October 9, 2011

Occupy Madison: The Movie.

ADDED: For some stills and written description, go here and here.


A. Shmendrik said...

I don't think the last guy counts.

edutcher said...

"I am not a student. I am not homeless. But I am human".

Good one. You could say the same about Hitler after August 1914.

My God, that was vaguest bunch of people I have ever seen.

The union slugs had more on the ball.

Rob said...

Hmm. looks to me like sound and fury, signifying...

somefeller said...

Is this the sequel to Billy Madison?

BJM said...

For the love of God. People. Stop. Stop shooting film of these dumb motherfuckers. Just stop now.

(reference too obscure? Nah, not for Althousians)

Tyrone Slothrop said...

That 99% bullshit is the archetypal Big Lie.

Rob said...

However, it just struck me that clearly we can look forward to the big enchilada, Occupy D.C. (not the present lame version) in which all the "Occupy" groups from around the country converge on the Capitol. It should be five star entertainment. I, for one, look forward to it. Maybe Nancy will walk through the crowd with her big gavel! Oh, no. Nancy does not have her big gavel anymore. So sad.

Wince said...

We are the 99%.

Shit, I always wondered what my 1% milk left behind.

Antioco Dascalon said...

They may be the 99% but they certainly are the 100% white.

rtsquard said...

"This is a nation created by the people to support us. Let's keep it that. Let's make it that.", at 5:02. Really??? What else did I miss in American History?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting the videos this weekend, trying to deny what is happening in this country and wishing it into oblivion won't make it go away. Someone has to be the conscience and voice of Americas middle class and poor and minorities whose rights keep being endangered or denied altogether. We are in deep shit and won't get out of it until we face the facts.

BJM said...


Maybe Nancy will walk through the crowd with her big gavel! Oh, no. Nancy does not have her big gavel anymore.

I'd bet dollars to donuts that Nancy has that big gavel at the ready, tucked away in red velvet lined case, or resting on the mantle in the great room of her Saint Helena getaway.

Are the Pelosi's paying their fair share?

Boyd said...

Is everyone in Wisconsin really this white? I don't mean Caucasian. It's blinding.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful building, no so beautiful people.

Sal said...

We are in deep shit and won't get out of it until we face the facts.

Getting rid of the jug-eared Jesus and all of his political appointees is a pretty good start.

Dan said...

"What does dumbocracy look like?"

"This is what dumbocracy looks like!"

Anonymous said...

MarkG so true, I can't wait for the Walker recall to start.

Freeman Hunt said...

So have these become the "Give Us Stuff" protests?

kg said...

If these are the 99%, then if you add in the missing 1%, the crowd would have been 58 people, not 57 ... let's be fair.

traditionalguy said...

They are the 99%.

We must have missed that election, but if we lost, we lost.

But what if we win one someday? Can we take over and run them out of our House?

Oh, yeah. Mobs do not permit elections. That means we lose forever.


Automatic_Wing said...

Nice rack on the chick carrying the big sign. Everyone else was kinda disgusting.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

Mitochondri-Allie said...

We are in deep shit and won't get out of it until we face the facts.

Like the fact that you can't spend money you don't have, or the fact that no government ever spent its way out of recession, or the fact that 57 people out of the population of Madison (233,209) is 0.024%, not 99%? You mean those facts?

Unknown said...

A. Shmendrik said...
I don't think the last guy counts.

Actually, I think the last guy encapsulates the entire "Occupy" movement.

JorgXMcKie said...

This is a prototypical John Wayne Moment: "Life is hard. It's harder when you're stupid."

WV: inables -- these people are more inables than ept.

JorgXMcKie said...

"I can't wait for the Walker recall to start."

Because all the other efforts at altering the election results worked so well? See above comment.

[Aside: are you closely related to Garbage Mahal?]

Chuck66 said...

They should change their name to the "I want everything for nothing as that is what I got while my mommy and daddy paid for everythying up until this last year when I turned 28" movement.

garage mahal said...

Because all the other efforts at altering the election results worked so well?

The John Doe Walker corruption probe will make that recall much easier, or maybe even unnecessary, Jorgy Porgy.

caplight said...

Mito said: "Someone has to be the conscience and voice of Americas middle class"

The TEA Party already does that.


Anonymous said...

Yup Walker needs a good probing . What will they do when he has to leave office in disgrace? Time will tell I guess.

garage mahal said...

I haven't seen one Republican in the state coming to Walker's defense. That can't be a good thing. Doesn't appear at all to be a "if", it's "what" he did.

m stone said...

Who is screen-printing and distributing the "99%" shirts?

Sal said...

Dream on, ladies.

Anonymous said...

Garage, yes strange how quiet they've all been.Rats trying to jump ship without making a splash?

William said...

They look like teachers, except for the one guy who looked like a community organizer. They're much more kempt than the NY crowd......The NYC protest crowd has been infiltrated by the homeless. They're attracted by the free food. The protest organizers are trying to weed them out. Don't you just hate it when a protest against the rich gets infilitrated by the wrong kinds of poor people?

William said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Milwaukee said...

Maguro said...

Nice rack on the chick carrying the big sign. Everyone else was kinda disgusting.

Maguro: What a sexist pig you are. Of course, you can redeem yourself if you give a minute and second reference, so we can easily verify your comment. (I really don't want to have to watch the whole stupid pointless thing again.) Used to be there were newspapers which didn't report rapes, because they didn't want to encourage that sort of behavior. These overWeight White protesters need to get a life. Haven't they ever heard of the Poker Channel? They could watch other people play poker. Or maybe they should take up drinking. I know: Let's legalize marijuana, then dip shits will stay at home getting stoned instead of using up public resources to monitor their idiotic protests. What Maroons they are.

Milwaukee said...

garage mahal said...

I haven't seen one Republican in the state coming to Walker's defense. That can't be a good thing. Doesn't appear at all to be a "if", it's "what" he did.

1. Conservatives don't feel the need to open their mouths every time they have a thought. Try it sometime.
2. Just keeping the powder dry.

garage mahal said...

Yea ok Milwaukee. I'm sure that's it.

Milwaukee said...

As for Walker, he didn't go far enough. Next round should include making the whole state Right-to-Work, instead of just public sector workers. Perhaps he'll take on the bloated UW-System. Or perhaps the public school system which takes more and more money and doesn't show any signs of getting better.

Whatever Walker does, he will have a clear agenda and systematic plans. Which means he is dramatically different from the lame protest we saw in the video.

Trooper York said...

Now this is the kind of reasoned discourse that made this blog the Felliniesque delight that we have all enjoyed so much.

Sort of a combination of the Supreme Court and the Monkees.

coketown said...

I saw the Occupy Colorado Springs installation today. First I thought it was a hotdog stand, because it was one of those collapsible awnings with roll-down sides. It was only one person in there, but he set it up at the edge of the park that all the bums hang out in to make it look like a larger assembly. Naturally all the transients gathered around to see if hotdogs would be on offer.

Also, this is Colorado Springs, so where would one go to occupy it? Nobody passes by City Hall, so an occupation there lacks visibility. Occupying a park isn't very threatening. And if it was too threatening, we have Fort Caron to the south, Peterson Air Base to the east, the Air Force Academy to the north, and what's left of NORAD's cent-com to the west. Any occupation that actually materialized would be rather short lived.

The installation was also surrounded by dozens and dozens of signs stuck into the lawn, flowerbeds, etc. They were signs in search of protesters.

The poor turnout seems to be typical for every protest across the country. Which makes me wonder: Why were Tea Party protests with thousands of people altogether ignored, but this loose band of half-hearted rabble gets front page treatment?

KCFleming said...

Not one protester has the balls to admit that the guy they elected Obama, hell, and all the Democrats, and that they then did exactly what they said they would do and things got worse.

And not one has the balls to point out that of all the bankers, Goldman Sachs has its fingers in the entire financial clusterfuck, and they all work with and for Obama and the Democrats.

But that would mean carrying signs saying We're the 53% that voted for this Moron, but like that's ever gonna happen.

No, instead let's blame the guys the Democrats are trying to strangle, yeah, that's the ticket!

Fred4Pres said...

Is Madison just a wee bit madder than other similar cities?

Or is it Althouse coverage that makes it seem so?

KCFleming said...

In garage's ideal world, Wisconsin becomes Chicago.

BTW, their property taxes just went up 27% in one year.

Aren't Democrats just the greatest?
Too bad about the morons that can't pay.

Automatic_Wing said...

In garage's ideal world, Wisconsin becomes Chicago.

BTW, their property taxes just went up 27% in one year.

Property taxes are low in Detroit, from what I hear. So there's always that to look forward to.

Fred4Pres said...

Coketown, CS isn't Boulder. But as wacky as Boulder can be it does not seem as wacky as Madison.

rcocean said...

When is the occupy Maui demonstration?

I'm up for that one.

BJM said...

Why aren't they protesting on this guy's front lawn?

Fred4Pres said...

Trooper, you know what's insane? The Giants losing to Seahawks in Giants Stadium.

At least the Eagles lost.

Fred4Pres said...

BJM, It is good to be a friend of Obama.

orbicularioculi said...

"...We are...the 99 goofballs..."
"...We are...the 99 goofballs..."
"...We are...the 99 goofballs..."
"...We are...the 99 goofballs..."

ad nauseum

coketown said...

Coketown, CS isn't Boulder. But as wacky as Boulder can be it does not seem as wacky as Madison.

Nowhere outside of Peewee's Playhouse seems as wacky as Madison, especially since the start of this year!

But Colorado Springs is adjacent to Manitou Springs, which is full of aged hippies, Wiccans, and environmentalists, and we have a fairly pig population of Social Justice-type Christians that are pretty vocal politically. We may not be as nutty as Madison, but we should be able to pull at least a dozen Progressive types to a protest!

KCFleming said...

They are the 99 luftballoons.

Curious George said...

"garage mahal said...
I haven't seen one Republican in the state coming to Walker's defense. That can't be a good thing. Doesn't appear at all to be a "if", it's "what" he did."

Here, let me be the first. Scott Walker didn't do whatever it is that that garage can't name but is certain he did and will cost him his office!

Fred4Pres said...

I love Manitou Springs, but it does have a lot of hippies.

garage mahal said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
garage mahal said...

Scott Walker didn't do whatever it is that that garage can't name but is certain he did and will cost him his office!

Well whatever he didn't do he hired a lawyer just in case. What would be fucking funny if it's choo choos that ultimately bring him down. As in Southern Railroad. Hee.

Milwaukee said...

Maguro: I thought you were called out. I called you out! Consider yourself called out!
What nice chick? What big rack?

I don't recall any particularly attractive individuals in that video.

Milwaukee said...

Garage: are the Democrats really going to waste public money for all the pooforah that goes with a gubernatorial recall? Do they really think they have a chance after the Voter Photo ID was passed? Are these Democrats by any chance re-incarnations of the British and French generals who sent their troops storming German machine guns?

My guess is the Republican reaction will be something akin to adults rolling their eyes when the spoiled, protected child makes a mess and somebody else has to clean it up. Let's see, the Republicans swept the House, Senate and the Governorship in 2010. The won the Supreme Court seat, they hung onto enough Senate seats to maintain power. While the Democratic base maybe fired up, where are the independents?

Stripping the public sector unions of the right to bargain their health care has allowed many school districts to get less expensive insurance. Do you think the public hasn't noticed?

Titus said...

I believe you need to get another hobby.

How about Apple Picking or Leaf Shit.

Enjoy the weather and your time here.

Ignore all the protesting shit.

Protesters are boring.

Tits and Most Importantly Clouds.

Fred4Pres said...

For some reason the force of crazy is strong in Madison

J said...

protests --first Amendment in action (whether one agrees to demands or not)

Althouse-- blog- psychosis in action

Dan from Madison said...

What an awful way to spend that gorgeous weekend. I am glad I played with my kids outside jumping in leaf piles.

AllenS said...

It's become apparent, I'm one of the 1%-ers.

Curious George said...

"AllenS said...
It's become apparent, I'm one of the 1%-ers."

Allen, you are the top 1% of the 1%e-ers baby!

KCFleming said...

AllenS, yes, you are on of the 1%ers.

Now GET BACK TO WORK, goddammit. What're you doing, wasting your time here when you could be generating gubmint revenue?

Them taxes ain't gonna pay themselves. Plus, I gots my eye on a sweet flat screen.

So get crackin'.

Curious George said...

57? If they were smart they would get Heinz to sponsor them.

wildswan said...

Everyone should show these videos to their liberal friends because the liberals have no idea what is going on in these "protests". They read the lame stream press or look at edited TV clips and think it's somehow like Martin Luther King down at the Lincoln Memorial. Some think it's half African-Americans. Furthermore you can see that students or educated young people staring out are a big part of the crowd and so student debt is a big issue. The liberal students I know were surprised to hear that a tea party supporter had ideas on the subject.

Sal said...

What an awful way to spend that gorgeous weekend.

For the protestors and those following them around...

Phil 314 said...

Well, at least I didn't see any union signs.

Phil 314 said...

Shared sacrifice

" In 2008, the top 1 percent of tax returns paid 38.0 percent of all federal individual income taxes and earned 20.0 percent of adjusted gross income...
The top-earning 5 percent of taxpayers (AGI over $159,619), however, still paid far more than the bottom 95 percent. "

Chip S. said...

As far as I can tell, the purpose of these "Occupy [your town here]" events is to demand affirmative action for ugly, stupid people.

The Kochs get much more for their money than Soros does.

AllenS said...

I have to finish digging a trench from the pole barn to my new steel building, so I can run some underground electrical cable. Since I work for nothing, I pay no taxes.


KCFleming said...

AllenS is a kulak shirker!!!

Hoosier Daddy said...

".. In 2008, the top 1 percent of tax returns paid 38.0 percent of all federal individual income taxes and earned 20.0 percent of adjusted gross income....."

They could pay 100% and it still isn't enough for liberals. It never is.

Hoosier Daddy said...

I do like how these so called grassroots movements come complete with printed t shirts and websites.

TosaGuy said...

"I have to finish digging a trench from the pole barn to my new steel building, so I can run some underground electrical cable. Since I work for nothing, I pay no taxes."

I doubt few, if any, of those protestors would be willing to dig that ditch if you were in the mood to hire them.

Calypso Facto said...

I'd be more amenable to the protest called "Occupate Madison". As in: get a job.

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AllenS said...

Trench is dug and the cable laid. Filling it in is no picnic either. I can visualize beer this afternoon.

AllenS said...

Trench is filled in. I put in 50 feet of cable with about 2 feet above the footing to a junction box in the new building and about 18 inches in the pole barn. I'll have to put in a junction box in the pole barn because I didn't have enough to the outlet. It's days like today when I'm glad I spent the time and effort to get my advanced degree in Knuckledragging.

BJM said...

@Curious George

57? If they were smart they would get Heinz to sponsor them.

I'd guess that yacht tax dodging Senator F'ing Kerry-Heinz wouldn't want the revolutionary spotlight shined on his lavish multi-estate lifestyle, private jets or the multi-billion dollar Heinz family trust fund.

I wonder if the Heinz Kerry's are paying their fair share?

AllenS said...

I just realized that I was the only person in this country that actually had a shovel-ready job.

emcharland said...

Participation in Occupy Madison has dwindled even more since your video. Zero protesters at today's WMC protests scheduled for 7am and 1pm. http://fairlyconservative.com/2011/10/13/occupy-madison-a-big-fat-flop/

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