January 18, 2012
Obama rejects the Keystone pipeline.
I'm sure that was a very tough call for him. It wasn't so much a question of whether he should make the right decision or do what would help him get re-elected. It was which way to decide would better help him get re-elected.
Why on earth would we want a stable, secure and reliable source of oil?
This decision alone in this economic environment in this global situation should send him packing in November.
Because one of his goals has been $4.00/Gal gas in the US. He can't achieve that without his otherwise incomprehensible energy policy.
Don't let anyone tell you you're a conservative
I wonder how many union jobs were just killed.
Remind me again why anybody in a private sector union would ever want to vote for a Democrat.
We don't need to see his college transcripts. It doesn't matter what he studied or how well he learned the subject matter. He's unfit to lead the country...or any country. If you can't see that...well, I'll leave you to fill that in.
You know, I was starting to think he'd get re-elected until he made that boneheaded call.
People thought he wasn't serious when he said he wanted gas prices to increase.
He's pursued this singular goal with reckless abandon. Mitt should mention the skyrocketing price of gas and Obama's consistent attempt to stop further has production every single time he speaks.
At debates, mention it with every single question. Bar none. Ask how this helps our relationship with Canada to reject this expansion of an existing pipeline.
Another un-forced error!!
The very economic and military survival of the USA as a self governing nation during the coming world depression, pandemic and famine depends on developing abundant, cheap energy supplies here.
Therefore our fifth columnist Wizard will never allow our development of abundant, cheap energy supplies. Never!
Next question.
Not sure about that. It may be that religion trumped reason, or they have already decided they are going to loose in November, so they might as well go with their druthers plus "solidify the base."
And their base is not in the industrial unions.
Don't let anyone tell you you're a conservative
No comment on the wisdom or stupidity of the administration's call, just a backhanded insult?
Not sure about that. It may be that religion trumped reason, or they have already decided they are going to loose in November, so they might as well go with their druthers plus "solidify the base."
The question is how this will play to swing voters. They are betting that it won't matter in the balance. This is not going to be the make or break issue. They also have cover by saying that they didn't kill the project, they just want to fully look at multiple possible routes and not "short circuit" the process.
Don't let anyone tell you you're a conservative
So you support slighting one of our closest allies and buying oil from them so we can continue to fund crazies around the world more?
Good strategy. Must be that mythical progressive "long game"
He chose poorly.
"It was which way to decide would better help him get re-elected."
He chose, ... poorly.
The question is how this will play to swing voters. They are betting that it won't matter in the balance. This is not going to be the make or break issue. They also have cover by saying that they didn't kill the project, they just want to fully look at multiple possible routes and not "short circuit" the process.
...except there is already a track record of Obama killing domestic oil production whenever possible.
This won't wash --- especially with experts predicting really high gas prices this year.
Thanks Obama.
Wins it by a link!
Also see the Professor's other post about William Daley leaving.
I think Daley had no wish to be on board with this crew on the course they are setting. And he is Richard II Daley's kid brother.
This is a sad, sad day. That thing is important to the economic health of the country. Can he really be that stupid? Or craven?
Obama must have believed that approving the pipeline would cost him votes in closely contested states. Was there polling? Probably nothing reliable. So this tells you his beliefs about how voters will act and what is important to the country.
Wins it by a link!
You're going to need a new avatar.
"You're going to need a new avatar."
Too soon.
Wins it by a link!
Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?
Never a defender of boneheaded liberal moves in these threads, unless it's about Walker. And even then, it's not about reason or facts.
Giving China free access to oil produced a few hundred miles north of Montana. That's just stupid, no matter how it's spun.
China is already drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, between Cuba and Florida.
Obama achieving his own re-election is more important to him than the well-being and security of the country he putatively leads.
What a pathetic, small man.
Maybe, however, I should reserve comment until the pipeline is actually rejected. It would amuse me if Politico got bum info. Must've been bad datamining on facebook.
Good decision. It should greatly help seal a Republican victory in the fall.
He's must be an idiot, or thinks he can pull the wool over the eyes of 50% or more of the voters. According this graphic, another piplene isn't a big deal. But, it's a big deal increasing the cost of us driving to work, the cost of food, and the cost of nearly everything because energy costs are through the roof.
I guess we've "have yet to understand or absorb" what he's doing. Does he understand or absorb what he's doing?
Are you better off now than you were 4 years ago?
Yes. But I've never thought who sits in the oval office had much to do with my ability to make ends meet or become more valuable to the marketplace.
But higher gas prices are a tax on all of us.
They also have cover by saying that they didn't kill the project, they just want to fully look at multiple possible routes and not "short circuit" the process.
Especially when it was Republicans that forced the 60 day window to approve the permit in the payroll tax/UI bill. They wanted the issue in November more than the pipeline itself.
Obama locks up the prairie dog vote!
Events in the Persian Gulf are going to compound this stupidity.
Obama's trying to blame the GOP for forcing an arbitrary deadline and not giving him enough time.
Of course, his post-election 2012 date was also a completely arbitrary deadline. The deal has been in the planning stages for 3 years, so there has been time to think about this. And the State department was in charge of this....why?
All the Republicans did was force Obama to make his NO decision before, rather than after the election.
Whew! Thanks, Barack, for the delayed Xmas present. I was afraid there for awhile, that you would use 'approval' to Sister Souljah your way to reelection, against all odds.
I can relax a bit now.
And the State department was in charge of this....why?
Because it would have involved Canada, another sovereign state. I realize we like to think of them as our attic, but they really and truly are a whole 'nother country.
The Italians have Capt. Francesco Schettino and we have President Obama.
The double irony is that there is already a Keystone pipeline across Nebraska carrying Canadian oil. This one would be larger and on a different right of way. Plus a thousand other miles of pipeline.
Secondly from a global perspective, the Greens are dumb. This oil is going to be pumped and burned somewhere. It would have been done with less enviro risk in Houston than in Shanghi
".. I realize we like to think of them as our attic, but they really and truly are a whole 'nother country..."
Then how come they sound like they're from Minnesota?
"All the Republicans did was force Obama to make his NO decision before, rather than after the election."
That's a good thing.
He secured the Commie/enviro nut vote.
There's a piece on Poli-pundit that he's following in the hallowed steps of Michael Dukakis.
YMMV, but, as several have noted, this hands the jobs issue to the Republicans on a silver platter.
vnjagvet said...
Because one of his goals has been $4.00/Gal gas in the US.
Actually, it's $8/gallon, but your point is on the money.
Because it would have involved Canada, another sovereign state. I realize we like to think of them as our attic, but they really and truly are a whole 'nother country.
Wow, thanks.
I can understand how they'd be in charge of determining whether we want to work with Canada or a Canadian company. I don't understand how the State Department decides if this is good for our interior or our economy. They were supposed to decide whether this was in our best interest, and that doesn't seem the usual State Department bailiwick.
This seems to indicate that Obama and his crew are thinking that there will be a small turnout in November and that motivating the base will be more important than trying to get independent votes.
He wants the enviro votes, but he wants their money more.
Epic Keystone Kop-out
If you can't choose based on electability, you might as well go with principle.
This doesn't make a lot of sense on the face of it. Ok, he'll get the green vote if the pipeline is disapproved. And where exactly was the green vote going to go if they didn't like his decision? No, this is not a well-reasoned political decision. OTOH, if Hillary wants him to look bad going into the primary season, she can just have her Department of State reject this. Hmmmm.
wv: Eastyron. These word get more and more interesting all the time!
"Last time I invested your money into an energy scheme, I lost $500 million and all of the jobs (and still more to come in that vein). Hey, ya know, I'm only listening to the working families and doing what they tell me to do. Is that so wrong?" -
Barack Obama
Environmentalists, they're for all forms of energy, except the ones that works.
It's not just Canadian oil that may go to China now. We have found large fields in Montana, N&South Dakota over the Bakken deposits. The pipeline extension was also intended on helping get that new American oil to refineries in the South. Currently it is shipped by rail or barged down the Mississippi -- with the Watermelons (green on the outside, red or socialist pink on the inside) upset about that. But those states have the existing TransCanada pipeline already there.
So if the Canadians abandon us and go with China instead, the pipeline extension would give American producers access to Chinese ships taking the China-Oil away.
Oh, please. The Keystone extension will be approved after the 2012 election whether by Obama or Romney. Obama's hope was to keep the green lobby in limbo until after the election, but Republicans, having made that impossible, made Obama choose sides with the environmentalists. And why not? Union voters are moderates, staunchly Democratic without tendencies to defect, and union money-givers know Keystone isn't priority enough to shift allegiance. Environmentalists, though, aren't so resolutely devoted to one party and could easily switch to a third party. Suspecting razor-thin margins in swing states, this is Obama's contingency plan to avoid Gore's 2000 Florida fate.
But Keystone polls very well--especially compared to everything else Obama has done since taking office--and knowing he can't kick the can down the road indefinitely, he'll wait for the State Department's second review and approve it. The unions are hungry for jobs, and one aquifer in Nebraska isn't going to stop this pipeline.
I call for impeachment.
Higher gas prices, higher food prices, everything higher and more food stamps. Which the limit will have to be raised because it won't cover the basics because higher energy prices will make everything go up.
Do I undertand this correctly during an election year?
He could, if he chose, suspend summer regs to keep prices down.
No complaining about how school budgets are tight, this will affect everything.
This is just political silliness.
The Keystone pipeline will be built after the new route is submitted. My bet - will break ground within 16-18 months.
Especially when it was Republicans that forced the 60 day window to approve the permit in the payroll tax/UI bill.
During which time he had a very important Hawaiian vaction, I presume.
"So if the Canadians abandon us and go with China instead, the pipeline extension would give American producers access to Chinese ships taking the China-Oil away."
Of course Alberta will continue to sell oil to the U.S.
A second pipeline will be built to B.C., but that's already part of the long term plan. The second pipeline won't be stopped by Keystone breaking ground.
"The Keystone pipeline will be built after the new route is submitted. My bet - will break ground within 16-18 months."
If Obama is President, I don't think it will. I used to assume it would be, but I don't anymore. This guy is "true believer", IMO.
They also have cover by saying that they didn't kill the project, they just want to fully look at multiple possible routes and not "short circuit" the process.
Especially when it was Republicans that forced the 60 day window to approve the permit in the payroll tax/UI bill. They wanted the issue in November more than the pipeline itself.
1/18/12 2:24 PM
No they don't.
"...A second pipeline will be built to B.C., but that's already part of the long term plan. The second pipeline won't be stopped by Keystone breaking ground."
Except it will be 1000 miles longer and have to cross the Rockies.
This is just political silliness.
The Keystone pipeline will be built after the new route is submitted. My bet - will break ground within 16-18 months.
1/18/12 3:20 PM
Unfortunately we need the jobs now, not a year and a half from now.
Kirk Parker said...
I call for impeachment.
Maybe after Disney World. Oh, and Vail.
They Keystone pipeline is bad, but the California High Speed rail is superfantastic.
Hillary rejects it too, she's head of State. LOLOLOLOL
wv: reful Not today!
'This is just political silliness.
The Keystone pipeline will be built after the new route is submitted. My bet - will break ground within 16-18 months...'
How come everybody on this thread sees that but the enviros don't?
It's tranparent for us but opaque for them?
How come everybody on this thread sees that but the enviros don't?
Enviros do see it. They don't trust Obama as far as they can throw him.
You're right, Garage. The enviros fell for the President's BS just like all the other rubes who voted for him. Hopefully, they'll wise up and vote for someone else.
Enviros were never let down because they never trusted him in the first place.
"Except it will be 1000 miles longer and have to cross the Rockies."
Well, the mountains aren't going anyplace so, yeah, that would be true.
More routes to export oil = better for Canada.
More routes to export oil = better for Canada.
So, what do we get out of it?
Obama wants to run against a "do-nothing Congress," but this was his decision to make. He's the one who is not doing anything.
When Obama's not golfing, he's spending his time whining about income inequality.
He's just not that bright.
"So, what do we get out of it?"
Ahhh, ... gasoline?
That gasoline gets exported.
They also have cover by saying that they didn't kill the project,
Um, no, no they don't.
garage mahal said...
So, what do we get out of it?
You know those things you and your silly ilk pretend to care about.
"That gasoline gets exported."
I am continually struck with no-imagination arguments made assuming the status quo into the future. If we have more oil passing through our country, we are in a better place (and, potentially, a much better place). If we don't need the gasoline right now, fine. Export it (after we produce it using American workers). Five years from now, maybe we need it here. (A good bet, actually).
Your point is as stupid as the "it takes 10 years for oil to be brought on-line". I've been hearing that one for 40 years.
garage mahal said...
That gasoline gets exported.
Presumably sold for a profit. Refinery profit. Why not add a little BP Oil stock to your portfolio, Garage? They give generously to your leader.
garage mahal said...
Especially when it was Republicans that forced the 60 day window to approve the permit in the payroll tax/UI bill. They wanted the issue in November more than the pipeline itself.
I guess that is why Republicans are working on legislation to authorize the pipeline.
If we have more oil passing through our country, we are in a better place (and, potentially, a much better place).
Why? It's not our oil flowing through that pipeline. it's not even our pipeline. It doesn't get sold to us.
Transcanada said themselves 15 states would pay MORE for gas because the oil going to Midwest refineries would instead be sent to the gulf and export markets where it gets sold for higher prices.
Pandering to environmental interests is more important that access to energy for the US and facilitating employment.
These kinds of White House politicized decisions are why the recession has continued so long.
it's not even our pipeline. It doesn't get sold to us.
No, the refineries in Nebraska and Texas don't sell oil and gas to "us" (Note: The U.S. would benefit from the oil supply itself and from the business of refining the 700,000 barrels of oil a day that would arrive via the pipeline. )
The lies you must tell yourself in order to be a leftist are endless.
Jay links to an article that says Republicans pulled an obvious political stunt. Does not even read his own links. Nice work Jay.
Obama says yes, and we get the oil.
Obama says no and the voters are presented with the contrast between Obama's economy or the Republicans.
This is what democracy looks like.
Obama has calculated that he already has the union vote in his pocket, and therefore is free to go after the eco-weenie vote as well. What a selfish move. He doesn't care a whit about America.
This blunder should be in every response in the next several debates, in every stump speech of every GOP candidate, in every bill passed through the House, and in every GOP ad on tv. He made a BIG mistake. Let's make him pay.
Especially when it was Republicans that forced the 60 day window to approve the permit in the payroll tax/UI bill. They wanted the issue in November more than the pipeline itself.
...as opposed to Obama's "I want to decide AFTER the election" nonsense being NOT trying to take an issue off the table.
The GOP should make this a huge issue. Every stump speech from now on should mention this.
"The GOP should make this a huge issue. Every stump speech from now on should mention this."
Absolutely. And they don't need to address any ridiculous "they didn't want the pipeline, they wanted the issue" bullshit. WE. WANT. THE. PIPELINE. But if we don't get it, you're damn right it's an issue.
garage mahal said...
Jay links to an article that says Republicans pulled an obvious political stunt
Keep telling yourself that.
Especially when it was Republicans that forced the 60 day window to approve the permit in the payroll tax/UI bill. They wanted the issue in November more than the pipeline itself.
The Keystone pipeline issue has been studied for about 3 years now.
Of course, how can we expect a government entity to move on a project after only 3 years looking at it.
Hilarious. When its a Dem project funded by government money - like the trolley that Barrett wants to build in Milwaukee - construction can begin immediately. When its a private sector project, all that happens is "studies".
Im ashamed to be an American today. I cant believe a president of the United f'ing States turned down an oil pipeline that will create thousands of good, high-paying jobs and help do something lefties claim they stand behind all the time: ridding ourselves of Middle East oil.
Barack Obama simply hates capitalism and the private sector. There is no other way to put it. By far the most radical president in the history of his country.
garage mahal said...
Jay links to an article that says Republicans pulled an obvious political stunt
By the way, none of the "facts" you keep asserting are true.
But of course you defend this decision and then talk about Gov Walker regarding "jobs" in the next breath and don't see the incoherent stupidity.
Don't worry, we have the bar set low for you.
Fine tuning his previous habit of voting "present", he managed to vote against while not taking a side. 4 more years! (of study)
Yeah, more study. I heard today that there already 25,000 miles of pipeline crossing Nebraska, or the aquifer (not sure which). But we need more study.
Triangle Man said...
They also have cover by saying that they didn't kill the project, they just want to fully look at multiple possible routes and not "short circuit" the process.
Um, that would be false.
See, the Department of State has already conducted a 3 year study (and was set to issue a decision at the end of 2011 which Obama himself delayed) and The U.S. Department of State has released the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Keystone XL Pipeline Project .
You can read all about it (including the picture outlining the final decision to be issued in Dec 2011 here.
Again, the lies you need to tell yourself in order to be a leftist are endless.
Gees O'Pete-
This is not a "mistake"
It's not an oversight-
Not amaturism, or a poor choice-
What part of "the long view" don't you people get?
The only "mistake" Obama has made is letting a Huffington Post reporter into a San Francisco fund raiser with a recording device after he flew there from Pennsylvania.
Keep telling yourself that.
When deciding between going with the girl with a great sense of humor and the rich girl, a guy will naturally choose the one with the bigger tits.
When Obama is choosing between two options, he's going to choose the one furthest to the left.
Every. Single. Time.
So of course the stumblebum made a decision that is a thumb in the eye of the unions but also does the most possible damage tto the US economy while placating his environmentalist base and no one else.
What an idiot!
"It was which way to decide would better help him get re-elected."
Bingo Ann. You see the light. See through Prez. Dickweed.
Sadly not enough saw through him 3 years ago.
Garage, why would you not accept the pipeline? In your own tongue, not the administrations.
I am more interested in this than any political dimension the issue currently has.
Is it the environmental impact? What is the specific environmental issues with having this pipeline brought online as opposed to others already operating in this hemisphere? Is that really the issue?
""However many jobs might be generated by a Keystone pipeline," he said, "they're going to be a lot fewer than the jobs that are created by extending the payroll tax cut and extending unemployment insurance.""
Sadly not enough saw through him 3 years ago.
McCain was standing in front of him.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. This is pretty obviously a very bad thing for my country. On the other hand, Obama has ostentatiously pounded another nail in the coffin of his election hopes. Independents (if such a person really exists) understand what a stupid decision this is in this economic climate. He can't get elected by his base alone.
This should not be any surprise to anyone. Of course Obama rejected it. He rejected it, and has done a lot of other things that have angered Republicans because he knows that the Republican leadership is composed of weak, spineless, worms.
Yeah Obama did it. Now what is Boehner going to do about it? (besides whine and cry?)
What the hell did Boehner expect when he thought he was being slick by requiring Obama to make a decision?
Boehner wanted Obama to make a decision and, so, Obama made a decision. What's the complaint??
If Boehner and the Republicans wanted the pipeline approved, then why the hell didn't they pass a bill mandating that the pipeline be built?
But Boehner, et al. thought that they could paint Obama into a corner. Stupid idiots. Worse yet, Republicans want to nominate another squishy worm for president.
Sadly not enough saw through him 3 years ago.
McCain was standing in front of him.
Oh, No. The truth was there for anyone who really wanted to look. People allowed themselves to be fooled. Idiots.
Bender is correct about Bonehead, and the Rep leadership. !00 percent, Boehner and his ilk are a bunch of dickless f@$#wads.
Jason almost had it correct about the Angry Sock Monkey. If Obozo is forced to make a choice, and make no mistake this guy would stand around with his thumb up his ass all day long if allowed, so you have to force him, he will invariable choose the option that will most damage this country.
Even his own "commission" sez thay we need easy access to gas to start the economy...guess what? He don't effing care. As long as he, Moochie Antoinette, Sushi, and Mongolia, get tp fly all over the world, in seperate plains, while hosting lavish parties for the commies in Hollywood, and hobnob with the other tin pot dictators like Chavez, Castro, and Amahdidntdoit, he's happier than a pig in s#@t.
And STILL, you dumb asses defend him. We got a term for you people down here. You're yellow dog democrats. A yellow dog democrat will vote for a yellow bitch if it's got a D after its name.
After you get sending tax money to eff'wad this year, (Oh, by the way, get ready for another trillion dollar increase), and you have 1 shiny nickle to your name, send me that nickle, and I'll send you some unicorn eggs. The great things about unicorns is you can use their pee instead of gas to get you around, and their crap taste like chocolate marshmallows.
(I figger if you're dumb enuff to vote for Obozo, you'll be dumb enuff to believe in unicorns too)
Dang! I as so upset I couldn't spell worth a S$#@. Apologies to the grammer police.
Errr could someone tell me how I can edit my remarks? So I can, you know...Thanx
"Boehner wanted Obama to make a decision and, so, Obama made a decision. What's the complaint??"
NO decision..unless blame is a decision. He simply delayed and blamed. FINE leadership..for a community organizer.
He can't have an opinion without the narrative. Without the narrative he would would have to study to learn, like, real facts.
I watched idiot Darryl Hannah on Fox Business last night (Note: Fox is a right wing propaganda machine as they never present opposing views) and she was spouting their new meme. "The clean energy sector creates 3 times as many jobs as the dirty energy sector"
When the recent "clean energy" bankruptcies were pointed out, she stammered "Solyndra has nothing to do with this" and repeated the meme.
She was the garage mahal of Fox Business channel.
If any enemy nation at war with the USA was picking out its targets of importance to cripple the USA's war effort, the top of their list to be destroyed would be the Keystone Pipeline.
Obama is like Bush because he launched that pre-emptive attack on the Keystone Pipeline before "it could become an immanent threat."
A very moderate and rational response is that Obama should be impeached for committing Treason.
Still, you're voting or him, Meadhouse.
@EMD: Garage has nothing except the politics.
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