April 30, 2012

Was the "Protest Whisperer" — Capitol Police Chief Charles Tubbs — forced out...

... by mean old Republicans who are saying he "coddled" protesters?
For days in February 2011, protesters slept in the Capitol and spent their days booing and jeering Republican Gov. Scott Walker and GOP legislators.... 
Supporters of Tubbs, 58, say his willingness to negotiate was the reason that there were no major injuries, no permanent damage to the Capitol and no riots. But his opponents say that same personal style turned the Capitol into the first Occupy campsite.... 
There’s another theory on why Tubbs chose June 1 to start his new job: He doesn’t want to be around for what some say could be “Round 2.” 
Walker’s recall election is June 5....
Oh, no. The post-recall protests....

But why wait for June 6th? Tomorrow is May Day... and it's coming just as the city is (supposedly) breaking up the Occupy Madison encampment...
On Sunday night, the mood among site residents could only be described as desperate as many of them realized that it could be their last night at the site.... 
Meanwhile, other members of the Occupy Madison movement are gearing up for a big day on Tuesday. Occupy Wall Street is using social media to attract a big crowd for its May Day rally.


bagoh20 said...

May Day - but of course.

KCFleming said...

"“In the crowd-control world, we have moved much more into a kind of negotiation/mediation method of dealing with large crowds and political protest."

The result was that the Capitol occupiers got to do what they wanted, and broke the rules and regulations and laws that everyone else had to abide by, without any consequences at all.

It was goddamn anarchy. The lesson is that with Tubbs in charge, all you gotta do is show up in large enough numbers and Madison is yours.

And that's a partisan lesson, too.

I'm willing to bet that if the Tea party had pulled a stunt like that, there would have been mass arrests.

traditionalguy said...

The Police Chief is being scapegoated.I recall something about the Wisconsin laws that make exclusion of citizens from their Capitol Building illegal.

Maybe Garage made that up. But the expectations seemed to be that the demonstrators were legally entitled to be there.

They could alays try hiring George Zimmerman and let him interact with the weirdest demonstrators using his best practices from Florida HOAs. He should get by Human Resources since he is part black, part white, part Hispanic and all plain old panic.

Bob Ellison said...

I look forward to the May Day events. So long as nobody gets killed or raped or anything like that, the activity should mostly serve to discredit leftist laziness in the popular view.

Chip Ahoy said...

Is that where people dance around a pole? Ribbons nailed to the top of the pole, each dancer has a ribbon. They dance in and out, left and right, clickity-clack, some fancy footwork, dips and dives, always forward, and before you know it the pole is all wrapped up in woven ribbon.

Alex said...

Ask yourself why conservatives can't mobilize a large enough mob to march on Madison tomorrow.

Alex said...

tradguy - Trayvon is still dead as a doornail.

Rabel said...

Tradguy has found a solution to the problem of the homeless at Occupy Madison.

"I recall something about the Wisconsin laws that make exclusion of citizens from their Capitol Building illegal."

garage mahal said...

The result was that the Capitol occupiers got to do what they wanted, and broke the rules and regulations and laws that everyone else had to abide by, without any consequences at all

No they didn't. You have that pretty much backwards.

Anonymous said...

Traditionalguy, exactly. Tubbs was caught between a rock and a hard place. It was his calm demeanor and willingness to negotiate that helped keep things peaceful, even when Walker locked the doors to the Capitol and tensions were very high.

Alex said...

Ah yes, it was Walker ratcheting up the tensions, while the Dem mayor was bringing it down. Damn evil GOP!

Mary Beth said...

Ask yourself why conservatives can't mobilize a large enough mob to march on Madison tomorrow.

Everyone's at work?

Michael Haz said...

The real problem with Tubbs and his officers wasn't negotiating with the protestors; it was the Capitol Police's disinterest in providing Repbulican elected officials safe passage from parking to the Capitol and within the Capitol building.

He should have been fired.

Alex said...

If conservatives really cared about Wisconsin, they would ditch their jobs and join the May Day counter-protest.

Mary Beth said...

Asked how close those confrontations came to escalating to violence, Riseling said, “To be honest with you, we came within 20 minutes of a really ugly situation. But what I was ordered to do, I refused to do. We came very close on several times to what could have been sparks that would have sent this in a very, very different direction.”

The near violence was due to his orders, not to anything the protestors were doing?

Matt Sablan said...

"It was his calm demeanor and willingness to negotiate that helped keep things peaceful, even when Walker locked the doors to the Capitol and tensions were very high."

-- Funny. I am of the opinion that if you need someone to come in and negotiate to keep things peaceful, that the protestors have failed to, you know, have a peaceful protest.

If you have to sue for peace, then it is perfectly understood that your other option is violence.

Humperdink said...

The easiest negotiation ever is giving the other side everything they want.

Matt Sablan said...

"Ask yourself why conservatives can't mobilize a large enough mob to march on Madison tomorrow.

Everyone's at work?"

-- And, they're winning. Walker -won- his election. Unlike with sports, in politics, it is very hard to get the winning team fired up for a post game victory party. Unless it is, you know, the bloody part of the post revolution.

Pastafarian said...

Shit, tomorrow is Commie Christmas already?

That means tonight is Walpurgis night. I have it on good authority that most of you Althouse commenters are Wicca perps. I'd imagine you'll all be dancing naked around bonfires tonight.

Of course, Mary Beth will be wearing her shiny new top hat.

KCFleming said...

"I'd imagine you'll all be dancing naked around bonfires tonight."

My usual Monday evening.

David said...

Sounds like he got a better job. Certainly an easier one, and one he can probably keep for a long time. Also watch for some kind of double dip pension angle.

The Republicans could not force this guy out, though Democrats could.

By the way, I think his no confrontation strategy was just what Walker wanted too. If Tubbs had really been a complete lefty whore, he would have sought confrontation, not avoided it.

Kirk Parker said...

Ask yourself why conservatives can't mobilize a large enough mob to march on Madison tomorrow.

"We have jobs." --Andrew Ferguson

Kirk Parker said...

Oh--AND no doctors to write us fake medical excuses.

Tyrone Slothrop said...


Help me.

Rusty said...

Spray painting public and private property, public voiding of ones bladder and/ or bowels, breaking windows,stealing stuff. That's all part of free speech.
I have it on good authority.

Thorley Winston said...

But what I was ordered to do, I refused to do.

Interesting, if Tubbs decided to act outside of his lawful authority by deliberately disobeying a lawful order, I wonder to what extent he loses his qualified immunity and could be held personally liable for any damages that result?

garage mahal said...

Just read Walker already spent 20 million on his recall (not including criminal corruption probe lawyers fees), and reported raising 13 million since January, from the overtaxed and overburdened job creators.

Mark O said...

There's something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear.

I've seen this movie.

Wally Kalbacken said...

You can call me...Mistah Tubbz!

Alex said...

How bizarre that Walker should try to win an election foisted on him!

Penny said...

Will your Occupiers need their umbrellas tomorrow?

chickelit said...

garage mahal said...
Just read Walker already spent 20 million on his recall (not including criminal corruption probe lawyers fees), and reported raising 13 million since January, from the overtaxed and overburdened job creators.

Perhaps you guys should coax some Joe McGinniss wannabe into moving next door to the Governor's mansion next. Have you guys tried outright harassment in addition to frivolous lawsuits?

The good people of Wisconsin ultimately know that it was the Chicago-fueled Public Service Employee Unions that foisted the whole cost on the state.

The ultimate backlash will not be pretty.

chickelit said...

@garage: How about a Cap Times or Isthmus-led all weekend marathong to pore through Walker's emails?

chickelit said...

Penny said...
Will your Occupiers need their umbrellas tomorrow?

May Day mayhem may hem day.

chickelit said...

@garage: The whole "get Walker" thing has slick and sleazy feel--like Axelrod grease.

Rabel said...

Channel 3000:

"MADISON, Wis. -
A judge on Monday denied a temporary restraining order in Madison city officials' efforts to clear the Occupy Madison site on the near east side.

The judge's ruling said the site in the 800 block of East Washington Avenue must be cleared by noon Wednesday, and that people may not stay there Monday night."

Is an on-the-scene report from our hostess in the works?

Mr. Forward said...

"If conservatives really cared about Wisconsin, they would ditch their jobs and join the May Day counter-protest."

If Leftists really cared about Wisconsin they would ditch their protest and get a job.

tim maguire said...

I have no problem with him going easy on the protesters. Most police forces have moved too far in the other direction. Cracking skulls for no good reason.

But I do have a problem with Democratic staffers opening windows to let protesters sneak inside after they've been kicked out.

How's the investigation into that going? How many arrests have been made?

Toad Trend said...

"Supporters of Tubbs, 58, say his willingness to negotiate was the reason that there were no major injuries, no permanent damage to the Capitol and no riots. But his opponents say that same personal style turned the Capitol into the first Occupy campsite."

So, Tubbs prevented leftists from ripping up the capitol...by allowing the 'occupiers' to linger and engage in their 'endless fuckery'.

The rule of Lemnity said...
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The rule of Lemnity said...

uess what:

The Police chief has never really worked a day in his life. He's never really dealt with the kind of marauding bands that a majority of the police chiefs in this country are facing in terms of how do they prove Obama is really a foreigner, how do they send him back to Chicago, and why do we worry about his future.

Carnifex said...

Let's say it all together now..."the police only want to go home safely at the end of the day".

Is it really that simple? Yes, it is, really that simple.

wyo sis said...

Alex said...

Ask yourself why conservatives can't mobilize a large enough mob to march on Madison tomorrow.

Because conservatives celebrate American days not Communist days?

chickelit said...

Leslyn wrote: You're an idiot from New Jersey, joined by Don't Tread from New York, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

If you think that's true, you're the new idiot around here. Just sayin"

Meade said...

Leslyn's being ugly again.

chickelit said...

What's untrue about it?

For starters, your calling Lem an idiot. That's what I premised my calling you an idiot on.

Say, you're not fiends with 36fsfriends are you?