January 4, 2012

"And the next leg of the marathon is the Palmetto State... Here we come South Carolina!!!"

Perry hangs in.


garage mahal said...

Perry hangs in.

And cried. Two Republican candidates in almost the same week. What is it with Republican men and openly crying in public?

james conrad said...

I realize he has the money to continue however, he had his chance & he was not prepared for a national campaign. He still isnt and no amount of money is going to change that fact.

le Douanier said...

So is he going to run there?

bbkingfish said...

Sounds like Perry was able to make a deal w/Romney overnight. He stays in as an El Cid candidate to draw some votes away from Santorum in SC, then gets his payoff after Romney wins in November.

I wouldn't hold my breath for the second leg of that parlay, though.

Anonymous said...

South Carolinians are some of the nicest people in the United States of America. They have a wonderful 'coastal culture'. Charleston and Fripp Island are a delight. I know this doesn't have much to do with the primaries...

Scott M said...

It makes sense that Perry would hang in at least until SC. I, like others, am a bit disappointed that the guy turned out to be such a milquetoast candidate. I've long said I really don't care who the candidate is as long as that person can go for the jugular in the one place that POTUS absolutely cannot control, ie, the debates.

Scott M said...

What is it with Republican men and openly crying in public?

I'd rather see honest, open emotion than bullshit answers like "that's above my paygrade" any day. Where's your outrage at such drivel?

MadisonMan said...

They have a wonderful 'coastal culture'. Charleston and Fripp Island are a delight.

Is Perry going there on vacation?

Wince said...

I like the caption to the photo in the linked story:

"Perry included a photo of himself in running gear with his tweet."

In the photo, Perry looks like he was just shot out of a canon, like Wile E. Coyote, but it's good to know his "tweet" wasn't blown-off in the process.

Simon said...

On behalf of the Romney campaign, let me say thankyou to both Ricks and to Newt for not dropping out. Divide and conquer.

Freeman Hunt said...

Good. He and Huntsman are, in my opinion, the sensible alternatives to Romney. I support Romney, but if there's going to be a Not Romney candidate, it should probably be Perry. (His terrible debate performances aside.)

mccullough said...

With Bachmann dropping out, Perry should stay in. He's got more money and a better organization than Santorum and Newt. He's also got a better chance against Obama than either of those two and would be a better President than either of them. Unlike Santorum, Perry has already taken his whacks. Santorum has nowhere to go but down at this point.

damikesc said...

Well, my state is the one that tends to pick Presidents well. If he does well here --- which he probably won't --- it shows he has some life.

I expect a Romney win. Newt has been tanking.

Chip S. said...

Perry has already taken his whacks.

The problem is they were self-inflicted.

garage mahal said...

I'd rather see honest, open emotion than bullshit answers like "that's above my paygrade" any day.

So Obama should have cried when asked that question?

Scott M said...

So Obama should have cried when asked that question?

Nope. But you're conflating crying with an actual answer. One doesn't necessarily represent the other, nor preclude it. Barry did none of the above and punted. I don't recall you being overly bothered by that fact.

traditionalguy said...

Rush declares that Newt is going after Romney for personal reasons and that will directly help Santorum.

I believe that is true. Newt can slice and dice an opponent better than anyone else. And now he has nothing left to lose.

The "outsider" that Romney claims to be is about to find out what angry insiders can do when in retaliation mode. That retaliation is what makes DC work.

It will be interesting to see how the smirking Romney escapes the wrath of Newt.

traditionalguy said...

Garage wins.

Men who show their emotions are not the psychopaths needed to play the Dead Men Walking roles assigned to Obama's Marxist party.

Dr Zhivago's plot keeps getting re-played. Is there nothing new under the sun?

rhhardin said...

Arte Johnson was always offering Ruth Buzzi a palmetto on Laugh-in

garage mahal said...

Barry did none of the above and punted. I don't recall you being overly bothered by that fact.

I'm not bothered, I would rather have someone admit they don't know, rather than pretend they do.

ken in tx said...

Just so you will know, most of Upcountry-South Carolina hates the holy city, Charleston. A visit to the Upcountry History Museum would show you that. Gov. Haley has the advantage of being in neither camp, as an ethnic Sikh—nominal Methodist, she can claim supporters from both areas.

Known Unknown said...

And cried. Two Republican candidates in almost the same week. What is it with Republican men and openly crying in public?

They're sensitive and compassionate people, damnit!!!!!

damikesc said...

So Obama should have cried when asked that question?

As opposed to his usual punting and beating up straw men?


It'd be nice to believe, at least briefly, that the man so many people blindly elected is actually at least SOMEWHAT human and not, well, a not competent robot.

He's the Wheatley of politics.

edutcher said...

Santorum will fade outside IA, so Newt and Perry staying in makes sense.

Newt's big problem is no money, no organization.

Andy said...

The day Perry announced I said he was a big joke and the idea that he could win the primary, beat Obama, or not be a completely disastrous president was merely something to laugh about.

Everything he has done since then has confirmed this impression for me.

After his humiliating campaign and dismal showing, I don't understand why people are pretending that this is someone who should be seriously supported.

Scott M said...

After his humiliating campaign and dismal showing, I don't understand why people are pretending that this is someone who should be seriously supported.

I honestly didn't know much about Perry other than the fact that he was governor of Texas. This is aside from the fact that he was the governor of Texas and in addition to the fact that he was governor of Texas.

Aside from that, not much.

Michael said...

AndyR. Because however humorous and lightweight you might find Perry you do realize that his resume is considerably thicker than Obama's was when elected. That said, he ain't going to win and so crowing about your good call is of value only if you placed money with the London bookies on his fate and its timing.

Known Unknown said...

big joke


You're as bad as Mick with your tedious one note commentary.

Andy said...


Last time I used some multi-syllabic words people complained that it sounded like I was using thesaurus.

These people are jokes, and I'm happy to keep explaining that until you people realize it.

Scott M said...

Last time I used some multi-syllabic words people complained that it sounded like I was using thesaurus.

Ever read "Bored Of The Rings"? The "thesaurus" bit was classic.

The company stood rooted to the ground in terror. The creature was about fifty feet tall, with wide lapels, long dangling participles, and a pronounced gazetteer.
"Aiyee!" shouted Legolam. "A Thesaurus!"
"Maim!" roared the monster. "Mutilate, mangle, crush. See HARM."

Cedarford said...

Well, dumb of Perry, but Mitt Romney will be happy Perry sticks around a little longer. Hopefully through S Carolina and Florida.

The funny thing is after watching the candidates on Caucus night..I think next to Romney, Perry (hopefully surrounded by smarter people than Perry - not hard to find) is the one I would feel most comfortable with in the White House, among Reps. Followed by Huntsman.

What I did see last night was the self-immolation of Newt. The worst of this undisciplined, vindictive guy many people knew from the 90s as such again on full display. Took his thumping like a childish brat. On stage, he was out of control, nasty old Newt again. Churlish, his present position none of his fault. All due to that mean Ron Paul and Romney's super-pac.
As Newtie spit venom and vowed that he was gonna be forced, yes forced...not to be the nice guy that he is...but grip Paul and Romney by the throat and drag them down into hell with his Newt UberMind and Masterdebator technique.

In 5 minutes on stage , Gingrich affirmed again his unfitness to be in an executive capacity.

Andy said...

What I did see last night was the self-immolation of Newt. The worst of this undisciplined, vindictive guy many people knew from the 90s as such again on full display. Took his thumping like a childish brat. On stage, he was out of control, nasty old Newt again. Churlish, his present position none of his fault. All due to that mean Ron Paul and Romney's super-pac.
As Newtie spit venom and vowed that he was gonna be forced, yes forced...not to be the nice guy that he is...but grip Paul and Romney by the throat and drag them down into hell with his Newt UberMind and Masterdebator technique.

In 5 minutes on stage , Gingrich affirmed again his unfitness to be in an executive capacity.

I'm glad you agree with me that Newt is a total joke.

Should we peruse past Althouse comment threads to find everyone who supported him or said nice things about him so we can point and laugh at them?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Perry hangs in.

Using hanging metaphors in reference to a Texas governor whose shining pride is how many people he's executed while in office, is probably a bad idea.

I'm not sure if that's the most unfortunate thing you've ever written. But then, it is in reference to Rick Perry - yet another Republican who, in your mind, can do no wrong. No matter how low nearly everyone else's opinion is of that cocksure bungler, and how grave his need of speech therapy.

Anonymous said...


Last time I used some multi-syllabic words people complained that it sounded like I was using thesaurus.

These people are jokes, and I'm happy to keep explaining that until you people realize it.

The word you should be using is 'polysyllabic' not 'multi-syllabic. Check that thesaurus.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Because however humorous and lightweight you might find Perry you do realize that his resume is considerably thicker than Obama's was when elected.

I love this.

And the job requirements for being governor of Texas include... what, exactly?

We are talking about a yahoo whose signature proposal (apart from abolishing an indeterminate number of federal departments, whose names he could not recall) was to make the job of another branch of government part-time.

At some point your buddies will have to accept the realization that, no matter how tempted you are to throw everything into your whore-candidate that money can buy, an actual brain might be a prerequisite.

Chip S. said...

Using hanging metaphors in reference to a Texas governor whose shining pride is how many people he's executed while in office, is probably a bad idea.

A reasonable point. We'd love to be able to call him electrifying, but he hasn't really warranted that.

damikesc said...

And the job requirements for being governor of Texas include... what, exactly?

About the same as being a US Senator after you had the media somehow convince a judge to open a sealed divorce judgment for reasons nobody to this day can actually really fathom.

Or being a US President based solely on your inability to actually make a decision that didn't utterly screw up everything in the process --- but, fortunately, your most ardent supporters are functional retards.

At some point your buddies will have to accept the realization that, no matter how tempted you are to throw everything into your whore-candidate that money can buy, an actual brain might be a prerequisite.

The credentialed set have certainly put the country in a great position the last 30 years, haven't they?