May 21, 2012

40,000+ "ultra-Orthodox Jewish men, all dressed in black suits and white shirts" rally — at the Mets' stadium — about "the dangers of the Internet."

The NYT reports:
For the attendees, many of whom said they came at the instructions of their rabbis, it was a chance to hear about a moral topic considered gravely important in their community: the potential problems that can stem from access to pornography and other explicit content on the uncensored, often incendiary Web....

“Desires are out there,” [said Shlomo Cohen, 24, of Toronto], adding that men could be particularly susceptible. “We have to learn how to control ourselves.”...

Eytan Kobre, a spokesman for the event, delivered a more intense message to reporters outside the stadium. “The siren song of the Internet entices us!” he pronounced in a booming voice. “It brings out the worst of us!”


Eric the Fruit Bat said...

But if they don't watch pornography on the internet they'll never become desensitized to it.

ndspinelli said...

Ironic they chose a venue tainted w/ the Bernie Madoff scandal.

Chip S. said...

“We have to learn how to control ourselves.”

I tell myself this every day, but I still wind up wasting time at Althouse: where procrastination is an avocation.

ndspinelli said...

I wonder who threw out the ceremonial first pitch?

Were there concessions, "Beer Here" would be incongruous.

jimbino said...

Let's hope the WWW brings about the end of superstitions and stupidities like Orthodox Judaism.

I know that Political Correctness would hold that that would put the WWW in bad company, but we're not talking sudden annihilation here, only gradual but certain attrition to zero.

madAsHell said...


edutcher said...

Good for them.

They see what rotted away a lot of the Baby Boom Generation, the "If It Feels Good, Do It" garbage that has helped crate the entitlement mentality we have today.

edutcher said...

jimbino said...

Let's hope the WWW brings about the end of superstitions and stupidities like Orthodox Judaism.

Hatman strikes again.

Yes, how silly and superstitious to think controlling one's desires for instant gratification could lead humanity out of the Stone Age.

BarrySanders20 said...

The inventor of the internet responded, urging them all to release their chakras.

ricpic said...

Is the eleventh commandment, Thou Shalt Get With The New? They can't walk away from the bloody machines?

ricpic said...

Were there concessions, "Beer Here" would be incongruous.

Only food sold, Hebrew National Franks and Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray Tonic.

Graham Powell said...

Ah, yes, I remember those halcyon days before the Internet, when no one ever watched porn, abused drugs, or voted Republican.

traditionalguy said...

The Hasidic Jews are famous for stumbling over things while turning their heads trying not to lay eyes on unclean people...especially beautiful women.

Doing that in Manhattan is not easy.

JAL said...

@ Chip S Althouse: where procrastination is an avocation.

Going to use that with the hubby. Thanks.

MikeR said...
Good interview.