September 11, 2011

Today, we observe the 10-year mark since the terrorists attacks of 9/11.

What will you do to mark the occasion? Is the 10th anniversary different for you?

Do your reflections remain fixed on the human beings who suffered and died?

Do you think about how the attacks changed our country? Do you think about yourself — where you were when you first heard, how you reacted, how — perhaps — your life took a new path?


ndspinelli said...

I'm trying to avoid as much as possible the tsunami of media coverage. The Onion did a funny piece on it this week.

The Dude said...
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BRuce Gee said...

I had a sister in NYC, a month removed from having worked in one of the buildings that was destroyed; a sister in DC, working in a Catholic school across the street from the Pentagon. So I will call and talk to them; see what they are thinking about.

I think a lot of people have moved on, and while the media wants us to believe we are a different people, we really aren't. We just have a broader view of who we really are. The future concerns more people at this time, than the past.

Shouting Thomas said...

I'm marking the anniversary by preparing to go Back Into the War Zone at Ground Zero.

I was a about two miles from the WTC the day of the attack. Oddly, the thing I most remember from that day is that Myrna was still living in this world, and that I was with her.

Nena's 99 Luftballons Song said...

Awakened Vigilance.

Beta Rube said...

I'm going to the Milwaukee Zoo today with my daughters and 3 grandchildren, 5,2, and 4 mos.

When I look at the beautiful little ones and ponder their future, I have to admit that the money we are printing and borrowing from China worries me far more than the terrorists do.

I have no qualms with enhanced interrogation, Gitmo, rendition, or generally taking a very hard line with those who would do us harm, but right now we are, as a nation, damaging ourselves in ways that exceed anything being done to us by others.

Nena's 99 Luftballons Song said...

A DHL german postman seemed miffed that I wouldn't accept a box for a neighbor. He said in german, "That's not friendly." I said, "I fear terrorism." He grumbled.

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago America turned into a nation of 300 million sniveling cowards. We remain that way today, as every time there's a warning about another "grave terror threat" we all start piddling our panties in fear. Reality check: they should be afraid of us. Not the other way around.


Leland said...

I'm skipping the memorial services, but I am watching the History Channels airing of video on that day. That's more a of a reminder to me what 9/11 is all about than the reading of names. I understand the reading of names, but since I know none of the people, it doesn't touch me like the videos.

And then I'll watch opening weekend for the NFL!

I'm Full of Soup said...

911 has forced the country and all Americans to pay more attention to the Middle East and Muslim countries. And we have learned that those people, in general, have a very long way to go before the rest of the world should accept them and their beliefs.

Almost Ali said...

To honor the dedication of the Twin Toilets, I will be flushing all my toilets throughout the day.

harrogate said...

I lament today because from that day forward, the country has gotten worse by almost any measurable standard. And the very media figures who will solemnize today on the cable channels, are among the ringleaders as we became a shriller, more cowardly society.

The talk about America's "better angels" in relation to 9/11 is n ot only a self-soothing lie, but a dangerous one because it says it is ok for us to continue behaving the way we have behaved for the last ten years.

But one thing about us. In our eyes, we are never wrong about anything. We are heroic, no matter what we are doing. Sigh.

michaele said...

I don't feel compelled to immerse myself in media contrived commemorations. The memories are real and still vivid even though they are stored a bit further back in my mind. I am sorry, as always, for the families who lost loved ones that horrible day and for the continued loss of life because of military action. I believe in and support harsh justice but recognize my humanness in mourning the cost of its consequences.

Johanna Lapp said...

I took the morning's first train from Philly up to NYC for an alumni vigil at my high school. Common sense was telling me to stay away from Target #1, but the city and the school originally denied a permit for the event. So now I HAVE to attend. It's a moral imperative.

“Why would they want to relive that day? I certainly don’t want to relive that day,” asked the imbecile principal. Organizers found one politician and one bureaucrat with empathy, common sense, balls and an actual interest in serving citizens, so the imbecile is put in his place.

I have a ritual for 9/11, which I had to skip last year. I walked down Seventh Avenue from Midtown, so two hours to contemplate the hole in the sky and all that was lost.

In a few hours, I'll be walking back up Eighth, retracing my walk home that day (subways were shut down), so two hours to contemplate the future, and what's still left. As always, no looking back.

bagoh20 said...

I do think the 10th is special (because that the way we do it), and I think it appropriate that there be much more attention to it this anniversary - it's time.

I will observe it by being a little more kind today to the people I encounter, and by appreciating the victory we have had, and the way it continues to demonstrate American Exceptionalism.

1) Our leadership and lifestyle remains intact.

2) Al Qaeda's leadership has been decimated all the way to the top, and it's ideas widely discredited.

3) Our military is stronger and more capable than ever.

4) Al Qaeda has lost many thousands of their "soldiers", and is virtually gone as a political and military force.

5) The are 50 million Muslim people living far freer than they did on 9/11 as a direct result of our reaction to the attacks.

(6) Our people never lashed out at the Muslims living among us, and never restricted their freedoms, as would be the norm for most societies through history suffering such an attack.

(6) We showed then and continue to show that Americans are exceptional in our ability and willingness to expend vast treasure and the lives of our bravest to try and affect peace and security in the world, even if it means we must do it alone.

(7) After the attacks we continued to show our unparallelled ability, desire, and willingness to help anyone, including Muslims in times of natural disaster in far greater measure than any nation now or ever.

I will celebrate the continuing exceptional nature of this nation. Disasters, either natural or evil, have no ability to change that unprecedented spirit of action and compassion that is America.

edutcher said...

I've thought about it today, but I won't dwell on it. What Bloomberg does in Gotham has nothing to do with the people, only his own petty megalomania.

I think things have changed more than we know, and they've changed in ways the Lefties don't like. 9/11 woke up a lot of people and changed a lot of minds. Perhaps it was that Fourth Turning.

You see more overt displays of patriotism since 9/11 than since the Vietnam War. People realize we're not safe, as we had thought since V-J Day, and there's more support for the military. You also see a lot less patience with PC.

Sixty Grit said...

I will work because I am alive. I will mourn the country that used to be, and realize that we were defeated that day, and we will never have the political or moral will to triumph over the enemy. I can do nothing about that, so I will work.

As I say, some people give up awfully easily.

This war is not like the World Wars or the declared wars of the 19th Century. It is like the Indian Wars and will take a long time to win. The relatively short wars with the Sioux and Apache took about 15 years, the Comanche wars took about 50 years and the French and Indian Wars 75.

The fact of the matter is the people have the will to win and we've seen that in Iraq; it's the ruling class (Dubya, Darth, and Rummy being notable exceptions) that want to cut and run in their Chamberlainesque dhimmitude, but they are on the way out - everything in their old order is crumbling - and they know it.

Anonymous said...

I do not watch 9/11 observances on television, because the few I have seen all fell woefully short. I do not know how you commemorate such an event; I only know what I have seen on TV isn't it.

10 years on from 9/11 I am still as mad as ever; at islam, at truthers, at New York City for not rebuilding the Towers. And I still want revenge. We can never kill enough of our enemies to avenge the dead of 9/11.

Skyler said...

I'm packing up to go home from Afghanistan.

Skyler said...

And "No Name" has expressed my feelings perfectly.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

After 9-11 it became abundantly clear that our country will not defend us, can not defend us and that we are on our own for self protection.

The left maliciously and with glee blocked every effort at making our country stronger and saer. They revel in the destruction and death and were happy that the events of 9-11 gave them an opportunity to extend their totalitarian stranglehold upon the people of this country.

Until and unless we eliminate the leftists from their position of power wherein they continue to make us powerless we are doomed and on our own.

All the 9-11 memorial posturing is futile and basically just kabuki theatre for the sheeple.

We are on our own and to even think of depending on the government; as it is now under the control of people who want our foolish. Obama and his ilk WANT our destruction.

The Drill SGT said...

Raise a glass to folks I knew in the Pentagon, in particlar those in OA-22.

Absent Companions!

Welcome home Skyler. Thank you for all that you did.

PS: Hopefully nobody calls you a baby killer at the Airport :)

Triangle Man said...

Since it's Sunday we are going to church.

Otherwise, is it too early to plant allium in Madison?

While doing these things the images of 9/11 will replay on a continuous loop in my memory.

Big Mike said...

@Skyler, welcome home.

Big Mike said...

@bagoh20, well said, sir.

Phil 314 said...

I'll put up our flag (done), watch some of the ceremony, go to church (as I do every Sunday), pray, watch my grandson, watch some football, and do other stuff.

I'm surprised and frankly disappointed at some of the pessimism expressed here. I remain optimistic about America and her people. Problems ahead; you bet. But when I listen to my kids speak of the future, their plans, their hard work ahead I'm encouraged, hopeful and proud.

The Dude said...

Edu - I will share your optimism once the leftists/muzz-symps are out of office. Until then, we have lost and our country will continue to decline to 3rd world barbarism. It's not a matter of giving up, simply a recognition of the limits of what one individual can and should do.

WV: hanifi - talk radio over the web.

The Drill SGT said...

No Name said...
We can never kill enough of our enemies to avenge the dead of 9/11.

That brought to mind a quote (paraphrased from memory) from a Roman Emperor, (who I assume was also a combat vet), then on to a couple of other famous warriors as I thought of Skyler's joy at getting out of a nasty combat theater...

1. A dead enemy always smells good
- Alus Vitellus

2. The only thing sadder than a battle won, is a battle lost
- Wellington

3. Nothing is more exhilerating than being shot at and missed
- Churchill

Patrick said...

Went to Mass, prayed for the dead and their families. The readings for today (set without any thought to 9/11) were all about forgiveness. That's a tough bridge for me to cross. Can't imagine how it would be for families of those killed.

KCFleming said...
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Anonymous said...

Phil, I'm surprised too at the negative comments. It looks like a troll attack, frankly.

Yes, we have stumbled, but we have done pretty well against terror. Bin Ladenism is pretty much dead. The event made our politics more clear; the attack clarified life for us, brought it into sharper focus. So yes, we have political disputes. And we will continue to do so, I hope.

We are not asleep anymore.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Sixty Grit

I agree entirely. Until we remove the enemies within from power we will continue to devolve into a 3rd world country and be at the mercy of countries who wish for our destruction and and terrorists who wish us dead.

Krugman is a prime example of what is wrong with us after 9-11. The SHAME is that we did not do more to avenge ourselves. The SHAME is craven whining cowards like Krugman and other liberals who work for the forces of destruction and actively block those who are trying to save us. Denigrating the brave men and women in the military. Denigrating the Tea Party which is one of the bright hopes we have. Denigrating people like Palin and anyone else who dares to express pride in country and strength of character.

We, the people, are on our own. We will have to protect ourselves and band together to defeat our own government.

THIS is what 9-11 taught me.

edutcher said...

Sixty Grit said...

Edu - I will share your optimism once the leftists/muzz-symps are out of office. Until then, we have lost and our country will continue to decline to 3rd world barbarism.

It was ever thus. Thomas Nast pilloried US Grant for being soft on Indians.

The Drill SGT said...

No Name said...
We can never kill enough of our enemies to avenge the dead of 9/11.

That brought to mind a quote (paraphrased from memory) from a Roman Emperor, (who I assume was also a combat vet), then on to a couple of other famous warriors as I thought of Skyler's joy at getting out of a nasty combat theater...

1. A dead enemy always smells good
- Alus Vitellus

2. The only thing sadder than a battle won, is a battle lost
- Wellington

3. Nothing is more exhilerating than being shot at and missed
- Churchill

When we are through with them, the only place the Japanese language will be spoken is Hell.

- William F Halsey, Jr.

PS: Hopefully nobody calls you a baby killer at the Airport :)

I don't think that's happened since 'Nam, but ditto.

Welcome back, Marine.

KCFleming said...

Bless the dead, and their families, and those that loved them. May they have peace. Bless the soldiers that fought since then, and those that loved them.

The attacks brought a brief unity, then exposed a deep rift in America.

We are two different peoples, and we loathe each other.

We have been in a civil war for the soul of America.

9/11 made it no longer hidden and unable to be ignored. And in ten years the divide has become even greater. It has become evident that these two tribes cannot abide in the same house.

Since that awful day, we have careened somewhere very fast.
I know not where. But wherever we end up, one of us will have to change, surrender, or leave.

bagoh20 said...

Welcome home Skyler, and thank you.

caplight said...

Welcome home on leave one of our congregation's soldiers. Lead my church in worship and prayer. Remember that God is still God.

paminwi said...

I have two children that live in NYC. So my first thoughts, selfishly, is for their safety. My second thoughts are for those family members who are remembering those they lost on 9/11. Then I move onto my country and how much I appreciate soldiers like Skyler and the sacrifices they and their families have made.

Thank you Skyler for your service and come home safe!

sonicfrog said...
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DADvocate said...

When I look at the beautiful little ones and ponder their future, I have to admit that the money we are printing and borrowing from China worries me far more than the terrorists do.

Same here.

Richard Fagin said...

My reflections remain fixed on the beliefs of those detestable sub-human creatures who committed the atrocity and how they must be utterly, totally destroyed to save our civilization.

Hagar said...

I am going about my business as usual and only hope that some nutcase somewhere has not thought of another "out of the box" stunt to prove how great he is despite all of the media exhortation for him to think of something.

sonicfrog said...

I don't feel the need to do some elaborate post to "celebrate" the day that turned our country down a divided path, a day that heightened the ability of partisan hacks to declare someone "unpatriotic" simply because they have differing views or suggested different solutions to a problem. Instead of people working to reunite and heal the wounds from the 90's, both parties used 9/11 to ratchet up the finger-pointing and make things worse. It's disgusting.

Bender said...

I will do as I have since that day, when my home of Arlington, Virginia was attacked, and in the days following. Remember, reflect, pray.

As I wrote on September 15, 2001,

This is war, not merely for some in uniform going to southeast Asia, but for all of us.

We all have our part to do and sacrifices to make. It’s entirely possible that we will not be able to all be together this Thanksgiving. I expect we will have positioned our troops and have launched our campaign by then. If so, expect the airports to be shut down again. Even if we have not launched our attack by then, expect the planes to be grounded. Our enemy is perfectly aware that Thanksgiving is the busiest time of the year for air travel and would like nothing more than to kill some more of us.

If the planes are flying, as passengers, we'll need to stay alert during the flights and prevent that from happening. If hijacked, we need to emulate the heroes of the plane in Pennsylvania and retake the plane, no matter the cost. As for me, if I'm hijacked and we cannot regain control -- shoot us down. I'll not allow them to make a low-tech missile out of me.

At the same time, pray for true peace. Pray for my buddy as he gets activated and sent into battle. Pray for our enemy, that God grant them grace and wisdom to choose peace. Pray for us, that, as we destroy that enemy, that God grant us grace and strength to not hate those He commands us to love, that we kill not for vengeance, but to end the violence and the capacity and will of the enemy to make war on us, until the day we again may live in peace with these children of God.

Yes, prayer, including prayers for the enemy. And prayers of forgiveness, not hate and vengence. As I explained later --

In a world without God, any evil thing is possible. But in a world with God, love and salvation and freedom are possible; life is possible. . . .

Maybe others believe that they can live well without Christ, and that they can have eternal life without Him. Maybe they don’t need Him. But I do need Him. I do need, not only His forgiveness, but His grace –- the power to do things that I could never do or accomplish on my own, things like love and forgiveness and perseverance and peace of heart and hope.

If it were just me, I’d probably want to nuke the entire Muslim world as payback for the bastards that do things like fly planes into buildings and set off car bombs and suicide bombs, killing thousands of innocent people. But Christ commands me to love my enemies, and He gives me the grace to do the impossible -- to let go of hate, to let go of the thirst for vengeance. He gives me the grace to do things like love and forgive such people.

Yes, forgive. I forgive those who did this evil thing. He gives me the grace to be able, when we hopefully have peace, to live together with them as children of God. Left to myself, I would not want to accomplish any of these things, and I could not do any of these things myself. It is only because God does exist, that such things are possible. We do not have peace now, and because peace requires both sides to set aside their arms, it may still be necessary to implement the tragic tools of war, but we should do so, not out of hate and vengeance, but only in order to gain that peace.

Michael said...

I will listen to John Adams On The Transmigration of Souls

dbp said...

I will enjoy this good life and never forget, while I spend the day with my three kids and wife, that every day is a gift.

10 years ago we had two girls on hand and one a couple of months away from being born. Yesterday, my wife and I went to the oldest girl's first high school cross country meet. The ten years since 9-11 have been the best years of my life and whatever happens next cannot take that away.

Tom said...

I just attended a 9/11 memorial ceremony here at Camp Alpha, Afghanistan. In addition to honoring the memory of the civilians murdered on that day, we also honored those Americans who, by volunteering, died to make sure such a day never happens again.

PS. Paul Krugman is an idiot. He needs to brush up on his Freud, particularly the section on "projection."

Anonymous said...

Safe trip back, Skyler.

MadisonMan said...

I am not a look back in remembrance type of person. Look to the future, and wear shades.

Welcome back skyler! (And Thanks.) My nephew hasn't been back this year -- yet, I suppose. I'll see him this week and ask about the next time.

Tyrone Slothrop said...

I regret that our righteous anger dissipated too soon as Democrats sensed an approach to damaging George W Bush. They started out agreeing with the American people that we were engaged in a legitimate war, then suppressed their visceral anger in a relentless and unprincipled attack for purely partisan reasons. They let us know that they believed this country was in the wrong and deserved to be attacked. In the process they delayed and confounded our righteous war against Islamism, making it longer and less effective.

Another aspect of the last ten years that has disturbed me is the behavior of the American Muslim community. I expected, and saw, the American people insist on fair treatment and lack of reprisal against Muslims in this country. Recall that there were virtually no hate crimes committed against Muslims. Still, CAIR has behaved as if our mere existence is an insult to them, demanding, and receiving, special treatment. Their actions have shown that they are part of the Islamist threat, and yet we grant them the status of a civil rights organization.

It is not all negative, though. Very slowly we are winning this war. The point of the Iraq war was to show Islamists who was the "strong horse" while destroying an evil man. This was an admirable success, thanks to George W. Bush and the finest military, morally and technically, in the world. Al Qaeda is finished, except for the shouting. The war will not be over until Islamists accede that other religions and political systems have a right to exist. This may take a hundred years or it may take an eternity, but if we fail to resist Western civilization will give way to a dark age.

Patrick said...

I reviewed the photos and stories of the fallen firemen and also made myself re view the videos of people jumping off the buildings.

Those are the truths of 9/11. They shouldn't be avoided. And we should act to preserve the liberty and freedoms those deaths represent.

I'm more certain about these than most anything in life.

rhhardin said...

I worked on a computer program all morning. Just now I fixed rice and beans and divided them between me and the dog. Then I scythed a swath across the yard.

Ten years isn't important in any case. You want eight or sixteen, some power of two, to mark events.

Sydney said...

At mass today we prayed for the dead and for the survivors and for the men and women who worked so hard and so long at the site of destruction and for the men and women who have stepped up to make the sacrifice to keep us free. We also remembered that forgiveness is the foremost virtue - and the hardest. And as I listened to the readings about forgiveness and the homily, I thought we truly are a Christian nation - or at least we have been. What other nation in history (except maybe Britain) has helped rebuild the nations who lost wars to us? Is that not forgiveness? Compare post-WWII Europe and Japan with post-Vietnam War Vietnam. It seems it's better for a country to lose a war against us than to win one.

I only hope that things will work out for the best in the Middle East. Though, with our current crop of leaders, I have my doubts. They do not seem to live by the same philosophy as other generations of Americans.

Anonymous said...

I'm watching "Smithsonian: 9/11 The Day that Changed the World with my 16 year old son helping him to remember.

Sal said...

I have new next-door neighbors that are Pakistani. If I saw them this today and greeted them with, "Happy 9-11!", would that be inappropriate?

Tyrone Slothrop said...

rhhardin said...

You want eight or sixteen, some power of two, to mark events.

I agree. My thirty-second birthday had more significance to me than my thirtieth. 2^5, what an awesome number! In seven more years I'll make it to 2^6, God willing.

Saint Croix said...

Our church service today was very political, which was weird. I got a distinctly pacifist vibe from the sermon.

I often struggle with the admonition to love my enemies. But it's particularly hard in a 9/11 service. Al Qaeda was not mentioned by name. But of course in a 9/11 service, my "enemy" is very specific indeed. So I I was told that I should love Al Qaeda, forgive Al Gaeda, and love Al Qaeda as myself.

This is why Christianity is a fascinating and difficult religion to truly give into. I struggle with it. And I do not question that love is indeed stronger than hate. And a Christian's ability to love his enemies is why Christianity spread and grew while all the other weird sects died on the vine. So I recognize the power in the message. But I personally find it very hard to do.

The problem with laying down arms is that your enemies may in fact be bad, vicious people who rape your women and kill your children. So let us not be glib about "loving our enemies." I think the early Christians who heard this, and followed it, were following Christ into martyrdom.

The early Christians were outnumbered and helpless. If they fought a war, they would be slaughtered. So they didn't fight. They went the opposite direction. They loved. And they won.

Yet I also recognize that those early Christians suffered horribly. They were crucified, tortured, raped, killed. So while the Christian path is miraculous, and amazing, I'm afraid that right now I am far too human and selfish. I worry about my family, and I am glad that we have arms and that we kill the people who would kill us.

As we Christians often say, so help me God.

Anonymous said...

Tom and Skyler, and all our wonderful volunteer military, thank you, especially today. My family is on a plane today, and your efforts make that possible.

Cedarford said...

I remembered where we were 9/11, 10 years ago, what a perfect day it was.
That I called my brother in Manhattan to verify he was OK.
I remember how angry I was seeing Americans jumping from burning buildings because instant splattering was a better death than roasting alive.
I wasn't thinking "tragic events" and the need for a never-ending Mournathon - but war - and the need to get the bastards.

10 years later, I commemorate the fact that we have a nation in steep fiscal, economic, international decline. Perhaps because we over-focused on The Evildoers, overemphasized their threat. Overemphasized security, the uplifting of the noble Iraqis and noble Pashtuns, the 10-year long mourning and glorification of heroes and victims narrative for what was a very small enemy action in context of wars of the last 200 years that dwarf 9/11 in scale and losses.

10 years where we had a President convinced that he could ignore domestic matters - let Congress, the bankers, and Wall Street do as they wished - he wouldn't veto a single bill or sweat trade, jobs, bad relations with other nations. History had made in The American Churchill - was the thinking.

The dissonance was big. Visiting Akron in 2006, Bush talked nonstop about terrorism and the freedom "The Heroes" were bringing the "noble Iraqi people". The people there wanted to talk about industry after industry destroyed, lost to China.
Bush wanted no part of that discussion. His job was to keep us all safe, and the free market would take care of the rest.

Yes, the WTC pit is finally being built in. We "got" bin Laden. We helped the victim families with mountains of attention and mountains of money to help them achieve "healing and closure".

But honestly? Overall, in the last 10 years, under Bush and Obama and both Democrat and Republican Congresses - things haven't gone that well in America.

raf said...

Loving your enemy does not have to mean forgetting that he remains your enemy. It is not necessary to hate someone to know that you must fight them, even kill them, to defend yourself, your family, your country. It is possible to recognize that the enemy, in his eyes, is justified in his actions and still not be deterred in his destruction. Honorable, even noble, enemies are still enemies.

I remember on 9/11 feeling anger; to me this was a clear act of war. I was angry at the then-unknown enemy and at my belief that the country's "leadership" would treat it like a mere crime, instead. I had (and have) many serious disagreements with what GWB did in office, but I honor him for taking this one thing seriously and taking the fight to the enemy instead of wallowing in self-pity.

Real American said...

haven't thought about it much lately, but I did watch some specials yesterday on TV that brought a lot back.

Mostly what I recall is how I felt at the time and 2 disturbing images: people jumping to their deaths and the Palestinians celebrating. I'll forget neither. Those people died horrific deaths in which they chose to fall to their deaths instead of suffocate or burn to death. What a horrible choice that no one should have to make, and those fucking terrorist sympathizing cave people were happy about it. Fuck them and fuck any of their supporters. As far as I'm concerned, they don't deserve shit from us. No land, no state, no government, no aid, no pity. NOTHING. Fuck them.

bagoh20 said...


The problems this nation is suffering have little to do with military spending, which is not high by historical standards. These problems were conceived and nurtured for a long time before 9/11. If 9/11 never happened, we would still be in the same trouble domestically.

I really don't see where having Bush and the Congress un-distracted by war would have made things better. Their attention to domestic matters is exactly what caused our problems. The last thing we needed was more help from Washington hard at work managing the economy.

Regardless of whether you agree or not with going to war, freeing the government to turn it's aim at us is not a good argument against it.

Wars end, government programs just grow. That's why much higher government spending on wars in the past never ruined us, and our peaceful expenditures will.

Megaera said...

Absent friends.

Today, like most other Sundays, I'm doing my 12-hour shift as a medic with our volunteer EMS station. We'll take off a few hours for the Fire Department's memorial service, then it's back to the ambulance.

Cedarford said...

bagoh20 said...

The problems this nation is suffering have little to do with military spending, which is not high by historical standards
You are correct about even with all but 500 billion of the 3 trillion being spent on the terror, homeland security, and nation-building "noble" Iraqis and Afghans - was wisely and not squandered, the sum of money is not what drove America into such decline.

But how it was financed - borrowed money from China while Americans were exorted to enjoy their tax cuts and "go shopping" to but lots of ChinaStuff - is part of the decline of America.

Also bagh20 '"I really don't see where having Bush and the Congress un-distracted by war would have made things better."

But we will never know one way or the other because Bush was completely distracted by being the American Churchill who was only concerned with the "Heroes and Evildoers, the noble Iraqi Freedom-Lovers", and Congress only concerned with new programs and new pork distributed with money borrowed from China. (From 2001-2007, Bush only vetoed a single Bill and spending appropriation he got from Congress.)

Where do I sign this 38 billion thingie for the hero ethanol farmers, Mr DeLay? I have to rush to a new briefing on the ceremony for firefighter heroes nation wide, 3 1/2 years after the day that changed the world.

David R. Graham said...

My reflections:

1- The Bushies were correct to take down Saddam Hussein because he instigated the attack and hired/supported the crew (KSM and AQ) to carry it out. Proxy war it's called. AQ never was and never has been a primary player, nor ever will be. Focus or fixation on AQ is stupid and suicidal.

2- Saddam also hired proxies for and supported the anthrax attack that followed shortly after 11SEP11, a one-two punch, SOP.

3- The Bushies never got serious about GWOT, seeing the full breadth and depth of the enemy or measuring his intentions. Nearly their first act was to invite the Moslem Brotherhood and one of their children, Hamas (AQ is another), to act as top-level advisers to all departments of the executive branch.

4- The Bushies refused to vacate the lie that there were not WMDs in Iraq even though they knew full well there were serious tons of it all over the country, much of it in vast bunkers the UN, too, knew about, tons more trucked to Syria just before US invasion, and still there?, including bio (e.g., anthrax, some of which was used in the USA).

5- The Bushies refused to vacate the lie that AQ was the enemy. The enemy has been state sponsors of terrorism, several of them, all along. AQ was, is and will be a proxy only and their power was nullified shortly after Taliban was driven from Afghanistan, which is when USA should have pulled out of that country.

6- The Obamies are so radically Islamist apologists and protectors (as long as Islamists don't threaten Obami hegemony, including over them), and such secret subverters of USA national peace, justice, prosperity and security, that there is no measuring the extent of the damage they have inflicted on USA and yearnings in the ME and Third World for freedom from Salafist/Iranian/Arabist/Africanist malevolence, all state-sponsored, until their hands are pried off the mechanisms of government.

7- Because not all the nations -- all Islamist -- seeking hegemony over Europe and the Americas were answered decisively long before the proxy attack in the USA on 11SEP11, those nations, with the exception, so far, of Iraq, have continued their violent and stealthy hegemonistic quests with impunity, and one of them, Iran, with the assistance of a US agency, even managed to install an executive in the White House.

8- It is not clear that the American people as a whole or as a critical mass minority or majority recognize that there is such a thing as evil and that there are nation states who, driven by evil impulses, want them for slaves, ransom and/or dead.

9- In other words, it cannot be said with certainty that the American people are resolved to defeat the hegemonist nation states seeking to subjugate them and theirs and tear them to pieces. It is not clear the American people think highly enough of themselves to want to be themselves, or, think humbly enough of themselves to realize when they are being blind-sided even by a self-announced enemy.

This is depressing, but it is what is. I have no words of comfort. I do not know the future. I do believe that, as an early commentator here remarks, surveying and assaying this scene, one does one's work. Duty is God, Work is Worship. I do believe that will suffice unto the day, as the saying has it.

Robert Cook said...

"I will observe it by being a little more kind today to the people I encounter, and by appreciating the victory we have had, and the way it continues to demonstrate American Exceptionalism."

As Sixty Grit said in the second post on this comment thread, "we were defeated," although it wasn't that day when the defeat occurred. It was in the days and weeks and months and years following when we chose, and still choose, at nearly every turn, to make the wrong choices as to how to respond to the attacks of 9/11.

We did what bin Laden thought we would do and what he wanted us to do; he lured us successfully into his trap and we have defeated ourselves.

As for for David Graham's "reflections" at 3:46 p.m., he is wrong in every way, particularly in, (but not limited to) "reflections" one and two and four.

David, rather than spending time "reflecting," perhaps you should pay more attention to historical reality, rather than reactionary fantasies.

David R. Graham said...

@ Robert Cook: Thanks, I intend to pay more attention to historical reality. And concur, reactionary fantasy is to be eschewed. What I wrote recounts historical reality, but your implication is correct, one can never have enough of it. So I return to the search for more. Cheers.

Palladian said...

I looked at all the pictures I saved from that day, and remembered.

Then I posted another one of the drawings I made from that time.

The rest of the day was uneventful.

SukieTawdry said...

I did the same as I do on every anniversary which is to review the events of the day through selected videos and readings. This year I also took a bouquet of flowers to the guys at the local fire department.

jamboree said...
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