November 5, 2011

Occupy Wall Street protesters stereotype men as sexual predators.

Oh? Am I being unfair? Here's the story:
Zuccotti Park has become so overrun by sexual predators attacking women in the night that organizers felt compelled to set up a female-only sleeping tent yesterday to keep the sickos away.

The large, metal-framed “safety tent” — which will be guarded by an all-female patrol — can accommodate as many as 18 people and will be used during the day for women-only meetings, said Occupy Wall Street organizers.
If there were a few attacks by black people, would they set up a white-only section? Why stigmatize all the men as criminals based on the acts of a few?
Some of the male OWS protesters remained in denial over the growing number of sex attacks.

“Sexual harassment gets called rape, and it’s not,” one scoffed when told of the women’s tent.
One scoffed. One of them. Those men.
“There’s no way that it’s happening as much as people are saying it has. It’s just word spreading and getting misunderstood.”
Half-wracked prejudice leaps forth... doesn't it? And if you don't make the women feel secure, they won't come around there anymore. What's a protest movement without women? All male... and you'll just look like a bunch of angry losers.


Robert Cook said...

If women are being attacked or molested, letting them all sleep together in a "women's only" tent does not stigmatize all men as sexual predators. It simply provides the women a safer environment in which to sleep. One woman sleeping alone may be subject to molestation; 18 women sleeping together will not be.

Carol_Herman said...

How can these people stereotype anything?

As Sarah Palin said. They went to wall street, because they heard the banks got bailouts. And, they feel "entitled," too. So bail them out.

But don't throw water on them.

mesquito said...

OWS is developing exactly how I expected. I delight in each new day.

Anonymous said...

"OWS is developing exactly how I expected. I delight in each new day."

It is pretty sweet, isn't it? What's amazing is how the Democrats were foolish enough to embrace them (and still do). Their absolute obliviousness to the changing temperature of the nation is mind boggling.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

OWS has jumped the shark. I just got through watching the Daily Caller video of protesters in Washington D.C. using children as barriers, knocking down old ladies, and preventing a disabled woman from leaving the Americans for Prosperity conference. They seem to want physical war. They are liable to get it.

Seeing Red said...

If that woman was able to sleep with her best friends Smith & Wesson or Mr. Colt she may not be subject to molestation.

1 or 2 Darwins should get the message across.

Carol_Herman said...

Meanwhile, the best TV job Steven Colbert ever did was to dress up like Che Guevara. And, he entered Zoo-cotti park with his camera crew.

At Zoo-cotti ... where he was interviewing the "inhabitants" Colbert found Justin and Ketchup.

And, he brought them up to his penthouse office, which he said "overlooks" the OWS (celebrations.)

Justin and Ketchup, as they gave their names weren't officially "organizers." Because they said the "park" didn't have any.

Everything was done by "consensus." Where these two petunias "moderated" a group. Or their group. Or the whole enchilada. They couldn't be bought. They don't smile much, either. But they showed Colbert how the organization "votes." By waving their fingers ... (all of them). Either up. Or down.

There's a triangle you build with your hands, that's also worth something.

And, to "block" ... a subject ... you cross your arms over your body.

It was interesting to watch.

I hope Colbert wins an award for this 15 minute performance. (And, his makeup man should also win an award. Because he really looks like Che Guevara! It's like he just climbed off a tee-shirt.

What's great, too, is that no matter "how" the media trotted out this stuff ... it produced COMEDY GOLD! And, there's nothing wrong with that!

See? You don't have to be a republican to see an EPIC FAIL ... as money went down the drain. And, other than an infestation ... where free tents and free food got handed out (to amuse the TV audience.) Because Bloomberg saw "private property" where the police couldn't interfere with "First Amendment rights" brings the hope when the guns come out ... He gives ample protection to those who use the Second Amendment.

Until then, ya just gotta laugh.

coketown said...

One woman sleeping alone may be subject to molestation; 18 women sleeping together will not be.

Maybe they won't be subject to molestation, but voyeurism is a definite possibility.

And what will it take to gain entrance? If I trans-identify as a woman, can I come in? Or is there a separate area for transgendered people? Can I stay for the toenail painting and truth-or-dare and just leave before lights out?

garage mahal said...

Has Herman Cain been making the rounds at OWS?

Ralph L said...

Half-wracked prejudice leaps forth
Put out more Pink Ribbons!

HA HA HA said...

There is no politically correct way to deal with this problem. What they are doing is exactly right, except that the "patrol of women" is a bit silly: What are they going to do to an assailant, manipulate him emotionally?

But setting aside a tent for the women is good common sense, the kind our friends on the left always oppose in principle when somebody else is the one getting hurt. When they're the ones getting hurt, of course, they have a sudden attack of practicality. This is called an "unprincipled exception".

This is the same reflex at work as their refusal to redistribute any of their food to "freeloaders" (== anybody less well-off than themselves).

HA HA HA said...


Good point about trans types. My guess would be they'll make a unprincipled exception for that and keep them out, too. They have the Mychygyn Wymmyns Mysyc Fystyvyl for a precedent.

MayBee said...

Trying to imagine a university that has a rape problem deciding the way to deal with it is to make a women-only dorm.

dhagood said...

and you'll just look like a bunch of angry losers.

umm, too late. the OWS morons have always looked like angry losers.

Ann Althouse said...

Some males might be molested.

And some females might molest the females they've been housed with (tented with).

And what of the male-bodied individuals who claim to identify as female?

I'm Full of Soup said...

Aren't they worried that Banzhaf, the GW law professor, will sue them over the lack of coed accommodations?

coketown said...

And is it really smart to congregate 18 women into one tent, with a crowd of sexually frustrated men just outside the door? I imagine it will look something like this before the end.

donald said...

As a matter of fact Herman Cain has not been making the rounds at OWS encampments.

Mainly it's been dirty, filthy brethren of Mr. Mahal and his ilk.

Finally a movement that embraces sexual predators. Awesome.

Nora said...

It's collective burka for collectivism advocates. The same arguments/excuses too

Shouting Thomas said...

If you are stupid enough to camp out on the pavement in Wall Street, you deserve whatever happens to you.

These morons need to go home. That will solve the problem.

Time for the city to kick their asses out.

Everybody will be happy. Morons like Kookie will be able to crow about martyrs.

John henry said...

So can the men have a tent and all male patrols?

Perhaps this will keep them from being stigmatized as rapists by these women.

Separate but equal facilities.

Yeah. That's the ticket.

John Henry

BTW: We need to drive some traffic to the Owser's General Assembly website.

It now directs to Koch Industries' career page.

Those evil Kochsuckers will stop at nothing.

John Henry

wdnelson93 said...

oh man, I wish I could link some of this circus to my sister. She's a CO lib. who's hosting a "V for Vendetta" party tonight to celebrate Guy Fawkes day. Don't want to get in the "our team is better than your team" mud-slinging fest with her. I just don't get how thinking, reasonable people (take politics out of the picture and she is one) can see this stuff and not question their beliefs.


Anonymous said...

"These morons need to go home. That will solve the problem."

The problem is, to quote Richard Gere in "An Officer and a Gentleman," they got no place else to go.

Shouting Thomas said...

The only person writing sensibly about this juvenile nonsense is Mark Steyn.

ricpic said...

They wanted "a pig free zone?" Well, now they've got it, with all that follows.

Craig said...

Overhead rail trains in Manila all feature one car, usually in the front or back, that's female only. The entire train is usually packed like sardines except for the female car where there are usually open seats. Some women use the female only car. Most don't.

rhhardin said...

I predict a panty raid.

That's what always happened in college.

iftheshoefits said...

If Cain was making the rounds, everyone would know it by now. He'd be the only African-American there, in most cases.

sorepaw said...
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garage mahal said...

Mainly it's been dirty, filthy brethren of Mr. Mahal and his ilk.

Hey man, I've never been accused of sexual harassment or paid off the accusers tens of thou. And if sexual harassment really bothered conservatives Cain wouldn't be getting a bump in the polls upon discovery of it.

Bruce Hayden said...

OWS has jumped the shark.

Agreed. But the problem is that the MSM has shown themselves perfectly willing to hide most of this from the general public.

The only person writing sensibly about this juvenile nonsense is Mark Steyn.

Steyn is always a joy to read. And, he hits this one pretty well.

donald said...

It's your ilk bitch, own it.

donald said...

Just sayin

sorepaw said...
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Anonymous said...

"{Hey man, I've never been accused of sexual harassment or paid off the accusers tens of thou."

So you say, but how do we REALLY know? My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's heard someone whose name begins with a lower-case "g" was, so that's all it takes now.

Show us some weiner photos and I am sure conservatives will care.

Anonymous said...

"What's a protest movement without women? All male... and you'll just look like a bunch of angry losers."

Unlike, say, a protest movement without men.

All done up in pink?

garage mahal said...

Am I supposed to own Cain as well? Tell me what the rules are.

Craig said...

What's up with Penn State?

Titus said...

Because of lack of showers I would be concerned about stinky coochs and lots of cheese in uncut hogs.

Anonymous said...

"Because of lack of showers I would be concerned about stinky coochs and lots of cheese in uncut hogs."

Cause you got standards. I don't think these folks care.

donald said...

I like to use a lower case d for my intertube postings young feller.

I don't make the rules here, but I prefer intellectually honesty as a rule of thumb jr.

I have observed your complete lack of it for a while.

I also realize it was your boy cook who made the original bitches need to watch out comment. You ignored that comment and made an obtuse slam at Herman Cain in what you think is your typically hard bitten cynical fashion.

donald said...

Jerry Sandusky was a long term child molester what was shielded by Penn State is what's going on with Penn State.

Joe Schmoe said...

Re: hyperbolic nature of harassment charges; it reminds me of the Superdome in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Remember the stacks of dead bodies, and the lawless gangs ruling the place like it was a scene right out of The Warriors? Subsequent investigations found most claims to be baseless. Doesn't stop the mainstream press from repeating the scuttlebutt, though.

Are the harassment charges baseless in this case? I don't know. When you have large groups of people in a small area, shit happens. I offer the Superdome story as an example of how quickly these rumors can get out of control.

Beta Rube said...

Hey Garage, did old Herman tell those gals they should put some ice on that lip?

Cuz that's what Juanita Broderick was told. And I bet it didn't bother you a bit.

Clyde said...

It's the 99% who are bad apples who give the rest a bad name.

garage mahal said...

I don't make the rules here either obviously. I meant what are my rules for owning sexual harrassment? You implied I had to own OWS harrassment . What about Cain's?

Seeing Red said...

oh man, I wish I could link some of this circus to my sister. She's a CO lib. who's hosting a "V for Vendetta" party tonight to celebrate Guy Fawkes day. Don't want to get in the "our team is better than your team" mud-slinging fest with her. I just don't get how thinking, reasonable people (take politics out of the picture and she is one) can see this stuff and not question their beliefs.

Go ahead and add a big LMAO smiley or 2.

If she decides to respond, just keep sending the LMAO smiley, preferably the 1 that points & laughs.

CO Lib and that tax increased barely eked out 51% IIRC in Boulder.

Seeing Red said...

That's sooooo 90s, GM.

No one cares anymore. Move on.

Seeing Red said...

It's what Penn State does. They shield Michael Mann as well.

edutcher said...

One wonders if the Occupiers, male at least, would now have a little more appreciation for Herman Cain.

One would also think, after years of making excuses for Willie, the Breck Girl, and the Kennedys, people like garage might give Herman a little more benefit of the doubt, but, like all things Lefty, it only goes one way.

The problem is that, in Herman's case, there were no facts, no witnesses, no evidence. In, for example, Willie's case, facts, witnesses, and evidence abounds.

Funny how that works out.

Ann Althouse said...

Some males might be molested.

And some females might molest the females they've been housed with (tented with).

And what of the male-bodied individuals who claim to identify as female?

Was that sexist or homophobic?

Or one of those cases where only Titus could figure it out?

Anonymous said...

It's is amazing how quickly many of the "real world" issues/problems have found their way into these little communities. I'm sure those men guilty of being sexual predators are just the 1%.

Craig said...

Deflector shields are down, Captain. Fire photon torpedoes?

Darrell said...

Garage said: Hey man, I've never been accused of sexual harassment or paid off the accusers tens of thou.

What about that story you told about that woman that had to smash you in the head with the telephone handset to keep you from mounting her? You tried to use it to illustrate violent women in the Justice Ann Walsh Bradley choking incident, claiming you showed great restraint where Prosser responded in kind. Respond carefully. Your additional words could be actionable today. And don't even think about indicating how tall she was with your hand. Pig.

jim said...

Oh, look - another one of those do-nothing hippy freeloaders just got a taste of Freedom, American Style!

Demonizing those who seek social justice is what made America great! Just ask Sheriff Bull Connor!

The 0.1% are sincerely grateful for your ongoing support of The Glorious Junta Of Free Enterprise, Inc., & will be monitoring your output to make sure no unwelcome deviations occur.

PS: Your thirty pieces of silver are in the mail.

garage mahal said...

Whoa! If I recall YOU threw the phone at me after you found out I was servicing your old lady. Time to move on brother.

KCFleming said...

""Occupy Wall Street protesters stereotype men as sexual predators."

They learnt that lesson in University.

Darrell said...

No worries, Garage.
You probably just made it up and forgot about writing that. Just like the 63% of the other stuff you write here. I'd want people to forget if I wrote that, too.

coketown said...

I was just thinking how funny it would be if the safety tent was just a tent-facade with a tunnel running out the back of it like in a Scooby Doo cartoon, and the tunnel led to Eliot Spitzer's front door.

And this talk about owning Herman Cain needs to stop. We didn't pass the thirteenth amendment for nothing.

Chuck66 said...

Are the women guards like Amazon women? Do they like to beat us men?

William said...

Stephen Colbert and, for that matter, the rest of the MSM would prefer us to think that, like exhibit A, Ketchup, the typical OWS protestor is unusual only for their gentleness and idealism. Mr. Rogers' Neighborhood takes over Wall St. In a pig's ass. This demonstration is a magnet for street hustlers, homeless schizos, and over the top anarchists. There is no way this will end well. Violence and crime are not a by product of this demonstration. They are its very purpose.....And the first great martyr will not be some 2AM rape or stab victim. They are collateral damage for the cause. No, the first great martyr will be the first demonstrator who gets clobbered by the cops while excercising his first amendment rights (i.e. the demonstrator not the cop).

Michael Haz said...

Real rape is somehow overlooked while the MSM digs into allegations that Herman Cain may have made someone feel uncomfortable decades ago.

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Absent of virtue...

Void of morals...

The last prominent politician to have the balls to call these heathens out was Ronald Reagan.

Titus said...

WTF Penn State.

What a mess.

I am so grateful I don't like to have sex with kids, otherwise I would be awful.

I love men with big muscles and hogs, how normal.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
donald said...

Well j if you don't rape the women in the ows camps then you wont own the unpleasantness of your fellow travelers, your comrades, your brothers in arms raping the women in the ows camps.

Titus said...

I have to be the one wanted and pursued too.

I can't pursue others.

It's all about me be desired.

Bob Loblaw said...

Hey man, I've never been accused of sexual harassment or paid off the accusers tens of thou.

That's because you're nobody. If you were somebody it would be a lot more likely to happen.

coketown said...

I love men with big muscles and hogs, how normal.

I went to a club in Portland full of what they all called "twinks," and I was horrified. They all allegedly had hogs, but also had no facial hair, no meat on their bones, no color to their complexions, etc. They all looked like prepubescent children. It was gross.

I'm with you: bulging muscles and hogs. Good times.

jamboree said...

I see it a different way. With their makeshift camps they are getting a fast lesson in what it takes to be a small tribe crossing the desert of implied chaos - and that's where Old Testament rules start to make sense.

Synova said...

Camping out in the inner city just has "good idea" written all over it. Don't it.

Why did someone think this was a good idea? Because it was poetic?

J said...

How the right-wing frat boy media spins the OWS--there has been a rape, an assault, someone shouting anti-zionist slurs, and some street person took a dump on a cop car. Ergo, the OWS protesters are rapists, thugs, anti-semites, and shit on cops--time to bust heads.

Penny said...

Damn shame things never turn out the way you expect.

There oughtta be a law!

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
J said...

Byro-Donald-Titus-"Sorepaw"-how many names you got on here, now druggie freak?
YR congregation wants to does your parole officer queerfreak. Hasta la buh bye,byro

Seerak said...

Hey man, I've never been accused of sexual harassment or paid off the accusers tens of thou.

Somehow I don't see you getting out of court with anything less than a $500k settlement.

jeff said...

"And if sexual harassment really bothered conservatives Cain wouldn't be getting a bump in the polls upon discovery of it. "

Clinton was accused by a person who has been identified of a crime that was specified. You support Clinton.

How can you live with yourself, supporting rape?

J said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
jeff said...

Story is about OWS putting up a tent to try to deter rape. Garage first instinct is to talk about Cain? Loyalty to party over all, I guess.

Anonymous said...

There is a chance - a slim chance, but a chance nonetheless - that some of the more hippie-ish OWS chix are still in their magnificent natural states.


J said...

Camping out in the inner city just has "good idea" written all over it.

Guess it depends on what a gal considers a good idea, eh Miss Syn. :]

Serio, I agree-- a bit dangerous . But Ive read the street people have at times overpowered the legitimate protesters (student types)--same in Oakland. Who knows.

Alex said...

oh man, I wish I could link some of this circus to my sister. She's a CO lib. who's hosting a "V for Vendetta" party tonight to celebrate Guy Fawkes day

Sorry to upset you dude, but your sister is fucking bananas.

Bob Loblaw said...

And if sexual harassment really bothered conservatives Cain wouldn't be getting a bump in the polls upon discovery of it.

We learned it doesn't matter. From the Democrats.

Also vague allegations by anonymous people carry less weight than, you know, allegations by people we can evaluate for credibility.

cassandra lite said...

"What's a protest movement without women?"

Stonewall Riots.

Ambrose said...

There is nothing that was ever done that was not done to get the doers laid. Why do you think man went to the North and South Poles, and the moon? So why are guys occupying Wall Street? Change the world? Redistribute the wealth? Or to impress the ladies? Hello...

Beta Rube said...

Well hell Peter, even if they started out bald and hygenic, they are probably "natural" and fragrant right about now.

Stop by and file a report.

ic said...

Bloomberg is a genius without meaning to. Proving there isn't much difference between a genius and an idiot.

Why is Bloomberg a genius? He was an idiot when OWS began, he was too chicken to clear the Park, thus inadvertently letting OWS have as long a rope as they need to hang themselves. Now they are hanging and he is a genius.

jeff said...

I just sent Bloomberg a email telling him there were people smoking tobacco and putting salt on their big macs n that park. Place should be cleared out by Monday.

Blair said...

What do you expect of Left wing men? They are dedicated to controlling others. Rape and molestation is an extension of that. It's simply their translation of the political into the personal. So yes, they are stereotyping left wing men as rapists, and the stereotype is partially true, so fair enough. It's exactly the sort of movement guys join to get laid.

garage mahal said...

No worries, Garage.
You probably just made it up and forgot about writing that. Just like the 63% of the other stuff you write here. I'd want people to forget if I wrote that, too.

You're free to link back to the phone throwing thread. It sounds like you don't like to go to bed mad, but I PROMISE I'll stay up for another 10 or 15 minutes so we can put some closure on this.

Mary Beth said...

I thought Ketchup taught us to call them "female-bodied" people.

I'm wiggling my fingers at you all. I think that shows disapproval or disagreement...I'm not really sure what they were meant to be doing. It was either disagreement or "The Itsy-Bitsy Spider".

Anonymous said...

Well hell Peter, even if they started out bald and hygenic, they are probably "natural" and fragrant right about now.

Trust me, the vast majority of women will find time to maintain The Hideous Pedophilic Bald Eagle no matter how difficult the circumstances. For example, women who go on lengthy wilderness hikes always find room for razors in their backpacks.

God damn it.


Darrell said...

I'm not going to waste my time searching. All I have to do is jog people's memory with my recollection of Shouting Thomas ragging you about it on that thread and several subsequent threads.

But we know how small "c" men treat their ladies.

Bill Ayers’ apartment was around the corner and a half a block away from the sorority house. The more time I spent there, the more out of place I felt with my sisters. Sometimes I would stop by just to keep from having to go back to a place I had begun to think of as boring. I guess it was one of those evenings -- maybe on the way back from the library, maybe just to get out of the sorority house, I don’t remember exactly. What I do recall is that when I was getting ready to leave Ayers told me I couldn’t go until I slept with his roommate and his brother. At this point Bill and I had slept together just once. I was sexually inexperienced, having had only one serious boyfriend with whom I had recently broken up.

At first I thought Ayers was joking. I got up; and went to the door. He moved quickly to block me at the doorway. He locked the door and put the chain on it. I went to the couch and sat down and told him that I had no intention of having sex with his roommate and his brother or him. He said that I had no choice but to do as he said if I wanted to get out of there. He claimed that I wouldn’t sleep with his married roommate because he was black -- that I was a bigot. I had gone to school with black kids and had them as friends all my life. I couldn’t believe he was saying that to me

I felt trapped. I had to get out of the situation I was in and because he was so effective a guilt-tripper, I also felt I had to prove to him that I wasn’t a bigot. I got up from the couch and walked over to the black roommate’s bed and put myself on it and he fucked me. I went totally out of my body. I floated beside myself on the outside and above the bed looking at this black stranger fuck me angrily while I hated myself.

Anonymous said...

They don't stigmatize men, only the type of men that Occupy attracts.

David said...

A protest movement without women is like sex without a bicycle. Or something.

Anyway, as I recall getting laid was always a big part of the protest scene.

Anonymous said...

The girl scouts and boy scouts don't bed down together. I don't have a problem with it.

In terms of sleeping and camping - people have the right to bed down with whoever they want. If a group of women want to share a tent, it's none of my nevermind. If a co-ed group of friends want to go camping together, that's their business.

I would not choose to camp in the middle of NYC, but as long as the city is allowing urban camping, the same principles apply.

Carnifex said...

Guys, guys, guys!... c'mon now. Grass don't grow on a racetrack.

As far as women shaving, wait till your S.O. suggests YOU shave her mommy parts. Very intimate , but very disturbing too. Especially as we get older.

You get to comment about the grey hairs you find, and where you find them. Cause that changes too.

For the single sex/coed sex tents it just goes to illustrate how naive the OWS really is. To think that randomly assigning tents to "people" wouldn't devolve into unwanted advances? And these maroons think their smart enough to solve the banking crisis, and the perversion money is having on our political system?

The sad part is I do agree with some of their stands. If
Wall street gets bailouts why does no one else? Maybe because
wall street gives millions of dollars to politicians.

The correct course would have been to give NO ONE bailouts. But asking a politician not to spend money is like... well there is nothing like it. F&(*ing Reps. are just as bad as the Dems. about it, just slower.

Regardless, the situation is self correcting. If you don't think so, look at Europe. The choice we have right now is do we soak a scab off or rip a bandage off.

I expect with the cowardice of politicians we have that we will be forced to the ripping. And that ripping will be the death of America as we know it.

Revenant said...

Why stigmatize all the men as criminals based on the acts of a few?

Because they're "liberals"?

Michael said...

Garage Mahal would have had no problem with Cain getting a blowjob from an intern at the NRA. It is fine to have an intern consent to blow thw boss but it is harassment to make a regular employee "uncomfortable.". GM is stupid as well as unethical

Unknown said...

Isn't this stereotyping exactly how the Left works? It mainly seems designed to de-legitimize people of European descent (the whiter ones at least), and white males. All white Americans are depicted as congenital racists, and "colonialist"

Example: most Mexicans are descendants of the ruthless colonial "Conquistadors", but since they are brown, they can use the accusation of "racist", "imperialist", "colonist" against white Americans, or demand the "return" of "their" territory under the banner of "La Raza" without the slightest irony. Nothing racist about THAT.

Blacks, who frequently discriminate against each other on the basis of skin tone, do not consider this a rank form of racism. The practice is dismissed, or blamed on whites (! it's true) because white incipient nastiness has somehow tainted blacks, and drawn them away from their incipient niceness, and natural innocence. These toxic slanders and blatant anti-white racism accrues solely against whites, despite ancient and current practices of slavery among Blacks against Blacks, slavery and hatred of Blacks among Arabs, rank discrimination among Hispanics and Asians against Blacks, rampant hatred among Blacks of Hispanics, Asians, and Whites, etc.

Blacks and Hispanis often exhibit rank paternalism and so-called sexism against women, but they largely get a pass. In this regard, accusations are far more prevalent and far more potent against white men.

The exception? Accuasatons of "sexist" only rank highly when the black in question is a conservative like Justice Thomas or Herman Cain. Then, the poisonous underlying implication is that the black man is simply aping his white master, and not on control of his animal libido. Nothing racist about THAT.

DEEBEE said...

Proto Sharia in action?

Christopher said...

You know J is right, there is almost no anti-semitism at the Occupy protests.

I mean it's not like they sudden decided to go after the Israeli consulate. Oh wait, they did.

Well, it's not like it was an officially sanctioned event by the organizers, oh wait it was.

Perhaps one of the OWS supporters here can explain what attacking the Israelis has to do with the protests. I mean if the protesters are as laser focused on economic matters as we've been told what, pray tell, do they have to do with it?

Lisa said...

There have been sexual assaults. How is providing a safe place to sleep stereotyping all men? It simply is providing a safe place to sleep.

Ritchie The Riveter said...

Carnifex ... you probably already understand what I am writing here.

The problem I have with all of this is that the "occupiers" are aiming at the wrong target ... and seeking the wrong remedy.

Corporate greed can only oppress people when it can collude with government to do so ... and the underlying theme of all the "divergent" messages coming out of the various "occupations" is that the answer is higher and higher levels of government intervention to make things "fair".

Well, corporate greed does not have the capacity to become a significant problem to We the People ... as long as it can't be leveraged with the collusion you inevitably get when government put's on the coach's jacket over top of the referee's striped shirt it is supposed to wear when it comes to commerce.

And the higher levels of government intervention the "occupiers" demand, will EXPAND the opportunities for just such collusion.

Should the "occupiers" prevail, they will be growing more of the very monsters they protest ... and move towards replacing perceived oppressors with a set of truly soft, cuddly, fascist overlords ... overlords who will push them back down every time they propose something that will work better for the People, yet is not seen as such by the "more equal than others" at the top.

For them, it will be "Meet the new boss ... same as the old boss".

For us ... we've seen this tragicomedy before ... and we won't get fooled again ...

Paco Wové said...

Isn't this ... exactly how the Left works?

In the broader scheme of things, I think this is more typical of how the left works:

When my turn came to speak, I brought up the plans of “the leaders of the allegedly leaderless movement” to commandeer the half-million dollars sent to the General Assembly for their new, exclusive, undemocratic, representational organization. Before I could finish, the facilitators and other members of the OWS inner circle started shouting over me. Amidst the confusion, the human mic stopped projecting what I, or anybody was saying. Because silence was what they were after, the leaders won.

The useful idiots do the groundwork, then the real inner circle steps in and seizes control.

Ritchie The Riveter said...

Lisa ... how does giving "womyn" their own special tent square with their assertions of equality? This has the ring of "womyn" declaring that they are "more equal than others".

The "occupiers" are getting multiple object lessons in how their idealistic socialism REALLY works in practice, in the "animal farm" of Zoo-cotti Park ... the question is, will they learn that their preference for identity politics/collective economic "salvation" over personal responsibility has turned them into poster children for Romans 1:22?

Maybe they shouldn't be so averse to having some "pigs" with them in the Zoo ... instead of supporting government intervention ONLY when they can use it to jam their socio-economic morality down the throats of the rest of us.

Ritchie The Riveter said...

So true, Paco ... the embodiment of "more equal than others", on display.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Men everywhere thank you for standing up to this segregationist view that they are the more likely gender to rape women than women are. What an outrage to suggest as much and act accordingly! It's like racism!

What color is the sky on your planet?

Slow news days really suck at Althouse.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Well duh! Equality doesn't mean anything unless we consider all genitalia to be equal in their utility in perpetuating a sexual assault! Duh!

Kirby Olson said...

The Balkanization of OWS and of the Democratic party is inevitable. Let them splinter by race, and by gender. Right now they are held together by the illusion of class solidarity (us against them, the 1%).

May the splintering continue in perpetuity, or at least through next November.

Matt Sablan said...

On the trans-gendered question, there actually is a special area already designated for them, according to reports.

Anonymous said...

"The large, metal-framed “safety tent” — which will be guarded by an all-female patrol" Gadaffi's security lovelies are available.

wildswan said...

Immigrants used to go to certain areas of the city to start there where a great many fellow immigrants were. Then when they understood the situation they would move. Perhaps this is similar - female-bodied-persons who are new have a safe place. It doesn't seem as bad as the money being taken over by the Spokes Committee. "One male- or female-bodied-person, one vote, one time" is pretty evident in the description of how that committee got the money. It seems like greed to me, if not a crime. Maybe Wall Street has occupied its occupiers.

glenn said...

People get the government they deserve. The OWS folks said they wanted anarchy (or something). I think it's time for a little benign neglect. Let the "protesters" deal with the consequences. In most cases it'll be the first time in their lives they had too.

Synova said...

"There have been sexual assaults. How is providing a safe place to sleep stereotyping all men? It simply is providing a safe place to sleep."

I don't think that the tent for women is stereotyping all men, but I think that the all-female guards does.


I'd rather be guarded by men. At the least, I'd let them!

So why not have the tent be guarded by some buff guys? I think that's where the "all men are predators" stereotype comes into it. Why not have male guards? The all-female guards thing is a tacit statement that men, any men, are felt to be a threat.

At any case, I think that the whole concept of inner-city camping in a big anonymous group is profoundly ill-advised and bound to encourage misbehavior and attract the "professional" homeless as well as those who prey on the professional homeless.

The fact that a lady drank herself to death here on a dry campus at an event where alcohol was specifically prohibited is one example of another issue. When your whole purpose is to show how you don't have to follow the rules (Hey, lets *occupy*!) is it really a surprise when people participating don't feel like they have to follow rules? And then add drugs or alcohol, long boring evenings and nights, and any supposed safety in numbers is gone (who, after all, would be stupid enough to camp out alone in down-town Oakland, for example.)

Which brings up the reason this all seems to hypocritical or at least ironic.

Police and cities have tried to get people not to do this, I feel pretty obviously for safety reasons. We heard that in Oakland emergency vehicles and responders were blocked. The protesters have refused to keep the roads clear. They've stated that they don't want the cops, that they'll handle safety and security themselves, and we've heard that women have been discouraged from even reporting assaults.

That it's all about defying law and order the fact that they're going to somehow impose law and order and particularly with this segregation for safety thing... it's just another example of replacing one "repression" with something worse.
It really doesn't matter if the predators are protesters or a perverse version of camp followers. It's all one creature.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...

Has Herman Cain been making the rounds at OWS?

Yet the number of rapes, sexual assaults, and instances of beatings with tent poles at Tea Party rallies remains at zero.

Note where the sympathies of you and your ilk lie.

sorepaw said...
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sorepaw said...
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Alex said...

Synova - wouldn't these young women be even safer not sleeping in a public park? They should be at home, no?

Mom said...

". . . and you'll just look like a bunch of angry losers."

And that would be different from now?

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