This is why I generally don't care much for the idea of standing in the way of leftists on their way to abortion clinics. Even when it comes to federal funding, I'm starting to wonder if it might not damn well be money well spent.
"This is why I generally don't care much for the idea of standing in the way of leftists on their way to abortion clinics. Even when it comes to federal funding, I'm starting to wonder if it might not damn well be money well spent."
Right...Because everyone knows that it's leftists who get most of the abortions.
It takes a colossal lack of self-awareness for someone to post this:
Keep things elevated, y'all,
shortly after having posted this:
At this rate, it may not be long before individual names of the people who actually run this country are exposed and published far and wide. it starts with the general monikers like "banker" and "corporate master," because that is what they are, too.
But it is on the verge of these people coming to be seen in the public light for the vermin that they are. And that will be good for America.
Way to keep it elevated, comrade. "Vermin bankers" has such a familiar ring to it.
Not surprising, really, that the OWS crowd appeals to such, um, interesting people.
"If Mommy and Daddy really believed in love, they'd stop calling people with whom they disagree nasty names."
....said someone who takes the Republican candidates seriously.
Hey, it's Andy R. You know - Hatman.
Might as well take them seriously, one of 'em's gonna win.
"This is why I generally don't care much for the idea of standing in the way of leftists on their way to abortion clinics. Even when it comes to federal funding, I'm starting to wonder if it might not damn well be money well spent."
Right...Because everyone knows that it's leftists who get most of the abortions.
He wants us all to know in addition to everything else, Conservatives are all hypocrites, too.
I guess they just let this guy near the computer on Sundays.
I guess you could make the case that it does indeed highlight hypocrisy, but honestly that was not my point.
I was reacting to the strange idea that it is "leftists" who get abortions. It's not. The procedure transcends party/ideological lines and it would help the discussion if everyone recognized this.
@harrogate--Amazing database you've found, that categorizes abortion clinics' patients by political affiliation. I'd love to see what else is in it. Link, please?
It isn't my job to find any such database. Isn't it the job of those who suggest that it is people of a particular political persuasion who get abortions, to support that suggestion? Every now and then you see people make this claim, but on what do they base it? Because on its face it looks pretty ridiculous to make such a claim.
One of the great ironies of the hyper polarized abortion debate is that abortion is a cross-partisan experience.
And yet you feel free to contest the empirical assertions of others.
Well, I'm not quite as lazy as you are, so I found some CDC data for abortion rates by state. Obviously this isn't as good as data on political preferences of individual abortion recipients, but it'll have to do. Here are the top 10 states (plus ties) in terms of residents' abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44:
NY (29) DE (20) NV, NJ, RI, WA (19) MA (18) CT, VA (17) AK, NM, NC (16)
Every one of those states except Alaska was carried by Obama in 2008.
Here are the bottom 10 (plus ties):
AR, IN, ME, MD, NE, OK, WI (9) WY (8) ND (7) ID, SD, UT (6) KY (3) LA (1)
Ten of those 14 states--and all of the lowest seven--were carried by McCain in 2008. No data were reported for CA, FL, NH, which were carried by Obama, or for WV, which was carried by McCain.
I'd say the burden of proof is on you, not the people who claim that "leftists" receive a disproportionate number of abortions.
"And yet you feel free to contest the empirical assertions of others."
Did you actually read the comment to which I was responding? If that is your idea of an empirical assertion I am deeply sorry for you.
As for the information you provide, I do not dispute that you found and reported it in good faith. But as you yourself ackowledge, it hardly rises to the level of "leftists get more abortions."
I am only saying that we had batter be awfully careful assuming we know who is and is not getting what is after all still considered a medical procedure, and a private one at that, performed. I daresay chances are high you and I both know several people who have had abortions, but who have never told anyone (nor is it anyone's business).
I feel in here somewhere, the desire of some to say that good, conservative girls don't get abortions. And really. That is not an empirical statement at all, is it? Seems more like a wish.
There is a reason nobody can demonstrate this definitively, and it is because it is not considered anyone's business to know. But I did find this interesting:
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But not, apparently, for lasagna. Exhibit A: the previous photo.
Little girl, after glancing over her shoulder: "Dad, why is there a leaf on that flag?"
Dad: "That's a pot leaf, Starphish. The fuckin' MAN wants to take our pot. Hold your fucking sign up higher."
Very theet.
What's a Teddy-Wedgers?
And, do they call that corner building the "flat-iron building?" I know its cousin. A landmark, no less, in Manhattan. But that one is taller.
That's the first honest sign in the parade.
A little child shall lead them.
I fear she is revealing their weakness, which is parents that did not love them enough to raise them.
They are all looking for their parents love, and they are very angry.
Speaking of demands...
The Bad Seed?
If Mommy and Daddy really believed in love, they'd stop calling people with whom they disagree nasty names.
I think it's child abuse to teach your kid that.
"If Mommy and Daddy really believed in love, they'd stop calling people with whom they disagree nasty names."
....said someone who takes the Republican candidates seriously.
This is why I generally don't care much for the idea of standing in the way of leftists on their way to abortion clinics. Even when it comes to federal funding, I'm starting to wonder if it might not damn well be money well spent.
"This is why I generally don't care much for the idea of standing in the way of leftists on their way to abortion clinics. Even when it comes to federal funding, I'm starting to wonder if it might not damn well be money well spent."
Right...Because everyone knows that it's leftists who get most of the abortions.
Keep things elevated, y'all.
It takes a colossal lack of self-awareness for someone to post this:
Keep things elevated, y'all,
shortly after having posted this:
At this rate, it may not be long before individual names of the people who actually run this country are exposed and published far and wide. it starts with the general monikers like "banker" and "corporate master," because that is what they are, too.
But it is on the verge of these people coming to be seen in the public light for the vermin that they are. And that will be good for America.
Way to keep it elevated, comrade. "Vermin bankers" has such a familiar ring to it.
Not surprising, really, that the OWS crowd appeals to such, um, interesting people.
harrogate said...
"If Mommy and Daddy really believed in love, they'd stop calling people with whom they disagree nasty names."
....said someone who takes the Republican candidates seriously.
Hey, it's Andy R. You know - Hatman.
Might as well take them seriously, one of 'em's gonna win.
"This is why I generally don't care much for the idea of standing in the way of leftists on their way to abortion clinics. Even when it comes to federal funding, I'm starting to wonder if it might not damn well be money well spent."
Right...Because everyone knows that it's leftists who get most of the abortions.
He wants us all to know in addition to everything else, Conservatives are all hypocrites, too.
I guess they just let this guy near the computer on Sundays.
I guess you could make the case that it does indeed highlight hypocrisy, but honestly that was not my point.
I was reacting to the strange idea that it is "leftists" who get abortions. It's not. The procedure transcends party/ideological lines and it would help the discussion if everyone recognized this.
@harrogate--Amazing database you've found, that categorizes abortion clinics' patients by political affiliation. I'd love to see what else is in it. Link, please?
A little tough love is in order.
Chip S.:
It isn't my job to find any such database. Isn't it the job of those who suggest that it is people of a particular political persuasion who get abortions, to support that suggestion? Every now and then you see people make this claim, but on what do they base it? Because on its face it looks pretty ridiculous to make such a claim.
One of the great ironies of the hyper polarized abortion debate is that abortion is a cross-partisan experience.
It isn't my job to find any such database.
And yet you feel free to contest the empirical assertions of others.
Well, I'm not quite as lazy as you are, so I found some CDC data for abortion rates by state. Obviously this isn't as good as data on political preferences of individual abortion recipients, but it'll have to do. Here are the top 10 states (plus ties) in terms of residents' abortions per 1,000 women aged 15-44:
NY (29)
DE (20)
NV, NJ, RI, WA (19)
MA (18)
CT, VA (17)
AK, NM, NC (16)
Every one of those states except Alaska was carried by Obama in 2008.
Here are the bottom 10 (plus ties):
AR, IN, ME, MD, NE, OK, WI (9)
WY (8)
ND (7)
ID, SD, UT (6)
KY (3)
LA (1)
Ten of those 14 states--and all of the lowest seven--were carried by McCain in 2008. No data were reported for CA, FL, NH, which were carried by Obama, or for WV, which was carried by McCain.
I'd say the burden of proof is on you, not the people who claim that "leftists" receive a disproportionate number of abortions.
"And yet you feel free to contest the empirical assertions of others."
Did you actually read the comment to which I was responding? If that is your idea of an empirical assertion I am deeply sorry for you.
As for the information you provide, I do not dispute that you found and reported it in good faith. But as you yourself ackowledge, it hardly rises to the level of "leftists get more abortions."
I am only saying that we had batter be awfully careful assuming we know who is and is not getting what is after all still considered a medical procedure, and a private one at that, performed. I daresay chances are high you and I both know several people who have had abortions, but who have never told anyone (nor is it anyone's business).
I feel in here somewhere, the desire of some to say that good, conservative girls don't get abortions. And really. That is not an empirical statement at all, is it? Seems more like a wish.
There is a reason nobody can demonstrate this definitively, and it is because it is not considered anyone's business to know. But I did find this interesting:!
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