January 29, 2012

Demi Moore smokes something, and the real victim is Gloria Steinem.

I don't know exactly why Demi Moore was hospitalized.
Friends and family who were with Moore indicated she has smoked something “similar to incense” and was burning up, shaking and convulsing. They said it was not marijuana.

X17 reported doctors are speculating whether Moore smoked synthetic cannabis, which is also referred to as “K2,” “herbal incense” or “spice.” There are also reports Moore drank excessive amounts of Red Bull energy drinks.
Troubling. Sad, indeed. And there's also the divorce (from her 16-years-younger husband, the very cute Ashton Kutcher). But the person my heart goes out to is Gloria Steinem. Demi Moore has now had to pull out from the role of Gloria Steinem in a movie about Linda Lovelace, the star of the historic porn-flick "Deep Throat." Replacing her is Sarah Jessica Parker. Imagine, one day, one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars is playing the role of you in a movie. And the next day, they've recast the role with an actress who... is just not even very pretty at all.

What's Gloria Steinem doing in a biopic about Linda Lovelace? Here, read "Out of Bondage," by Linda Lovelace (with Mike McGrady), introduction by Gloria Steinem. From the 1986 Publisher's Weekly review at the link:
Steinem's introduction declares her belief in the integrity of the revelations that shocked the public when Lovelace's Ordeal appeared. 
Note: I've read "Ordeal." (And I've never seen "Deep Throat.")
With McGrady, Lovelace here writes a sequel, the story of her life after she escaped from the pimp she claimed forced her into prostitution and into filming "Deep Throat." Many of the hideous experiences detailed in the first book are repeated here, which readers will find hard to bear, unless they are intrigued by the brutalizing pornography that pays handsomely for everyone except its victims. Naming celebrities and mob figures, Lovelace makes a strong case against demeaned "entertainment." Now a wife and mother, the former "sexual zombie" is also an active supporter of human rights. She lectures at colleges on degradations suffered by women as sex objects.
So who's playing Linda Lovelace? I found an old news story that said Lindsay Lohan had the role. Ah, now, I see it's Amanda Seyfried... and that there's a second Linda Lovelace biopic in the works.
Competing films of the same variety sometimes meet poor ends, as studios start rushing to be the first to release their version, which can damage the quality of the end product.
If only they'd take their time! What a fulfillment we might achieve!


James said...

Imagine, one day, one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars is playing the role of you in a movie. And the next day, they've recast the role with an actress who... is just not even very pretty at all.

LOL...Demi Moore is a star?

DADvocate said...

Richard Nixon watched Deep Throat 10 times. It took that many times to get it down Pat.

I predict both movies bomb. Most movie goers don't know who Linda Lovelace was, don't care, and never heard of Deep Throat. It sounds like a piece of propaganda on the evils of exploiting people put out by a group who regularly exploit others.

Ralph L said...

Trooper bait. SJP would be better cast as Betty Friedan.

It looks like Moore tried to save her ass over her face and lost both.

mishu said...

Didn't the feminists use Linda Lovelace and toss her aside like the pornagraphers did?


The Crack Emcee said...

For starters, Demi looks nothing like Gloria Steinam.

Second, Linda Lovelace was exploited by feminists as much as her pimp - she said so herself. The woman is severely confused.

Top it all off with both movies being lies (and we know they will be) and it's all *perfect*

And Kuch is cute? Man, you are drawn to vapidity like a moth to a flame,...

Brian Brown said...

I see it's Amanda Seyfried

She is gorgeous, though the grubbiness of Lohan is probably better for the role.

Brian Brown said...

Imagine, one day, one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars is playing the role of you

Hard to see Demi Moore that way at her age.

Ralph L said...

And Kuch is cute?
Like Brad Pitt, he's one of those guys who looks like a girl, and the girls love it.

Brian Brown said...

Troubling. Sad, indeed. And there's also the divorce

I assumed she was out "smoking incense" because she was depressed about the divorce.

Phil 314 said...

Professor are you expressing faux sadness? Are you really sad that Demi Moore didn't the part of Gloria Steinem?

Peter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rhhardin said...

I lost track of who's being exploited.

Brian Brown said...

Meanwhile, reports about Demi Moore being hospitalized for exhaustion, taking whip-its and now smoking something have fans concerned.

Ah yes, 49 going on 22...

virgil xenophon said...

I'm with rhhardin. It's too early, and my head hurts...I can't keep up...but I'm awake enough to sure second cracks comments this am..

TWM said...

"Imagine, one day, one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars is playing the role of you in a movie."

I don't know about her being that beautiful and certainly she is no where near being "one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars" but compared to Sarah, she's Helen of Troy.

ricpic said...

They couldn't get a German panzer to play Steinem so they had to settle for a horse.

Spread Eagle said...

The latest reports say Demi didn't "smoke" something, but that she inhaled too much nitrous oxide.

KCFleming said...

Women hurt themselves
Men are bad

Learn this lesson well

Jose_K said...

google for Demi Moore. Oui( a french porn magazine) and Demi Moore will be seen as a fit for Linda Lovelace but for the age

rhhardin said...

"Not to mention the unsavory aftermath of Helen's whoring around"

- Anne Carson

LoafingOaf said...

I wouldn't say that Sarah Jessica Parker is "not even very pretty at all". She's not a conventional pretty, but lots of people find her pretty. Granted not many people would consider her as beautiful a star as Demi Moore.

BTW, Demi Moore isn't my type, though I get really turned on by her sexually harassing behavior in Disclosure. And the news she was doing whip its also kind of turns me on. lol

Toad Trend said...

"But the person my heart goes out to is Gloria Steinem."

Mine too. I almost forgot to put 'feel sorry for Gloria Steinem' on my calendar.

I await PETA's statement decrying Linda Lovelace's exploitation of Great Danes' tongues.

Ann Althouse said...

"Professor are you expressing faux sadness? Are you really sad that Demi Moore didn't the part of Gloria Steinem?"

Where did I say I'm sad that Demi Moore didn't the part of Gloria Steinem?

edutcher said...

The story of Linda Lovelace is one of the great indictments of the porn business. And trying to shoehorn Gloria Steinbrenner into it is a joke.

The feminists didn't rescue her, they applauded porn as part of their Right To Orgasm (anybody know which one that is?).

PS Demi Moore isn't bad looking today, but 25 years ago she had sensuality oozing out of her pores. Sarah Jessica Paker OR Gloria Steinbrenner should live so long as to even be considered that attractive.

Mark O said...

In about 1975 or so, at a private screening of "Deep Throat" for a group of Yale law students who expressed interest in the First Amendment, the essence of the film was captured in a sequence in which Linda was performing her signature acting accomplishment. Just at that moment, someone in the crowd yelled: "Yes! But, can she cook?"

Toad Trend said...

You stack women of the same vintage with Demi Moore and she's right near the top, without question.

Sarah Jessica Parker? Not so much.

KCFleming said...

Ashton Kutcher is 33 years old, yet he still acts like a teenager.

The incentives for dating or marrying beautiful women are to be a boy, not a man. So I understand why males act this way these days. It works!

But the woman who gets him has a teenager in the house. What's in it for the females?

I mean, once the sex part is at an equilibrium, and the realities of the garbage and the litter box and petty differences take hold, what advantage do boys have there?

Feminism sure has been a boon for young men.

edutcher said...

Pogo said...

Ashton Kutcher is 33 years old, yet he still acts like a teenager.

That's natural - he's Charlie Sheen's replacement.

The Crack Emcee said...

Now that I think about it, I do remember a girl-friend once happily telling me she was in love with a fleck of spittle because "He's aboy!"


Go figure,...

William said...

I think that if it were possible to photograph the soul. Steinhem's soul would look something like Sarah Jessica Parker. But for that matter, so would Demi Moore's....I'm no fan of Sarah Jessica Parker but she seems to enjoy a happy marriage, and she has certainly gotten full value out of her looks and talent. Her soul would probably photo much better than those of Glora and Demi.

William said...

There's the possibility that Linda Loverlace was a manipulative woman who acted out the fantasies of both horny men and angry feminists in order to pick up a quick dollar. I don't say that she was successful, but that was her attempt to gain control of her narrative......The pimp/ho relationship is destructive and degrading. But the truly ghastly thing is that some women in their perversity find this kind of relationship rewarding. If a woman chooses to dress up as a man, progressive people are supportive of her choice. If a woman chooses to dress up like a whore, we condemn her choice. Not all perversions are created equal.

YoungHegelian said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
YoungHegelian said...

Why would anyone want to make a biopic of Linda Lovelace's life except for the prurient interest it arouses? It's not like she's particularly unique nor was her treatment comparatively abominable in a world awash in sexual trafficing. She just learned how to work the porn & the feminist sides of the street, that's all.

No, I expect this will be a movie aimed at liberal chicks who will watch the screen wide-eyed & then say to the men in their lives "That's DISGUSTING!".

Everyone knows that if you're aiming porno to chicks you gotta wrap it in a story & pretty clothes (e.g. Sex & the City).

Jeff Gee said...

As a casting decision, it makes no sense. Steinem was a beautiful woman who went through a lot of trouble to signal she would be no fun at all to hang out with. Parker’s whole public persona is based on an almost exact reversal of this. If she plays Steinem accurately it will simply read as another homely dame with a job in publishing. // I also read Ordeal, and can’t wait to see who plays Sammy Davis Jr…

Chip S. said...

I was not surprised to hear that
Chloe Sevigny
was being cast for a role in this flick, but I was stunned to discover that she wasn't starring in it.

Ann Althouse said...

There could be an excellent movie about the porn industry. "Boogie Nights" shows how that can be done, but that was some kind of miracle.

Is this movie going to be incisive and satirical about the feminists who brought Lovelace into their embrace? Or are we going to be shown sexual brutality and then have the character rescued to make the movie appear to have "redeeming social value."

Chip S. said...

If you're offering a wager at even money, I'd like to bet on Option 2.

ajcjw said...

Demi Moore one of the most beautiful Hollywood stars? Hmmmm....I just don't see it. She is an ordinary-looking, albeit attractive, woman. SJP is not beautiful in the commonly accepted sense but she is what the French call "jolie laide", which makes her fascinating to look at. And some women may find Ashton Kutcher "cute", but I don't get it. Cuteness doesn't belong on a list of attributes in a man. When I praise my husband's looks, he points to his face and says "what about all these wrinkles? I look like an old saddle!". He's not cute but he's handsome and doesn't realize it, which is very sexy.

Ralph L said...

Boogie Nights was boring, which may have been an accurate portrayal of the porn industry.

It was like that short-lived Sorkin series about a comedy show that had no comedy in it.

Phil 314 said...

I said:
"Professor are you expressing faux sadness? Are you really sad that Demi Moore didn't (get)the part of Gloria Steinem?"

You said:
"Where did I say I'm sad that Demi Moore didn't (get) the part of Gloria Steinem?

Your original post says:
But the person my heart goes out to is Gloria Steinem. Demi Moore has now had to pull out from the role of Gloria Steinem in a movie about Linda Lovelace, the star of the historic porn-flick "Deep Throat."

OK I forgot the word "get" in my original comment. But it sure seems that you expressed sadness for the situation. Maybe I confused the object of sadness. I'm still struggling to see anything "sad-worthy" for Demi, Gloria, Sarah Jessica, Linda or Ashton.

But I did understand the sadness regarding Soleil (if that counts)

cliff claven said...

"Boogie Nights was boring". I certainly wouldn't tell people what movies to like. But, to dislike Boogie Nights because it was "boring" makes me wonder what would be an exciting movie. My Dinner w/ Andre?

Demi was making a flick and, considering her addiction problems, was almost certainly getting pee tested. Thusly the synthetic pot. It is legal and doesn't show up. Quick, get edutcher on this before we almost lose a real fucking actor!!

Speaking of boring, where are all the fun people??

Crunchy Frog said...

The original story was that it was Mary Loiuise Parker that would replace her, not Sarah.

Damn. Mary is hawt.

wv: elica - internet cunnilingus

Ann Althouse said...

I said Steinem was the real victim. I didn't say I was sad about it.

Ann Althouse said...

It's a vanity injury.

Revenant said...

Why would anyone want to make a biopic of Linda Lovelace's life except for the prurient interest it arouses?

I was wondering the same thing. A junkie who used people and was used by them in turn? Hard to make a good movie using nothing but unlikable characters.

Geoff Matthews said...

Demi Moore may be prettier, but SJP is happier.
I'd much rather share a life with SJP than DM.

BTW, I heard that she had a reaction to huffing ready-whip.

Amartel said...

Exactly. SJP seems like she's at peace with herself, whether ugly or not, jolie or jolie-laide. Demi, on the other hand, is and always has been, a work/war, in progress. More interesting to gossip about and judge, that.

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