November 15, 2011

"Getting kicked out of Zuccotti Park... was the best possible endgame" for Occupy Wall Street.

Says Matt Yglesias. This fits with what I was saying the other day about the problem with the "Occupy" protest format: There's no exit strategy.

But police breaking it up imposes an end. That solves the no-exit-strategy problem.


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Peter said...

Act 2:

Rose said...

At this point, government, from the city to the federal level, has sent a clear message that laws and rules don't matter.

There is no reason for any of us to obey any laws or rules - if this group is allowed to get away with everything they have done, we are in a state of anarchy.

It's not just this - it's the illegal immigration issue - where the feds have made it clear that some law breakers are more equal than others. Today it is illegal immigration, some bureaucrat will decide what it is tomorrow, the rules are subject to ebb and flow and feelings and political correctness and cowardice.

The govt. - from Pelosi and Obama on down, has made it clear. Every single one of them should be removed from office for failing to protect the law-abiding people, and their communities from anarchy, and disgusting occupation by slugs.

Lucien said...

Btu OWS can follow the Palestinian strategy -- never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.

garage mahal said...

I trust Nanny Bloomberg and our government to do whatever they think needs to be done in regards to free speech and assembly.

In Government We Trust!

ricpic said...

Now they're invading Trinity Church's property, possibly it's graveyard. What a fun crew.

Scott M said...

I trust Nanny Bloomberg and our government to do whatever they think needs to be done in regards to free speech and assembly.

No regard for private property, GM?

"You can't own property, man."

coketown said...

Thank you, Matt Pangloss. Getting kicked out of Zuccotti Park was the best possible endgame for the best possible protest movement, in this the best of all possible worlds. The delusional optimism surrounding OWS, and the extreme disconnect between what's actually happening there and what the Left thinks is happening there, draws obvious parallels with Candide. Which is a nice change of pace after 2 months of Animal Farm.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

That solves the no-exit-strategy problem.

Unfortunately, the OWS dopes are like the drunken guest at your party who just stays and stays and barfs all over the bathroom floor, eats all the food in your fridge and never is able to figure out that the freaking PARTY IS OVER!!.....go home.

Joe said...

I "love" all the handwritten notes in the court order Peter referenced. Is a word processor too hard to use?

Curious George said...

"Scott M said...
No regard for private property, GM?

"You can't own property, man."

garage thinks that free speech and assembly means anything, anytime, anywhere.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Garbage - you do understand that OWS crowd wants more and more govt right?

Joe said...

Actually DBQ, they are the uninvited guests to a formal dinner, think they are the life of the party when they have no idea what the party is about, and then get drunk and puke all over the floor....

edutcher said...

There wasn't supposed to be an end!

The idea was that this was supposed to be the start of the Revolution.

Kids and the disaffected would come from all over sing, "The Times, They Are A-changin'". That was why the unions jumped in last week and the Demos, particularly the Administration, supported this mess. This was how they would stay on forever with GodZero POTUS For Life.

Some people even said this was the civilian defense corps Zero mentioned in the '08 campaign.

PS I had to laugh when Ann started talking about kids with sleep deprivation being manipulated and abused.

All I could think was, "Honey, ya didn't just break the code, ya shattered it".

Christopher in MA said...

"In government we trust!"

Of course. Because you'll never be classified as a useless eater who needs to be removed from Obamacare's bottom line, right, garage?

And you'll never die because it would be too expensive for Obamacare to provide that cutting-edge oncology drug you need, right, garage?

Yeah. Never happen! Fight the power, garage!

coketown said...

I trust Nanny Bloomberg and our government to do whatever they think needs to be done in regards to free speech and assembly.

But of course. For as we all know, the text of the first amendment (that is what you're alluding to, no?) reads:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, to become an unsanitary public nuisance, to commit felonies under the pretense of free expression, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

The Crack Emcee said...

It's ending exactly as I said it would end - with the police. Meanwhile, you're talking to Glenn Loury who, like you, has no more of a clue about what's happening than OWS did.

That's how the world works now.

After a hard day's work, I come home to search for crumbs of truth, amongst a sea of liberal media and talking heads who know NOTHING. And, if I don't want to do that, there's liberal movies giving me more NOTHING. Or I can talk to my liberal neighbors, who were educated by liberals like you, who also have NOTHING of substance to say.

It honestly bothers me that goofy Glenn Reynolds will call Obama voters "rubes" but leaves you out of that assessment, because it does you no good to be left out. You aren't grappling with the real issues of our time, you're just spouting delusional nonsense with other delusional types, and putting it out for public consumption - just like the MSM.

So, if this jr. high school-like group suck-off is the end result, what's the point of a blogosphere?

Oh yeah, I forgot:

More stupid cultism,...

garage mahal said...

We just need to hand MORE power over to the government so they can rule us as they see fit. They know what's best for us. That makes us more free!

Is there any way to like confiscate their money or restrict who they associate with? They need government to teach them a good lesson.

The Crack Emcee said...


There wasn't supposed to be an end!

The idea was that this was supposed to be the start of the Revolution.

True, but don't say that:

It'll destroy the image and Ann and the boring black man were saying something interesting or important.

And we certainly can't have that.

Whether online or off, it's like we're prisoners,...

jeff said...

"I trust Nanny Bloomberg and our government to do whatever they think needs to be done in regards to free speech and assembly.

In Government We Trust!"

Yes, We know. Not only do you expect everything from government, you demand it.

"We just need to hand MORE power over to the government so they can rule us as they see fit. They know what's best for us. That makes us more free! "

Pretty much sums up everything you have stood for in here the past several years.

Is this your idea of satire? Cause it doesn't work if you just paraphrase your core beliefs.

kristinintexas said...

AJ, one minor change: the OWS crowd wants more and more govt of other people.

Jeff, ha :)

Shouting Thomas said...

We just need to hand MORE power over to the government so they can rule us as they see fit. They know what's best for us. That makes us more free!

Is there any way to like confiscate their money or restrict who they associate with? They need government to teach them a good lesson.

Zuccotti Park is private property. The police are finally enforcing the rights of the owner of that private property.

Scott M said...

AJ, one minor change: the OWS crowd wants more and more govt of other people.

Socialism is for the people, not the socialist.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
I trust Nanny Bloomberg and our government to do whatever they think needs to be done in regards to free speech and assembly.

In Government We Trust!

So says the idiot cheering a ruling by a judge.

I guess in your stupid mind judge's aren't part of the government.

Or something.


Known Unknown said...

Garage is finally coming around.

JAL said...

Hi Prof --

Can we talk law here?

A judge has ruled that the OWS people can be there with their tents.

Because they have been there.


Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
We just need to hand MORE power over to the government so they can rule us as they see fit. They know what's best for us. That makes us more free!

So says the advocate of a national, single payer health care system.

You are beclowing yourself beyond belief today.

Henry said...

I'm sure the Lattimer version of this endgame is already being invented.

JAL said...

And as far as what the judge ruled (which I am sure the city is appealing as I type) it is -- well, I won't put it the way I was thinking -- but ...

You deserve this Mayor Bloomberg.

And so do the people who voted for ou.

The people who live and (try to) work in the area?

Not so much.

CJinPA said...

"In retrospect, Little Bighorn was the best possible endgame for Dad."
-- George Custer Jr.

Problem is, the city says the kids can come back later, they just can't occupy. So, they're now going to have to come and go each day and have a message, a purpose. Until now, their mere occupying WAS their message.

Monkeyboy said...

"Is there any way to like confiscate their money or restrict who they associate with? They need government to teach them a good lesson. "

Are we talking about the 1% and Citizens United?

garage mahal said...

So says the advocate of a national, single payer health care system.

Hey, it almost sounds like you're questioning our government. Watch it!

Curious George said...

Where is a Bill Ayres and Karleton Armstrong when the left surely needs them. They wouldn't have taken this eviction and trampling of their freedoms lying down. No sir.

BarryD said...

Deus ex machina.

A few weeks ago already, I thought that the most significant problem with OWS was that it had no exit strategy. This made the degeneration into various types of violence almost inevitable.

Scott M said...

Hey, it almost sounds like you're questioning our government. Watch it!

I think you realize how little your attempted sarcasm in this vein will resonate with most regulars hereabouts. In fact, I'm sure of it.

Limited government doesn't mean no government, whoever much you would like to paint those of us that advocate for it.

Scott M said...

whoever, however...tomato, potato. LOL, proofreading indeed.

Chip S. said...

@garage--Y'know, until your series of comments this morning I never realized that believing that the state ought to have some limited police power required, as a matter of strict logical consistency, that one also believe in the constitutionality of a mandate to purchase health insurance.

Cuz, like, the only distinctions that can be made when it comes to government are anarchy or unlimited state authority.

Funny that you live in a city named (I presume) after James Madison. It's as if you've never heard of him.

jamboree said...

It was supposed to end Oct 31 here, but then didn't.

Apparently, the only end game is when an executive receiver of a taxpayer-funded transfer of wealth, redistributed personal bonus salary bailout gets shot in the head.

Fannie and Freddie anyone?

Methadras said...

Occupy Bowel Movement is a fail unto itself. It has solved nothing, it has made people want to become 1%'ers. It has created further animosity for the leftards who are in it, it has been co-opted by the crazies, and on and on. So yeah, if this is the end game you expected to get, well then, you win.

J said...

One of the distinctive things about Occupy Wall Street was that it organized itself in such a way as to make option two (i.e. negotiation) impossible.

Doktor Yglesia's typical pundit proclamation.

Brian Brown said...

garage mahal said...
Hey, it almost sounds like you're questioning our government. Watch it!

When your incoherence and silliness are pointed out, you're left with nothing but snark.

Carol_Herman said...

It ended?

Yesterday I read that on Thursday there were "twitter" plans to "take over Wall Street" on Thursday. And, it included using the subways as their "vehicle" to "all over the place."

What the cops got? All those expensive FREE tents! So, it's not a bad haul. The "Occupiers" who seem to have as much money as Code Pink got from Soros ... have a "hiarachy" that knows how to get paid. Who writes those checks. And, their "work" isn't delivered "free."

Nor is this much different than in the summer. When the incompetent Tubbs gave out "free passes" to tent dwellers, to fill up the streets around the Capitol.

The story I remember is that eggs flew down from balonies. Where the buildings surrounded the "tent dwellers." (Who did "business" inside the tent ... selling drugs. Away from prying eyes.)

But not the yolks!

And, those tents were distributed freely, either.

I remember a report, here, where the cops tried to bust into one of the condo buildings. But the front doors were locked. And, no one could get inside without an access key.

With Zucotti Park, I really feal for the building's owners. Who got skunked by politicians ... When the developer (who left as soon as the building got sold). Had signed off (for an extra story or two) ... the "public access" that had to be 24/7.

Once the scoundrels are out?

It's gonna be up to Zucotti to go into "fixing the damage mode." Putting up barriers ... so "workmen can tear up some of the cement." And, then they can take years trying to get the "proper permits." But Zucotti's private space has to be made so that it does not give squatters a chance to set up camp.

Given that we have a US Constitution that says "no military can house itself in a private home," I thought by this, alone, you wouldn't be able to have an "army" squatting in your front yard? But I didn't go to law school.

I did see, however, that Bloomberg took his reputation and wiped his ass with it. Sort'a like Joe Paterno. Decades building a saintly reputation ... that goes up in smoke in a few minutes. (And, yes. JoePa did it to himself. Because he wanted to "work around" Penn State's Board of Trustees.)

People who follow the news really do understand the BIG differences between right and wrong. To be a MORAL person isn't something you just develop with PR. And, a strong enforcement that involves killing law officials.

Code Pink, after it collapsed, really didn't bring about any books.

In the two events mentioned. One at Penn State. And, the other at Zucotti Park; it think the books will flow like magic. For decades.

And, I think, too, in law schools, smart law professors will bring the law's focus on how to PREVENT perverts from getting elected to office. (Bloomberg. Corzine. Backus. Boehner.) And, how to keep gangs from squatting, spitting, shitting, and using drugs ... making their territory a gift to squatters. And, the homeless.

Bet'cha donations for the homeless go down. Ditto, too, for "charities" that groom little boys who get into trouble with the law. By having family court intervene ... and send kids to perverts for "disciplining."

OWS will become synonymous for it's grandiosity in comparing itself to the Tea Party! Shit. It never was that! It's just how the media flows. And, supplies circuses. In a circus that never treats the elephants nicely.

Chuck66 said...

The free speach the left is saying that we can't have any laws for camping on gov't property? So I can walk into a state park and just live there?

Bruce Hayden said...

Keep in mind that even though the judge appears to have ACLU ties, that a TRO is designed to maintain the status quo ante until a hearing can be had on the merits. And, apparently, in this sort of case, the status quo ante maintained tends to be the status before the eviction.

The situation should be a bit clearer after the preliminary injunction hearing (apparently) today (TROs are to maintain the status quo until preliminary injunction hearings, and preliminary injunctions to keep such until a full hearing on the merits).

David said...

Let them stay.

All winter.

They want Valley Forge, let them have it.

See how many actually make it without demanding all sorts of help (paid for by the 1% they think are evil.)

It's total fantasy land. Revolutionaries swaddled by the system they think they are revolting against. Anything to keep from dealing with the world as it is.

20-30 years from now, I'm dead for sure. Maybe sooner. I will die with at least a vague sense of how lucky I have been. These goofballs will still be whining about something.

Scott M said...

What the cops got? All those expensive FREE tents!

As a father, I rediscovered my love of camping this past summer and bought a new tent (Marmont Limeston 6p) after doing a ton of research.

What I've noticed when looking closely at the videos of the tents, in particular the Zucatti walkthroughs, are the brands and types that are most common. If you look carefully, you'll notice that the models most prevalent are the ones commonly available at...guess where? (ratchet your sense of irony way, way up to get this right)

J said...

Slang: the grunt of the human hog. Bierce (got that Hobo Herman)

Grunt on hoghouse

Christopher in MA said...

"I am sick and tired of those who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration, somehow you're not patriotic! We need to stand up and say we're Americans and we have the right to disagree with any administration!"

If this be treason, garage, make the most of it.

Alex said...

Where does garage stand on EPA telling local land owners what they can and can't do because some tiny fish is allegedly threatened? Or are property rights only for #OWS?

Chip Ahoy said...

I don't care for those tents that look like igloos.

I have a field tent that I picked up from Army surplus. I love that store. You can stand up in the tent. Set up a table inside it if you want. It's impractical as hell for a usual campout and you cannot backpack it into the wilderness because it's too heavy, but you can stand up in it.

I see them on eBay starting very reasonably around 400.00 and going so high as 1,000 so they're accessable.

It must be driven directly to the camping spot and it takes up the space of an ordinary trunk but you can stand up in it.

Scott M said...

Car camping is more fun sometimes because you can bring a lot of extras that you would never backpack with. I'm going to try an enclosed dining fly next summer (because of the heat this past) with solar-powered fans installed in the corners.

The field tents are HOT though, aren't they? The Marmont I picked up for $450 sleeps four adults comfortably, is literally walled with windows and my 6'1" frame can stand up easily it it. Nice view of the sky, too, when you're laying down.

The tents I'm seeing on these videos are in large part the $50 to $150 cheapo Colemans one can easily acquire at Wal-Mart. That's not to say they're not available elsewhere, but they are most easily accessible at your local neighborhood superstore. I don't give this crowd enough credit to have the good sense to buy a good tent from REI, Back Country or other good retailer. I would, however, trust them to do what's easiest and cheapest.

Joanna said...

If the Occupiers' goal was to force local govt to spend as much taxpayer money as possible, they are doing a splendid job.

garage mahal said...

Where does garage stand on EPA telling local land owners what they can and can't do because some tiny fish is allegedly threatened?.

That depends on if that property owner agrees or disagrees with me politically. If disagree, let the government do whatever the hell they want! Duh.

Carol_Herman said...

Well, David, that's funny! (12:33 PM)

They get to stay. And, face the winter. But George Washington ain't there. And, the "ammunition" these squatters do have ... are knives and guns. (And, someone, somewhere, has already shot and killed a drummer.)

As to the "right" to stay ... because a judge scratched his ass and said so ... All this does is bring ignominy on the law profession. And, judges in particular.

Let alone that a well trained lawyer can, ahead, make money helping landlords deal with evictions. (New York, New Jersey, and Los Angeles, are areas where you don't want to own rental property.)

According to what I know, back in the 1930's ... when rent controls got "invented" ... properties were worth so little ... people just walked away. (Like people did as soon as their residential properties "went underwater.")

And, even though I'm not a lawyer, I think a close reading of our Constitution would prohibit ANY "state agency" ... including our Federal Government. From EVER allowing an army to squat on private property.

Up ahead, will Zucotti Park become a tourist's destination? Will it replace the Statue of Liberty as a tourist destination? Will the "OWS" "homeless" ... attempt to squat on the Statue of Liberty's cement bottom? If they can get expensive tents ... why not watch them getting "boat rides" to the base of the Statue of Liberty?

Not that I want to give the anarchists any ideas.

But in the world where PR is used to build "saintly reputations" ... I think the easiest thing for an individual to blow off is his MORAL mantle.

Bill Clinton blew his off.

Bloomberg's aware that the "legal angle" to the OWS demonstration really hasn't met with public approval.

Maybe, Bloomberg will slap the news organizations ... making it tougher for the trucks they need to relay their stories ... falls into pot holes, instead?

If the story doesn't go away, Obama is watching as his entire party loses status! (True. The GOP hasn't figured out how to run a decent candidate against him.)

But what can you do?

On one side they use litmus paper.

And, on the other? There's comedy gold. In other words? I don't think David Letterman's writers want the "occupation" to cease.

Anonymous said...

Maybe they thought it was going to end with President Obama cowering in a drainage ditch. That's how these things are supposed to end, right?

bagoh20 said...

"Actually DBQ, they are the uninvited guests to a formal dinner,"

I say it's a pot luck. They didn't bring anything, but bitched about quality of what others brought, complained that they could afford to have brought more, and THEN drank all the liquor and puked on the floor. Then as they were leaving, they crapped on a car and asked if they could stay.

I'm Full of Soup said...

The last time Eglesias was right about anything was ??

Wikipedia uses his pic as its entry for an Ivy League librul, dweeb pundit reference.

Alex said...

shorter garbage mahal - "these are my cherished left-wing comrades and I support their right do anything, but I do not stand up for anyone elses' rights, much less reich-wingers"...

AlphaLiberal said...

Billionaire 1 Percenter Michael Bloomberg's shock troops also stopped the press from observing and reporting, committing violence against a number of them.

So, if you are conservative, you can protest all you want, even with arms.

If you are liberal and attempt to exercise First Amendment rights, expect to be thumped.

Fuck the NYPD.

Christopher in MA said...

bagoh - and don't forget they tried to feel up the hosts' teenage daughters, too.

wv - 'famine.' I kid you not.

AlphaLiberal said...

It ain't over. Not by a long shot.

Alex said...

It ain't over. Not by a long shot.

Yes it is douche. HAHA!!!!

AlphaLiberal said...

Here is an example of the sort of lawlessness on Wall Street that led to these protests. It is a shame that conservatives defend it. But you guys want as few laws as possible on corporations under the deluded notion that they do no wrong.

For the past two decades, according to a whistle-blower at the SEC who recently came forward to Congress, the agency has been systematically destroying records of its preliminary investigations once they are closed. By whitewashing the files of some of the nation's worst financial criminals, the SEC has kept an entire generation of federal investigators in the dark about past inquiries into insider trading, fraud and market manipulation against companies like Goldman Sachs, Deutsche Bank and AIG. With a few strokes of the keyboard, the evidence gathered during thousands of investigations – "18,000 ... including Madoff," as one high-ranking SEC official put it during a panicked meeting about the destruction – has apparently disappeared forever into the wormhole of history.

Read more:

Alex said...

Hey AL - why aren't you more outraged that Congressmembers are exempt from insider trading laws?

Christopher in MA said...

"It ain't over. Not by a long shot."

"Yes, it is, douche. HAHA!"

Shh. He's rolling.

Scott M said...

down twinkles, Alpha. OWSfail.

AlphaLiberal said...

Here is another example of how Wall Street executives and banks routinely violate the law and get away with it.

The cries for "Law and Order" from conservatives are limited to the poor. Conservatives do not expect that executives should have to follow any laws at all that's "government meddling."

Judge Rakoff balked at the settlement and particularly balked at the SEC’s decision to allow Citi off without any admission of wrongdoing. He also mocked the SEC’s decision to describe the crime as “negligence” instead of intentional fraud, taking the entirely rational position that there’s no way a bank making $160 million ripping off its customers can conceivably be described as an accident

Read more:

AlphaLiberal said...

Scott, OWS changed our national conversation from the diversion of deficit obsession - which was not a problem when Bush was exploding the deficit - to jobs and the ongoing crime spree at Wall Street.

You guys defend the Wall Street criminals and attack their critics. You have no real principles, you just fight for your team.

As goes Congressional insider trading, it's wrong and I like the sounds of the Baird bill, but the numbers of victims are far fewer.

Wall Street cratered our economy and they will do it again. No-one has gone to jail besides Bernie Madoff.

But, hey, if the liberals are against them, you are for them, right?

Alex said...

AL - only the lunatic fringe is with you on eliminating Wall Street. Good luck being part of the proud 14%.

Christopher in MA said...

"If you are liberal and attempt to exercise First Amendment rights, expect to be thumped."

In AL World, exercising First Amendment rights means the right to sabotage, rape, murder, extort, shriek anti-Semitich slogans, defecate and vandalize without penalty.

"Fuck the NYPD."

But you better be there when I need protection, you shock troop corporate assholes.

Alex said...

AL - I don't even invest in stocks but I know that people who do prop up the economy. Main Street is so over.

Alex said...

Christopher in MA - how does it feel to engage in a discourse with a lunatic?

garage mahal said...

With conservatives joining up with big government/stormroopers, they are a formidable team to beat! Not even journalists can hide. This is True Freedom people!

Christopher in MA said...

"You have no real principles, you just fight for your team."

Says the hack whose shrieks of "illegal, unjustified war!" were suddenly silenced on January 2008.

And I do so love the "yes, but - " defense you're trying to use with sleazy roaches like Pelosi. "The number of victims are far fewer." So tell me, how many "victims" of financial malfesance do there have to be before you give a damn, Alpha?

Alex said...

With conservatives joining up with big government/stormroopers, they are a formidable team to beat! Not even journalists can hide. This is True Freedom people!

I proudly stand with the NYPD stormtroopers as they plant their jackboots firmly upon hippie neck. LOL!!!!

Christopher in MA said...

"How does it feel to engage in discourse with a lunatic?"

You ever meet my wife, Alex? :-)

In any event, I'm out of this thread before Allie and Ritmo hijack it. But I'll check in tonight on the off chance AL might wipe the spittle off his chin and make a logical argument or garage adjust his programming beyond content-free snark.

Anonymous said...

To think that what would make this even better would be a general en masse beatdown administered by stick wielding NYPD. That way they could be martyrs you know.

And I know that many members of the NYPD were probably dreaming of doing this. I know I'd bring some serious amounts of popcorn and a folding chair to watch.

Scott M said...

First a quick question, Alpha, before we get into the meat-n-potatos. Do you believe it's possible to be against the Penn State rioters without having a shred of sympathy for pedophiles?

You think about that whilst I continue.

Scott, OWS changed our national conversation from the diversion of deficit obsession - which was not a problem when Bush was exploding the deficit - to jobs and the ongoing crime spree at Wall Street.

Wrong. It changed nothing except the laundry status of a bunch of spoiled brats and the news cycle will forget about them in short order as capitalism gears up for Christmas shopping. Wrong as well on deficits. People that have principles care about right and wrong regardless of who's in charge. Aside from the fact that POTUS has tripled Bush's deficits, they were a huge problem during the latter's term as well. Unless you have proof that we here said otherwise, you should drop this weaksauce line of argument.

You guys defend the Wall Street criminals and attack their critics. You have no real principles, you just fight for your team.

I can easily criticize the means of the Occupy clowns...and they have acted like clowns...without defending one iota of anything else up to and including any copy and paste you might hurl our way. I realize you're an on/off, all-or-nothin' kinda guy/girl, but it IS possible to criticize the way one group is doing something without defending who they're after. Case in point, I can criticize Obama's policies without defending Bush at all, especially when Obama's policies are an extension of the very Bush policies he ran against. See how that works? Adults tend to include experience and such in their opinions of things. Children tend to lack those shades of grey on matters.

Wall Street cratered our economy and they will do it again. No-one has gone to jail besides Bernie Madoff.

Why didn't the OWS-types occupy Pennsylvania Avenue? Our current president was a HUUUUGE benefactor of WS largess this last go around. I would hope that troubles you.

But, hey, if the liberals are against them, you are for them, right?

See above, in particular the part about children.

Bruce Hayden said...

AL - let me suggest that one of the primary philosophical differences between the Tea Party and the Occupiers is that the former believe that the problem starts in Washington, D.C., while the later seem to think that D.C. can somehow save them from Wall Street.

But the reality is that both are seeing the same evil - that of crony capitalism run amok. The difference seems to be that the Occupiers seem to be turning a blind eye to what is, and has been, going on in D.C. It is the governmental intervention, finagling, self-dealing, etc. that allowed the Wall Street investment bankers to screw up the system, and then, thanks to their connections, the best connected (e.g. Goldman Sachs) were bailed out, and ended up making billions on the crisis that they caused. Heads they win, tails we lose. Works when they have bought enough politicians.

garage mahal said...

To think that what would make this even better would be a general en masse beatdown administered by stick wielding NYPD.

This my friends is small government conservatism in action! The Founders totally had this mind. Eat popcorn and watch the government beat the shit out of citizens! LIEbruls just don't get it.

Scott M said...

But the reality is that both are seeing the same evil - that of crony capitalism run amok.

Speaking of which, the "there's no there, there" Solyndra story just got a kick in the pants. Sounds like emails are suggesting that the poster boys for crony capitalism were pressured to put off announcing layoffs until November 3rd, 2010. One even suggests wryly that he had no idea why the administration would specify that date.

Freeman Hunt said...

Setting up a tent city wherever you want is now considered part of your First Amendment rights?

If you're arguing that, think harder.

Scott M said...

Scott, OWS changed our national conversation from the diversion of deficit obsession

I keep coming back to this. The only thing the OWS changed about "our national conversation" was the protestors themselves and how violent they were going to get. That's it. If you look back over all of the coverage, and try to catch as much of all six of the majors regarding a given story, it was about the incoherence of demands, violence or lack thereof, how much or little the cities were willing to go along, and what the cops were doing.

No high-minded "change of conversation" has occurred. Regardless of which side one is on, the only thing going on right now is watching to see how violently, or not, each city ends its protest.

garage mahal said...

Just to clarify, violence against protesters like tear gas, pepper spray, nightsticks and rubber bullets to the head isn't really violence. Violence is taking a piss in a park.

Scott M said...

Just to clarify, violence against protesters like tear gas, pepper spray, nightsticks and rubber bullets to the head isn't really violence.

Violence is violence. Of course the policy are using violence. Only in a land of elves, fairies and unicorns do intransigent drum circles not get clobbered. Most of the world realizes this.

Toad Trend said...

These rubes were told to leave.

Tough nuts!

A federal case was not forthcoming if we were asked to leave a park as kids/teens. There was usually a good reason.

GTFO and don't come back, get a clue, get a job, get a vocation.

The world owes you nothing.

damikesc said...

If you are liberal and attempt to exercise First Amendment rights, expect to be thumped.

I missed that sentence in the First Amendment where you had a right to squat, indefinitely, on any piece of private property you wanted and make a nuisance of yourself for as long as you wished.

Can you cite that part of the First Amendment?

Also, welcome back. Your self-exile was mercifully extremely brief.

Scott, OWS changed our national conversation from the diversion of deficit obsession - which was not a problem when Bush was exploding the deficit - to jobs and the ongoing crime spree at Wall Street.

No, the debt is still pretty darned paramount in the national discussion. Somebody has to eventually pay the bill.

With conservatives joining up with big government

...says the person who advocates a single payer health care system...

SPImmortal said...

To think that what would make this even better would be a general en masse beatdown administered by stick wielding NYPD.

This my friends is small government conservatism in action! The Founders totally had this mind. Eat popcorn and watch the government beat the shit out of citizens! LIEbruls just don't get it.


Yes, "small government conservatives", and anyone else who is not a dipshit like you, think that mobs of vandals and sexual predators should be dealt with.

It seems like that is a pretty mainstream opinion.

You seem hellbent on proving some sort of hypocrisy but you're just managing to confuse everyone with your obtuse rantings.

Toad Trend said...

Leftist meathead said

"Violence is taking a piss in a park."

No. But it is a crime in public places, just in case you didn't get that tweet.

Willfully stupid is worse than stupid.

SPImmortal said...

Just to clarify, violence against protesters like tear gas, pepper spray, nightsticks and rubber bullets to the head isn't really violence. Violence is taking a piss in a park.


No, violence is rape, assault, throwing stuff at the cops.

Cops use violence to disperse mobs.

Alex said...

garage - I loved it when the Democrat cops of Oakland smashed hippie skulls. That brought me lots of pleasure.

SPImmortal said...

Garage, you just need to get over it. OWS was a collection of criminal white trash. They lost all respectability almost from the start.

Maybe if they would have behaved with a sense of decorum instead of like animals playing and living in their own feces...

Scott M said...

They lost all respectability almost from the start.

What little regard I had for them dried up upon hearing the mechinations of the Spokes Council, a OWS homegrown and potentially authoritarian.

Toad Trend said...

"Maybe if they would have behaved with a sense of decorum..."

You mean like with drums, chanting, plow trucks blowing their horns, bad dancing, armpit braids,...

wv- hymatt


garage mahal said...

No. But it is a crime in public places, just in case you didn't get that tweet.

I know right? That gives the government the authority to do whatever they want. Ex. pepper spray, nightclubs, tear gas. The protesters should be asking what the demands of the government stormtroopers are! It's how they roll in China too.

SPImmortal said...

I know right? That gives the government the authority to do whatever they want. Ex. pepper spray, nightclubs, tear gas. The protesters should be asking what the demands of the government stormtroopers are! It's how they roll in China too.


Oh well. Maybe keep it lawful like the tea party, and next time the cops might not have to move in and take out the trash.

Scott M said...

It's how they roll in China too.

It's how they roll everywhere, Garage. Again, maybe not in the land of mystical candy and rainbow trees, but here in the real world, police forces around the world use these tactics to disperse crowds.

bagoh20 said...

Are there any Occupy wherevers in Texas?

Scott M said...

Funny, SP. I don't recall the mostly union cops busting the heads of the mostly anti-union Tea Partiers. However, it does look like the mostly union cops ARE busting the heads of the mostly pro-union occupiers.

Odd, that, no?

SPImmortal said...

Funny, SP. I don't recall the mostly union cops busting the heads of the mostly anti-union Tea Partiers. However, it does look like the mostly union cops ARE busting the heads of the mostly pro-union occupiers.

Odd, that, no?


Yeah, it's almost like OWS was filled with criminals and assholes.

But now they are the victims. In the liberal world of self-agrandizement, if you can't be the hero, you gotta try and be the victim. It's a consolation prize.

bagoh20 said...

If it was the Tea Party they would disperse and later vote accordingly. Strange where you find real peace an democracy: it's mostly on the right.

And let's be honest, these leftists want violence, and force used to achieve their goals. Otherwise they would follow the Tea Party model with their own message

Scott M said...

if you can't be the hero, you gotta try and be the victim

In their worldview, you only become a hero by being a victim. Real achievement doesn't matter.

MikeR said...

This makes no sense to me. There are many other Occupy ___ locations. Some are in temperate climates. We will continue to enjoy our daily diet of rape, arson, pro-Marxism, and pro-antisemitism stories.

Sorry, liberals. You aren't getting out of this one so easily.

MikeR said...

Nostalgia for the Coffee Party, liberals? At least they didn't poison your brand.

Toad Trend said...

Garage, this is what your future looks like unless you come to your senses.

Before you know it, you'll be out in the street with your smelly peeps and you won't know what to do.

All you'll know is that whatever it is you are doing its okay and the cops are using force for no good reason.

Look for the magic ladder you can use to climb to the top of your Candy Land.

Rose said...

Our Courthouse lawn is now fenced in with tall cyclone fencing, following the (second) eviction of the squatters.

Because City and County officials allowed this travesty to go on as long as they did, now they have ruined it for all the normal people who enjoyed the lawn, ate their lunches there, etc.

Cyclone fences. It's like something out of a fascist nation, a war zone, an #occupied zone.

Power to the People, yeah.

garage mahal said...

We will continue to enjoy our daily diet of rape, arson, pro-Marxism, and pro-antisemitism stories.

Stories = proof! Especially stories from Gateway Pundit. His staff painstakingly goes over details to ensure accuracy. Why don't we just skip the courts and let Jim Hoft decide who is really guilty or innocent?

Christopher said...

GM is right.

I mean, don't all protesters setup "rape free" zones?

bagoh20 said...

Garage, I read your link about the Tea Part protest. No mention of rapes, broken windows, public defecation, piss buckets, assaults, or demands for free stuff.

Yep, that was the Tea Party.

Toad Trend said...

"Power to the People, yeah."

Liberalism is a disorder.
Liberalism creates disorder.
Liberals are bad apples.

garage mahal said...

Garage, I read your link about the Tea Part protest.

Well we didn't hear of any "stories" about them anyway. Still, the government could, if they wanted, shoot Tea Partiers in the head if they so choose.

Scott M said...

Still, the government could, if they wanted, shoot Tea Partiers in the head if they so choose.

They don't, though, because the garbage man union leans heavily on the cops not to. Tea Partiers leave their areas cleaner than when they got there.

Unlike the Occupiers, where protective clothing is necessary judging by the pictures so far.

garage mahal said...

I admire your strong libertarian streak. Bill of Rights and civil liberties all depends on who you are.

Henry said...

Alpha Liberal wrote: OWS changed our national conversation from the diversion of deficit obsession

I think AL is right here, with one clarification -- OWS changed the media's conversation.

This is, of course, an incredibly superficial way to look at "national conversations". The ability of a protest to gather media attention has no real bearing on the ability of the protest to make change. Talk doesn't walk.

In response to AL, Bruce Hayden wrote: the reality is that both [OWS and Tea Pary] are seeing the same evil - that of crony capitalism run amok.

What is very interesting about AL's Rolling Stone excerpt is that it is a perfect illustration of collusion between banks and regulators. The SEC is a federal agency. Matt Taibbi has been doing a fabulous job of detailing the ongoing corruption between big finance and Obama's White House and yet OWS and its cheerleaders remain purposefully blind to half the story.

You sow regulation and you reap corruption.

It's called regulatory capture. Look it up, liberals.

Toad Trend said...

Great news!

Occupy Oakland is moving operations to San Freakcisco.


Toad Trend said...

"...cheerleaders remain purposefully blind..."

Willful ignorance is a genetic marker of liberalism.

Scott M said...

Bill of Rights and civil liberties all depends on who you are.

You would be nothing if not glib. It defines you. There are plenty of people in our society that do not get the full benefit of the BoR and the civil liberties spelled out therein. They're called felons.

When you break the law, you are subject to certain penalties. In the case of crowd control, it's impossible to Mirandize all of them, so the cops do what they have to do to disperse the lawfully ordered crowd. When the crowd refuses, the cops step up to the next level. When the crowd fights back, the cops step up to the next level.

For someone that supposedly very pro-union, you seem to hate your brothers in the policeman's local.

One further observation. The Tea Party caught a lot of shit for being overwhelmingly white. LOL at the occupiers in this regard. As white as a presidential speech in Madison WI.

Crunchy Frog said...

GM is right.

I mean, don't all protesters setup "rape free" zones?

No, no, no. It's "Free Rape" zones. You got it backwards.

Alex said...

No it isn't "rape rape" according to Whoopi.

garage mahal said...

They're called felons.

And your definition of "felon" are stories you read on the internet. Nuff said!

Especially impressive in all this was how Supreme Leader Bloomberg ignored that TRO in the first place. Ignore rulings you don't like, and enforce ones you do.

Scott M said...

GM, I'll pose the question to you as it seems Alpha has turned tail for the moment.

Is it possible to be against the Penn State protestors without supporting pedophilia?

Alex said...

garage and AL in a tree...

Scott M said...

And your definition of "felon" are stories you read on the internet. Nuff said!

If you think I'm referring to the occupiers as "felons" you're not reading carefully enough.

damikesc said...

So, garage supports the repealing of all laws if they impact Free Speech rights. Total anarchy in pursuit of free speech. Heck, screaming fire in a theater is cool in garage's world. Public safety be damned...we have rich kids who want to drum!

Anonymous said...

Tea Party: "We hate crony capitalism! DOWN with the cronies! UP with capitalism!"

OWS: "We hate crony capitalism! UP with the cronies! DOWN with capitalism!"

Carol_Herman said...

What did the judge rule at 3:00 PM?

I really don't know HOW the "tents" can come back in. And, Drudge has a video of one of these occupiers dropping his pants and shitting in the street.

There's also the weaponry. These are anarchists. The media wants to display their prowess. So the female lawyer who represents the OWS protesters told the judge that a "majority of people" agree with the protesters.

You know, that's bullshit!

And, you also know that the media is 100% behind OWS. Will the "mythology" win?

You can legally bring your own tent to a ptotest? And, then you and your tent can't be evicted?

I notice Bloomberg ducked submitting to the court any police protection request. Some junior colleague on the mayor's staff was sent to court.

It's as if politicians aren't afraid of anything, anymore.

IF the protesters come back? I hope the owners of the Zucotti property just put a waterfall on the roof. That spills down "attractively" onto the protesters.

They can add a media touch and say "they're cleaning up the streets to make them "safer." And, to do away with the crappers and their crap.

If this hasn't escalated, what has?

Zucotti owners can also put up a neon sign. Telling the city: "Failure to provide protection ... means we "protest" by not paying any real estate tax. No protection from the city? No moey from us."

Wait for a tax rebellion.

Anonymous said...

Christopher in MA said;

In any event, I'm out of this thread before Allie and Ritmo hijack it. But I'll check in tonight on the off chance AL might wipe the spittle off his chin and make a logical argument or garage adjust his programming beyond content-free snark.

11/15/11 2:32 PM

Hmmm, that might be fun, again.
Garage, you are the man. Spoken with your usual wonderful snark and sarcasm, pointing out the hypocrisy of the right and their penchant for big government after all. We knew all along that big government would look sexy to them if it were dressed up in jackboots and black shiny helmets.

damikesc said...

Garage, maybe you can explain how squatters have standing to sue in the first place.

Scott M said...

We knew all along that big government would look sexy to them if it were dressed up in jackboots and black shiny helmets.

Why do you hate the members of the police union, Allie?

Anonymous said...

You're daughter's in the Navy, right Allie?

What size jackboot does she wear?

damikesc said...

Yeah, does it feel to refer to your own daughter as a jackbooted thug?

Chip S. said...

Garage, you are the man. Spoken with your usual wonderful snark and sarcasm...

I notice that you stopped short of attributing to garage any familiarity with logic or facts. Very discerning on your part.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I don't hate the police or their unions.

Yes, my daughter is in the Navy. When the Madison protests were happening last winter, she was there for several of the weekends, She was stationed at Great Lakes at the time. She was out of uniform of course.

Her boots are Marine desert boots, not jackboots.

Peano said...

I would like to help people get respect for what they did so far ...

What a typically air-headed hippie thing to say. These occupying dirtbags have done absolutely nothing to deserve anyone's respect.

crosspatch said...

Had the demonstrators gone in with a clear plan AND an exit strategy, their movement might have had a little more impact.

For example: If they had gone in, remained mostly orderly, lovingly "escorted" the homeless to shelters instead of using them to bolster their numbers, and then left after, say, three or four weeks, they would be able to do it again. And they could do it again and again several times before the elections. Now they are done. They won't be allowed to do this again.

Their overreach, their lack of self-discipline, their complete disorganization and, frankly, their ridiculous tactics such as "human megaphones" and "twinkles" served to limit their effectiveness.

And now they won't likely ever be the force they were only a week ago.

In a nutshell, they blew it.

coketown said...

I love the new chant from the Zuccotti Park occupiers: Whose park? Our park! Sound familiar?

bagoh20 said...

It started in the sixties that obvious unmistakeable stupidity became respectable to some if you just hang a political button on it.

Before that they were labeled:

Moron, Imbecile or Idiot.

These demonstrations have produced some of the most embarrassing ideas ever stated by upright primates. I don't see how anyone would want to be associated with it. Even if you hate the 1%, etc, that's no reason to make a fool of yourself.

Start a new movement with some intellectual participation. It's what modern humans do. We call it civilization, and question of what to do with excrement has been mostly solved.

Anonymous said...

I don't hate the police or their unions.

Ah. I see. You were talking about the protesters' shiny black helmets and jackboots. You're uttlerly incoherent from comment to comment, do you know that?

Her boots are Marine desert boots, not jackboots.

Tomayto, tomahto. I'm sure they're just as comfortable on the necks of the oppressed.

garage mahal said...

Now conservatives are lecturing us on the necessity for a clear plan AND exit strategy? That is fucking rich. Not long ago mentioning exit strategy meant you were a traitor because terrorists would walk across several oceans to kill us.

Besides the 2nd amendment there is literally no principle that can't abandoned at a moments notice if you're a conservative. Actually the 2nd amendment appears to be the only principle they own.

Anonymous said...

Now conservatives are lecturing us on the necessity for a clear plan AND exit strategy?

You're confusing "lecturing" with "laughing at" and "necessity for" with "lack of."

Alex said...

garage - we're laughing and mocking you.

garage mahal said...

You're confusing "lecturing" with "laughing at" and "necessity for" with "lack of."

As I pointed out you are the last one to lecture someone else on the need for an exit strategy. Remember the hysterical girlish cries of "If we leave the terrorists win and they'll follow us home!". Good times.

Anonymous said...

Fun fact - - John Jay, “the first chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court, lived in a house at this former address [133 Broadway, on the Zuccotti Park block] in 1787 when he co-wrote the Federalist Papers.”

new york said...

Thank you Mayor Bloomberg. You just increased the strength of OWS one thousand fold

SPImmortal said...

You're confusing "lecturing" with "laughing at" and "necessity for" with "lack of."

As I pointed out you are the last one to lecture someone else on the need for an exit strategy. Remember the hysterical girlish cries of "If we leave the terrorists win and they'll follow us home!". Good times.


Nobodies lecturing you about an exit strategy.

People are scratching their heads and wondering what the fuck your on about. I know you're trying to sound all in your face and "rawwwrr look at me punish on you right wingers!" but you're basically one turn of the dial away from the "J" station.

SPImmortal said...

Thank you Mayor Bloomberg. You just increased the strength of OWS one thousand fold


Oh shit, one thousand fold?

There may be as many as 10,000 next time!

Anonymous said...

As I pointed out you are the last one to lecture someone else on the need for an exit strategy.

And as I pointed out, not lecturing: laughing.

We can do this all night. I'll still be laughing. You'll still be wrong.

Curious George said...

OT sorta...the fucking recall Walker scum are protesting at his home again here in Tosa...causing a major blockage of traffic.

68th Street and Bluemound are major N/S & E/W arteries.

Really, why do these assholes get to cause the rest of us headaches? Why can they block traffic?

It'd be great to get all these assholes names and go to their house and protest. Scare the shit of their kids. Block traffic in their neighborhood.

Brian Brown said...

new york said...

Thank you Mayor Bloomberg. You just increased the strength of OWS one thousand fold

Thank you, dum-dum, for the laugh.

Seriously, the delusion of you morons is hilarious.

Brian Brown said...

AlphaLiberal said...

Scott, OWS changed our national conversation from the diversion of deficit obsession - which was not a problem when Bush was exploding the deficit - to jobs and the ongoing crime spree at Wall Street

Um, dum-dum, when Harry & Nancy took over Congress the deficit was $260 billion.

It was not "exploding" you abject imbecile.

damikesc said...

Her boots are Marine desert boots, not jackboots.

Ah, so your daughter is the NICE jackbooted thug. Interesting.

Now conservatives are lecturing us on the necessity for a clear plan AND exit strategy? That is fucking rich. Not long ago mentioning exit strategy meant you were a traitor because terrorists would walk across several oceans to kill us.

So, garage compares 70% of the people who don't support his beliefs as being "terrorists".


Thank you Mayor Bloomberg. You just increased the strength of OWS one thousand fold

0 * 1000 = ?

garage mahal said...

So, garage compares 70% of the people who don't support his beliefs as being "terrorists".

Who are these seventy percenters you speak of? You must have a cite handy. This smells an awful like Jay Math. Like blaming Obama for Bush's budget.

caplight said...

"I suppose jackboots are in the eye of the beholder," the aging radical wanna be said wistfully. She passed the joint to tonight's "friend" hoping that angry talk of politics would get them both in the mood to fill the void.

Michael said...

The revolution is over. Go on home now. Oh, wait, you have money you will have to figure out how to split up.

In less than two months the petrie dish of pure nonsense devolved to drunks fighting and the leaders of the leaderless making off with the dough. Lawyers. The lefty way. Hahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha

sorepaw said...

Irony is, of course, entirely lost on the unit.

We just need to hand MORE power over to the government so they can rule us as they see fit. They know what's best for us. That makes us more free!

But those who programmed the unit known as Garage literally believe this output.

Except when Michael Bloomberg is atop the government in question, and he orders the police to roust OWS from the private park that it has seized.

sorepaw said...

Actually the 2nd amendment appears to be the only principle they own.

The unit's programmers must still be sore over the failure of efforts to nullify part of the Bill of Rights through Congressional legislation and bad reasoning on the part of Federal judges.

Either that, or the unit is merely emitting nonsensical output.

It wouldn't be the first time...

sorepaw said...

Garage, you are the man.

Didn't Allie mean to say, "Garage, you are the bot"?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

"We knew all along that big government would look sexy to them if it were dressed up in jackboots and black shiny helmets."

Why do you hate the members of the police union, Allie?

11/15/11 4:16 PM

rocketeer67 said...
You're daughter's in the Navy, right Allie?

What size jackboot does she wear?

11/15/11 4:20 PM

damikesc said...
Yeah, does it feel to refer to your own daughter as a jackbooted thug?

You buttplugs miss the point. At no point did she refer to her daughter or the police as "sexy".

Reading is fundamental. And with all that's going on at Penn State, do try to avoid inadvertent allusions to pedophilia or incest you sick schmucks.

Allie is perfectly coherent. Pity that that's what sets off or reveals your own incoherence.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Didn't Allie mean to say, "Garage, you are the bot"?

OMFG that is HILARIOUS sorepaw! Where do you keep coming up with this deadly funny humor? Seriously, you need to quit the day job, Stewart and Colbert have nothing on you man.

sorepaw said...

Reading is fundamental.

How could Ritmo the Fake Scientist know this?

He avoids reading whenever possible.

But we can see now how Allie holds great power over the Ritmorific One.

She beckons, the Ritmocentrist appears.

damikesc said...

Who are these seventy percenters you speak of?

By a 39 – 30 percent margin, American voters have an unfavorable opinion of the Occupy Wall Street movement

So, class, if only 30% view them favorably, that leaves WHAT percentage that does not?

And I note that you didn't disagree that you feel anybody who doesn't agree with you is a terrorist.

Congrats --- you're now the Left's straw man about Bush.

You buttplugs miss the point. At no point did she refer to her daughter or the police as "sexy".

...and she's probably right. Her daughter is likely homely if she takes after her mom.

Reading is fundamental. And with all that's going on at Penn State, do try to avoid inadvertent allusions to pedophilia or incest you sick schmucks.

Does anybody know what the hell Ritmo is talking about?

Ritmo, you may also play this round.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Geez Michael. Would you laugh as heartily at the conclusion of an effort to house the homeless?

No one's more sympathetic to the broker-lobbyist class as a consequence of this. If you thought this was just about standing around in a park, then you thought wrong.

damikesc said...

Geez Michael. Would you laugh as heartily at the conclusion of an effort to house the homeless?

The same homeless the courageous protectors of the 99% hated with a passion?

Yeah, tell me more. Please.

sorepaw said...

Ehh, Ritmo...

Explain to us how Michael Bloomberg's recent actions are unwise or improper.

After all, he has been elected and reelected.

And Ritmo is accustomed to defend the wisdom of Barack Obama's actions on the grounds that Obama was duly elected and therefore holds the power to carry them out.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

You don't know anything since you can't read, Dam. I regret challenging you to be both moral and coherent. It was like giving a monkey a book on philosophy.

But keep asserting your own inability to conclude anything as if that were an argument. Maybe I could try that: "I don't get it! (Scratching head). That means I'm right!"

sorepaw said...

Seriously, you need to quit the day job, Stewart and Colbert have nothing on you man.

What a bot!

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Ok, Dam. I'm sure your bootlicking of the 1% qualifies you as the party more sympathetic to the homeless.

Homeless veterans, guys. Did you know what caused the ancient Roman Republic to fall?

Of course you don't but I figured I'd give it a shot.

damikesc said...

You don't know anything since you can't read, Dam.

You're the only one accusing Allie of incest/pedophilia. Nobody else has made comments remotely approaching that.

I regret challenging you to be both moral and coherent. It was like giving a monkey a book on philosophy.

So, where did you get that Allie is a pedophile/practitioner of incest? Because nobody else thought that.

But keep asserting your own inability to conclude anything as if that were an argument. Maybe I could try that: "I don't get it! (Scratching head). That means I'm right!"

Out of curiosity, you lost your mind....when?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Explain to us how Michael Bloomberg's recent actions are unwise or improper.

And in one singularly astounding clusterfuck of a brainfart, Sorepause reveals that he doesn't understand the difference between "wise" or "proper" and "legal".

Thank you for that demonstration, Sir!

damikesc said...

Ok, Dam. I'm sure your bootlicking of the 1% qualifies you as the party more sympathetic to the homeless.

I'm not claiming to represent people I detest.

The useless hippies in NYC specifically did that.

Homeless veterans, guys. Did you know what caused the ancient Roman Republic to fall?

Morons who are unable to make a cogent point who go by the monicker Ritmo?

damikesc said...

And in one singularly astounding clusterfuck of a brainfart, Sorepause reveals that he doesn't understand the difference between "wise" or "proper" and "legal".

Feel free to list what laws were broken.

sorepaw said...

Maybe I could try that: "I don't get it! (Scratching head). That means I'm right!"

Could try that?

Ritmo already has tried it.

He might as well fall back on it.

It couldn't do worse than the usual Ritmocentric methods of argument.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

You made inappropriate references to her daughter's alleged "homeliness" as a reaction to whether or not people with boots were "sexy", Dam.

You should really mind your own damn business and stop bringing other people's kids into your fixation with image and innuendo, Dillrod.

damikesc said...

You made inappropriate references to her daughter's alleged "homeliness" as a reaction to whether or not people with boots were "sexy", Dam.

I agreed that she didn't describe her daughter as being "sexy". I agreed that there was probably a legitimate reason for that.

Apparently, you're unaware a parent can describe their child as good looking WITHOUT banging them in the process.

That's likely due to your parents --- but as with Allie, there is likely a good reason for that.

You should really mind your own damn business and stop bringing other people's kids into your fixation with image and innuendo, Dillrod.

You don't want your daughter referenced (as if we didn't notice the sock puppetry)?

Then don't bring her up in the first place.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I'm not claiming to represent people I detest.

Thank you for indicating a possible hatred for people less fortunate than you, Damikesc. It clears up a lot.

And in one singularly astounding clusterfuck of a brainfart, Sorepause reveals that he doesn't understand the difference between "wise" or "proper" and "legal".

Feel free to list what laws were broken.

You really are one heck of a dumb one, aren't you?

The point is that regardless of the legality of Bloomberg's actions, whether they were wise or proper is a separate issue.

That's the same point that sorepaws didn't get when it came to Obama's appointments to SCOTUS.

Have any of you ever actually, you know, read a book? Ever?

sorepaw said...

And in one singularly astounding clusterfuck of a brainfart, Sorepause reveals that he doesn't understand the difference between "wise" or "proper" and "legal".

I was just giving the Ritmocentric One a choice.

The Fake Scientist is the one who claimed that Clarence Thomas was not selected because he met high standards, but when asked whether Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were selected because they met high standards, he responded, with amazing cogency, that Barack Obama had the power to appoint them.

damikesc said...

Thank you for indicating a possible hatred for people less fortunate than you, Damikesc. It clears up a lot.

I don't hate you. And God knows you're less fortunate than anybody else I can imagine.

The point is that regardless of the legality of Bloomberg's actions, whether they were wise or proper is a separate issue.

Sorepaw mentioned that they weren't unwise or improper. So your point, as usual, was illogical.

Bloomberg screwed to pooch not ending this after a day.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Then don't bring her up in the first place.

I didn't. You and rocketeer did (at 4:30 PM and 4:20 PM, respectively).

You must be one massively senile old fart. Have you ever tried medication for your memory lapses?

damikesc said...

The Fake Scientist is the one who claimed that Clarence Thomas was not selected because he met high standards, but when asked whether Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were selected because they met high standards, he responded, with amazing cogency, that Barack Obama had the power to appoint them.

Apparently, in Ritmo's world, having a vagina is a "high standard".

...which, for him, probably is a high standard nobody he knows closely can ever approach.

sorepaw said...

Have any of you ever actually, you know, read a book? Ever?

Surely Ritmo's never finished a book.

How could he?

He's never found one that makes a flattering reference to him at least once every two paragraphs.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Clarence Thomas was not selected because he met high standards, but when asked whether Elena Kagan and Sonia Sotomayor were selected because they met high standards, he responded, with amazing cogency, that Barack Obama had the power to appoint them.

Did you have a point? Is there even a reason we should guess that you might?

damikesc said...

I didn't. You and rocketeer did (at 4:30 PM and 4:20 PM, respectively).

You, Allie, brought her up repeatedly for a while now as your source of moral power.

Tough crap.

Now continue making both illogical AND boring posts.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Apparently, in Ritmo's world, having a vagina is a "high standard".

...which, for him, probably is a high standard nobody he knows closely can ever approach.

I suspect this dunderheaded retort is your attempt to convince me that you don't inappropriately sexualize things.

SPImmortal said...

Apparently, in Ritmo's world, having a vagina is a "high standard".

...which, for him, probably is a high standard nobody he knows closely can ever approach.

I suspect this dunderheaded retort is your attempt to convince me that you don't inappropriately sexualize things.

Nobody knows what the fuck your talking about Ritmo.

You got totally obliterated on a point about 3 posts into the thread and went instantly into hardcore troll mode instead of responding because you're a chickenshit.

Michael said...

Ritmo. The revolution was a gas and thanks for supporting it. Thought it was about evil bankers and not homelessness but then it was a rhetorically tricky revolution all around. Comical from beginning to end and from coast to coast. Alas, it is over. Spoiled by a few rowdies.

I was down that way this morning and the park (whose park? Our park!) cleaned up pretty nicely.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

You got totally obliterated on a point about 3 posts into the thread and went instantly into hardcore troll mode instead of responding because you're a chickenshit.

You wouldn't know what a response was if it hit you upside the head like a rubber chicken.

Nobody knows what the fuck your talking about Ritmo.

Again, not understanding is a way to proclaim how dumb you are. You don't win arguments by declaring that you're too thick to understand what the fuck is being said, you cesspool of stupidity.

But nice going on the grammatical hatchet job. That's the kind of special performance that we can expect from you.

Did you win a trophy in illiteracy, at some point?

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Well, Mikey - if your vantage point for Wall Street and the park was in Atlanta ("Sweet, sunny South"?), then I'm not surprised at how skewed your view is.

Keep believing that they are somehow less relevant than the Tea Partiers and that sympathy for your lobbyists is the path to take.

Michael said...

Ritmo. One more thing. The Republic did not fall because of homeless Roman soldiers. For the love of God, have YOU ever read a book?

SPImmortal said...

Again, not understanding is a way to proclaim how dumb you are. You don't win arguments by declaring that you're too thick to understand what the fuck is being said, you cesspool of stupidity.


No dude, I'm simply proclaiming what everyone knows.

There is one person in the room that thinks you makes sense. It's you. Everyone else thinks your a blithering idiot.

Now consensus ain't truth but you might want to reflect on the nature of your posts a bit more.


But nice going on the grammatical hatchet job. That's the kind of special performance that we can expect from you.

Did you win a trophy in illiteracy, at some point?


lol this bit doesn't really help your reputation as a sexless nerdrager, does it?

SPImmortal said...

Well, Mikey - if your vantage point for Wall Street and the park was in Atlanta ("Sweet, sunny South"?), then I'm not surprised at how skewed your view is.

Keep believing that they are somehow less relevant than the Tea Partiers and that sympathy for your lobbyists is the path to take.


They were good to poke fun at, but now them and their lice have been chased from the streets and they've had as much of an impact as the coffee party.

Sorry douche.

Michael said...

Ritmo. Airlplanes, airliners, jets, speed between here and NY on an almost hourly basis. I was downtown on Manhattan island this morning, lad, and saw the dregs of the revolution and even a few of the revolutionaries. Melancholy, actually, like the end of most epic parties.

FYI most of the work of Wall Street is done in midtown.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

I have Michael. Tell me about the role of the Gracchi (specifically Tiberius and Gaius) in the fall. Astound me. Enthrall me.

Or just inform me of what you know.

SPImmortal said...

Ritmo. One more thing. The Republic did not fall because of homeless Roman soldiers. For the love of God, have YOU ever read a book?


You don't get it, Ritmo's persona is that he's smarter than the room and he own the room and RAAAWWWWWWRRR!!!!

The dude's obviously a once scorned commenter out for "revenge" or some shit. It's pitiful.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Did the idiot at 8:02 actually try to convince me that pseudonymous comments actually qualify someone for a "reputation"?

Talk about someone who loves the sound of his own fucking voice (or at least the voice inside his own empty head)...

Toad Trend said...

Its simply a bad day all around for the OWS crowd.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

SP rocks the internet with his pseudonymity.

Who the fuck even knows or cares what "SPImmortal" even means? I don't play World of Warcraft online in my spare time, like he does, so I don't know. But that's what he must be doing when he's not having massive amounts of orgiastic sex.

What a dumbass. Lol.

Toad Trend said...

Ritmo, may I offer you a decaf???

SPImmortal said...

Did the idiot at 8:02 actually try to convince me that pseudonymous comments actually qualify someone for a "reputation"?

Talk about someone who loves the sound of his own fucking voice (or at least the voice inside his own empty head)...


Around these parts "Ritmo" has the reputation of spamming nonsense and sounding like a fuckstick and getting real angry. So yes, I think, judging by your own experience, that you can develop a reputation posting pseudonymous comments. Any other stupid assertions you'd like to make?

Just because you don't like your rep doesn't mean you don't have one. It's up to you to post comments that aren't utter tripe to improve your rep.

Ritmo Re-Animated said...

Why did Julius Caesar have the popular support that the conservative Optimates faction lacked, Michael?

Did you want to look this up? Want some time to get back to me on it?

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