It is kind of silly to believe that much expensive electronics were left visible in an unlocked car. Achieving that level of stupidity is hard work unless you are new in town and from a small rural community.
But seriously, it is pretty suspicious that there was no sign of forced entry.
Who leaves their vehicle unlocked in a parking lot with those kind of tempting accessories inside. Even if I'm drunk, I still obsess about locking the car, and with another person along with their valuables in there too? Very unlikely they just forgot to lock it.
I used to leave our car unlocked when there was nothing in it to steal except the seatbelts. But the wife is more security conscious than me. I am now well trained.
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Deviously fiendish.
So you link to InstaP who had linked to you?
I guess I should go back to IP's site to see where this story is going.
It is kind of silly to believe that much expensive electronics were left visible in an unlocked car. Achieving that level of stupidity is hard work unless you are new in town and from a small rural community.
That's very meta posting.
But seriously, it is pretty suspicious that there was no sign of forced entry.
Who leaves their vehicle unlocked in a parking lot with those kind of tempting accessories inside. Even if I'm drunk, I still obsess about locking the car, and with another person along with their valuables in there too? Very unlikely they just forgot to lock it.
You see, Mr Bond, the Romster is really Karl Rove and Richard B Cheney combined.
The Lefties' worst nightmare.
Mwah ha ha ha ha.
john said...
So you link to InstaP who had linked to you?
Is he saying Ann and Insta have a little something going on?
I used to leave our car unlocked when there was nothing in it to steal except the seatbelts. But the wife is more security conscious than me. I am now well trained.
Blogging involves linking, and much of the time, if you don't follow the links, you won't understand what's being said. That's considered fun, but if you'd rather bitch about it and not click... you're not playing blogging. You can play or not play, but you can't get me not to play.
Nah, that's standard spycraft.
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