January 10, 2012

A Slate resident feminist hears Gov. Christie talking about oral sex when he's obviously not.

What a joke! Christie — responding to hecklers who used the words "going down" in connection with jobs — said: "You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart." Torie Bosch calls this "an offensive oral sex joke" and acts amazed that Christie put video of it on his YouTube site as if he were "proud" of it "rather than recognizing it as flagrantly demeaning, even misogynistic."

Now, obviously, the words "going down" mean happening, especially when the subject of the verb isn't a person and when there's no object preceded by the word "on." That is, to refer to oral sex, he would have something closer to "somebody's going down on something tonight." Moreover, if one were inclined to make an oral sex joke when the word "jobs" is already in the mix, you'd jape about "jobs." Going down? Oh, there will be some going down tonight, and there will be jobs, maybe not the kind of jobs you want, but there will be jobs.

If Christie wanted to make a blow-job joke, he'd make a much better blow-job joke. The joke here is Bosch. If Bosch were not already a joke at this point, it would be easy to make a joke about Bosch. Wordplay is easy when your name means "nonsense."

But it's not enough here to say Bosch is an idiot or that Bosch's idiocy exemplifies the pathetic present-day feminist web-writers and impugns the entire enterprise of feminism — which has been and should be noble.

It's not enough, because Bosch has infected the internet with a meme, and it's powerfully viral. There will be many, many people now who will get the idea that Chris Christie is a sexist. They just know — they feel — he's an immense misogynist. He's got misogyny on him — and like a blue dress kept in the back of the closet, that stain isn't going to get washed out any time soon.

Bosch has propagated the lie, and her liberal allies — who would love to destroy a rising conservative star — are hard at work spreading it. And I do mean hard at work. These slimy little dweebs who write at places I won't link to, but whom you can find by clicking on that last link, get obscenely excited at the prospect of wrecking a righty.


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art.the.nerd said...

> Christie — responding to hecklers who used the words "going down" in connection with jobs — said: "You know, something may be going down tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart."

Clearly Mr. Christie was referring to the final resting place of the late chairman of Apple Inc. Mr. Jobs will be going to Heaven and not to the other place.

That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Freeman Hunt said...

I think Chris Christie got fat just to make Going2Carolina seethe.

Christopher in MA said...

G2C - if you think Freeman's comment at 1.25 noting that Christie is so cool people want to gain weight to be like him was serious, you need to cut down on the caffeine.

chickelit said...

I linked a video here earlier for levity's sake but I think it got spammed.

It was way too chatty--like this comment.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

You'll have to go back and read that particular comment in context if you want to call me out on it.

Perhaps you need to stick around a bit and understand people's posting styles and senses of humor.

Really. Do try to cultivate a sense of humor for yourself. It is a healthy trait.

Christy is fat. Morbidly so it seems. And....so? Churchill wasn't much of a lightweight either AND he smoked like a chimney and drank like a fish. Personally, I'll take the fat Christy and fat Churchill over a skinny health conscious libtard.

Laura said...

Is gotcha politics really this easy? See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXAZ7LZsUy8

Gee, everything's so dirty now that I see through Bosch-colored glasses.

Scott M said...

Perhaps you need to stick around a bit and understand people's posting styles and senses of humor.

I've always considered us barren stylistically and quite comically challenged. We few, we pitiless, unfunny few...

Freeman Hunt said...

Darn it. I can't read what you wrote, Going2Carolina. I just finished a jumbo Cheetos and pork rinds value pack, and my fingers smeared my screen when I moved the laptop.

Help! Help! Somebody stop by my house with a canister of electronics wipes.

I'm going to go soothe my distress with a box of pizza rolls and a two liter of Mountain Dew.

Ken Green said...


"Slate resident feminist" is redundant.

Don M said...

I always read Althouse comments until I get to the first by garage. I make a point of not reading that one. If I read his comments I would less well informed than if I began reading it.

I work in industry on artificial intelligence. Sadly, Garage seems to be working from a deep well of natural stupidity.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Is pushing down girls some feat in conservative circles?

When James Carville said on Meet the Press of Paula Jones "drag a $100 bill through a trailer park and this is what you get" you were condemning that, right?


Scott M said...

I work in industry on artificial intelligence. Sadly, Garage seems to be working from a deep well of natural stupidity.

Ah, you missed it, Don. We had what we widely believe to be a poorly-coded Turing test that someone foisted on us for months on end. A senseless, bigoted, incoherent Turing test, to be sure. It's not switched on as much any more and they upgraded to another version (read as sockpuppet), but when it does boot up and log in, it tends to be just as incoherent sans the wimsy.

Repack Rider said...

It was in fact sexist and demeaning, but as Mr. Christie goes, fairly tame. He is so much of a jerk on so many important issues that his personal piggishness is not an isue worthy of a column.

If he had a twin brother, they could start a band and call it Teutons of Fun!

Do you see what I did there? I suggested he was German.

Disclaimer: I am an Army vet (E-5) and I don't care who doesn't like my politics.

EFB said...

I don't get it. You have a problem with what some unknown reporter writes for an online zine but not the insult a state governor throws at someone? (and i'm not saying it was an oral sex joke.)

i guess when we don't hold our politicians to higher standards, we get what we deserve.

garage mahal said...

When James Carville said on ...


Brennan said...

I just finished a jumbo Cheetos and pork rinds value pack, and my fingers smeared my screen when I moved the laptop.

Doritos has a creatively scary new ad that "fixes" that issue.

Methadras said...

And the Republican messaging that should put this rancid lie to rest is where? Yeah, thought so. Republicans are their own worst enemies.

Known Unknown said...

Someone in the thread made fat jokes.

Another one used the word "goombah"

rcommal said...

Actually, two people used "goombah": the original one and me, in response.

More than two got into the fat thing.

In case you're keeping track... .

SPImmortal said...

His general douchebaggery is why I dislike him, and combined with his particular style, and his pathetic inability to control his appetite, I find him repulsive.

If he's so tough, he won't care what I think, so why do you?


You're right, he's proven to be tough and you've proven to be some lame internet shit talker. Kinda puts him one up on you.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"Am I supposed to be fat?"

LOL! I have this image of Freeman going all Joe Pesci.

"Fat? Fat how? What am I two biscuits short of a half ton fat? A little chubby fat?"

Known Unknown said...

In case you're keeping track... .

Just trying to make a point .... subtly.

Toad Trend said...

Seems to me that this Bosch woman is just another deranged feminist (apologize for the redundancy) looking for an opportunity to be offended.


Utterly boring and predictable. A mental midget for sure.

Amartel said...

Behold: The Hive Mind.


It's not just the resident feminist at Slate. All the little worker bees are very busy spreading their lies and projecting their anxieties and hang-ups onto other people.

Black is white (hey, that's raaaacist, unless you're progressive), up is down (and going down is sexisssst, unless you're a progressive).

Roger J. said...

Freeman--am I to understand you are expecting again? Sincere congratulations, Miss Freeman. Best wishes.

Smilin' Jack said...

"Now, obviously, the words "going down" mean happening..."

No, they obviously don't, because if he'd said, "You know, something may be happening tonight, but it ain’t going to be jobs, sweetheart" it wouldn't make any fucking sense.

Sheesh, I hate it when you guys make me agree with AL.

chickelit said...

@Goingdown2Carolina: Chill, please.

chickelit said...

Roger J. said...
Freeman--am I to understand you are expecting again? Sincere congratulations, Miss Freeman. Best wishes.

Same here FH. To you and to Mr. Hunt!

~Nina said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SPImmortal said...

Like I said, if the people of New Jersey like what Christie is doign for the state, great. No longer my state, not my deal.

When he shows up on the national stage, however, and when his name is being bandied about as a potential VP candidate, then I get to have an opinion of what he has or has not proven via his political worth to me.


Really, what do you like or dislike about his politics?

chickelit said...

@Freeman Hunt: I hope this one's a girl--for balance.

DADvocate said...

Freeman--am I to understand you are expecting again?

I think she mentioned this before. Yes, congratulations. I'm sure you're a great mother because you're normal. (And, before some lib gets ahold of this, I don't mean that kind of mother.)

Freeman Hunt said...

Freeman--am I to understand you are expecting again? Sincere congratulations, Miss Freeman.

Yes. This week. Thanks!

Freeman Hunt said...

@Freeman Hunt: I hope this one's a girl--for balance.

Heh. Hopes to be dashed then. It's a boy.

DADvocate said...

All this fat talk has me going. During Christmas break, my two sons and I visited my family in Knoxville. The three of us ate dinner at Ye Olde Steak House which was featured on Man Against Food.

I had the 20 oz. prime rib, my younges son, the football player, had the 20 oz NY strip, the other a huge hamburger. Yum. The football player had dessert, too. Insane.

chickelit said...

Heh. Hopes to be dashed then. It's a boy.

My wife planned our second as girl. I just did what I was told and it worked.

garage mahal said...

Re: DADVocate's link:

Is Red Velvet Cake a "Southern" thing? I love that shit so bad. Yum.

Toad Trend said...

Using 'sweetheart' at the end of a sentence when talking to a woman is the sarcastic equivalent of using 'pal' at the end of a sentence when talking to a man. It denotes some displeasure and certainly is better than some alternatives.

Personally I think Christie probably was referring to carpet munching rather than blowjobs when he used the heckler's 'going down' terminology.

DADvocate said...

Is Red Velvet Cake a "Southern" thing? I love that shit so bad.

Not sure, but there's plenty of Red Velvet cake to be had down there. And, yes, yum.

Triangle Man said...

Ever since the Aerosmith video for "Love in an Elevator", the term "going down" has referred to oral sex. "Good morning Mr. Tyler. Going down?" This usage supplanted the now archaic usage of "going down" meaning "happening" that was popularized in the late '60s and early '70s.

Triangle Man said...

Personally I think Christie probably was referring to carpet munching rather than blowjobs when he used the heckler's 'going down' terminology.

He was propositioning her?

Toad Trend said...

"He was propositioning her?"

No, not in any way. I think he meant that 'going down' would be going down *somewhere* but it wouldn't be jobs.

The point of my comment is to illustrate the folly of 'thought police'. Going down also means 'taking a fall' or 'assuming room temperature' depending on context. I don't pretend to know what may or may not have been on the governor's mind. Maybe his intent was crass, but I think hecklers shouldn't expect the kid gloves in terms of any response.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...


Demonstrating your intellectual capacity, of course.

Amartel said...

Christie was not talking about oral sex. It's an offhand comment in response to a heckler and mirroring the heckler's language. If you're not worried about the heckler using oral sex terminology then attributing the same intent to Christie for using the same phrasing is a double standard and quite a semantic reach around. But it would be typical wish-fulfilling projection for a double-standard bearing, card-carrying member of the progressive hive. Because saying racist shit is fine (see, e.g. D'oh Biden, Utterances) if you're progressive. And making sexual jokes and threats is fine, if you're a progressive. Poking a young female employee in the vaj with your fatcat cigar is "just sex" and "nobody's business" if you're a progressive. (See also, texting photos of your stubby junk to teenagers: all in good fun!) Also, editorial depictions of black conservatives as slaves if just fine but editorial depictions of black liberals as Marie Antoinette and Louis XIV, well, that's raaaaaaaacissst. And on and on. Generally speaking, being a lying-ass nontransparent corrupt motherfucker is fine, if you're a progressive. You will be first in line for future chief of staff and DOJ positions that are expected to be opening up on a monthly basis in 2012. Hell, you'll be first in line for consideration as the next Demo POTUS candidate. Hillary.

All this by way of wondering: Who looks at this obvious fraudulence and volunteers to sacrifice their reputation in the service thereof? Just so they can have a job at Slate or CBS local news.

garage mahal said...

Demonstrating your intellectual capacity, of course.

What lame brain blogs do you post at that think bringing up James Carville is a winning argument? Gateway Pundit? Breitbart?

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

What lame brain blogs do you post at that think bringing up James Carville is a winning argument?

Actually, facts refute your silly, ignorant statements.

Which is why you're busy trying to change the subject.

garage mahal said...

I'm sure bringing up Carville is a real showstopper in the fever swamps you hang out at Jaytard.

n.n said...

So, the feminist dreams of physical instant gratification. That explains the inconsistencies in her movement. They are, or they do believe, that they are little more than the sum of their parts.

Wait a moment. This is not the first time that members of America's left have perverted the language and played semantic games in order to fulfill their desires for sexual gratification. Most recently they denigrated the personal integrity of millions of Americans who protested progressive involuntary exploitation.

It was dreams of physical, material, and ego instant gratification that have been the cause of progressive corruption of individuals and society. With the revelations uttered by this feminist, she has confirmed the character of minds where this deviant behavior is cultivated. If it weren't for the majority of psychologists who share the regressive trait, their behavior which denigrates individual dignity and devalues human life would not be considered normal.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
I'm sure bringing up Carville is a real showstopper in the fever swamps you hang out at Jaytard.

And saying silly bromides such as:
Is pushing down girls some feat in conservative circles? is an "argument" to you.

Writ Small said...

It's a little late in the thread to introduce something as boring as facts, but folks interested in context should look up Dave no-friend-of-conservatives Weigel's posting on the matter.

He was there and said that at the moment of Christie's "going down" comment, the police were converging on the protesters. Clearly his comment referred to that, and a sexual angle never occurred to Mr. Weigel.

I realize this may be embarrassing for those engaged in fake outrage, but I am confident in their ability to ignore contrary data and press on.

rcommal said...

That scenario seems more plausible, to me at least (based on the setting and the context, and my take on Chris Christie). I won't link Weigel's post here because I know there's some history for Althouse, but I did go and find it.

Later, I'll check to see if anyone else reported about whether cops (or whatever) were approaching the protestors at that time.

David-2 said...

@Writ Small, @rcommal: Makes perfect sense. I refer you to my own posting at 11:35AM - where I remind the forum that Christie was a prosecutor and this is the meaning that "going down" has for him.

Toad Trend said...

writ small

Yep, facts are stubborn things!

'Going down' means more than sex to non-leftists.

Of course, he MUST have been referring to bj's. Of course.

The false memes of the left just keep coming, don't they.

Christopher in MA said...

"I also have an issue with someone who is completely unable to control himself with food, or worse, doesn't care enough to bother."

Ah, I see. An advocate of the "a clean desk means a clean mind" school. So Christie's being a fat fuck means he's a political slob, too? Again, the point is, what the fuck business is it of yours that he's overweight? Are you afraid he'll have a heart attack in the Oval Office? Smear KFC grease over the Lincoln Bedroom? Leave pizza slices in the East Wing?

By your metric, we might as well nominate Romney or Huntsman right now, since we know they're both clean living Mormon boys with no vices to irritate you.

So you don't like Christie. Fine. It's a (semi)free country. But your reasoning seems to boil down to "I think he looks like a slob and I think he doesn't care about his family to keep looking like that." Perhaps you can join the Bloomberg for president campaign and run on a platform of "no transfat for you!"

RatPoof said...

Fat jokes and death wishes, classy people @ FDL.

Laura G commented on the blog post Mitt Romney’s Hype Man Excites Crowd With Blow Job Jokes
2012-01-09 23:15:59
Sorry, I disagree. This man goes out of his way to bully and humiliate people. So as far as I am concerned, if he is going to dish it out then he better be able to take it back tenfold. Either that or just shoot the fucker. Either way would be fine by me.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


I feel sorry for people who can't walk or climb stairs without losing their breath or having to take a rest. It's pretty damned sad.

Yeah, & I "feel sorry" for my dad, who had a bout of interstitial pneumonia a couple of years ago. He still has to catch his breath after a couple of flights of stairs, but he can walk four miles at a stretch now. He visited Antarctica last month, and is going to the Amazon in a few months -- he and my mother are both very fine wildlife photographers.

I don't want to think what he'd think of your pitiful pity.

And you, sir/madam, are a cad.

wv: gotiness. No, really.

DADvocate said...

Another New Jerseyite talks about going down.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

OK, I can't find garage's original post, because there are so many. But:

garage mahal said...

Is pushing down girls some feat in conservative circles?

Is calling adult women "girls" something common in your own circle? Because, you know, it kinda pisses a lot of us off.

wv: panta

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

And to whoever talked about "food addiction" ... folks, we are all addicted to food. If we don't have food, we die. Welcome to the human race.

wv: chive. I can live without chives, but I'd rather live with them.

reformed trucker said...

"which has been and should be noble" - Ann

Just one more thing the left has managed to bastardize. Feels like a kick in the crotch, eh?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Michelle, what does your anecdote about your father's situation have to do with anything here?

Well, you were writing about those pitiful people who couldn't walk up a couple flights of stairs without pausing for breath; my father is in exactly that situation.

You're picking out random words and phrases and applying them to a person I don't know, never met, isn't running for office, isn't the subject of this piece and who suffered from a completely unrelated health situation, and you're claiming my words were targeting him?

I'm picking out random words and phrases? I did no such thing. All I did was point out that there are a lot of people who have difficulty walking up flights of stairs without pausing for breath. And most of them could tell you where to stow your pity.

Are you on drugs or something? Illiterate? What the hell is wrong with you?

Oh, I'm merely annoyed. It happens to human beings, occasionally.

wv: gorka.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Michelle, you are the most spectacularly stupid, bitter, old dyke I've come across in a long time.."

Yet a few posts above you claim Christie made a sexist comment by saying 'going down.'

Why are liberals the most ignorant, self unaware people in the world? Genetic trait or defect?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Michelle, you are the most spectacularly stupid, bitter, old dyke I've come across in a long time, and that's saying a lot given that you and I don't live so far from each other. ;-)

Sorry you're all frustrated and shit, but taking it out on me hardly intimidates me. Especially since, well, I know where you live. :-D

I doubt that very much. I mean, I'm not stupid (look, I went to UC/Berkeley, turning down acceptances from Stanford, Princeton, and MIT); I'm not bitter; I'm not old; I'm not a dyke; and I'd guess that you have not the foggiest idea where I live.

wv: catohin. OK, that's where I live. You will not find it on a map, but that's because cats make their own maps.

Hoosier Daddy said...

Sweetheart is a sexist comment?

Then again you showed yourself to be a bigger horses ass calling Michele a dyke which of course isn't sexist at all.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Of course, in your tiny little mind, I must be a liberal because I don't march in lockstep with you..."

Not at all. You may be a staunch conservative for all I know but that doesn't mean you don't come off as an insufferable asshole.

Hoosier Daddy said...

"... Yeah. I know where you live. And I sure as hell know where to run into you..."

Just a piece of advice but you might want to re-read that and consider how creepy that sounds.

Just sayin.

DADvocate said...

"... Yeah. I know where you live. And I sure as hell know where to run into you..."

Just a piece of advice but you might want to re-read that and consider how creepy that sounds.

Really. In many states that statement would make you guilty of harassment.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


People who have to brag about their degrees and college acceptances years and years after the fact are just pathetic and insecure.

I didn't mention a degree. Did I?

And pathetic old females who play snarky word games and expect other people to think they're anything but childish are just really freaking dumb.

[sigh] Since you have proved your crazymad google skillz by finding pipl, you know that I am 44 years old and married. I am not "old," nor am I a "dyke." I'm just an ex-mechanical engineering student who switched to musicology; I have written for 13 + years for San Francisco Classical Voice (www.sfcv.org), and still do, though I am no longer in the Bay Area. I'm a freelance violinist and violist.

Do give me a wave next time we cross paths. Since you know exactly where I am, and evidently live just round the corner. I'll be the [old, dyke] woman walking while reading a book.

wv: hypoloup.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Really. In many states that statement would make you guilty of harassment.

Yes, but s/he's bluffing. I will be most surprised if s/he pays me a call. Partly because I doubt s/he is in this state, let alone this city; partly because I think s/he is too cowardly to confront anyone in person. Of course, I might always be pleasantly surprised.

wv: sesse

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...


Have fun, kiddies. I'm done. You're a ridiculous waste of time and I have better things to do.

Followed, three minutes later, by a comment to me. Just can't make up your mind?

wv: fecker. What a love euphemism.

rcommal said...

In "luuuv"? No, I don't think so.

I did heartily support his run for NJ gov. I have repeatedly said, over time, that I prefer he not pursue the presidency in this go round (and that I would prefer he'd complete at least one stint as NJ gov. before thinking of doing so). I'd prefer, truth be told, that he not leave the challenges of NJ behind in order to be U.S.-veep, also. I'd prefer more ripening, more time and more record at the executive level. Maybe that "wait" is not (cannot be?) in the cards; maybe it is. We'll see.

I DO think that Chris Christie has a great number of good things to offer, both in New Jersey and at the national level. I have thought that since I met him in college, served with him in student government there, followed what he did when I went in a different direction in college and we all, mostly, did thereafter.

Luuuv? No. Not at all. (He was never my type, in that way.) That has not a damn thing to do with it. Only a truly sexist, stereotyping, overly sex-oriented, lazy, cheap romance-obsessed sort of person--male or female--would resort to characterizing any and all support (without regard for differences and distinctions) for a political figure as "luuuv."

Sheesh. Bleccch.

chickelit said...

Have fun, kiddies. I'm done. You're a ridiculous waste of time and I have better things to do.

Oh thank goodness. Finally.

Greg said...

On the subject of the feminist joke book:

It is actually a long book. But if you read it, every punch line is "That's not funny."

PackerBronco said...

Gives a whole new meaning to the classic sports moment: "Down goes Frazier! Down goes Frazier!"

PackerBronco said...


A heckler can absolutely no expectation of a polite response nor should any speaker be censured for not giving a polite response to a heckler.

Larry said...

Good grief...you people have your head's so firmly lodged up your rectums, sniffing your own farts to see that this was a blowjob "joke". What a pathetic group of sheeple.

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

I see that Going2Carolina has disappeared itself entirely from this thread. Probably it hasn't time to respond to posts here, it being too busy staking out my house. Or trying to find out where it is, anyway.

It's a good thing a lot of us quote comments we respond to; otherwise, there'd be no evidence Going2Carolina existed at all.

And I'll need that evidence when he/she/it breaks down my door and starts hassling my cats. Or someone else's cats, more likely, seeing as he/she/it probably has no better idea of my home address than I do of its.

wv: fackle. "Fickle" for people who don't like short vowels.

Chuck said...

Since when is oral sex "offensive" to a shitbag leftist anyway?

Michelle Dulak Thomson said...

Just for the record, I walked about four miles today, reading a book and wearing my practiced embittered-old-dyke face, and yet Going2Carolina didn't give me so much as a wave. Perhaps it was taking the day off. Or, of course, has no frickin' idea where I live.

wv: hidaeart. That one bears thinking about.

Richard B. Simon said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
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