Infantile attempt to make normal people feel uncomfortable. One can only hope that the silent majority will silently vote against everything these classless and clueless, arrested development juveniles stand for.
On the good side, it is for the betterment of us all that the owners of this low-grade motel have no qualms about advertising their idiocy to the passing traffic. Looks like reverse capitalism at it's proudest.
Must be some serious bank in the public employee union travel budget.
Because you know Ma 'n' Pa Kettle from the paper mill in Wisconsin Rapids will jes' scoot on by so as to avoid having to mansplain to Junior what a Kochsucker is.
Or better yet, avoid State Highway 12 altogether. Must be thrilling for Landscape Techniques and the Flooring Center, the businesses right next door.
In the not-too-long-ago previous century, they had a word for people who behaved as a group like liberal Wisconsinites do now: Leninists.
At every turn, their end justifies their means. And their means paint a picture of a collective without standards, with no solid philosophical base other than 'I want mine- even if I have to trample the rights of all those around me to get it'. The strained image that they see of themselves is, as a group- just, right, smarter. The actual image of themselves- held up for the rest of the country to see is- well, infantile. Not very bright. Selfish at best, Leninist at worst.
But, hey, Have a Merry Christmas, Wisconsin. They say we get the government we deserve. One can only wonder what the spoils system will become if Walker is recalled.
Kinda interesting how in response to a post about a lack of decency one of the commentators is encouraging folks to go to tripadvisor and give a "review" of that motel.......
...'cause making reviews about a place you've never stayed at is TOTALLY "decent".
Does Wisconsin law prohibit smoking in public rooms? I look at the game room photo - impeccably depressing, Pogo, thank you for the link - anyway, I looked at the game room photo and imagined stale, stale cigarette smoke, maybe a hint of beer that was spilled somewhere, and, dare I say, perhaps a whiff of urine from the bathroom?
A perfect holiday weekend, only three hours from Chicago!
I've driven up to the Dells via Hwy 12 a lot of times, and I see on the map that this hotel is between the highway to Reedsburg and HoChunk, but for the life of me I don't remember passing it.
PurpleP. The vulgarity of the sign is the kind of thing that Trip Advisor and its users need to know about. The owners of an establishment that would put that message on their business' sign are not the kinds of hosts most travelers are interested in getting to know up close. You do not have to have been a guest in the motel to have an opinion on the sign they so proudly display. It is far from " indecent" to note you would not stay there because of the ugly language on their road sign.
Scott Walker accepted a prank telephone call from someone pretending to be one of the Koch brothers. In that conversation, recorded and re-broadcast by the prankster, Walker said nothing illegal, nor provided even the slightest hint of his willingness to do a favor for a business interest.
From this, the left has spun a tale of Governor Walker being somehow beholden to the Koch brothers; of Walker being a "Koch sucker." It is a total lie, and a slogan created by liars.
Things like this, though, real corruption on the part of a governor, went completely ignored by the left:
Democratic Governor Jim Doyle accepted $41,550 in campaign contributions from two utilities shortly after a state panel controlled by Doyle appointees first denied, then reopened and approved the controversial $220 million sale of the utilities’ Kewaunee nuclear power plant, a Wisconsin Democracy Campaign analysis shows.
Imagine the firestorm if Governor Walker had done this same thing.
The the hard-core political left cannot stand that they have lost control of the Statehouse and the Wisconsin Supreme Court. They will tell any lie, threaten any Republican elected official, and boycott any business whose owner leans even slightly right.
And by the use of such "clever" signs as the one on the sign in front of the motel on Highway 12, they believe they can convince enough voters (real and imagined...) that their way is better than Governor Walker's way.
It isn't a Koch sucker who seeks to ruin Wisconsin, it is the Alinsky suckers and Marx suckers who do.
Looks like a tourist trap for those who couldn’t find room in the Dells or ran out of money at the casino. You can get a room for the low price of $75 a night and here,, is a glowing review. Not sure what’s up with that “Hello IRS!!!” welcome sign? I guess the agents need to conduct their interrogations somewhere and where better than a place which no one stays at.
Hence their disgust with one of their own having "Kochsucker" used on a public business sign.
While I'm not one of the "left", I will say that I wish this hotel had phrased their disapproval with Walker in a less offensive way.
That said, I don't think I've seen anyone on the right (especially on this blog) respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers that have been violently assaulted, spit on, called-at-home, had their property destroyed and flipped off.
That said, I don't think I've seen anyone on the right (especially on this blog) respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers that have been violently assaulted, spit on, called-at-home, had their property destroyed and flipped off.
Start buy directing your angst toward those on the left who stalk, harass, and threaten the lives of Governor Walker, his wife and their sons.
"I don't think I've seen anyone on the right (especially on this blog) respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers..." They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Ha, first PP post here...ignoring the actual topic of the post and doing her/him/it's best little blame shuffle. Not unlike her comment ont he actual
"Purplepenquin PERMALINK December 23, 2011 8:15 am
That said, it ain’t just folks on “the left” who are acting improperly…for every example you mentioned in this post, there are three examples of petition-gatherings being spit on and/or violently attacked. "
These is the same bullshit you post here.
So the article names three examples...of course one of them represent many instances...but please name nine instances of "petition-gatherings being spit on and/or violently attacked."
Is anyone surprised that given the chance to express disgust against the violent attacks that have occurred against the petition-gatherers, Micheal and Pogo instead choose to justify those illegal actions?
Stop trying to make the sale, Penguin. No buyers here.
Remember the woman in Dane County who got a judicial pass for threatening to kill Scott Walker? Your anger should be directed there. Or at the people who advocated the rape of Walker's wife and sons.
"Is anyone surprised that given the chance to express disgust against the violent attacks that have occured against the petition-gatherers, Micheal and Pgo instead choose to justify those illegal actions?"
In the spirit of Christmas, have a little cheese with that whine, PP. Politics ain't beanbag. And the "have you no decency" shtick from folks like you is worn out. As Pogo said, sow the whirlwind, reap the whirlwind.
Or, to quote your own SCOAMF - "punch back twice as hard."
@garage--I don't doubt that you have. I meant simply that this particular version of "but what about the...?!!" has popped up as the common response to this particular Althouse post.
"purplepenquin said... Ha, first CurioGeo post here...ignoring the actual topic of the post and instead he continues on with his lil' obsession about me personally."
Hardly. You show up, post the same ole shit, I call you on it. Yo umake these claims that yo ucan't back up, and when you try, they are shown for the steaming pile that they are. And the hypocrite you are.
"Destructon of property" = "tearing up a blank petition. No charges brought.
I asked to see examples of all this "violent attacks" and "spitting". Let me save you the ain't got 'em.
You show up here lamenting your "fear of violence"...and of course provide nothing. But when Althouse and her son actually got assaulted physically, you shrug it off. Nothing to see. Move along.
By the way, Purple, we are not blind to the tactic your are using here.
You take the topic, like the use the the phrase "Koch Suckers" in this comment stream, and divert it to a new topic - the seemingly violent behavior (Ripping Paper! Gasp! Merde!) directed at leftists, rather than the silly behavior by leftists as the topic was originally framed.
You seek to create a false moral equivalency.
Not happenin'. The right has learned a lot by reading Alinsky.
Chip, your assumptions make me chuckle. Isthmus is too much of a gated community/echo chamber for me to post there...I stopped doing so years ago.
But for real...ya'll need to stop making this about me personally. Like our hostess has repeatedly said, that makes for a boring thread.
Instead, ya'll should tell us more about how one guy saying he wants to attack Walker's kid justifies the many petition-gatherers that have been spit on, attacked and/or flipped off. I truly am interested in learning how that leap was made.
You're right, this sign is nowhere nearly as "morally equivalent" as the the violent attacks and spitting on petition gatherers. One, while still bad, is merely words and the others are actual attacks.
What is interesting is how you (and so many others) give a free pass to the actual attacks while expressing outrage against the mere words. Pretty obvious that the red meat Ann likes to toss out is working as intended...
I looked into this on my own, and found out that the recall opponents are engaging in truly vile behavior. Unbelievable stuff, really. Since purp doesn't read the Isthmus, I did it for him/her. Seems like Walker's brownshirts are on the march:
"We've got old ladies sticking their tongues out, and giving us the finger," she says. "Guys drive by and yell at us. It really surprises me — the ugliness of the other side."
I don't know how Walker's opponents persevere in the face of such ugly tactics. The last time a little old lady stuck her tongue out at me I passed out from the shock.
this blog has gone downhill fast. where is the humor? whether you are pro or anti walker the sign at this obviously flea bag motel is not something anyone should get worked up about. it's stupid and classless, just like the establishment it represents. it's stupid to try and defend it, and it's silly to get worked up about. the sign and motel say it all.
PurplrP. I,of course, wrote none of those things and think your attempt to deflect to some incidence of alleged violence is illogical. This outbreak of spitting is news to me and that it is referenced by Garage who argues always in bad faith suggests if there was such an incident it was a single incident or contrived as a bit of narrative enhancement.
People like Garage think the sign is cute and choose to stay there in solidarity with the sentiment. How nice.
@CuriousG--You should've read down to the bottom of the page purp sent us to:
Katherine R. Windels of Cross Plains, Wisconsin sent death threat e-mails to Republican lawmakers the same day the legislation passed, and was arrested...
CurioGeo admitted, in an earlier thread, that he is one of the guys who was caught on video attacking a petition-gatherer...and now he is claiming there is no evidence that anyone has every been attacked, or spit on, or had their petition torn up?!
*rolls eyes*
If this wasn't such a serious issue, it would almost be funny.
Walker who promised to create 250,000 jobs and encourage business in Wisconsin( hasn't so far), now finds himself mocked on a motel sign by owners who hope this will increase their business-- I think that a bit ironic, Pogo.
pogo, what i should have said is it's silly to OVERREACT to the sign. it's like when a football player makes a great play and then diminishes it acting like a circus clown. this motel is obviously white trash and the sign is classless. make fun of it as was done at the beginning of this thread. simply laugh at the people contorting trying to defend it. that's what i'm trying to say.
it just seems like many of the commenters who held the overly serious commenters in check are gone.
"purplepenquin said... CurioGeo admitted, in an earlier thread, that he is one of the guys who was caught on video attacking a petition-gatherer...and now he is claiming there is no evidence that anyone has every been attacked, or spit on, or had their petition torn up?!
*rolls eyes*
If this wasn't such a serious issue, it would almost be funny."
First you falsely accuse me of stalking you, which I've asked you to apologize for, and you have not, and now this. 100% false you lying piece of shit.
Everything you post is just bullshit. I want to excuse this as another example of your likely drug addled mind, but you really are simply the poster child of the pathetic left.
At 12/14/11 6:47 PM you wrote a comment in the "The impossible task of verifying signatures on the Walker recall petitions" post where you slipped up and admitted that you are the person in the fourth link.
You repeatedly jump into a thread without saying ANYTHING at the post and instead address only me. See this thread as the most recent haven't said anything at all about the topic our hostess posted, and instead 100% of your posts have been ad hominem attacks against moi. That seems a lot like stalking to me.
Also in this thread you've stated that you haven't seen any evidence of violent behavior, so I don't know who you're fooling when you say it a lie for me to say you haven't seen any....
Thanks for the help, purple, and i stand corrected. Two, not one,incidents of spitting.
Always happy to help. If you (or anyone) is truly interested in learning more about such incidents Dane101 is doing a pretty good job of documenting 'em. Between this blog we're on and that one I just linked to, reasonable folks can get a pretty good idea of what some of the people on both sides of this issue are doing.
CurioGeo admitted, in an earlier thread, that he is one of the guys who was caught on video attacking a petition-gatherer...and now he is claiming there is no evidence that anyone has every been attacked, or spit on, or had their petition torn up?!
Not only did he accidently admit that was him, he went on to claim there was nothing violent occurring in that video clip!
Of course, given the rude way he behaves on this forum then it is no surprise that he personally sees nothing-at-all wrong with his behavior on the streets that day.
"I" clearly was meant to be "a", as "I guy" doesn't make sense
Yeah...'cause the "I" and the "A" key are so close together on the keyboard.
*rolls eyes*
Looks like to me that you typed "I" first, then backed up to change it to "guy" 'cause you didn't wanna admit it was you...but in your haste to post your words you didn't quite edit it out properly.
"purplepenquin said... Oh really. I wonder if this is him?
Yup, that's the clip.
Not only did he accidently admit that was him, he went on to claim there was nothing violent occurring in that video clip!"
Again, repeat the old lie (I clearly admitted no such thing) and add a new one. I did not say "there was nothing violent occurring in that video clip", I said this:
"Fourth Link: verbal altercation where I guy also took a camera, and then gave it back forceably. He was not charged with assault, just disorderly conduct."
This is a 100% accurate description of that video. I even said "gave it back forceably." What "violence" was there other than that penguin?
You again demonstrate that you are a inherently dishonest person.
The nice thing about the Kochsucker sign is that it gets the kids asking what the sign means. It is a wonderful conversation starter and a chance to engage your kids in a discussion of oral sex. And you can make it clear that both boys AND girls can do it. Because the Kochsucker himself is standing in the way of educating the children of Wisconsin and this sign is a good way to circle back to the important things. Because progressives believe that gays are second rate they use one of the epithets against gays against the guy they are trying to recall, the sign is also a great place to teach your kids about politics and how you win at the game by calling your opponents names that correlate with a group you despise. See? There are a myriad of chances to use the sign to engage with your children in a progressive way.
@penq--As someone who's screwed up several times editing before posting, I can easily imagine lots of ways in which the "I guy" construction could result.
George might well have initially written a wordier comment that started off with "I can see that ..." or other phrases to that effect. In an effort to prune unnecessary stuff, it's easy to cut out most but not all of a phrase. I've done something like that myself on numerous occasions.
While your inference is possible, I don't think it's likely.
While your inference is possible, I don't think it's likely
It truly doesn't seem that far-fetched to me at all. Given the way he behaves on this forum, why would anyone be surprised that he also yells and cusses at people in person?
Unless, of course, he is one of those "keyboard warriors" who can only thump his chest and act tuff while safely hiding behind a totally anonymous handle.
"Unless, of course, he is one of those "keyboard warriors" who can only thump his chest and act tuff while safely hiding behind a totally anonymous handle."
A more likely possibility could be that he is upset at your creative interpretation of his comments. Are you suggesting the two of you should meet to clarify both of your comments? Cause otherwise I don't see how both of you have any choice in being keyboard warriors.
There is one grammatical error in my post, a clear substitution of "I" and "A". If you look at my posts you will see errors of this type are the norm. I refer to the person in question as "he". Not "me".
Finally, the person's identity is known. I've posted may times here I live in Wauwatosa, the person is question does not. I've posted other personal information about myself, none of which matches the person arrested. Clearly I'm not the person in the video. But Penguin states with authority that I am. Penguin is a liar. This is not the first time it has posted outright lies about me. It also persists in falsehoods in most of its posts.
For the is his behavior on here plus the alleged-slip-of-the-fingers that led me to think he was the fella in the video. But seeing how he is he vehemently denying that it is him, then I apologize for saying it was.
I just found his "typo" pretty interesting. I guess his fingers have that "wide stance" I've heard others talk about.
I'll denounce anyone who harasses or assaults a signature-gatherer, throws bricks through windows, etc. I have no problem with giving them a thumbs-down or discussing the issues with them.
But anything else is not acceptable. Just like kicking a door in in the Capitol, abandoning your students, running away to Illinois, writing fake sick notes, locking yourself to a railing, shouting obscenities at anyone let alone a teenage girl, drowning out the national anthem, blowing vuvuzelas in people's ears, threatening elected officials and their families, pouring beer on a legislator, harassing photographers, using children in protests, likening Republicans to Nazis and fascists, harassing people on Facebook, and all of the other cr@p that's been pulled this past year, mostly by people on the left, is unacceptable.
Yay! Funny thing - this new bypass opened while my husband was on a 3-week trip to Yellowstone. Upon his late night return, he got off on 12, hit this and, for a while, didn't quite know where he was.
purplepenquin said... For the is his behavior on here plus the alleged-slip-of-the-fingers that led me to think he was the fella in the video. But seeing how he is he vehemently denying that it is him, then I apologize for saying it was."
Hey, take this "apology" and shove it. And I didn't "vehemently deny" anything, I just told and showed you why you are a liar. Mission accomplished.
Again, not the first time you have accused me of something I didn't do. Still waiting for you to "eat your words" on past wrongs.
purplepenguin: While I'm not one of the "left" ....
That said, I don't think I've seen anyone on the right respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers that have been violently assaulted, spit on, called-at-home, had their property destroyed and flipped off.
What a relief that you're not "one of the left."
Nevertheless, would you care to document your claim so we'll know its not just projection or taqiyya? (Kudos Browndog.)
I'm signing off now, but since you're not one of the left, I'll assume you can deliver on the documentation and express my shock and dismay if Walker supporters are behaving like his detractors.
Actually, you're right. Looking back you haven't actually flat-out said "That ain't me in the video", rather you choose to explain how that things you've said in the past should make it clear that it couldn't be you.
Maybe I've been watching too much Colombo lately, but I find it kinda interesting you'd phrase it like that rather than deny it is you.
Nevertheless, would you care to document your claim so we'll know its not just projection or taqiyya? exactly does one document that they ain't "one of the left"?
If you are truly interested in my personal viewpoints then feel free to visit my webpage and/or read my comments on other blogs. Or even drop me an email. But I think we need to stop cluttering up our hostesses thread with such boring convo.
JohnSmith. Good question. Only one way to find out if our homophobic progressive innkeeper is also a thief. I shot the owner an email with a link to the picture with the offensive sign. I am sure he will be thrilled in any event.
Garage. Using an image without permission is theft. Not that you would either confront or turn in a thief. Cowards pretend not to see or resort to schoolyard taunts meant to be ironic.
4 Winds Motel, Baraboo WI” Reviewed December 22, 2011 NEW 6people found this review helpful This has to be one of the worst motels I have stayed at. There were no room phones but a phone on a pole in the parking lot for credit card calls only. The coffee shop would not be open for two weeks yet if at all. The room windows were all open on a 50 degree all day rainy day and all the bedding, towels, etc. were damp. There was no heat available but told that there was an extra blanket to keep warm with. The bed was a broken down mattress that was only about 6 inches above the floor and covered with a plastic tarp type sheet. There was no safety lock on the door and only one towel & washcloth for two persons requiring a trip to the office for more.
Johm Smith, good work. Not sure how hard they protect their property (the Gumby image), but most owners of such images will send a polite but firm letter. And hopefully follow-up.
Trip-Advisor. I would not recommend a fake review, but perhaps putting a note on there about the sexual vulgar message on the sign out front. That should keep the people away.
Garage. Take your kids up there and teach them homophobia, oral sex and progressive "thought.". A threefer! So cool a sign that combines progressive ideas of homophobia, theft and juvenile sloganeering
garage, I say it is real. The things wrong with the motel are wayyyyy to specific to be made up. If it was fake, he'd talk about dirty sheets, mold in the bathroom, smelly rooms. The things that you run into in bad motels. You wouldn't make up a story about the phone in the parking lot. That would be too easy to spot as a fake review. Same with the coffee shop.
Chuck That review was written the same day the Troglopundit post [that Althouse also linked to] went up. There was even a link in the post to Trip Advisor in the comments.
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Infantile attempt to make normal people feel uncomfortable. One can only hope that the silent majority will silently vote against everything these classless and clueless, arrested development juveniles stand for.
On the good side, it is for the betterment of us all that the owners of this low-grade motel have no qualms about advertising their idiocy to the passing traffic. Looks like reverse capitalism at it's proudest.
Must be some serious bank in the public employee union travel budget.
Because you know Ma 'n' Pa Kettle from the paper mill in Wisconsin Rapids will jes' scoot on by so as to avoid having to mansplain to Junior what a Kochsucker is.
Or better yet, avoid State Highway 12 altogether. Must be thrilling for Landscape Techniques and the Flooring Center, the businesses right next door.
the motel looks like it rents by the hour.
and what is gumby doing on a sign. i seem to remember a post here about gumby robbing a store. so a felon is this motels spokesman.
frankz said...
the motel looks like it rents by the hour.
.............there's probably an extra deposit if you want sheets.
It's a sad little place.
Check out their photo gallery, especially this one.
In the not-too-long-ago previous century, they had a word for people who behaved as a group like liberal Wisconsinites do now: Leninists.
At every turn, their end justifies their means. And their means paint a picture of a collective without standards, with no solid philosophical base other than 'I want mine- even if I have to trample the rights of all those around me to get it'. The strained image that they see of themselves is, as a group- just, right, smarter. The actual image of themselves- held up for the rest of the country to see is- well, infantile. Not very bright. Selfish at best, Leninist at worst.
But, hey, Have a Merry Christmas, Wisconsin. They say we get the government we deserve. One can only wonder what the spoils system will become if Walker is recalled.
Pogo said...
"Check out their photo gallery, especially this one."
Was this place the location where they shot "That 70's Show"?
Kinda interesting how in response to a post about a lack of decency one of the commentators is encouraging folks to go to tripadvisor and give a "review" of that motel.......
...'cause making reviews about a place you've never stayed at is TOTALLY "decent".
*rolls eyes*
Quoth Pogo:
Check out their photo gallery, especially this one.
Heh. I think I'll pass on sitting at that table under the dart board, TYVM.
Does Wisconsin law prohibit smoking in public rooms? I look at the game room photo - impeccably depressing, Pogo, thank you for the link - anyway, I looked at the game room photo and imagined stale, stale cigarette smoke, maybe a hint of beer that was spilled somewhere, and, dare I say, perhaps a whiff of urine from the bathroom?
A perfect holiday weekend, only three hours from Chicago!
"Recall the Kochsucker"?
I recall
two Kochsuckers, fondly.
Nothing says 'fun' at a motel like a futon couch with cold metal arms.
"purplepenquin said...
...'cause making reviews about a place you've never stayed at is TOTALLY "decent".
*rolls eyes*"
'Cause the left is all about decency. Hence their disgust with one of their own having "Kochsucker" used on a public business sign.
Oh, wait.
I've driven up to the Dells via Hwy 12 a lot of times, and I see on the map that this hotel is between the highway to Reedsburg and HoChunk, but for the life of me I don't remember passing it.
PurpleP. The vulgarity of the sign is the kind of thing that Trip Advisor and its users need to know about. The owners of an establishment that would put that message on their business' sign are not the kinds of hosts most travelers are interested in getting to know up close. You do not have to have been a guest in the motel to have an opinion on the sign they so proudly display. It is far from " indecent" to note you would not stay there because of the ugly language on their road sign.
Scott Walker accepted a prank telephone call from someone pretending to be one of the Koch brothers. In that conversation, recorded and re-broadcast by the prankster, Walker said nothing illegal, nor provided even the slightest hint of his willingness to do a favor for a business interest.
From this, the left has spun a tale of Governor Walker being somehow beholden to the Koch brothers; of Walker being a "Koch sucker." It is a total lie, and a slogan created by liars.
Things like this, though, real corruption on the part of a governor, went completely ignored by the left:
Democratic Governor Jim Doyle accepted $41,550 in campaign contributions from two utilities shortly after a state panel controlled by Doyle appointees first denied, then reopened and approved the controversial $220 million sale of the utilities’ Kewaunee nuclear power plant, a Wisconsin Democracy Campaign analysis shows.
Imagine the firestorm if Governor Walker had done this same thing.
The the hard-core political left cannot stand that they have lost control of the Statehouse and the Wisconsin Supreme Court. They will tell any lie, threaten any Republican elected official, and boycott any business whose owner leans even slightly right.
And by the use of such "clever" signs as the one on the sign in front of the motel on Highway 12, they believe they can convince enough voters (real and imagined...) that their way is better than Governor Walker's way.
It isn't a Koch sucker who seeks to ruin Wisconsin, it is the Alinsky suckers and Marx suckers who do.
Looks like a tourist trap for those who couldn’t find room in the Dells or ran out of money at the casino. You can get a room for the low price of $75 a night and here,, is a glowing review. Not sure what’s up with that “Hello IRS!!!” welcome sign? I guess the agents need to conduct their interrogations somewhere and where better than a place which no one stays at.
Hence their disgust with one of their own having "Kochsucker" used on a public business sign.
While I'm not one of the "left", I will say that I wish this hotel had phrased their disapproval with Walker in a less offensive way.
That said, I don't think I've seen anyone on the right (especially on this blog) respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers that have been violently assaulted, spit on, called-at-home, had their property destroyed and flipped off.
The owners have said that if anything, it has increased business.
It beats the unhinged harassing/intimidation and spitting on recall petitioners that's going on around the state.
That said, I don't think I've seen anyone on the right (especially on this blog) respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers that have been violently assaulted, spit on, called-at-home, had their property destroyed and flipped off.
Start buy directing your angst toward those on the left who stalk, harass, and threaten the lives of Governor Walker, his wife and their sons.
"While I'm not one of the "left"...
"I don't think I've seen anyone on the right (especially on this blog) respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers..."
They that sow the wind shall reap the whirlwind.
Ha, first PP post here...ignoring the actual topic of the post and doing her/him/it's best little blame shuffle. Not unlike her comment ont he actual
"Purplepenquin PERMALINK
December 23, 2011 8:15 am
That said, it ain’t just folks on “the left” who are acting improperly…for every example you mentioned in this post, there are three examples of petition-gatherings being spit on and/or violently attacked. "
These is the same bullshit you post here.
So the article names three examples...of course one of them represent many instances...but please name nine instances of "petition-gatherings being spit on and/or violently attacked."
Can you name one instance of the latter?
You really are pathetic.
One wishes that people would show a little more discretion about their First Amendment rights, at least in public...
Really. Who do they think they're going to persuade to come over to their side by posting signs on the side the road you don't want your kids to read?
Hmm, purp and garage post basically the same comment within 3 minutes of each other.
I gather that the Isthmus has just posted the party line on this.
Is anyone surprised that given the chance to express disgust against the violent attacks that have occurred against the petition-gatherers, Micheal and Pogo instead choose to justify those illegal actions?
I gather that the Isthmus has just posted the party line on this.
Nah, been reading about in all the papers since day one of the signature gathering.
Stop trying to make the sale, Penguin. No buyers here.
Remember the woman in Dane County who got a judicial pass for threatening to kill Scott Walker? Your anger should be directed there. Or at the people who advocated the rape of Walker's wife and sons.
Ha, first CurioGeo post here...ignoring the actual topic of the post and instead he continues on with his lil' obsession about me personally.
Micheal seems to be saying that people should be more upset about threats of violence rather than actual violent attacks that occur.
That said, I will (once again) state that it ain't proper or decent to threaten others with violence.
I'm glad you said they've lost their minds, because that's what I see.
"Is anyone surprised that given the chance to express disgust against the violent attacks that have occured against the petition-gatherers, Micheal and Pgo instead choose to justify those illegal actions?"
In the spirit of Christmas, have a little cheese with that whine, PP. Politics ain't beanbag. And the "have you no decency" shtick from folks like you is worn out. As Pogo said, sow the whirlwind, reap the whirlwind.
Or, to quote your own SCOAMF - "punch back twice as hard."
"justify those illegal actions"
1. I don't believe your claims.
2. The lefties are stalking the Governor's wife and kids. And you expect decency from your opponents? Why?
@garage--I don't doubt that you have. I meant simply that this particular version of "but what about the...?!!" has popped up as the common response to this particular Althouse post.
"purplepenquin said...
Ha, first CurioGeo post here...ignoring the actual topic of the post and instead he continues on with his lil' obsession about me personally."
Hardly. You show up, post the same ole shit, I call you on it. Yo umake these claims that yo ucan't back up, and when you try, they are shown for the steaming pile that they are. And the hypocrite you are.
"Destructon of property" = "tearing up a blank petition. No charges brought.
I asked to see examples of all this "violent attacks" and "spitting". Let me save you the ain't got 'em.
You show up here lamenting your "fear of violence"...and of course provide nothing. But when Althouse and her son actually got assaulted physically, you shrug it off. Nothing to see. Move along.
You are pathetic.
By the way, Purple, we are not blind to the tactic your are using here.
You take the topic, like the use the the phrase "Koch Suckers" in this comment stream, and divert it to a new topic - the seemingly violent behavior (Ripping Paper! Gasp! Merde!) directed at leftists, rather than the silly behavior by leftists as the topic was originally framed.
You seek to create a false moral equivalency.
Not happenin'. The right has learned a lot by reading Alinsky.
Chip, your assumptions make me chuckle. Isthmus is too much of a gated community/echo chamber for me to post there...I stopped doing so years ago.
But for real...ya'll need to stop making this about me personally. Like our hostess has repeatedly said, that makes for a boring thread.
Instead, ya'll should tell us more about how one guy saying he wants to attack Walker's kid justifies the many petition-gatherers that have been spit on, attacked and/or flipped off. I truly am interested in learning how that leap was made.
You seek to create a false moral equivalency.
You're right, this sign is nowhere nearly as "morally equivalent" as the the violent attacks and spitting on petition gatherers. One, while still bad, is merely words and the others are actual attacks.
What is interesting is how you (and so many others) give a free pass to the actual attacks while expressing outrage against the mere words. Pretty obvious that the red meat Ann likes to toss out is working as intended...
I find the sign ironic and funny- sort of like the comments that Trooper and Titus make that everybody seems to like.
"...violent attacks and spitting on petition gatherers."
"I find the sign ironic and funny"
Ironic? How?
I looked into this on my own, and found out that the recall opponents are engaging in truly vile behavior. Unbelievable stuff, really. Since purp doesn't read the Isthmus, I did it for him/her. Seems like Walker's brownshirts are on the march:
"We've got old ladies sticking their tongues out, and giving us the finger," she says. "Guys drive by and yell at us. It really surprises me — the ugliness of the other side."
I don't know how Walker's opponents persevere in the face of such ugly tactics. The last time a little old lady stuck her tongue out at me I passed out from the shock.
Hope this helps:
this blog has gone downhill fast. where is the humor? whether you are pro or anti walker the sign at this obviously flea bag motel is not something anyone should get worked up about. it's stupid and classless, just like the establishment it represents. it's stupid to try and defend it, and it's silly to get worked up about. the sign and motel say it all.
PurplrP. I,of course, wrote none of those things and think your attempt to deflect to some incidence of alleged violence is illogical. This outbreak of spitting is news to me and that it is referenced by Garage who argues always in bad faith suggests if there was such an incident it was a single incident or contrived as a bit of narrative enhancement.
People like Garage think the sign is cute and choose to stay there in solidarity with the sentiment. How nice.
@Chip: You don't need the 'the' in front of Isthmus. It's just 'Isthmus'. Not 'the Isthmus'.
"purplepenquin said...
Hope this helps:"
"Curious George said...
I asked to see examples of all this "violent attacks" and "spitting". Let me save you the ain't got 'em."
Told you.
One incident sparked the only felony charges so far in the state against someone for attempting to destroy recall petitions (by scribbling out names).
The rest of the "charges" are rumors spread by political advocates.
Sigh. Typical Garage.
The Chip
"and it's silly to get worked up about. the sign and motel say it all."
Then equally pointless as a blog post which encourages open comments.
If it's silly to react to it, why show the photo at all?
Thanks for the help, purple, and i stand corrected. Two, not one,incidents of spitting.
@CuriousG--You should've read down to the bottom of the page purp sent us to:
Katherine R. Windels of Cross Plains, Wisconsin sent death threat e-mails to Republican lawmakers the same day the legislation passed, and was arrested...
PurplrP. I,of course, wrote none of those things
Micheal, my sincere apologies for the confusion. When I was referring to what "Micheal" was saying, I meant the Haz-one rather than you.
Stalking Governor's kids? Yawn.
Spitting at people falsifying a petition? Quelle horreur.
the motel looks like it rents by the hour.
Then they should know all about Kocksuckers, eh?
Nice state you've got there, Althouse.
CurioGeo admitted, in an earlier thread, that he is one of the guys who was caught on video attacking a petition-gatherer...and now he is claiming there is no evidence that anyone has every been attacked, or spit on, or had their petition torn up?!
*rolls eyes*
If this wasn't such a serious issue, it would almost be funny.
Walker who promised to create 250,000 jobs and encourage business in Wisconsin( hasn't so far), now finds himself mocked on a motel sign by owners who hope this will increase their business-- I think that a bit ironic, Pogo.
Tenuous, RV.
More ironic is that a business would use their sign which is meant to "encourage business" and put up swear words that would tend to do the opposite.
pogo, what i should have said is it's silly to OVERREACT to the sign. it's like when a football player makes a great play and then diminishes it acting like a circus clown. this motel is obviously white trash and the sign is classless. make fun of it as was done at the beginning of this thread. simply laugh at the people contorting trying to defend it. that's what i'm trying to say.
it just seems like many of the commenters who held the overly serious commenters in check are gone.
I'm still trying to figure out why Wisconsinites associate coke with oral rather than nasal intake.
"purplepenquin said...
CurioGeo admitted, in an earlier thread, that he is one of the guys who was caught on video attacking a petition-gatherer...and now he is claiming there is no evidence that anyone has every been attacked, or spit on, or had their petition torn up?!
*rolls eyes*
If this wasn't such a serious issue, it would almost be funny."
First you falsely accuse me of stalking you, which I've asked you to apologize for, and you have not, and now this. 100% false you lying piece of shit.
Everything you post is just bullshit. I want to excuse this as another example of your likely drug addled mind, but you really are simply the poster child of the pathetic left.
Lefties are such class acts.
100% false you lying piece of shit.
At 12/14/11 6:47 PM you wrote a comment in the "The impossible task of verifying signatures on the Walker recall petitions" post where you slipped up and admitted that you are the person in the fourth link.
You repeatedly jump into a thread without saying ANYTHING at the post and instead address only me. See this thread as the most recent haven't said anything at all about the topic our hostess posted, and instead 100% of your posts have been ad hominem attacks against moi. That seems a lot like stalking to me.
Also in this thread you've stated that you haven't seen any evidence of violent behavior, so I don't know who you're fooling when you say it a lie for me to say you haven't seen any....
Thanks for the help, purple, and i stand corrected. Two, not one,incidents of spitting.
Always happy to help. If you (or anyone) is truly interested in learning more about such incidents Dane101 is doing a pretty good job of documenting 'em. Between this blog we're on and that one I just linked to, reasonable folks can get a pretty good idea of what some of the people on both sides of this issue are doing.
CurioGeo admitted, in an earlier thread, that he is one of the guys who was caught on video attacking a petition-gatherer...and now he is claiming there is no evidence that anyone has every been attacked, or spit on, or had their petition torn up?!
Oh really. I wonder if this is him?.
Oh really. I wonder if this is him?
Yup, that's the clip.
Not only did he accidently admit that was him, he went on to claim there was nothing violent occurring in that video clip!
Of course, given the rude way he behaves on this forum then it is no surprise that he personally sees nothing-at-all wrong with his behavior on the streets that day.
"I" clearly was meant to be "a", as "I guy" doesn't make sense
Yeah...'cause the "I" and the "A" key are so close together on the keyboard.
*rolls eyes*
Looks like to me that you typed "I" first, then backed up to change it to "guy" 'cause you didn't wanna admit it was you...but in your haste to post your words you didn't quite edit it out properly.
Recall Trail: Our Lives Were Threatened, My Camera Destroyed.
"purplepenquin said...
Oh really. I wonder if this is him?
Yup, that's the clip.
Not only did he accidently admit that was him, he went on to claim there was nothing violent occurring in that video clip!"
Again, repeat the old lie (I clearly admitted no such thing) and add a new one. I did not say "there was nothing violent occurring in that video clip", I said this:
"Fourth Link: verbal altercation where I guy also took a camera, and then gave it back forceably. He was not charged with assault, just disorderly conduct."
This is a 100% accurate description of that video. I even said "gave it back forceably." What "violence" was there other than that penguin?
You again demonstrate that you are a
inherently dishonest person.
The nice thing about the Kochsucker sign is that it gets the kids asking what the sign means. It is a wonderful conversation starter and a chance to engage your kids in a discussion of oral sex. And you can make it clear that both boys AND girls can do it. Because the Kochsucker himself is standing in the way of educating the children of Wisconsin and this sign is a good way to circle back to the important things. Because progressives believe that gays are second rate they use one of the epithets against gays against the guy they are trying to recall, the sign is also a great place to teach your kids about politics and how you win at the game by calling your opponents names that correlate with a group you despise. See? There are a myriad of chances to use the sign to engage with your children in a progressive way.
@penq--As someone who's screwed up several times editing before posting, I can easily imagine lots of ways in which the "I guy" construction could result.
George might well have initially written a wordier comment that started off with "I can see that ..." or other phrases to that effect. In an effort to prune unnecessary stuff, it's easy to cut out most but not all of a phrase. I've done something like that myself on numerous occasions.
While your inference is possible, I don't think it's likely.
While your inference is possible, I don't think it's likely
It truly doesn't seem that far-fetched to me at all. Given the way he behaves on this forum, why would anyone be surprised that he also yells and cusses at people in person?
Unless, of course, he is one of those "keyboard warriors" who can only thump his chest and act tuff while safely hiding behind a totally anonymous handle.
I reckon it could go either way, eh?
The new Highway 12 bypass has taken this motel off the main tourist route between Baraboo and the Dells.
That sign has been up for months. Not surprised it took the Madison "media" this long to find it.
So purple's "evidence" is a typo?
Shocked, I am.
"Unless, of course, he is one of those "keyboard warriors" who can only thump his chest and act tuff while safely hiding behind a totally anonymous handle."
A more likely possibility could be that he is upset at your creative interpretation of his comments. Are you suggesting the two of you should meet to clarify both of your comments? Cause otherwise I don't see how both of you have any choice in being keyboard warriors.
It's not just unlikely, it's absurd.
There is one grammatical error in my post, a clear substitution of "I" and "A". If you look at my posts you will see errors of this type are the norm. I refer to the person in question as "he". Not "me".
Finally, the person's identity is known. I've posted may times here I live in Wauwatosa, the person is question does not. I've posted other personal information about myself, none of which matches the person arrested. Clearly I'm not the person in the video. But Penguin states with authority that I am. Penguin is a liar. This is not the first time it has posted outright lies about me. It also persists in falsehoods in most of its posts.
Typical lefty.
Have to agree, Penq. In hindsight that was pretty flimsy evidence to make that leap.
For the is his behavior on here plus the alleged-slip-of-the-fingers that led me to think he was the fella in the video. But seeing how he is he vehemently denying that it is him, then I apologize for saying it was.
I just found his "typo" pretty interesting. I guess his fingers have that "wide stance" I've heard others talk about.
The new Highway 12 bypass has taken this motel off the main tourist route between Baraboo and the Dells.
There's a new bypass?
(goes to look at google).
Well look at that! No more driving past Ho-Chunk!
I'll denounce anyone who harasses or assaults a signature-gatherer, throws bricks through windows, etc. I have no problem with giving them a thumbs-down or discussing the issues with them.
But anything else is not acceptable. Just like kicking a door in in the Capitol, abandoning your students, running away to Illinois, writing fake sick notes, locking yourself to a railing, shouting obscenities at anyone let alone a teenage girl, drowning out the national anthem, blowing vuvuzelas in people's ears, threatening elected officials and their families, pouring beer on a legislator, harassing photographers, using children in protests, likening Republicans to Nazis and fascists, harassing people on Facebook, and all of the other cr@p that's been pulled this past year, mostly by people on the left, is unacceptable.
Well look at that! No more driving past Ho-Chunk!
Yay! Funny thing - this new bypass opened while my husband was on a 3-week trip to Yellowstone. Upon his late night return, he got off on 12, hit this and, for a while, didn't quite know where he was.
purplepenquin said...
For the is his behavior on here plus the alleged-slip-of-the-fingers that led me to think he was the fella in the video. But seeing how he is he vehemently denying that it is him, then I apologize for saying it was."
Hey, take this "apology" and shove it. And I didn't "vehemently deny" anything, I just told and showed you why you are a liar. Mission accomplished.
Again, not the first time you have accused me of something I didn't do. Still waiting for you to "eat your words" on past wrongs.
purplepenguin: While I'm not one of the "left" ....
That said, I don't think I've seen anyone on the right respond with disgust about the many petition gatherers that have been violently assaulted, spit on, called-at-home, had their property destroyed and flipped off.
What a relief that you're not "one of the left."
Nevertheless, would you care to document your claim so we'll know its not just projection or taqiyya? (Kudos Browndog.)
I'm signing off now, but since you're not one of the left, I'll assume you can deliver on the documentation and express my shock and dismay if Walker supporters are behaving like his detractors.
And I didn't "vehemently deny" anything
Actually, you're right. Looking back you haven't actually flat-out said "That ain't me in the video", rather you choose to explain how that things you've said in the past should make it clear that it couldn't be you.
Maybe I've been watching too much Colombo lately, but I find it kinda interesting you'd phrase it like that rather than deny it is you.
What a relief that you're not "one of the left."
Nevertheless, would you care to document your claim so we'll know its not just projection or taqiyya? exactly does one document that they ain't "one of the left"?
If you are truly interested in my personal viewpoints then feel free to visit my webpage and/or read my comments on other blogs. Or even drop me an email. But I think we need to stop cluttering up our hostesses thread with such boring convo.
I'm Gumby, dammit!
JohnSmith. Good question. Only one way to find out if our homophobic progressive innkeeper is also a thief. I shot the owner an email with a link to the picture with the offensive sign. I am sure he will be thrilled in any event.
I'm telling on you! Nanana boo boo!
Garage. Using an image without permission is theft. Not that you would either confront or turn in a thief. Cowards pretend not to see or resort to schoolyard taunts meant to be ironic.
Garage. And, should you own the image you would not like it linked to a homophobic public display.
Trip Advisor review of the motel:
4 Winds Motel, Baraboo WI”
Reviewed December 22, 2011 NEW 6people found this review helpful
This has to be one of the worst motels I have stayed at. There were no room phones but a phone on a pole in the parking lot for credit card calls only. The coffee shop would not be open for two weeks yet if at all. The room windows were all open on a 50 degree all day rainy day and all the bedding, towels, etc. were damp. There was no heat available but told that there was an extra blanket to keep warm with. The bed was a broken down mattress that was only about 6 inches above the floor and covered with a plastic tarp type sheet. There was no safety lock on the door and only one towel & washcloth for two persons requiring a trip to the office for more.
Johm Smith, good work. Not sure how hard they protect their property (the Gumby image), but most owners of such images will send a polite but firm letter. And hopefully follow-up.
Trip-Advisor. I would not recommend a fake review, but perhaps putting a note on there about the sexual vulgar message on the sign out front. That should keep the people away.
That review was hilarious Chuck. Written yesterday, coincidentally:
"Steve W has been to 1 destination".
Guarantee he never stayed there. Conservatives are the pettiest people.
Garage. Take your kids up there and teach them homophobia, oral sex and progressive "thought.". A threefer! So cool a sign that combines progressive ideas of homophobia, theft and juvenile sloganeering
What is it with conservatives? Everything revolves around oral and anal sex? Weird.
What is it with progressives that they use homophobic epithets to denigrate their opponents. And get no pushback from their believers
garage, I say it is real. The things wrong with the motel are wayyyyy to specific to be made up. If it was fake, he'd talk about dirty sheets, mold in the bathroom, smelly rooms. The things that you run into in bad motels. You wouldn't make up a story about the phone in the parking lot. That would be too easy to spot as a fake review. Same with the coffee shop.
That review was written the same day the Troglopundit post [that Althouse also linked to] went up. There was even a link in the post to Trip Advisor in the comments.
I’m sure the 4 winds would love it if you left a review of their fine establishment.
Come on.
Link corrected here.
Everything revolves around oral and anal sex? Weird.
Not revolving, more of a reciprocating motion. Weird that you'd make this comment when it's obviously a liberal who posted the marquee.
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