For three days beginning tomorrow, the cooks will serve only brown rice and other spartan grub instead of the usual menu of organic chicken and vegetables, spaghetti bolognese, and roasted beet and sheep’s-milk-cheese salad.What if everyone suddenly got sick of freeloaders?
They will also provide directions to local soup kitchens for the vagrants, criminals and other freeloaders who have been descending on Zuccotti Park in increasing numbers every day.
October 27, 2011
Occupy Wall Street food servers get sick of the "professional homeless people."
"They know what they’re doing."
1 – 200 of 253 Newer› Newest»Ask yourself why you disparage homeless people. Typical conservative with no compassion for the downtrodden, but scream bloody murder when people want to raise the tax rates on the filthy rich a bit.
...but aren't the homeless also part of the 99%?
Then the world would become an Ayn Rand novel.
Tragic. The horses are tired of working for the cats, who don't contribute anything, and have taken their case to the pigs. Let me know if they get this resolved before the farmer comes back.
drozz said...
...but aren't the homeless also part of the 99%?
Puh-leeze. The homeless don't know suffering like an unemployed history major from Oberlin. The homeless can live anywhere; they don't have to move back home with their parents.
Roasted beet and sheeps-milk-cheese salad?
I'm not surprised to link up the Occupy folks with the "Slow Food" folks.
Why do you continue to mock and demean these brave souls who are risking their lives to speak the truth to power?
You conservatives are so mean and nasty.
All they have to do is close their borders and put up a fence.
Other than that, people protesting for freebies, getting mad because others are taking their freebies makes me LOL!
A moment of satori for the #OWS apparatchiks. They now know what the homeless are up to. Turns out, it's exactly what the #OWS are up to, viz.; take from those who have more than you-- you are justified because they have more than you.
Oh the delicious irony...
Apparently, most of these Occupy squatters are too young to remember the victim-de-jour from the 80's, the homeless.
Excuse me, could you please pass the Bolognese?....and the grated cheese.
(but don't touch me)
Thank you.
My freeloader dog gets steamed brown rice every day.
You people do not understand how hard these brave young people have been working taking a stand against the rich, corporations, FOX News, Rupert Murdoch, the Kochs, progressive jews, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sarah Palin and people who wash more than once a week and use up too much of the earths vital resources.
Do not mock them. You evil, evil people.
Yes, how dare those bums panhandle off the backs of the foot soldiers risking their lives in the cause of Glorious World Socialist Workers Revolution?
Ann Althouse said...
What if everyone suddenly got sick of freeloaders?
You mean no more socialism?
"What a wonderful world it would be".
Just how greedy can you get? All that good food and not willing to share it with the less fortunate.
Utterly disgusting.
We need a government program to do something about this!!
These people are hilarious!
Wait a minute, which ones are the professional homeless? The ones who actually don't have a place to live?
The squatters are maintaining their amateur status.
Bad link?
Occupy Wall Street sent 20k and 100 tents to Occupy Oakland. LOL.
Actually, they are against the bottom .5 percent and the top .5 percent. As a result, they remain the "99 percent".
Well, this is a shocking revelation.
Gift certificates to Mickey D's would keep them out of sight and feed them too. That's pretty much their policy, it seems. Except for the feeding part.
Now wait a Goddamn minute! Are you telling me that I am one of the 99% but you are going to direct me to a fucking soup kitchen? WTF!
The food servers are part of the 1% of OWS and they are tiring of working their asses off for people who are not contributing. What is worse and not mentioned here, but the food service people have to go begging for the money for their food from the finance people who have the reins on the $500,000 in the OWS bank accounts. The OWS entity, making over 500K, qualifies as being a part of the 1% club which has a cutoff of $360,000 per year. It is all so horrible.
Occupy Wall Street sent 20k and 100 tents to Occupy Oakland. LOL.
I wonder what evil corporation got the profit off those tents.
Maybe they can pass the tents on to the homeless and set up a food line for them.
Mmmm, brown rice and muffin stems.
Of course they will not comprehend that this a metaphor for the many who feed at the Federal trough at the expense of others.
And so where exactly is all the money coming from that pays for all this good food? Who exactly thinks this whole OWS is a good enough thing to part with cold hard cash? Are their financiers keeping them on a daily allowance?
So they're now a besieging force? Rather than petition their governments for redress of grievances, they are besieging private citizens going about their business?
I guess they learned from the Tea Party, that you can fill the National Mall multiple times with hundreds of thousands, and our government will just bite its thumb at them. So these OWS'ers are pursuing revolution. Wow! From cooked meals, to revolution, quite a stretch.
It dipped to 23℉ last night and it snowed.
Here is DenverPost photo set of the Mile High Occupation dealing with the weather. This is two blocks north on my side of the street. It looks like a proper mess.
In empathy to their hardship I'm keeping the patio door opened a crack.
Many of these brave protestors are veterans and I think that they could just live off the land.
The Navy Seals that are in OWS could maybe catch a few pigeons or rats and make a tasty stew. Plus I bet their are plenty of very nourishing insects living in the clothing of some of these brave souls who are fighting for us the 99%.
Mother Gaia presents her bounty to anyone who looks.
Maybe we should let the OWS occupations continue--the dissenters are finding out the hard way all about Real Life. And it's high time--they sure didn't learn it in college.
The nonsense of treating the "homeless" as minority victims and not as mentally ill/addicts/criminals is falling apart before their idealistic eyes.
Oh, get real! The publicity brought out the "chefs," who work the camera angles.
And, FREE FOOD should bring everybody! (But make business bad for those folk who pay their rents. And, depend on office workers who get hungry.)
At first? It was just "free pizza."
I'm sure, then came the drug dealers giving out free samples.
And, the "drummer boys."
Then came the razor blades, that damaged some of the drums. Where the "socialist drummers" discovered they wouldn't get new equipment.
Plus, the wake up call to all the politicians ... who know the problem for them is bigger than the size of the Wall Street's media herd.
The "price" of attention is not always positive.
Let alone the "1% of bankers" are laughing their heads off at knowing these idiots have not found the corridor to power.
Unless you think this "occupation" works.
Where it doesn't even "work" on a resume.
Don't Feed the Bears.
In LA at least, I think it's winding up on October 31st anyway.
"They will also provide directions to local soup kitchens for the vagrants, criminals and other freeloaders"
I'm sure the irony dripping from that statement is completely lost on this immature OWS movement.
I look at these protest camps as outdoor classrooms. The lesson: Real life doesn't work as imagined in late night dorm room bull sessions.
If being behind the OWS movement means you can't use any goods created by a corporation, then Tea Party folks should not drive on roads or call the police-- those are funded by taxes.
But I don't really think that. Because I'm not a cretinous idiot. So why don't you all give the "They're using iPhones LOL" thing a rest. You sound so monotonously stupid.
FREE FOOD should bring everybody!
I should have gone down to the ows encampments in Cincinnati during lunch times. I could have shown my solidarity with them and gotten free food. Jeez, I sure missed out on an opportunity to stick to the rich.
You also assume everyone who thinks Wall Street is corrupt and our economy is out of balance is a "freeloader" who wants government subsidies.
You are making it up. Or, as we used to call it, "lying."
OWS has not called for any handouts.
The irony, it is delicious.
And the stupid, it burns.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
You also assume everyone who thinks Wall Street is corrupt and our economy is out of balance is a "freeloader" who wants government subsidies.
You are making it up. Or, as we used to call it, "lying."
OWS has not called for any handouts
Except for Debt Foregiveness….or $20 an hour whether you work or not…I mean beyond that you are EXACTLY on target.
"OWS has not called for any handouts."
Perhaps you've missed the videos (I know of at least one that went viral) of college kids/graudates asking for their tuition to be paid!
Is that not a hand-out?
franglo: au contraire! The OWS has called for jubilee, the eradication of all debts. Is that not a "hand out?" In their tireless rants about the wrongful "distribution" of wealth do they not suggest that those that have should be relieved of some of it for the benefit of those who have less? Or are they just mad at Wall Street and don't want anything in the way of retribution?
OWS has not called for any handouts.
They recently stated their coffers were more than adequate and advised any more contributions were not needed.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
You also assume everyone who thinks Wall Street is corrupt and our economy is out of balance is a "freeloader" who wants government subsidies.
You are making it up. Or, as we used to call it, "lying."
OWS has not called for any handouts
Except for the pan-handling that occurs, and is turned over to the Finance Committee…and any on-line presence that solicits or receives cash…UNLESS Occupy(City) is selling a good or service we are unaware of.
Wanting taxation to resume the structure it had during many prosperous years is "freeloading"? Dwight Eisenhower was a freeloader? Being angry that banks propped up by the government turn around and distribute "historic profits" to a small group of bankers in the form of bonuses is freeloading? Wanting to preserve an American middle class and not move to the Nigerian "1% super wealthy behind barbed wire while everyone else is a pauper" model is endorsing freeloading?
Why don't you think for a half a second before you speak?
franglo said...
OWS has not called for any handouts.
Other than student loan debt forgivness.
The OWS has called for jubilee, the eradication of all debts.
And the Tea Party called for Obama's birth certificate. So what?
franglo said...
Wanting taxation to resume the structure it had during many prosperous years is "freeloading"?
Yes, I'm sure we should return to tax rates where 1.5% of the population paid income taxes.
That's what you mean, right, dumbass?
If OWS protestors are hypocrites for using corporate products,
TEA Party protestors are hypocrites for using roads and calling the fire department.
Just preserving the logic. Of course, I don't believe either of those things. Because I am not an aggressive simpleton.
garage mahal said...
And the Tea Party called for Obama's birth certificate. So what?
This group of sexual asserters, rapists, and paid protestors has called for handouts.
Get it, yet, stupid?
"Why don't you think for a half a second before you speak?"
You said it franglo, now care to address what some of us have clearly shown to be asking for handouts?? Or are you just trying to change the subject and hope we don't notice your blatant obfuscation of your original point.
These young people are heros. Most of them are vets or students who are our future. I believe these children are our future and we need to teach them well and let them lead the way show them all the beauty they possess.
Franglo: You realize that the 1% are those who make over $360,000 per year. Do you think that qualifies as "super wealthy"? You do know that 40% of the taxpayers on Manhattan island qualify as being in the 1%?
Chip's Denver Occupy Mile-High link says "several were treated for hypothermia".
Good thing those evil profiteering hospitals pay 1%!!!! doctors so the protesters could receive treatment.
franglo said...
If OWS protestors are hypocrites for using corporate products,
TEA Party protestors are hypocrites for using roads and calling the fire department.
Just preserving the logic
Except nobody at any tea party rally said there should be no roads or fire departments.
Your understanding of "logic" is that of a squirrel.
"TEA Party protestors are hypocrites for using roads and calling the fire department. "
This just shows your ignorance of what the TEA party is truly about.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
They recently stated their coffers were more than adequate and advised any more contributions were not needed
OH RLY? So that $500K, how fast do you think it will evaporate, providing food, shelter, and amenities to several hundred folks…if you or OWS don’t think it will disappear in just a few months, you are fooling yourself….
And tell me, Garage, is OWS returning the money, donated in “excess” or giving any to NYC for the increased Police Presence, required? Or reimbursing the city for the services used, sewers, power, water? How about they take some of that money and reimburse the neighborhood businesses for loss of income and inconvenience from the horde camped out? How about reimbursing or spending the money on “Community improvement” projects for the residents, to make the life with OWS more bearable? That money could be used to defray a lot of costs and hassles, how about it, Garage? Or is OWS’ money OWS, and not someone else’s…doesn’t seem very “other regarding” in fact, I seems to be very much self-regarding, very much like the people they complain about, use NYC’s water for free, keep the money for you…you know “publicizing” costs, but privatizing gains?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
If OWS protestors are hypocrites for using corporate products,
TEA Party protestors are hypocrites for using roads and calling the fire department
Really, so complaining that Obama is running up an unsustainable debt and expanding Federal Powers, in dangerous ways is the same as complaining aoubt corporations, whilst gleefully using those very “corporations” products? I don’t think so…..
This just shows your ignorance of what the TEA party is truly about.
By contrast, your vast knowledge of the month-old OWS movement allows you to call it marxist, redistributionist, smelly, dirty, and every bad name under the sun.
You are too stupid to understand a simple point, jberg.
And tell me, Garage, is OWS returning the money, donated in “excess” or giving any to NYC for the increased Police Presence, required?
They're going to "repay" the NYC police department by throwing stuff at them and deficating in the street when they are asked to leave.
Garbage will ignore that.
Ah, I see Joe is too stupid to understand a simple point as well. Big surprise.
"What if everyone suddenly got sick of freeloaders?"
Don't forget the vagrants and criminals. I've been tired of the entire lot for a long time, so your 'what if' should be a 'when did'. These people are not homeless, just rudderless without the aid of the government.
Wanting taxation to resume the structure it had during many prosperous years is "freeloading"?
I vote for the Federal income tax rates generally applied in the prosperous years of US growth prior to 1913.
By contrast, your vast knowledge of the month-old OWS movement allows you to call it marxist, redistributionist
one could read the signs they hold up, the information they pass out, and the fact that OWS has been fully endorsed by Communist Party USA.
"By contrast, your vast knowledge of the month-old OWS movement allows you to call it marxist, redistributionist, smelly, dirty, and every bad name under the sun."
According to my logic, I have only stated that contrary to your ridiculous assertion that there are those of the OWS movement who are indeed calling for "handouts."
Don't project your assumptions of the OWS movement onto me.
You are too stupid to understand a simple point, jberg.
You have no "point" stupid.
You're trying to draw an anlogy where there isn't one.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
By contrast, your vast knowledge of the month-old OWS movement allows you to call it marxist, redistributionist, smelly, dirty, and every bad name under the sun.
You are too stupid to understand a simple point, jberg
Actually you make a very bad argumentation and understanding awareness error…You are being told you don’t understand the TEA Party, or you wouldn’t be saying what you’re saying…whilst we are saying, “Yes, we’ve read the signs, heard the speeches, seen the manifestos” and so yes, the Occupy(City) Movement IS Marxist, redistributionist, smelly and dirty…whereas YOU don’t bother actually understanding what you’ve seen of the TEA Party. YOU are ignoring the evidence, WE are perceiving the evidence.
"You are too stupid to understand a simple point, jberg"
How astute of you to correct this evil conservative persons name. He must be one of those rich progressive jews that Cedarford and J warn us about.
Thank you for exposing him.
Yes Jay, because OWS has called for the banning of all corporations.
Oh wait, no it hasn't... so calling them hypocrites for using products made by a corporation is not just false, it's moronic. Especially since it's repeated ad nauseum.
Of course I have also been to at least the Occupy Boston encampment and just by being in the vicinity I can tell you that it is indeed dirty and smelly there (very obvious to any passerby). And if you read the signs you can easily conclude the redistibutionist mentality prevalent throughtout the group. There are plenty of socialist and marxist statements on signs as well.
Funny thing is that I bet you haven't been anywhere near a TEA party rally and can only describe them based off of MSNBC's and Kos's descriptions.
In other words, Joe, you are a typical conservative. There is no standard of "evidence" beyond, "what I say is true is true."
There is no basis upon which we can even have a conversation. You hate "liberals" and "communist fascist hippie Kenyan redistributionist welfare queens" or whatever bug you have up you ass. Keep it up, god bless.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
I was COMPLETELY undone by your “critique” Franglo, seldom have I seen a more tightly reasoned, well-supported argument….
So to re-cap YOU claim that the Occupy(City) Movement which calls for hand-outs, is riddled with Marxists, calls for increased taxation on the “rich”, increased social spending, which Sh!ts in the street, and doesn’t bathe, isn’t calling for hand-outs, isn’t Marxist, isn’t redistributionist, and doesn’t smell bad…but I’M the Stupid One?
franglo said...
Yes Jay, because OWS has called for the banning of all corporations.
Oh wait, no it hasn't... so calling them hypocrites for using products made by a corporation is not just false
Er, but I thought corporate profits were "excessive" and CEO's were evil? (Ending “corporate greed” appears over 200 times on
You are so stupid it is sad.
Proverbs 6:16-19
There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that make haste to run to evil, a false witness who breathes out lies, and one who sows discord among brothers.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Yes Jay, because OWS has called for the banning of all corporations.
Oh wait, no it hasn't... so calling them hypocrites for using products made by a corporation is not just false, it's moronic. Especially since it's repeated ad nauseum
No, only complaining about them and calls for stripping them of their legal “personhood.”
Whatever you teabagger racist white trash corn oil-besotted illiterate religious gun-nut grossly obese morons. See you in Hell I guess! Lol.
[see what I did there was throw back at you some of the mean things SOME people think are "true" about the Tea Party. I've been to tea party rallies in DC and I spoke to some pretty freaking dim bulbs, so I seen it m'self with my own eyes. yet I think it's ridiculous to claim that's what the movement is. unlike you. so I guess I meant the see you in hell part. bitches.]
Don't listen to them franglo. These evil progressive jews control the means of production and they are the puppet masters that want to make you dance to their strings.
Tell me you have a very interesting name. Are you French?
Or just a patriotic frangloamerican?
Franglo said
"OWS has not called for any handouts."
Beginning a sentence with 'I want' usually denotes at the very least a 'request'.
Fact is, Franglo, those people that you defend don't operate in a vacuum. They obviously didn't get the message when mom and dad told them that 'beggars can't be choosers'.
There are stories now replete with examples of behavior more in-line with that of 4 legged creatures.
Some people never grow up. These are adult babies looking for a teat. Pity, they probably don't know better and I would venture to say that they are likely a product of our wonderful education 'system'.
Congratulations, you all have turned out some wonderful human beings. At least those that weren't aborted.
What part of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" don't these young-ins understand?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
In other words, Joe, you are a typical conservative. There is no standard of "evidence" beyond, "what I say is true is true."
There is no basis upon which we can even have a conversation. You hate "liberals" and "communist fascist hippie Kenyan redistributionist welfare queens" or whatever bug you have up you ass. Keep it up, god bless
Does this meaning you’re running off now? So reading the Manifesto from Occupy Wall Street and seeing things like Debt Forgiveness, and $20 an hour living wage is NOT evidence, hey dood/doodette YOUR side produced it…and so all those interviews and video from Occupy(City) wherein we see Marxist signs, propaganda, persons, and calls for the “Revolution” and all those interviews and confrontations with the Occupy(City) and their human microphones, that’s not “EVIDENCE”? I’m sorry I thought it was….you know things I see, read, and hear…I thought that was pretty much the definition of “evidence.”
Franglo: Do you think $360,000 constitutes the annual income of the super wealthy?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Franglo: Do you think $360,000 constitutes the annual income of the super wealthy
It’s more than I make, so yes they are the Super-Wealthy and they owe me!
This is delicious irony, of course (or multiple courses).
The top dogs in the #OWS encampment will now deprive the lowest class in the encampment, the truly homeless, of food, a basic human necessity.
I suppose the General Assembly has voted on this? Are the "deprivers" the Girondists of #OWS? I hope they know what happens to Girondists...
Oh God Michael-- and if the Bush tax cuts expire, the income tax rate will move from 35% to 39% or something like that? To pay for the war in Iraq you were cheering for in 2001 to kick the Arabs' ass? Medicare Part D which was never funded? Oh and the loss in revenue precipitated by the slef-inflicted meltdown of the financial system thanks to banker geniuses like yourself?
Of course we could find revenue by cutting all social assistance, which is communist. The poor will eat each other, taking care of hunger and excess poverty in one stroke. Or just tax the shit out of the people who don't make enough money to be taxed now. Not because it will cover the debt gap. Just because it's mean. Poor people who don't pay taxes because they have no money are surely hiding a lot of revenue. Somewhere.
We should do the second thing, naturally. How will the upper tax bracket possibly survive??? Who weeps for the six-figure income, "I don't FEEL really rich" people???
franglo - why do you invoke the 1950s? America had manufacturing all to itself for 20 years because Europe & Japan were wrecked from WW2. Also America ravaged by Jim Crow and racism. IS that what you want to return to?
I notice liberals are always backwards looking.
franglo - the rich will just find more tax shelters in the Cayman Islands and less jobs will be created. Don't worry about them, they'll be fine. It's the middle class that gets punished in your vain attempt to "get the rich". A perfect example was the luxury yacht tax in 1990. Who got punished in that one? Middle class yacht workers.
franglo said...
You also assume everyone who thinks Wall Street is corrupt and our economy is out of balance is a "freeloader" who wants government subsidies.
You are making it up. Or, as we used to call it, "lying."
OWS has not called for any handouts.
There are all those signs about paying off their student loans, but, of course, they don't count.
And then there's ACORN paying them $100 a day. Which also doesn't count as a handout since they're doing Dr Evil's dirty work.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Franglo, do you know how much the top 20% in income pays in taxes, ALREADY?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Top 1% 39.38%
This is turning into a fascinating experiment of group dynamics.
From anarchy emerges order.
Yes Joe. I also know how much they used to pay, in 1999, and how the Tea Party has made not returning to those rates a holy crusade on the level of defeating fascism in Europe. And I think it's misguided, pathetic, and plain stupid.
Occupy Occupy Wall Street!!
Apparently the occupy crowd is now against open boarders.
franglo - are you also for returning to 1999 spending levels? Once again, invoking the past gets you into all sorts of trouble.
It is truly an irony free zone. They want gov't to give them everything, but just to the people who aren't homeless.
How can you distinguish a protester from a professional pan-handler??
Yes...the punch line eludes me.
The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
How can you distinguish a protester from a professional pan-handler
The professional pan-handler CAN’T bathe, the protestor simply CHOOSES to not bathe….The professional is going to use the money for something useful, booze…the protestor to promote “The Revolution.”
Franglo: I will try a third time. Do you consider someone making $350,000 per year as "super wealthy?"
one could read the signs they hold up, the information they pass out, and the fact that OWS has been fully endorsed by Communist Party USA.
Wondering what hotbed of winger journalamamism Jaytard got this one from. Gateway Pundit?
Franglo: You are answering questions that weren't asked and making assumptions that are incorrect. Who is asking about tax rates and Iraq etc? I just am curious if you think $350,000 per year qualifies someone as being super wealthy. Simple enough question. You could answer with a yes or a no.
Michael-- yes, absolutely.
Also, Michael-- demanding "answers" from a commenter as if you are Mike Wallace in the old days is generally regarded as something of a "dick move" or something a "sanctimonious prick" does. Just FYI
" madAsHell said...
How can you distinguish a protester from a professional pan-handler??"
The panhandler's signs says "Will work for food"
Why am I thinking that Audie Murphy's mom is a Moby--nah--that couldnt be
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
In a move that may redefine the term “strange bedfellows,” the American Nazi Party issued an official endorsement of the Occupy Wall Street protest movement on Sunday afternoon. The announcement put the organization, a self-described “National Socialist” political party, in company with the Socialist Party USA, which explained its own support for the left-wing protesters in a nationwide conference call last Tuesday night, crediting organized labor with the protests’ strength and sophistication to date
Read more:
-Daily Caller
Our bad the Socialist, the COMMUNISTS only addressed a number of Occupy Rallies and spoke in their favour…………..
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Also, Michael-- demanding "answers" from a commenter as if you are Mike Wallace in the old days is generally regarded as something of a "dick move" or something a "sanctimonious prick" does. Just FYI
I call it pinning you down on your beliefs…generally it’s a part of give and take…I’d understand why’d you be opposed to it, you realize that factual evidence and reasoning aren’t your strong suits.
Franglo: When you grow up you will know that the idea of super wealth pegged at $350,000 was an opinion you held when you were a child. Buildings look taller than they are when you are a child and slogans like "super wealth" are pretty sounding. But when and if you grow up you will regret having thought any of this.
You appear to be a nice person but you are out of your depth in these conversations.
The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
“The occupation is very white and the committees are largely run by white men”
Farrow noted that some African Americans may find some of the “Occupy” leaders’ rhetoric offensive. He said protesters have compared America’s troubled economy to modern-day slavery, and big business to slave masters.
“To say that we’re slaves to corporations trivializes the brutality of chattel slavery,” he said.
And the movement’s “99 percent” idea, Farrow explained, may unintentionally exclude minorities.
“What we end up with is a movement that is speaking very much to issues around the ‘middle class,’ which just leaves out throngs of people who are poor
-Daily Caller
Occupy (City) is RACIST AND SEXIST!
Michael-- if you make $350,000 a year you make more than 99% of your fellow countrymen.
What is the fucking definition of "rich" to you?
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
“ You appear to be a nice person but you are out of your depth in these conversations
S/he doesn’t seem very nice at all…generally dismissive, argumentative and insulting, just like “Love.” But you are nicer than me, I guess.
Also, Michael-- you should have to pay your fucking capital gains taxes. Or else move to a more libertarian country, like Somalia.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Michael-- if you make $350,000 a year you make more than 99% of your fellow countrymen
So you’d lump Upper Middle Class in with Michael Bloomberg, then?
Chip, they raise a hardy breed in Denver. I like picture 13 especially.
They recently stated their coffers were more than adequate and advised any more contributions were not needed.
Then feed those damn hungry homeless people the same decent food they give themselves.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Also, Michael-- you should have to pay your fucking capital gains taxes. Or else move to a more libertarian country, like Somalia
What are you maundering on about? Who ISN’T paying their Capital Gains taxes?
From the ever-stupid garage:
Wondering what hotbed of winger journalamamism Jaytard got this one from. Gateway Pundit?
"We stand with the courageous young people who have sparked this movement and join with the occupiers who are putting themselves on the line to transform our nation and achieve a secure and sustainable future."
From the Communict Party of America website. Dipshit.
Neo-Nazis: ‘Tea Parties’ Are “the White Revolution We’ve Been Waiting For”
White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties
Oops again.
KKK Leader David Duke ENDORSES the TEA PARTY
Should I stop?
One more
Chemical bomb tossed
into Occupy Maine encampment
Who would want to throw a chemical bomb in a OWS protest?
why do you invoke the 1950s? America had manufacturing all to itself for 20 years because Europe & Japan were wrecked from WW2.
Hmmm. I have an idea to get the U.S. economy going again.
Joe-- maundering isn't a word.
Rich people like Michael, in addition to not wanting to pay the rate of income tax they paid for years before Bush II, also want to keep a lower rate on their capital gains. Because the Bush tax cuts created many, many jobs. So many jobs.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Gee garage, none of which invalidates the point, THE NAZIS AND SCOIALISTS HAVE ENDORSED THE OCCUPY(CITY) MOVEMENT….I notice the Left was noticeably absent from your postings, and one of them said “White Supremacists and Anti-Semites Plan to Recruit at July 4 Tea Parties “ say did they find any takers?
Ignore Franglo. Ignore the OWS too. They are dying and they know it. You are witnessing the death throws of the Leftist movement in the world. It will take decades but their time has come, and gone.
Nature abhors a vacuum though. In the death of liberalism we witness the birth of totalitarianism. And while death takes time, birth is bloody and quick, and violent.
I fear when we look out at the tent cities of OWS we see into the future. The future of Barrys Amerika, where all pain is shared equally. Except for the elites. You all know the quotes, I shan't repeat them.
Democracy is not attractive to utopians. It requires work, and thought, and most sadly, the depravity of the human condition. For Socialism, and Communism to work, all people who engage in it must be saints. Or the founding principles of sharing are violated.
But we KNOW all people are not saints. So we know socialism and communism cannot work. Now it is a matter of getting people to acknowledge their Utopian ideals as unworkable.
In trusting in the "invisible hand" of capitalism, applying it to democracy, we can see that individual self interest will drive a society forward to the betterment of all. "A rising tide lifts all boats" said JFK.
Is it perfect? No, of course not. Why would anyone expect imperfect beings to construct a perfect society. What it does do is allows each and every person to rise to their level of imperfection.
I ask Garage, and Franglo, what could be more fair than that?
But the birth that's coming. It is going to tear our world apart, bursting forth in a hail of bullets and blood, and utopians.
Do you really think the elites are going to allow their privileges be shared with the hoi polloi? When the word comes down, to the police, to the armed sevices, who are they going to obey? We saw what happened after Katrina. We saw what happened at Kent State, Tienammin Square. To all you people supporting OWS, be careful what you wish for...
From Garage's first link @ Gawker:
BY PAREENE APR 14, 2009 1:12 PM 9,737 68 Share
Neo-Nazis: ‘Tea Parties’ Are “the White Revolution We’ve Been Waiting For”
Full size
Hah, it's fun to marginalize a protest movement by selectively focusing on its craziest fringes, but the "Tea Party" movement is all fringe and no legitimate grievance. Look, the white supremacists are psyched!
Nice try with the real professional "journalism" there, buddy.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Joe-- maundering isn't a word
ˈmɔn dərShow Spelled[mawn-der] Show IPA
verb (used without object)
to talk in a rambling, foolish, or meaningless way.
to move, go, or act in an aimless, confused manner: He maundered through life without a single ambition.
Garage - if Nazis show up to support and/or recruit at ows, ows is responsible?
Just when you say something seemingly intelligent earlier, you can't wait to prove you're still a complete dumb ass.
The Onion, no paragon of conservatism, 9 years ago.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Rich people like Michael, in addition to not wanting to pay the rate of income tax they paid for years before Bush II, also want to keep a lower rate on their capital gains. Because the Bush tax cuts created many, many jobs. So many jobs
Would you care to discuss the AVERAGE unemployment under Bush versus the average under Obama? And why not a lower Cap Gains rate? It’s already been taxed once, Franglo!
Franglo: I do pay capital gains when I have a capital gain. You do know what that is don't you? And you do know that it is a voluntary tax do you not? That is it is paid when one voluntarily sells and asset that qualifies for capital gains treatment. You should bone up on economics, dude, if you are going to be running an economy after the revolution.
PS. I don't recall having written my opinion on taxes. Would you link to one of my posts on the topic? Thanks.
(The Uncredentialed, Crypto Jew)
Would you like fries with that, calls me name…Good Luck…except to Franglo,
garage, another endorsement for the #OWS, from the American Nazi Party website
#OWS has endorsements from both Communists and National Socialists.
Gee garage, none of which invalidates the point, THE NAZIS AND SCOIALISTS HAVE ENDORSED THE OCCUPY(CITY) MOVEMENT
And the Tea Party!
Ask yourself why you disparage homeless people. Typical conservative with no compassion for the downtrodden, but scream bloody murder when people want to raise the tax rates on the filthy rich a bit.
I like it when Alex breaks out of his Moby troll character to make some stupid point.
And the Tea Party!
Citation? Or is this more cerebral flatus?
Almost as sad and hilarious as the overlords of OWS sending out a memo telling rape victims not to go to the police.
Alex said...
...the 1950's?...America ravaged by Jim Crow and racism.
Another lefty lie that repeated often enough has become the official version of our past even to non-lefties.
Franglo: I work harder than 99% of the people in this country why shouldn't I have more money than them?
PS: There was a time, a long time, when I was in the bottom 25%. You do know, do you not, that you can move out of these income categories both up and down? I have been in the 1% and out of the 1%. I have been in the bottom 25% but I am not planning to go back. Most people in the bottom do not stay there long. Over the course of ten years only 14% of the people in the bottom 25% are there for the duration.
Franglo: Oh, and maundering is a word. But thanks for playing the word game.
So it turned out that the OWS is full of thugs, thieves, rapists, and bums?
Who'd of guessed?
But hey the TP is the violent group not OWS. I mean one TP person brought a gun to a rally (legally no less!!!). Whereas all the Occupy people have done is riot and attack police.
I happened by the Minneapolis version of this today, the first time I'd seen it. First, it was quite apparent that these folks don't exactly have a high opportunity cost for their time, if you know what I mean. Second, it is pathetic. Not large enough to "occupy" the plaza around the County building, let alone anything meaningful.
The Republicans have two ways they can win the White House next year: One (and this seems increasingly unlikely) find a decent candidate. Two: Make enough donations to sustain this movement for another 11 months or so. OWS is the face of the left, so they might as well have it front and center.
Not entirely OT:
It appears the media campaign in favor of Issue 2 in OH is paying off. What garage thought was going to be a 20 point blowout is now too close to call.
Really? Did Obama Party shills Franglo and Garage whine about people here not paying their taxes?
Point out that their Barack Obama himself says his staffers don't have to pay their taxes.
Point out that their Barack Obama Party's leaders like Charles Rangel, Tim Geithner, Nancy Pelosi, John Kerry, Hilda Solis, Kathleen Sebelius, Tom Daschle, and others don't pay their taxes.
And then point out how their pet billionaires like Warren Buffett and George Soros don't pay their taxes.
So Franglo and Garage are complete and total hypocrites and liars who don't want to pay their "fair share", just like the rest of their Obama Party.
I guess they learned from the Tea Party, that you can fill the National Mall multiple times with hundreds of thousands, and our government will just bite its thumb at them.
At which point the Tea Party left the National Mall, picking up their own trash along the way I might add, and went home. And passed nominating petitions and staffed phone banks and knocked on doors and helped push about 3 score candidates into office, causing the biggest turnover in both number and percentage the House of Representatives has ever seen and stopped President Obama's policy plans dead in their tracks. OWS wants to persuade the govenment to change. The Tea Party changed the government. Think that the OWS will have much influence in electing new people to government?
Because I am not an aggressive simpleton.
Really? The act is damned impressive, then.
If you're wondering why Garage is suddenly sliming Gateway Pundit, its because they are providing coverage much like Ann/Meade did during the Wisconsin protests.
For coverage the MSM doesn't think you need to know about.
one could read the signs they hold up, the information they pass out, and the fact that OWS has been fully endorsed by Communist Party USA.
And the National Socialist Workers Party, as well.
Gee garage, none of which invalidates the point, THE NAZIS AND SCOIALISTS HAVE ENDORSED THE OCCUPY(CITY) MOVEMENT
And the NAZI are now providing security (with AR-15s) for Occupy Phoenix.
STILL no answer on how that bullseye ended on Gateway Pundit's website, that was not on the original Daily Kos post.
Any ideas? Besides photoshopping it in?
Wanting taxation to resume the structure it had during many prosperous years is "freeloading"?
They want massive reductions in tax revenue? That's news to me!
Not least because Barack Obama finally did cough up his birth certificate.
For the 2nd time!
What bullseye, Garage?
You got a link?
[here we go again. he just doesn't get it]
"TEA Party protestors are hypocrites for using roads and calling the fire department."
How so? TeaPartyers pay their taxes for those services, they just don't want to pay more taxes to "stimulate" too big-to-fail WallStreet fat cats, to bail out home "owners" so they could stay in homes they couldn't afford, or students who borrowed to finance a useless "education", or billionaires to finance their failing Solyndras, or car companies whose cars nobody wants to buy. How many more firefighters and police officers could we hire with the $535 million to billionaire Kaiser's Solyndra, and the 3/4 billion to Pelosi's brother-in-law?
Who would want to throw a chemical bomb in a OWS protest?
A disgruntled freeloader?
What bullseye, Garage?
You got a link?
LOL. What a fucking dirty little douchebag you are.
Wanting taxation to resume the structure it had during many prosperous years
An end to EITC? Isn't that a bit cruel?
Surprise, surprise. A Nazi hierarchy emerges the next day after the communists get through destroying the social order to favor the freeloaders.
Occupy Chicago Protest Leaders Are Under Investigation By FBI For Links to Terrorism
leading the march, SEIU local 73 member Joe Iosbaker. He’s the guy who’s under investigation by the FBI for potential involvement with terrorists. And Andy Thayer, is also under investigation by the FBI for links to terrorists. Both of the men are tied to Obama’s New Party."
Gateway Pundit. For the information the MSM doesn't think you need to know. Plus, it really pisses off Garage.
"Ask yourself why you disparage homeless people. Typical conservative with no compassion for the downtrodden, but scream bloody murder when people want to raise the tax rates on the filthy rich a bit."
Why don't you ask the cooks who are tired of serving these "professionals"?
Wait just a cottonpickin' minute here. There's a Democrat in the White House right now. You can't talk about the homeless. Now if a Rethuglican wins next year you can fire when ready.
Any ideas? Besides photoshopping it in?
Kos rat-holed it?
LOL. What a fucking dirty little douchebag you are.
So, yeah, Kos rat-holed it.
They have to feed everyone showing up, or lose the tax status of the food give-aways. I doubt they want to track every meal and write 1099s for the value received as a taxable benefit for each recipient.
What bullseye, Garage?
You got a link?
Garage: What a fucking dirty little douchebag you are.
Poor Garage. As I have already explained, I no longer follow your links. Wasted too much time debunking "gotchas" that weren't what you claimed they were. There's a price for squandering your credibility - no one trusts you or will listen when you cry wolf!
So, yeah, Kos rat-holed it.
So, no, it was never on the original post. Fen's hero, the dumbest man on the internet, photoshopped it in.
Poor Garage. As I have already explained, I no longer follow your links
Then why do you keep asking for them, retard?
You got owned, and now you're playing dumb. Which is you're natural state, right alongside Jim Hoft.
Consider the source...
Garage is only pulling this stunt because he doesn't like what Gateway Pundit is reporting about his precious socialist Nazis.
Same as all those Wisconsin trolls who bashed Althouse because they didn't like what Ann/Meade were reporting.
Did George Soros run out of money?
franglo, the "Bush tax cuts" did expire. Nearly a year ago. The current tax cuts are the Obama tax cuts.
And the things that Obama wants to spend upon and not pay for are about double what Bush spent in deficit. That's why four years of Obama will create as much debt as eight years of Bush.
So Bush was twice as fiscally responsible.
As I have already explained, I no longer follow your links
Garage: Then why do you keep asking for them, retard?
Because you keep posting them and asking what I think, after I've explained I learned to no longer trust your links.
Because the irony you calling me a retard is delicious
Because its fun to troll you and make you mad
Because I have a side bet that I can get you to bang your head into the wall another 6 times.
But go ahead and post that link for me. I *promise* I'll take a look at it this time. Really.
You got owned,
On the interwebs, self-proclamations of ownage usually indicate the opposite.
Got link?
But go ahead and post that link for me. I *promise* I'll take a look at it this time. Really. ?
You're too dumb for words. Although probably smart enough to click a link, [and I'm sure you did], you couldn't even mount a pathetic half assed defense.
It's nice bitchslapping you around once in a while though. Call it a guilty pleasure.
maundering isn't a word.
Yes, it is. "Maunder" is hundreds of years old.
The thing I like best about Garage Whatever's posts is the whoosh they make as I scroll by them.
As for OWS, will they be profiling to determine who gets directed to the soup kitchen?
garage mahal,
You got owned, and now you're playing dumb. Which is you're natural state[.]
Doesn't need comment, actually. Only repetition.
wv: acksize. No comment.
Michael-- if you make $350,000 a year you make more than 99% of your fellow countrymen.
So if I have a small business that grosses $360,000 a year and file under SubChapter S, but I only pay myself a salary of $50,000 and invest the net back into my business, employing others and buying equipment, inventory & services; am I part of the 1% or the 99%?
You have no fucking clue.
I finally found Ann's source, the NY Post:
Paste the link & you ought to get through to the article. Which is gigglicious, frankly. How dare these vagrants and "professional homeless" come here and eat our fantastic free food?
OWS has not called for any handouts
Maybe not but Occupy Atlanta has:
"They know what they’re doing."
Bad link. Try
See also
The last time I volunteered at a local homeless shelter was when one of the residents said "What? Lasagna...AGAIN?"
"Ask yourself why you disparage homeless people."
Because we don't like parasites?
Get a job, hippie.
Clearly the little red hen is a 1%'er who somehow found herself working in the #OWS kitchen.
On the other hand, I'm not quite sure if Garage is the lazy dog, the sleepy cat, or the noisy yellow duck.
I'm leaning toward the duck.
Working link.
This thread is probably dead, but @Chip Ahoy: I live in near Northwest Denver, about a mile straight north of Mile High. You might be interested in this little incident that occurred right in front of my house Sunday:
My goodness RogerJ I do not even know what a moby is supposed to be.
I am just a proud mother of a service member who wants to uphold the liberal values that so many service members have and why the majority of OWS protesters are vets who were damaged in George Bushs illegal wars.
Why do you conservatives love to call us names. We are good loyal Americans who just want our fair share of all of your income.
Audie Murphey's Mom - the act isn't very convincing.
if you make $350,000 a year you make more than 99% of your fellow countrymen.
What is the fucking definition of "rich" to you?
Defining $350,000 a year as "rich" is like defining 100mph as "really far".
Robin you are not allowed to question me.
Since my son was in the military you must give me the ultimate and absolute moral authority.
It is right there in the internet bylaws. And the rules of this blog.
Audie Murphey's Mom - the act isn't very convincing.
You have to have read a few Mitochondri-Allie posts to get it...
Though I wouldn't actually recommend going back to do so.
Well I sure don't FEEL like a 1%'er.
Of course, I paid off my college loans; saved my money; worked hard for 35 years to build a business; pay a LOT of taxes; employ 11 people; and have lived long enough so that I, as the rest of the Baby Boom, have had enough time to let compounding work in my favor.
That's the real demographic cause of supposed wealth inequality - the Baby Boom is the wealthy, and it is large.
This is nothing more than spoiled youngsters who won't wait until th8ier parents die to get their filthy hands on the money we accumulated.
Bite me.
But go ahead
Revenant: Outstanding!!
cheap pointless comedy--the favorite tactic of WASP-zionist perps
"What if everyone suddenly got sick of freeloaders?"
Oh! lol.
Thank the Good Lord that J is here.
He will set the record straight and let us know what the Mormans and Progressive Jews are doing to oppress us.
Where would we be with out him and others like him?
$350,000 a year is about $340,000 more than Byro-Rev. the stoner-sockpup. makes in a year with his t-shirt biz. Yet as wth many teabugs, pretending to be wealthy is part of his schtick--a variation on the old Dom perignon-on-the- oly budget line of BS (seems fairly common to A-house).
Yeah act like a liberal female, Byro-sockpup-Reve-Mom, you mumbling POS--we, that is the mental health authorities need a bit more evidence. You can't even do the schtick correctly--the protesters are not praising the religious are they (even yr precious whitey mormons {nearly all GOP] or....jews). OWS is not a Romney rally, half-wit (in fact MR's already dissed it). Good lawd and pah-raise Moroni.
What would be really fun is if all the residents of the surrounding neighborhood showed up for the free food that is being passed out. Then we would see how long the #OWS people would be willing to share with people who really don't need the handout.
"By contrast, your vast knowledge of the month-old OWS movement allows you to call it marxist, redistributionist, smelly, dirty, and every bad name under the sun."
My possibly Marxist Philosophy teacher thinks it's Marxist.
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