Someone needs to do a little midnight engineering, and paint a postage stamp moustache on the teddy bear, and a red arm band.
Spiders creep me out. They have too many eyes.
Dueling Tampons? And red no less. Someone was flowing hard that day.
London apparently can't afford the Blue Man Group.
And the Euro...Nothing sez self absorbtion like naming a great big ugly piece of shit after yourself, and thinking you're clever. I took a big dook this morning, I called it "If I had a son,..."
Actually, I kind of like the giant Siberian ice schlong. And, after all, there can't be all that many people around to be offended by it, judging by the photo.
The fairy on the toad, though ... that's offensive to the eyes even as a tabletop-sized model. Imagine it public-art-sized and count your blessings that the project was canceled. Just knowing that such a thing existed, even three thousand miles away, would give me nightmares.
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I don't mind the spider or the cowboy boots.
Where do the pigeons land.
I like the neon runners! But yes, the Obama one is hilariously bad. At least it's not permanent.
I feel a little sorry for the people who have to have Obama ears painted on their genitals.
Is that a woman on the right or a guy with moobs? Either way, Michelle would not have approved.
What's a Grecian Urn?
Nothing. He's on the dole.
'Neon Runners' works for me.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. He's on my body, get him off!
If that one guy gets a boner the Secret Service will need to tackle him before Obama has an eye poked out.
I like most of those, but not the naked Greeks.
I miss the good old days when animal statues had testicles you could rub for good luck.
Yes, these are funny, but for sheer awfulness none of them can compete with certain "high art" eyesores like Richard Serra's "Tilted Arc."
Totalitarian art really freaks me out.
At least those damn Greeks aren't singing the Obama song.
Occupy Greece schedule:
9:00 a.m. Burn a bank
10:00 a.m. Human Obama sculpture
11:00 a.m. Rape
12:00 p.m. Obama sing-a-long
1:00 p.m. Gay pride march
2:00 p.m. more rape
3:00 p.m. pass out Obama leaflets
4:00 p.m. cash unemployment check
Even worse than the stuff the have where I used to work.
(and I thought that was impossible)
I'm disappointed that Tampa's famed Exploding Chicken didn't make the cut.
What the bad public art (mostly) has in common: gigantism.
What is it about bad art that demands it be done at such a massive scale?
(With the exception of the phallus, of course. Phallic art just demands to done on a huge scale.)
Really? You were the one to bring up phalli? :-)
Someone needs to do a little midnight engineering, and paint a postage stamp moustache on the teddy bear, and a red arm band.
Spiders creep me out. They have too many eyes.
Dueling Tampons? And red no less. Someone was flowing hard that day.
London apparently can't afford the Blue Man Group.
And the Euro...Nothing sez self absorbtion like naming a great big ugly piece of shit after yourself, and thinking you're clever. I took a big dook this morning, I called it "If I had a son,..."
Dang...would've better to say Zero took the dook...hindsights 20/40.
EMD said...
I don't mind the spider or the cowboy boots.
Nah. It just looks like somebody's nephew got a Mig welder and a pile of steel scrap.
wyo sis said...
I feel a little sorry for the people who have to have Obama ears painted on their genitals.
No. I won't go there.
Yes I will.
Actually, I kind of like the giant Siberian ice schlong. And, after all, there can't be all that many people around to be offended by it, judging by the photo.
The fairy on the toad, though ... that's offensive to the eyes even as a tabletop-sized model. Imagine it public-art-sized and count your blessings that the project was canceled. Just knowing that such a thing existed, even three thousand miles away, would give me nightmares.
A bunch of pudgy white people with different aspects of Obama painted on their naked bodies.
Ladies and Gentlemen, the Democrat[ic] Party!
Someone is getting paid, a lot, do do these things.
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