April 21, 2012

"In the summer of 1969, Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson, a staunch conservationist, was reading an article about the impact of college teach-ins on anti-war activism..."

"... when he had a flash of inspiration: What if the energy of these student teach-ins could also be harnessed to address environmental concerns?"

Tomorrow is Earth Day. Today, not thinking about Earth Day at all, we happened to go for a long walk in Governor Nelson State Park. It looked like this:



edutcher said...

The conservationists are Conservatives.

The enviros are Lefties and Earth Day, global warming, and all the other scams always had a political component to them.

madAsHell said...


Man, the hasta be the worst name e-VAH!!

Ann Althouse said...

It's a great name. We like to stand on promontories and proclaim: I am the gay lord!

D. said...

happy lenin or hitler or some other statist totalitarian's birthday to you.

SGT Ted said...

I'm having an Earth Day Bon Fire and BBQ.

I'm going to slow smoke something beasty. It'll take 6-8 hours of steady heat and smoke.

This is Easter for the enviro-assholes.

SGT Ted said...

Ann, I know some places where saying that might get you a date.

edutcher said...

madAsHell said...


Man, the hasta be the worst name e-AH!!

From a surname.

Howsomever, I went to school with a guy whose last name was Gay.

Back when it meant happy and carefree.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Althouse, do you think college kids have become like sheep?

Joe said...

Stupid day, beautiful picture.

garage mahal said...

Gaylord Nelson to Scott Walker? That's like going from Salma Hayek to Courtney Love. Eww. Yuck.

bagoh20 said...

I think Earth Day is a great idea. If we could only have one holiday, it should be Earth Day. Earth is my favorite planet. Other planets are full of foreigners that talk funny and eat strange things like puppies.

Alex said...

What is a gay lord? It is someone who is #1 at the bath house?

Rusty said...

There will be campfires galore on the beaches of California.

Anonymous said...

Everyone thought Lord Nelson was a straightlord until he said "Kiss me, Hardy."

Sixty Bricks said...

I am surprised they let Private Ted play with matches.

jimspice said...

What did Gov. Walker do recognize the occasion.

And once again, Althouse commenters ignorant and proud of it: beach fires and BBQs do not add to global warming since the carbon was already in the cycle, not sequestered nicely underground as is the case with fossil fuel. If anything, the particulate matter in the smoke has a cooling effect by blocking the sun's rays. But by all means, ignore and repeat ad infinitum.