October 2, 2011

"I do say that I am in favor of the return of the guillotine and that is for the worst of the worst of the guilty."

Roseanne Barr is a comedian. It's irrelevant whether you find this funny or not. She's laboring in the field of comedy:
"I first would allow the guilty bankers to pay, you know, the ability to pay back anything over $100 million [of] personal wealth because I believe in a maximum wage of $100 million. And if they are unable to live on that amount of that amount then they should, you know, go to the reeducation camps and if that doesn't help, then being beheaded," Barr said with a straight face.
Comedy is hard. She's cranking up the hyperbole to higher and higher levels, maintaining the deadpan all the way. Do not revile her in her suffering.


If the government took 100% of your income above $100 million, at what point would you slack off?
I'd go on and on, making money, even once the government began taking every dime.
I'd work right up to the $100 million, and then, no more.
I'd start slacking off at around $80 million and shutting down at $90 million.
I'd arc toward about $40 or 50 million and then lose focus on the earnings game.
If the game is rigged like that, it would affect my pursuit of wealth from Day 1.
pollcode.com free polls 


F said...

Who knew Roseanne Barr was still around?

rhhardin said...

Mike Munger on middlemen is good, if you wonder what all these parasite middlemen do to earn a living.

Automatic_Wing said...

I guess we can surmise that Roseanne is worth about $95 million these days.

rhhardin said...


That was before crony capitalism, though.

I'm Full of Soup said...

Roseann is being too partisan here. Perhaps it would be more suitable to threaten to use this punishment on a bipartisan group of long-serving Congress critters.

mesquito said...

Lemme guess. Roseanne is worth about, oh, $100 million.

xnar said...

The conventionaly wisdom is that she is too fat to be taken seriously.

Besides, with all those beheadings - just think of the "Shocking Meat Video".

Shouting Thomas said...

Everybody wants the scoundrels behind the mortgage/ financial scandal punished. How do you do that?

Both political parties endorsed the Community Reinvestment Act. Redlining, that vicious racist practice, had to be stopped at all costs. One of the principal overseers of Fannie and Freddie, Barney Frank, attached his name to that great piece of legislative reform, Dodd Frank.

Dodd Frank, as far as I can tell after a close reading, is a permanent employment bill for highly paid lawyers, bankers and bureaucrats. It's also an wide open, completely unreviewable slush fund.

And, of course, what about all those happy people who cashed in on their houses during the boom?

The investment banking industry seems to have an inside track with the Obama admin, which claims to be reforming things.

The fix is in. What to do about it?

Fred4Pres said...

There is an especially nasty circle of hell, where you wake up married to Roseanne Barr. Ask Tom Arnold.

Fred4Pres said...

Worst Comedian Ever

Bob Ellison said...

Roseanne Barr's estimated net worth: $80m

Fred4Pres said...

There is an especially nasty circle of hell, where you wake up married to Roseanne Barr...ask Tom Arnold.

Shanna said...

I guess we can surmise that Roseanne is worth about $95 million these days.

My thoughts exactly. These people are so transparent.

I don't know why these people are so obsessed with bankers as the bad guys. Don't most people think of bankers as those people who cash your checks for you? Maybe they loan you money for a new car at cheaper rate than the car dealership. Oh, but I guess "Wall Street" bankers are different because they handle bigger accounts?

If you are angry at people for getting a loan from the govt, why aren't you angry at the politicians? Why aren't you angry at the car companies that also got loans?

MayBee said...

Bankers are different, though, because they didn't earn their money. Like Roseanne did.

Anonymous said...

Keep talking lefties, keep showing "us" what you really think.

Beheading the rich, cancelling elections, wanting to push through policy working around congress...

I guess it's hard when everything you hold dear is going down in flames.

Roaring flames.

Shermlock Shomes said...

I was going to say the same about politicians who have no business being in office and comedians who aren't funny any more.

But that means we'd have to do Al Franken twice.

I'm Full of Soup said...

How to spot a librul: they bitch and moan about someone else making a profit. It does not matter who it is; it could be the local 711 store owner or a huge oil company.

Carol_Herman said...

You know, I could care less ...

She was a woman who had a good show, once. And, it was an ENSEMBLE affair.

I don't think anyone who worked on that show did it for any other reason that the money. The kids were never heard from, again.

John Goodman was the real talent!

Talent, by the way, does not equate with "knows everything." Or has good ideas. Or even spouts useful information.

This is why writers are key to good shows.

SteveR said...

When they come for the money Roseanne, you're going to be well over the maximum wage. So watch your neck.

Shouting Thomas said...

Come on, folks.

Sure, Barr is a fat sloppy idiot. The protesters on Wall Street are whackos.

But, there is a truth behind the lunacy. The investment bankers and the banking executives, along with their cronies in Fannie, Freddie, Congress and the White house, stole trillions of dollars.

And, they stuck the taxpayers with the bill.

They got away with it. Geithner and Goldman Sachs used the crisis to obliterate their opposition.

Nobody has been punished. The stolen money will never be recovered.

You aren't pissed? I'm not saying there is anything to be done about it. Just about everybody in the political class is implicated.

But, you aren't mad as hell?

DADvocate said...

Is she trying to be funny? Does she know what funny is any more.

How is preaching hatred morally superior to being rich? Are all rich people greedy? Are all not rich people not greedy? How many not rich people want to be one of those greedy rich people? Envy?

I touched on this today in my first post in a month.

chickelit said...

It took them only an instant to cut off their heads, but America may not produce other such heads for business in a century.

Rose said...

It’s funny, and it’s easy to discount the public face of this, the Trust Fund babies playacting at being tough activists. And celebrities like Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr pimping the meme...

But don’t lose sight of the bigger picture. There are big fish behind this – and this is the horse they intend Obama to ride into re-election.

They telegraph these things – Stephen Lerner laid out the roadmap (on tape). The first target was to be JP Morgan Chase – remember? That was delayed because Glenn Beck exposed it, but it was not derailed. Michael Moore kicked it off in Wisconsin – the meme is “There’s plenty of money. They have it, it’s ours, we should take it.” Roseanne Barr, today, calling for the beheading of bankers and ‘rich people’ who won’t give up their wealth. "It's ours" (and yes, it is ironic that celebs have millions of their own.)

The plan includes encouraging students not to pay student loans and homeowners to renege on their mortgages.

All of these things are being brought to fruition. You have seen it in the news in recent weeks.

The celebrities play their part, trying to look like populists. These poor young dupes are like the timber protesters, the Pepper-Spray-Eight. They will bear the pain, the manipulators will then benefit.

Anarchy will serve as cover for Obama. They’re trying to gin up rage – the “American Spring” its euphemistic title. This is another stunt like sending his “Working Families Party” goons out by the busload with their pitchforks and torches.

Connect the dots. And don’t let it succeed.

captcha: raviver

Fred4Pres said...

The Koch Brothers are perhaps the biggest patrons of the arts out there.

So what is Roseanne giving to?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Rosanne Barr was looking at property in our area several years ago before she settled on Hawaii.

The consensus is that we dodged a bullet.

KCFleming said...

The peace and prosperity under Obama will prove to be his greatest legacy.

Shouting Thomas said...

Come on, folks!

For a moment, get off the pro or con on Obama's war on the rich and address the issue of the massive fraud and theft of public funds committed by the investment bankers and bank executives.

edutcher said...

Yes, but if we behead the bankers, who will give those lavish campaign contributions to Democrat politicians?

Automatic_Wing said...

I dunno about the guillotine idea, though...Roseanne the Incorruptible just doesn't have the same ring to it. Maybe it sounds better in French?

Shouting Thomas said...

Yes, the Obama the reformer crap is a complete lie.

He's in the pocket of the investment bankers and Wall Street.

Obama's great political skill is convincing people that he's a reformer, while he serves the interests of the very corporate, banking community that dumps billions into his campaign coffers.

The theft of public funds called "stimulus," or "bailout" or what have you really is a serious issue. Trillions of dollars paid out to cronies in the investment banks and banking industries.

And those payments were pure corruption. Investment bankers and bankers did not "earn" those trillions in their traditional role as middle men.

The demonstrators may be economic illiterates, but they are correct that the ripoff was massive and criminal, and that it saddled them with a lifetime of debt. They're kids. You expect them to understand legal mumbo jumbo and investment terminology?

Sydney said...

When I read your headline, I thought she was advocating for a more humane death penalty.

Roger Zimmerman said...

I'm confused. Is she in favor of confiscating all _wealth_ above $100M, or just all _income_? If the latter, then I will continue to worker hard about to $99.9M each year, then stop. Otherwise, I may stop working a lot earlier.


Kevin said...

I think we should start executing rich actors and actresses, myself...

edutcher said...

The last PBS production of A Tale Of Two Cities I saw had a very luscious, voluptuous Frenchwoman essaying the role of Madame Defarge.

Roseanne sounds like she wants it next time out.

And type casting, too.

Peter V. Bella said...

Will wealthy bobble headed celebrities like Roseanne be the first ones in line for the guillotine?

That's Entertainment.

ricpic said...

I see Roseanne is in a svelte phase. Any fatty in a svelte phase is a walking fist of mean mad.

bagoh20 said...

If a guy has the right stuff to earn $100 million (employing many people in the process) why the hell would you want to stop him, or give the money he makes to the government who burns it in the fireplace and can't even make a budget?

Would you retire a doctor after he saved a set number of people, or take his medical equipment and give it to a meth lab?

Dust Bunny Queen said...

over $100 million [of] personal wealth

There is a big difference between personal 'wealth' and income. Wealth is the accumulation of a lifetime of work, acquisition of assets, capital appreciation of those assets.

You don't have to be a high income earner and you can still accumulate 'wealth'.

Ma and Pa Frickett who purchased a modest home in rural San Rafael or Mill Valley on 20 acres in the 50's or even 60's for $35,000 are now 'wealthy' millionaires due to appreciation of their property. Evil Bastards!!! Should they be punished and have their property taken away?

Joe Hardwrench, starts out as a mechanic in the local garage. Joe works all day and goes home with grease under his fingernails, ground into his pores. Joe saves much of his money for 20 years, until he can make an offer to the retiring garage owner. Because Joe is a master mechanic and can turn a wrench like no one else, his business booms and property values increase. Joe is now 'wealthy' at the age of 65 and is still turning wrenches because it is what he loves. GOD Damn him, just who does he think he is!! Let's get him!!

Who gets to decide who is 'deserving' of their 'wealth' and who gets to be punished for working hard, sacrificing and saving? Who gets to decide how much?

Going down this path is dangerous and fraught with moral hazard.

bagoh20 said...

"Thou shalt not steal." It doesn't say anything about "unless he's rich, then go for it".

clint said...

Once the game is rigged like that, you just know the rules aren't going to stay fixed over the course of a forty or fifty year career.

@Dust Bunny Queen-

It always surprises me to see celebrity entertainers wanting to start down the path of society deciding who "earned" their money and who didn't. It's the lack of self-reflection that boggles the mind. Do they really believe that most people think *acting* or *comedy* when they think of "working hard for the money?"

(Note: I'm not saying entertainment work *is easy* -- I'm saying it's *perceived* as "Money for Nothing" in the same way as the incomprehensible financial careers they love to hate.)

mtrobertsattorney said...

It is a little known historical fact that Robespierre was said to be the funnest comedian in all of Europe. Had the crowds in Paris rolling in the street with his guillotine jokes.

Michael said...

Shouting Thomas. The bankers did not steal trillions. You do not appear to hold stupid ideas, but this belief is absurd. It has a nice sound and in so believing you can absolve the millions of borrowers who decided they would not repay the loans they had contracted to repay. It is both a simplistic and wrong belief. I would guess that like the protesters on Wall Street you do not have the slightest idea or what investment banking is, much less what investment bankers do.

Quaestor said...

Populism. This has been tried before by the likes of Hughie Long and Father Coughlin during a similar time of duress. Populism is just America's preferred brand of totalitarianism - slightly different rhetoric, same result.

This is all part of a vast left wing conspiracy to deflect the opprobrium they rightly deserve for the state of the our national economy and foist it onto our most productive persons, persons whose industriousness and talent are our only real hope of ever regaining our stature from under 15 Terabucks of debt burden heaped on it by people who think just like Roseanne Barr.

Why is it that such loony (and downright evil) proposals always come from the mouths of wealthy lard buckets like Barr and Michael Moore?

wv: bunds - Investment instruments favored by people like Michael Moore and Roseanne Barr; similar to bonds but with icing on top.

Quaestor said...

Roseanne Barr's estimated net worth: $80m

I'm in need of some ready cash. If the domestic goddess would sign over about half of that healthy chuck to my bank account I'd give her a ounce of credibility in return.

wv: aphyston - What does an alchemist rely on in a bar fight?

Known Unknown said...

Roseanne is also another word for irrelevant.

Anonymous said...

"Do not revile her in her suffering."

It ain't her suffering for which I revile her.

Anonymous said...

You want Rosanne's *true* thoughts?

Just tell here the cap should be $10 million.

Kensington said...

She's not funny, and she's crazy.

How did they ever manage to keep from looking like a deranged loon on her sitcom?

ErnieG said...

She's not irrelevant. More like a hippopotamus.

Saint Croix said...

Why stop at greed? There are so many other sins.

Like gluttony, for instance.

"I first would allow the fat pigs to diet, you know, the ability to get rid of anything over 200 pounds of fat because I believe in a maximum weight of 200 pounds. And if they are unable to live on that weight then they should, you know, go to the fat farms and if that doesn't help, then being beheaded."

Or lust!

"I first would allow the sluts to marry, you know, the ability to commit to one person forever because I believe that your sexual partners should be limited to one. And if they are unable to sleep with just one person, then they should, you know, be indoctrinated in Catholic school. And if that doesn't help, then being beheaded."

sorepaw said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carnifex said...

F said...

Who knew Roseanne Barr was still around?

Her weight's been fluctuating for decades.

On a serious note, any person who thinks guillotining, and re-education camps are a good idea is obviously insane and really should be locked away for public safety.

Known Unknown said...


Paul said...

Roseanne has been going downhill for years. This is just a way to get her name in the news.

I think they have a show biz saying about now bad news is better than no news....

And with her reality show sinking, well what do you expect her to do?

richard mcenroe said...

Roseanne is worth $80 million these days.

Sure, Roseanne was laboring in the field of comedy. And Alec Baldwin was acting when he called for the murder of Henry Hyde's family.

It must take a law degree to tolerate bending over that far backward for the malignant. I don't have it in me anymore.

richard mcenroe said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
richard mcenroe said...

Dust Bunny Queen, we've already fixed the Hardwrenches and the Fricketts. It's called the estate tax. You know, the one the Kennedies duck by keeping 85% of their assets overseas.

Ignorance is Bliss said...

...If the government took 100% of your income above $100 million, at what point would you slack off?

At the point that I walked through the office door. Why change now?

richard mcenroe said...

"Who knew Roseanne Barr was still around?" The US Geological Survey and the Quake scientists at Cal Tech...

Gene said...

I remember reading a few years back that one Scandinavian country used to have a 102% tax on income above a certain point.

Not only did you forfeit all income beyond that level, you also paid an additional 2% penalty for having the nerve to earn that much.

William said...

There are ballplayers who bat 50 pts. below their lifetime average after signing a long term contract. There are movie stars who command a percentage of the gross even though their last two movies bombed. The world is full of people who are paid more than they are worth. Hedge fund managers and mortgage bundling bankers are not my favorite people, but they are far from the only people on earth who take more than they deserve. We let the market settle these issues, not because the market is just, but because it is less unjust than government directives on people's earnings.......The libs love to point out that once upon a time CEO's made ten or twenty times the average salary of their company's employees. What multiple of earnings does a comedian like Roseanne Barr deserve above the earnings of her writers and supporting cast? I would say ten sounds about fair. The talented stars deserve about twenty. We need a government program to regulate this. There should be clawback provisions for comedians like Roseanne who unjustly enriched themselves on the efforts of their subordinates. The money thus redistributed would have a stimulative effect on the economy.

William said...

I just finished reading the McCullough biography of Truman. Truman received a huge advance, $600,000 for his memoirs. He had to hire a couple of reasearchers and editorial assistants to help him with the task. The tax rate at that time was over 60%. At the end of several years work, he netted $37,000 from the advance. Hardly worth the trouble.....The story has a happy ending. He went to Congress and asked for and received a Presidential pension of $25,000, two secretaries, and franking privileges. That's the way it works: The government takes it all away, but if you can pull the right strings, they restoreth it all back. The 100 million excise death tax would be waived in case of green energy magnates and large donors to the Democratic party.

jerryofva said...

Thomas is Shouting too much:

Wait a minute. I thought the banking industry almost went belly up. I thought when you set out to steal trillions you come out ahead. These are pretty dumb bankers if they stole all that money only to send it down the rathole. Maybe it's Thomas the shouter who is stupid and not the bankers.

Clyde said...

If she really wants to make a fool of herself, she could just grab her crotch and butcher the National Anthem.

She's like a badly-written Ayn Rand character.

JAL said...

And this "interview" with Russia Today was because ...

Did anyone above say "Who cares?"

In case not, Who cares.

jr565 said...

Because she is worse less than 100 million Rosanne seems to think that the poor won't demand some wealth redistribution from her as well .She gets to scream loudly about the rich fat cats and gnash her teeth with her faux populist outrage. But I seem to recall that the guillotine took the heads of rich and poor alike.
And frankly if she is worth 80 million dollars now, that's 79.5 million more than she DESERVES to have. And the rest should go to the poor. Otherwise, they should take her head and hang her from a lamppost. Figuratively of course.

Hey, how come rich hollywood types are so enamored of communism? If anyone should be enamored with capitalism it's movie stars.

Anonymous said...

Gene wrote:

I remember reading a few years back that one Scandinavian country used to have a 102% tax on income above a certain point.

Not only did you forfeit all income beyond that level, you also paid an additional 2% penalty for having the nerve to earn that much.

Back in the Seventies the pop group ABBA moved from Sweden to Britain ... because Britain was, in comparison, a tax haven. At that time, Sweden imposed a 107 percent income tax on people who made too much money.

This raises an interesting question, though. Ever since the Carter administration, Democrats have complained about "windfall profits" and argued for a surtax on them in the name of "fairness." Is there any good reason that actors and actresses who get millions of bucks for being in a movie or a television series should be allowed to keep these windfall profits? Why don't people like Matt Damon or George Clooney pay their fair share?

Unknown said...

The poll is much funnier than Ms Barr.

Kirk Parker said...


"The poll is much funnier than Ms Barr."

The list of nouns you could substitute for 'poll', and still have a true statement, is quite long, isn't it?

Amartel said...

Sad clown, all addled and angry. Roseanne is the stereotypical "comedienne." Her comedy is not so much funny as topical, where you feel obligated rather than naturally compelled to laugh. The writers made that Roseanne show work. She's lost without writers. Just wallows around doing and saying dumb things. National anthem anyone?

She's a big overgrown indulged child so of course she falls for Obama's divide and conquer tactics.

LT said...

I'm not sure it needed done (again), but that poll proves you are the dumbest person who ever lived.

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