May 8, 2012

Come on, everybody — let's follow the Wisconsin recall primary returns.

Polls close in about an hour and a half, so come walk by the lake with me and Meade. We've just voted, and we're placing our bets — not with real money! — on the results:

UPDATE 1, 6:35 CT: Turnout in Madison is on track to be "one of the highest in state history for a partisan primary, adding to the already historic nature of the recall of Gov. Scott Walker."

UPDATE 2, 8:08: The polls have closed. I'm following the results at the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, here, but nothing's in yet.

UPDATE 3, 9:55: Barrett obviously won... by a lot... so my prediction is shot all to hell. The most interesting number is Walker votes versus all the Democratic votes combined. The strong support for Walker is notable, since he wasn't really opposed, and Republicans could cross over and attempt to influence the Democratic race. So far, most of the evening, Walker has been ahead of that total Democratic vote. Right now, there are 496,936 votes combined for the Democrats, and Walker's lagging at 475,019 — which is 21,927 back, but the point is still clear. Why bother to come out and vote for Walker? Why not cross over and affect the competitive Democratic race?

UPDATE 4, 10:21: In the comments, B astutely analyzes:
The way the numbers are working out, It appears that the total vote for the dems will not even reach what would have been the 800k+ threshold figure to even have a recall. And that ignores any spoiler votes for Falk by Walker supporters.

Does make one wonder, doesn't it. Did that many people, around 200k, decide not to show up, change their minds, sign the recall petition just to get some jerk out of their face, or....

Perhaps we are seeing the real recall petition total here. The total when you can only vote once. And for yourself. Or at least not vote as often or for as many people as you could sign the petition..


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pellehDin said...

Come, Professor! Where in the statute does it define bet or wager as involving "real money?" I suspect any consideration would qualify. Or disqualify, as the case may be.

Anonymous said...

I'll be curious to see the total Falk/Barrett vote vs. Walker vote. I couldn't resist voting for Falk. I want the recallers to really own the recall. Let's keep the election about the actual event that triggered it - not just another generic Democrat vs Republican election (which it will be when Barrett wins and takes on Walker in June).

Bender said...

Meanwhile, Republican nominee Romney still cannot get over a third of Republicans in Indiana to vote for him in the primary there.

edutcher said...

My God, woman, slow down. I almost passed out watching that camera bounce.

So what did you really bet, after all?

Rabel said...

Woah, I'm dizzy.

I'm pulling for a Dem primary close enough to call for a re-count.

bagoh20 said...

"we're placing our bets — not with real money! "

Oh yes you are, and the whole state is betting along with you, and it is very very real money.

Richard Dolan said...

If the Dems had given it any thought, they would have put together a clandestine false flag operation targeting the Rep primary -- get enough Dems to cross over and vote for the young Abe Lincoln imitator running against Walker in that primary, while all the Repubs were crossing over to vote for Falk. Everyonr seems to expect a low turn out for the Rep primary, and so it might have had a chance.

It's the only way they ever had a chance to beat Walker. But it probably could never have worked because the Dem voters just could not cast a vote for ghim who cannot be named.

bagoh20 said...

According to the most recent Battleground Poll, 91 percent of Republicans support Romney, slightly exceeding the percentage of Democrats who support Obama.

Anonymous said...

Whoa - also dizzy. Need dramamine.

I think B will win, mostly because cross-overs are rare.

But who knows with Wisconsin!

garage mahal said...

#1418 at my polling place. "Crazy busy" according to the poll workers I talked to. Walker is toast if Dems can get people out in numbers greater than the lethargic 2010 levels. Myself, I just couldn't resist the urge to vote against Walker and went with Riggs.

Coincidentally, in Fitzwalkerstan, fake Democrats are the first names on the ballot. Nobody could have predicted!

m stone said...

My vote for Walker negated one Riggs vote, unnamed.

Nothing like voting your conscience, I say.

Dan from Madison said...

The article now says average turnout of 24%. bfd.

gail said...

And out here in the hinterlands of WC WI, at 3pm I was voter #133 in the township (official population about 1800). Of course, all the commuters still had to get home and vote. The township has been polluted with MN Dems, but yet in 2010 turned R.

I voted Falk. I want to see Falk in a debate with Walker, and hear how she justifies her committment to the unions to hold up the budget until Act 10 is repealed.

Anonymous said...

"Myself, I just couldn't resist the urge to vote against Walker and went with Riggs."

Ok you crazy kids. So thinking about Wisconsinites and strategic voting...

What happens if the Republicans vote Faulk and the Democrats vote Riggs?

Riggs v. Faulk?

Anonymous said...

Canuck, exactly. Kohl -Riggs would endorse his own opponent! LMAO funny.

garage mahal said...

Ok you crazy kids. So thinking about Wisconsinites and strategic voting..

Wasn't really strategic voting on my part. It's just one vote. It was more a giant fuck you to our hopelessly corrupt system, and media that enables it all. Riggs documented much of the sleazeball politics happening inside the Capitol with his camera, everything the state press refused to talk about. Republicans taped up windows as to block from view what was going on because of Riggs videotaping.

Jason said...

#1418 at my polling place. "Crazy busy" according to the poll workers I talked to. Walker is toast if Dems can get people out in numbers greater than the lethargic 2010 levels

30-35% estimated statewide turnout is "crazy busy"? Please.

Dems have been supposedly waiting for this day for over a year now. And in the end, plenty of people like yourself cant even vote for any of the Democrats on the ballot. Which shows the absolute flakiness of the Democrat field.

Dan from Madison said...

Whoa already a checkmark by Walker. Short night for dishonest Abe.

Jason said...

It was more a giant fuck you to our hopelessly corrupt system, and media that enables it all. Riggs documented much of the sleazeball politics happening inside the Capitol with his camera, everything the state press refused to talk about. Republicans taped up windows as to block from view what was going on because of Riggs videotaping.

I bet the "sleazeball politics" that the Democrat senators engaged in by fleeing Wisconsin to a "secret location" was okay, though.

Big Mike said...

With 1% of the precincts reporting (on RealClearPolitics) Barrett is leading Falk by 57% to 35.5%

And the winner is ... Walker!

garage mahal said...

30-35% estimated statewide turnout is "crazy busy"? Please

I know your side prays for low voter turnout. But I said at my polling place, not statewide.

James said...

Phew...for a minute I was thinking my vote for Kohl-Riggs might come back to haunt me.

Big Mike said...

And I see that Lugar has been blown out by better than a 3 to 2 margin. Lugar, and a lot of the old RINO bulls, make me think of what Cromwell said when he dissolved the Long Parliament:

"Ye are a pack of mercenary wretches, and would, like Esau, sell your country for a mess of pottage, and, like Judas, betray your God for a few pieces of money.
Is there a single virtue now remaining amongst you? Is there one vice you do not possess? Ye have no more religion than my horse; gold is your God; which of you have not barter’d your conscience for bribes? Is there a man amongst you that has the least care for the good of the Commonwealth?


Ye are grown intolerably odious to the whole nation; you were deputed here by the people to get grievances redress’d, are yourselves gone! So! Take away that shining bauble there, and lock up the doors.

In the name of God, go!"

Anonymous said...

About 31% turnout at my precinct ..."not too bad for a primary" per the gray haired lady that always is working the poll.

By the way- lots of dedicated workers at my precinct. They do a great job and keep things running smoothly. They give me a puzzled look, though, every time I ask if they want my I.D. (then show it to them anyway after they say it isn't needed.)

Big Mike said...

The Wisconsin voters already delivered that message to Russ Feingold, BTW, but apparently neither he nor any other Wisconsin Democrat has been listening.

Michael Haz said...

Tonight's primary election will be a crushing defeat for the government unions, and their private-sector union donors.

The endorsed union candidate, Kathleen Falk, will be defeated by Tom Barrett, the man who was told by WEAC and AFSCME to stay out of the election because they wouldn't support his candidacy.

Tom Barrett will not appear at tomorrow evening's union organized and sponsored rally at the Capitol. Barrett does not want to be seen with the union leaders, or the band of goofs that comprise pro-union protestors.

Barrett has not promised to reverse all of Act 10, just the part that caps local property taxes. You lose, WEAC; thanks for playing.

Tom Barrett will be defeated next month. It will be the third time he has lost the gubernatorial race in Wisconsin. Call him Tommy "Three Times" Barrett.

He has very little money to spend campaigning in the general election, and no record of accomplishments as Milwaukee's mayor that he can run on.

Side note to OneWisconsin's Scot Ross: Under the provisions of Act 10, you'll have to wait one week before filing for unemployment.

Anonymous said...

When I said the gray haired lady was "working the poll" , it
was referring to the place where people vote. Not a strip club. Not that there would be anything wrong with that.

James said...

I thought the "Unity Rally" for tomorrow night was cancelled.

MadisonMan said...

I was #422 at my precinct. I usually vote in the morning, but forgot today, so I have no clue if that number is high or low.

MadisonMan said...

Lugar hasn't live in Indiana since 1977. How was this not an issue until this year?

I am never sad when an incumbent loses.

MadisonMan said...

BTW -- and this is my final post -- I didn't watch the embedded video 'til the end.

Motion sickness.

Did I miss anything, other than my not puking, but not watching the whole thing?

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
#1418 at my polling place. "Crazy busy" according to the poll workers I talked to. Walker is toast if Dems can get people out in numbers greater than the lethargic 2010 levels. Myself, I just couldn't resist the urge to vote against Walker and went with Riggs." And Tom Barrett is just the man who can do that...oh wait.

"garage mahal said...
Coincidentally, in Fitzwalkerstan, fake Democrats are the first names on the ballot. Nobody could have predicted!"

GAB spokesperson Reid Magney says that the order candidates are listed is determined randomly for each race in advance of the election, as dictated by state statute, namely S. 5.60(1)(b), Wis. Stats. 3/24/2003.

Yes, who could have predicted!

Michael Haz said...

Keeping an eye on the Walker total vs the combined Barrett + Falk total. Walker ahead. Walker voters had nothing to prove; Dem voters had to select a candidate. Looks like a HUGE turnout for Walker may be brewing.

David A. Carlson said...

Walker has more votes than all the democratic candidates combined.

Michael Haz said...

Walker has more votes than all the democratic candidates combined

THIS is what democracy looks like, bitches.

DADvocate said...

At 8:48 Central with 18% reporting, Walker had over 10,000 votes more than all the Dems combined.

Anonymous said...

@ MHaz- I noticed that too and looked at the wsj map of where the returns are coming from. Assuming that the Walker and democrat returns are coming from the same precincts, I agree with you ...huge for Walker.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Walker has more votes than all the democratic candidates combined.

Even if you (accurately) include Kohl-Riggs in that list.

garage mahal said...

Yes, huge HUGE night for Walker. Democrats are picking a candidate to run against him in a recall!


Michael Haz said...

If Walker does, in fact, wind up with more votes than Barret + Falk, the national Dem money will dry up. Game over. No need to wast precious funds with the presidential race right around the corner.

Michael Haz said...

31% WI Vote in, Walker - 209,591; Barrett + Falk - 176,786.

Jason said...

25% of the vote in, and Walker has nearly 37K more votes than Barrett + Falk.

Yeah, those Dems look energized all right.

Turnout = "crazy busy".

Jason said...

If Walker does, in fact, wind up with more votes than Barret + Falk, the national Dem money will dry up. Game over. No need to wast precious funds with the presidential race right around the corner.

Walker's campaign has been top notch so far. From ads, to social media, to volunteers...and oh, by the way, his reforms are working.

Even if Walker is remotely close to the Dem totals, it will be a huge defeat for the Dems. Especially when you consider the numbers of GOP folks that probably crossed over and voted in the Dem primary.

Michael Haz said...

38% WI Vote in, Walker - 262,966; Barrett + Falk - 213,430.

Anonymous said...

Now who in their right mind would have predicted that Falk would beat Barrett??

James said...

That clown Mordecai Lee is on Fox 6 right now. He didn't address his prediction of 95% cross over.

Meade said...

Our professor/blogger has drifted into happy slumber while watching the Brew Crew jump to an early lead over those big mean Reds. We go now to our crack correspondent Michael Haz, live in Milwaukee with the latest updates on the Wisconsin gubernatorial primary races...


Martin L. Shoemaker said...

At 9:09 p.m.: Governor Walker, 52%; Everbody Else, 48%.

Meade said...

James out there in Racine...

and ALH, our roving correspondent, somewhere, out there, way, way out there...

Jason said...

At 9:09 p.m.: Governor Walker, 52%; Everbody Else, 48%

Tom Barrett is gonna win the Dem nomination, but I will guarantee nobody will be celebrating at his headquarters tonight.

For Walker to be pulling in 50%+ of the vote in a primary like this is amazing.

Meade said...

Brewers update: 5-0

Meade said...

Sorry. Make that 6-0.

Michael Haz said...

40% WI Vote in, Walker - 273,505; Barrett + Falk - 227,511.

The story of the night has to be the huge turnout of the Republican base in a contest that had essentially no meaning for the Republicans. Huge turnout.

vnjagvet said...

Even worse for the dems, Walker beats the total of all anti-Walker votes including Abe Lincoln.

Eat your heart out, Garage. But if I know you, you will keep hope alive. Stay at it, buddy.

Beta Rube said...

Brewers: 7 - 2

Democrats: F**ked

Walker is dominating in what for him was a meaningless election.

garage mahal said...

I heard Waukesha County even found some more votes for Prosser!

Jason said...

The story of the night has to be the huge turnout of the Republican base in a contest that had essentially no meaning for the Republicans. Huge turnout.

The silent majority is speaking. Again.

sane_voter said...

A great night for Walker.

Can I get a "This is what democracy looks like!"

Anonymous said...

I do believe I just saw an anti-Barrett ad that showed a rally with a French flag waving in a crowd of protesters. Own the socialist agenda, Tom. 4 more weeks of that stuff coming at you. Film at 11.

sane_voter said...

Maybe Kloppy can recall Prosser

Michael Haz said...

50% of WI Vote in, Walker - 320,314; Barrett + Falk - 277,281

gail said...

Is it possible to learn how many pro-Walker supporters crossed over and voted for a Dem...especially Falk?

Just a wild likely is it Dems crossed over and voted for Walker in a chaos-type effort?

Jason said...

I thought Scott Walker was the most evil man in the world?

Michael Haz said...

I've watched Wisconsin politics since I campaigned for Sen Bill Proxmire in late 60's. These numbers are some crazy shit. I have never seen a base turn out like it apparently did today for an uncontested Republican primary.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

9:24 p.m.: Governor Walker 50.5%; Everybody Else, 49.5%.

It's just possible that Everybody Else can pull out a squeaker here!

Beta Rube said...

What's the over/under on how many times collective bargaining rights will be raised in Barrett ads?

4 weeks of "the war on women" and "it's for the kids", but nary a word about who bankrolled this whole obscene exercise in thuggery.

Mark said...

Yes, huge HUGE night for Walker. Democrats are picking a candidate to run against him in a recall!


Anyone doubt that Walker was going to walk away with the Republican nomination? Anyone?

Keep whistling, Garage. The "energized" Wisconsin Democratic Party doesn't have the committed support that shoe-in Scott Walker has.

The DNC must be trying to figure out how to make the rest of the country ignore Wisconsin starting tonight.

Meade said...

gail, I'm going to guess 25% of Falk's votes are from crossovers who will vote for Walker next month.

Number of Dems who crossed over for Walker? Zero.

Michael Haz said...

53% of WI Vote in, Walker - 337,573; Barrett + Falk - 295,184

Jason said...

Keep whistling, Garage. The "energized" Wisconsin Democratic Party doesn't have the committed support that shoe-in Scott Walker has.

The DNC must be trying to figure out how to make the rest of the country ignore Wisconsin starting tonight.

But...but...I thought they got ONE MILLION SIGNATURES??!!???

Meade said...

Beta Rube, I'll give you an over/under of zero.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

9:27 p.m.: Governor Walker 51.9%, Everybody Else, 48.1%.

James said...

@Meade. Game over?

Unknown said...

Typical lib always looking backward like Obama with his 1940s socialist solutions.

Michael Haz said...

60% of WI Vote in, Walker - 392,553; Barrett + Falk - 327,645

Meade said...

Live update from Madison: the professor/blogger has awakened. Look sharp, boys (and girls)!

garage mahal said...

Anyone doubt that Walker was going to walk away with the Republican nomination? Anyone?

Congratulations! He's spent 25 million to get here.

Meade said...

@James, it might be. I'm watching on DVR delay. I send you to Beta Rube for more up-to-date action...

Beta Rube said...

The professor should be happy with the Brewers up 7-2 coming to bat in the 7th, and Walker beating the Dems handily.

BTW, do you root for Cincinnati, Meade? NTTAWWT.

Anonymous said...

Liberals chant "shame, shame!". Conservatives vote.

James said...

And since Meade mentioned the baseball game, how about a look back to my former state senator

George Petak (November 6, 1949) is a Republican Wisconsin politician.Born in Warren, Ohio, Petak graduated from Kent State University.

...In 1995, Petak, Republican, changed his vote on a ontroversial funding bill for the Miller Park stadium, after initially promising that he would vote against the bill.[2] Petak's deciding vote supported the one-tenth of one percent sales tax.[3] Nine months later, Petak was recalled from office.

Michael Haz said...

Falk loses own district 2:1.

Beta Rube said...

It looks like Dane and Milwaukee might be reporting, as the Falk/Barrett total is getting closer to the Governor.

Anyone know if this is the case?

Meade said...

Later in the program, we'll also be checking in with our token liberal correspondent, Alan Colmes - I mean garage mahal - for a view from the other side. But first let's give him time to gather his wits.

Original Mike said...

"Congratulations! He's spent 25 million to get here."

Well, it wasn't like this was his idea.

Jason said...

Falk loses own district 2:1

Strong showing, Kathleen.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

9:36 p.m.: Everybody Else 51.5%, Governor Walker 48.5%.

And Everybody Else finally pulls ahead in this close race!

Michael Haz said...

With Dane and Milwaukee Co. in, at 68% of WI Vote, Walker - 423,448; Barrett + Falk - 401,146.

Mark said...

Congratulations! He's spent 25 million to get here.

Do you think that money alone got all those supporters to come to the polls in what (for their man) is a foregone conclusion?

No, each of those votes was a vote AGAINST what the Democratic Party of your state has been doing, and probably more specifically against it's sold-our-soul relationship to the public sector unions.

The more Unions fight Walker, the worse it's going to be for the Democrats, both in Wisconsin and nationally.

Enjoy your evening, Garage.

garage mahal said...

With 68% in, Barrett + Falk + Vinehout + La Follette at 432,721 to Walker at 423,448

Meade said...

Beta, I do root for the Reds. But I love it when the Brewers play well and I want them to get on a roll. Favorite Brewers: Lucroy, Gomez, Hart.

Meade said...

James, that recall of Petak was exactly the correct use of the recall provision. Thanks for the report.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

9:42 p.m.: Everybody Else, 51.6%; Governor Walker, 48.4%.

Anonymous said...

Do Democrats really dislike Falk that much or were they being pragmatic in voting for the candidate they thought would best match up with Walker?

Original Mike said...

"Falk loses own district 2:1"

One of her votes was mine. Can't really count that one.

Mark said...

If the RNC doesn't make Walker the keynote speaker at the Convention then there's no hope for the establishment Republican Party.

Michael Haz said...

70% of WI Vote in, Walker - 437,348; Barrett + Falk - 414,345.

Jeffrey said...

Garage --

I fully expect the combined Dem vote to edge out Walker's vote by the end of the night. I'll even spot you the Kohl-Riggs votes as well.

That's not the point, as you well know.

The point is that it shouldn't have been anywhere NEARLY this close. Not by miles. Walker was essentially UNOPPOSED. The Dems were running a contested primary. The fact that Walker pulled such a stunning amount of support for nothing other than a mere show of support is a terrible omen for the Democrats, and no amount of your typical "I won't response to intelligent points" trolling will detract from that.

The story tomorrow is going to be Walker's massive (and gratuitous) turnout. If he was able to run at near parity in a primary race where he was the only candidate on the ballot (with who knows how many GOP crossing over to vote Falk out of mischief?), vs. a hotly contested Dem primary on the other side, then you can imagine how motivated his supporters will be when the actual race is run in June.

Anonymous said...

I feel like Falk is the anxious mother that I will never get to know now- thanks to the big meanie Tom Barrett who beat her (figuratively speaking, of course)

Mark said...

I was expected the Democrats to have at least twice as many voters turn out. (I expect that if we only counted votes of people with actual pulses, then Walker's total would still be greater. Remember, Milwaukee's one of the few places in America where the number of voters outnumber the actual residents.)

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

9:48 p.m.: Everybody Else, 51.9%; Governor Walker, 48.1%.

It's looking good for Everybody Else!

Anonymous said...

Haz, why aren't you adding Vinehout and La Follette in the Democratic totals?

Meade said...

Original Mike said...
"Falk loses own district 2:1"

One of her votes was mine. Can't really count that one.

Nor mine.

Michael Haz said...

70% of WI Vote in, Walker - 437,348; Barrett + Falk - 414,345.

The unions have just now pledged their support to Barrett, after royally dissing him 45 days ago.

Place your bets: Will Obama campaign for Barrett, and if he does, will Barrett be in the same part of the state as Obama when it happens?

garage mahal said...

Do you think that money alone got all those supporters to come to the polls in what (for their man) is a foregone conclusion?

No. But walker did spend 25 million dollars already, before the general even started.

With 76% in, Barrett + Falk + Vinehout + La Follette at 493,264 to Walker at 475,019

James said...

Meade, to this day there are many people around here who refuse to go to Miller Park and only tepidly support the Brewers.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

9:51 p.m.: Everybody Else, 51.2%; Governor Walker 48.8%.

Original Mike said...

Don't forget to add "Old" Abes vote to Walker's.

Michael Haz said...

Tom Barrett is telling his supporters that he wants to "fix" Wisconsin.

What, so it looks like the shithole that Milwaukee has become?? That's a really big selling point outstate.....

Original Mike said...

Scott Walker wants to be a rock star. He went to ... Iowa!

Michael Haz said...

82% of WI Vote in, Walker - 519,049; Barrett + Falk - 484,435

That's all for tonight. Bed time.

Meade said...

Question of the hour: Will Arthur Kohl-Riggs, the "Lincoln Republican" throw his support behind his fellow Republican, Scott Walker. Or will he go all sore-loser third party on us? Arthur? We anxiously await your momentous decision.

James said...

Barrett will bring street cars to every Wisconsin city.

vnjagvet said...

Watch the money dry up for Barrett in the next 30 days. I think the 5th of June will be an afterthought, and Walker will be stronger than ever.

roesch/voltaire said...

Althouse and her tag along bloggers seem to have reached pre-mature conclusions.

Mark said...

No. But walker did spend 25 million dollars already, before the general even started.

So? Wisconsin Democrats (and the Democratic Party and the Elite Media and scads of other people) thought making Scott Walker the surrogate for Evil Republicanism was a capital idea. Now that it's turning around and biting y'all in the ass, you bet Walker's going to get as much money as he wants in order to rub your noses in your very bad judgement.

The only thing that could keep Walker from being the biggest political success story of the next three months would be Mitt Romney's ego.

Anonymous said...

Haz! Why aren't you adding in Vinehout and La Follette in the Democratic totals? Do you have designs on being Waukesha's next County Clerk?

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

10:04 p.m.: Everybody Else 50.9%, Governor Walker 49.1%.

Unknown said...

A curious Idaho observer...comparing the democratic primary totals with about 81% of the precincts reporting. There are significantly MORE votes for democratic lieutenant governor candidates than for democratic governor candidates. Can someone tell me what's up with that?

marylynn said...

Garage thinks its a crime that Walker has been forced to spend 25 million, but just fine and dandy that the Democrats have wasted over 16 million to force this farce of a recall.
You surprised how many of us showed up to support Walker in an uncontested primary? Just wait for June folks, just wait

JAL said...

11 PM -- It appears that the Republicans got more total votes than the Democrats' total votes.

Walker himself got more votes than all the Democrats combined.

What does that mean?

Don't know, but maybe Walker isn't as hated as the Deomcrats wanted you Badgers (and the rest of us) to believe.

If my state's bottom line was improved the way Wisconsin's appears to be, I'd pay attention to the 'perpetrator' in a positive way.

garage mahal said...

Barrett victory speech asks: "Do we want a governor who has to have a legal defense fund?"

Damn good question!

Anonymous said...

A friend of mine whose older brother is neighbors with a cousin of Arthur Kohl Riggs told me that he will indeed wage an independent campaign with Charlie Crist as a Lt. Gov running mate and Lisa Murkowski as campaign manager.

Michael Haz said...

Oop - because they don't matter. They aren't serious candidates, just like the other "fake candidates".

Meade said...

Shhh... 10:00 is bedtime for Haz. And should be for all of us over 50's.

Sleep well, Barrett/Falkers.

marylynn said...

i phrased that poorly. Garage is pissed that Walker has 25 million to spend, but not pissed that the Dems have wasted 16 million plus on this recall crap. There, I believer that is clearer :-)

Original Mike said...

"There are significantly MORE votes for democratic lieutenant governor candidates than for democratic governor candidates. Can someone tell me what's up with that?"

There was no Republican Lt. Gov race. Some people voted for Walker and then also voted in the Lt. Gov race.

Anonymous said...

Michael, they do matter because it indicates numbers of Democrats who will turn out to vote for the democratic candidate. You just can't ignore those numbers.

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

Curious Idaho observer: my guess was that since it appears there was no Republican race for Lieutenant Governor, many Republican voters chose to vote on the Democrat side.

B said...

The way the numbers are working out, It appears that the total vote for the dems will not even reach what would have been the 800k+ threshold figure to even have a recall. And that ignores any spoiler votes for Falk by Walker supporters.

Does make one wonder, doesn't it. Did that many people, around 200k, decide not to show up, change their minds, sign the recall petition just to get some jerk out of their face, or....

Perhaps we are seeing the real recall petition total here. The total when you can only vote once. And for yourself. Or at least not vote as often or for as many people as you could sign the petition..

sane_voter said...

86% reporting
GOP 560,495
DEM 547,607

Original Mike said...

"Perhaps we are seeing the real recall petition total here. The total when you can only vote once."

And, you have to be from in state.

sane_voter said...

My prediction for the recall general election

Walker 55%
Barrett 45%

Martin L. Shoemaker said...

10:16 p.m.: Everybody Else 51.4%, Governor Walker 48.6%.

I think we can safely bet that Everyone Else will pull this out! I guess we'll see Everyone Else on the ballot in June, right?

garage mahal said...

"Perhaps we are seeing the real recall petition total here. The total when you can only vote once."

And, you have to be from in state.

So, photo ID not needed then eh?

Steve Austin said...

If we are going to split hairs on the overall vote totals, give the Walker ledger credit for Gladys Huber's votes and those of us that crossed over to vote for Falk.

This thing isn't over by a long shot. But after tonight's results, the national unions are perhaps going to hedge their financial commitments somewhat.

B said...

garage mahal said... Barrett victory speech asks: "Do we want a governor who has to have a legal defense fund?" Damn good question!

No. A question posed by a pol hoping the listeners are too fucking stupid to understand WHY Walker was forced to have a legal defense kitty.

And it appears that at least one poster here is indeed that fucking stupid. Though I suspect more knurls will out of the woodwork come.

Original Mike said...

Personally, I'm really upset about that junket he took to Iowa.

B said...

So, photo ID not needed then eh?

Doesn't follow. No way of knowing at this point as far as the primary goes.

But it could be that posited based on what we see that a better method of verifying recall petition signatures might have saved the state the expense of the recall.

Which would have covered voter ID costs.

Which would legitimize the vote totals in many people's minds for the forseeable future.

Which you would set as many specious roadblocks as possible to prevent happening.

Mark said...

Mr. Austin, I don't think it's in the national unions' DNA to pull back from the brink on this one. We're talking thousand-stitch sashes and strapping into flying machines without landing gear.

Mark said...

"knurls will out of the woodwork come"

knurls out of voodvork come. Get it right. ;)

garage mahal said...

Arthur Kohl Riggs got over 18000 votes and only spent $3000. Nice work Art!

Beta Rube said...

I saw Arthur at the Tea Party Tax Day rally. He was dressed like Lincoln. Creepy bastard if you ask me.

bagoh20 said...

I think it's pretty well understood that 30% of all petitions are signed just because someone asked them to. It could be a petition for the return of smallpox and get 500K.

B said...

knurls out of voodvork come. Get it right. ;)

Cut me some slack. Purely from memory and easily 20 years storage at that.

Jalanl said...

The Lt. Gov race is probably the best indication of democrat turnout. Everybody in the state knows Weix is a "fake" and only republicans voted for him. The democrats in the Lt Gov race are at a total 500,968 (94% reporting) versus 588,810 for walker. Even if we give the Dems the Kohl-Riggs' votes we get 519,269 Democrat votes versus 588,810 Scott Walker votes. This is a major disaster for the Democrats! One million recall signatures and you can't even get 1/2 of them to show up for a primary?

MadisonMan said...

I feel like I'm voting monthly. When is the Senatorial Primary?

JohnJ said...

“Arthur Kohl Riggs got over 18000 votes and only spent $3000. Nice work Art!”

How childish.

Any chance it mostly will be grownups involved in this next round?

Steve Austin said...

I don't want to discount the anti Walker fervor because this is only the first act.

But I always believed those petition signers had a percentage of "family unity" signers in them. I.e. I know a number of families where one child is a teacher or activist. And at thanksgiving they went around to relatives and asked them to sign. So Uncle Jerry signs the petition to avoid a family ruckus even though he has no intention of going to the polls to vote out Walker.

B said...

...30% of all petitions are signed just because someone asked them to...

Agreed. Two points to be made, however. Its seldom that one sees it demonstrated so dramatically. And f that rule of thumb were taken into account in threshold number for a recall - I realize that's unworkable but bear with me - then Wisconsin could have saved a lot of dough.

On the other hand, all the out of state union operatives had to eat, drink, sleep, and advertise. Nice fallout for the local economy anyway.

MadisonMan said...

Everybody in the state knows Weix is a "fake" and only republicans voted for him.


JorgXMcKie said...

"knurls from out the voodvork come" been a long time. Papa Schimmelhorn? I don't quite remember.

Chuck66 said...

I have a few requests. Please refer to Frank Sinatra as "the chairman of the board". Elvis is "The King".

And Kathaleen Vinehout is "That lady from Illinois whose husband was a Blago advisor".

Chuck66 said...

Word out of Hudson is that people were going door-to-door with a petition. Asking people to sign "a petition to make gov't more responsive". No mention about governor Walker. Wait, it was the petition to recall Senator Harsford...who won the recall with a higher percentage than she won the regular election.

Chuck66 said...

Sane said: "My prediction for the recall general election

Walker 55%
Barrett 45%"

I think that sounds about right. If it was a regular November election, maybe 50.1 to 49.9 between them (going either way), but enough people don't want a do-over election.

Unknown said...

He got the top hat vote.

bagoh20 said...

In California, we never even get a chance to vote for a reformer, ever. It's a genetic thing out here. Consequently, many conservatives here don't bother.

If Walker does not win decisively, it will prove Wisconsinites are dumber than Californians. How do you guys like the sound of that? Imagine where that puts you on the bell curve. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. I can't wait. I've have never been demonstrably smarter than anyone before. This could be like getting an honorary degree in mediocrity for me. Although I would cherish that, I really don't want it to happen. Forward!

Anonymous said...

Scott Walker and Barack Obama both are using the "forward" slogan. That is just not right.

Mr. Forward said...

As long as they keep paying me royalties I have no objection.

Freddy Hill said...

Mark, B,

"knurls out of voodvork come. Get it right. ;)"

Isn't it "Gnurrs Come from the Voodvork Out"?

damikesc said...

Walker outpolled the Democrats COMBINED? Hilarious. This is going great.

Michael Haz said...

Kathleen Falk didn't even carry Dane County.

Big, big union loss.

Michael said...

"Barrett victory speech asks: "Do we want a governor who has to have a legal defense fund?" Damn good question!"

So the official position in the DEmocratic party now is that being drawn into a legal process is prima facie evidence of guilt?

Good to know, Garage.

X said...

yes Ms Oop, you can't ignore those vote totals. Especially in WV. lol.

wildswan said...

The political operatives did not see half a million people turning out for Walker; they did not see that coming. Showing they can't see the real landscape despite polls, Twitter, focus groups. They also think Barrett has a chance to win; likewise Obama

Scott M said...

If one wanted to be erudite as Garage, one might point out the WV Democratic Primary result: Barack Obama 58%, Keith Judd 42%. Who is Keith Judd? Inmate #11593-051 at a Federal prison in Texas.

Shudder, GM. I don't believe that "epic butt hurt" you claimed is coming in November is going to wait and won't be inflicted on the side you assumed it would be.

Does it hurt when you sit down?

X said...

there's one guy who won't be getting a Presidential pardon

gerry said...

Great results. The fascist-progressive-anarchist-communist-socialist coalition stepped into it. Big time.


Matt Sablan said...

Obama/Judd unity ticket?

Matt Sablan said...

Ooh. Apparently, Judd gets a delegate at the convention. Count every vote! Every vote must be counted!

Hoosier Daddy said...

This has the makings of a great Hitler parody video.

Scott M said...

This has the makings of a great Hitler parody video.

Yeah, but who would be seated? Trumpka over the WI results, Obama over the results vs an inmate, or Obama vs the NC marriage amendment?

Original Mike said...

"Yeah, but who would be seated?"


X said...

Judd 2012

A Candidate with Conviction

Hoosier Daddy said...

So like what happened to the 800,000 recall petition signers?

So Walker running unopposed garners more votes than all the Dem challengers combined? That's hysterical.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Yeah, but who would be seated?"


If Walker wins I'll bet his reaction won't be that far off.

AllenS said...

Brown got 626,538 votes

The combined Democrats got 670,278 votes

Barrett got 390,109 votes

Original Mike said...

"So Walker running unopposed garners more votes than all the Dem challengers combined?"

No. I think it's Democrats 670,000; Walker 626,500.

Original Mike said...

A don't forget. The dead have been held in reserve for the main attraction.

Beta Rube said...

Does this make Barrett a motherf**ker?

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... So Walker running unopposed garners more votes than all the Dem challengers combined?"

No. I think it's Democrats 670,000; Walker 626,500..."

I stand corrected. Still, it says something when a supposed hated governor comes with 44k votes in a primary where he doesn't have a challenger.

Oh well. Not my state anyway. We did manage to send one 35 year politician into retirement where he belongs. Lugar was a decent chap but like any politician, he was 25 years past his sell date.

garage mahal said...

So the official position in the DEmocratic party now is that being drawn into a legal process is prima facie evidence of guilt?

Good to know, Garage.

Since Walker has refused to explain to the people of Wisconsin his involvement with the John Doe investigation and his setting up a legal defense fund with the state of Wisconsin, we'll have to just try and fill in the blanks the best we can as we go

James said...

Remember that quite a number of Walker supporters like myself and Meade voted for Falk in the Dem primary. So even that 670K total is a bit deceptive. You can be sure that I'll be voting straight Republican on June 5.

James said...

Obama endorses Barrett...that's like the reverse Midas touch.

Scott M said...

Obama endorses Barrett...that's like the reverse Midas touch.

It's been well established in dark wizard circles since 2008 that Obama draws his power from the same ironic vortex that Al Gore does. Gore's only affects the local weather, though, and nowhere near as powerful at fucking things up.

Chuck66 said...

Katheleen Vinehout needs to explain her connections to Blago.

What did she know and when did she know it.

garage mahal said...

Obama endorses Barrett...that's like the reverse Midas touch

Obama is outpolling Romney anywhere from 8-14 points in Wisconsin. Oddly, a lot of Obama voters still not convinced Walker should be recalled.

X said...

you're right OM. garage is seated. now someone needs to come in and report the WV results to him.

Patrick said...

Why the depressed Democratic turnout in WI? I thought this was something the Dems were all excited about.

Bushman of the Kohlrabi said...

Hilarious to see the Democrats forced to make a deal with the devil. No matter what happens in June, the unions have already lost.

I'll stand by my contention that Falk would actually have been the better candidate for the left. Now they've gone all in on someone whose one accomplishment in 8 years as mayor of the state's largest city is using ACT 10 to balance his budget. Best part is, he then turned around and complained that Walker didn't go far enough.

I swear, you just can't make this stuff up.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Oddly, a lot of Obama voters still not convinced Walker should be recalled..."

Mitch Daniels crushed Jill Long Thompson in 2008 whereas Indiana went Democrat in the Presidential general election for the first time since 1968.

Politics are local. Evidently Walker isn't as despised as you might think.

Chuck66 said...

As we have said before, if this was a regular schedule Nov governor election, Barrett maybe would beat Walker.

But a lot of people don't want do-over elections. They will sit home or vote for Governor Walker now, then maybe vote Democrat in Nov 2014.

Patrick said...

The depressed Democratic turnout must be because the Unions see Barrett as a fait accompli. Because he was in favor of using Walker's reforms, which is the driving force behind the recall campaign, all of the protesters are disillusioned.

In other words, no one really cares that the public unions now have to pay for some of their pensions and health insurance.

Matt Sablan said...

"Since Walker has refused to explain to the people of Wisconsin his involvement with the John Doe investigation and his setting up a legal defense fund with the state of Wisconsin, we'll have to just try and fill in the blanks the best we can as we go"

-- A) Is he allowed to talk about an ongoing investigation? Some people don't leak things illegally.

B) Normally, when we fill in the blanks with "so-and-so" is guilty, we hear about the rights of the accused. Why is it never the case when it is a Republican on trumped up political charges? Remember how that worked for Ted Stevens?

roesch/voltaire said...

Apparently 18,000 Republicans changed their mind about Walker and voted for Riggs-- all is not lost!

Matt Sablan said...

"Apparently 18,000 Republicans changed their mind about Walker and voted for Riggs-- all is not lost!"

-- The graveyard for whistling by is over there.

Patrick said...

R/V, that makes about as much sense as concluding that the quarter of a million folks who signed the recall petitions changed their mind and voted for Walker.

X said...

apparently rv will sit out the nov election since he can't vote for santorum again.

garage mahal said...

The depressed Democratic turnout must be because the Unions see Barrett as a fait accompli.

Primary turnout was up. But hey, what do little details like that matter. More = less. Just throw it out there. Who cares!

damikesc said...

Since Walker has refused to explain to the people of Wisconsin his involvement with the John Doe investigation

That there was no involvement seems lost on garage, as usual.

At least Republicans don't infect women with AIDS and try to commit insurance fraud to get them covered. Shame Dems can't make similar claims, huh?

his setting up a legal defense fund with the state of Wisconsin, we'll have to just try and fill in the blanks the best we can as we go

Bill Clinton set up a legal defense fund. He didn't explain his actions in regards to the harassment of women and obstruction of justice. Ergo, to garage, Bill Clinton is a criminal.

Also nice of garage to decide that the Birther claims about Obama were justified. After all, he refused to come clean with the people when the claims first popped up...

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