I will be interested to hear Newt's press conference tonight. Reports are he wont drop out...so what else does he possibly have to say? He's got to be out of money here pretty soon.
Ron Paul is too arrogant to drop out, but I suspect Santorum will. It will be interesting to see if he endorses anybody before Super Tuesday. Santorum has just a big enough of a following to perhaps matter.
YAY for Captain Cowbell! Two big wins in a row! See what money and Establishment connections can buy? I'm sure the $200M man will provide a solution for all those who want a better life if only...
Oh wait... He don't care about poor Americans... those subhumans! One more reason to be long Obama in 2012.
YAY for Captain Cowbell! Two big wins in a row! See what money and Establishment connections can buy? I'm sure the $200M man will provide a solution for all those who want a better life if only...
Oh wait... He don't care about poor Americans... those subhumans! One more reason to be long Obama in 2012.
Oh, yes, GodZero is soooo concerned for the poor.
That's why he and Bernanke have cranked up inflation the last couple of years. That's why minority unemployment is double the national average.
Julie belongs back in the Euro welfare state with his kids.
They care.
That's why the whole continent is sinking by the bow. They all want that retirement at 50 with 13 weeks vaca.
Although the AP might be calling it for Romney already, here in Nevada we're still waiting for more results to come in. Clark County is the largest county by far, and the caucus just started there this evening, so it will be a long time before the final numbers are released.
In 2008, Romney won the Nevada caucuses decisively and Ron Paul came in second. Because Romney was out of the race at the time of the state convention, though, a lot of his supporters didn't show up at the convention and the Ron Paul folks tried to take over the convention. The state party leadership shut things down and said they would postpone the state convention. This created a big controversy when it came to appointing delegates for the national convention. Since Nevada isn't a winner-take-all-state, the final percentages will be important, and it could have an impact on what will happen at the state convention depending on who is or is not in the race at that point.
Of course Obama doesn't care about the poor. Nor about progress nor the country's well-being. He only cares about power. Just like Romney. But Obama plays the politics game better. And a rich person from the finance biz isn't gonna engender empathy. No vote for him!
You are drowning in your own wishful thinking. Capt'n Cowbell wins and the whole rest of the year is moot.
The story goes that a bit over a hundred years ago, the Mormon Church was despairing of ever getting statehood for what is now Utah. Being somewhat communitarian, they had supported Democrats back east, and the Democrats hadn't been able to pull off statehood.
So, they decided on a grand deal. The prophet had a revelation that polygamy was no longer acceptable. A delegation headed east, headed, I believe, by Brigham Young's son. They did two things. First, they spread a lot of advertising money around (in excess of a million dollars, which was a lot back then) with the big city newspapers, which had been vociferous critics of the church. This advertising got these papers to sit on the sidelines, instead of their usual condemnation of the polygamous Mormons. And then, they did a deal with the Republicans. In trade for statehood for Utah, the Republicans would get eight Senators - two each from Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and, I believe, Wyoming. The rest i history, with three of these states being the states giving GW Bush (43) over 70% of their votes in 2004.
Nevada is a bit different. Primarily because of the heavy unionization in the casino industry, and, esp. in Las Vegas, it is a swing state. But, the Mormons continue to control it more than most any group - with both of their Senators being members of the LDS Church - though one of them is admittedly a (prominent) Democrat.
Still, the LDS Church is still strong in Nevada, and esp. in the Republican party there. So, no surprises. Besides, the "gentiles" living among the Mormons there (or visa versa) learn that they (the Mormons) are not evil, or really all that different.
Point being, that I was not the least bit surprised at Romney's win in Nevada. If I had still been in Nevada, I would have voted for him too, and I am not LDS.
BTW, less than 10 miles from my old office is located "Mormon Station" (in the middle of Genoa), the oldest "white" settlement in Nevada. It is located on the opposite side of Nevada from Utah, and required a herculean effort to settle back then.
Of course Obama cares about the poor. Don't you remember - He tried to get that asbestos out of that housing project all those years ago. What more do you people want?
Keep in mind that Obama hasn't really started yet. He has different strategies and will position himself differently based on who his opponent is. And only in the last few days has it started to become apparent that Romney will lead the Republican Death March, just like a buyout guy who finally finds himself in a turnaround job that is waaaaay over his head.
For Romney, Obama will be running as a populist. Someone who cares. It don't matter one bit that he don't care. It don't matter that Obama has done far too much to make business and living more difficult for citizens. People will still believe what he says because the other guy is a $200M grown-up brat who said he doesn't care about poor people.
Sometimes it seems like the Republicans want to lose. That way they have something to whine about for the next four years. The Bush II era was sort of stressful for conservatives, and they were on the defensive. They seem to be fine taking a break on the bench for at least one more round...
That's why he's at 20% approval among uncommitted voters.
Like a young child who throws a tantrum in the grocery store because he wants to leave, Team Obama wants you and your GOP (Group of Posers!) to think that. They want you to be complacent. They want you to think victory is easy.
Do you seriously think this is going to be a Republican walk in the park?
You. Will. Lose.
Why don't you give me your address right now, EdButcher, and I'll be sure to send you a congratulatory postcard from the EU in early November?
If only the American rubes could see how Obama has made business and life much more difficult for them, like Dead Julius can see, all the way from Europe!
I think Newt should have gone galactic big in Nevada. Maybe detail a Mars Colony, complete with hookers and slots.
Andrew Sullivan was piling on a few days ago re: Mitt's caring about the very poor gaffe using the chart shown here. Sullivan's point was that the very poor have really had it rather rough over the last four years, and his chart does makes that point. Obama's policy have really put the screws to the poorest Americans.
The official I-took-over-the-Empire-when-I-was-alive plan for Romney to win, which he won't follow because he's concerned more about his ego than the good of the country:
1. Embrace the Santorum faction of the GOP. Beg him to get behind you. If that don't work, bypass Ricky and beg them.
2. Embrace the Paulite faction of the GOP. You already get along well with Ron, so toss out some libertarian red meat and reiterate your support for personal liberty and for not fighting wars that aren't absolutely, essentially necessary. You do want peace, don't you, Mitt?
3. Disregard Newt. Not paying him attention will cut off the air supply for his ego and piss him off mightily. He could even spontaneously combust, or his head could explode in anger at the uncooperative attitude, just like what happened to Valentinian I.
4. Repeat the following: "I am here to ask you the same question Ronald Reagan asked: 'Are you better off than you were four years ago?'"
5. Stop singing. You look like a fucking idjit.
In lieu of monetary compensation for this winning strategy, I only request that Mitt visit Denmark as soon as possible in his reign.
I have no illusions this will be a walk in the park. Mostly because of the power of MSM (much reduced since 2008, but still substantial), as opposed to any of Obama's innate political and rhetorical skill.
But your contention that people "will still believe what he says," just because his opponent is Romney? Some may still believe. But Obama has lost a lot of credibility, made fools of people across the political spectrum. His oratory sounds hollow now. Even to his supporters.
As for winning on the strength of populism and anti-rich prejudice against Romney. Well, I'd be more sure that was a winning strategy if the OWS movement hadn't turned out to be such an embarrassing flop. Even Bill Maher insults OWS today.
Populism is a powerful political force (which someone like Palin has tried to wield-- not too skilfully lately). But by and large, Americans are not filled with resentment against the rich. The national feelings that supposedly fueled the OWS were highly overstated.
Even the OWS age bracket, kids in their 20s out of college-- they want a job, desperately. If they believe a rich millionaire, caricatured as Gordon Gekko by the MSM, is more likely to facilitate that prospect, many of them will vote for Gordon Gekko, over the guy who talks like their socialist college professor and gives them warm fuzzies.
Not to mention, Obamacare. I know, people make a big deal of Romneycare. When it comes down to it, Romney's running on the promise to do what he must to repeal it; Obama will do what he can to preserve it. There's no question which way the majority of the country wants to go. (Of course, if it's struck down by the SC, it's not a factor-- at least not in this way.)
Hey, be kind to me! Althouse says I'm a liberal who will vote for Obama... just like you. Although that isn't true, it does result in my comments and opinions being just as disregarded as yours are! I might be welcome to comment, but she made it clear to her entire audience that I (and you!) are not at the same level of competence as everyone else.
Like a young child who throws a tantrum in the grocery store because he wants to leave, Team Obama wants you and your GOP (Group of Posers!) to think that. They want you to be complacent. They want you to think victory is easy.
Do you seriously think this is going to be a Republican walk in the park?
You. Will. Lose.
Why don't you give me your address right now, EdButcher, and I'll be sure to send you a congratulatory postcard from the EU in early November?
Aside from the drivel of the first paragraph, Julie just repeats a lot of nonsense. No facts.
I don't see any Republicans who are complacent.
Julie, however, sounds that way.
He thinks Zero is a political genius with a billion dollar war chest.
Zero's fundraising is seriously behind the totals they wanted. He's losing support and nobody is buying the phony employment numbers.
Julie is just the latest of the trolls trying to spread some FUD.
He's the one that's scared.
Zero is in big trouble. It's going to be a whole lot tougher for SEIU and ACORN to manufacture votes now that SCOTUS says it's OK to ask for ID at the polls. The media message isn't getting out the way it should. The Hopenchange just isn't there no more.
And there's that CBO report that says the economy's going to tank before the election.
Julie won't be sending anything from the Eurozone. Zero's going down and he'll take people like Julie with him.
Newt just completed a press conference of unmitigated bitter whining against Romney. Shouldn't anyone this vindictive be shown the door ASAP? He will pull down the entire party before he'll walk away.
You guys are just seeing who has the biggest dick. It will come down to the economy, and all the Republican has to ask is, "Are you better of than you were 4 years ago?"
Obama will get his O'bot votes, Romney (probably) will get the dead elephant vote, and every other person is going to vote "Not Obama". It really is going to be that easy.
This is all conditional that we get a chance to vote. Obama declaring martial law while Iran vs. Israel/USA starts, or inner city riots fomented by union thugs, and OWS, is still a strong possibility in my book. There's also the whole economy crashing because of staggering gas costs to wonder about. Or spiraling inflation. Or Holder going rogue(just spitballing that one).
He thinks Zero is a political genius with a billion dollar war chest.
It would be wise for all Republicans to think this way. It is nine months to the election. A baby goes from conception to birth in that time. A lot can happen!
And there are things that, as a European, you may not be factoring in. I haven't heard Romney's speech yet, but reportedly he had a good line (I'm paraphrasing) about Obama coming in apologizing for America; now he should apologize to America.
Many Americans have long felt that Obama doesn't much like Americans... and, especially, that he disdains America abroad. I think that kind of thing makes a difference to many voters-- they want to feel that their President loves their country, thinks it's the best damn country in the world (Obama sure doesn't, he's too cosmopolitan for that kind of jingoism, too sophisticated to believe in our exceptionalism).
In 2008, voting for Obama made people proud of being Americans, because they'd be electing the First Black President. That was a big deal. But that magic was a one-time thing. In 2012, Obama is just an incumbent, like any other.
Nevertheless, you're absolutely right: Obama (backed up by his MSM troops) is not to be underestimated. It's going to be a brutal political battle.
That's why I don't get all this grumbling about the guy with the most campaign money and best organization and toughest tactics winning the nomination. I like scrappy underdog fighters without money & organization as much as anyone, but I want a super efficient machine to go against the Obama machine.
I don't know if Romney will win. But as far as I'm concerned, he has a real good chance of winning-- IMO the only one of the candidates who does. A second term of Obama would be so disastrous, catastrophic to our country. I'm supporting Romney because (out of the candidates we have to choose from, not some fantasy roster of conservative heroes in people's dreams), he's our best hope of getting O out of there.
Brilliant moments and some sharp attacks on Romney, but the overall impression was that of a deeply bitter politician who absolutely cannot get his over his loss in Florida. It's like the wide receiver reliving the dropped pass that cost the game over and over. Sad, but he seems fully willing to let Obama win if that means getting revenge on Romney.
Hey, be kind to me! Althouse says I'm a liberal who will vote for Obama... just like you. Although that isn't true, it does result in my comments and opinions being just as disregarded as yours are!
Yea that thread was too depressing to weigh in on, and as a fellow toker [for diff. reasons], I did feel obligated.
Interesting theories here though. Obama is doomed, and the only thing that can stop Romney is ACORN, the MSM, and/or OWS riots?
For me, there may have been good reasons to vote for the GOP twenty or thirty years ago. But now voting for the GOP is like sticking a fork up your ass. Nothing good can come from it. I'm amazed they win any elections at all.
And if Romney's the nominee, I suspect a lot of Democrats will secretly vote for him and never admit it to anyone.
Even NYT readers have read enough *in the NYT* to know there currently isn't an adult in charge at the White House; this administration is a basket case. Romney may be a dorky Mormon, but he's an intelligent ultra-competent grownup with business smarts and plentiful executive experience. I have a feeling that may get a lot of anxious Democrats to do the unthinkable.
Let's have a little BATTLE ROYALE of political marketing...
Romney is a dorky Mormon worth $200M with no conception of what life is like for those in the lower classes of America, which have been experiencing more and more difficulty in maintaining a reasonable life.
Romney is an intelligent ultra-competent grownup with business smarts and plentiful executive experience.
I fleshed out your first alternative a little, yashu, in order to make it fair.
Which position will resonate with more American voters?
If you think (b), then watch some of the television that most Americans watch (at an average of nearly 3 hours per day for ages 15+!)... and then come back and make your choice again.
Depicting Romney as someone with no conception of what life is like for those in the lower classes of America, which have been experiencing more and more difficulty in maintaining a reasonable life loses a lot of its sting-- when your opponent is *Obama*. (Not to mention his wife, Michelle Antoinette.)
Obama: who has no conception of what life is like for those in the lower classes of America (and has evinced this ignorance many times), and who is largely responsible (and will be seen by voters as at least partly responsible) for their experiencing more and more difficulty in maintaining a reasonable life.
So such a depiction of Romney (counterposed to *Obama*) is to some extent neutralized.
Not surprising that Romney won. Not surprising at all.
After all, in the November 2010 elections, a significant proportion of Republican voters preferred sh*t-for-brains Harry Reid over a conservative Republican candidate.
newt announces that he will be more positive and then launches into a litany of nit-picky attacks against romney..states that he's shocked, SHOCKED i tell you!, that there's negativity in politics...and concludes by saying that he'd like to be positive but that that it's impossible in america.
romney attacks obama's policies and lauds american exceptionalism.
Yashu wrote: In 2008, voting for Obama made people proud of being Americans, because they'd be electing the First Black President. That was a big deal. But that magic was a one-time thing.
I never thought that. I thought it would be racist to think like that.
Otherwise, love your thoughts, Yashu. BTW, thanks for your very early help with the "over 200 comments" thingie.
Government at all levels is filled with totally incompetent boobs, who have been nothing but disasters, making life much, much, much worse for everyone.
And each election, these guys are opposed by decent and competent candidates. And despite the incumbents being so disasterously awful, they get re-elected time and again.
History proves that an argument such as, "but he's going up against Obama, so he's sure to win" is incredibly naive and foolish in the extreme. You cannot rely on Obama's incompetence for ousting him. Obama's opponent is NOT a sure thing, especially if that opponent mirrors Obama in far too many ways (including, of all things, his apparent borrowing of Obama's teleprompter to even give a victory speech!).
My immediate reaction to your comment is that Romney seems much more susceptible to negative messages than Obama. After all, what new negative attack can be made on Obama? Seems there ain't any... they're all out there already! And there ain't no Lewinsky-style scandal in Obama's closet, waiting to be ejaculated into public discourse.
Meanwhile, all sort of new attacks are being created and launched at Romney. Newt seems to have dedicated his entire life to this task, and he's pretty good at it, even if he is becoming unhinged. Just wait 'til the Democrat election machine gets started. It may be somewhat worn and slightly beaten, but it is still a powerful machine that has not been put to use yet!
Good nite! This accused liberal Obama-voter is going to bed! It's always nice when the occasional day like today comes along and I can comment here without Althouse censoring me. Perhaps she was too busy?
Meanwhile, I'm sure that the Obama camp will be quite happy to push the campaign argument of "at least he's not Romney."
When your opponent combines the worst elements of Bob Dole and Algore, John Kerry and John McCain, you don't have to worry too much about the electorate swooning over him.
If all that more-of-the-same, business-as-usual Mitt Romney is going to do is slow down the bus off the cliff from 100 mph to 75 mph, then we most assuredly are worse off by electing him.
Worse off because a mend-it-not-end-it Romney, when we are WAY PAST merely tinkering here and there or merely having a more competent manager, is going to tear the Republican Party to shreds. And without a viable GOP to counter the Dems, that will actually accelerate the free fall off the cliff into the abyss.
Maybe, if we're lucky, after much blood has been let, after the conservatives FINALLY settle all family business, a stronger, purer GOP will emerge. But hey, that's what Romney does best, right? Creative destruction?
Here, here! Romney's task now that he likely has the nomination is to build a BIG TENT PARTY like Reagan and Bush II did. Still, only of those two beat an incumbent, and both had exceptionally weak initial opponents.
So how well do you think a guy who has been practicing creative destruction all his life is going to do fostering goodwill and cooperation across the disparate and diverse GOP?
And if a "a stronger, purer GOP" emerges, doesn't that imply a leaner GOP too? Remember: it's still votes that win elections. A lean GOP is at an inherent disadvantage.
If all that more-of-the-same, business-as-usual Mitt Romney is going to do is slow down the bus off the cliff from 100 mph to 75 mph, then we most assuredly are worse off by electing him.
There are three possibilities here.
Possibility one is that you aren't actually serious about stopping the upcoming plunge off the cliff.
Possibility two is that you're supporting Gary Johnson or Ron Paul for President.
Possibility three is that you realize Johnson and Paul are highly unlikely to win, so you're voting for Romney because he's better than Obama.
Voting for Gingrich or Santorum falls under #1; they're as bad as Romney and unelectable besides.
Getting past Julie's pay-no-attention-to-that-man-behind-the-curtain nonsense, there's a good piece on Ace talking about how Milton's play-it-safe style comes from watching his father see the nomination slip through his fingers with the "brainwashed" line.
Something else hit me, though. How much does the idea, given all the Mormons went through in this country, that he could vindicate them by turning the country around play into his thinking?
If he could even start the country, much less do it all, in 4 or 8 years, down the road not just to recovery, but to a new and better day, imagine how, summing up his Administration, it might make him feel if his last words as POTUS could be, "And remember, this was done by a Mormon!"?
Romney wins because he's a moderate. Newt might make a good representative in a very conservative district but he's a terrible candidate for President, a position where he would represent the entire nation.
If conservatives want a conservative president, they have to win their argument with the American people first. Stop trying to win a symbolic victory and start trying to win a real one.
It's nice to see that Paul continues to get about one fifth of the vote, even though no one expects him to be the nominee. I'd like to think this means that there are significant numbers of people who are still in favor of smaller gov't, less war adventures, more freedom. One of the few good signs in a land where we are all ....
in 2012 we Americans will have an historic opportunity.
We can select a man to be the first of his people to rise to the presidency. His people were persecuted, murdered and driven from their homes. They endured great hardship in exile. And in spite of this they stayed true to their values of family, hard work and community .
America can put its shame behind her by electing this man. Will America seize that opportunity?
America, will we elect another white elite? Will we elect a man who will only seek to protect his wealthy friends, a man who's stock in trade is to buy and destroy businesses and jobs?
Will we elect a man who adhere's to a sexist, racist and homophobic cult?
America we stand at the edge of the precipice. Do what is right!
ut now voting for the GOP is like sticking a fork up your ass. Nothing good can come from it.
As opposed to 4 straight years of $1 trillion dollar plus deficits and having 87.9 million people who are not working. The largest population of non-workers the country has seen since the government started keeping records in 1975.
PS: The unemployment rate was 4.6% and the deficit 260 billion when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.
garage mahal said... Unfortunately for you Jay, the economy seems to be picking up
If the economy is getting better, then why are there 6 million less jobs in America today than there were before the recession started?
If the economy is getting better, then why has the number of Americans on food stamps increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama entered the White House?
Don't worry, you'll just keep lying to yourself as the lies you need to tell yourself in order to be a leftist are endless.
garage mahal said... Unfortunately for you Jay, the economy seems to be picking up
Um, really?
The Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller seasonally adjusted housing index for 20 cities dropped again in November, the last month for which data were available, falling to a level not seen since 2003.
PS: he civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% in January.
IMO too much can happen--especially on the international scene: Euro finances, Iran, Syria and the like. I think its way too early for definitive judgments.
You would have thought that after three years of Obama, that the Republican electorate would have learned something. We did seem to indicate in 2010 that we had learned the right lesson, but apparently that was a fluke and we are right back to where we were.
With the upcoming annointing of Romney as our savior, albeit not with the pomp and excitement of Lord Obama, but instead with a grimness and dogged determination to ram that square peg into that round hole, we show that we are still a party and nation of enablers and co-dependents. Blinding ourselves to the obvious, refusing to see what is in front of us, refusing to do what must be done.
You have thought that we had learned our lesson. But it is clear now that we must hit bottom before people finally get it. We must hit bottom and maybe -- maybe -- if their heads crash hard enough on the rocks, it will knock some sense into them.
You know exactly what I said was true in regards to Ryan. Ryan knows the Fed is creating jobs, and he doesn't want to create any jobs. You don't either you spiteful, inelegant, little twat. The GOP wanted Americans to be as miserable as humanly possible for four years to regain the White House. Everybody knows it. Or should know it.
garage mahal said... You know exactly what I said was true in regards to Ryan. Ryan knows the Fed is creating jobs, and he doesn't want to create any jobs
Produce the quote from your link that demonstrates Ryan scolding Obama for bypassing Congress to create jobs
PS: if the "Fed is creating jobs" why is the labor force participation rate the lowest in 30 years?
Why are there 3 million more people on food stamps than at this time last year?
The GOP wanted Americans to be as miserable as humanly possible for four years to regain the White House.
That's a nice bit of projection you got going there, idiot.
Just because Democrats spent 8 years making idiotic comments about the economy and tried to convince everyone it was worse than it was, doesn't mean the Republicans wish do to the same.
Of course you're so dumb you actually believe the fed is creating jobs which nobody outside of you and 3 other tin foil hat wearing drooling imbeciles would believe.
Bender said... Not surprising that Romney won. Not surprising at all.
After all, in the November 2010 elections, a significant proportion of Republican voters preferred sh*t-for-brains Harry Reid over a conservative Republican candidate.
=============== People in swing state Nevada went to the polls and had shit-for-brains Dirty Harry "the most hated man in Nevada" - up against the "most hated woman in Nevada" a true shit-for-brains "Believing Conservative" ideologue.
Republicans blew it with the right-wing idiot Sharron Angle. Lost a Senate seat going with a "convictions purist".
Meanwhile, voters trashed Harry Reid's son, running against an intelligent centrist and electable Republican - a vote that was seen as the condemnation of Harry Reid that they just couldn't see as worth the price of electing the odious Angle against the less odious Reid.
There is a lesson in that, Bender. I'm not sure you are savvy enough to get it though...many far right purists still blame the "dumb voters" for perky Christine O'Donnell losing as well when they could have had a Republican senator with Mike Castle, and of course the dumb voters of the Goddess Palin's home state in defeating Miller.
Too bad, because Sanatorium is nothing but a statist, and that is where Mark Levin has gone wrong too. His whole career, he loved legislation, regulation, and social engineering if it suited his causes. Terry Schiavo was his tell. An earmarker, he's just a social conservative without the fiscal cred.
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That's the way the polls were shaping up.
Somewhere, Mark Twain is nodding. He saw it all 150 years ago.
How will he do compared to 2008?
Mittens is on a roll now.
I will be interested to hear Newt's press conference tonight. Reports are he wont drop out...so what else does he possibly have to say? He's got to be out of money here pretty soon.
Ron Paul is too arrogant to drop out, but I suspect Santorum will. It will be interesting to see if he endorses anybody before Super Tuesday. Santorum has just a big enough of a following to perhaps matter.
Jason: I will be interested to hear Newt's press conference tonight. Reports are he wont drop out...so what else does he possibly have to say?
I'm guessing (if Newt shows up) that he will announce he is suing Trump to force him to change his endorsement.
YAY for Captain Cowbell! Two big wins in a row! See what money and Establishment connections can buy? I'm sure the $200M man will provide a solution for all those who want a better life if only...
Oh wait... He don't care about poor Americans... those subhumans! One more reason to be long Obama in 2012.
"I'm guessing (if Newt shows up) that he will announce he is suing Trump to force him to change his endorsement."
I don't think so. Romney's already filed that suit.
Dead Julius said...
YAY for Captain Cowbell! Two big wins in a row! See what money and Establishment connections can buy? I'm sure the $200M man will provide a solution for all those who want a better life if only...
Oh wait... He don't care about poor Americans... those subhumans! One more reason to be long Obama in 2012.
Oh, yes, GodZero is soooo concerned for the poor.
That's why he and Bernanke have cranked up inflation the last couple of years. That's why minority unemployment is double the national average.
Julie belongs back in the Euro welfare state with his kids.
They care.
That's why the whole continent is sinking by the bow. They all want that retirement at 50 with 13 weeks vaca.
And the kids get to pay for it.
Although the AP might be calling it for Romney already, here in Nevada we're still waiting for more results to come in. Clark County is the largest county by far, and the caucus just started there this evening, so it will be a long time before the final numbers are released.
In 2008, Romney won the Nevada caucuses decisively and Ron Paul came in second. Because Romney was out of the race at the time of the state convention, though, a lot of his supporters didn't show up at the convention and the Ron Paul folks tried to take over the convention. The state party leadership shut things down and said they would postpone the state convention. This created a big controversy when it came to appointing delegates for the national convention. Since Nevada isn't a winner-take-all-state, the final percentages will be important, and it could have an impact on what will happen at the state convention depending on who is or is not in the race at that point.
wv: exponsin--exposition for readers in Wisconsin
Mittens is on a roll now.
Yeah, and as citizens of the United States, it's time we slow that motherfucker:
Let's Get Past The Bullshit (And Let's See The Full Mitt,...)
@EdButcher -
Of course Obama doesn't care about the poor. Nor about progress nor the country's well-being. He only cares about power. Just like Romney. But Obama plays the politics game better. And a rich person from the finance biz isn't gonna engender empathy. No vote for him!
You are drowning in your own wishful thinking. Capt'n Cowbell wins and the whole rest of the year is moot.
Regards from Euroland,
The story goes that a bit over a hundred years ago, the Mormon Church was despairing of ever getting statehood for what is now Utah. Being somewhat communitarian, they had supported Democrats back east, and the Democrats hadn't been able to pull off statehood.
So, they decided on a grand deal. The prophet had a revelation that polygamy was no longer acceptable. A delegation headed east, headed, I believe, by Brigham Young's son. They did two things. First, they spread a lot of advertising money around (in excess of a million dollars, which was a lot back then) with the big city newspapers, which had been vociferous critics of the church. This advertising got these papers to sit on the sidelines, instead of their usual condemnation of the polygamous Mormons. And then, they did a deal with the Republicans. In trade for statehood for Utah, the Republicans would get eight Senators - two each from Utah, Idaho, Nevada, and, I believe, Wyoming. The rest i history, with three of these states being the states giving GW Bush (43) over 70% of their votes in 2004.
Nevada is a bit different. Primarily because of the heavy unionization in the casino industry, and, esp. in Las Vegas, it is a swing state. But, the Mormons continue to control it more than most any group - with both of their Senators being members of the LDS Church - though one of them is admittedly a (prominent) Democrat.
Still, the LDS Church is still strong in Nevada, and esp. in the Republican party there. So, no surprises. Besides, the "gentiles" living among the Mormons there (or visa versa) learn that they (the Mormons) are not evil, or really all that different.
Point being, that I was not the least bit surprised at Romney's win in Nevada. If I had still been in Nevada, I would have voted for him too, and I am not LDS.
BTW, less than 10 miles from my old office is located "Mormon Station" (in the middle of Genoa), the oldest "white" settlement in Nevada. It is located on the opposite side of Nevada from Utah, and required a herculean effort to settle back then.
But Obama plays the politics game better.
I'm not so sure. You may be right-- but I have my doubts.
This isn't 2008. Very different circumstances.
Of course Obama cares about the poor. Don't you remember - He tried to get that asbestos out of that housing project all those years ago. What more do you people want?
Dead Julius said...
But Obama plays the politics game better.
Of course, that's why his support among blacks, Hispanics, yoots ,and women is down a third from 4 years ago.
And let's not forget how he's antagonized Jews, working stiffs, and the Catholics (that's the one that's looking to really bite him).
And everything he's done up to now is to hold his base together. Not win over anybody new.
Yes, a real political genius.
That's why he's at 20% approval among uncommitted voters.
@yashu -
Keep in mind that Obama hasn't really started yet. He has different strategies and will position himself differently based on who his opponent is. And only in the last few days has it started to become apparent that Romney will lead the Republican Death March, just like a buyout guy who finally finds himself in a turnaround job that is waaaaay over his head.
For Romney, Obama will be running as a populist. Someone who cares. It don't matter one bit that he don't care. It don't matter that Obama has done far too much to make business and living more difficult for citizens. People will still believe what he says because the other guy is a $200M grown-up brat who said he doesn't care about poor people.
Sometimes it seems like the Republicans want to lose. That way they have something to whine about for the next four years. The Bush II era was sort of stressful for conservatives, and they were on the defensive. They seem to be fine taking a break on the bench for at least one more round...
@EdButcher -
Yes, a real political genius.
That's why he's at 20% approval among uncommitted voters.
Like a young child who throws a tantrum in the grocery store because he wants to leave, Team Obama wants you and your GOP (Group of Posers!) to think that. They want you to be complacent. They want you to think victory is easy.
Do you seriously think this is going to be a Republican walk in the park?
You. Will. Lose.
Why don't you give me your address right now, EdButcher, and I'll be sure to send you a congratulatory postcard from the EU in early November?
If only the American rubes could see how Obama has made business and life much more difficult for them, like Dead Julius can see, all the way from Europe!
I think Newt should have gone galactic big in Nevada. Maybe detail a Mars Colony, complete with hookers and slots.
Andrew Sullivan was piling on a few days ago re: Mitt's caring about the very poor gaffe using the chart shown here. Sullivan's point was that the very poor have really had it rather rough over the last four years, and his chart does makes that point. Obama's policy have really put the screws to the poorest Americans.
The official I-took-over-the-Empire-when-I-was-alive plan for Romney to win, which he won't follow because he's concerned more about his ego than the good of the country:
1. Embrace the Santorum faction of the GOP. Beg him to get behind you. If that don't work, bypass Ricky and beg them.
2. Embrace the Paulite faction of the GOP. You already get along well with Ron, so toss out some libertarian red meat and reiterate your support for personal liberty and for not fighting wars that aren't absolutely, essentially necessary. You do want peace, don't you, Mitt?
3. Disregard Newt. Not paying him attention will cut off the air supply for his ego and piss him off mightily. He could even spontaneously combust, or his head could explode in anger at the uncooperative attitude, just like what happened to Valentinian I.
4. Repeat the following: "I am here to ask you the same question Ronald Reagan asked: 'Are you better off than you were four years ago?'"
5. Stop singing. You look like a fucking idjit.
In lieu of monetary compensation for this winning strategy, I only request that Mitt visit Denmark as soon as possible in his reign.
I have no illusions this will be a walk in the park. Mostly because of the power of MSM (much reduced since 2008, but still substantial), as opposed to any of Obama's innate political and rhetorical skill.
But your contention that people "will still believe what he says," just because his opponent is Romney? Some may still believe. But Obama has lost a lot of credibility, made fools of people across the political spectrum. His oratory sounds hollow now. Even to his supporters.
As for winning on the strength of populism and anti-rich prejudice against Romney. Well, I'd be more sure that was a winning strategy if the OWS movement hadn't turned out to be such an embarrassing flop. Even Bill Maher insults OWS today.
Populism is a powerful political force (which someone like Palin has tried to wield-- not too skilfully lately). But by and large, Americans are not filled with resentment against the rich. The national feelings that supposedly fueled the OWS were highly overstated.
Even the OWS age bracket, kids in their 20s out of college-- they want a job, desperately. If they believe a rich millionaire, caricatured as Gordon Gekko by the MSM, is more likely to facilitate that prospect, many of them will vote for Gordon Gekko, over the guy who talks like their socialist college professor and gives them warm fuzzies.
Not to mention, Obamacare. I know, people make a big deal of Romneycare. When it comes down to it, Romney's running on the promise to do what he must to repeal it; Obama will do what he can to preserve it. There's no question which way the majority of the country wants to go. (Of course, if it's struck down by the SC, it's not a factor-- at least not in this way.)
@garage -
Hey, be kind to me! Althouse says I'm a liberal who will vote for Obama... just like you. Although that isn't true, it does result in my comments and opinions being just as disregarded as yours are! I might be welcome to comment, but she made it clear to her entire audience that I (and you!) are not at the same level of competence as everyone else.
Dead Julius said...
Like a young child who throws a tantrum in the grocery store because he wants to leave, Team Obama wants you and your GOP (Group of Posers!) to think that. They want you to be complacent. They want you to think victory is easy.
Do you seriously think this is going to be a Republican walk in the park?
You. Will. Lose.
Why don't you give me your address right now, EdButcher, and I'll be sure to send you a congratulatory postcard from the EU in early November?
Aside from the drivel of the first paragraph, Julie just repeats a lot of nonsense. No facts.
I don't see any Republicans who are complacent.
Julie, however, sounds that way.
He thinks Zero is a political genius with a billion dollar war chest.
Zero's fundraising is seriously behind the totals they wanted. He's losing support and nobody is buying the phony employment numbers.
Julie is just the latest of the trolls trying to spread some FUD.
He's the one that's scared.
Zero is in big trouble. It's going to be a whole lot tougher for SEIU and ACORN to manufacture votes now that SCOTUS says it's OK to ask for ID at the polls. The media message isn't getting out the way it should. The Hopenchange just isn't there no more.
And there's that CBO report that says the economy's going to tank before the election.
Julie won't be sending anything from the Eurozone. Zero's going down and he'll take people like Julie with him.
Watching Gingrich self-destruct on national TV; trying to take Romney with him.
Newt just completed a press conference of unmitigated bitter whining against Romney. Shouldn't anyone this vindictive be shown the door ASAP? He will pull down the entire party before he'll walk away.
You guys are just seeing who has the biggest dick. It will come down to the economy, and all the Republican has to ask is, "Are you better of than you were 4 years ago?"
Obama will get his O'bot votes, Romney (probably) will get the dead elephant vote, and every other person is going to vote "Not Obama". It really is going to be that easy.
This is all conditional that we get a chance to vote. Obama declaring martial law while Iran vs. Israel/USA starts, or inner city riots fomented by union thugs, and OWS, is still a strong possibility in my book. There's also the whole economy crashing because of staggering gas costs to wonder about. Or spiraling inflation. Or Holder going rogue(just spitballing that one).
@EdButcher -
He thinks Zero is a political genius with a billion dollar war chest.
It would be wise for all Republicans to think this way. It is nine months to the election. A baby goes from conception to birth in that time. A lot can happen!
Never underestimate your opponent!
Good advice.
I suggest you and all the other little trolls take it.
Or maybe you do already.
So far all I see is FUD, no facts.
Yes, be afraid, be very afraid.
(where have I heard that?)
And there are things that, as a European, you may not be factoring in. I haven't heard Romney's speech yet, but reportedly he had a good line (I'm paraphrasing) about Obama coming in apologizing for America; now he should apologize to America.
Many Americans have long felt that Obama doesn't much like Americans... and, especially, that he disdains America abroad. I think that kind of thing makes a difference to many voters-- they want to feel that their President loves their country, thinks it's the best damn country in the world (Obama sure doesn't, he's too cosmopolitan for that kind of jingoism, too sophisticated to believe in our exceptionalism).
In 2008, voting for Obama made people proud of being Americans, because they'd be electing the First Black President. That was a big deal. But that magic was a one-time thing. In 2012, Obama is just an incumbent, like any other.
Nevertheless, you're absolutely right: Obama (backed up by his MSM troops) is not to be underestimated. It's going to be a brutal political battle.
That's why I don't get all this grumbling about the guy with the most campaign money and best organization and toughest tactics winning the nomination. I like scrappy underdog fighters without money & organization as much as anyone, but I want a super efficient machine to go against the Obama machine.
I don't know if Romney will win. But as far as I'm concerned, he has a real good chance of winning-- IMO the only one of the candidates who does. A second term of Obama would be so disastrous, catastrophic to our country. I'm supporting Romney because (out of the candidates we have to choose from, not some fantasy roster of conservative heroes in people's dreams), he's our best hope of getting O out of there.
Newt's concession speech / press conference: Wow.
Brilliant moments and some sharp attacks on Romney, but the overall impression was that of a deeply bitter politician who absolutely cannot get his over his loss in Florida. It's like the wide receiver reliving the dropped pass that cost the game over and over. Sad, but he seems fully willing to let Obama win if that means getting revenge on Romney.
The question:
Will Romney make the metamorphosis from one candidate among many to a true national leader? Is he even capable of this?
PS And, out of the guys there, IMO would make the best President.
Hey, be kind to me! Althouse says I'm a liberal who will vote for Obama... just like you. Although that isn't true, it does result in my comments and opinions being just as disregarded as yours are!
Yea that thread was too depressing to weigh in on, and as a fellow toker [for diff. reasons], I did feel obligated.
Interesting theories here though. Obama is doomed, and the only thing that can stop Romney is ACORN, the MSM, and/or OWS riots?
For me, there may have been good reasons to vote for the GOP twenty or thirty years ago. But now voting for the GOP is like sticking a fork up your ass. Nothing good can come from it. I'm amazed they win any elections at all.
And if Romney's the nominee, I suspect a lot of Democrats will secretly vote for him and never admit it to anyone.
Even NYT readers have read enough *in the NYT* to know there currently isn't an adult in charge at the White House; this administration is a basket case. Romney may be a dorky Mormon, but he's an intelligent ultra-competent grownup with business smarts and plentiful executive experience. I have a feeling that may get a lot of anxious Democrats to do the unthinkable.
Let's have a little BATTLE ROYALE of political marketing...
Romney is a dorky Mormon worth $200M with no conception of what life is like for those in the lower classes of America, which have been experiencing more and more difficulty in maintaining a reasonable life.
Romney is an intelligent ultra-competent grownup with business smarts and plentiful executive experience.
I fleshed out your first alternative a little, yashu, in order to make it fair.
Which position will resonate with more American voters?
If you think (b), then watch some of the television that most Americans watch (at an average of nearly 3 hours per day for ages 15+!)... and then come back and make your choice again.
But Julius, he's going up against *Obama*.
Depicting Romney as someone with no conception of what life is like for those in the lower classes of America, which have been experiencing more and more difficulty in maintaining a reasonable life loses a lot of its sting-- when your opponent is *Obama*. (Not to mention his wife, Michelle Antoinette.)
Obama: who has no conception of what life is like for those in the lower classes of America (and has evinced this ignorance many times), and who is largely responsible (and will be seen by voters as at least partly responsible) for their experiencing more and more difficulty in maintaining a reasonable life.
So such a depiction of Romney (counterposed to *Obama*) is to some extent neutralized.
Not surprising that Romney won. Not surprising at all.
After all, in the November 2010 elections, a significant proportion of Republican voters preferred sh*t-for-brains Harry Reid over a conservative Republican candidate.
newt announces that he will be more positive and then launches into a litany of nit-picky attacks against romney..states that he's shocked, SHOCKED i tell you!, that there's negativity in politics...and concludes by saying that he'd like to be positive but that that it's impossible in america.
romney attacks obama's policies and lauds american exceptionalism.
i think i'm leaning romney.
Yashu wrote: In 2008, voting for Obama made people proud of being Americans, because they'd be electing the First Black President. That was a big deal. But that magic was a one-time thing.
I never thought that. I thought it would be racist to think like that.
Otherwise, love your thoughts, Yashu. BTW, thanks for your very early help with the "over 200 comments" thingie.
Government at all levels is filled with totally incompetent boobs, who have been nothing but disasters, making life much, much, much worse for everyone.
And each election, these guys are opposed by decent and competent candidates. And despite the incumbents being so disasterously awful, they get re-elected time and again.
History proves that an argument such as, "but he's going up against Obama, so he's sure to win" is incredibly naive and foolish in the extreme. You cannot rely on Obama's incompetence for ousting him. Obama's opponent is NOT a sure thing, especially if that opponent mirrors Obama in far too many ways (including, of all things, his apparent borrowing of Obama's teleprompter to even give a victory speech!).
@ yashu -
My immediate reaction to your comment is that Romney seems much more susceptible to negative messages than Obama. After all, what new negative attack can be made on Obama? Seems there ain't any... they're all out there already! And there ain't no Lewinsky-style scandal in Obama's closet, waiting to be ejaculated into public discourse.
Meanwhile, all sort of new attacks are being created and launched at Romney. Newt seems to have dedicated his entire life to this task, and he's pretty good at it, even if he is becoming unhinged. Just wait 'til the Democrat election machine gets started. It may be somewhat worn and slightly beaten, but it is still a powerful machine that has not been put to use yet!
Good nite! This accused liberal Obama-voter is going to bed! It's always nice when the occasional day like today comes along and I can comment here without Althouse censoring me. Perhaps she was too busy?
Meanwhile, I'm sure that the Obama camp will be quite happy to push the campaign argument of "at least he's not Romney."
When your opponent combines the worst elements of Bob Dole and Algore, John Kerry and John McCain, you don't have to worry too much about the electorate swooning over him.
If all that more-of-the-same, business-as-usual Mitt Romney is going to do is slow down the bus off the cliff from 100 mph to 75 mph, then we most assuredly are worse off by electing him.
Worse off because a mend-it-not-end-it Romney, when we are WAY PAST merely tinkering here and there or merely having a more competent manager, is going to tear the Republican Party to shreds. And without a viable GOP to counter the Dems, that will actually accelerate the free fall off the cliff into the abyss.
Maybe, if we're lucky, after much blood has been let, after the conservatives FINALLY settle all family business, a stronger, purer GOP will emerge. But hey, that's what Romney does best, right? Creative destruction?
@Bender -
Here, here! Romney's task now that he likely has the nomination is to build a BIG TENT PARTY like Reagan and Bush II did. Still, only of those two beat an incumbent, and both had exceptionally weak initial opponents.
So how well do you think a guy who has been practicing creative destruction all his life is going to do fostering goodwill and cooperation across the disparate and diverse GOP?
And if a "a stronger, purer GOP" emerges, doesn't that imply a leaner GOP too? Remember: it's still votes that win elections. A lean GOP is at an inherent disadvantage.
Zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz zzzzz....
Of course, building a BIG TENT PARTY requires having ideas, different from the other guy, that can appeal to the masses.
Nothing about Romney appeals to the great unwashed American masses. Same for anything Romney offers policy-wise.
In fact, you could ask what, specifically, Romney has offered that is substantially different from business-as-usual? Very little!
He is a boring man. Uninspiring.
Belated good night to Julius & everyone else (and thanks, chickenlittle).
Ron Paul with 18%, wow. Let's hear it for the Tea Party vote. :)
If all that more-of-the-same, business-as-usual Mitt Romney is going to do is slow down the bus off the cliff from 100 mph to 75 mph, then we most assuredly are worse off by electing him.
There are three possibilities here.
Possibility one is that you aren't actually serious about stopping the upcoming plunge off the cliff.
Possibility two is that you're supporting Gary Johnson or Ron Paul for President.
Possibility three is that you realize Johnson and Paul are highly unlikely to win, so you're voting for Romney because he's better than Obama.
Voting for Gingrich or Santorum falls under #1; they're as bad as Romney and unelectable besides.
Getting past Julie's pay-no-attention-to-that-man-behind-the-curtain nonsense, there's a good piece on Ace talking about how Milton's play-it-safe style comes from watching his father see the nomination slip through his fingers with the "brainwashed" line.
Something else hit me, though. How much does the idea, given all the Mormons went through in this country, that he could vindicate them by turning the country around play into his thinking?
If he could even start the country, much less do it all, in 4 or 8 years, down the road not just to recovery, but to a new and better day, imagine how, summing up his Administration, it might make him feel if his last words as POTUS could be, "And remember, this was done by a Mormon!"?
WV "unvir" castrare
Romney wins because he's a moderate. Newt might make a good representative in a very conservative district but he's a terrible candidate for President, a position where he would represent the entire nation.
If conservatives want a conservative president, they have to win their argument with the American people first. Stop trying to win a symbolic victory and start trying to win a real one.
"But Obama plays the politics game better."
Without the skin color Obama would still be in Illinois voting present.
You know it Julie, I know it, the majority of the country now knows it too.
"5. Stop singing. You look like a fucking idjit."
mittens problem in a nutshell as regards to all facets of his life/campaigning ie he's uncomfortable in his own skin and that's never gonna change!
You can put lipstick and earrings on a hog and call it Monique, but it's still a pig. ~ Ann Richards
It's nice to see that Paul continues to get about one fifth of the vote, even though no one expects him to be the nominee. I'd like to think this means that there are significant numbers of people who are still in favor of smaller gov't, less war adventures, more freedom. One of the few good signs in a land where we are all ....
in 2012 we Americans will have an historic opportunity.
We can select a man to be the first of his people to rise to the presidency. His people were persecuted, murdered and driven from their homes. They endured great hardship in exile. And in spite of this they stayed true to their values of family, hard work and community .
America can put its shame behind her by electing this man. Will America seize that opportunity?
Gosh, this "historic election " bit is easy.
America, will we elect another white elite? Will we elect a man who will only seek to protect his wealthy friends, a man who's stock in trade is to buy and destroy businesses and jobs?
Will we elect a man who adhere's to a sexist, racist and homophobic cult?
America we stand at the edge of the precipice. Do what is right!
ut now voting for the GOP is like sticking a fork up your ass. Nothing good can come from it.
As opposed to 4 straight years of $1 trillion dollar plus deficits and having 87.9 million people who are not working. The largest population of non-workers the country has seen since the government started keeping records in 1975.
PS: The unemployment rate was 4.6% and the deficit 260 billion when the Democrats took control of Congress in 2007.
Flip flopper
Magic underwear
Coming to a TV screen near you this fall
"But Obama plays the politics game better."
I guess that's why the 2010 elections turned out so swell for his party.
And his approval numbers have dropped the fastest in modern memory. Even more quickly than Jimmy Carter's.
Unfortunately for you Jay, the economy seems to be picking up. At the wrong time for Republicans.
garage mahal said...
Unfortunately for you Jay, the economy seems to be picking up
If the economy is getting better, then why are there 6 million less jobs in America today than there were before the recession started?
If the economy is getting better, then why has the number of Americans on food stamps increased by 3 million since this time last year and by more than 14 million since Barack Obama entered the White House?
Don't worry, you'll just keep lying to yourself as the lies you need to tell yourself in order to be a leftist are endless.
"voting for the GOP is like sticking a fork up your ass."
As opposed to voting for the Democrat and having the Treasury pulled OUT OF YOUR ASS, eh?
Note to Romney campaign:
take this 2004 MoveOn.org ad, change the debt number and the President's name and run it till the cows come home.
I'm sure the GOP message of rooting against the economy is going to be a big winner in November. Pathetic.
garage mahal said...
Unfortunately for you Jay, the economy seems to be picking up
Um, really?
The Standard & Poor’s Case-Shiller seasonally adjusted housing index for 20 cities dropped again in November, the last month for which data were available, falling to a level not seen since 2003.
PS: he civilian labor force tumbled to a fresh 30 year low of 63.7% in January.
garage mahal said...
I'm sure the GOP message of rooting against the economy is going to be a big winner in November
Now that you've been proven idiotic on one point, move on to the next dumb one.
Remember, shouting "jobless recovery" while Bush is in office = good! But pointing out facts while Obama is in office = bad.
IMO too much can happen--especially on the international scene: Euro finances, Iran, Syria and the like. I think its way too early for definitive judgments.
Paul Ryan is out scolding Obama for bypassing Congress to create jobs.
Congress has a 8% approval rating.
garage mahal said...
Paul Ryan is out scolding Obama for bypassing Congress to create jobs
If it weren't for lies, you'd have nothing to say.
It's a straw man festival...
If it weren't for lies, you'd have nothing to say.
Which in Jay's upside down world means: True
I knew Willard would win in Nevada! Nevada has a significant number of Mormons and we all know that Willard runs strong among fellow cultists.
You would have thought that after three years of Obama, that the Republican electorate would have learned something. We did seem to indicate in 2010 that we had learned the right lesson, but apparently that was a fluke and we are right back to where we were.
With the upcoming annointing of Romney as our savior, albeit not with the pomp and excitement of Lord Obama, but instead with a grimness and dogged determination to ram that square peg into that round hole, we show that we are still a party and nation of enablers and co-dependents. Blinding ourselves to the obvious, refusing to see what is in front of us, refusing to do what must be done.
You have thought that we had learned our lesson. But it is clear now that we must hit bottom before people finally get it. We must hit bottom and maybe -- maybe -- if their heads crash hard enough on the rocks, it will knock some sense into them.
garage mahal said...
Paul Ryan is out scolding Obama for bypassing Congress to create jobs.
Congress has a 8% approval rating.
Neither one of which can actually create a job.
garage mahal said...
Which in Jay's upside down world means: True
And of course in that link nowhere is Ryan scolding Obama for bypassing Congress to create jobs
Not anywhere.
At all.
You silly little liar.
"It's a straw man festival..."
Indeed, to go along w/the daily conservative red herring festival ie conservative deflections and 24/7 whining = Althouse in a nutshell.
You know exactly what I said was true in regards to Ryan. Ryan knows the Fed is creating jobs, and he doesn't want to create any jobs. You don't either you spiteful, inelegant, little twat. The GOP wanted Americans to be as miserable as humanly possible for four years to regain the White House. Everybody knows it. Or should know it.
garage mahal said...
You know exactly what I said was true in regards to Ryan. Ryan knows the Fed is creating jobs, and he doesn't want to create any jobs
Produce the quote from your link that demonstrates Ryan scolding Obama for bypassing Congress to create jobs
PS: if the "Fed is creating jobs" why is the labor force participation rate the lowest in 30 years?
Why are there 3 million more people on food stamps than at this time last year?
Oh, you're lying, that's why.
The GOP wanted Americans to be as miserable as humanly possible for four years to regain the White House.
That's a nice bit of projection you got going there, idiot.
Just because Democrats spent 8 years making idiotic comments about the economy and tried to convince everyone it was worse than it was, doesn't mean the Republicans wish do to the same.
Of course you're so dumb you actually believe the fed is creating jobs which nobody outside of you and 3 other tin foil hat wearing drooling imbeciles would believe.
garage mahal said...
You know exactly what I said was true in regards to Ryan.
What you said is false and it is example 867 of you pretending a link you offered says something it does not say.
What you said is false and it is example 867 of you pretending a link you offered says something it does not say.
Will you please provide links to examples 1 - 866? Thank you!
Bender said...
Not surprising that Romney won. Not surprising at all.
After all, in the November 2010 elections, a significant proportion of Republican voters preferred sh*t-for-brains Harry Reid over a conservative Republican candidate.
People in swing state Nevada went to the polls and had shit-for-brains Dirty Harry "the most hated man in Nevada" - up against the "most hated woman in Nevada" a true shit-for-brains "Believing Conservative" ideologue.
Republicans blew it with the right-wing idiot Sharron Angle. Lost a Senate seat going with a "convictions purist".
Meanwhile, voters trashed Harry Reid's son, running against an intelligent centrist and electable Republican - a vote that was seen as the condemnation of Harry Reid that they just couldn't see as worth the price of electing the odious Angle against the less odious Reid.
There is a lesson in that, Bender. I'm not sure you are savvy enough to get it though...many far right purists still blame the "dumb voters" for perky Christine O'Donnell losing as well when they could have had a Republican senator with Mike Castle, and of course the dumb voters of the Goddess Palin's home state in defeating Miller.
Will you please provide links to examples 1 - 866? Thank you!
Since when is it someone else's job to prove what has been obvious for a long time? If you show up late, catch yourself up.
Not a game changer, but important:
Hot Air's Ed Morrissey has come out for Rick Santorum.
Since when is it someone else's job to prove what has been obvious for a long time?
Logical fallacy. Please try harder next time.
Too bad, because Sanatorium is nothing but a statist, and that is where Mark Levin has gone wrong too. His whole career, he loved legislation, regulation, and social engineering if it suited his causes. Terry Schiavo was his tell. An earmarker, he's just a social conservative without the fiscal cred.
the Fed is creating jobs,
Nope. The fed is redistributing tax money. No actual wealth is being created. Wealth is being consumed.
Logical fallacy. Please try harder next time.
Great comeback. I'm impressed. Is Garage your best friends daddy?
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