Rather belatedly, we are becoming aware that this supposedly typical Georgetown coed is not very typical at all...McCain links to a blog post from The College Politico, which begins:
Sandra Fluke is being sold by the left as something she’s not. Namely a random co-ed from Georgetown law who found herself mixed up in the latest front of the culture war who was simply looking to make sure needy women had access to birth control. That, of course, is not the case.Random co-ed?! She's a law student! I've been in law schools since 1978, and I've never heard female law students called "co-eds." What the hell is a co-ed? Even as a word for female undergraduates, it's like you're from 1931. Here's the original teenage heartthrob, Rudy Vallée, singing his great old college song, "Betty Co-ed":
As many have already uncovered Sandra Fluke she is, in reality, a 30 year old long time liberal activist who enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students’ birth control. She has been pushing for mandated coverage of contraceptives at Georgetown for at least three years...
Betty Co-ed has lips of red for Harvard,I first learned the names of famous universities hearing that song on an LP of college songs that my parents had. The cover photo had rows of pretty girls each holding up a pennant with the name of a college on it.
Betty Co-ed has eyes of Yale's deep blue,
Betty Co-ed's a golden head for Princeton,
Her dress I guess is black for old Purdue!
Betty Co-ed's a smile for Pennsylvania,Here's the 1931 Max Fleischer film, featuring a Betty Boop prototype and Rudy Vallée saying "hi ho!" and starting a bouncing-ball singalong:
Her heart is Dartmouth's treasure, so 'tis said,
Betty Co-ed is loved by every college boy,
But I'm the one who's loved by Betty Co-ed!
Now, Betty has a lot of boyfriends. Some may even call her a "slut." That was back in the day when a girl on campus caused quite a hubbub. Did Betty put out? What birth-control did Betty use? How much did it cost? Who paid? I don't know, but how many voters of today remember what college was like back when Rudy Vallée was making women swoon?
Now, Vallée's a fascinating character in the history of pop culture:
Vallée... was perhaps the first complete example of the 20th century mass media pop star. Flappers mobbed him wherever he went. His live appearances were usually sold out, and even if his singing could hardly be heard in those venues not yet equipped with the new electronic microphones, his screaming female fans went home happy if they had caught sight of his lips through the opening of the trademark megaphone he sang through.Vallee had a gentle voice:
Vallée became the most prominent and, arguably, the first of a new style of popular singer, the crooner. Previously, popular singers needed strong projecting voices to fill theaters in the days before the electric microphone. Crooners had soft voices that were well suited to the intimacy of the new medium of the radio.Ah, the radio! You can't sound too harsh on the radio, especially when you're pouring your sounds into the ears of women. I know one older woman who, finding Rush too harsh, has moved on Bill Bennett, who seems caring.
But back to my point: co-ed. This is an old-fashioned label to stick on a woman, and it shouldn't be used anymore even to apply to undergraduates. But you just sound ignorant to call a female law student a "co-ed." And that ignorance continues with this talk of Sandra Fluke not being "a random co-ed." None of the students at an elite law school like Georgetown are "random." There's an elaborate, multi-factored admissions process, and it specifically looks for applicants who aren't coming straight from college but have taken time and shown engagement with social and political issues.
A "30 year old long time liberal activist" sounds exactly like the kind of person who would apply to law school and get accepted with enthusiasm, because the schools want students who will contribute to the classroom discussions about the things we talk about in law school, like sex discrimination. This is what classroom diversity means. And we want students who will take their law school education and use it different ways, especially in political activism. So what if Fluke "enrolled at Georgetown with the express purpose of fighting for the school to pay for students’ birth control"? I have no idea if that's why she selected Georgetown, but it's not a bad thing, it's not something law schools don't like, and it's not an unusual orientation for a law student to have.
McCain also tells us that Fluke has argued that it's sex discrimination for insurance not to cover "gender-reassignment" surgery. Sorry, this is typical law-journal material. Of course, an advocate in the category she belongs to would make arguments like this. Argue with these arguments all you want. But it doesn't make Sandra Fluke some nefarious pseudo law student. She sounds like a typical excellent law student at an elite law school.
Which is to say: the personal put-downs sound old-fashioned and sexist.
The right wing stepped in it with Fluke. Having stepped in it, they keep smushing around in it.
As a woman, as a law professor, as a woman law professor, I don't want to be seen anywhere near these guys. Could you start acting normal about women participating in public debate?
Now let's have a serious debate about insurance. Yeah. It's not much fun at all. But you've got to quit having your fun with women and sex — in this context! — or you are going to alienate more and more women voters — and men voters — every day. Good lord! It's super Tuesday. We should be talking about Mitt Romney, not Sandra Fluke. Yeah: Mitt Romney and insurance. Boring. Too bad.
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 503 of 503Gotta love this!
In a sermon delivered shortly after the September 11 attacks in 2001, Wright made comments about an interview of former U.S. Ambassador Edward Peck he saw on Fox News. Wright said:
"I heard Ambassador Peck on an interview yesterday. Did anybody else see him or hear him? He was on Fox News. This is a white man, and he was upsetting the Fox News commentators to no end. He pointed out — did you see him, John? — a white man, he pointed out, ambassador, that what Malcolm X said when he got silenced by Elijah Muhammad was in fact true — America's chickens are coming home to roost."[15]
"Some of the worst anti-Catholic bigots are members of the Catholic Church."
Indeed, and many are conservatives who post here and elsewhere.
btw, there are bigots all across America, north/south/east/west.
I want Mitt Romney to pound away at the Rev Wright thing endlessly. Don't let Obama get away with it Mitt!
shiloh agrees with Rev Wright that America deserved 9/11.
Alex, speak only when spoken to. TIA
By the way, just so the factual record is clear here --
The Catholic Church is predominently dark-skinned. Those light-skinned people from Europe and North America make up only a small proportion of the world's one billion Catholics.
Also, the Church is also predominently cash poor. The Vatican itself has an annual budget (about $400 million) that is only a small fraction of what many U.S. localities spend per year.
And the income that is received from various dioceses and parishes and institutions around the world are put back into the services provided -- education, health care, charity, etc. Should we really be advocating that those funds that are used to help the poor be taken from the poor and given to the government instead?
Alrighty then. Shiloh is down with Rev Wright. Good, next!
damikesc "A President saying "Well, then the insurer must make it free" is simply going to raise the costs for the policies elsewhere to cover it."
Show me the evidence. There are all kinds of contrary studies and statistics. Your "opinion" means no more than Dust Bunny's.
"Care to guess who runs most adoption agencies?"
First of all, my challenge wa to Saint Dust Bunny, and as to you "opinion" regarding who runs the most adoption agencies...they're run by all kinds of organizations, and I doubt you're going to prove otherwise.
"Nobody cares what women do with their bodies."
You mean; Other than the states passing anti-abortion and intrusive ultrasound laws...right?
"Can you link to ALL of them suggesting an Iranian invasion? I'd love to see Ron Paul advocating that."
Paul is the ONLY one not calling for it.
Read more...post drivel less.
I see that once you get that cross burning, the klansmen come running. How are you today Alex?
shiloh said...
And out come the anti-Catholic bigots.
I'm also Catholic and attend church. Parochial grade school, Jesuit high school, where I was taught not to keep my head in the sand.
Obviously it didn't take.
And believe some phony folksy/bathtub swabbie is Catholic when you see that little piggy orbiting your house
ok, at least Bender has a sense of humor. :)
The reason why Mitt will lose is because he's a decent man who doesn't understand how politics really works at the highest level(POTUS). If he's not willing to get down and dirty, he has no chance. Basically Mitt has to internalize the "Chicago Way".
edutcher, please refer to post #401, TIA.
btw, after careful consideration the past couple days, have concluded you may be Althouse's #1 lemming as you are the first to post in several threads. Congrats!
Do you live here? Rhetorical.
Bender - "Also, the Church is also predominently cash poor."
Oh, love that: They're "cash poor."
Think they've got anything of value stashed away at the Vatican...that they might unload to alleviate that "cash poor" situation?
And how exactly do YOU know what their cash postion is? Who gives you the numbers?
Oh, wait...I know...
*And by the way: Only about 20% of the world's population is considered "white"...so what is your point?
(Or Hoosier's for that matter?)
Love said...
cubanbob - What makes you think corporations shouldn't have to pay income taxes?
What business course did you pick that up in?
3/6/12 2:17 PM
Actually owning and running a business along with investments in other business. You know, reality, not some silly Marxist claptrap that you are expounding.
Start your own business and you too will get a reality check.
Alex - "The reason why Mitt will lose is because he's a decent man who doesn't understand how politics really works at the highest level..."
Good lord...you are mentally deficient.
cubanbob - "Actually owning and running a business along with investments in other business. You know, reality, not some silly Marxist claptrap that you are expounding."
So your businesses didn't have to pay any income taxes?
Mine did.
Buy me a drink. No, buy your own damn drink.
cubanbob - I forgot to ask: What does Marxism have to do with American corporations having to pay their fair share of income taxes?
Are you saying that any government that collects income taxes from corporations are "Marxist?"
Love is wrong and it doesn't feel right either.
How do you get a gender studies degree anyway? Demonstrate the inability to make a sandwich?
Love said...
dreams - "A lot us don't want more big government that makes us more and more dependent on big government."
George W. Bush expanded government more than any previous President.
"President Bush increased government spending more than any of the six presidents preceding him, including LBJ." (libertarian economist Veronique de Rugy)
During his eight years in office, Bush's "anti-government" Republican administration increased the federal budget by an extraordinary 104 percent.
Where were you then??
3/6/12 2:51 PM
Pissed off with Bush but then again it isn't as any democrat running in 2000 and 2004 would spent less or increased the size of government less so it was a choice between RINO and leftist, Bush being the lesser of the two evils. And this November it looks like a match between a RINO and a communist, and the RINO is still by far the lesser of the two evils.
So tell us, you voted for or plan to vote for Ron Paul? Because he really wants to shrink the size of government.
Fact is: NOTHING is free. Anybody who bought Obama's compromise is an idiot.
shiloh said...
btw, after careful consideration the past couple days, have concluded you may be Althouse's #1 lemming as you are the first to post in several threads. Congrats!
Do you live here? Rhetorical.
Some phony folksy/bathtub swabbie apparently does.
edutcher, please refer to post #401, TIA.
Fluke you.
Jay - Giggle about this:
The Government Accountability Office study that reported that two-thirds of American corporations didn’t pay any taxes in 2005.
Who was President?
And how exactly do YOU know what their cash postion is? Who gives you the numbers?
The Catholic Church, including the Vatican, is not a secret society. The information is out there for all to see, that is, for anyone who cares to inform herself with the facts rather than just spouting ignorant hate.
The report for 2011 is not out yet, but for the year-2010, the Holy See had income of about $326 million and expenses of about $313 million.
cubanbob - So now President Obama is a communist?
A lot of us knew that Bush was going to be a big spender when he ran a compassionate Republican. I don't like Republicans who act like Democrats, he didn't get any credit for his big spending and it help the Democrats get control of both houses of congress in Jan 2007 because republicans were disappointed with his performance. Compassionate was code for big spending. That is who so many people are worried about Romney.
Bender - Are you actually trying to make people believe the Catholic Church is "cash poor"...because of a report they themselves put out?
You believe they don't have the real estate holdings, the massive wealth including gold, jewels, artwork, etc. hidden away in vaults...that would alleviate any such "cash problem?"
And that "The Catholic Church, including the Vatican, is not a secret society???"
You believe that all of these kids who were sexually abused for decades and decades, while all of the abusing priests were being transferred around to shide them from prosecution...this was done in an open manner?
That there was nothing secretive about it?
Are you drunk or just stupid?
No secrets here about the economics of the Vatican
But why do you have such hate for this predominently non-white institution? Are you a racist too, in addition to being an anti-Catholic bigot and also being anti-woman?
US oil companies effective tax rate 41% which 15% higher than the closest company. Exxon pays the government more in taxes than the profits they earn.
Are schools secret society? Because public education handles molestation issues just like the church did.
The restof your babble read like a Dan Brown book (would've said a bad one, but why be redundant?)
Love said...
Hoosier - Remember this:
Bambi was in charge when our Seals killed Osama Bin Laden.
Bambi was also in charge when we killed about 25 of the top Taliban/Al Queda leads.
The guy YOU voted for...twice...talked the talk, but never actually walked the walk.
All he ever did was start the shit and leave it behind.
3/6/12 3:56 PM
You missed the part where he retained Bush's secretary of defense, his senior comanders and continued his policies with equipment and forces that Bush's people built up. Also it's the only thing Obama has done right. But that is too subtle for you to understand.
This should give the local GOPers a good idea of how far out of touch the Romney's are:
In an interview on ox News with Neil Cavuto Monday, Ann Romney:
The wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says that even though she is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, she doesn't consider herself to be wealthy.
"So, you know, we can be poor in spirit. I don't look -- I don't even consider myself wealthy, which is an interesting thing. It can be here today and gone tomorrow. And how I measure riches is by the friends I have and the loved ones I have and the people that I care about in my life. And that's where my values are and that where my riches are."
The couple reportedly has a net worth of $250 million, but Ann Romney recently complained about having to release her tax returns as a part of her husband's campaign for the Republican nomination.
Ms. Romney has credited horse riding with helping her to deal with multiple sclerosis.
*Dressage horses can run in the seven figures and the saddles can cost thousands of dollars.
But even at those prices, Ann Romney won't tell her husband how many horses she owns.
“Mitt doesn’t even know the answer to that,” she laughed. “I’m not going to tell you!”
Just regular folks...
couldn't help yourself could you Gene?
cubanbob - "You missed the part where he retained Bush's secretary of defense, his senior comanders and continued his policies with equipment and forces that Bush's people built up. Also it's the only thing Obama has done right. But that is too subtle for you to understand."
A good leader knows who to keep around and who to get rid of.
But, if all of these wondeful people were there during Bush's tenure...why didn't they get the job done?
They didn't get the job done because of who was leading the effort.
President Obama is doing a fine job and will be re-elected.
Love, Althouse, et al.,
Wanna know what this Fluck nonsense is really all about?
Here you go:
This is all about:
"the most fundamental assault on religious liberty in American history"
The pathetic focus on Rush is a desperate attempt at distraction by those who are indescribably desperate to conceal their never ending assault on our ALL of our liberties (what little is left of them).
Fluck and all who defend her are -- for that very reason -- indescribably DESPICABLE!
P.S.) I am a lifelong agnostic who values ALL liberties, including religious liberties.
What about JFK, LBJ, John Curry, they were all rich. Republicans mind that Romney is rich, it shows that he has been successful
Lucky for the Romneys that they will be running against a couple whose husband plays golf all the time at the finest country clubs, who send their daughters to a wealthy private school for the elite because they eschew public schools, and who like to vacation in Martha's Vineyard and Aspen.
Huey Long was the last of the great class warriors. Romeny's not running against Huey Long. Only an out-of-touch elite like Obama would run a class war campaign. He's really that incompetent. It does not speak well of you that you would vote for such a fool.
Bender - I don't hate the Catholic Church...I only have no respect for many of the pople who run the show.
Why do YOU continue to support an organization that would protect the kinds of people who did such things to children for so many years?
Why not just profess your love for whatever God or belief you have without supporting such a corrupt group of people?
I believe that all organized religions are a waste of time.
mccullough "Lucky for the Romneys that they will be running against a couple whose husband plays golf all the time at the finest country clubs, who send their daughters to a wealthy private school for the elite because they eschew public schools, and who like to vacation in Martha's Vineyard and Aspen."
Yeah, all of the previous Presidents never played golf, and if they did, it was always at a public course.
And they all sent their kids to public schools.
And none of them ever took vacations, but if they did, they just went to the local park for the day.
*During 2 terms as President, Bush took, while in office over a period of 8 years was 977 days, or 32% of his total time in office, was spent on vacations or retreats.
I believe that all organized religions are a waste of time
So why spend so much of your time and energy hating and commenting about how you hate them?
Let it go. Stop wasting your time.
SBVOR - Can you list the "liberties" being assaulted?
What "liberties" do you not have today...that you had before President Obama was elected.
It's the liberal media and the corrupt democrats that bullies on. A little perspective please. I ask you, who is getting piled on? Who is the liberal media and the equally corrupt democrats trying to destroy? Rush Limbaugh. I read that article and I didn't see it as bullies on. Republicans can't even defend themselves now.
Bender - Once again (reading comprehension lacking??):
I don't "hate" religion. I think that "organized" religion is a waste of time.
Why does YOUR personal belief need to be governed in any way by others?
Is your belief that fragile?
I thought the the long thread the other day was just a fluke.
dreams - You're blaming the liberal media for this fat head's stupid, crude comments?
They didn't say it; HE said it.
They just "reported it."
As did Fox, The Washington Times, the Wall Street Journal, Investor's Business Daily, and other very "liberal" publications??
I don't "hate" religion. I think that "organized" religion is a waste of time.
Once again -- why spend so much of your time and energy hating and commenting about how you hate organized religion and those who are members of one?
Let it go. Stop wasting your time.
"Let it go. Stop wasting your time."
Posting at political blogs is, in essence, wasting time er recreation er an obsession. :D
Well, I'm outta here.
Get back to your regular wingnut masturbation exercise.
It was fun, but it was just fun...it was just...the usual.
Bender - I had to do it: "Is your belief that fragile?"
Evidently so.
Love stupidly and ignorantly asks:
"What 'liberties' do you not have today...that you had before President Obama was elected."
Come on, love, let’s start with the obvious (already posted on page 2, you illiterate moron)…
1) Are you seriously telling me the health care mandate is not an assault on our liberties? REALLY?
2) Are you seriously telling me the birth control coverage mandate is not an assault on our liberties? REALLY?
3) Are you seriously telling me the mandate that health insurance shall have no limits on the amount to be covered is not an assault on our liberties? REALLY?
Thanks to ObamaCare, what was previously a $6 million cap on my health insurance is now unlimited. In return for getting a “benefit” I never wanted, my health insurance premium went up 40% just within the last year.
THANKS, LOVE -- you damn little tyrant!
Very Carol Herman-esque.
@Love: Stop pretending. Your shtick & disguise aren't funny anymore. Your methods are actually hurting your cause. I feel sorry for you.
Do you think you are Sarah Bernhardt or something?
Just stop it.
And we know liberals say far worst things about conservative women and never are they held to account for their misogyny.
AJLynch wrote:
"So Althouse is claiming a law school applicant who is also a Tea Party activist would be in great demand at most law schools?"
You are misunderstanding the situation. A feminist activist, like a black student, is intrinsically diverse: no matter how many of them you have in the classroom, adding another one makes the classroom more diverse.
A Tea Party activist (or other similar scum), on the other hand, is intrinsically non-diverse: adding just one to a classroom environment creates a threatening environment, and thus detracts from the kind of discussion we want in our law schools.
You seem to be operating under an antiquated definition of diversity--I'd bet you still use coed too--you need to get with the program.
Love said...
Can I assume you haven't read or heard that the President has already altered his initial stand...not that the Catholic Church istself ever had to pay for any such contraceptives...that religious organization are no longer included, but the insurers are?
Why not read up on these things before posting right wing garbage that is not factual?
Laugh out loud funny.
Fact: On February 10, the contraceptive mandate — actually became final without change
Your ignorance isn't funny, it is tragic.
As for the why of the Church (derisively called "organized religion") -- by its very nature, the Church is a communion of people, One Body, universal and historical, each successive generation connected to the prior. To be Catholic is to be One with others. A person cannot be Catholic in isolation, we are not islands, we are one people, one family. The Catholic Church is not just belief, it is primarily relationship.
To ask, why not just profess your belief without being associated with the "organization" is like asking why not just love without having to deal with other people. Authentic love is relationship, it requires an other, not just a self.
Perhaps if you came out of your inward-focused, self-centered prison, you would have less hate in your heart and be less angry and spiteful.
Oh, apparently she stomped off in a huff while I was typing the other comment.
Love said...
Jay - Giggle about this:
The Government Accountability Office study that reported that two-thirds of American corporations didn’t pay any taxes in 2005.
See stupid, I'm not the one who first brought the issue up without realizing it looks bad for the sort of a god President you voted for.
Which of course is why you made another stupid post.
Love said...
cubanbob - "Actually owning and running a business along with investments in other business. You know, reality, not some silly Marxist claptrap that you are expounding."
So your businesses didn't have to pay any income taxes?
Mine did.
3/6/12 4:32 PM
Really your business paid the tax and you personally didn't? You drew no salary and no dividend? Your little business that owns itself paid the taxes so you the owner didn't have to. The depth of your stupidity is awe inspiring.
Regarding insurance you may have heard from your business experience that insurance policies cover insurable events and have a component that is known as moral hazard and that foreseeable events are not insurable events. So birth control pills for the purpose of birth control are not in any known understanding of insurance an insurable event. But as I said before if the carrier for it's own business reasons wants to offer them it's their prerogative to do so.
Presumably you are an American citizen and as such you might be aware that the USA is not a straight up democracy but rather a constitutional republic. So a simple majority voting for what it wants contrary to the constitution can't just vote itself what it wants. There such things as enumerated rights and enumerated powers. So to mandate a Catholic institution to buy health care policies (Obama care) and have that policy include things that the institution believes violates it's beliefs is the same as forcing to institution to go against it's beliefs. Another clause states that a private party (the University) can't be made to bear the cost of a public good ( the mandated birth control for the purpose of birth control) without compensation ( you want to pay taxes to reimburse the university for the expense?. And finally there is thing known as contract law that has only been around several centuries as practiced in the US that has a basic premise that contracts entered under duress are invalid. As in forcing the university to enter into a contract that has provisions it abhors and not allowing it to negotiate those portions out of the contract. This might be too subtle for you to understand.
Pesky thing that constitution, especially if you are a communist.
Love said...
cubanbob - "You missed the part where he retained Bush's secretary of defense, his senior commanders and continued his policies with equipment and forces that Bush's people built up. Also it's the only thing Obama has done right. But that is too subtle for you to understand."
A good leader knows who to keep around and who to get rid of.
But, if all of these wonderful people were there during Bush's tenure...why didn't they get the job done?
They didn't get the job done because of who was leading the effort.
President Obama is doing a fine job and will be re-elected.
3/6/12 5:04 PM
Next you will saying FDR didn't do a good job as commander-in-chief because Truman was the one who ending WW2. Or that Truman was a lousy president because he was the president who got us into Korean and Eisenhower had to finish off that war and certainly the worst of all were JFK and LBJ who got us into Vietnam and it was Nixon who got us out. Is there no limit to your stupidity?
So if Obama is such a good leader why is the only positive achievment he has accomplished was following Bush's war plans?
Love said...
cubanbob - So now President Obama is a communist?
3/6/12 4:48 PM
Walks like a duck, quacks like a duck and acts like a duck very high confidence rate that he is a duck, just like you. P.S. you may have heard the income redistribution isn't exactly a tenant of capitalism.
W. stopped playing golf as POTUS back in 2003. His daughters also attended public high school and one of them went to University of Texas, an excellent public university just like the University of Wisconsin.
Obama has played more golf than IKE did. Of course, IKE was actually good at golf and the 1950s were a prosperous time.
The POTUS is free to relax at Camp David, since that's what the taxpayers are funding. Only the 1% vacations at Martha's Vineyard and Aspen. As I recall, W. went to his ranch in Crawford, Texas. Maybe Obama can buy another house. He has a $1.5 million in the Hyde Park neighborhood in Chicago. Perhaps he can vacation there.
The point is that Obama cannot make a credible class warrior case since he and his family enjoy the accoutrements of the 1%.
Huey Long was much more credible as a class warrior. You should write in Huey Long's name on the ballot. You can really stick it to The Man that way. Voting for Obama betrays that you don't care about the working man. "Every Man A King 2012"
Like the Japanese in the Pacific war, Sandra Fluke is one island that's impregnable (in a manner of speaking).
Wait, are you you saying that she can get pregnant? Or that you'll never get past the barriers, so she won't?
I think one reason this issue strikes a chord is that it is a clear and hypocritical assault on free speech from the left.
The rules apply to Republicans but not to Friends of Obama.
Rush's choice or words, Stacy McCain's choice of words, these are beside the point. Fluke is a liar, a plant, a pawn, and a jackass. Being a slut or a co-ed kind of pales in comparison, no?
And also, in the greater scheme of coarse and dumbed-down modern public discourse, these words are really not something that a woman can get too worked up about. Not when you're dealing with people who use "Lyin' Ass Bitch" and "c*nt" as standard descriptors for women. Go stand next to that swamp if you prefer. Squish around.
The point is the hysterical screeching full tilt boogie over the top reaction to the choice of words used to describe Fluke.
The corporate sponsors pulling out, the calls for apology, the preening 20/20 hindsight, the concern trolls whining "serious issues." Way over the top. And this stupid post! Instructing Republicans to respect women and watch their words, or else. Feh.
Love not leaving in a huff aside, her apparently her legend lingers in this thread. :-P
I don't "hate" religion. I think that "organized" religion is a waste of time.
I think that "disorganized" religion is a waste of time. Other things equal, I prefer to learn from people who are sufficiently confident of having something to teach that they band together to pool knowledge. Especially when they've managed to do it for a couple millennia. But that's just me.
Love said...
President Obama is doing a fine job and will be re-elected.
Federal debt: up 35%
Federal deficit avg: up 85% over predecessor's highest
Gas prices: up 100%
Number on food stamps: all time record
Number of Americans working: lowest in 30 years
Number of jobs created: Negative 2.3 million
You aren't serious or sane.
The term co-ed is still commonly used on porn websites. It's always used in a complementary way, so I'm pretty sure it's not sexist.
@Shilho: I recognize "Love" as the sort of intentional disingenuity which Breitbart took to heart.
It's a deceptive, destructive and corrosive force in politics.
@shilho: It's not a partisan thing either--it's the intentional deception part.
"co-ed. This is an old-fashioned label to stick on a woman, and it shouldn't be used anymore even to apply to undergraduates. But you just sound ignorant to call a female law student a "co-ed." "
Oh dear.
Now women have become the "word police."
Sorry Professor. CO-ed is not a negative term, even if your parents had albums with scantily clad women who also used that word...
You gotta stop this nonsense somewhere, before the PC feminist police start making ... WORDS off limits because their pretty little heads get offended.
I am NOT Sandra Fluke. She's a Methodist and ought to have some respect for the Catholics attending the school who do not share her values. Enough respect to purchase her own pills, outside the Catholic school plan, if she is interested in going there for the Catholic legal education some still seek at Catholic law schools like Georgetown.
If she's such an "excellent" student, how come nobody can honestly challenge her statistics and what she presented as "fact" at that hearing? Smells like condescension to me, but what does my pretty little lady head know, eh?
'The term co-ed is still commonly used on porn websites."
You people really ought to get out and read more.
It's a non-offensive term, really.
Next thing you know, they'll mandate that women must maintain their maiden name if married.
You know. One woman's superior choice fits all... Only folks from the 1930s do otherwise -- it's inherently sexist and thus, no one should be allowed to use the "Mrs." word. (so old fashioned)
You folks see how this game is going to be played, if we don't put an end to their "superior" choices and cultural preferences??
Take care what you wish for, ladies...
Who gives a fuck what Rush or the Real McCain said? Coed? that's the big fucking offense now? Seriously? the REAL ISSUE is that left wingers think that if the government doesn't give them something for "free" (or make someone else give it to them for free) that it otherwise it isn't available or banned. In other words, they're fucking idiots. They're addicted to the state. They're dependent on the state. They're not self-reliant. They're sheep.
You know who should bear the cost of a sexual lifestyle? The person engaging in it. No one else. If you're going bankrupt because you're spending too much on something (whether it be sex or any other activity), then change your fucking lifestyle or go bankrupt. Make your choices and live with them. Own the fucking decisions. Take personal responsibility. That's what it fucking means!
But don't go in front of Congress complaining that your sex life is too expensive and expect people not to ask question about your fucking sex life. Fluke put it out there. She made the sex lives of G-Town female law students an issue. She shouldn't bitch about it when people think she's a fucking liar or make fun of her.
The bottom line is that if you want to fuck around a lot or a little, then by all means pay for it your own damn self and keep it to yourself.
"30 year old long time liberal activist" sounds exactly like the kind of person who would apply to law school and get accepted with enthusiasm, because the schools want students who will contribute to the classroom discussions about the things we talk about in law school, like sex discrimination. This is what classroom diversity means."
Unfortunately, she stepped outside the Ivory Tower into the real world once she decided to present her "facts" to the nation via the hearing.
Reason, think scientific reasoning Professor, demands that her testimony be analyzed and "pushed back on", if necessory.
Yes, even if it's a sweet, "young girl" (NYT words) testifying and even if discussing her contradictions causes... hurt feelings.
SOrry ladies. Stick to the safe classrooms if you can't handle honest discussion on issues that will affect so many. We might use real world words that you find offensive out here.
Please do continue writing on these "edgy" issues though Professor.
The more and more you reveal yourself as an intellectual lightweight (only now objecting to Rush's "offenses"; bit late to the party, dontcha think?), the more readers get to see the real you.
Credentials aside, there's not much there. IMHonestO.
You really should stick to what you know best: american idol reviews, it seesm...
No objectionable words there to trouble you, right?
Or religious beliefs that you might have to constitutionally respect, even you lady law professors. (Crawl back into your box that seems to benefit you so well on these "womens" issues.)
"You know who should bear the cost of a sexual lifestyle? The person engaging in it. No one else. If you're going bankrupt because you're spending too much on something (whether it be sex or any other activity), then change your fucking lifestyle or go bankrupt. Make your choices and live with them. Own the fucking decisions. Take personal responsibility. That's what it fucking means!"
Spoken like a ... man.
These women need to be taken care of, dontcha know.
Special needs, and all that.
(Somebody tell the professor that Fluke was advocating for shared sex bathrooms at the law school too. That'll make her girlie head spin, eh?)
Republicans need to be fact-based and smart on anything that has to do with science.
And they need to respect women.
If that's too hard....
What losers!
Watch them lose!"
You gonna eat those words one day, or will you do your usual backtrack: "I was with you winners all along!"
Laughable, from the lady who preaches she doesn't talk politics anymore because she doesn't follow the issues in depth.
So, is Love still posting insanity?
The wife of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney says that even though she is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, she doesn't consider herself to be wealthy.
So, the first spouse is relevant now? Intriguing.
Why do YOU continue to support an organization that would protect the kinds of people who did such things to children for so many years?
Are you referring to the public education establishment --- which has had a dramatically bigger problem with pedophilia than the Catholic Church and that parents are required to send their children to be victimized?
@ Mary...Go fluke yourself!
Just dropping in at 476 comments to note that resident feminist Althouse needs more work on her..um.. "filing system"?
Check out her "Tags".
YOU are her newly hired File Clerk with a recently acquired JD...AND in big debt.
Pretend this is a test, and time to show your "stuff".
Oooh boy, gotta calm down here.
Get kinda crazy when I talk about showing your "stuff".
"traditionalguy said...
@ Mary...Go fluke yourself!"
Hey -- are you still on the namecalling, making fun of her Name??
(Too bad you choose not to reason on the issue, but I understand you are following the lady professor's example here.)
I would have thought that a professor of law would have had something to say about the phrase "...or prohibiting the free exercise thereof...."
Instead of whining about calling somebody a "coed". But maybe I don't know what law professors are about these days.
Actually, back in the day, a girl was supposed to go out (casually) with lots of different guys. She was supposed to meet lots of men before picking one.
Only when she and he were serious (as in, aiming toward marriage) would a girl begin to "go steady". Going steady also meant there was more worry about the girl and boy not getting up to anything (because you couldn't get up to much while out dancing with tons of people you knew, but you could when alone together).
Of course, a girl could go out with lots of guys because she wasn't doing anything with them besides dancing.
Even so much as a tiny kiss on the cheek to say good night could be a signal that she was fairly serious about a boy.
Of course, the point with Betty Boop is that her cartoons were fairly suggestive, so the social norms don't really matter when it comes to her. She's a flapper, not entirely good.
Sure Sandra "Rhymes with Fluke" is a slut.... she just went national with a call.... pay for me to have sex without worries or else....
I'm with McCain.... screw her...
(As usual I am late to the party so few will even see this. But anyway...)
rcommal said:
...There is no moral high-ground involved in that (and it doesn't MATTER what the other side or does not do: you're still betraying your own principles and acting like complete ignorant, asshole jerks, each and every one of you, male and female alike, but especially male). This is a loser, among multiple groups in the electorate. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE stop. Stop and take a look at what you're doing.
Here's the thing. I understand what you and Althouse are saying about "how bad it looks". I get it.
But I reject the notion that one side has to censor itself while the other does not. It is the "civility bullshit" all over again, and Althouse seems not to recognize it, since apparently some feminist hot buttons have been pushed. (Does she hold Republican men to a higher standard than Democrats when it comes to science and women? If so, why? )
It's not just unfair and hypocritical, but dangerous to set up a debate with different rules for each side, where one side is compelled to mind their manners and the other isn't. One side is given the upper hand, which weakens and can ultimately be used to silence and delegitimize the other side.
In short; some of us really believe in free speech for ALL, not just for Liberals. And will continue to point out when political correctness and "civility bullshit" is applied unevenly.
I can't see half of the comments; has anyone determined whether Synova will get her new boobs paid for? It seems just as legitimate a health-related expense as birth control.
Moreso, really, in terms of what should be covered by insurance. Insurance is supposed to be used for unexpected expenses that would break you. That's what it's for. It's not meant to cover predictable everyday expenses like birth control pills or condoms. Those are in the same category as toothpaste.
But Synova woke up one morning and had lost her...pertness. It's an unexpected health expense.
What say you, Fluke defenders?
Too many comments to catch up, but it strikes me as very sloppy that John Althouse-Cohen defends his mom by linking to the left wing rag, TNR.
From Wiki- "Domestically, the TNR as of 2011 supports a largely neo-liberal stance on fiscal and social issues, according to former editor Franklin Foer, who stated that it "invented the modern usage of the term 'liberal', and it's one of our historical legacies and obligations to be involved in the ongoing debate over what exactly liberalism means and stands for.""
I'm in favor of gun rights. I am going to select a law school that bans guns an apply and become a night and day advocate for guns. And with my advocacy, I am going to have a hard time paying for all the guns I want, so I want the taxpayers of the state - no all the innercity churches - to pay for my guns and ammo. I have a special snake skin holster I have my eyes on.
Bruno Mars sang the last verse of Runaway Baby at the Grammy Awards though a megaphone, just like Rudy Vallee. And everybody mistook it for a tribute to James Brown.
Yes old fashioned and sexist and then after that more of the revenge drama of our age looking back to say well this one said this so.. sad really--
Ann, I do not understand why it is important for you to "tout" your "credentials" of being a woman and a law professor. Being neither, I can see in my mind eye of having written something similar. Or you think it is my inner woman and God forbid, lawyer.
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