 year period I heard of no one getting an outstanding.. ever.

Maybe 4 pinocchios is equivalent to an excellently lying add..

5 out of 5 is like Spinal Tap's 11.

Ignorance is Bliss said...


It was 4 out of 4.

Revenant said...

I'm so sick of phrases like "shipped jobs to Mexico" or "sent jobs overseas".

The entitlement mentality behind those utterances drives me nuts.

ampersand said...

What is the ratios of pinocchios to one Pulitzer?

Michael K said...

When the Washington Post criticizes Obama, cats and dogs are living together. Can Zuul be far behind ?

Diogenes of Sinope said...

I'm shocked the Washington Post has done a reasonable fact check on an issue where the facts are against Obama. That in and of itself is a strong sign the MSM is moving, somewhat, away from Obama.

edutcher said...

We've gotten to the point where the lies don't even have an expiration date.

Michael K said...

When the Washington Post criticizes Obama, cats and dogs are living together. Can Zuul be far behind ?

Are the walls of the 52nd Precinct bleeding yet?

Known Unknown said...

I'll say it again:

Our hostess needs a "no shit" tag.

ricpic said...

"Kill the rich, crush their skulls!" screams the likable Obama.

garage mahal said...

We applaud the views of the Washington Post regarding Barack Hussein Obama's "misleading, unfair and untrue..." attacks on our partners.

mccullough said...

Given how much money private equity guys donated to Obama, his campaign's approach is just stupid. Obama makes a terrible class warrior. He vacations at Martha's vineyard and plays more golf than any rich white guy. He needs to fire Axelrod and hire some people who can run a campaign. Obama is a bad President but an even worse candidate.

HeckYesIVote said...

Saying "four pinocchios" is even cuter than calling it a bunch of "falsehoods."

I prefer "f*cking liars."

exhelodrvr1 said...

"How He Lost Me" Chapter 12

rcocean said...

Romney is the dullest Presidential candidate ever. Ever.

I don't even care when he's unfairly attacked.

Ralph L said...

This is one of their blogs. Wake me when they actually have a front page "News Analysis" that criticizes the Won.

Does the WaPo site make anyone else's browser work like shit, or is it just because I'm on dialup?

Scott said...

Romney is the dullest Presidential candidate ever. Ever.

I can't think of an exciting politician who didn't ultimately suck. Please, our country needs to have some dull for awhile. Romney should pull out Warren G. Harding's campaign slogan: "A return to normalcy;" a promise that resonated with so many Americans who were sick of Woodrow Wilson's brand of progressivism.

Anonymous said...

Jobs. Now there's a winning issue for Obama!

Andy said...

Helpfully, an article just came out supporting the claims made by Obama against Romney: "Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas"

You know who published that article? The Washington Post!

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

The MSM is like Elizabeth Edwards, and Obama is Johnny.

What happened to us?

MadisonMan said...

What are the odds that a political ad would be misleading, unfair, and untrue!

Tim said...

mccullough said...

"Given how much money private equity guys donated to Obama, his campaign's approach is just stupid. Obama makes a terrible class warrior. He vacations at Martha's vineyard and plays more golf than any rich white guy. He needs to fire Axelrod and hire some people who can run a campaign. Obama is a bad President but an even worse candidate."

It actually says more about the private equity people donating to Obama than it does about Obama.

Whores conduct business with whomever they can; it's their customers' call if the transaction goes through. Same with political donations.

As for Obama being a terrible class warrior, he pretty much sucks at everything.

Except the NCAA March madness pools and duping gullible voters into believing his schtick.

He's got that going for him. It may still be enough, yet.

Michael K said...

"The global expansion that began while Romney was at Bain continued after he left. In 2000, the firm announced it was opening a new facility in Guadalajara, Mexico, and expanding in China, Malaysia, Taiwan and South Korea.

In addition to taking an interest in companies that specialized in outsourcing services, Bain also invested in firms that moved or expanded their own operations outside of the United States."

Hat boy, you are really a dope. Romney left Bain years before this.

David said...

Are people getting tired of this crap? I think so, though I've been wrong about this before. I

David said...

So Bain should refrain from investing in companies that do business outside the United States, hatboy? Now there's a winning strategy. Investors are not creating the international pressures and opportunities that American companies face. They are responding to them.

With any luck, the American economy will look so different in 25 years that you will hardly recognize it. The more we try to stifle change, the more we hurt ourselves.

Anonymous said...

Obama the Liar, at it again.

Remember, Althouse, YOU gave us this white-hating, terrorist-loving, liar-in-chief.

james conrad said...

By now, its no secret that Obama is a liar, the bad/sad news is, he apparently believes his lies

Rusty said...

Andy R. said...
Helpfully, an article just came out supporting the claims made by Obama against Romney: "Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas"

You know who published that article? The Washington Post!

The Washington Post!! O. M. G.!
E.J. Dionne!
Eugene Robinson!
Just Like The New York Times!
Only More Partisan!

Jobs go overseas because regulators don't want them in this country. When the cost of compliance rises capital seeks safer shores.

Really Andy?
Do have any opinions that don't come from Media Matters?

Fen said...

I love how he appeals to the authority of WaPo. That newspaper's only claim to credibility is that they are not as obvious as the hacks at the NYTs.

Anonymous said...


What are the odds that a political ad would be misleading, unfair, and untrue!

So this is what you expect from the politicians to whom you want to hand over more power?

MadisonMan said...

So this is what you expect from the politicians to whom you want to hand over more power?

You assume I want to hand them more power. Why?

Brian Brown said...

Andy R. said...

Helpfully, an article just came out supporting the claims made by Obama against Romney: "Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas"

Obama closed more than 700 GM car dealerships and dissolved the Delphi pensions.

You have no point, you effing idiot.

Icepick said...

So Bain should refrain from investing in companies that do business outside the United States, hatboy?

I know GM has plants overseas, and I believe they're planning on expanding their Chinese operations. So Obama supports shipping jobs overseas, too.

Also, GE does business in such manner, and their CEO has been close to Obama. Let's here Obama criticize GE instead of giving them breaks.

And does anyone want to bet on whether or not Obama's favorite billionaire, Warren Buffet" has overseas opeerations?

As in most things, Obama (indeed, almost all pols) only care about anything when it can be used to their benefit in an election. Idiots like HatBoy suck it up all the time without question. It's their job as UIs.

machine said...

So Romney can spout lies all day long on the trail...IOKIYAR

Tim said...

"Helpfully, an article just came out supporting the claims made by Obama against Romney: "Romney’s Bain Capital invested in companies that moved jobs overseas""

And Obama forced the sale of Chrysler to a foreign automaker.

He rocks!

He especially rocks the double-standard.

Not that his supporters would care, even if they were smart enough to notice.

jeff said...

Recap machine. "I will make a completely unsubstantiated accusation about Romney thereby refuting the documented accusations about Obama. So there. Pbbbtttttttt"

machine said...

"...and the list goes on. Romney has accused Obama of raising taxes – in reality, they've gone down under his presidency, and largely because of that stimulus bill that Romney loves to criticize. He's accused the president of doubling the deficit. In fact, it's actually gone down on Obama's watch."

You must be joking...Google Romney lies and see how many hits you get..

machine said...

Romney said Obama can't "blame Congress" for economic problems: Romney: "Remember that he had a supermajority in both the House and the Senate in his own party for his first two years."

Putting aside the fact that the current Congress is more relevant, the truth is Democrats did not have a supermajority for the vast majority of Obama's first two years.

machine said...

Romney: "He promised when he was running for office he was going to cut the deficit in half. He's more than doubled it."

I don't know how Romney defines "double," but the deficit on Obama's first day was $1.3 trillion. Last year, it was also $1.3 trillion. This year, it's projected to be $1.1 trillion. When he says the president "more than doubled" the deficit, as he has many times, Romney's lying.

Fen said...

Yup. The Tu Quoque is the liberal's standard MO: pretend the other side does it so they can excuse their side for doing it.

Fast & Furious : Wide Receiver is only the latest example.

machine said...

Well, when you complain about politicians lying, don't run the biggest liar of them all!

machine said...

Oh, another thing...President Obama did not lie the country in to an unfunded war...the biggest political lie of all time!

It's not Tu quoque...it's Glass Houses...

Calypso Facto said...
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Calypso Facto said...

I don't know how Romney defines "double,"...

Pretty much like the rest of us define double? As in two-times?

Bush admin deficit total FY '06-'09:
Obama admin deficit total FY '10-'13:$4,821T

Calypso Facto said...

Well, when you complain about politicians lying, don't run the biggest liar of them all!

I believe that's the point the WaPo is trying to make to the President. Glad you picked up on it.

Calypso Facto said...

Oh, another thing...President Obama did not lie the country in to an unfunded war...the biggest political lie of all time!

You're STILL holding out the hate for the Clintons??

"In the four years since the inspectors left, intelligence reports show that Saddam Hussein has worked to rebuild his chemical and biological weapons stock, his missile delivery capability, and his nuclear program. He has also given aid, comfort, and sanctuary to terrorists, including al Qaeda members ... It is clear, however, that if left unchecked, Saddam Hussein will continue to increase his capacity to wage biological and chemical warfare, and will keep trying to develop nuclear weapons."

"If Saddam rejects peace and we have to use force, our purpose is clear: we want to seriously diminish the threat posed by Iraq's weapons of mass destruction program." B. Clinton

Calypso Facto said...

*The first quote is H. Clinton, ca. 2002, urging US direct intervention (i.e., war) in Iraq

machine said...

Clinton was President in 2002?

machine said...

The document (PDF), dated Dec. 1, 2001 and delivered to the White House on the 8th, claims that Atta “did not travel to the Czech Republic on 31 May 2000,” and adds that “the individual who attempted to enter the Czech Republic on 31 May 2000… was not the Atta who attacked the World Trade Center on 11 September 2001.”

Despite this briefing, just days later on Dec. 9, 2001, Cheney told the late Tim Russert, host of Meet the Press, that the meeting in Prague had been “pretty well confirmed.”

I'd be ashamed too if I were you...

Bruce said...

From the article: Upon hearing this ad was under consideration for a tough rating, the Obama campaign supplied reams of additional...

This language stuck out at me - they warned the Obama team ahead of time that they were going to be critical in their article? Is that typical? Do they warn Romney and give him a rebuttal opportunity in advance if they are going to be critical of him, too?

It's a genuine question - perhaps they do. It just sounded like bias when I read the article.

yashu said...

Good question, Bruce.

Brian Brown said...

FYI; Obama got 4 Pinocchios again today.

Brian Brown said...

machine said...
Oh, another thing...President Obama did not lie the country in to an unfunded war...the biggest political lie of all time!

No war in the history of America was ever "funded" you idiot.

President Bush told no, that would be zero, "lies" regarding the war in Iraq.

Note: you can't bring yourself to criticize Obama in any manner what so ever, so you're pathetically trying to change the subject.

Brian Brown said...

Notice how the meme machine just keeps posting fabrications when his posts are revealed to be lies.

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