January 8, 2012


Broncos defeat the Steelers.

(We're watching — on TV — in Denver.)

ADDED: And Thomas!

AND: Here's the extremely cool sudden-death touchdown.


Beer, Bicycles and the VRWC said...

Take THAT Tebow haters.

paminwi said...

John Elway looked happy for once!

Curious George said...

Posted the same thing "tebow!" on my FB page.

Denver got screwed on a few calls so it's deserving.

Hey Steelers: Suck it!

The Crack Emcee said...

Thank goodness.

I was losing my faith there for a moment,...

Rockeye said...

Touchdown Jesus is tonight walking on the water of Pittsburg tears

Anonymous said...

John Elway needs braces for his teeth. And Tebow is manic or ADHD. Other than that not a bad game.

Rockeye said...

My own lack of faith has however led me, with sin in my heart, misspell the city which dare not speak it's name.

Bob Ellison said...

If Tebow wins the Superbowl and the MVP, will non-believers have a crisis of lack of faith?

Hunter said...

God has better ways to spend his time than fixing NFL games.

Cedarford said...

Well.....it likely will be over in the Next game playing New England AWAY up in Romneyland...BUT...excellent game by the flawed QB who somehow CAN! He enters every game with naysayers that don't see him as a true pro QB, with the anti-Christians in the gay community and NYC media after him - yet he has confounded their low expectations. To cheers of tens of millions who relate to the guy.

That said, Tebow had a fine game, but the highlights reels 10 years from now will be talking about the "Famous Thomas Stiff Arm".

caplight45 said...

A shame that Tebow doesn't have what it takes to be an NFL quarterback.

I'm Full of Soup said...

All the home teams advanced to the next round.

And Tebow probably made some haters' heads explode tonight.

Joe Schmoe said...

Denver got screwed on a few calls so it's deserving.

For sure. The Pittsburgh lateral/backwards pass/fumble that was ruled an incomplete pass was atrocious. If called correctly, the game would likely have never gone to overtime. Denver will be all over the league office tomorrow about that call anyways; if they had lost the game it would've been a real travesty.

Quaestor said...

I watching 60 Minutes now only because I'm too lazy to scroll around for something better (which is just about anything other than a shopping channel).

They've got a BBC-trained anchorette called Lara Logan. She introduced her segment on brothers serving in the same Marine battalion with a mention of the Sullivan Brothers, five brothers who were lost when USS Juneau was sunk during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal. However, Ms. Logan claimed the Sullivans served on a battleship.

No education + No reading beyond Twitter feeds = Big Job on West 57th Street

caplight45 said...

Drudge headlines it "Amazing Grace". He has really had fun with Tebow this season.

Robert said...

Fuck you, atheists.

Christopher said...

By the way, Tebow threw for 316 yards.

That is all.

David said...

Hey, Rockeye.

It's Tebow with a w. Not Tebo.

It's Pittsburgh with an h.

Jesus with a Christ.


Quaestor said...

Steelers fans in my town have a reputation for being insufferable bores. If it's a game night one might as well stay home than go to your favorite bar and grille for few with friends because the Steelers posse will be there in force -- spinning their towels, shouting, leaping to their feet with every first down, loudly cursing every adverse call, insulting and taunting the followers of the opposing team, and generally doing their utmost to make the evening unpleasant, especially if the Steelers win.

Perhaps that magnificent 80-yard TD pass to Demaryius Thomas was god's punishment for Steelers fan arrogance.

HT said...

I still can't stand this tying of Tebow with faith. How false.

I was/am one who is/was unconvinced for Tebow's staying power.

They squeaked by an ailing Pittsburgh team at home. New England beat them, killed them, mauled them a couple of weeks ago, and they face them again next week. That, it seems to me, is again a truer test.

Still, they won. Even injured, Pittsburgh is really good and never to be counted out. They deserved it and Tebow played well.

Even if Denver loses, but the game is close, I will start (continue) to reconsider my original negative NFL assessment of Tebow.

If they win, I will shut up entirely.

Anonymous said...

Get with the program, Hunter. Tebow has always made it clear that God doesn't care who wins his football games.

Bob Ellison said...

Tebow brings out the non-believers like me. We're here; we're not necessarily queer (nttawwt); get used to it! Why do we like him?

Because he appears to be sincere.

I said recently, "I kinda like Santorum." My friend said, "What about all the religious stuff?" I said, "He claims to be religious, but it doesn't much enter into his policies. Obama also claims to be religious, but we all know he's lying about it. What's your preference?"

Jason said...

Tebow threw a 12 yard slant to a wide open guy and watched him run 70 yards. Lets keep some perspective here. If a professional quarterback CANT make that throw 100% of the time, they have no business being in the pros. The receiver did all of the work on that play, and will get none of the credit.

That being said, Denver winning means the national media will do nothing but follow Tebow's nuts around all week, so the other 7 teams probably dont mind.

Joe Schmoe said...

All religion aside, Tebow throwing for 300 yards against the no. 1 defense is a fucking miracle.

MadisonMan said...

Throw off everything that hinders us.

Professional Contracts excluded.

I give Tebow credit for noticing the horrific Steeler defense on the last play.

Joe Schmoe said...

Really looking forward to next week's Packers/Giants game.

Beta Rube said...

The notion that God doesn't care who wins football games is silly.

God is wise and just, and therefore wants the Green Bay Packers to destroy the godless New York heathens next week.


Palladian said...

This sports infection of Althouse is really starting to gross me out.

Guildofcannonballs said...


Anonymous said...

I don't even "get" football that much, but I watched and...TEBOW!! That OT was amazing.

Joe Schmoe said...

Be careful, Packers. The Gints may do to you what they did the last time they were big underdogs. (I'm still hurting from the 07 Super Bowl.)

Roy Lofquist said...

All I know is that I haven't been this interested in football since sometime before Super Bowl I. Oh, sure, I've watched all these years - but mainly because it beats mowing the lawn.

Thanks, Tim.

Beta Rube said...

Is a sports infection like an STD?

themightypuck said...

I love the 3:16 yards. So awesome.

Bob_R said...

Just fun. They may not be the best way to win in the NFL, but running QBs are fun to watch (as long as they are winning.)

KCFleming said...

40 years ago, Tebow's religion comments would not have been mentioned in the news.

Now the baseline is drug abuse, gang membership, showboating, and solipsism.

Hence he seems freakish.

Once he fails, and once he sins, the crowd will feel better about the whole thing.

I'm Full of Soup said...

All that really matters is it was a great game! [unless you were rooting for the Steelers].

traditionalguy said...

Tim Tebow proves God has a sense of humor. When no one believes Him, He seems to use inept guys like Moses with his rod, and Tebow with his wounded duck passes to show off what miracles look like.

Tebow may be the only chance many have to see God's miracles.

How about that Denver Bronco Team being born again right in front of our eyes today!

The announcers said Rothlesberger's final regulation play was a hail Mary pass...but that everybody knows those can't work against Tebow.

Demaryous Thomas was a Georgia Tech stud that played the two years after Calvin Johnson left early.

How a Paul Johnson option running offense produced those two wide receivers is another miracle...maybe they didn't wear them out.

kjbe said...

I love the 3:16 yards. So awesome.

Next week Brady throws 666.

AmPowerBlog said...

A spectacular game. I was looking forward to this one the most.

rcocean said...

Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness,
for theirs is the NFL Championship."

fivewheels said...

For the principled opposition's side:

Matthew 6:1 — Beware of practicing your righteousness before men to be noticed by them; otherwise you have no reward with your Father who is in heaven.
Matthew 6:6 — Whenever you pray, go into your room, close the door, and pray to your Father who is hidden. And your Father who sees from the hidden place will reward you.

traditionalguy said...

fivewheels... By all means, pray in secret and not in public.

But Christians also are told that they will speak faith filled words in public whenever as a Christian they are brought before kings and governors and all for Jesus's namesake. Tebow's public speaking seems to fall into that second job description given in Luke 21:12-13.

WineSlob said...

The Steelers' Dick Lebeau
Watched the Tebow TD Throw
Tim Watched It Too
And They Both Thought on Cue:
"Jesus Christ, What Dost Thou Bestow?"

Palladian said...

"Is a sports infection like an STD?"

No, because you have no fun getting a sports infection.

bgates said...

Tebow threw a 12 yard slant to a wide open guy and watched him run 70 yards. Lets keep some perspective here.

Yes, I also think "keep some perspective" means "ignore his 125 passer rating for the game, the 316 passing yards, the fact that a couple of dropped passes hit receivers in the chest, and focus on the idea that the last pass was easy".

rcocean said...

I don't know if God cares about football, but Satan certainly does. How else can you explain the Oakland Raiders?

MayBee said...

Tebow is hot.
Rothesburger is a big fat troll.

Therefore, Broncos > Steelers.

Chuck66 said...

I wonder if Sandy Koufax was ridiculed for being a Jew like Tebow is for being a Christian. I mean, that Torah-thumping Abraham freak wouldn't pitch on Yom Kippur.

Mike said...

Meh--Tebow had the ball in the air for all of 18 yards! Our blog hostess can throw the ball 18 yards.

jacksonjay said...

Compare Tim to Big Ben!! Ben has been in legal trouble and suspended for sexual assault! Can anyone in their right mind find fault with a righteous Tebow? How did thuggish behavior become so revered in America?

Plus, Obama is a big Steelers supporter because the owner (?) gave him big $$$! Refused to call the Packers last year after they beat the Steelers!

The Fighting Sullivans is a great movie about those brothers lost in WWII.

jacksonjay said...

Hey Mike, can YOU run it in from 10 yrds out against the #1 Defense in the NFL?

Methadras said...

Hunter said...

God has better ways to spend his time than fixing NFL games.

How do you know that? He's already done all the heavy lifting. Why can't he just kick back, kick up his legs, and send a stray influence out for an inside slant route to work?

Carnifex said...


Way to show that Christian charity guy. Maybe, just maybe, if you treated others as you yourself would be treated...I assume you know the rest.

For the Tebow haters, why? What makes you hate him so much? Is it because his faith makes him strong? And no, I don't think God cares if Denver wins the Superbowl.

Tebow, when he was at Florida, I tried to hate him. He killed us every year. But he is what he is. He is not just mouthing words. And because he is strong in his faith, that makes him strong in his life. He hears the boos, and the mocking. How could he not? But instead of getting mad, quitting, he keeps pressing forward.

His teammates and people that have watched him for years see this, respect this, respond to this. He's not the prettiest passer, or the fleetest runner. His teammates see him doing the best he can, laying it on the line, for them, the team, the fans. How can they not try to emulate this? There is an atavism in mankind, we respond to an alpha male. And that is Tebows secret.

We hear the echoing cries of our ancestors, down through the centuries, ringing in our genes, our hearts. We want to be a part of this. His success comes from his teammates. His strength from his faith.

And that is the secret to Tim Tebows success.

As a humorous note I will guess that Mr. Tebow will either become Pastor Tebow, or Senator Tebow, when his playing days are over.

Carnifex said...

sorry, was doing some rearranging and left a line in twice

JohnBoy said...

Tebow haters:

He'll never be an NFL QB.

OK, fine, he'll never led his team to a winning record.

OK fine, he can only win cuz of his defense and his great running attack.

OK fine, he'll never win a playoff game.

Now: OK fine, he can't beat Brady on the road.

Yor're never wrong if you keep "moving the goalposts.". Heh.

Toad Trend said...

Register another vote along the lines of 'God doesn't fix football games'. Ridiculous.

If you believe, freewill was granted Adam. Eve was created from Adam's body - and here's where I always take the opportunity to have some fun with my wife - Eve was seduced, ate from the forbidden tree, and also convinced Adam to eat.

So believers understand that they are free to choose.

Really think its neat (coincidence!) that he ended up with 316 passing yards, 31.6 yards/pass average.

Fivewheels - yes, what you present is written. But, you aren't telling the whole story, there is much more to the Gospel. If you think we are only called to pray in private then I ask you to go back and read the rest. The calling is to bring as many people to Christ as possible. I have no problem with Tim Tebow outwardly giving thanks, its quite refreshing in this world of in-your-face depravity.

Cheryl said...

Thanks for linking to the touchdown. Exciting! Love a great football video.

The ad over there said "Wholesome" right beside the video. Hilarious. It was an ad for McDonald's. So, doubly hilarious.

james conrad said...

Exciting play in those circumstances, no doubt. Pittsburg lost the game in my view because of their defensive front, they put absolutely no pressure on Tebow the whole game. For the # 1 defense in the league, that was embarrassing.

Anonymous said...

Don't Tread 2012 said...
Register another vote along the lines of 'God doesn't fix football games'. Ridiculous.

Albert Einstein versus Neils Bohr on quantum indeterminacy:

Eistein: "Ridiculous, God does not play at dice."
Bohr: "Who are you to tell God what to do with his dice."

Scott M said...

And no, I don't think God cares if Denver wins the Superbowl.

George Burns played God in "Oh, God!" His co-star was John Denver.

Coincidence? I think not.

Aridog said...

Question: Why is it that the sports media makes a big deal of Tebow's kneeling and religious pronouncements?

Perhaps because he's *white*? Black NFL and NBA players have been doing the same thing for years.

What is it: can't mock black guys, and white guys are not supposed to be religious?

The whole kneeling mockery thing is a pile of media trivia crap.

Scott M said...

Albert Einstein versus Neils Bohr on quantum indeterminacy:

Eistein: "Ridiculous, God does not play at dice."
Bohr: "Who are you to tell God what to do with his dice."

Both of those dudes went straight into the library in Heaven and haven't come out since they died. Most everyone in there, though, has to keep shushing Hitchens, who's perpetual exclamations of incredulity constantly get him into trouble with the 8' tall librarian with the wings and flaming sword.

kjbe said...

Don't Tread - I don't mind Tebow's outward displays, though it's just not my style. I'm more of a attraction-not-promotion' gal. But hey, if his faith helps him get through his days, who am I to say. Anyway, I kind of like the guy.

Tank said...


So right.

This is another racist thing. OK for black athletes, not white. Like using certain words.

Toad Trend said...


I think both men are correct. Einstein in that we have free will - and Bohr because God granted free will.


Tebow is incredibly humble despite his popularity. That's what I like about the man.

wv - blemisse

Toad Trend said...


Your avatar/photo is awesome.

Old RPM Daddy said...

@ScottM: "Both of those dudes went straight into the library in Heaven and haven't come out since they died."

An old one I read once: While in the Library of the Hereafter, an angel tells Einstein, "Now that you're here, you get to see the answers to all the problems you couldn't solve on Earth." The angel handed him a stack of papers. "This is the unified field theory you couldn't work out before. Have fun!"

Einstein spent about three hours looking through the papers, then brought the stack back to the angel, saying, "Nope, that's still not it!"

Freeman Hunt said...

Heh. Wouldn't it be funny if we're all wrong and God really does care about football games?

DADvocate said...

By the way, Tebow threw for 316 yards.

What's the sign you always see some body holding in the stands?

John 3:16


SGT Ted said...

Not a fan of him or his team, but if his success drives the anti-Christian Sports nerds crazy and shows up their cheap, one sided, fashionable bigotry for what it is, I say GO TEBOW!!

SGT Ted said...

The anti-Christain bigots in the sports reporting world went after Kurt Warner too for being vocally and openly Christian as well. He shut them up with his arm, some Super Bowl rings and his big heart.

I am not a Christian. Buts its pretty obvious what kind of bigotry is on display here.

Known Unknown said...

Troy Polamalu has a cross stitched above his nameplate on his uniform. His long hair hides it most of the time.

Polamalu seems to be a very devout Christian.

No one in the media seems to care.

MadisonMan said...

What's the sign you always see some body holding in the stands?

John 3:16


Why, yes! Yes it is.

Unless you believe otherwise.

Anthony said...

Thing about Tebow is that even if he's not a great QB he makes those around him want to play their best.

I worry about the Giants, too, vis a vis, the Packers next week. Always beware a team than spent the last few weeks of the regular season effectively already in the playoffs (cf., Green Bay 2010).

Blue@9 said...

I was Tom Cruising my couch I was so pumped! Been a Broncos fan all my life and this was one of the best playoff victories ever. This atheist gladly Tebows. I BELIEVE!

Blue@9 said...

Thought: Tebow publicly praises Jesus and the oversensitive complain that he's pushing religion into everyone's face. Two gay men hold hands in the street and the oversensitive complain they're pushing gayness into everyone's face.

Btw, Tebow has never claimed that god decides ball games. Like every Christian athlete I know, he prays for strength to play well, not for victory.

JAL said...

The Broncos - Patriots game next weekend offers an opportunity for a crisis of faith in this genetically Boston, sovereignly redeemed household.

What to do?!

Think Presbyterian.

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