January 23, 2012

Watching the GOP debate tonight.

1. Yes, again. I'll do numbered updates.

2. Gingrich — who looks tired and badly made up — is asked about electability. He says "a solid conservative... who has the courage to stand up to the Washington establishment" is exactly what the American people want.

3.  Gingrich will have a website responding to the "at least 4 things" Romney just said that are false.

4. Santorum gives a great answer to the question why he lost his Senate seat in Pennsylvania.

5. Romney isn't going to apologize for his success or for free enterprise, and he's critical of Gingrich for picking up the "weapons of the left," attacking capitalism.

6. Romney and Gingrich are given free rein to go back and forth against each other, with Romney accusing Gingrich of "influence peddling" and Gingrich seeming quite angry and defensive.

7. Gingrich opines that Castro will not "meet his Maker," because he's going to Hell. I suddenly figured out what's likeable about Gingrich: his unlikeability.

8. From my son John's live-blog: "Brian Williams asks Gingrich a ridiculous question: whether he'll shift in his views on foreign policy in order to get Ron Paul's endorsement. Williams seems like he isn't even trying to do a good job of moderating the debate." Ha ha.


Bob_R said...

If you consider one lunatic you should give a good look to the other. (I don't think of Santorum as a lunatic - just so very wrong.)

Bob_R said...

I live in VA so I get to choose between boring sanity and lunatic #2.

Right is right! said...

Newt is a fighter for the conservative cause. Romney is a liberal big government Republican. Why would anyone vote for Romney? Just be honest and vote for traitor Obama.

Automatic_Wing said...

The resident moby just loves the Newtster. Not surprising.

mesquito said...

Oh to hell with it. I'm going to bed.

I predict that when I wake up tomorrow one of the candidates will be found to have done something racist.

Anonymous said...

I am not a Mitt fan now but for Romney, a successful American businessman, having to defend being successful, is in my view anti American at its core and a very large part of what is wrong with this nation today.

machine said...

Hmmmm....Mitt or Newt......


Thank you Thank you Thank you.......

Original Mike said...

@NYT: Agreed. And it's Newt's criticism of same where Newt lost me.

David said...


Can someone make them stop?

Original Mike said...

Santorum and Paul might as well be plotted plants.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Revenant said...

I'm starting to get eye strain from rolling my eyes every time Gingrich classifies himself as NOT part of the Washington establishment.

Ironically, for all the flack he catches about being the "establishment candidate", Mitt Romney is the only actual Washington outsider left in the race.

Peter Hoh said...

Romney is going hard on Freddie Mac. Newt looks extremely uncomfortable. Let's see how he puffs himself up. Spewing B.S. in an even tone. I think he's trying to ride it out, but Mitt is locked in.

Newt is smiling. Okay, he's back on. I think he smells a weakness.

Oh, let's just let these two go at it all night.

Gingrich: "Let me be very clear."

Where have I heard that before?

Peter Hoh said...

I think Romney held his ground. I'm not sure he dinged Gingrich, but that's not important right now. Romney sounded a lot more natural than when I heard him attacking Gingrich this morning.

This may be the thing that wakes up Romney. And if he succeeds in beating back Gingrich, he will emerge as a stronger candidate in the general.

Right is right! said...

I can name a dozen things right off the top of my head that Newt has done for the conservative cause. Can anyone name just one thing Romney has done?

Anonymous said...

Original Mike-

Yes, politics is a dirty game and that's how it's played.

There is nothing on a personal level, it's how the game is played.

machine said...

Fannie and Freddie did not cause the housing collapse...

Why can't truth be a part of these debates?

Revenant said...

I can name a dozen things right off the top of my head that Newt has done for the conservative cause.

I'd be curious to see that list.

Fen said...

Fannie and Freddie did not cause the housing collapse

The Feds forced banks to make loans to people with poor credit, or have their business hamstrung over their "racist" polcies. Thats what caused the housing collapse.

My litmus issues, regardless of personality or character of the candidate:

1) repeal of Obamacare

2) control of our borders

3) rejection of all anti-business policies affecting the economy

Anonymous said...

"...who looks tired and badly made up..."

For the last few (2) weeks we (I) can see that the Professors mind has been swayed.

Romney it is for the professor! (on this side of the aisle anyway)

That Beautiful guy Obama still lurks on the other.

Anonymous said...

Fannie and Freddie did not cause the housing collapse

They absolutely, completely did. Everyone agrees with this, except you and Fannie and Freddie.

Chip Ahoy said...

I know that it is possible for machines to understand how bubbles work because once I saw a bubble machine.

I'm Full of Soup said...

OT food for thought re Americans having to apologize for their success.

I was watching the playoff games yesterday and wondered if the Harbaugh brothers, who are surely part of the greedy 1% [snark alert], were viewed by the 99% as ones who had been given an unfair head start in life.

In fact, almost of the game particpants yesterday are now part of the greedy 1%. And they epitomize the beauty of the American capitalist system.

Original Mike said...

"I can name a dozen things right off the top of my head that Newt has done for the conservative cause."

I'd like to ask Paul Ryan how many things he can name.

Chip Ahoy said...

Come to think of it, machines understand fog too.

garage mahal said...

Romney really took the starch out of Gingrich with classic bitch slap politics.

Anonymous said...

The Feds didn't force anything. I think you are wrong there, Fen. But the federal government allowed the bad loans with an implicit promise to buy up those loans in bundles and an actual buying up for years.

Perverse incentives work.

Anonymous said...

Romney really took the starch out of Gingrich with classic bitch slap politics.

God I hope so. Could you elaborate? I don't watch these travesties.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Libruls will never agree that Fwannie and Fweddie cause the housing bubble.

wv = jaysiz [saves]

deborah said...

nbc live link, hope it works


Mark O said...

"I suddenly figured out what's likeable about Gingrich: his unlikeability."

Ain't that just like a chick?

Anonymous said...

Revenant- Newt means "the GOP Establishment."

Bob Ellison said...

There's a debate?

I went to my TV feed and looked, and found none. So I assumed it was a blogging mistake. But the blog-comments went on. So I Googled it and found it was supposed to be on NBC. My NBC feed (via Comcast) says it's showing "Fear Factor", but it is, in fact, showing a GOP debate.

What means this?

Anonymous said...

Very unseemly of Mitt, that lengthy harangue at Newt. Mitt hasn't shown me anything that would motivate me to vote for him, but at least until tonight he hadn't done anything really disgusting.

Jeeze! Typical self-absorbed petty power grabbing office seeker. "How dare you be up on this platform, Newt! This nomination is MINE! I DESERVE IT!"

Why am I surprised? That's the way the GOP works. Seniority rules!

Anonymous said...

"The Feds forced banks to make loans to people with poor credit, or have their business hamstrung over their "racist" polcies. Thats what caused the housing collapse."

Really, who doesn't know this?

Mark O said...

Try this. Ann Coulter suggested it as a thought experiment. Close your eyes. Can you envision Newt and Calista as President and First Lady?

The skin crawls.

Andy said...

If I were a Republican, I would be so proud watching Santorum and Paul and Gingrich and Romney battle it out.

Why are they still inviting Santorum and Paul, anyway?

Automatic_Wing said...

The Feds didn't force anything. I think you are wrong there, Fen. But the federal government allowed the bad loans with an implicit promise to buy up those loans in bundles and an actual buying up for years.

Well, if they disn't technically force anyone to make a particular loan, the Feds certainly "encouraged" the banks to make plenty of mortgage loans to underqualified borrowers, using their considerable regulatory power.

As a matter of fact, they're still doing it.

Dante said...

Newt is definitely not on his game tonight.

On the other hand, Romney reminded me of the stalking video of Al Gore walking up to intimidate Bush.

Anonymous said...

When Mr. Romney attacks he comes across like an attack puppy, not good.

Original Mike said...

"What means this?"

Left as an exercise for the reader.

edutcher said...

The thing that Milton has going for him is that he has a plan and some ideas. Newt really doesn't.

That is when the rubber meets the road. Newt will at some point have to say what he's going to do.

Up to now all he's done is talk concepts.

Dane County Taxpayer said...

Newt is a fighter for the conservative cause.

Two months ago the same people were saying what a Lefty he was.

machine said...

Hmmmm....Mitt or Newt......


That's hysteria.

He realizes all he's got is GodZero.

Andy R. said...

If I were a Republican, I would be so proud watching Santorum and Paul and Gingrich and Romney battle it out.

Unlike the Demos who are afraid to primary Zero?

Last time, he was nominated because nobody wanted to be called raaacisst.

Oh, yeah, much better process.

Anonymous said...

"...If I were a Republican..."

You wouldn't be such an asshole.

Did I guess right? Of course.

Mark O said...

Newt wants to go steady again. Says he's changed.

How does that usually work out?

Peter Hoh said...

No cable (or dish) at my house. I'm watching this over the air.

Fen said...

Seven: The Feds didn't force anything. I think you are wrong there, Fen.

Do x or be punished with y. Its not "force" I guess:

"At President Clinton’s direction, no fewer than 10 federal agencies issued a chilling ultimatum to banks and mortgage lenders to ease credit for lower-income minorities or face investigations for lending discrimination and suffer the related adverse publicity. They also were threatened with denial of access to the all-important secondary mortgage market and stiff fines, along with other penalties"

ie. give the loans or be tarred as racists and boxed out of markets, then watch as your competition runs you out of business. But yes, its not "forced", its not like they held a gun to their head.

Anonymous said...

"...Newt will at some point have to say what he's going to do."

Easy Ed there are a lot of long knives pointed at Newt just now.

Original Mike said...

Can we have co-Presidents? Paul for domestic policy and anybody else for foreign policy.

Andy said...

The cranky old man, the Christianist frothy mixture, the robot, and Gingrich (who defies description).

I suspect we are going to have Republicans calling for a dark horse candidate to take over the nomination when one of these messes is giving his nominating speech at the convention.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Mark O said:

"Newt wants to go steady again. ....How does that usually work out?"

I guess we could ask Mrs. Gringrich #1. We already know how #2 will answer. Heh.

Spread Eagle said...

I don't care for Romney or Gingrich. Each have serious debilitating baggage. The primary process has turned into a circular firing squad, maybe as it should be, but the problem is the leftards within and without the media have systematically deconstructed all alternatives.

Anonymous said...

Mark O's metaphor is so right on. Flings with Palin, Bachmann, and Cain have left all these conservatives longing for an authentic candidate boyfriends heartbroken. So, now it's back to an old flame from a long time ago. He was pretty bad then -- so many people you knew hated him -- but you just refuse to give up in your quest for authenticity.

So it's bad to the Washington outsider who has been a central part of Washington since people who are now college graduates were not even born.

Good luck to you! I hope you find what you are looking for. But remember: life is short.

Anonymous said...

Andy is an anti-Christian bigot. You embarrass yourself, bigot.

Andy said...

No, Fannie and Freddie didn't cause the housing crisis. More here.

Fen said...

Andy can't even make his own argument. LOL.

Andy said...

It's really great seeing Seven Machos stand up for anti-gay Christian bigotry. Proudly supporting Christians in their hatred of the gays isn't going to backfire!

Fen said...

...and he links to Mother Jones as his authority on financial advice..

Anonymous said...

Fen -- That's a good argument.

I remember reading how some leftist group that was suing for easy credit in the 1990s is now suing because some minority group is adversely affected by the currently disastrous housing market.

I envy the chutzpah. I do.

Andy said...

Andy can't even make his own argument. LOL.

There have been multiple books and reports written on the housing crisis. You expected me to retype all of that into the Althouse comment box?

Try reading something. Educate yourself.

Anonymous said...

Andy hates Christians.
Andy says that Christians hate gays.

Where does that leave Andy?


garage mahal said...

Starting to sense some real rifts between Gingrich and Romney supporters on the internet.

Maybe I can help? I'm here. Talk to me!

Fen said...

Andy: Proudly supporting Christians in their hatred of the gays isn't going to backfire!

Andy thinks disagreemnent over values = hatred

ergo, Andy must hate Christians, Republicans, conservatives, libertarians, etc.

So much hatred Andy! You should write a book. You can call it "My Struggle"

Original Mike said...

"Try reading something. Educate yourself."

Andy is Luckyoldson???

Anonymous said...

Garage -- Don't worry. Every time the rifts begin to show, bigoted shitheads like Andy show up and everybody coalesces.

Good work, Andy. Bigot.

Anonymous said...

"...No, Fannie and Freddie didn't cause the housing crisis. More here."

The funny thing is and the thing that you don't realize is that nobody has to click that link to know that it's false.

shiloh said...

Just mentioned at another site this debate definitely needs the SC yahoo audience which kept everyone awake in the last dabate w/their awkward cheering.

Otherwise a total snooze ...

Fen said...

Andy: You expected me to retype all of that into the Althouse comment box?

Everyone else here (right or wrong) has been able to paraphrase their opinion of what caused the crises.

But no, I did not expect you to do so. Outcome based education left you handicapped.

Andy said...

Andy hates Christians.
Andy says that Christians hate gays.

No, I hate the Christians because they have the gays.

If there are any Christians that don't hate the gays, I think they are dumb for believing in a made-up god, but I don't hate them.

edutcher said...

Excellent point on Willie, Fen.

NYTNewYorker said...

"...Newt will at some point have to say what he's going to do."

Easy Ed there are a lot of long knives pointed at Newt just now.

A week from now, I have a feeling they'll be a lot longer.

I was thinking this earlier and then heard Dr Rove say the same thing. Right, wrong, or indifferent, he needs to put out some position papers on these issues.

Andy R. said...

The cranky old man, the Christianist frothy mixture, the robot, and Gingrich (who defies description).

Asshole, I really hope you pull that Christianist nonsense with somebody who won't take it.

As for frothy mixture, you align yourself with a raving psychotic who places himself against every structure of civilization.

But that's what it takes to be one of the idiots who Occupies.

I suspect we are going to have Republicans calling for a dark horse candidate to take over the nomination when one of these messes is giving his nominating speech at the convention.

Well, isn't that raaacisst.

The only people like that will be the Democrats when Barry's teleprompter breaks down.

Original Mike said...

"...nobody has to click that link to know that it's false."

Andy is garage???

Anonymous said...

Andy is an anti-Christian bigot. Everyone please ignore his rantings. They are no better than the worst racist tripe.

shiloh said...

Rep party elders/hierarchy/establishment must now be hoping for a brokered convention.

Fen said...

Andy: No, I hate the Christians because they have the gays.

Classic Libtardism. You must falsely accuse Christians of hatred to justify retaliatory hatred of them.

At least it reveals you have a sense of shame. Thats progress I guess.

Seven is right - you are a bigot.

Original Mike said...

Florida put the first man on the moon? Full of yourself, much?

Bob Ellison said...

This guy Adam Smith seems out of his water.

Fen said...

Andy: It's really weird you think I'm not supposed to hate people that hate the gays.

No, what's really weird is that you can't comprehend why your position is illogical, immoral and dishonorable.

No worries, by your own standard, we can all hate you for your hatred of people who hate you.

Just remember that you deserve it.

Anonymous said...

"...A week from now, I have a feeling they'll be a lot longer."

Lol ain't that a fact.

Andy said...

Are you folks denying that there are Christians that hate the gays?

We can start with the Catholics and then work through each Christian group and decide how much they hate the gays.

Bob Ellison said...

Newt: "...make the space coast literally hum with activity..."

Is this a kazoo plan?

Anonymous said...

Andy, you must want to be on another thread, this one is for the debate I think.

Peter Hoh said...

Williams just asked the question that Dane County Taxpayer raised back at 8:17.

Peter Hoh said...

Andy, Catholics tend to favor marriage equity more than the national average.

Fen said...

Andy: Are you folks denying that there are Christians that hate the gays?

Yes. By definition, Christians hate the sin but not the sinner. Therefore, no Christians "hate" gays.

Sorry, but your feeble fallacy didn't deserve a better response.

Tell me Andy, do you frown upon children having sex with adults? Does that mean you hate kids?

Anonymous said...

It seems that Rick Santorum is staying in just in case the other two disintegrate, or for VP.

Andy said...

By definition, Christians hate the sin but not the sinner.

Yeah, but the "sin" is what it means to be a gay person. In my book, calling people "intrinsically disordered" means you hate them. Again, it's shocking seeing all of you supporting Christian anti-gay bigotry.

Original Mike said...

I think Althouse fell asleep.

edutcher said...

Andy R. said...

Are you folks denying that there are Christians that hate the gays?

We can start with the Catholics and then work through each Christian group and decide how much they hate the gays.

Every weekend, the papers are full of reports of Mick, Eyeties, and Squareheads laying waste the gay bars in their city.

Unlike the fans of Dan Savage who would never desecrate a Catholic cathedral.

Automatic_Wing said...

Yet another thread devoted to Andy R. and his many neuroses. Yawn.

Revenant said...

Revenant- Newt means "the GOP Establishment."

Then he should say that. Either way, it is still highly eye-rollable. Gingrich used to be one of the major figures *in* the GOP establishment before he got fired from the job.

Cedarford said...

Revenant said...
I'm starting to get eye strain from rolling my eyes every time Gingrich classifies himself as NOT part of the Washington establishment.

Ironically, for all the flack he catches about being the "establishment candidate", Mitt Romney is the only actual Washington outsider left in the race.

I think besides Romney, Ron Paul is a legitimate outsider. He has been a long term Congressman who arrived as a rebel, but unlike the likes of Gingrich, McCain - never was co-opted by the power brokers.
Romney is a bona fide outsider who would govern like the usual good competent governor - vs being owned by K Street and Capital Hill - which is what would happen or actually happens when you have a Senator or a former House member.

Anonymous said...

Andy R. said... "...In my book..."

traditionalguy said...

FNMA and FHLMC were good institutions until a strange thing happened in 1998 when they morphed into a disastrous new role for themselves.

They always combined the approved mortgage standards of the industry to create a relatively safe market for investors in mortgages.

In 1998 a decision was made to ue them and their good reputation to create 100%, or effectively more %, loan to value loans with no mortgage insurance premiums That cornered the hmoe loan market and all of its spin off fees and bonuses.

This was intentionally done to draw back some of the world held dollars here by creating a building boom here. If they had stopped by 2004, it may not have hurt as bad.

But the Dems let the boom and the 30% rise in prices a year bubble to continue to line their pockets and wrecked the whole system.

Incidentally, Gingrich had no influence to left to peddle after he resigned from the House in 1999.

Mark O said...

Things we heard Newt say that are so clearly false that we gaffawed:

1. He is a Washington outsider.

2. He was not a lobbyist for Fannie and Freddie.

And, likely, a third.

"I've changed."

Bob Ellison said...

I am shocked, shocked, to find that political correctness is going on here.

le Douanier said...

Trad guy,

So, what percentage of Fannie and Freddie loans were 100% or more loan to value in each of the years after 1998?

[That's the problem w/ complete BS. No Data.]

le Douanier said...

BTW, I know it's OT, but did folks know that Trooper has gone "private?"

I don't know about y'all, but I've already secured one of the entry tickets.

traditionalguy said...

Pbandjfellowrepublican... Close to all of them. There were still old time loans where smart people wanted to borrow as little as possible. But as the prices went up it became a casino where All In Bets were the usual strategy.

Anonymous said...

"...did folks know that Trooper has gone "private?""

Fuck him where he puts his macaroni.

le Douanier said...


So, you have documentation stating that close to all Fannie and Freddie loans were 100% or more LTV (and w/o mortgage insurance) since 1998.

Would you like to provide a link to the source(s) you are referring to?

[That's the problem w/ complete BS. No Data.]

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Where was Newt's anger tonight? The anger, the anger, we need his anger! It makes us powerful!

Anonymous said...

Andy R. said...

'Yeah, but the "sin" is what it means to be a gay person.'

If you define yourself by your behavior, don't be surprised if others react negatively to your behavior, and thus to your self-definition.

'In my book, calling people "intrinsically disordered" means you hate them.'

Certain behaviors are intrinsically disordered and self-destructive. Homosexuality is regarded no differently in this than alcoholism; the only difference is that alcoholics aren't currently demanding societal approval of their particular behavior.

(Don't know why I bother posting this; it's wasted energy. Andy R. is exactly like Andrew Sullivan in that his position on every issue is 100% predictable, based upon which side of the issue better advances the cause of normalizing homosexuality.)

Andy said...

"To non-political junkies, these four guys look like a weenie, a wimp, a weasel, and a wacko."
-source: National Review(!) blogger.

That's a better insult than I came up for them. The funny thing is that I'm not sure which label goes with which candidate because they are all so bad. I'm assuming Paul is the wacko, but what about the rest? Can someone fill me in?

Peter Hoh said...

KimJongNumberUn tweets: Smart of Gingrich to travel everywhere with that scary-looking lady bodyguard in the yellow helmet.

Andy said...

Certain behaviors are intrinsically disordered and self-destructive. Homosexuality is regarded no differently in this than alcoholism; the only difference is that alcoholics aren't currently demanding societal approval of their particular behavior.

This is the reasoning from someone saying that Catholics don't hate the gays? Can someone come up with anything better? As a gesture of good faith, I'm going to assume someone can come up with a better argument than this.

le Douanier said...

So, can folks help me out?

I'm on the left coast so I can choose to watch or not watch the debate when it plays at nine, our time.

Should I pass. I've just repainted, and based on the reviews I've read on the tubes, I'm torn. But, I'm leaning to watching the drying process rather than the debate.

Right call?

le Douanier said...

""To non-political junkies, these four guys look like a weenie, a wimp, a weasel, and a wacko.""

I think they look like that to everybody.

Who here can't ID which label goes w/ which candidate?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Did he say why he wanted to make it private, PBJ?

Rose said...

Fire @bwilliams WORST debate ever - WORST questions ever. STUPID, stoooooooopid. Unbelievably horrible, no good very bad questions. 50 variations on "Who's more conservative>" and "How do you plan to win?" Intellectually shallow.

No Solyndra. No fast&Furious. No Eric Holder. No voter fraud.......... what is wrong with Brian Williams?

le Douanier said...

He's going to spill inside stuff re his new reality TV show.

He thinks there could be negative repercussions w/ an open site.

BTW, if I'm getting in, you can be 1000% sure that you are.

Original Mike said...

"To non-political junkies, these four guys look like a weenie, a wimp, a weasel, and a wacko."

Yet, any one of them would be a vast improvement over President Downgrade. Amazing.

Andy said...

Who here can't ID which label goes w/ which candidate?

Fill me in please.

deborah said...

I don't know which the NRO poster meant, but that's a great Rorschach test.

le Douanier said...


How can it not be:


Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Thanks, PB.

I might join, but in case I get lazy and forget, just let him know that I wish him all the best with the show, which also goes for the rest of the gang.

shiloh said...

"Did he say why he wanted to make it private, PBJ?"

It's private. :-P

A group of hoity-toity nerds once broke away from a reality site and a gossip reality blog mentioned By being a private site you may as well be in a dark room mastubating because you sure aren't (pro)creating.

wv: reelity :D

le Douanier said...


I, unlike you, am not in that gang.

I read him, but don't comment.

The only reason I commented today was because I wanted to make sure I could keep reading.

Original Mike said...

Nah, I'm guessing Romney is the wimp and Santurom is the weenie. Not that I think that's fair to Santurom.

Writ Small said...

Incidentally, Gingrich had no influence to left to peddle after he resigned from the House in 1999.

And yet somehow Newt started his lucrative career as Freddie Mac's consulting "historian" in 2001. For another nine years Gingrich put a conservative veneer of respectability on the organization the Wall Street Journal sounded the alarm about almost weekly and which was one of the most destructive failures in government in the past twenty years.

garage mahal said...

The only reason I commented today was because I wanted to make sure I could keep reading.

How do you comment on a private blog?

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
le Douanier said...


He gave a four (or so) hour warning before the lights went out. I commented in the thread that made the announcement.

Col Mustard said...

ass + hat = ?

garage mahal said...

Been avoiding Trooper's blog like the plague a week before and after the Giants-Packer game.

Fen said...

Andy: In my book, calling people "intrinsically disordered" means you hate them.

You might as well call it racist. Makes as much sense.

Here's a clue: disapproval of someone else's values does not equal hatred of them.

But like I said upthread - you're just imagining a non-existant hatred to justify your own.

Try this: if you expect tolerance for your own values, try to extend tolerance for people who's values you disapprove of.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

PB - He's a good guy, welcoming to all, and interested in promoting a good/friendly environment to all who are interested. He wisely chooses to stay away from places where he doesn't feel that's the case. I respect that and to each one's own.

It sounds like he's doing what's best for him. I think we can respect the privacy he wants over there and keep this thread confined to the more raucous issue put forward in the blog entry.

And yes, thanks again.

Andy said...

I love that a national review blogger can unload a bunch of insults at the republican messes and it's unclear which is which because they are all so terrible.

You're debating who is the wimp and who is the weenier and you think these people can be president?

Fen said...

and you think these people can be president?

Any of them would be better than the current incompetent diversity hire.

This election will be about voting Obama out of office. Mickey Mouse would be electable.

deborah said...

PJ, since it was written by an NRO blogger, you're probably right that that's what he meant.

But the average non political junkie, which is who the blogger was referring to, might have a different view of how to fill in the blanks. For example, Newt might be the wacko and Romney the weasel.

a psychiatrist who learned from veterans said...

Gingrich opines that Castro will not "meet his Maker," because he's going to Hell. I suddenly figured out what's likeable about Gingrich: his unlikeability.

I thought it was a good example of your earlier statement, when he was nobody in the race, that you were 'impressed he listened to the question.' I thought it was rather droll. I don't know about him being terribly made up. I thought he looked like the fellow at the wake about whom you might say, 'He looks just like himself.'

Writ Small said...

Newt on lobbying at Freddie

Scroll to the 1:34 point in the video:

Newt: "I want to state unequivocally for every person watching tonight, I have never once changed my position because of any kind of payment, because the truth is I was a national figure who was doing just fine doing a whole variety of things including writing bestselling books, making speeches, and the fact is I only chose to work with people whose values I shared, and having people have a chance to buy a house is a value I believe still is important in America."

That was from the debate just over a month ago. “The truth is. . .” “The fact is. . .” What’s worse? That he took $30,000 per month to be their historian or that he shares Freddie Mac’s values?

David said...

This is democracy in action, folks. It's ugly, but do you have a better idea?

Anonymous said...

David -- I have many, many Grandiose Ideas.

traditionalguy said...

That was the worst excuse for a debate moderator ever seen. Brian Williams was nearly retarded.

His questions were pathetic attempts at tricking each candidate into admitting things he accused them of once being for, and he was not even good at doing that.

Romney did manage a smile once or twice. His new coach is helping him.

That coach also taught Romney to try not to let Gingrich answer but to keep talking and hold the floor lecturing Newt as he ignored any responses attempted by Newt.

That was exactly the style used by Michelle Bachmann who got away with it as a woman because interrupting her tirades would seem rude.

It helped Romney seem powerful, but it also made him seem scatterbrained and female in the sense that rules of respecting others did not apply to him.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I think Neut's done anyway, TG. If not done, than at least Newtralized. There are cultural differences from state to state, as Ron Paul loves to remind everyone, and the reddest of red meat can be thrown out a lot easier in South Carolina than just about anywhere else.

Of course, other states might allow Neut to push the balance back over to red-meat land a bit. But in Florida, those geezers don't need anyone upsetting their blood pressure any more than necessary.

From the one clip I've seen so far (and what I've read), Neut did a very skilled job of reading that audience and toning it down appropriately.

Andy said...

This is democracy in action, folks. It's ugly, but do you have a better idea?

Better candidates.

Anonymous said...

Better candidates

Voters who aren't disgusting, annoying anti-Christian and anti-religious bigots.


Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ritmo Re-Animated said...

As for Romney, he's suffered from a long career of expecting others to serve and listen to him without ever having to extend the same courtesy back to them in return.

It's deadly toxic.

But it's the only medicine the right has for their materialistic corporatist wing.

This is Plastic Man's moment, no doubt. If any time demanded someone whose materialism, shamelessness and lack of scruples or respect for others were equally sky-high, now would be that time.

It's a total eclipse of American morality and principles, and the question is whether we wait for the moon to pass and daylight to return, or go for the glow-in-the-dark bastard from Bain before the sun comes up.

Anonymous said...

Curly -- Do you fear than Romney will appoint mouth-breathing conservative Supreme Court justices like Stevens?

Dribble about that for us.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

What do you fear about Obama, Ski Mask? Because you certainly can't seem to get it through your thick and arrogant skull that candidates who pass off the top spot for three contests in a row signal a party undergoing a major schism and decline.

But keep up the bravado, jerky. Just like Romney. Never admit anything. Go down proudly with that sinking ship and blame the iceberg.


Anonymous said...

Meadowlark -- Great dribbling! Very good evasion. I take it you are concerned that Romney will appoint paleolithic-era conservatives like Stevens.

Remind us all how Stevens is a bad, old conservative who sided with Scalia and Thomas in Kelo. Good God, you were hilarious that day, you stupid fucker.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

You obviously bring up trifles from the past as a way to deflect the fact that you're screwed beyond belief.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

BTW, I never sided with the majority in Kelo. But I wouldn't be surprised if lying helps your poor memory feel stronger.

traditionalguy said...

Ritmo...I agree with you about Neut being a skilled speaker. But I too wonder if that will be enough to beat the GOP insiders and then Obama and his media whores.

I almost feel sorry for Myth Romney.He is the actual un-electable one. But he cannot see past his carefully laid plans to coast to the open Obama seat in 2012.

Myth must first learn how to connect with the white working class voters. Just owning the stock that owns their employers ain't enough to connect with them on their level.

I enjoy reading your intelligent comments, as always.

shiloh said...

Heard a cou­ple days ago the favorite son stop Newt plan ie every remaining Rep pri­mary they put the most pop­u­lar Rep state politi­cian in each state on the bal­lot, so said patriot ;) siphons off votes from gin­grich, ensur­ing a bro­kered con­ven­tion at the very least …

ie party elders/​hierarchy/​establishment are scared shit­less! of Newton Leroy getting the nomination. :D

Anonymous said...

Curly -- You still don't understand Kelo, or which justices wrote which opinions.


LilEvie said...

Newt is a tired old crankypants. No one will say he won this one. Romney won the long exchange. Then it got boring, like reading anything about hatboy.

Give B. Williams credit, at least he didn't hurl a chunk of red meat for Newt to chew up.

Romney shouldn't worry. Nevada (LDS) up next. Colorado and home-state Michigan. At the end of the rainbow Cali with 172 delegates.

le Douanier said...

Okay, I've listened to almost an hour of this thing (on the left coast, it's only half finished), I'm dunzo.

It's all really boring. The tubes really overhyped the big Newt v Romney battle re the GSEs. Based on what I'd read, I was expecting a lot more.

Anywho, my final conclusion: the evil, librul lamestream media silenced the audience (i.e real Americans) because they hate liberty. And, Romney had the best tie.

Dante said...


You hate Christians because they hate gays.

A study showed that most men who are violent against gays are probably gay themselves. At least, they get aroused watching gay porn.

Does that mean you hate gays?

Dante said...

I wonder what others thought about the exchange between Gingrich and Ron Paul. It seemed as if something happened between them. They were talking about where they agree, and it seems they cut some deal on finances.

I think it took a lot out of Newt, but Ron Paul seemed as even keeled as ever. In fact, he seemed quite a bit relaxed, and not as strident, as if he finally got somewhere.

My guess is something happened there, and Newt absorbed a whole other paradigm in a few hours, and it drained the man.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

The reason the Republicans are screwed is because of the attitudes of elitist scumbags, like Seven Machos, for instance.

Notice how he believes it's his job to tell me what I think.

Anyway, it looks like it's safe to say that the relevant discussion's been had. And I'm glad you got something out of it, too, TG. It's good to know that some of you can listen, think and respond without bottling up the insane pressure of an attitude so defensive that it gives away everything about what you're concerned about, and nothing about why or what can be done about it.

Others, not so much.

Wally Kalbacken said...

Newt is going to win here in FL - a winner take all state. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!

Bender said...

I almost feel sorry for Myth Romney. He is the actual un-electable one. But he cannot see past his carefully laid plans to coast to the open Obama seat in 2012.

Good one. I like it. "Myth" Romney. And appropriate too.

His sure-fire electability is a myth, together with mixtures of delusion and arrogant presumption.

Even after trashing his opponents, the Romney team expects the supporters of those other candidates to reward him by simply fall in line and rallying to him if he gets the nomination by being the last man standing.

It began with the Romney camp snarking and sniggering and trashing Sarah Palin on the sly. Then, when Obama was on the ropes, knees wobbling, and very near to going down, Romney saves him by turning his fire on fellow Republicans instead, taking the heat off of Obama. Romney started attacking then-frontrunner Perry from the left over accurately calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme. Next, you can bet that it was the Romney camp who was behind spreading the dirt on Herman Cain. And then we come to Newt.

And Romney expects that we are going to rally to him out of some sense of obligation if he gets the nomination. As if he is entitled to it. Ha. A double ha since many of his own supporters have vowed to not support Newt if he gets the nomination.

Opus One Media said...

I just want to thank all you republicans for narrowing the field to this set of choices.

Really can't thank you enough. Thank you.

Thank you.

Very very much.

Anonymous said...

Then, when Obama was on the ropes, knees wobbling, and very near to going down

What does this comically strained metaphor even mean? Was Obama about to resign? Was he actually beaten up and close to falling down?

You live in a sad fantasy world and you can't even write well about it. My heart goes out to you.

Incidentally, though, should Romney fall in line if, say, Gingrich is the nominee given Gingrich's maltreatment of Romney?

Anonymous said...

you can bet that it was the Romney camp who was behind spreading the dirt on Herman Cain

Yeah, all those Cain supporters who flocked to Romney. Thousands. Hundreds of thousands!

What's that? They flocked to Gingrich? And Gingrich is a Washington insider with close relations to the very press he insolently chides?

So it was quite obviously Gingrich who gained by Cain's implosion? I see.

But Romney did in Cain. Because Romney is evil.

chuck b. said...

THIS--> "I suddenly figured out what's likeable about Gingrich: his unlikeability."


rcommal said...

What's up with the time stamps on these comments (at least the "earlier-ish" ones)? Quite disconcerting, really. Or am I the only who noticed/is seeing the oddity? [Granted, I stopped reading probably a quarter-whatever the way through: but it was indeed because I found that quirk too distracting.]

rcommal said...

Heh. I can ASSURE you that my just-previous comment was NOT posted at 1:29 a.m. Central ...

Brian Brown said...

machine said...
Fannie and Freddie did not cause the housing collapse...

Yes, yes they did.

Brian Brown said...

Andy R. said...
No, Fannie and Freddie didn't cause the housing crisis. More here.

Yes, because like Mother Jones is financial authority in these matters.

Writ Small said...

It began with the Romney camp snarking and sniggering and trashing Sarah Palin on the sly. Then, when Obama was on the ropes, knees wobbling, and very near to going down, Romney saves him by turning his fire on fellow Republicans instead, taking the heat off of Obama. Romney started attacking then-frontrunner Perry from the left over accurately calling Social Security a Ponzi scheme. Next, you can bet that it was the Romney camp who was behind spreading the dirt on Herman Cain.

A new classic in the genre of fact-free attacks on Romney.

I ♥ Willard said...

Willard knocked the ball out of the park again! I declare Willard the winner.

I think we should also thank Willard for his generous gifts to the Mormon Cult. Because of Willard, we can be sure that the process of sending our ancestors to Mormon heaven to be servants will continue as will the regular visits of Mormons to our neighborhoods to spread the word.

Brian Brown said...

Andy R. said...
No, Fannie and Freddie didn't cause the housing crisis. More here.

Instead of linking to Mother Jones about topics you don't understand, you may want to do some reading on the topic to cure your ignorance.

Note: I will amend my comments to say that "Affordable Housing" policies pushed by Democrats caused the housing crisis - Fannie & Freddy were simply the tools they used.

Here are some links to help you cure your ignorance.

1. HUD stuck with an outdated policy that allowed Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae to count billions of dollars they invested in subprime loans as a public good.

2. In 2000, Cuomo required a quantum leap in the number of affordable, low-to-moderate-income loans that the two mortgage banks—known collectively as Government Sponsored Enterprises—would have to buy.

3. F&F became the largest buyers of subprime and Alt-A mortgages between 2004 and 2007, with total GSE exposure eventually exceeding $1 trillion.

4. Democratic lawmakers demanded that the company buy more loans that had been made to low-income and minority homebuyers. (“I’m not worried about Fannie and Freddie’s health, I’m worried that they won’t do enough to help out the economy,” the chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, Barney Frank, Democrat of Massachusetts, said at the time.

5. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac executives told the world that their subprime exposure was substantially smaller than it really was

Thanks for participating.

MadisonMan said...

I'd be curious to see why Santorum thinks he lost in PA.

Guess I'll go look. Althouse says he gave a great answer. I am suspicious.

Anonymous said...

I've never seen one party seem so intent on losing an election. If it's Gingrich, the GOP will be demolished in a landslide election.

If it's Romney, it's still a loss, just slightly closer.

Paddy O said...

"I've never seen one party seem so intent on losing an election."

Never? That's pushing it. Maybe not since 2004, 1996, 1988, 1984, etc. at least.

Saint Croix said...

key to Mitt winning: bring the fight to Obama. Can you make an angry, outraged attack on Obama? Can you attack Obama like you attack Republicans?

The vibe I get from you is that you are nice-nice until it appears that you might not get what you want. Then and only then do you attack and show your mean side. So this makes you seem like a big phony. I think, "that's the fucker who put his dog on top of the car."

Right now, you only get angry when you might be unemployed. What about the other unemployed? What about ordinary Americans? Get angry for us. Fight for us.

When you say Obama is a "nice guy" who is "in over his head," all I hear is smug, and possibly racist, superiority. I just want to kneecap you and take your wallet so you can pat me on the head and tell me how underprivileged I am.

Obama is your opponent. Take him seriously and fight him. And if you can't do that, get the fuck off the stage.

key to Newt winning: hire some joke writers. Be a happy warrior. Every photo I see of you, you look like the fucking Grinch, or Scrooge on a bad day. Work on the funny.

Known Unknown said...

The cranky old man, the Christianist frothy mixture, the robot, and Gingrich (who defies description).

I suspect we are going to have Republicans calling for a dark horse candidate to take over the nomination when one of these messes is giving his nominating speech at the convention.

I can't wait until the hat is on the other head in 4 years.

Will you be here? Or will we have to find you and call you stupid for supporting whatever bevy of joke candidates the Democrats haul out?

chickelit said...

rcommal said...
What's up with the time stamps on these comments (at least the "earlier-ish" ones)?

I agree. It looks like funny business. It looks like the blog where time stood still.

shiloh said...

"I just want to thank all you republicans for narrowing the field to this set of choices.

Really can't thank you enough. Thank you.

Thank you.

Very very much."

Exactly! :)

jim said...

My sincere pity goes out to American GOP supporters. Their nominees for 2012 are one of the worst slates in the party's history. High unemployment should make this the Republicans' election by default, but Barack Obama looks set to do to the GOP what Reagan did to Democrats in 1984. The contrast is stark: Obama looks positive, relaxed & energized - the Republican nominees look surly, frantic & burned-out, & their national convention is still months away.

Willard M. Romney is the only candidate who does not come across as fueled by pure spite, which might at least make victory a viable goal - & the bulk of his own party has been strenuously trying to keep him from winning from Day One. Thus the surreal spectacle of fundamentalists throwing their support behind a serial adulterer whose previous stint in national politics ended in more than 80 counts of ehics violations. Then the surrealism intensifies as a pro-Gingrich group puts out an hour long anti-Romney screed that would be called Marxist (or perhaps Stlainist?) if it had come from the Democrats.

Co-opting & injecting Astroturf steroids into Ron Paul's Tea Party would've been a coup for the RNC ... if they'd waited until 2009 or 2011 to do it. The desperate need to "make healthcare into Obama's Waterloo" made them catastrophically mistime what should have been an epic right-wing victory in the same league as Viguerie, Coors, Falwell & Co.'s coalescing around Ronald Reagan in 1979. Not only did it fail to stop the passage of the ACA, but there is now (predictably) a Tea Party candidate for POTUS, & that trend will become stronger if the Republicans don't nominate "their" chosen nominee. The more truly grassroots it grows, the more it goes rogue & becomes a threat instead of an asset. Its influence on both the GOP's policy & its degree of basic governmental aptitude has been horrific: the House elected in 2010 was functionally unable to either swear in its members or pass its first bill, & even some conservatives think that John Boehner is in the running for Worst Speaker Ever. None dare attempt (if any know how) to wipe the mystical bar-code from the forehead of the Tea-Party Golem so it can somehow become sympatico with the Power Elite in-crowd that G.W. Bush laughingly (& honestly) referred to as "my base." Worse, their "Vote Against ALL Incumbents" subculture is alive & well (as a cursory skimming of any mainstream website's comment thread will confirm) ... & they are far more numerous in Red than in Blue states.

When Rick Santorum is seriously proposed as the next potential POTUS (be it ever so briefly) you know your party is going Full Emo via radical self-harm.

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